
Salo mashed with garlic and herbs. Salt spread

For most people, lard does not cause much enthusiasm, so most often they bake it, boil it, or simply salt it. In fact, from this simple, at first glance, product, you can cook a real delicacy that you can treat guests to. All you need to do for this is twist the fat and add certain spices or herbs to it.

  • A product such as twisted lard with spices is prepared in almost all regions of our vast country. Some add only garlic and salt to it. Others make it more spicy, and mix the finished mass with pepper, herbs, paprika or oriental spices. The most interesting thing is that each housewife calls this dish in her own way.
  • For some, it is called lard, spread, for others it is shaving, and still others, in general, call this product a snack mass. In fact, this dish has a common name, which is most often used in restaurants and cafes with Ukrainian cuisine. There it is called sandwich fat.
  • It got its name because it was originally made for people to make nutritious sandwiches during long journeys that easily remove hunger.
  • And since during the trip it was not possible to keep food in the cold, it was necessary to mix twisted fat with natural preservatives (salt, garlic and hot pepper), and thus extend its shelf life.

Recipe #1

What will we need?

  • Salted lard (ready-made or self-salted) - 0.5 kg;
  • Undercuts - 0.5 kg;
  • Garlic - 1 medium head;
  • Salt, pepper - to taste;
  • Dried or fresh dill - about 30 g

Cooking method

Before revealing the secret of making amazing lard, let's focus on what the original fat should be like. It should be a piece from a fat quality pig, with a minimum of meat layers, about 4-6 cm thick, with a soft skin.

If you have unsalted lard at your disposal, then salt it yourself in a wet way, using non-iodized (!) coarse salt, peppercorns and bay leaf. Salted raw materials are sent to the refrigerator and stored there for 3-4 days at a temperature of +1 ... +3 degrees.

After the expiration of the specified period, we take the lard out of the refrigerator and pat it with a napkin from excess moisture, after which we generously rub it with garlic and pepper. Wrap in parchment paper until fully ripe. We send it back to the refrigerator.

After a couple of days, we take out the ripened fat, cut off the skin from it, scroll through the meat grinder along with the undercut, add dill, pepper and coarse salt. Mix everything thoroughly until smooth. Smalets is ready!

To beautifully serve bacon, put it in a deep bowl, garnish with chili peppers and black bread toasts.

Recipe #2

  • If you want to cook Ukrainian-style twisted lard, then you will have to show a little patience.
  • In this case, you will not have to twist the mass, but serve it well.
  • In order to get the desired consistency of the spread, you will need a sharp and blunt knife, and a maximum of half an hour of time.


  • Take 700 g of salted lard and cut it into the smallest possible cube
  • Sprinkle it generously with black pepper, and armed with a dull knife, start beating
  • Do this until you have a homogeneous soft mass without any lumps.
  • When the mass is ready, proceed in the standard way
  • Add a small amount of chopped garlic to it, and mix everything thoroughly.

A popular Ukrainian appetizer, or sandwich fat.

Salo twisted with garlic is a traditional Ukrainian snack served for dinner not only in ordinary families, but also in many expensive restaurants: chefs offer visitors a small plate with spicy spread on bread as a compliment. The treat is always popular - often bacon twisted with garlic is eaten even before the waiters serve the main course.

Such an appetizer is often prepared for the most popular Ukrainian first course - there is nothing better than rich red borscht with a slice of rye bread, on which twisted bacon is generously spread. However, even without borscht - as a regular snack - such a sandwich is very good. Let's figure out together how to cook it.

a piece of lard weighing about 500 g;
5-8 garlic cloves;
2/3 tsp salt;
1/2 tsp black pepper.

Question number one - where to buy fat. Let shops and supermarkets rest on the sidelines, you go to the market, and without options. Look for a seller who does not sell meat every day, but brought home-grown brisket, ham and neck to sell. Well, fat, of course. This is where you stop.

