
Freeze mushroom broth from fresh mushrooms. Rolling the mushroom broth

Mushroom broth is a real lifesaver for people who, for whatever reasons, meat and fish soups are forbidden.

All Christians know that you can cook any first course on it during fasting: cabbage soup, borscht, pickle, any mushroom soup.

For vegetarians, this is one of the first bases for soups; it is not at all clear what they would do without such a product. These people know exactly what mushrooms smell like. Fragrant mushroom broth, for example, it will not work out very well from oyster mushrooms. With champignons it’s already better, but forest mushrooms will give the real forest flavor to the broth, and eventually to the soup. In the first place, of course, White mushroom is a king among his kindred.

But soups are also cooked on the basis of broths from chanterelles, aspen mushrooms, butter, honey mushrooms, and extreme people even from russula. In a word, if only not from fresh fly agarics or grebes. Newfangled shiitake and meitake are also used.

It would seem that it’s easier - washed the mushrooms properly, poured water in a saucepan, put on fire - and now the broth is ready. And this is actually true, but you need to follow some rules. This, of course, is about prey from the wild. "Shop" mushrooms special efforts they do not require cooking: washed, cut and cooked.

Rule number 1. We clean and wash

Before you cook any of the mushrooms, they must be properly cleaned and washed. The volume that you brought from the forest in a basket is already at this stage reduced by about a third. Washing and processing take quite a lot of time, especially if it is a rainy autumn outside, and together with mushrooms you have collected dirt, fallen leaves, blades of grass, sand.

Rule number 2. Soak

All this must be removed and put the mushrooms to soak. For what? The fungus has a porous structure. A lot of things are clogged in the pores, but you are unlikely to want to eat it. Therefore, they cleaned it, cut off all the excess, washed it - put the mushrooms in enough water, they must be completely covered with liquid. Leave them for 2 hours, it is not superfluous to change the water. Some mushrooms have their own characteristics: the breast can be bitter, the butter mushrooms themselves are slimy.

Rule number 3. Pre-boil

So, if you are dealing with noble mushrooms - for example, porcini, boletus, boletus, then you can start cooking them immediately after soaking. If the mushrooms are capricious, then they should be boiled on a slow boil for at least an hour, and preferably two. The liquid that forms during the cooking process is not yet broth, it must be poured out! And after that, you can dispose of the mushrooms further: you can cook broth from them, and then soup; You can roast it, you can freeze it, or you can dry it.

Rule number 4. Cook the broth

And now, in fact, we cook mushroom broth. The mass of mushrooms depends on the purposes for which you then want to use them. On average, 200 g of dry mushrooms are taken per 2 liters of water, and 500-700 g of fresh or frozen ones. But if you are planning to cook a luxurious puree soup, where mushrooms will be the main ingredient, then there should naturally be more of them.

If you take dry mushrooms, then they must first be soaked and washed. Frozen is better to defrost, although not necessary.

When you start cooking, immediately add spices. Pairs well with mushrooms.

  • Onions (leek or onion), 1 large is enough for a two-liter pan;
  • Bay leaf, but it can interfere with the mushroom flavor;
  • Peppers of all kinds (black, white, red, sweet peas, paprika, chili);
  • Parsley - both root and greens;
  • Celery;
  • Thyme;
  • Oregano;
  • Tarragon;
  • Caraway.

Choose the spice or combination of spices that you like. It is important that the spices are in moderation - their aroma should emphasize the forest mushroom spirit, and not interrupt it.

Rule number 5. How much to cook?

The cooking time of mushroom broth is on average from 45 minutes to 1.5 hours. Again, it depends on the mushrooms. You can easily cook broth from champignons in 40 minutes. The rule is that wild mushrooms should be cooked longer. Readiness is determined by the consistency and smell. When the broth is ready, it is filtered, the mushrooms are crushed so that they go further into business.

How to use mushroom broth?

Its main purpose is to become the basis of the soup! If you don't want mushroom first dish immediately, you can cool the broth and freeze.

For second courses, mushroom broth will be a good basis for side dishes: buckwheat, brewed in it, is already magnificent. You can make great pasta if you boil spaghetti in broth instead of water.

Mushroom broth is excellent as the basis of julienne and all its varieties. In mushroom broth, you can stew meat, chicken, vegetables. All of them will acquire a unique forest aroma as a result!

In contact with

In winter, it’s so good to cook mushroom soup or add mushrooms to risotto, and just to potatoes. Therefore, we do not waste time and freeze the harvest.

