
How to make wine from varietal grapes. A simple recipe for wine from grapes at home

The vineyard is the first plant that Noah planted after the Flood. And although wines made from the most unpredictable fruit and berry material are very popular now, the classics of the genre remain grape wine.

Raw material

Grape wine at home is made from any variety you have, i.e. you can not only use dark and light varieties of berries, but also make compositions from them.

Usually cooked Home wine from grape varieties Platovsky, Crystal, Regent, Druzhba, Saperavi, Stepnyak, Festivalny, Rosinka, which have a fairly high percentage of sugar in the berries.

But much more often they make wine from Isabella grapes, adding a little more sugar to it. The same applies to Lydia grapes.

Truly noble alcohol is obtained from special "wine" varieties - Isabella, Sauvignon or Sauvignon Blanc, Pinot Noir or Pinot Blanc, Chardonnay, Cabernet, Aligote, Merlot or Riesling.

Clusters must be picked by hand last days September (or the first October) - before the first frost hits. The weather should be dry - no rain or dampness. The clusters themselves are also not washed after harvesting. This keeps wild yeast on the surface of the wine berries, an essential component of fermentation.

Clusters are not stored after harvesting - they immediately separate the berries from the branches, discarding dry, moldy, rotten or unripe ones (they will give excess acid). At most, if there are too many grapes, they can be sorted and sorted the next day after harvest. Berries, like bunches, are not washed.

In autumn, during the harvest, the temperature outside and in the room where you will work with raw materials will be excellent. Therefore, when you bring in the bunches from the street, let them warm up, get the temperature of the room. If you start sorting them right away, especially squeezing the juice, then he may disappoint you - giving your wine not all the best that is in it (and not in in full). It is not for nothing that they say at the winery that wine is alive, which means that it reacts sensitively to the slightest manipulations with it.

Inventory and packaging

They must be clean, and preferably sterile. To do this, you should wash them with soda and soak in boiling water, and if impossible, scald with boiling brew. After that, all items are dried with sterile dry wipes or by natural dripping.

The material of winemaking "accessories" should be wood, glass, in extreme cases - food grade plastic (plastic) or enameled containers (without chips), stainless steel, but in no case metal, which likes to react with wine material at all stages of the preparation of the drink .


It is carried out at almost all stages of preparation. Three invariable indicators are evaluated: color, aroma, taste. The final sample is not taken on an empty stomach. It is also not worth drinking other alcohol before this.

Drink homemade wine from grapes chilled. Snacks are selected based on the strength and sweetness of the drink.

Optimal daily dose will receive 100 ml of wine. Only in this way it will bring not only pleasure to your taste buds but also good for your health.

The benefits of wine: saves from anemia and changes in blood pressure, removes radionuclides and rejuvenates the body.

Contraindications: intolerance wine berry, medical restrictions (due to pregnancy, age, condition nervous system and psyche, postoperative period, predisposition to alcoholism).

The range of wines, from factory to "signature - family" is immense, but there are certain rules for their preparation, which should not be ignored if you want to get a good grape wine.

The technology for making white (rosé) and red wine has some differences, which we were kindly told about on one of the wineries(We do not name its name, so that it would not be regarded as advertising). We will describe both technologies in great detail, and knowing the basis, you can easily add your own individual features to the recipe.

red wine recipe

This wine is usually prepared from blue grapes, which is sometimes also called black, or from a combination of varieties, with a predominance of dark shades of berries.

We note right away that the process of preparing any red wine will be identical to the one below, regardless of the number of grapes and granulated sugar indicated in the list of ingredients.


  • blue or black grapes (berries) - 10 kilos

To prepare wine from blue grapes, you need to do this:

  1. Working with raw materials:

After going through the grapes and leaving only healthy and ripe berries, we proceed to knead them. Mine so that each berry is crushed. This is best done in small batches by hand.

We advise you to wear rubber gloves before starting the process - grape juice not only paints the skin, but also irritates it due to the presence of acids in it. Plus, it will protect the juice from getting microorganisms and particles of the stratum corneum from your skin into it.

An alternative for kneading berries can be a wooden or rubber (silicone) rolling pin, which, like hands, will not crush a single bone.

The container, in which the mashed grapes will be, should be filled with them no more than 2/3 or 3/4 of its volume. Then it is covered with gauze and placed in a darkened room with a temperature fluctuation of 22-24°C. Fermentation of the juice should begin here, and the pulp (skins, pulp, part of the seeds) will float to the surface with a dense “cap”. This "cap" must be broken daily.

If the fermentation of the must is not active, or does not occur, it is worth adding a starter from grapes or raisins, or wine yeast (according to the instructions attached to them). Sometimes just a handful of raisins is enough. After that, you need to wait a few more days.

  1. Juice work:

After 3-4 days, carefully remove the “cap” of the pulp from the wort (juice) and squeeze it, and filter the wort remaining in the container (you can do it twice).

At this stage, it is possible to add water to the wort. This causes the high acidity of the juice.

The optimal acidity for winemaking is 6-7 grams of acid per liter of juice. If the acid content is higher than this value, water is added to the wine until this indicator is obtained. However, there are two "buts" here.

Firstly, few people have a device for measuring acidity, and tables indicating the acid content are very approximate, since the same grape variety in different regions has its own acidity.

Secondly, sugar added to wine reduces its acidity, just like fermentation itself.

Therefore, we will determine the acidity of the juice by taste - if it is so sour that the eyes are rounded - pour water into it, but not more than 100 ml per 1 liter of must (juice).

