
How to cook bread kvass from rye flour. What you need before you start cooking

For summer, a mug of homemade, tart and tasty kvass, it seems to me, is simply necessary. Nothing can compare to him - neither soda, nor cold green teas, no juices, no other drinks. Although at first cooking kvass at home is not fast process. But then, when the sourdough made will always be in the refrigerator, as they say, at hand, things will go faster and even tastier. The main thing is to know the proven and delicious recipe kvass.

There are several cooking options homemade kvass. And today we will choose the one where there are fewer problems with sourdough. Although the first time you still have to work harder. But then all the family will say to you: - Thank you very much for the delicious kvass!

First option, is to go buy ready-made wort and make kvass. It's easy, fast, but it turns out not quite, let's say, leavened.

Second option is to cook it from bread and yeast. There are a lot of such recipes on the Internet. But in this case, the yeast breaks the kvass balance. What does it mean? In real kvass, all vitamins and nutrients should be balanced due to the acidic and alcohol environment, where acidic will prevail. And in the case of cooking with yeast, it will look more like Braga than traditional Russian kvass.

Third option, is to cook it on sourdough. And here the main taste note will be set by sour-milk bacteria, and not yeast.

Recipe for rye kvass at home

To do this, you will need to prepare a sourdough. It is prepared simply, but not quickly. Having prepared once, we will constantly “feed” it for maturity, and take it for the next kvass. And you can do this indefinitely...

Of course, it is more professional to make sourdough on rye flour, it will be more correct. But it is quite problematic to buy in regular store. Therefore, we make a compromise, and we will make sourdough from the usual rye bread. Fortunately, it is sold in any store. And the drink in this case also turns out to be real and tasty.

To do this, we buy a loaf of fresh, rye bread. You should not be afraid of yeast in such bread, since it was baked in an oven where it was more than 100 ° C. And yeast (natural) dies already at 50 ° C.

We cut the loaf into pieces and make crackers out of them. To do this, put them in the oven and set the temperature to 150 ° C -170 ° C. We dry the bread well, making it even slightly (slightly) fried on the sides. This will then give the right taste with an interesting note.

While we dry rye crackers, we prepare water for kvass. We take 3 liters plain water, boil and set to cool. We will need this water in three days. And this can be done, of course, later.

Next, take the glass liter jar and put rye crackers in slices, about two slices (a slice is a cut piece of bread from a loaf that is not cut in half), and add 1 teaspoon of sugar with a slide. Pour one and a half cups of boiled water room temperature. Stir sugar until completely dissolved.

Then we close the jar with a towel or gauze, and put it in a warm, bright place, for example, on a windowsill under the rays of the sun. Most perfect option, it is + 25°C and above. Let's leave it to ferment. We are waiting for three days for all the processes to go correctly.

We put the remaining crackers in a bag, we will need them for the future kvass.

After three days, we open the starter and it should be light cloudy in color, with a sour smell and sour taste. This is what you need!

Fill it all up with cold boiled water"on the shoulders" of the banks. We leave free space in the bank for fermentation. At this stage, I do not recommend adding. Now another task is to make a kvass base, to create a sour-bread taste. We close the jar with a towel and again put it in a warm place for the second stage of fermentation, for two days.

At this point, strong fermentation processes will occur in the bank. Kvass will be saturated bread taste, the acid will be distributed evenly everywhere and even a little alcohol will be released. This is absolutely correct. Any real kvass must contain a small amount of alcohol.

After two days, kvass is ready and the jar can be opened and its contents filtered. Here you can already add sugar to taste. If it was prepared for okroshka, then you can do without sugar.

Then we bottle this kvass and put it in the refrigerator, thus stopping all fermentation processes. Kvass is ready to use.

Who likes more carbonated, you can add 3-5 raisins to these bottles. This will allow the formation of carbon dioxide, which will give more fizz to the drink.

But in this case, kvass cannot be poured into the bottle up to the very lid, we always leave free space, about 5-7 cm from the lid. We again (for about a day) put this bottle in a warm place and give the drink the opportunity to “fill up” with gases. Then the bottle can be put in the refrigerator, or already consumed.

Certainly, the best kvass obtained during the summer months. Why? Because for infusion and fermentation of kvass, a warm air temperature is required, above + 25 ° C. Then its cooking process is fast, correct and complete. In this case, lactic acid bacteria predominate in it, and not alcohol.

When infused at temperatures below +20°C, it becomes more like mash, rather than kvass. It has less tart sourness and more degrees.

It is worth noting that for the first time kvass will not turn out to be the most delicious, since the sourdough is still “weak”. It will turn out perfect next time.

