
How to make milk sugar. Milk candy, or how to cook sugar at home

With today's assortment of sweets industrial production it’s hard to even imagine that someone would want to cook them on their own. Our grandmothers and even mothers were really sophisticated and made caramel in a frying pan, sugar cockerels and other goodies for kids. But the days of that food shortage are long gone, and store shelves are simply bursting with a variety of candies, caramels, marshmallows, sherbet, marmalade and other more exotic sweets. However, such is human nature: we always want something that is not there, and also very sentimental. Apparently, it is this explosive mixture of character traits that prompts many to remember elementary simple, but once so beloved goodies. Do you want to relive those emotions that are associated with them, and return to childhood for a couple of minutes? Yes, easily! It remains only to remember how to cook sugar in milk, and enjoy "that" sugary-sweet delicacy.

Sugar in milk: history, properties and features
Sugar, which, in fact, is a form of sucrose, purified and adapted for use in everyday life and cooking, that is, a quickly digestible carbohydrate. This is the easiest way to supply the body with energy, because all 398 kcal / 100 grams are provided by carbohydrates, of which ordinary refined granulated sugar consists of 99.9%. It turns out that the value of sugar is exclusively energy, and not food, like other products. But milk, in which sugar is boiled down when preparing homemade sweets, is much more complex and nutritional product. From sugar and milk (or sugar and water) caramel is obtained - the basis of the vast majority confectionery. name her useful product hardly possible, but by reducing mass fraction refined carbohydrates, the composition and properties of milk caramel, that is, sugar boiled with milk, already deserve attention.

In particular, milk already saturates her a small amount protein (about 3 g per 100 ml) and fat (from 1.5 to 4.5 g per 100 ml, depending on the fat content of milk). There are relatively few carbohydrates in milk, a little more than 50 g per 100 ml, but chemical composition includes vitamins (part of group B, C, A, PP), minerals(calcium, iron, magnesium, iodine, selenium), lactose and hormone-like substances. Some of these nutrients are destroyed when milk is heated with sugar, but even after that it continues to provide certain benefits to bone and muscle tissues, nervous system and intestinal microflora. In addition, milk is not recommended to be consumed with other types of animal protein and plant origin, and in caramel it interacts exclusively with simple carbohydrates, which does not contradict the named principle. Perhaps that is why sweetened milk has long been part of the Ayurvedic diet.

Milk caramel is simple both in composition and in preparation. Made at home, it does not contain artificial dyes, flavors and preservatives, without which industrial sweets are indispensable. Adding sugar to milk natural nuts, dried fruits, candied fruits increases nutritional value and slightly lower calories. And yet, sugar in milk remains a very specific dessert in composition, which should not be abused not only by people with complicated metabolism, but also by everyone who follows the figure and adheres to balanced nutrition. It is traditionally prepared for children, but they should not eat more than 100-150 grams of treats per day. After all, sugar, although milk, is not only a catalyst for the production of the hormone of joy serotonin, but an excess of energy from “empty” calories, the risk of acidity. oral cavity and stomach, a direct threat to tooth enamel and digestive processes.
Boiled Sugar Recipes
Of course, you can ask your grandmother in detail about what and how she pampered her sweet tooth grandchildren. But since then, so much water has flowed under the bridge, that is, many new culinary techniques have appeared, and today's products are different from the previous ones. The main ingredients - sugar and milk - have hardly been changed, but in addition to them, many ways to diversify sweets have appeared. Therefore, in addition to the classic "grandmother's" family recipe, we offer you several more ways to boil sugar in milk. Alternate them or choose one to your taste. Better yet, give the younger generation the opportunity to choose: I wonder if it will turn out traditional recipe in priority?