Under factory conditions, water is not added to the wort at all.

In addition to water, the first portion of granulated sugar is added to the wort at this stage - 50 grams per liter of wort (or 1/3 of its volume if you use another recipe indicating the full volume of sugar in the list of ingredients).

Next, the fermentation tank / tanks are filled with wort (2/3 or 3/4 of the total volume). It can be a bottle or cans of 3 liters. A water seal (water seal, fermentation tongue) or a glove purchased at a pharmacy must be installed on top of the neck of the container. In the case of using the latter, make a puncture on one of her fingers with a regular sewing needle.

  1. Stage of active fermentation:

We place the bottle with a water seal in the previous dark and warm (t = 22-25 ° C) room. It is important that there are no sudden temperature fluctuations above 30°C below 15°C - this will kill the yeast, stop the process and ruin your grape wine.

We decide on the sweetness and strength of the wine. To do this, you should know that the fortress of wine rises by 1% when 20 g of sugar is added per liter of grape must (juice). Thus, to get wine with a strength of 11% per 1 liter of grape must, you need to add 220 grams of sugar. But the must already contains the sugar of the grapes themselves, so you need to add less of it.

But it should be borne in mind that above 14% of the fortress, wine will not pick up strong 40% alcohol without introducing strong 40% alcohol into it. Usually unfortified homemade wine from blue grapes reaches 12%. This is due to the fact that the yeast in wine at an alcohol concentration above 12-14% stops working (dies).

For information: wine yeast from the store only dies when the alcohol level in the drink exceeds 17-18%, while sherry yeast Saccharomyces beticus - at an alcohol concentration above 24%.

Without added sugar, unfortified grape wine will reach a maximum of 10%, since the natural sugar content of grapes middle lane Russia and Belarus is approximately 20%. But there are also more acidic varieties.

After 3-4 days, the second portion of sugar is added to the wort - again 50 grams per 1 liter (or one third of it), but you can’t just pour it into the bottle. In order to introduce sugar correctly, you will need to pour a little wort (0.5 liters - 1 liter) into a sterile small container, add the required volume of sugar and dissolve it with thorough stirring. Only after that, the sweet liquid is poured back into the bottle (under the water seal).

After another 5-6 days, the last portion of granulated sugar is added - again 50 grams per 1 liter (or its last third). Sugar, as in the previous case, is dissolved in part of the wort and poured back into the bottle.

It is important that with each application all the sugar is fermented.

Usually active fermentation ends on the 21st - 40th day. If the wort ferments for more than 50 days, it must be separated from the sediment by pouring into a new, sterilized dish and a water seal should be installed.

If, on the contrary, the signs of fermentation disappeared early - on days 5-7, then this may mean:

  • Depressurization of the container (carbon dioxide escapes through the gap formed in the container). It is necessary to check and tightly close the fermentation container.
  • The concentration of sugar in the wort exceeded 10-20%, i.e. it turned into a preservative and stopped the yeast from working. Need to add water or fresh juice in a volume of 20-150 ml per liter of must.
  • low vitality wild yeast or their death. You need to add sourdough, or 7 crushed (not washed!) Grapes per 10 liters. wort, or 40 gr. unwashed raisins (by weight, not in bags) for 5 liters. wort, or introduce wine yeast, according to the instructions attached to them.
  • The alcohol content of the must reached 14% and the fermentation was completed, the yeast died (as evidenced by the transparency of the wine and a layer of sediment).
  1. Working with young wine:

When the wine from the grapes no longer shows signs of fermentation (the water seal does not gurgle, the glove has fallen, a stable sediment has fallen, transparency has appeared), it must be separated from the sediment, without disturbing its layer. The reason for such delicate handling of wine sediment is, firstly, the desire for transparency of the drink, and secondly, the eradication of its possible bitterness and the preservation of aroma.

To carefully pour grape wine at home, a few days before this process, the container with it must be raised above the floor (if it is on the floor), wait 3-4 days and pour the drink into a dry sterile container through a rubber hose, which can be taken from pharmacy dropper, or siphon (transparent soft tube).

One end of the tube should be lowered into the wine, the other should be clamped with your lips and slightly pull the liquid towards you (as if you are drinking a cocktail). But you should not wait until the wine gets into your mouth: as soon as you notice the movement of liquid in your direction, immediately insert the other end of the tube into an empty container (bottle / jar).

So, slowly your alcohol will leave the old container and fill a new one. At the same time, do not be greedy - do not lower the tube closer than 2-3 cm to the sediment.

But even despite all the measures taken, the wine from black grapes will not immediately become transparent. This issue will be addressed in its future stages.

  1. Sweetness and strength adjustment:

Young grape wine is already ready, but to make it perfect, only the last steps need to be taken.

To begin with, we decide on the sweetness of the drink: at this stage, you can turn your wine from table to dessert and even liqueur - like Cahors. To do this, you need to try it and determine how sweet it is at the moment (maybe you don’t have to change anything). If you are unhappy and the wine seemed sour to you, then you need to sweeten it.

This is done with a strong sugar syrup With the minimum amount water: in 200 ml of water dissolve up to 800 gr. granulated sugar, let it boil for about 5 minutes, cool and add to the wine at the rate of 40 - 60 ml per 1 liter of young wine.

You can do it easier: dilute sugar in a small amount wine (0.5 l. - 1 liter) until completely dissolved and pour into a container with the rest of the wine.

