
Masses for sandwiches with butter. Cooking pates, mousses, sandwich masses

Cooking pates, mousses, sandwich masses:

Very gentle and delicious pate. According to the recipe, he needs to infuse and mature in the cold for at least a day. Freshly cooked (warm pâté) is great. Well, the cooled pate is just fantastic. Subtle aroma of liver and bay leaf; the consistency is melting, but not like jelly, but with a pleasant hardness. The pâté holds its shape well and can be easily cut with a wet knife. And at the same time it is very easy to smear.
1 kg chicken liver,
0.5 kg pork belly(50% fat + 50% meat),
2 large onions (~400g),
2 eggs,
100ml milk
1 tbsp semolina (25g),
1.5 teaspoons of salt
3 bay leaves,
1 teaspoon vegetable oil
1 teaspoon cognac

Pour salt, pepper and semolina into cold milk.
Mix and leave to swell for a while
cooking other foods.
Cut the pork belly into slices; chicken liver
wash and cut the bile ducts; onion cut
In a frying pan big fire warm up 1 teaspoon
vegetable oil. Lay out the pork slices.
fry until golden brown- 2~3 minutes each
from each side. Be careful - there will be strong splashes!
Take the slices out of the pan.
In the same pan (without reducing the fire) in the rendered
lard put the whole liver. Fry quickly so that
the liver caught on the outside with a crust, but remained inside
raw. Roasting time approximately 5 minutes. Enclose the liver
from the pan, trying to drain the fat. turn down the fire
to slightly below average. Put onion.
Fry until soft, but do not overcook.
(The color of the onion will change due to the fat on which
liver was fried.) Onion, liver and pork twice or
pass through a meat grinder three times.
Separate the egg whites from the yolks. Mix the yolks
into milk with semolina, and beat the whites into foam.
(It is acceptable not to separate the whites and yolks, but to use
whole eggs.) With a mixer, beat the liver mass together
with soaked semolina and proteins.
Add cognac to pate.
Cover the form with foil, put the pate in it, top
smooth out. From above close the hanging ends of the foil.
Place the mold in the oven at t=150~160°C at 40~50
Remove the form with the pate from the oven, the ends of the foil
bend over and put a few bay leaves on top of the pate
sheets. Roll up the foil again.
Leave the pâté at room temperature until cool.
The cooled pate (right in the form) put in the refrigerator
at least overnight.


This pate is convenient because it takes almost
does not require labor costs, in addition, it allows
save money significantly.
Great for breakfast bread.
And no preservatives or additives. The pate is stored
excellent, it can be cooked at once a lot and frozen
for the future.
As options, instead of smoked meats, you can add
anything, like prunes or chicken leftovers
from last night's dinner.
The pate turns out wonderful - tender and fragrant.

500~700g liver,
500g fatty pork belly (with skin)
500g carrots
500g onion
7 bay leaves,
black peppercorns,
3 tsp salt

Pork belly (where 50% meat and 50% fat) wash, skin
scrape with a knife. Cook at a low boil for 1 hour.
Wash the liver, cut out the bile ducts. In a saucepan with
brisket put the liver and peeled onions and carrots.
Cook for 30 minutes. 15 minutes after laying the liver
and put vegetables bay leaves, black pepper and
Turn the finished products through a meat grinder.
The resulting minced meat put 2 tablespoons in a blender
and beat well.
The resulting minced meat is very thick and its blender is bad
mixes - spins almost at idle,
and the pate hangs quietly on the walls.
Therefore, it is recommended to hold the blender in your hands in
inclined position, and even occasionally shake it.
Divide the finished pâté into jars. Exit - approx.
1.5 liters. Keep refrigerated.
For long-term storage freeze pate.


Delicate fragrant liver combined with creamy
butter just melts in your mouth.
Possible different variants dish design - from
festive roll to the usual homemade "sausage".

600g beef or chicken liver,
100g butter,
1-2 large onions (300~400g),
if desired, 1-2 medium carrots (~300g),
4 bay leaves,

Fry the onion in vegetable oil until translucent and
put in a bowl, trying to strain the oil.
If you want the taste to be somewhat sweet,
should be fried until soft chopped or shabby
on a coarse grater carrots and also lay out.
Fry the chopped liver over high heat, then
reduce the fire, salt, pepper, put bay
leaf and simmer under the lid until soft. It is very important not to
overexpose the liver on fire, otherwise it will become tough
and "grainy". Turn everything through a meat grinder
(liver, onion and carrot). If desired, you can rotate
In order for the pate to be even more tender, in the liver
minced meat can be beaten 1/4 cup cream, 100g butter
soften (bring to room temperature) and beat
liver mixer. At this stage liver paste already
ready to use. Next, the pate can be formed
in the following forms.

