
Delicious recipes for marinating instant red cabbage in jars for the winter. Recipe: Sauerkraut red cabbage - spicy, with a special sourdough


Red cabbage for the winter is harvested much less often than white cabbage, completely in vain - its canning is not more difficult, it is less high-calorie, and in terms of the amount of vitamins and useful microelements it is almost not inferior to the latter. Moreover, it contains a natural antioxidant (anthocyanin), which is not found in white forks and contributes to the body's fight against cancer cells, as well as tissue renewal and restoration of their structure. In addition, red cabbage preparations with their bright unusual color will decorate any feast.

Pickling red cabbage, as in similar options, allows you to quickly and without additional hassle to preserve this vegetable for the winter. It is not necessary, as with salting or pickling, to follow the cooking process and the degree of readiness of the product. Red cabbage is pickled more often than white cabbage, but according to almost the same recipes. Such popularity of this method of harvesting a vegetable with red leaves is due to its extraordinary beauty in a pickled form and less juiciness, because of which it is better for it to be preserved in a liquid (marinade or brine), since it gives little of its own juice.

Recipe with spices. You will need:

  • forks - 2.5 kg;
  • garlic (heads) - 1 pc. or instead of it, red hot pepper (rings) - 2-4 pcs.;
  • bay leaf - 6 pcs.;
  • allspice peas - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • black pepper (peas) and cloves (buds) - 1 teaspoon each;
  • sugar and non-iodized salt - 70 g each;
  • water - 1 l;
  • vinegar - 4 tbsp. spoons.

Finely chop the forks or disassemble them into leaves, which we cut into medium-sized pieces (about 3 × 3 cm). Grind cabbage with 1 tbsp. a spoonful of salt. We do this not too intensively, so that after marinating it remains quite crispy and elastic. Then we cover the dishes with cabbage with a lid or cover it with a film, and then put it in the refrigerator overnight.

Shredding cabbage fork

The next day, we divide all the seasonings equally and put them in 2 jars. If we use garlic, then the taste of pickled cabbage will turn out to be spicy, and with pepper - spicy. Then we lay out the cabbage in jars, which has become softer overnight. Pour 2 tablespoons of vinegar into each container. spoons. Dissolve sugar and salt in boiling water. Fill jars with this hot solution. Then we sterilize them for 15 minutes, and then cork, turn over, cover, let cool and hide for long-term storage.

Korean. You will need:

  • forks - 1 kg;
  • beets and carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • garlic cloves - 4 pcs.;
  • allspice and black pepper (peas) - 3 pcs.;
  • hot red pepper - 1 teaspoon;
  • non-iodized salt - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • vinegar and vegetable oil - 100 ml each;
  • sugar - 1 cup;
  • water - 1 l.

We disassemble the head of cabbage into leaves, which we cut into strips about 3 cm wide or into pieces 3 × 3 cm. We rub the carrots and beets on a Korean carrot grater. Then we mix all the vegetables in a small bowl or saucepan, and then put them in jars, into which we pour all the pepper and garlic on top, divided in equal shares. We dissolve salt and sugar in water, pour oil and vinegar into them. We heat the resulting mixture to a boil, stir well, let it cool slightly, and then pour it into the vegetables. Then we proceed with the banks of cabbage as in the preparation recipe above. It is not necessary to sterilize containers.

They do it the same way. Only the choice of red forks is simpler - you can take any of them, as long as they are not rotten. Well, the features of heads of cabbage affect. They are less juicy in red cabbage than in white cabbage, they give little juice during fermentation and therefore most often this cabbage is sour in brine.

You can ferment red cabbage with white cabbage. They complement each other with their vitamins and other useful ingredients.

Such an assortment in terms of its healing power will turn out to be simply lethal (for all viruses and ailments). In addition, you do not have to fill the cabbage with brine and it will ferment in its own juice, released after mixing with salt. The lack of it in the red head is compensated by the excess in the white head. The ratio can be 1:1 or otherwise. Many take white cabbage more - for juiciness.

Sauerkraut red cabbage

Pickling red-headed with white-headed in brine. You will need:

  • first cabbage - 0.5 kg;
  • the second - 0.7 kg;
  • carrots - about 200 g.

For brine:

  • water - 1 l;
  • sugar and non-iodized salt - 1 tbsp. spoon.