Sugar introduced at the last moment can restart fermentation. There are several ways to solve this problem:

A) in the first 10-15 days (possibly longer) there must be a water seal on the maturation tank

B) sweetened wine is pasteurized: the bottles are filled with the drink so that an air gap of about 2 cm remains between the cork and the drink. The cork is tied to the neck with twine and the bottles are heated in water at a temperature of 65 ° C for 20 minutes. After that, the cork is untied.

It should be noted that the lower the pH of the drink, the more effective the pasteurization. The above temperature of 65°C is very relevant for wines with low acidity and degrees. For fortified and highly acidic wines, heating the bottles to 55°C is considered sufficient.

Wine can also be pasteurized in other ways, such as heating bottles in water to a temperature of 88°C. The procedure lasts 20 seconds, during which the wine should not heat up above 90-93°C (its boiling point). In addition, the wine large capacity can be heated to 45 - 55 ° C and then, hot, bottled. However, the last two methods are rarely used, because in the first case, the probability of boiling (and therefore death) of the wine is high, in the second, the drink gives off a degree when heated, which means that the wine will be very light.

B) adding a degree- homemade wine from grapes can be not only light, but also fortified. To do this, you need to add a strong, 40-ka degree alcohol. It can be like vodka, alcohol diluted with water or cognac. Liem strong alcohol into wine not as we please, but at the rate of 20-150 ml per 1 liter of ready-made young wine.

True, not everyone likes its taste - many ladies claim that it is harsh compared to loose and less fragrant. Although all this is a matter of taste.

The corrected drink is poured into a sterile container/containers, sealed and sent for maturation.

If you have an accidental accident and after adding sugar the wine turned out to be too sweet, then you can:

  • add filtered (!) water to it
  • add strong (40% alcohol) to it
  • make a blend with another wine
  • resume fermentation by adding raisin starter (described in the white wine recipe)
  1. Maturation:

This stage is also called the period of quiet fermentation. It lasts from a month to a year - further aging of the wine is pointless - its taste and aroma do not get better. For red wine, the optimal period is 2 - 3 months exposure.

During this period, the drink reaches the peak of its taste and aroma. To do this, we need to create the necessary temperature regime for him at 5-16 ° C (not higher).

You also need to prepare another clean container, which will be sterilized before use. We will pour wine into it, separating it from the precipitate. Transfer from container to container should be carried out approximately every 20 days.

Each time the wine will become more transparent. But even if at the end of the ripening period it remains unclear, then you can use the methods of its artificial clarification. To do this, there are special preparations that can be purchased in stores for winemakers. Also, clarification of wine can be done using gelatin or egg white. It is worth knowing that clarified and unclarified wine have exactly the same taste.

In the case when the pasteurization of wine was carried out, it is drained from the sediment in the same way, before the expiration of the ripening period.

When the precipitate in alcohol no longer forms, it is sealed in bottles and sent for storage.

Sometimes, before pouring the wine, it is recommended to process it with cold. Such wines have an improved taste, rarely fall ill, and tartaric and iron salts precipitate in them. To carry out cold treatment, you need to keep the drink for 1-2 weeks at a temperature close to its freezing, i.e. around -1 to -2°C. Next, the wine is filtered (separated), i.e. passing through a flexible hose, without sampling the bottom sedimentary part.

Now the drink is perfect for bottling.

  1. Wine storage:

In a cool place with a temperature of 5 to 12 ° C in clean (or better - sterilized) glass bottles of 0.5 or 0.7 liters. at a slight slope, so that the wine lightly touches the cork (this will protect it from drying out and getting air into the bottle).

Ware for storage is preferable from dark glass. It is washed with a brush, doused with boiling water and allowed to drain. Can be sterilized in an oven at 150°C for 15-20 minutes (after the bottles are completely dry).

Corks for capping are boiled in boiling water, dried and used immediately.

The shelf life of unfortified wine, subject to temperature regime- 5 years, fortified can be stored even up to 10 years.

If you have begun to notice finished wine(after opening) signs of souring, within 3-5 days the drink can still be saved - you need to pasteurize it (the process is described in great detail above). If you didn’t have time - don’t worry - such a drink easily turns into wine vinegar, which is necessary in the kitchen.

Recipe for white (rose) wine

The secret of this drink is that this wine is made from white grapes. Well, or pink. Green grapes it is also suitable for making wine, but only "green" - in the sense of variety, not maturity. Any grapes used in winemaking must be ripe.

The assertion of Internet sites that red grapes without skins should be used to obtain white wines has not been confirmed either in our practice or at the wine factory.

In the process of making white wine, your white grapes will go through almost all the steps that red grapes go through. Therefore, here we will describe in detail only the differences in the technological process.


  • white or pink grapes (berries) - 10 kilos
  • granulated sugar- 50-200 gr. for each liter of juice obtained
  • sourdough or wine yeast

How to prepare wine:

  1. Working with raw materials

As in the previous case, the grapes are sorted out and, without exposing to the action of water (without washing), all the berries are thoroughly kneaded to a single one. This is very important, because in order to make white wine, we will need to completely squeeze the juice from the berries immediately after pressing and filter it.

Fresh fruity notes in the drink and its better fermentation will be ensured in the future if you do not squeeze the juice immediately after pressing the berries, but let it brew along with the skins and pulp for about 10 hours. Now the juice will be ready to bring in the wine more bright taste and aromatic bouquet.

  1. Working with juice - active fermentation

Unlike red wine, white must (juice) has much less wild yeast, therefore, in order for wine from grape juice to ferment into must (juice), you need to add sourdough or wine yeast (according to the instructions attached to them). Sourdough is prepared from grapes with skins or raisins. It is worth knowing that yeast or sourdough is not introduced into the wort all at once, but in several steps over 6 hours (so as not to kill the yeast during a sharp temperature drop in their habitat).