1. Pate "sausage".
Wrap the pate in plastic wrap and twist
film ends.

2. Pate "sausage" with butter.
50~100g butter cut into small cubes
with a side of no more than 1 cm and freeze them in the freezer.
Stir the frozen butter cubes into the pate.
Wrap in foil as in step 1.

3. Liver roll.
Put the pate on a film and spread evenly with a layer
0.5 cm. Put in the freezer until solidified (but not until
complete freeze).
Spread 100 g of softened butter over the liver.

Wait until the pate becomes soft, roll up
and put in the refrigerator.
Before serving all types of liver pâté
cut into slices.


500g chicken liver,
1 cup strong broth
90g loaf crumb,
1 garlic clove
150g beef bone marrow
3 eggs,
1/2 cup heavy (35%) cream
2 tbsp cognac

Finely chop the crumb of a loaf, stir the crumbs with
broth and put on a small fire.
With constant stirring, evaporate the liquid to
obtaining a homogeneous dense paste.
Cool and stir in crushed garlic clove.
Pass the liver with bone marrow through a meat grinder,
and then to completely remove the nervous tissue,
rub the liver mass through a sieve, applying
2~3 tsp at a time and clean the cells each time
Mix liver, bread paste, cream, eggs, cognac,
salt pepper. Whisk everything well.
Grease a rectangular shape butter, on
bottom put oiled tracing paper. Spread the mixture
in the form.
Cover the top with foil.
Put in an oven preheated to 180 ° C and cook
1 hour until the surface is firm to the touch.
Cool and cover very tightly with foil.
If the surface of the pâté is in contact with air,
the color will change from pink to grey.
Place in the refrigerator overnight to ripen.
One hour before serving, remove from refrigerator.
Immediately before serving, remove the film, remove
out of the mold and cut into thick slices.


This gentle cream- great toppings. It can be
just spread on bread or fill them with small ones
custard cakes (profiteroles).

500g chicken liver,
1/4 cup cream
70~80g butter,
1 large onion
1 teaspoon salt

Finely chop the onion and fry in vegetable
oil up golden color.
Sort out the chicken liver, wash and trim
Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan and
lay out the liver. Fry until lightly browned
Salt, add water, close the lid and simmer
10 min.
Take out the liver. Cool slightly.
Turn the liver and onion through a meat grinder.
For a more even consistency
the turned liver can be rubbed through a sieve.
Pour the remaining juice in the pan into the liver,
add cream and softened butter.
Beat until a fluffy homogeneous mass is obtained.


200g ham
100g cream
1 tbsp gelatin.

Gelatin pour 1/4 cup cold boiled
water, stir and leave for 10-15 minutes until
grains of gelatin will not swell and will not become
Dissolve the gelatin small fire or at
water bath. Do not bring to a boil.
Ham (you can take the ham in the shell), cut
small cubes, put in a mixer, pour
cream (at least 20% fat) and dissolved
Beat until smooth.
The mass will turn out to be quite liquid. Lay out the mass
on crackers or tartlets and leave to harden.
If the mass needs to be laid out in the form of roses, then it
you need to cool it first, otherwise it will spread.
Put the mass into pastry bag with stellate
nozzle and refrigerate until
it will not acquire the desired viscosity. Put the mousse in
refrigerator for further hardening.

You can not put gelatin at all, especially if
use this mousse as a sandwich
Mousse after whipping is a must try
taste - cream and gelatin will "take away" salinity and
so you need to add salt and pepper to taste.


Very very soft and airy.
Salinity of caviar is compensated by butter.
egg attached extra flavor and, to be more precise
to put it, a certain weight.

1 jar (130g) salted pollock caviar,
100g butter,
2 boiled eggs
optional - 1 small onion

Bring butter to room temperature.
Separate the egg whites from the yolks.
Beat the butter with the yolks in a lush foam with a mixer,
put the caviar and beat again.
Proteins grate on a medium grater and mix with caviar
You can add very little for spiciness if you like.
chopped onion (can not be grated).
When serving, spread on slices of bread or crackers.
You can also serve this pasta on cucumber slices.
or tomatoes, or fill it with halves of boiled
eggs or avocado.