"Silent hunting" (as our ancestors called mushroom picking) is in full swing. What to do with prey if there is no energy for canning? Freeze!
All suitable for freezing edible mushrooms, but more than others - strong and not wormy young porcini mushrooms, boletus, boletus, champignons, chanterelles, honey mushrooms. Mushrooms - very delicate product and therefore requires careful attention and as soon as possible processing. The best thing is to put them in storage on the same day when you collected them in the forest or bought them in the market.
Freezing principle forest mushrooms generally similar to freezing berries. Mushrooms must be carefully sorted out, throwing out dubious specimens and worm mushrooms, trim, remove damaged parts and rinse thoroughly, changing the water several times.
It is best to freeze whole young strong mushrooms, which are rarely wormy. Dry the washed mushrooms on a towel, cut large ones, then put them on a baking sheet or tray in one layer and place in the freezer.

If you are afraid to freeze mushrooms fresh, boil them for 5 minutes in boiling salted water before freezing, drain them in a colander, dry them, and only then freeze them. Pour the frozen mushrooms into a bag or container, tie, label (be sure to write the date of laying and the variety of mushrooms), store in the freezer.
Advice: Thawed mushrooms are a favorable environment for the reproduction of various microorganisms, therefore, after thawing, mushrooms should be immediately used for cooking. mushroom dishes. Frozen mushrooms can be stored in freezer at a temperature of -18°C up to one year.

Boiled mushrooms, especially noble varieties, produce a rich, clear and highly aromatic decoction that can be stored frozen for a rich wild mushroom flavor. rich soup.

Boil the mushrooms (excluding the dark ones), pour the cooled broth (together with the mushrooms) into containers, after putting them in food bags, freeze, then empty the containers and store the broth in neat briquettes. To bring such a soup to readiness, it will be enough for you to cook a roast of onions and carrots and add potatoes, noodles or cereals, herbs and spices to taste to the heated broth.

Advice: You can boil mushrooms with vegetables - potatoes, carrots (without fried onions), in this case, the semi-finished mushroom soup can be brought to fully prepared much faster!

You can also freeze boiled, fried and stewed mushrooms. To do this, washed and fully prepared mushrooms must be cut, boiled for 15-20 minutes (or until fully cooked). Mushrooms that give a dark broth (pigs and some others) can be thrown into a colander and then boiled again in new water.

Boiled mushrooms need to be cooled, decomposed into containers and placed in the freezer. stewed mushrooms with lots of flavor mushroom juice, can be frozen along with the liquid in which they were prepared. True, fried, stewed, and then frozen mushrooms are stored much less than boiled ones - no more than three months. But they are especially good for cooking julienne, lasagne and mushroom stew, meat in pots or mushroom pizza.

Advice: Be sure to sign containers and bags with frozen mushrooms - when cooked, they look like a homogeneous mass, and it will be difficult for you to understand what is inside. Fill the containers completely. The less air left in the container, the better the food will be preserved in it. The same rule applies to plastic bags: before tying the bag, squeeze the air out of it, and only after that put it in the freezer.

Ready-made broth is a real lifesaver for every housewife. Based on it, you can quickly prepare dinner, whether it be soup or gravy for main courses. Therefore, having tried this method of preparing a semi-finished product, most housewives leave it to themselves as a note: it really saves time. It remains to learn how to freeze the broth so that this method can be adopted.

perishable product

Authentic, tasty and fragrant - this is how the broth should be to make your dishes perfect. It is very difficult to cook soup, borsch, homemade noodles if you have hastily boiled meat and water in which it was cooked. Real broth needs to be rich, and that takes time. Therefore, it is best to prepare it in a week. That is why the question arises of how to freeze the broth. Otherwise, it will deteriorate very quickly.

Broth storage rules

In reality, you don't have many options. This rich product is very loved by all kinds of bacteria. In fact, it spoils no less quickly than fresh meat. Therefore, choose one of the following methods:

  • If you need to save a vegetable or meat broth warm, you can use a thermos. Pour the broth into a clean thermos and boil. Then it will be kept warm and will not deteriorate for up to 6 hours.
  • The finished product keeps well in the refrigerator. Therefore, if you want to cook something from it in the coming days, then you can safely put the saucepan on a free shelf. He survives three days easily. After that, you can boil it and use it again without fear for another three days.
  • But what if you need to keep it longer than a week? For this fresh broth you just need to cool, pour into molds and put in the freezer.

Technological subtleties

Each hostess becomes a practitioner in the field of cooking. But there is always something to learn. So let's look at some tricks that will help you prepare an excellent base for entrees and gravies.