To prepare a starter on raisins (per 10 liters of wort), you need 200 gr. raisins pour 300 ml of warm (not hot) water, pour 50 gr. sugar and stir. Cover the dish from above with a cloth (gauze is suitable) and hold for several days (3-4) at a temperature of 25 ° C. Now she is ready to be introduced into the wort.

Water is not added to the must from white grapes at all - white (pink) grapes usually have a higher sugar content than their dark relatives, and less acidity.

At this stage, we introduce the first portion of granulated sugar - 50 grams for each liter of must (or 1/3 of the total amount of sugar that is planned to be added).

After that, the container is filled with must, in which the wine will ferment. We fill it to 2/3 or 3/4 of the entire volume and install a water seal (or a rubber glove with a puncture in one of her fingers).

The wine should ferment in the dark, but the temperature for the fermentation of juice from white grapes should be lower than for red. At home, it is 10 - 22 ° C, in the factory - strictly 16 ° C. It is impossible to lower the temperature below this limit, but it is not desirable to raise it higher. The thing is that it is this temperature that provides the maximum aroma of the drink and protects it from oxidation.

In the conditions of the plant, the wort ferments for 7-10 days, at home this period can drag on for a month.

  1. Working with young wine, maturation and storage

Young wine, obtained after the must has completely fermented, needs to be tasted and its sweetness and strength adjusted. This is done in the same way as in the case of red wine. Similarly, as described above, both the ripening and storage of the drink are carried out. The only difference is in the maturation time: in order for the white wine to be ready and fully ripe, it will be enough to withstand it for 40 days (not forgetting to drain it from the sediment).

The diversity of grape wines is achieved by using various recipes, which are based on the above, as well as blending grape juices before fermentation, or wines - in the process of maturation (blending juices is preferable).

If you decide to experiment and want to create new drink- your "family" wine, then do not be afraid - act. However, try to ensure that the initial volumes of your sample wines do not exceed 3 liters.

cooking options

  • We do not filter the pulp in red wine for 21 days. Only after that we filter the drink, add sugar, install a water seal.
  • In the table recipe grape wine“in Polish” for 5 kilograms of grape berries, we take 4 kilograms of raisins and, while maintaining all the stages of production, we make wine in which we use raisins instead of sugar.
  • During fermentation, sterile (boiled and ironed on both sides with a hot iron) is lowered into a container with juice. linen bag to which spices are added to taste. It can be lightly crushed cloves, sage seeds and chopped pieces of nutmeg.
  • Lemongrass jam (more precisely, its syrup) will also help diversify the taste of the drink: before putting the wine to ripen, you can add 1 tablespoon (if desired, a teaspoon) of this syrup to its composition (per 0.5 l). After 3 months, you can start tasting.
  • You can age the wine at its last stage on oak pegs. They are soaked and dried in the oven in advance (during the day), and then lowered into containers with wine. After a month or two of such aging, the wine will give you caramel notes of cognac.

Wine made from table grapes- White Beauty, Rapture, Kesha, etc. - you can cook, although initially they are intended for fresh consumption. The berries of these varieties are more fleshy, they yield much less juice, and their sugar content is low (most often 13-17%). But in general, using the technologies described above, it is possible to create from these grape varieties great product. The Vostorg variety is especially promising here - it is more juicy, and the sugar content in it reaches 23%.

Wine made from grape juice with honey

For him you will need:

  • grape juice and water - 5 liters each
  • natural honey - 1.5 kg
  • wine yeast or sourdough from 250g raisins.

It is prepared according to the technology of white wines: juice and water are combined, 1/3 of honey is added (instead of sugar) and sourdough, fermented under a water seal, drained from the sediment, sent to ripen ( detailed technology described above).

Ice wine made from frozen grapes or ice wine has its own peculiarity - the berries for it must freeze right in the bunches on the branches. And not even to freeze, but to freeze slightly.

Grapes in this case can be both white and dark, but it is better if it is of noble varieties. It is collected in the morning, usually in November - December. When cutting, the berries should not defrost.

At home, such a drink is usually not made, but you can still try. Frozen berries - how many have been collected - are pressed without defrosting, wait until the resulting juice reaches a temperature of 10-12 ° C and add sugar and special SB wine yeast that can work at such low temperatures.

We add the amount of sugar according to the usual technology - in parts of 50 gr. per liter of juice, yeast - according to the instructions attached to them.

The “ice” wort will ferment in a cool room, for a long time - several months, it turns out to be light - 9-10% in terms of alcohol content. It is poured through a hose into a clean, sterile container, corked and sent for storage. It is stored only in a cold and dark place, after opening the bottle - no more than 3 days.

Wine from grape leaves it is also possible to do it, and some craftsmen offer recipes for this miracle - alcohol. However, despite all the benefits of the grape leaf, we recommend that you make wine only from its berries, and if you really really want to somehow use all the grape raw materials, then make better tincture rather than wine made from vine leaves. Its description can be found in the article "Tincture of grapes".

The issue with the pulp remaining after squeezing the wine is solving. It can be used either to make chacha (which is covered in another article) or to make secondary wine. At the same time, wine from grape pulp many people like it even more than wine made from grape juice.