If you bake eggplant in advance, then the rest
cooking takes about three minutes.
Pasta turns out very pleasant, with a characteristic
sharp-sour taste and specific garlic-
parsley aroma.

2 medium eggplants
1 tomato
a handful of walnuts,
2 garlic cloves, parsley,
0.5~1 teaspoon salt

1 tbsp apple cider vinegar

Wash eggplant, pierce in several places,
put on a baking sheet and bake at t=220°C until
ready (25~40 minutes). To determine readiness
you need to pierce the eggplant with a fork or knife near
stalks. If the tool enters easily, then
eggplant is ready.
Remove eggplant from oven and cool.
Peel the skin of the eggplant.
Place all ingredients in a blender bowl and blend.
If there is no blender, then eggplant, tomato, garlic,
pass nuts and parsley through a meat grinder (1 or
2 times - optional), and then mix with oil,
vinegar, salt and pepper.
Serve cooked pasta spread on slices of bread.
or tomatoes.
Eggplant paste can be stored in the refrigerator
about a week.

chopped greens.


Very tasty pate. With an amazing aroma.
Delicate, but not mushy.
It is quite possible to serve on a festive buffet table.

2 eggplants (400~500g),
2 onions (150~200g),
2 boiled eggs
1 small clove of garlic
3 tbsp vegetable oil,

Peel eggplant, cut in half lengthwise
lubricate vegetable oil and bake in the oven
t=200~220°C until soft (willingness to check by piercing
eggplant with a knife). Cut the onion arbitrarily and fry
in vegetable oil until soft and light golden.
Pass the cooled eggplants and onions through a meat grinder.
Eggs are not finely chopped. Pass the garlic through a press.
Mix eggplant mass with eggs and garlic.
Pour in the oil left over from frying the onions.
Salt to taste and add finely if desired.
chopped greens.

eggplant appetizer fresh tomatoes and peppers

2 eggplants (~500g),
1 onion (50~80g),
200g fresh tomatoes,
2 bell peppers(~200g),
2/3 teaspoon salt
1/3 teaspoon sugar
3 tbsp vegetable oil,
1 tbsp 6% vinegar (preferably apple cider vinegar)

Peel eggplant, cut in half lengthwise
and put in the oven on the wire rack at t=200~220°C.
Willingness to test by piercing sharp knife pulp
eggplant - if the knife enters easily, then eggplant
ready, if with a creak, then you need to bake more.
Wash peppers and tomatoes.
Cut off the base of the stem from the tomatoes. Peppers
cut out the stem and the inner part with the seeds.
Pass through a meat grinder with a large grate
eggplant, tomatoes, peppers and onions. In the resulting mass
add salt and sugar, pour in oil and vinegar. Mix
until the salt is completely dissolved. Try.
Adjust to desired taste if necessary.

cheese-mushroom sandwich mass

Very delicious spread. Delicate, salty-sharp,
with garlic flavor. Ready in 5 minutes, which is very
helps out in case of arrival of uninvited guests.

100g processed cheese like "Yantar",
40g salted mushrooms,
1 small clove of garlic
if desired - greens

Mushrooms scroll through a meat grinder.
Warm the melted cheese in the microwave
to make it soft.
Press the garlic through a press.
Mix mushrooms, cheese and garlic.
If desired, you can add finely chopped greens.
If the cheese is thick and does not mix well, you can
add mayonnaise or sour cream.
When serving, spread on slices of bread.

bean sandwich

This pate is a modernized Georgian lobio,
adapted for overworked housewives,
who will never have enough time and energy
days to prepare the beans.
The taste of pate is sour-spicy, starchy.
If pureed in a blender, it is very tender.

1 can canned beans
1 large onion
1 carrot
3~5 tbsp vegetable oil
1/4~1/2 cup walnuts
bunch of parsley or cilantro
0.5~1 teaspoon salt
1~2 tsp vinegar
red pepper,

Cut the onion as desired.
Fry with vegetable oil over medium heat until
softness and slight color change.
Grate the carrots coarse grater, put to the bow
and also fry until soft. Avoid burning.