We rub the carrots on a large-mesh grater. Shred white and red cabbage alternately, put in layers in a sauerkraut dish and sprinkle with carrots. Then we mix everything slightly, then we tamp, fill it with brine and put oppression on top.

Grate carrots on a coarse grater

Pickled redhead. You will need:

  • heads of cabbage - 5 kg;
  • sugar and non-iodized salt - 100 g each.

Shred the cabbage, mix well with salt, as well as sugar, let it stand for 30 minutes, and then tamp it tightly and put oppression on top of it. Continue as in the recipe above.

With apples. You will need:

  • forks - 10 kg;
  • apples (preferably sour) - 1.5 kg;
  • non-iodized salt - 250 g;
  • onion (bulb) - 0.5 kg;
  • dill (seeds) - 20 g.

We remove the core from the apples and cut them into strips, and the onion into half rings. We chop the heads of cabbage, grind well with salt, and then mix with the rest of the ingredients. Then we ram everything, load it with oppression and brew.

Salted redhead. You can use the same recipes. Again most often in brine, for reasons discussed above in the fermentation chapter.

Salted red cabbage

Salting with apples. You will need:

  • heads of cabbage - 5 kg;
  • apples (preferably small green ones) - 1 kg;
  • non-iodized salt - 200 g;
  • onion (bulb) - 3 pcs.;
  • cumin - 20 g.

We chop the forks or cut them into pieces, sprinkle with salt and knead well. Apples, freeing from seeds, cut into strips, and onions - into half rings. Mix well with cabbage. Pour cumin into the fruit and vegetable mixture. Again, we mix everything, then we ram, and we set oppression on top. We give cabbage 3 days for salting in a room with room temperature, and then we place it in jars or containers where it was salted for storage.

Salting with cranberries. You will need:

  • forks - 2 kg;
  • cranberries (fresh, frozen or dried) - 100 g;
  • bay leaf - 3 pcs.;
  • allspice and cumin - 1 teaspoon each;
  • non-iodized salt - 3 tbsp. spoons.

Shred the cabbage, sprinkle with salt, crush and leave for 20 minutes. Then stir with spices, and then carefully with berries. Lightly tamp, and then - as in the recipe above.

Cabbage can also be consumed raw, in soup, hodgepodge and other dishes. This article will talk about how to cook sauerkraut, about its useful and gustatory qualities, believe me, sauerkraut is prepared quite simply and everyone can learn how to cook sauerkraut. To better preserve the quality of cabbage, to give it greater durability, new taste properties, cabbage is canned. In Russia, the most common method of canning is sauerkraut.

sauerkraut recipe

So, to prepare sauerkraut, we need the following ingredients:

10 kilograms of cabbage
300 - 400 grams of carrots
200 - 250 grams of salt

Of course, to prepare sauerkraut, you do not have to use such a quantity of vegetables, it is enough to observe the proportion.

Cabbage heads are cleaned of contaminated leaves, washed, cut into two or four parts, the stalk is removed and finely chopped or chopped. Prepared cabbage is placed in layers in thoroughly washed, scalded wooden barrels, enameled buckets or pans, evenly sprinkling each layer with salt and thinly sliced ​​carrots. You can also add peeled and cut into halves or quarters without seed nests:

apples (800 grams)
lingonberries and cranberries (100 - 200 grams each)
cumin (5 grams)
bay leaf (2 - 3 grams)
correspondingly reducing the weight of the cabbage taken

During the laying process, the cabbage is periodically tamped so that it gives juice. To avoid loss of cabbage juice, the dishes should be filled 5 - 10 cm below the edge.

The surface of the cabbage is covered with washed cabbage leaves, on top - with a clean cloth, on which a wooden (not plywood) washed and scalded circle is placed, and it is oppressed (brick and limestone are unsuitable for oppression). The weight of the oppression should be approximately 10% of the weight of the cabbage.

For pickling, fresh, ripe, intact and unfrozen white cabbage of mid-ripening or late varieties (Slava, Moscow late, Saburovka, etc.) is used.

The fermentation process starts after 2 - 3 days; favorable temperature for it is 15 - 25°C. At this temperature fermentation occurs within 10 - 15 days. In the initial period of fermentation, gases are formed in the cabbage, which should be removed. To do this, every day in several places cabbage is pierced with a wooden peg to the bottom of the dish. At the same time, the foam that appears on the surface is removed, in which bacteria that cause cabbage spoilage develop.