Our next step is to stock up on sourdough for a new kvass. To do this, we take the bread crumb, which remained in the jar after pouring the finished kvass, and put it in a small, clean jar which we put in the refrigerator for further storage.

And another time, when we prepare a drink, it will be our sourdough. To do this, we take a three-liter jar for new kvass, put this crumb, which we have in the refrigerator, add rye crackers so that 1/3 of the part is filled with them + leaven, add 1 teaspoon of sugar and fill with water "up to the shoulders".

We put this jar in heat again, insist for a couple of days and we have a new kvass ready, moreover, tastier than the previous one. And we do these steps again and again ...

At the same time, we dry new crackers, discard part of the crumb after infusion, and most put in a jar, saving the starter for the next time. And we drink delicious, natural, homemade kvass all the time. And in the summer we make excellent okroshka on it. In my personal experience, This perfect recipe kvass at home.

Bon appetit! Stay in touch.

Natural soft drink with a simple preparation technology and an easily accessible composition. I will tell you how to make rye kvass from sourdough flour according to the classic recipe. Taste home version(also called "rustic") is much better than most store-bought counterparts, which are not a product of live fermentation, but are "brewed" from chemical additives and dyes.

Ingredients for 3 liters of kvass:

  • rye flour - 430 grams;
  • water - 2.8 liters;
  • sugar - 175 grams;
  • unwashed raisins - 5-8 berries (optional);
  • yeast - 5 grams dry or 25 grams pressed (optional).

The proportions are given taking into account the preparation of sourdough (thickness), which is done only once. The exact amount of ingredients is indicated at each step of the recipe.

Sugar can be replaced with liquid honey, but then kvass will have light honey flavor that not everyone likes. On the skin of raisins live wild wine yeast, which will ferment the wort if all other strains die (rare, but it happens).

Recipe for kvass from rye flour

1. Preparation of sourdough (thickness). Mandatory preliminary step for the first portion of rye kvass without yeast. The thick flour contains wild yeast, which, unlike dry and pressed ones, do not give bad smell. Subsequently, the starter made can be used repeatedly, stored in the refrigerator.

In 200 grams rye flour add 1 tablespoon of sugar (without a slide). pouring in slowly hot water and stirring, bring the thick to the consistency thick sour cream(there should be no lumps). For safety net, you can throw in 5-8 berries of unwashed raisins.

Pour the mixture into a liter or larger jar to leave room for foam. Tie a jar to protect against insects with gauze, leave for 2-3 days in a dark place at room temperature. After a day, pull out the raisins. With an increase in the volume of the sourdough, the appearance of foam, hissing and a slight sour smell, the grounds for kvass are ready.

Guscha - reusable sourdough

2. Preparation and fermentation of kvass wort. First you need to update the sourdough from the previous batch. To do this, get 200-250 ml thick from the refrigerator, add 1 tablespoon of rye flour and 2 tablespoons of sugar. Stir until smooth, leave in a warm place.

Boil 2.5 liters of water. Pour into fermentation tank 200 grams of rye flour and 100 grams of sugar. Add a little boiling water, by stirring, dilute the mixture to the state of liquid sour cream. Then pour in half of the water, mix again, pour out all the remaining water, chop again.

Cover the container with a lid, wrap in a towel, leave for 4-5 hours. After cooling down to 25-30°C (not higher, otherwise the yeast will die) add to kvass must thicken, mix and cover with a lid (not tightly). Leave rye kvass to ferment for 6-7 hours in a dark room at room temperature. Bubbles, foam and hiss should appear.

Instead of sourdough, dry or pressed wort can be added to the cooled wort. baker's yeast, but the drink will have a specific smell and light yeast smack.

3. Saturation with carbon dioxide and exposure. Ready kvass strain through 3-4 layers of gauze. Pour into bottles or jars, leaving at least 3-5 cm of free space to the neck. Seal tightly with lids or stoppers.

Transfer the drink to the refrigerator or cellar, leave for at least 2 hours to mature and saturate with gas. Periodically monitor the pressure in the bottles, if necessary, vent excess gas so that the containers do not burst.

Kvass turns white and slightly cloudy, the drink brightens on aging, and a layer of sediment appears at the bottom, this is normal

The shelf life of homemade kvass from rye flour when stored in the cold is up to 7 days. It is better to drink an open bottle a day before.

Place the thick filtered in gauze in a separate jar, cover with a lid and transfer to the refrigerator. Use to prepare the following portions of the drink, starting from the second stage.