Preparing the pate:

Option 1 - using a meat grinder
Drain the liquid from the beans into a bowl (do not discard).
Scroll beans, vegetables and nuts through a meat grinder.
Add finely chopped greens and pressed through
press garlic (to taste).
Dilute with liquid from under the beans to the desired
Add salt, vinegar and pepper little by little to taste.
became optimal.

Option 2 - using a blender
Beans along with liquid, vegetables, nuts, garlic and
put greens in a blender bowl and beat into a homogeneous
Transfer to a bowl and add salt and pepper to taste
and vinegar.

cheese-meat sandwich mass

This sandwich spread is very hearty and delicious.
with fragrance fried onion and cheese.

100g onion
150g boiled meat,
20g butter,
200g melted cheese in tubs
(type "Hochland", "President", "Yantar")

Cut the onion into half rings and fry on a small
heat until soft and lightly browned.
Put the onion into a bowl.
Melt in a frying pan small piece creamy
oils. Put boiled meat.
Fry over high heat until golden brown
crusts on all sides. Remove the meat from the pan and
cool until warm.
Pass meat and onion through a meat grinder. Melted
Warm the cheese in the microwave until it becomes
Mix meat and onion minced meat with cheese.
A homogeneous thick mass should form.
Try. Salt and pepper if necessary
Spread the mass on slices of bread and sprinkle with chopped
green onions.

mousse from smoked salmon on cucumber slices

The mousse turns out to be weightless tender, but salty,
and the cucumber is crispy, with a specific aroma of spring
and freshness. And all this together gave such an elegant
the feeling that otherwise than with a symphony of taste it cannot be

150g smoked salmon pulp,
100g cottage cheese
80g sour cream
1 small clove of garlic
fresh dill,
fresh cucumbers

Remove skin and bones from fish. Cottage cheese and sour cream
warm them up a bit to make them softer.
In a blender, put sour cream, cottage cheese, garlic clove,
dill and fish.
(Note that when whipping in
blender, the dill will be very chopped.
If you want dill to be visible in the mousse, you need it
chop finely and stir into the mousse after whipping.)
Mousse try and if salt is not enough, then salt
Cucumber cut into slices ~ 5mm thick (thicker
slices will be uncomfortable to eat).
On cucumber slices lay out the mousse. Top if desired
can be sprinkled with chopped dill.
Keep the dish in the refrigerator before serving.

mushroom appetizer on cucumber slices

Delicate, salty spread with creamy mushroom
aroma goes well with crispy cucumber.

1 small onion
150~200g champignons,
1 thick cucumber (~140g),
100g melted cheese in a tub
(such as "Hochland", "Yantar", etc.)

Cut the onion into half rings and fry on medium
fire until soft.
Place the sliced ​​mushrooms on top of the onion.
Fry until onion and mushrooms are evenly browned.
golden red.
Don't overcook!
Pass mushrooms with onions through a meat grinder.
Mix the resulting minced meat with melted cheese.
(The hotter the ground beef, the easier it blends with the cheese.)
Taste the mass and, if desired, pepper to taste.
If desired, a very small amount can be added to the mixture.
a clove of garlic pressed through a press.
If there is a lot of garlic, then it will clog the aroma of mushrooms.
Cucumber cut into slices and put on them cheese-
mushroom mass.
For ease of laying out, you can put the mass in p / e
bag, cut off the corner and squeeze the mass through it
for cucumber slices.
When serving, generously sprinkle the chopped appetizer

cod liver pate with green peas

World snack. For aesthetic users
alcoholic drinks. Ordinary drinking buddies
they crack everything with spoons straight from the cans, and the real ones
gourmets will first be a little wiser on a snack,
they will conjure, they will apply their skillful hands.
So that later you can enjoy the peacefully flowing conversation
the fruits of their labor. Moreover, the labor
very little is spent - only two ingredients
and a lot of fun.

1 can of cod liver (net weight 230g),
0.5 cans of green peas (can weight 400g),
optional - green or onion

Pass green peas through a meat grinder.
Take the cod liver out of the jar and DO NOT finely mash
with a fork. Mix the peas with the liver. Try.
If the mass turned out dry, and it depends on the ripeness
peas, then add a little liquid from under the peas.
(Mayonnaise lovers can add it.)
Put the pate on slices of rye bread.
You can sprinkle the top of the sandwich for extra spice.
finely chopped green onion or very finely chopped
If desired, decorate with peas and herbs.