After the end of the fermentation process, the cabbage acquires a taste without bitterness, and the brine becomes light. Ready cabbage is stored at a temperature of -3 - +5°C. Its surface should be covered with brine. The emerging mold should be removed. In this case, the wooden circle, oppression and fabric are washed first in warm water, and then in boiling water. To avoid the appearance of mold, it is recommended to ferment the cabbage in a plastic bag in the same way.

Sauerkraut (according to I. S. Zubenko)

8 kilograms of cabbage
100 grams of garlic
100 grams of horseradish
50 - 100 grams of green parsley
300 grams of red beets

4 liters of water
200 grams coarse salt
200 grams of sugar

Wash and clean vegetables. Remove the stalks from the cabbage, cut the heads of cabbage into pieces of 200-300 g. Finely chop the peeled garlic and parsley, grate the horseradish, cut the beets into large cubes. You can add 3-4 pods of red pepper. Pack food tightly into an enameled bucket.

Boil the brine, let it cool a little and pour over the cabbage with warm, cover with a lid on top and put the load. Leave the bucket for 48 hours at 18°C ​​and then move to a cooler place.

After 5 days, raspberry-colored sauerkraut is ready. When storing sauerkraut, it should be borne in mind that its single freezing does not affect its quality, provided that it is thawed before use.


5 kilograms of cabbage
100 grams of salt
100 grams of sugar

Chop the heads of cabbage into strips, add salt and sugar, mix and after 30 minutes, tamping tightly, put in jars.

Press until juice appears on the surface. Top with several whole cabbage leaves, press with a thin wooden circle and weight.

At room temperature, cabbage will be ready in two weeks.

Red cabbage in its appearance most of all resembles a white-headed counterpart. But for some reason, in our gardens, she rarely finds a free place. The main difference between such a vegetable is the foliage of a red-violet hue. It has no less positive features than the usual one. It contains the same beneficial elements, to which anthocyanin should be added, which gives the leaves their characteristic color. This vegetable contains more sugar, protein, mineral components, vitamins. The product is recommended for people suffering from iron deficiency in the body.

It should be noted that such cabbage does not have a specific smell, like white cabbage. This makes the cooking process much more enjoyable. The apples in this recipe add a characteristic sweet and sour flavor. But small green apples should be selected.


  • cabbage - 5 kilos;
  • apples - 1 kg;
  • onion - 3 heads;
  • salt - 200 gr;
  • cumin - 20 gr.

Cooking method:

  1. Apples are washed, the middle is removed, cut into strips.
  2. Cabbage is chopped, sprinkled with salt, kneaded well by hand.
  3. Onions are cut into half rings, mixed with cabbage and apples.
  4. We fall asleep cumin and again stir everything.
  5. From above we install the load, leave the container for three days in the room.
  6. Next, the container with cabbage moves to the cold.

This recipe makes a great appetizer.

How to salt purple cabbage with lingonberries

Lingonberry berries will give the cabbage a special piquancy. Remember.


  • cabbage - 1 kg;
  • honey - 50 - 70 gr;
  • green apple - one;
  • berry - 300 gr;
  • salt.

Cook together:

  1. Cabbage is chopped finely, salted.
  2. Lingonberries are washed, the apple is cut into slices.
  3. Berries, apple and cabbage masses are mixed, honey is added.
  4. Everything is tightly laid in jars until the juice appears.
  5. Banks are placed in a cool place, after a day it is necessary to pierce the mass in order to release the juice.

Readiness - in three days. When using this recipe, some add quince. It should be taken no more than fifty grams, cut into small pieces.

White and red cabbage recipes for the winter

Kvasim in the usual way, remember the recipe.


  • red cabbage - 500 gr;
  • white cabbage - 700 gr;
  • carrot - 100 - 150 gr;
  • water - 1 liter;
  • salt - 1 large spoon with a mountain (only not iodized);
  • granulated sugar - a spoon without a top.