Wine from grape pulp


  • grape pulp (skins, pulp)
  • granulated sugar:
  • 200-250 gr. for each liter of water poured (to obtain dry wine)
  • 250-300 gr. for each liter of water poured in (for semi-sweet wine)
  • 300 - 400 gr. for each liter of water poured in (for dessert wine)
  • water - in the amount of juice squeezed from the pulp

You need to prepare like this:

  1. Pour the pulp with ordinary (not boiled) water, stir.
  2. Pour sugar into the resulting wort (without filtering), stir and set, tying the neck of the container with gauze.
  3. After 1-2 weeks, we remove the pulp, filter the wine, and send it to ferment under a water seal.
  4. At the end of fermentation, we adjust the sweetness and strength in the drink, and set it to ripen. Every 20 days we separate the sediment by pouring alcohol into a new container (clean and sterile).

After 3-4 months, the wine is poured into bottles, capped and stored.

At home, you can choose absolutely any sort this plant. Moreover, a sunny drink can be made from a combination of various. Even if mixed and blue varieties, the wine will not decrease the taste from this, and in some cases it will add. Most often grape drink prepared from such: "Friendship", "Crystal", "Stepnyak", "Platovsky", "Festival", "Saperavi", "Rosinka". All of the above contain a large number of sugar in their berries, so the drink is especially tasty.

Did you know?In 2000, at a wine auction, a 6 liter solar drink was sold for half a million dollars. It was a 1992 vintage, and it was bought by American top manager Chase Bailey.

The most common "wine" consider: "Pinot Blanc" or "Pinot Noir", "Aligote", "Sauvignon", "Merlot", "Cabernet".

Fruit drinks have a special taste. They are famous for their rich texture and unique palatability. But delicious wine can be made even from the most common wild blue.

Grape preparation

Raw materials for cooking sunny drink should collect in September, and in the southern regions - in October. Harvesting is best done in clear and sunny weather, it is desirable that there are no cold and rainy days 2-3 days before picking the berries. After collecting it, you need to sort it out: discard all unripe, dry and green berries, remove excess and leaves.

After picking the berries, they need to be laid out for several hours in the sun. So the clusters will gain more bright aroma. It is not for nothing that winemakers say that wine is a living product that feels any manipulation on it. But you should not store the collected bunches for more than two days.

The resulting pulp and juice should be covered with a cloth and put in a dark, warm place for 3-4 days. After a while, the pulp will float to the surface, the juice will be easier to separate. And do not forget to stir the container with the mixture at least twice a day, otherwise the juice may turn sour.

Getting Pure Juice

Did you know?The Palatinate Museum houses the world's oldest bottle of wine. It dates back to 325 AD.

Wine maturation

After all the above processes, the wine can be left to mature. Sunny drinks from white varieties should be aged for a month and a half, and from red varieties - two. Aged more than a year for none of the wines no need, it will not make any sense (such actions will not affect the organoleptic properties of the drink).

A young drink is best served in glass containers Not good large sizes. You need to fill it with wine to the very brim so that there is no room for air in the container. It is best to cork containers with cork plugs. You need to store a sunny drink in a cool dark place at a temperature of 5-20ºС.

Purification of wine from impurities

Clarification of wine at home can be carried out various methods. We will tell you more about the main ways to clean a solar drink:

  • Cleansing with gelatin. To clarify the wine in this way, you need to take 10-15 g of gelatin per 100 liters of drink. For 24 hours, gelatin should be soaked in cool water, changing it three times during this time. Gelatin should be diluted in warm water and add the resulting mixture to a container with a drink. After 2-3 weeks, all excess substances will “stick” to the gelatin and precipitate. You just need to collect it, and the wine will become much lighter.
  • Heat treatment. All glass bottles of wine should be placed in an iron bowl or pan, filled with water to the very top of the bottles and put on fire to heat. At the same time, the bottles must be tightly corked so that the alcohol from the solar drink does not evaporate. Heat the water in the container to 50-60 °. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times. After a few days, the wine will have a sediment. It can be removed in the way that we described above.
  • Activated carbon. Clarification in this way is used in extreme cases. For example, when wine has bad smell. It is necessary to use not pharmacy coal, but

Have you ever tried natural homemade grape wine? If so, then you certainly know how amazing taste and the flavor of this drink. For a long time, the preparation of wine has been given Special attention, each ingredient was carefully selected and pressed. We will tell you how to join this art.


Making natural wine at home is a huge responsibility. And the first step towards creating a drink is the choice of grape variety that will be used to create an intoxicating drink. Known today great amount varieties, each of which is characterized by its own individual taste and properties. Not all of them are suitable for the recipe of a particular drink. Because of this, not only beginners, but also experienced manufacturers can get confused when choosing suitable fruits. Therefore, everyone who is going to make wine at home should be guided by the properties different varieties grapes.

Grape variety Aligot

White grape varieties are very popular. Among them, special attention should be paid to Aligote - greenish-yellow berries, strewn with small black dots. This grape has a firm skin and very tender, sweet flesh. Inside each berry is 1-2 small bones. Aligote belongs to early ripening grapes, it is resistant to frost, which is why it is grown exclusively in the southern regions of our country. The main area of ​​​​use of this variety is the production of single-coupage dry wine, that is, a drink from the fruits of an exclusive one type.

White Grape Chardonnay

Another white grape variety that even beginners know about is Chardonnay. The berries of this species have a very sweet taste, although they are used mainly for the manufacture of vintage dry and champagne wines. Chardonnay ripens in September-October, its fruits are small in size with a yellowish-white tint and soft skin.

It is important to know!

The devastating effect on the brain is one of the most terrible consequences of the effects of alcoholic beverages on a person. Elena Malysheva: ALCOHOLISM CAN BE OVERCOME! Save your loved ones, they are in great danger!