  1. Just boiled sugar. Take 1 kg of granulated sugar and half a liter of milk. Fatty milk is preferable: not less than 2.5%, and preferably 3.6% fat. In addition, you will need a saucepan or saucepan with a thick bottom, in which pour half a glass of milk and sprinkle sugar. Bring the contents of the saucepan to a boil over low heat, stirring occasionally. After a while, the sugar will absorb the milk and the moisture will evaporate. Then the sugar will turn into crumbly crystals - do not stop stirring it. When the bottom layer of sugar melts and turns brown, increase the mixing intensity and pour in the rest of the milk. Make sure the mass melts evenly. When the milk has completely evaporated, remove the pan from the heat. Take a dish or wide plate, grease it lightly vegetable oil and spread the boiled sugar in an even layer. Wait for the caramel to cool and cut/break it into portioned pieces.
  2. Boiled sugar with orange peel. Take 1 kg of granulated sugar, half a liter fat milk, dried peel of 1 large orange, 1 tablespoon butter. cut into orange peel thin strips or small cubes. If it is dry enough, you can grind it in a mortar or coffee grinder. Melt the butter in a heavy-bottomed saucepan over low heat, then pour in half a glass of milk and sprinkle with sugar. Immediately pour the zest into the mixture and begin to stir gently until the milk is absorbed and the moisture evaporates completely. Add the rest of the milk and stir until the mixture is smooth and the sugar is a uniform light brown color. Remove from heat and transfer the hot mass to a flat plate, greased with a thin layer of oil. Let cool and divide into portions.
  3. Fudge made from boiled sugar in milk. Take 3 cups of sugar, 1 cup of heavy cream, 50 grams of butter, a pinch of any nuts, pitted raisins, dried apricots, 1 tablespoon of natural liquid honey, 1 teaspoon of cocoa powder. Prepare the filling: Soak the raisins in hot water and squeeze, peel and chop the nuts, chop the dried fruits in small pieces. Melt the butter in a saucepan. Mix cream with sugar, pour into butter and bring to a boil over low heat. After that, add honey, cocoa and boil with continuous stirring for 10-15 minutes. At the very end, add the filler, evenly distribute it throughout the mass and remove the saucepan from the heat. thick hot mix Transfer to a medium-sided baking sheet or candy (ice) molds, brushing them with a thin layer of oil. The cooled and frozen mixture can be served at the table, if desired, cut into portions with a thin knife.
It is not difficult to boil sugar in milk, even if the basic recipe becomes more complicated. As a rule, even novice cooks succeed in preparing such sweets the first time, and the most common failure is only the formation of too large sugar lumps. The most likely cause is excessively high heat and uneven mixing of sugar during caramelization. But even this slightly overcooked and clumped boiled sugar turns out delicious. You can insert toothpicks or wooden sticks into it and get natural lollipops. And boiled sugar is considered folk remedy cough, because it softens the throat with its sweet syrup. In general, homemade sweets, as always, are more useful than store-bought ones. And with their help, you once again prove to your loved ones how lucky they are with such a talented hostess!

Today, like many years ago, many people love sweets. At the same time, there are those who completely refuse sweets. If you still belong to the first category of people who prefer to eat sweets, then you are probably interested in what boiled sugar is and how to make it. Today we will talk about this, and also learn the best recipe boiled sugar, thanks to which you will get a real tasty dish, which will be able to perfectly complement other dishes. Let's start!

What it is?

Milk sugar is delicious treat which many met in childhood. It takes very little ingredients and a little time to prepare this dish. Some will remember that grandmothers prepared such sweets for them, so today our recipe for boiled sugar can be called grandmother's.

By the way, it is important to note that milk sugar is not only delicious an independent dish, but also ideal as a decoration for any baking. This culinary masterpiece reached its peak of popularity between 1970 and 1980, and today many do not even think about how to cook boiled sugar, the recipe of which will be presented in this article a little later.

In general, in short, it is worth noting that milk sugar is a very quick, simple and tasty delicacy, which is already a problem to find in stores in any city today. Your family members will definitely like this sweetness, so right now we will give several recipes for boiled sugar in milk at once.

Classics of the genre

So, if you want to make classic milk sugar, then in this case you will need 3 cups of sugar, 1 cup of milk, 1 tablespoon of butter and raisins, as well as nuts of your own choice.

Cooking method in this case really very simple. You can change the recipe yourself, but we recommend that you follow the main proportion: 1x:3y, where x is milk and y is sugar.

Cook together!

To begin with, you need to place all the ingredients that were listed above in an ordinary saucepan or in a pan that has a non-stick coating. Next, put the mass on fire. The contents must be brought to a boil, and then reduce the heat slightly, but continue to cook until full cooking. As you understand, so that the sugar does not start to burn to the pan or pan, you will have to constantly stir this mixture until it reaches the desired consistency and is completely ready.

How to determine that sugar is ready? In this case, we recommend that you dip the spoon into the mixture, and then drop a drop of the mass that is currently in the pan onto the surface of the table or some other surface. If the drop holds its shape, then the base of the dessert is ready. If the drop starts to spread over the surface of the table or any other surface, the resulting mixture is not yet ready, so you need to hold it on fire a little more.