Cooking order:

  1. You don't need to wash the cabbage. Remove the top sheets and stumps, cut off the defective places, cut into four parts.
  2. Rub the carrot on a coarse grater.
  3. Cabbage is chopped alternately, laid out in layers in a container, wakes up with grated carrots.
  4. We prepare the brine, taking some water, salt and granulated sugar for this.
  5. Lightly mix the cabbage in a container, ram it so that the level does not reach ten centimeters to the edge of the dish.
  6. Pour the brine until it closes the cabbage layer.
  7. We spread the circle, press it with a load (a flat plate and a half-liter jar filled with water).
  8. The container must be in the room for fermentation to begin. The temperature regime is best maintained from fifteen to eighteen degrees of heat. Every day, the cabbage mass must be pierced or stirred to remove fermented gas. Remove the resulting foam with a clean spoon. After five days, the cabbage is ready to eat. It can be decomposed into liter containers, pour brine and store in a cold place.

Salted purple cabbage with sweet peppers

This cabbage is good as a snack.


  • red cabbage - 1 kg;
  • Bulgarian red pepper - 1 kg;
  • onion - 150 gr;
  • salt - 70 gr;
  • dill seed - 3 gr;
  • water - 1 liter;
  • granulated sugar - a glass.

Cooking order:

  1. Shred the cabbage.
  2. Remove the seeds from the peppers, blanch for no more than five minutes, then immediately pour cold water over them.
  3. The onion is being cut.
  4. The vegetables prepared in turn are mixed together, sprinkled with salt, and placed in sterile jars.
  5. Banks are pasteurized from twenty minutes to half an hour, based on their volume, rolled up with metal lids.

Simple salting

Salting red cabbage is a great opportunity to preserve all the useful elements in it.


  • purple cabbage - 5 kilos;
  • salt and granulated sugar - 100 gr.

Salting method:

  1. The head of cabbage is cleared of harsh foliage, chopped into narrow stripes.
  2. Sugar and salt are poured into it, mixed well, kept for thirty minutes, laid out in a container. In this case, it is necessary to tamp tightly so that the cabbage juice appears.
  3. The oppression is set for a couple of weeks.
  4. Cabbage should be kept indoors and pierced daily. Then the container is transferred to a cool place and stored further.
  5. It is allowed to use as a salad seasoned with vegetable oil, stew, add to cabbage soup.

Marinate in pieces

The peculiarity of the recipe is that lemon is used, which gives a characteristic flavor to the product.


  • heads of red cabbage - 10 kilograms;
  • salt - 200 gr;
  • hot pepper - 3 - 4 pods;
  • beets - 400 gr;
  • lemon - one;
  • honey - 100 gr;
  • water - three glasses;
  • parsley greens - a bunch.

Cooking method:

  1. The upper foliage is removed from the cabbage, it is cut into pieces.
  2. The lemon is rubbed on a coarse grater, before that, the seeds are removed from it, added to the cabbage.
  3. The mass is laid in a container, the layers wake up with beets and herbs cut into pieces.
  4. In a very hot water, honey, salt are diluted, pepper pods are laid.
  5. A container with cabbage mass is filled with such a marinade.
  6. The container is covered with a lid, placed in the cold. The readiness of the product is seven to eight days.

Cabbage with beets and horseradish

Cabbage prepared according to this recipe will add variety to your preparations.


  • red cabbage - 3 kilos;
  • beetroot - 1 kg;
  • horseradish and garlic - 10 gr each;
  • parsley - 1 bunch;
  • clean water - 1 liter;
  • salt and granulated sugar - one large spoon with top.

Cooking order:

  1. Heads of cabbage are cut large (a piece is about 300 gr), the stumps are removed.
  2. Horseradish is rubbed on a fine grater, garlic cloves are cut into thin slices.
  3. We clean the beetroot and cut into large cubes.
  4. We take enameled dishes, put prepared vegetables, pre-chopped parsley into it, mix everything.
  5. To cook brine in hot water, dissolve salt and sugar, boil, cool to room temperature, pour into a container with cabbage mass.
  6. We set a circle and a small load on top - the juice should completely cover the cabbage layer.
  7. The container with the product is kept in the room for a week. Later they are moved to a cold place for preservation until winter.

Bulgarian purple cabbage recipe

For sauerkraut, this recipe allows you to use both varieties - red and white. Moreover, you can take more of the latter, at your discretion. The red variety will give the whole mass and brine the desired color shade.


  • different cabbage - 50 kilograms;
  • water - 20 liters;
  • barley - 1 - 2 handfuls;
  • salt - 1.6 kg.