Another popular variety red grapes - Cabernet Sauvignon, which is in demand due to the original grassy-nightshade taste and delicate aroma. The pulp of these fruits is spreading, which makes it very difficult to separate it from the elastic peel. Berries of Cabernet Sauvignon fully ripen in mid-late November. This grape variety is used to create the finest red and fortified wines.

Suitable variety for winemaking Pinot Noir

The third red grape variety that is popular with winemakers is Pinot Noir. These berries have a very dark color with a lilac bloom. The Pinot Noir fruit has a hard elastic skin and a whole, very sweet pulp. Pinot Noir berries begin to ripen in mid-September and can be harvested at the end of the month. The fruits of this variety are widely used to create high-quality table wines and are sometimes used for fortified drinks.

In addition to the varieties we have listed, black grapes can also be noted. Such fruits have large fruits and a dark shade. As for the gastronomic qualities of these berries, then, unfortunately, the pulp of black grapes is not endowed with an expressive taste. Therefore, black grapes are practically not used in winemaking.


Once you've harvested your grapes, it's time to get ready to make homemade wine. The result directly depends on how you prepare the berries.

The first thing to remember is that the grapes that you have harvested and are preparing to create a drink should never be washed. This is due to the fact that on the surface of the skin there is a large accumulation wine yeast. Most beginners are very puzzled by this, because along with the yeast on the skin is also dust. But do not worry in vain - all the dust will settle, and the juice of the berries will be completely cleared during the fermentation process.

The second important factor is that the grapes used for winemaking must be completely dry. This is required by every recipe for making a homemade intoxicating drink. If the fruits are wet, this will adversely affect the taste of homemade wine - the drink will turn out to be too sour with an unpleasant yeasty smell.

Bunches of white and red grapes

After harvesting the fruits, they need to be cleaned, that is, to separate the berries from the ridges. It is worth being vigilant - for cooking it is necessary to select only whole and elastic berries. The rest of the fruits that have already begun to rot can be thrown away without hesitation - they will only worsen the aroma and taste of homemade wine. After selecting the berries, they will need to be brought to the state of pulp - a homogeneous mass of transferred grapes. Turning grapes into a homogeneous mass is quite simple - you can even use an ordinary coffee grinder for this. Small portions We place the selected grapes in a coffee grinder and grind them until a homogeneous mass is obtained. You can make it easier and crush the grapes with your own hands so as to squeeze the juice from each berry.

Grinding grapes

If you enjoy winemaking and plan to continue cooking natural drinks at home, we advise you to buy a special crusher for grapes. At a low cost, the manual mechanism is very easy to use and will help you properly prepare the fruit for further use.


Today you can find more than one recipe for making homemade wine. All known methods differ only in ingredients. However, the creation algorithm is always the same. Let's take a closer look at it and find out how to get an amazing drink at home. The taste and aroma of wine is influenced by several factors:

  • strict adherence to the temperature regime during each of the stages;
  • patience - you should not rush to prepare a drink;
  • strict adherence to the prescription;
  • the ability to check the drink from time to time;
  • having a cool ventilated room where you can maintain the same temperature.

So, the creation of homemade wine according to the classic recipe consists of three stages. The first of them must be started immediately after the preparation of the pulp. The resulting mass must be poured into a large vessel. It could be enamel pan, wooden barrel or other clean container. It must be filled to 2/3 of the total volume, no more. Next, the vessel is covered with cotton cloth, which will also need to be securely fixed around the entire circumference of the neck of the pan.

Grape pulp in an enamel container

Next, fermentation of the pulp begins. Optimal conditions for this - from 18 to 24 ˚C. It must be remembered that as the temperature rises, best case the quality of the wine will suffer greatly. At worst, the process of vinegar fermentation will begin and all your mash will quickly turn into vinegar. We strongly do not recommend lowering the temperature in the room: if it falls below 18 ˚C, then the fermentation of the pulp will slow down greatly or not start at all.

Another important nuance concerning temperature: if you made the pulp on the street, and then brought it into the room, then you do not need to immediately cover it and send it for fermentation. Let the mixture warm up to room temperature. Only then you need to cover the container with it and take it out to cool place. The best option is to prepare the pulp and pour it into a container in the kitchen or other domestic premises.

grape fermentation process

Subject to your compliance with the temperature regime, the fermentation of the mixture will begin within a day after you have covered and transferred the container. At this stage, active separation of the wort begins, and the pulp, due to the release of carbon dioxide, quickly rises to the surface of the mixture. You are required to mix these two components 5-6 times a day, otherwise the pulp can peroxide and completely ruin the future grape wine.


After 4–5 days of infusion of the pulp, the turn came to separate it from the must. To do this, pass it through a colander, and then squeeze it again with unbleached gauze. The resulting wort is poured into a large glass vessel, filling only ¾ of the volume of the latter, and tightly closed with a lid with a straw. The tube is a mandatory element in the lid of the container. It protects the wort from souring. One end should be dipped in wine, and the other in a jar of water.

At this stage of creating wine from grapes, we can adjust the strength of our future drink. The strength directly depends on the amount of sugar and fructose in the fruit. Most of the grape varieties that grow in our country do not contain more than 20% fructose, so more sugar will have to be added to compensate for this. Otherwise, you will only get sour, dry and tasteless wine.

Adding Sugar to Wort

According to the classic recipe, it is necessary to add sugar with the calculation of 200 g per 1 liter of must. To do this, you will have to pour some juice, heat the cast part and dilute sugar in it. The resulting mixture is poured back into a glass container and again closed with a lid with a straw.