Chicken liver pate with goose fat

Chicken liver 500 g
Large onion 4 heads
Carrot medium 1 piece
Eggs 2 pieces
Goose fat 2-3 tbsp. spoons
Ground black pepper
Vegetable oil

In boiling salted water, dip the carrots and 2
onions, boil until almost cooked, add the liver
and continue to cook for another 5-7 minutes. Drain the decoction.
IN a small amount fry vegetable oil
2 remaining chopped onions.
Pass through a meat grinder boiled liver and vegetables
fried onions and boiled eggs. Salt, season
pepper, add goose fat and beat in a blender.

Many of us like to feast on sandwiches with various pastas: fish, mushroom or simply seasoned. fragrant herbs. They are good both as an independent snack and as an addition to the first ones. dinner dishes. But by no means all sandwich masses are safe, because store-bought pastes contain preservatives, dyes and other “representatives of chemistry”. Nevertheless, there is a way out - you can make a sandwich mass with mushrooms from homemade cream yourself! And it will take quite a bit of time ....


  • Heavy homemade cream - 200g__NEWL__
  • Champignon mushrooms - 10 pcs. Medium __NEWL__
  • Onion– 1 piece __NEWL__
  • Salt to taste__NEWL__
  • Vegetable oil for frying__NEWL__
  • Seasonings Italian herbs» (or other seasonings of your choice: ground paprika, coriander, chopped dill)__NEWL__

Also, to prepare this dish, you will need a food processor with knives for chopping food. Regarding seasonings, there are very important rule: they must be dried. If you add fresh parsley or dill to the mass, then up to next day she is not worthy - she will turn sour. At the same time, with dried additives, the paste will gain delicate fragrance and will not deteriorate for several days.


Peel the onion and cut into cubes. It’s not worth trying too hard: even if the cubes turn out to be large, they will then be ground in a combine. Put the onion slices in a preheated pan with vegetable oil and fry them until a transparent color.

While the onions are frying, rinse the mushrooms and peel them. Cut the mushrooms into thin slices (to cook faster) and place in a pan with onions. Salt the ingredients, stir them and fry until the onion is golden and the mushrooms are dark.

Cool the finished mushrooms with onions, and then transfer to the bowl of a food processor with knives.

Add all the cooked cream to the mushrooms. Very important: here the cream can be frozen, straight from the refrigerator. From heating in a combine, they soften and become an excellent basis for a sandwich mass. But then, when the pasta is ready, do not put it in the refrigerator before use: the mass can be well spread on bread only in a warm state. Otherwise, it will be taken in lumps.

Turn on the food processor to grind and mix the cream with mushrooms. Then season the resulting mass with seasonings and turn on the combine again. Immediately cover the slices of bread with the finished mass, and put the remaining pasta in a jar and refrigerate.

Sandwich mass with mushrooms is ready! Don't forget to take it out of the fridge before making sandwiches! Bon appetit!

Perhaps someone does not cook sandwiches at all, but there are only a few such people. The bulk of people only live off sandwiches. Of course, each of us has our own favorite options for their preparation.

It turns out that there are many recipes that allow you to diversify the menu, in particular breakfasts, because it is in the morning that most people prefer a cup of tea with a sandwich for breakfast. Do not think that only sausage or cheese can become the basis for making sandwiches. I do not argue, this is the simplest and fast way feed the household. But let me point out that sausage is not the only product for delicious sandwiches.

I offer a recipe for making a sandwich mass from eggs and processed cheese. You can also try to cook delicious oil with salmon.

Ingredients for preparing the Egg and Cheese Sandwich Snack:

Processed cheese - 1 pc.;

Chicken egg - 1-2 pcs.;

Mayonnaise - 2-3 tbsp. spoons;

Green onions - 2-3 feathers;

parsley for decoration;

Bread or bread.

Recipe for making a sandwich mass from eggs and melted cheese:

Hard-boiled chicken egg, peel and rub on a coarse grater.

Processed cheese is also rubbed through the large holes of the grater. Pay attention to the quality of the cheese. Now sold cheaper with the inscription " cheese product”, but there is a more expensive one called processed cheese. Quality and taste differ greatly. Therefore, if you want to cook a delicious sandwich mass, then it is better to buy real processed cheese. And to make it easier to grate the cheese, it is better that it is not soft. Place it in the refrigerator ahead of time.

Wash green onions running water. Dry a little and cut into small pieces. Add to eggs and melted cheese.