  1. Cabbage heads are cleaned from the top layer of foliage, cut from the base of the stalk into four pieces, put the leaves down in a wooden tub with holes for draining the brine.
  2. We put barley at the bottom of the tub to speed up the fermentation, we place a load on the crosspiece from above.
  3. To cook the brine composition, boil some water, add salt, stir. Too cloudy liquid is recommended to be passed through gauze. Strictly ensure that the salt is taken according to the recipe. Otherwise, the fermentation stage will be disrupted, rendering the cabbage salting unusable.
  4. The prepared brine is poured into the kadukha with cabbage.
  5. While the salting process lasts, the brine should be repeatedly poured and re-poured so that the cabbage is saturated with it equally in each tier. The frequency of the shift is the 1st week - every other day, the 2nd - 2-3 days, then - once every seven days. If you carefully monitor the salting, then the detected errors can be corrected in a timely manner. When there is little salt, the brine liquid will begin to thicken, it will taste fresh. The brine must be quickly drained and boiled, adding salt. Remember that it should be poured in a cooled form. And if the brine composition turned out to be excessively saturated, it must be drained and cold water added. As soon as the cabbage is salted, the tub should be closed with a lid, stored in a room with a temperature regime of ten to twelve degrees Celsius.

Red cabbage for the winter with cranberries

Cabbage fermented according to this recipe contains a lot of vitamin C and other useful components.


  • cabbage - 10 kg (already peeled);
  • carrots - 7 - 10 pieces;
  • apples - 10 pieces;
  • cranberries - 1 cup;
  • cumin - 2 gr;
  • salt - 250 gr.

Cooking order:

  1. We cut off all the upper foliage from the cabbage, remove the stalk, wash it, cut it into four pieces, chop finely, add the carrot.
  2. Apples can be laid whole or cut, pour cranberries.
  3. We ferment in a wooden tub, as cabbage is stored in it the longest. Pour the mass in layers, periodically tamping tightly with your hands.
  4. We put a circle and a weight on top so that the juice completely covers the cabbage layer.

It is fair to say that not every housewife can properly pickle red cabbage. As a result, it can turn out to be excessively soft or harsh, become too dark, take in a large amount of salt. You should carefully follow the recipes.

Step 1: prepare inventory.

The first thing we will do is decide what we will use to sauerkraut, a ceramic or enameled pan or, as in my case, the most common three-liter jar will do. First, we look at it for any damage, then we thoroughly wash it with a soft kitchen sponge, as well as baking soda, and sterilize it in any convenient way, for example, in the oven, microwave, or in the old fashioned way, as my grandfather did, in a boiling kettle. We pour over the rest of the necessary inventory with hot water so that no harmful bacteria remain on it, and put it on a clean, dry countertop.

Step 2: prepare the ingredients.

Then, with the help of a sharp kitchen knife, we rid a large five-kilogram red cabbage from the upper, almost always damaged or heavily contaminated leaves. Then we thoroughly rinse it under streams of cold running water, dry it with paper kitchen towels, put it on a cutting board and cut out the stalk. Then we divide the fork into 4 equal parts and chop each of them with a long straw 5–7 millimeters thick, but the thinner, the better, of course. After that, lay out the rest of the ingredients that will be needed to prepare this wonderful snack on the countertop, and proceed to the next step.

Step 3: Prepare sauerkraut.

We send chopped cabbage into a deep enameled bowl, if it does not fit, then in two. Sprinkle it with granulated sugar, salt and press it with your hands, while mixing thoroughly. The first 5 minutes the cabbage will not give much juice, so let it stand for a while.

Then we begin to shift the vegetable straws into the prepared jar, tamping each squeezing with a fist so that the cabbage lies tightly. We do not fill the glass container completely, it is better to leave 2-3 centimeters of free space, not reaching the top of the neck.

Then we put the jar in a deep plate and cover it with a small piece of sterile gauze. Then we choose a warm, dry place for sourdough, the ideal environment is the kitchen, almost always the temperature in it is not higher and not lower than 20–22 degrees, and if more, then even better.

A day later cabbage will give a lot of juice and bubbles will appear on the surface of the liquid - this is the first sign of sauerkraut that has begun. Leave the cabbage in this form for three days, periodically make a hole in the vegetable mass with the back of a wooden spatula or spoon, trying to reach right to the bottom of the pan in order to release excess gas.