The wort diluted with sugar ferments at home for about 1 month at a temperature of 18–22 ˚C. During this, the yeast settles to the bottom of the vessel, the wort becomes lighter and denser. At the same time, the release of carbon dioxide stops.

Fermentation of grape must

After 25-30 days, open the vessel and filter the must. After that, you can taste it. If you are cooking according to the recipe dry wine then you don't have to add sugar. But if you are a fan of a sweet or semi-sweet drink, then it is better to add more sugar and mix the wort thoroughly. After that, pour the drink into dark glass containers and cork. The main thing is not to close the bottles too tightly, otherwise the remaining carbon dioxide can't seep out.


There are many different opinions about this stage. Some craftsmen argue that this step in the classic recipe is not at all necessary. Others, on the contrary, believe that it is necessary to sterilize an unripe drink.

The opinion of the former is based on the fact that the resulting wort should ripen in vivo And don't mix your drink. It is best to put a water seal on each bottle and take them to the basement or other dark room. The full maturation of grape wine will take at least 3 months. During this period, the drink must be filtered several times from the resulting sediment.

Fermentation of grape wine

The second winemakers are ardent supporters of the need to sterilize containers with wine and further maturation of the drink in hermetically sealed dark-colored bottles. How to perform sterilization according to the classic recipe? First, the wine must be poured into bottles and loosely closed with lids. Next, you need to wrap the containers with a cloth and put them in a tank of water. The liquid should not be higher than the shoulders of wine bottles. Then a thermometer is placed in one of the filled bottles, and the tank with containers is heated until the temperature of the grape wine rises to 62 ˚C.

Immediately after this, wine bottles must be tightly corked and left in the room to cool. After that, you can take out the sterilized wine to the cellar. As a result, we get excellent homemade drink, which is distinguished by velvet mild taste and sweet aftertaste. After all that we have done, you can start wine tasting, or you can postpone it for a while. After all, the older the wine, the better it is.

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Wine is one of the most sought after alcoholic beverages worldwide. There are many types and varieties of wine, depending on the country of origin, technology, the material from which the drink is made and many other factors. Many people prefer a home-made analogue to purchased wine, which, when proper preparation may turn out to be nothing worse than alcohol made in production. Dry and semi-sweet wines are considered the most popular, as they are combined with almost all dishes and snacks. How to make semi-sweet wine from grapes at home, we will consider further.

What are the best grape varieties to choose?

Almost all grape varieties are suitable for homemade white wine. From red berries, by the way, white wine is also obtained, but on the condition that the juice of the berries is colorless. For white wine, pure grape juice is used without the skins, which can color the wine red. Still, it is better to give preference to white (light) grape varieties if you want to get white semi-sweet homemade wine.

Which varieties are suitable for making white wine:

  • Aligote;
  • Riesling;
  • Chardonnay;
  • Muscat is white;
  • Rkatsiteli.

White raisins are often used for homemade white wine.

Red wine is made exclusively from dark varieties grapes. For fermentation, not only juice is used, but also the skin of berries. The shade of the final product can turn out from light ruby ​​to rich cherry. A homemade semi-sweet red wine recipe made from grapes is easier than a white wine recipe. The fact is that white wine is more likely to turn into berry vinegar, so it is desirable to sterilize it. Red wine does not need additional sterilization, so the preparation time of the drink is reduced.

On a note! Rosé wine is also made from red grapes. First, the base of the must is made on the pulp, left to ferment for a short time, after which the pulp is removed, and then is fermenting grape juice.

Suitable varieties for homemade red wine:

  • Kishmish black;
  • Isabel;
  • Muscat of Hamburg;
  • Ichkimar;
  • Saperavi.

There are many different ways to make wine, but the most commonly used classic recipe homemade semi-sweet drink.

Features of semi-sweet grape wine

Semi-sweet wine has many admirers among women and men. The recipe does not use too much sugar, so the taste of the wine is not as cloying as that of sweet or dessert alcohol.

Semi-sweet homemade grape wine goes well with meat, fish and vegetable dishes. It is also served with desserts, ice cream, pastries.

A glass of semi-sweet wine helps improve digestion, stimulates the appetite, and has a beneficial effect on the stomach. Even people with gastrointestinal diseases are allowed to drink a glass of good semi-sweet wine once a week. Of course, during the period of exacerbation, any alcohol is excluded.

Semi-sweet white wines are more popular. At home, the drink is prepared from grape varieties Riesling, Rkatsiteli, Muscat white, sultanas. Red wines are also popular, but still many people prefer to make dry or sweet red wines at home.

To end up delicious homemade alcohol, only fully ripened grapes are used. A small white coating should appear on its skin, similar to a thin film. This means that live yeast lives on the berries, which will actively help the fermentation of the future wine.

Classic recipe

For cooking simple option semi-sweet homemade wine will need only two ingredients: grapes and sugar.

Correct workpiece raw material for wine is the most important process

Semi-sweet grape wine at home, recipe:

  1. Sort grapes (about 10 kg), remove spoiled and rotten berries, leaves and twigs.
  2. Grapes should never be washed! The berries are poured into a container and kneaded with hands or a wooden pusher. Metal utensils are not used in the process of making homemade wine.
  3. Cover the resulting mass with clean gauze folded in 4 layers. You can also cover the container with a piece natural fabric. Air will enter the container, but insects will not be able to penetrate the grape mass. The fermentation temperature should not fall below 24 degrees.
  4. Fermentation should begin in a few days. This will be evidenced by hissing, floating skins of grapes, as well as a characteristic yeasty smell.
  5. At this stage of preparation, the juice is carefully poured into the fermentation tank, the pulp is squeezed out and the resulting juice is poured into the bottle. The fermentation tank is not filled to the very neck. 1/3 of the space should be left blank.