How to cook lard with garlic

Many mistakenly believe that in order to cook lard twisted with garlic, it is quite possible to buy a cheaper product - all the same, they say, it will not be visible what it was originally. It won’t be seen, that’s for sure, but don’t expect the taste of such an appetizer to be special: to get a wonderful dish, you need to buy wonderful products. Do not save money: winning three kopecks, you will get a lot of disappointment and a bunch of vain expectations.

Salo for preparing such a snack should be soft, tender and, oddly enough, should not smell of anything. Well, except that the skin can smell a little bit of burnt straw, with the help of which they burn pork skin. By the way, its thickness and density are also directly related to the quality of fat: it is believed that the skin should be thin, soft and easily pierced with a knife.

When choosing lard, give preference to pieces of medium thickness: too thick a layer of this product may well belong to an overgrown "piggy" - who knows how sinewy and dense it has become over many pig lives?

There is an old grandmother’s way of checking fat in the markets: they run a fingernail over the surface of the product being sold, after which the amount of “removed” fat is estimated. If the fat is soft and of high quality, there will be a lot of it. Old, wiry, hard - not enough.

So, you are at home - along with bacon, of course. Mine, wipe with disposable towels to dry a little.

Carefully cut off the skin - we do not need it at all in this case. In general, if you are a special fan of this delicacy, you can leave it, but still the appetizer twisted with garlic should be soft, tender and homogeneous, so it’s better to remove the skin.

Sometimes, by slightly prying it with a knife, you can gently pull it - and remove the skin without much effort. If this does not work out, lift it up with one hand, and with the other, using a knife, carefully separate it from the fat, trying not to leave the second on the first, and the first on the second.

After the skin is removed, cut the fat into medium-sized pieces - the shape is not important, this is done solely for the convenience of further work.

Garlic. Divide into cloves, clean. Determine the quantity yourself - there are no and cannot be any recommendations. Someone likes it spicier, someone does not like a pronounced garlic flavor, someone strives for the golden mean, and everyone has their own - so be guided by your taste.

Black pepper is a must. The main secret is that the spice must be freshly ground. If you don't have a special mortar, use a pepper grinder. No grinder - put the peas between two layers of a clean linen towel and work hard with a rolling pin. Pay attention to the degree of grinding - you should not grind the pepper into fine dust, for this it is quite possible to use a ready-made industrial ground product. It will be much tastier and more aromatic if quite tangible pieces of pepper are found in the appetizer - spicy, fragrant, dizzyingly delicious. However, this issue can also be attributed to the competence of the taste preferences of a particular individual, so decide for yourself when to stop by chopping black pepper.

Put lard, pepper, garlic in a blender cup. Salt.
If you don’t have a blender, you can use a meat grinder (as, indeed, our grandparents did for many decades).

Turn on, grind, check. If the mass has become homogeneous, a tasty and savory snack is ready.
If not, we chop a little more, check - and then you can definitely get a piece of rye bread, spread bacon twisted with garlic on it, cut a ripe pink tomato in half and enjoy the sky, life, breeze, freedom and ... and fragrant spread on sandwiches !

It is necessary to store lard with garlic in a glass dish under a tightly closed lid. However, it is better not to store it - garlic loses its aroma over time, so such a spread should be done immediately before everyone sits down at the table.

Salo twisted with garlic is a popular traditional Ukrainian snack served not only at home, but also in many restaurants. Let's figure out how to cook it today.
Recipe content:

Such an appetizer is often prepared for popular Ukrainian first courses, like rich beetroot borscht. It is served with a slice of rye bread, which is generously smeared with a thick layer of twisted lard. Although, however, even without borscht - as an ordinary snack - such a sandwich is quite good. In addition, such an appetizer is very quick to prepare and very convenient to make it for the future. Twisted bacon can be put in the refrigerator and put on the table at any time. In addition, such an appetizer can be diversified with various flavoring additions, which are attached to all kinds of spices, spices and herbs.

The benefits of snacks

The benefits of fat are undeniable. The product contains a lot of fat-soluble vitamins A, D and E that a person needs, is never radioactive and does not contain carcinogens at all. Salo has extremely useful arachidonic acid, which belongs to unsaturated fats that are necessary for the human body. Its use within reasonable limits is extremely effective for antiviral prophylaxis, especially in the winter season. You can also say with confidence that the fat contains the bulk of the main part of the periodic table.