During this process, the vegetable will lose its rich lilac color, become paler, maybe even pink, don't worry, it should be so! After the required time has elapsed, we try the dish, if the taste does not suit you, we continue fermenting one or two more days, but basically three days is always enough. Then pour the juice accumulated in the plate into the jar, close the finished cabbage with a tight-fitting lid, put in the refrigerator, cellar or basement to stop the fermentation process, and take it out as needed.

Step 4: serve sauerkraut.

Sauerkraut is a versatile product. Its serving depends on the preparation of the desired dish. Would you like a snack? Squeeze the chopped sour vegetable from excess juice, rinse if desired, although this can be omitted, then send it to a salad bowl, season with salt, finely chopped garlic, herbs, onions, fragrant vegetable oil, spices if desired, mix and you're done!

Such cabbage can be given even to children from 8–9 years old and above, because it does not contain a single drop of vinegar. Also, delicious second or first courses are prepared from it: vertuta, pies, soups, pickles, dumplings and much more. Cook with love and spoil your family with healthy food!
Bon appetit!

Sliced ​​cabbage can be mixed not only with salt and sugar, but other ingredients can also be added to it, each of which will give the sourdough its own unique aroma and flavor. Carrots, fresh herbs, brussels sprouts, celery, zucchini, turnips and beets are very often used, and from spices cumin, dill seeds, celery, juniper berries, onions, garlic, hot peppers, turmeric, ginger or burdock root, although fruits are also suitable , for example, ordinary apples or plums;

If the cabbage is very juicy, it will release a lot of liquid, the excess can be drained, but it is better to put it in the refrigerator, and after a few days add it to a jar of sauerkraut, which will absorb most of the moisture;

If you are going to sour cabbage in an enameled pan, do not forget to put the chopped vegetable under pressure.

Red cabbage is undeservedly forgotten by people, especially in preparations for the winter. The red cabbage recipes they use are mostly salads to be eaten right away. But preparations are rarely made from it, but in vain: it is more useful than white cabbage. It is also easy to salt, ferment and preserve. Let's fix this.

Red cabbage is undeservedly forgotten by people, especially in preparations for the winter

It is best to start your acquaintance with the preparations of this vegetable with pickling. It is not difficult at all, and the result is simply incredible. And, as practice shows, in the future the number of cans with it will only grow in your cellar.

For pickling you need to take:

  • cabbage - a large head of 2.5-3 kg;
  • 5-7 large sheets of laurel;
  • medium head of garlic;
  • 5 peas of allspice and black pepper;
  • 5 cloves;
  • a couple of tablespoons of salt and sugar;
  • 5 tablespoons of vinegar;
  • liter of water.

Prepare like this:

  1. Chop cabbage into strips of medium length and thickness. Cut the garlic into thin slices.
  2. Mix them in a large basin, lightly kneading your hands.
  3. Put the spices on the bottom of the prepared sterilized jars and fill them with cabbage. It needs to be packed tightly.
  4. From water, sugar and salt, boil the marinade, at the end of cooking which add vinegar. Pour it into jars.

Sterilize for at least a quarter of an hour if the cans are 0.5 liters, and 30 minutes - liter. Roll up.

Spicy Pickled Cabbage

Best of all, this preparation will be appreciated by men and just lovers of spicy dishes, but as a snack it has no equal. And due to the fact that it is not difficult to cook it, such a seaming is suitable even for beginners in the culinary business. It can not only be prepared for the winter, but also eaten a day after cooking, which makes it universal.

You need to take:

  • kilogram head of cabbage;
  • a couple of small carrots;
  • a couple of medium beets;
  • a large head of garlic;
  • a couple of tablespoons of salt;
  • a small glass of sugar and vegetable oil;
  • half a glass of vinegar;
  • a pair of peas of black and allspice;
  • a tablespoon with a slide of ground pepper "Gorchak";
  • liter of water.

Best of all, this preparation will be appreciated by men and just lovers of spicy dishes.

  1. You can cut red cabbage as you like: even with ribbons, even with cubes.
  2. Grate carrots and beets for Korean salads, and pass the garlic through a press.
  3. Pour everything into a large bowl and mix until smooth.
  4. Mix all the spices in a bowl and arrange in equal volume in jars, which are immediately filled with vegetables.
  5. Mix sugar, salt and water and bring to a boil. Immediately pour in the oil and vinegar.

Remove from heat, let stand for a couple of minutes and pour into jars, roll up.