The next step is to choose the shape for your dessert. You should first smear it with oil so that the sweets do not stick. In this case, the classic silicone molds that have square cutouts. Pour your substance into the prepared form, and you need to do this as quickly as possible, because sugar freezes almost instantly. Here you have prepared delicious dessert who will conquer taste buds yours and your family members.

If you like boiled sugar with milk, the recipe that was presented a little higher will definitely appeal to you, because in the end you will get a real delicious sweetness which you are sure to love.

Recipe for sweets

If you love milk sugar and want to use it for sweets, then in this case, the cooking process of this culinary masterpiece is done in a slightly different way. This recipe suggests that the final result will be a rather viscous mass that can be smeared over the surface of a particular dessert without any problems.

So, in this case, boiled sugar in milk, the recipe with a photo of which is presented in this article, implies the presence of 2.5 cups of sugar, 300 ml of very heavy cream, 50 g of butter and 1 tablespoon of ordinary honey. The cooking method in this case is also quite simple, so you will be able to cope with it.

Let's start cooking!

To prepare the dish as correctly as possible, you can use the recipe for boiled sugar in milk with a photo, but in this case this is not necessary, because the cooking process is very simple. So, first of all, pour cream into the pan, and also add sugar, after which this mixture must be mixed very thoroughly. The next step is to turn on the fire, put the pan on it and mix the ingredients again. Next, you need to reduce the heat, and then bring the mass obtained in the pan to a boil.

Next, honey should be added to the mixture, after which it is necessary to cook for at least another 20 minutes. The next step is to pour the resulting mixture into a bowl, which must first be greased with butter. Now leave the bowl for a while so that the mass in it can cool. So quickly you were able to cook boiled sugar, there are far more than one recipe with a photo today, but if you fully follow all the steps described above, you won’t even need a photo, because you can get a really tasty dessert.


If you have already studied the recipe for boiled sugar, then in this case you should definitely pay attention to some of the nuances that must be taken into account when preparing this dish. When you boil sugar, a frying pan or pan should not be used very high, because it should be quite wide so that the whole mass in it can warm up well. Never turn on the maximum fire, because in this case, in just a few seconds, your sugar can burn.

After cooking boiled sugar, you do not need to wait for it to cool completely. When you slice it, it should still be warm, but not so hot that you can't hold it in your hands. In this case, you will be able to cut it without problems!

Let's summarize

I wonder what recipe for homemade boiled sugar is your favorite? We presented two recipes, and it is impossible to choose the best one, because in both cases the dishes are very tasty. In general, choose the best boiled sugar, the recipe with a photo of which you can find in this article a little higher. Bon appetit!

How to boil sugar

No candies and other sweets can compare with boiled sugar, prepared by yourself, at home. Usually, the composition of classic boiled sugar includes only milk and granulated sugar. Sugar brewed with milk until completely thickened, stirring constantly. But, if you add to this mixture, for example, raisins, orange peels, cocoa or walnuts, it will turn out even tastier, more original and much more appetizing.

How to cook milk with sugar

Boiled sugar is prepared using two essential ingredients, these are:

granulated sugar - 1 kilogram and milk - 250 ml

First of all, grease the pan with a thin layer of vegetable oil and set aside for a while. Pour milk into a saucepan and send to medium, not high heat. Pour sugar and be sure to constantly and continuously stir with a spoon so that the mixture thickens evenly. When the water boils, the milk will begin to evaporate, and the sugar at the bottom will turn brown. Pour the slightly thickened boiled sugar into the pan prepared earlier or onto a cold dish with sides, then you need to give time to cool completely. After a while, turn the pan upside down and lightly tapping to separate the thickened sugar. Using a knife, we divide the solid mass into portioned pieces and serve with tea.

boiled milk with sugar

Earlier we prepared boiled sugar with milk m without adding additional ingredients. Let's experiment and add something delicious to the boiled sugar, like walnuts, some cocoa, and orange peel. Prepare this delicacy and treat it to your little household. And don't forget to tell them some story about how your grandmother used to make homemade sweets for you)

Cooking Ingredients:

1. Granulated sugar- 1 kg

2. Milk - 200 ml

3. Cocoa - 2 teaspoons

4. Walnuts- 100g

We send the pan to the stove, turn it on medium fire. Pour 50 ml of milk into it and add sugar. Stirring constantly, bring the mixture to a boil. After a while, the milk should evaporate and the sugar will become loose. We do not turn off the fire and wait for the moment when the sugar turns brown and begins to be caught. At this time, it is necessary to carefully stir the mass so that the sugar melts evenly and acquires desired consistency. Pour in the milk that we have left and mix. Add pre-prepared crushed or finely chopped walnuts, orange peel and cocoa. Again, stir everything well and cook until the poured milk evaporates. After that, we send the boiled sugar to a dish with high walls and wait until it cools down. We cut the thickened, ready-made sugar with a knife into pieces and serve with tea. Bon appetit!

Place a saucepan of milk and sugar over medium heat and stir. Boil sugar for 7 minutes after boiling, stirring constantly. After 30 minutes, the milk will thicken and turn a pale brown color - a sure sign of doneness. Pour milk sugar into a plate greased with butter and leave to harden. After 15 minutes, remove the hardened sugar from the container. Break the sugar into small pieces with your hands.

How to boil sugar

Granulated sugar - 300 grams (1.5 cups)
Milk 1-3% - 100 milliliters (half a glass)
Butter - 35 grams: 30 grams for cooking and 5 grams (1 teaspoon) for lubrication

Food preparation
1. Pour 300 grams of sugar and 100 milliliters of milk into a thick-walled pan, mix well.
2. Measure the lubricating oil and leave it at room temperature melt directly on a dish intended for sugar.

How to boil milk sugar
1. Place a saucepan with milk and sugar over medium heat and stir.
2. When the milk sugar boils, continue to boil it for 7 minutes, constantly stirring it with a wooden spoon.
3. While the composition is boiling, it can boil and foam strongly - this is natural, but you need to constantly stir.
4. After 25-30 minutes, the composition will thicken and become pale brown - this is a sign of readiness.
5. Pour milk sugar into a prepared plate, greased with butter, smooth and leave to harden.
6. After 15-20 minutes, the boiled sugar will harden, it must be removed from the container. To do this, you will need to cover the plate with a cutting board and carefully turn it over. Since the sides of the plate were greased with butter, the hardened milk sugar will easily separate and remain on the board.
7. Break the sugar into small pieces with your hands.


- When cooking, sugar can be added grated zest oranges, chopped hazelnuts, seeds, dried fruits (dried apricots, raisins). It is important that there are not too many additives, otherwise the boiled sugar will crumble. Ready sugar can be decorated with chopped nuts or grated chocolate.

It is convenient to use a wooden spatula when cooking: it is less noisy, does not leave marks, and it is easier for it to remove layers of sugar from the bottom of the pan to prevent it from burning.

The pan should be deep and with a thick bottom so that the sugar does not burn during cooking.

Standard proportions for cooking sugar: for 1 cup of sugar 1/5 cup of milk.

Instead of milk, you can use liquid sour cream or cream.

It is necessary to cook sugar for a very small fire and stir constantly so that the sugar does not burn.

The sugar plate must be greased with butter so that the sugar can be easily separated from the plate.

Instead of a plate, you can use forms for ice or baking, bowls, trays, tea cups. Since sugar hardens very quickly and is then problematic to break, it is recommended that you try to spread the sugar in a thin layer.

If there is no butter, you can cook sugar without it, focusing on the same signs of readiness. In this case, the plate can be greased with vegetable oil.

Many of us like to eat sugar in our tea. For this, not a simple refined sugar is suitable, but boiled sugar, the recipe of which is quite simple. Even your child can cook this dish, there are no difficulties here. And if you add raisins, dried apricots, or cocoa to the recipe for homemade boiled sugar, then you will get a great sweetness on your table with an exquisite taste.

Cooking features

In order for your dish to turn out the way it is supposed to be - matte, honey, it is important to follow the recipe very clearly. Otherwise, instead of boiled sugar, you can end up with a clear candy, which is also very tasty, but it is a completely different product. Remember that boiled sugar, the recipe of which you carefully followed, should remain crystalline and opaque.

With milk or sour cream?

Many housewives prefer to make boiled sugar with milk. The recipe for its preparation is the same as on the water. Milk gives the product more delicate taste.