Garlic also has a no less rich chemical composition. Its bulbs contain the polysaccharide inulin, phytosterols, carbohydrates, salts, iodine, magnesium, organic acids, phosphorus, vitamins and trace elements. The product increases the resistance of the human body to infectious and catarrhal diseases, improves the functioning of the digestive organs and the heart, has a mild diaphoretic and diuretic property, dilates blood vessels, has antiscorbutic and antiseptic properties.

  • Calorie content per 100 g - 800 kcal.
  • Servings - 300 g
  • Cooking time - 5 minutes


  • Pork fat - 300 g
  • Garlic - 3-4 cloves or to taste
  • Salt - to taste

Preparation of lard twisted with garlic

1. Twist the fat in a meat grinder through the middle grate. It can also be ground with a food processor. Depending on the kitchen utensils used, there will be a different consistency of the mass, which may distinguish its taste. Therefore, with the help of which device it is better and tastier to cook lard, you need to decide on your own through experiments.

2. Lard passed through a meat grinder will be larger, as shown in the photo, and chopped through a food processor will be more uniform.

3. Peel the garlic, wash and squeeze through the press. However, it can also be either twisted in a meat grinder or chopped with a food processor at the same time as the lard.

Fragrant appetizer based on bacon with garlic is a traditional dish of Ukrainian cuisine. It is successfully used not only for the family table, but also served in bars and expensive restaurants as a present for visitors waiting for their order. We offer several recipes for lard with garlic through a meat grinder, which are worth paying attention to.

Raw lard with garlic through a meat grinder

Spicy garlic pate made from twisted bacon is best combined with rye bread, on which it is spread with a thin layer and served with hot first courses - cabbage soup, soup, borscht.


  • 500 grams of fresh lard;
  • 6 - 8 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 teaspoon ground pepper;
  • ½ tablespoon of salt.

Cooking technology:

  1. Remove the skin from a piece of lard, carefully cutting it with a knife.
  2. Rinse under running cold water, dry on a paper towel.
  3. Cut into small pieces for further processing.
  4. Scroll through the meat grinder two or more times until a paste is obtained.
  5. Garlic peel, wash and squeeze through a press.
  6. Salt the chopped bacon, add ground black pepper (or a mixture of peppers) and pour garlic into it.
  7. Mix everything thoroughly until a homogeneous consistency.
  8. Put the paste in a glass container, close the lid and store in the refrigerator.

The finished snack can be stored for 7 - 10 days and will become a godsend when guests unexpectedly appear on the doorstep. While they enjoy the unusual taste of sandwiches with pâté, the hostess will have time to prepare something more serious for dinner.

Salted bacon twisted through a meat grinder with garlic and herbs

From a previously salted product, no less tasty sandwich fat is obtained. The main thing is that the term and conditions of its storage are observed, there is no foreign smell and signs of "aging". Adding fresh herbs will make the appetizer very fragrant and unusually beautiful in color.


  • 450 - 500 grams of salted fat;
  • large head of garlic;
  • 5 - 6 peas of black and allspice;
  • a bunch of fresh herbs - dill, basil, parsley, cilantro (optional).

Cooking technology:

  1. Clean the surface of the fat from excess salt, wipe with a paper towel, cut into pieces of 3 - 5 centimeters.
  2. Grind the peppercorns in a mortar until fine granules.
  3. Peel the garlic, rinse.
  4. Sort the greens, remove hard branches, rinse with water, cut into several pieces.
  5. Put all the prepared products into the blender bowl.
  6. Turn on the device, grind to the desired consistency.
  7. Transfer the resulting mass into a glass container, store at a temperature of 8 - 15 ° C.

With dill

To make the product really tasty and healthy, you need to choose the right main ingredient - lard. It can be used fresh or pre-salted, and it is better to buy on the market, from trusted and reliable sellers. Fresh fat is even white or pale pink in color, soft, without blood clots and foreign smell. The combination of spicy dill, garlic flavor and lard is perfect.