Red cabbage salad (video)

How to cook purple cabbage salad for the winter?

There are times when you simply don't have enough time to cook something. For such cases, a red or purple cabbage salad will come in handy, which will be ready-made and in jars. It will just be served on the table. It is very easy and quick to make, and the taste is so good that guests will demand more.

Prepare it from:

  • pairs of large heads of cabbage;
  • a pair of small beets;
  • large head of garlic;
  • sugar and salt, taken in 100 grams;
  • 100-gram shot of water;
  • one and a half glasses of vinegar;
  • spices to suit your taste.

There are times when you simply don't have enough time to cook something.

  1. Wash clean a couple of 3-liter cans, fry them in a hot oven.
  2. Process the cabbage with a shredder with an average section. Place it in a large bowl.
  3. Add spices, sugar and salt here. Mix well, squeezing with your hands so that the juice comes out of it.
  4. Skip the boiled beets through a grater with fine grains.
  5. Add water to it, bring to a boil and pour in the vinegar.
  6. Fill jars with cabbage, do it tightly. Pour in the brine.
  7. Close with tight capron lids and send to the cellar.

For complete readiness, the cabbage needs to stand for 3-4 days.

How to make sauerkraut in jars?

Usually, all delicious and easy sauerkraut recipes consist of white heads, but in this case, you need to use purple, and the result will surprise you. Such a pickled appetizer will become a decoration even on the festive table, in addition, salting is very healthy.

To ferment it, you need to take:

  • 3 large cabbage heads;
  • about a kilogram of sour green apples;
  • a couple of large onion heads;
  • a cup of fine salt;
  • a tablespoon of dill seeds.

Such a pickled appetizer will become a decoration even on the festive table.

Prepare like this:

  1. Finely chop the cabbage forks, divided into two parts, to make thin straws.
  2. After removing the seed core from the apples, chop them into thin strips.
  3. Onions should be cut into thin half rings.
  4. In a large bowl, mix vegetables, add salt and dill.
  5. Fill jars with cabbage, placing oppression on top of them and a plate down for flowing juice that will come out during fermentation.

After a couple of days, you can close it with nylon lids and lower it into the cellar.

How to quickly salt red cabbage for the winter: a step by step recipe

Salted cabbage is used in a variety of recipes. It's time to add variety and salt the purple vegetable. Salting it is very simple if you use this recipe.

For 5 kilograms of cabbage you need to take:

  • half a glass of salt, preferably finely ground;
  • five leaves of laurel;
  • 5 peas of black and allspice;
  • 3-4 stars of cloves;
  • a pinch of cinnamon;
  • 3 tablespoons of vinegar;
  • 3 tablespoons of granulated sugar.

Salted cabbage is used in a variety of recipes

  1. You need to start by preparing jars for storage. They are washed and sterilized over steam for at least a quarter of an hour.
  2. Finely chop the cabbage, pouring it into a large basin, in which it is mixed with salt. It needs to be well mashed so that it starts up the juice. Therefore, after she needs to let stand for a couple of hours.
  3. In a separate container, mix a tablespoon of salt, sugar and vinegar until the crystals are completely dissolved.
  4. Put cabbage in jars, layering it with spices.
  5. Fill with brine. Roll up and lower into the cellar.

After 14 days, you can get and eat.

Red-headed leaves: crunchy "petals"

According to this recipe, you can cook both an excellent appetizer and an excellent side dish. It will take a little time to cook, which is important for modern housewives who need to do a lot.

Take 4 kilograms of cabbage as a basis and:

  • half a medium horseradish root;
  • large beets and a head of garlic;
  • a couple of liters of water;
  • a glass of vinegar;
  • half a glass of salt and sugar;
  • a couple of laurel leaves.

Do like this:

  1. Cabbage cut into pieces so that they do not fall apart.
  2. Soak horseradish in water, and then twist in a meat grinder.
  3. Chop the garlic.
  4. In a clean jar with a volume of 3 liters, which was not only washed, but also sterilized, you need to lay pieces of cabbage, alternating them with horseradish and garlic.
  5. Prepare marinade from water, spices, granulated sugar and salt.
  6. After boiling, add chopped beets to it. Let it boil for a couple of minutes, pour in the vinegar.
  7. Pour cabbage with marinade and set to sterilize. The procedure time is at least 30 minutes. Roll up.

Red Pickled Cabbage (video)