On a note! Grape pomace can be used to make strong homemade grappa.

  1. IN berry juice pour 2.5 kg of granulated sugar. Use a large wooden spoon to stir the juice with the sugar until the sugar crystals are completely dissolved.
  2. A thin rubber glove is pulled over the neck of the bottle (a hole must be made in two fingers with a thin needle) or a water seal is placed.
  3. The wine is placed in a warm place and left for 30-60 days for active fermentation.
  4. The completion of fermentation can be recognized by the following signs: the glove has deflated, air bubbles do not come out of the water seal, a layer of sediment has fallen to the bottom, the liquid will become lighter.
  5. Drain the drink from the sediment using a rubber tube. Sediment must not get into the final product, otherwise the fermentation process may start again.
  6. Pour into bottles, place in a cellar or any other cool place. It is necessary to withstand the wine for several months. During this time, sediment forms again at the bottom of the bottles, so the homemade wine is again carefully drained into a clean container.

The result is a semi-sweet grape wine with a sugar content of 20-40 grams per liter of drink.

Wine from Isabella grapes

To get the perfect semi-sweet drink, you must follow the basic rules:

  • Isabella is harvested from mid to late October, but always before the first frost. By this time, the berries are gaining the necessary sweetness and juiciness. After harvesting, the crop should be left to lie down for a week. During this time, the berries will acquire even greater sweetness due to the natural increase in the amount of sugar.
  • The fermentation container must be perfectly clean. Already used bottles should be thoroughly washed, rinsed with boiling water and wiped dry.
  • To get the pulp, a wooden mallet is used to mashed potatoes. You can crush the berries with a special press.

For the recipe for semi-sweet wine from Isabella grapes, you need the following ingredients:

  • Grapes - 10 kg;
  • Sugar - 3 kg.

How to make semi-sweet wine from grapes at home:

  1. Berries should be sorted out, but in no case should you wash them. Put the prepared grapes in a container and crush.
  2. Cover with gauze or cloth, put in a warm place for a week. Stir the contents every day with a wooden spoon.
  3. Next, strain the juice, pour it into a glass bottle. Squeeze out the pulp and add the resulting liquid to the juice. Pour granulated sugar into the bottle, stir.
  4. Use a water seal or put on a rubber glove over the neck. Do not forget to pierce a hole in one or two fingers. Leave the bottle in a warm room for fermentation.
  5. After the fermentation process is complete, drain the wine carefully so as not to disturb the sediment at the bottom. Pour into bottles, which are sent for several months in the cellar or basement.
  6. Final step: once again drain the contents of each bottle from the sediment, pour into a new clean container. Bottles should be stored in a cool place.

The recipe for a semi-sweet wine made from Isabella grapes is very simple, but the result is a homemade drink of rich red color, with tart notes and a pleasant sweetness in taste.

Wine is a drink that has been made since ancient times, keeping recipes from generation to generation. They talk about wine not only as a tasty drink, but also as a healthy one, because natural wine are made from all kinds of berries and fruits and they do not lose their beneficial properties during fermentation. Homemade grape wine is no exception.

But I won't dwell on useful properties guilt is a topic for another discussion. One thing I want to say is that it's still alcoholic drink and it can be beneficial only with a small use of it.

And if you still decide to drink a glass of wine on occasion, then let it be homemade. After all, making it for our loved ones, we certainly will not add alcohol, dyes and flavors there. Believe me, making wine at home is not at all difficult. I want to tell you how to make homemade wine from grapes and step by step recipe will help to master this science with ease. We are now just at the time of harvesting grapes of technical varieties that go very well for wine.

Homemade grape wine


  • dark ripe sweet grapes
  • sugar

Homemade grape wine recipe:

If you have something to make wine from, then take note of this simple recipe for homemade wine. I hope I explained everything clearly and you will succeed!

P.S. Wine is such an ancient drink that it has acquired all sorts of legends. Here is one of them - Georgian:

Once upon a time, grapes grew in the forest, and only birds pecked at them. Once the poor man tried the berries, he liked them, and he pulled out a vine in the forest and planted it near the house. In the second year he planted ten more vines, in the third a hundred.

In the autumn, when a plentiful harvest ripened, the poor man squeezed the juice from the berries so that the good would not be wasted. He drank what he could, poured the rest into jugs - do not pour it out. Two months later he opened the jug, tried it - the drink became even tastier. The poor man was surprised: how does this gnarled vine give such delicious drink. He called his friends, started a feast.

The nightingale flew to the feast. He drained the cup and said: “Whoever drinks this drink will sing like me!” The cockerel has arrived. He drained the cup and said: “Whoever else drinks will be flustered like me!” A boar appeared third and, having drained the cup, said: “Who else drinks, he falls out in the mud, like me!” Finally the fox arrived. She drained the cup and said: “And who else drinks, the wine will sneak into him like a thief, like a fox, and he will do such deeds that he will blush for a long time.”

This is how wine works on people:

they drink a little - they have fun and sing;

a little more - cocks and fights;

they still drink - they don’t stand on their feet, they fall into the mud,

and if you drink more, you can do such deeds that you will blush for a century.

I hope that homemade wine from grapes according to our recipe will be only for health and fun.

Elena Kasatova. See you by the fireplace.