  • 400 grams of unsalted fat;
  • 100 grams of green dill;
  • 6 cloves of garlic;
  • seasoning from a mixture of peppers; salt.

Cooking technology:

  1. Prepare lard and chop in any way.
  2. Finely chop the dill greens.
  3. Squeeze the garlic through a press.
  4. Mix all components.

Spicy appetizer with spices

The thickness of the piece is 4 - 5 cm, thicker fat can be from an old pig, it is more rigid and sinewy. The quality of fat can be determined by the type of skin - it is recommended to choose a product with a thin and soft skin, which is easily pierced with a fork or knife.


  • lard - 0.5 kilograms;
  • 8 cloves of garlic;
  • black pepper;
  • paprika pieces;
  • coriander;
  • red pepper;
  • bay leaf (in powder);
  • dried basil;
  • ready-made mustard in grains - 2 tablespoons;
  • caraway;
  • salt.

Take all the spices in ground form, ½ teaspoon each.

Cooking technology:

  1. Grind the fat to a paste.
  2. Peel garlic, rinse.
  3. Add spices to twisted fat, mix.

Salo pate with garlic from Yulia Vysotskaya

The classic taste of lard snacks can be made more piquant by adding spices and herbs to it, fragrant - fresh dill, parsley and other herbs, spicy - mustard, horseradish, hot peppers.


  • garlic - 2 medium heads.
  • bell pepper (red) - 1 piece;
  • parsley - 5 branches;
  • basil leaves (fresh) - 5 pieces;
  • cilantro - 3 sprigs;
  • fat - 500 - 600 grams;
  • 6-8 peas of allspice and black pepper.

Cooking technology:

  1. Remove the core from the pepper, cut into 8 pieces.
  2. Coarsely chop greens and garlic.
  3. Grind the peppercorns in a mortar or coffee grinder.
  4. Place all products in a blender, chop.
  5. It turns out very fragrant, beautiful in appearance and tasty pate.

Appetizer of lard with garlic is an easy-to-prepare, affordable and tasty dish. It contains only healthy products, and the incredible aroma attracts even children. By adding various herbs, herbs and spices to the main ingredients, you can experiment with taste, spiciness or piquancy and choose the most ideal option for yourself.

Ready to cook and taste something really special?

What do we need to prepare?

Before you go to, check if your kitchen has everything you need for cooking. for cooking lard with garlic according to this recipe you will need:

  • two medium heads of garlic, preferably homemade;
  • salt - to taste;
  • a mixture of freshly ground black pepper, mustard seeds and coriander, taken in approximately a 1: 1 ratio;
  • optional - a pair of petioles of cloves. In season: a bunch of dill, parsley and basil, shoots of young garlic. Please note! Adding fresh herbs reduces the shelf life to a few days!
  • what to twist. In the original cooking recipe that I had a chance to try, lard was ground in a mortar, with the gradual addition of garlic and spices. You can replace it with a blender or a good old cast-iron meat grinder that you inherited from your grandmother.

Ready to Cook lard according to the most delicious recipe? Then let's start!

We grind more carefully!

Let's start by preparing all the parts of our sandwich spread:

  1. Add spices to the finished mass and mix thoroughly until completely homogeneous. We try to taste, spread on a crust of rye bread. Do you add more salt and spices if needed? Spicy lovers can not do without red pepper and paprika.
  2. Knead again and put in the fridge for an hour.

How is the finished product?

Like salted bacon with garlic, ground fat is stored for up to a week even without a refrigerator. The only condition is protection from sunlight and sealed packaging. The same goes for refrigeration. lard, cooked, so delicious recipe:

  • tightly ram into a glass container of a suitable size, close the lid;
  • after the initial cooling, put it on a cling film, form a sausage, wrap it and let it freeze in the refrigerator.

The most delicious serving!

Lightly brown rye bread in vegetable oil on both sides. Spread with sandwich fat. Serve with mustard as an appetizer for vodka, borscht, potato pancakes.