The shelf life of thick rye kvass is up to 20 days, but it is better to use it as early as possible, while the yeast is active.

Hello! In the article I will tell you how to make kvass from rye flour at home. Rye kvass refers to summer drinks, which perfectly refresh and treat the body due to useful properties in composition. But remember about contraindications, because this wonderful drink can not be consumed by everyone.

Reception of kvass is one of the most simple options prevention and treatment of diseases, improvement of well-being. It contains amino acids that the human body needs, but does not produce them itself - threonine and lysine. Consider 4 step by step recipe making kvass from rye flour.

Classic recipe


  • 0.5 kg of rye flour;
  • 8 liters of boiled water;
  • 15-20 g yeast (fresh);
  • 10 g sugar.


  1. Pour in the yeast warm water, wait until they "swell".
  2. Make from flour batter. When adding water, keep the ratio 1:1 (0.5 l of water is needed for 0.5 kg of flour).
  3. Add sugar, warm water, and last but not least, yeast.
  4. Mix all the ingredients well, leave for a day. During this time, the dough will ferment.
  5. Pour the dough with water, leave at room temperature.
  6. Strain the liquid through cheesecloth, put in a cold place for two days.
  7. Classic rye kvass is ready. The recipe is similar to bread kvass.

Recipe for rye kvass without yeast

Kvass without yeast is prepared on the basis of rye sourdough. For thick, which promotes fermentation, use flour or crackers. The drink is made in two stages, the first is the preparation of the sourdough.

Stage number 1. Cooking sourdough

From this amount of ingredients, 10 liters of kvass is obtained:

  • 0.5 kg and 0.5 l of rye flour, water;
  • sugar - 20 g;
  • raisins - 15 pcs.


  1. Mix flour, sugar and water.
  2. To speed up fermentation, add raisins.
  3. Leave the jar filled with grounds in a warm place. Use the sourdough after a few days, when the thick becomes cloudy, acquires a sour taste.

Stage number 2. Making kvass


  • leaven;
  • rye crackers or flour - 200 g;
  • boiled water;
  • sugar - 4 tsp


  1. Take three-liter jar, first add flour (crackers) and half of the prepared sugar there.
  2. Fill the components with warm water up to the neck.
  3. Cover the container with a cloth, leave to infuse for one or two days, like chicory kvass.
  4. Strain the drink, add the rest of the sugar.
  5. To get out carbon dioxide, keep kvass at room temperature in open bottles from plastic.
  6. Once the bottles are firm, place them in the refrigerator.

Video recipe

A third of the thick, which remained as a result of cooking, can be used next time. In this case, for the preparation of sourdough, in addition to thick, only flour and water are used. The shelf life of the starter when stored in the refrigerator is several months.

How to make homemade white kvass from rye flour

The basis of home white kvass- malt and coarse rye flour. Optionally, berries, spices, herbs and honey are added. By appearance the drink is similar to oat kvass, the recipes of which I reviewed in this article.

Sourdough Ingredients:

  • 800 ml of water;
  • four glasses of flour;
  • sugar - 4 tbsp. l. (can be replaced with honey).


  • flour and sugar (you can use honey) - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • rye malt- 2 tbsp. l. (if there is no component, cook without it);
  • cold water;
  • light raisin- about 15-20 pcs.


  1. Make a starter first. Pour water into a large bowl, gradually add flour, then sugar. Mix thoroughly to completely dissolve the sugar. Fill a large container with sourdough, as in a small container, it can “run away” as it increases in volume.
  2. Put the starter in a warm place, soak for two days. To enhance fermentation, stir once or twice during the process. The sourdough is ready when a sour taste appears.
  3. Add flour, sugar, malt, water and raisins to the prepared base. Insist under gauze in a warm place.
  4. After 48 hours, drain the liquid, which is young white kvass from rye flour, add a little honey or sugar to it, insist again under cheesecloth, but already in the refrigerator.
  5. One or two days is enough.

Reuse the remaining thick, adding malt, flour and sugar each time.

How to cook rustic kvass

To get kvass prepared according to rustic recipe, pre-dry the bread, cut into slices.


  • a loaf of rye bread;
  • 4-5 liters of boiling water;
  • 100 g of sugar;
  • yeast in the amount of 25-30 g;
  • 50 g raisins, a small amount of mint.


  1. Put the crackers in a saucepan, fill with water.
  2. Leave for about three hours. Then strain the liquid, add yeast and sugar. Use raisins and mint as desired.
  3. After 6-7 hours of fermentation, when the drink foams, strain it again. Add sugar if desired.