Add mayonnaise to the mass. You can buy it, or you can cook it at home. The second option is definitely more advantageous. Mix the ingredients with mayonnaise, and you get a delicious sandwich mass.

We spread the mass on slices of bread, toast, or as in this case for bread. To make toast without a toaster, toast the bread in a dry frying pan, or preheat the oven and place many slices of bread on the grate. It is better to use the "grill" mode for these purposes. Preparing very quickly a large number of toasts. Try it. Instead of bread, you can take White bread. It will also be delicious

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sandwich masses

Weight of fried meat.
A piece of meat is fried, put through a meat grinder along with hard-boiled eggs. The mass is ground with sour cream or butter (the mass should be thick consistency), add finely chopped green onions, dill or parsley, salt, pepper.

Pork 87, sour cream 25 or butter 15, egg 1/2, green onion 7, dill or parsley 3, pepper 0.02, salt. Exit with sour cream 100 or butter 90.

Mass of the liver.
The processed liver is cut into pieces and quickly fried in a heated frying pan with fat, a little water is added and stewed under the lid for 5 minutes. Onion cut into rings. The cooled liver is passed along with onions through a meat grinder. Oil is added to the minced meat, cheese grated on a fine grater, salted, peppered and ground so that a lush mass is obtained.

Beef liver 86, pork fat 4, butter 20, onion 12, cheese 16, pepper 0.02. Exit 100.

Mass of ham.
Hard-boiled eggs are passed through a meat grinder along with ham. Oil, mustard, salt, pepper are added to the resulting mass and thoroughly rubbed.

Tambov ham 94, mustard 10, butter 10, egg 1/2, salt 2, pepper 0.02. Exit 100.

Mass of cheese.
The cheese is rubbed on a fine grater, boiled pureed yolks, butter, mustard are added and rubbed until a fluffy mass is obtained.

Swiss or Emmental cheese 53, butter 20, mustard 10, egg 1/2. Exit 100.

Herring mass.
Soaked in water for 10-12 hours, the herring is squeezed out, cleaned and cut into fillets. Pass through a meat grinder along with boiled yolks, add oil and grind into a lush mass.

Salted herring 112, egg 1/2, oil 25. Yield 100.

Mass of curd with smoked cod.
Hot-smoked cod is skinned, freed from bones, passed through a meat grinder along with pasteurized cottage cheese and hard-boiled eggs. Sour cream, salt are added to the resulting mass and beaten out.

Hot smoked cod 100, cottage cheese 35, egg 1/2, sour cream 30, salt 3. Yield 150.

Making sandwiches is not tricky, but choosing delicious and interesting recipes is quite difficult. This is where our website comes to the rescue.
There are entire books devoted to pâtés and sandwich masses. Many housewives use these recipes when preparing for large receptions. And to hold official events, they hire entire companies to organize catering. And snacks from sandwiches occupy almost the first place here.

It's hard to imagine how many millions of snacks are being served on trays in conference halls and charity events around the world. It is surprising that such a simple culinary invention as a sandwich mass is popular with all segments of the population.

Today I propose to make an egg-cheese pate, or rather a sandwich mass for holiday table and just for variety.
This recipe uses hard cheese. Its taste and structure make the mass very appetizing.

- 2 eggs;
- a bunch of green onions;
- 100g hard cheese;
- 2 tbsp. l. mayonnaise.

Recipe with photo step by step:

Eggs are hard-boiled, then they need to be cooled and peeled. hard cheese tinder on a grater.
Eggs rubbed on fine grater and combine with mayonnaise and cheese.

Add finely chopped green onion. A recipe with a little green onion will be a good alternative to a similar garlic pate. Agree that freshness of breath is as important as taste, especially in a large circle of guests. Hard cheese and a pinch of onion add spice and sophistication to this simple dish.

The mass is spread on slices of a loaf or baguette. You can even fill tartlets with this pate. Learn how to cook.
The spread with hard cheese does not taste like a pâté with processed cheese and garlic. Hard cheese and green onions go well together, making the mass fresher and lighter. And if you use homebaked bread and mayonnaise, then the appetizer will turn out just the same natural, which you can safely treat children to.

Try to cook this sandwich spread for a picnic or take with you on a hike with delicious tea in a thermos. This lunch will be very popular with children and men.
Pate with egg and cheese can be a filling for pies, or profiteroles.