If you boil sugar in water, then such a dish is called lean. Sugar with milk is already more high-calorie and delicate product. There is also such a cooking option as boiled sugar on sour cream. Its recipe is identical to dairy or lean. But sour cream adds even more interesting tones to your dessert. In addition, depending on the fat content of sour cream, the dish will turn out to be even more high-calorie than with milk.

Let's start cooking

The recipe for boiled sugar at home is quite simple. So, we need the following products for cooking:

  • 1 kg of sugar;
  • half a glass of milk;
  • peel of 1 orange.

That's all. Remember that milk can be replaced with water if desired, heavy cream or sour cream (in the same amount).

We thoroughly wash the orange, wipe it and remove the peel. Try to keep it from getting bitter. Some varieties of this exotic fruit have bitterness, which we do not need at all, and can even spoil the taste.

Finely chop the peel. If desired, you can rub the orange on coarse grater. Or another option - cut the peel with kitchen scissors.

So, the products for cooking are ready.

How to cook

We begin to cook boiled sugar with milk. A recipe with a photo will help you make sure that you are doing everything right.

To begin, heat a skillet over medium heat. When it warms up, pour in half the milk and pour the sugar. If you wish, you can add a couple of tablespoons of butter to the dish.

Bring the mixture to a boil over low heat. Do not forget to stir constantly so that it does not burn and boil evenly. The liquid will gradually evaporate and your sugar will begin to take on a crumbly texture. It is very important here not to overexpose the dish on fire so that it does not begin to melt and turn into a candy.

As soon as you see that the sugar starts to brown, pour in the remaining milk (or sour cream), and boil a little more. And only at the very end you need to add orange peels.

How to cool properly

Boiled sugar in milk, the recipe of which is given above, is important not only to cook correctly, but also to cool it no less correctly.

You need to prepare a deep plate or bowl. Lubricate the sides of the dishes with vegetable oil. Put the cooked hot product into this container.

Leave the container aside and wait for it to cool completely. Do not put the dish in the refrigerator to save time. Let it happen gradually, at room temperature.

When the sugar has completely cooled, turn the plate over, tap it lightly, and the piece will fall out easily. Now you can break the sugar into pieces - it is ready to eat.

Another option is to simply place a dish on the bottom that also needs to be oiled. In this case, it will be even easier to get the cooled sugar out of the container.

What to add for taste

Some housewives may shrug their shoulders skeptically - uninteresting boiled sugar, the recipe is painfully simple. Well, for those who love more complex dishes, there are plenty of options.

You can add the following ingredients:

  • nuts;
  • seeds;
  • raisin;
  • cocoa.

All these components must be introduced at the end of preparation. Do not forget to pre-soak the raisins in boiling water for half an hour so that they swell.

But as for cocoa, it must be added at the beginning of cooking. It will give your dish a beautiful chocolate shade And unforgettable taste. For one kilogram of sugar, you will need no more than 2-3 tablespoons of cocoa powder.

It is advisable to chop the nuts well, but if you like large pieces, then leave it to your discretion.

Some nuances

When preparing this dish, it is important to take into account some of the nuances so as not to spoil the product. So:

  1. Take a frying pan low, but wide, so that the sugar warms up well evenly.
  2. Take your time and don't turn on the big fire.
  3. To check if the dish is ready, just put a drop of hot sugar on a plate. If it cools down and becomes firm, the dish is ready.
  4. will give your dessert a more delicate taste. In addition, it will help the product retain its crystalline structure.
  5. Boiled sugar, as soon as it cools, can be broken arbitrarily, or you can cut into cubes. To do this, do not wait until the product is completely cold. As soon as you can take it in your hands without risking getting burned, start slicing. To do this, take a serrated knife, decide what size you want the sugar pieces to be, and start cutting.

Children's fun

Boiled sugar, the recipe of which is very simple, children like to cook with pleasure. This is worth taking advantage of. After all, how nice it is to entrust your child with an “important” task, and then try what happened with him.

In addition, your child will be very proud if he himself prepares boiled sugar and then treats them to his friends.

By the way, this dish can be decorated fresh fruit. To do this, you need to thoroughly wash apples or pears, various berries. Cut large fruits small pieces. When the boiled sugar has cooled down, but still remains soft enough, press fruits and berries into it so that one half is immersed in the dessert, and the other remains on the surface. It is very beautiful and original, and delicious. There is only one minus - with such a fresh addition, boiled sugar is not suitable for long-term storage, you need to eat it within one to two days.