The benefits and harms of kvass from rye flour

What is useful rye kvass

Rye kvass is used not only to quench thirst, but also to prevent diseases, and also as a diabetic product. The drink helps to get rid of beriberi, has a beneficial effect on the body, normalizes metabolism, improves well-being.

Useful for people who have gastritis with low acidity. It is recommended to take with weak immunity, disorders in the work of the heart. The components have a positive effect on tooth enamel, help get rid of dysbacteriosis, improve the condition of hypertension, rid the body of diseased cells. The drink does not violate the results of the diet.

When the product is introduced into the diet, mental and physical stress, fatigue, weakness, and heartburn are eliminated. After consumption, digestion is normalized, the work of the kidneys, liver, vision improves. There are positive changes in the structure of the blood, toxins are removed.

Positive properties kvass allow you to use it for skin diseases, of cardio-vascular system. With its help, it is possible to remove acne, cleanse the skin of freckles.

Contraindications and harm

Drivers should not drink the drink, because it contains a small percentage of alcohol. The product is contraindicated in the period of gestation, feeding a child, children under seven years of age. From reception it is necessary to refuse at an ulcer, gastritis.

It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of kvass made at home from rye flour. The composition is represented by many minerals and amino acids, vitamins. home product used in medicinal purposes. You just drink a pleasant-tasting drink and at the same time heal and saturate beneficial substances organism. There are some contraindications that must be taken into account, however, most people can afford to take in moderation.

There are many recipes for making kvass from rye flour on the Internet. And in my opinion, they have one common drawback: they are all designed for huge volumes of the drink. But what if I don't need three buckets of this kvass? If I just want to try it? I tried to adjust the proportions of the ingredients based on my needs. But in the end, I still have the output of ready-made rye kvass was more than 5 liters. But the good thing is that, at least, all this goodness fits in the refrigerator.

By the way, it tastes really "okroshkiy". You understand that for the cold summer soup this is the "thing". It seems to me that “floury” kvass is just as well suited for pouring cold drinks, beetroots and other dishes from the same series.

I must say right away that the preparation of kvass on rye flour is a process that is not so much difficult as lengthy. It will take several days. Within four to five days, the rye sourdough for the drink will ripen, and for a couple of days - the kvass itself.

For sourdough:

The photo above shows a finished, ripe sourdough starter with bubbles on the surface. This is how you will have it on the fifth day, and it is in this form that it is added to kvass.

The amount of flour and water is indicated in total - you will use it evenly over five days. Water should always be boiled and cooled to warm state(35-37 degrees).

I give the schedule right by day:

  • the first day- pour 50 g of flour into a tall glass jar, pour 100 ml of warm water, stir with a wooden spoon or a paddle, cover with a napkin on top, and wrap the jar itself with a terry towel. Put it in a warm place - closer to some source of heat and leave for a day;
  • second day- add another 50 g of rye flour, add 50 ml of warm water, mix again, wrap and leave to wander further. From about the second day, bubbles begin to collect on the surface of the starter - this means that it is fermenting;
  • day three- again put 50 g of flour in a jar with sourdough and add the same amount of water, again set to ripen;
  • day four- put the last portion of flour, pour out the last portion of water. As usual, it should be warm;
  • day five- take the finished sourdough and put kvass on it.
  • For kvass:

    Bring water to a boil and let it cool to a temperature of 25-30 degrees. Measure out 1.5 liters of water and fill it with rye and wheat flour with sugar. This will be the must for kvass. Knead it thoroughly to get a homogeneous mass without lumps of flour. Pour it into two clean three-liter jars - so that the amount of wort in them is the same.

    Pour the remaining boiled water into both jars. Wash the raisins and throw a few "berries" into each jar. Divide the starter into two equal portions and also distribute to banks. Don't forget to mix everything thoroughly.

    Cover the necks of the jars with clean cloth napkins and leave the kvass to ferment for a day. During this time, it will settle - all the thick will settle to the bottom. Pure kvass is poured into another bowl, and the entire sediment can be used instead of leaven for the next portion of the drink. That is, mixing new starter on rye flour and wait five days for it to ferment, you no longer need to. Sourdough becomes thick from the previous kvass.

    Drained kvass is kept at room temperature for another day. Then pour into plastic container screw the lids on and put them in the refrigerator. In 12-20 hours it will be finally ready.

    More on this topic:

    To my surprise, as it turns out, white kvass is known only in the Voronezh and Lipetsk regions. Even in Moscow, which is only 500 km from Voronezh, okroshka is made on dark carbonated kvass from a bottle. We, Voronezh residents, do not recognize this at all and are sincerely surprised how such okroshka can be eaten.

    I love this kvass with tender love, in the summer I can drink a jar in a day! So refreshing and toning. The product is natural and fermented, improves the intestinal microflora. In general, one benefit!

    We have white kvass for a long time was available only in the market with grandmothers or with their grandmothers. Mine cooked it in a large bucket that stood in the cellar. It was considered somehow unusually difficult to "brew" a drink, it was necessary special leaven, which the grannies passed on to each other, that is, it was necessary to "get" this very sourdough. Fortunately, for the last 5 years they began to sell it in Voronezh stores - local bakeries realized where it was, a gold mine, and launched the production of white kvass on an industrial scale.

    In Canada, I suffered from it for a long time and dreamed of an okroshka on white kvass, until I found out that you can make it yourself on sourdough bread. I got on the Internet, and there - a complete mess! As soon as they don’t offer to cook this poor kvass ... And on breadcrumbs with sourdough, and on some kind of dry kvass, and on yeast, and on thick, begged from those same grandmothers on the market, and in one recipe it was even suggested to ask for sourdough on bakery. My mother and Misha's granny somehow cook on breadcrumbs, but it turns out not quite right.

    Empirically and summing up the knowledge gained on the Internet, I finally got the very real grandmother's kvass! Yummy! And you don’t need to go to the bakery and look for something incomprehensible. Need rye flour, water and a bit of sugar. Plus, rye sourdough. If you have it, then kvass will be ready the next day. If not, you can bring the sourdough out on your own in 4 days, not rocket science. The Internet is full of recipes, often tricky ones. In life, it seems to me, everything looks much simpler.

    So, rye sourdough:

    Most useful and incredible delicious kvass produced without yeast rye sourdough. And how to prepare such a drink at home from rye flour and bread, we will describe below in our recipes.

    Kvass from rye flour on sourdough without yeast - recipe


    For sourdough:

    For kvass:

    • rye flour - 255 g;
    • granulated sugar - 115 g;
    • - 15 pcs.;
    • filtered water - 5 l.


    Initially, we will prepare the starter from rye flour. To do this, mix it with granulated sugar and add water to get the texture of the mixture like sour cream. We add raisins to the workpiece and leave it warm for several days until the sourness is acquired.

    When the starter is ready, you can proceed directly to the preparation of kvass. To do this, first boil about four and a half liters of water, and dilute the mixture of granulated sugar and rye flour with the remaining water. Further in small portions brew the mixture with boiling water and stir well. We cover the container with the workpiece with a lid, and on top with a blanket or terry towel and leave for four to five hours. During this time, the contents should cool to room temperature. After that, add the starter, stir, cover again with a lid and a towel and put in heat for seven hours. Pour kvass into bottles and put in the refrigerator. After cooling, the drink is ready to drink. The thick leftover from the preparation of kvass can be used for the subsequent preparation of the drink. It must be stored in the refrigerator, and before use, "feed" a small amount rye flour, sugar and water and allow time to "revive" in the heat.

    Homemade kvass from rye bread without yeast


    For sourdough:

    • black bread with crusts - 2 slices;
    • granulated sugar - 10 g;
    • boiled warm water - 460 ml;

    For kvass:

    • rye flour - 250 g;
    • granulated sugar - 120 g or to taste;
    • - 2 large handfuls;
    • filtered water at room temperature;
    • raisin.


    Initially, to prepare homemade kvass, we prepare the sourdough. For that slices of black unleavened bread cut into small cubes and send on a baking sheet in the oven. Bread slices should not only dry out, but also brown a little. From how much saturated color crackers will have, depends on the color and intensity of taste ready drink. We put the cooled ruddy crackers into a jar, pour them with warm boiled water, add sugar, shake and leave warm under a towel for two days. Ready sourdough should turn cloudy with a sharply sour smell and taste.

    Pour the resulting sourdough from rye bread into a three-liter jar, add two handfuls rye crackers, fifty grams of granulated sugar and add water to the jar up to the shoulders. We cover the vessel with the workpiece with a towel or fabric cut and keep it warm for two days. Now we drain the liquid component into another container, add granulated sugar to taste, mix, pour into plastic bottles, in each of which we throw a pair of raisins. We twist the lids and let the drink stand warm until the containers acquire density. This will mean that the drink has allocated enough carbon dioxide and became self-carbonated. We have kvass on rye breadcrumbs without yeast in the refrigerator to cool, after which you can try the drink.

    The thick rye bread left in the jar can be used to prepare the next portion of the drink, using it as a starter.