  • Before talking about how to freeze the broth, you need to learn how to cook it correctly. Utensils are very important to maximize shelf life. The one that tends to oxidize is not suitable. The best option- it's glass. You can also use ceramic tight lid.
  • Sometimes housewives complain that not even a few days have passed since the moment of preparation, and the broth is already sour. To prevent this from happening, you need to cool it as quickly as possible. To do this, you can use a saucepan with cold water larger diameter.
  • If you know how to freeze the broth correctly, then you can safely count on its safety for 6 months. It is best to freeze it in portioned containers with a flat lid.

Proper broth

It is very important that you are confident in the quality of what you have in your refrigerator. Although the preparation procedure is not too complicated, there are a number of subtleties that need to be considered. Before you wonder how to properly freeze the broth, you need to prepare a good, high-quality basis for first courses.

Basic moments

The best broth comes from beef. Many prefer chicken to save money, but this product is most often used for noodles. Can you freeze bone broth? Yes, they are best used in this way. The basis for the soup turns out to be rich, and the pulp can be added directly during the preparation of the dish. But it is best to take a bone with meat and freeze the broth along with the pulp. Then it turns out finished semi-finished product which is very convenient to use.

You will need:

  • Meat on the bone.
  • Water.
  • Salt, black pepper, Bay leaf.
  • Multicooker or convenient saucepan.

The proportions can be chosen at your discretion, depending on how much you want to get the final product. Professional chefs it is recommended to boil it. At the right time, it can be diluted with water and get the desired concentration. Do not be zealous with the addition of spices. You are making a universal basis for first courses, which can then be easily diversified and used for huge amount recipes.

Cooking steps

First of all, you need to wash the meat under running water. You do not need to cut it, so your workpiece will come out tastier and more aromatic.

  • Place the piece in a saucepan and cover with cold water.
  • Put on medium fire and wait for it to boil.
  • After that, reduce the heat and do not forget to remove the foam.
  • Salt after about an hour and a half.
  • The duration of cooking depends on the type of meat and the selected piece. Try to cook until the meat begins to fall behind the bone.
  • After cooking, you need to remove the meat, and place the pot with the broth in a bowl of cold water.

That's basically it. Now you have the finished product, and you can go directly to the question of how to freeze the broth in the refrigerator.

Freezing containers

Here you have several options. You can use disposable or reusable tableware. The first option is more convenient, since freezer bags are cheap and are sold in any store.

  • For freezing, containers with high sides are most often used. This will come in handy if you plan to put the broth into the pan without defrosting. On the other hand, if the container is wide, the frozen broth bar can be placed sideways in the pan. It gradually melts.
  • If there is no time to defrost, you can pour boiling water over the container, then the frozen broth will fall out on its own.
  • It is very convenient to use empty plastic mayonnaise buckets.
  • To save space, you can use plastic bags. This saves space in the freezer.

Is it possible to freeze the broth in the freezer if its volume leaves much to be desired? Yes, only for this you need to slightly change the cooking technology. Pour enough water into the pot to just cover the meat. In the process of cooking, it will still boil away, and a concentrated broth will remain. It can be poured into plastic cups. Then simply dilute the concentrate to the desired volume.

Chicken bouillon

It sours much faster than all other types of meat broths, therefore it requires more attention. How's the broth? First of all, it must be boiled, cooled quickly and be sure to strain through a sterile gauze folded in half. Before being sent for storage, it should be poured into glassware and cover with a glass lid. This will avoid the oxidation process.

Can be frozen chicken bouillon V large quantities. It is great for making soups or homemade noodles. Moreover, on its basis delicious sauces. The big plus is fast cooking. If the beef needs to be cooked for 2-3 hours, then the chicken will be ready in 40 minutes.

How to store meat broth

The difference is not too big. Beef is cooked longer, and the broth itself is more saturated. The unfrozen storage temperature is the same as chicken broth, that is, from 4 to 8 degrees. This is easily achieved on the middle shelf of the refrigerator. But the terms are a little longer - it will completely "live" up to 7 days without freezing. But if you are planning long-term storage in the freezer, it is best to freeze it fresh, immediately after preparation.

How to determine freshness

We have already talked about how long frozen broth lasts. Cooks and technologists call a period of 6 months, but if there were no temperature drops, then it will stay in the freezer much longer. But even the broth stored according to all the rules can deteriorate. Therefore, after defrosting, you must definitely smell it. If the broth is spoiled, you can easily catch the smell, which resembles a spoiled egg.

If there is even the slightest suspicion that the basis for the soup is spoiled, it must be poured out without any regret. It is especially easy to observe such changes if you have thawed the broth and temporarily placed it in the refrigerator. Apart from bad smell, product spoilage can warn appearance. If the broth has become cloudy, flakes and sediment have appeared in it, this should also alert. If the smell has not changed, you can try to boil the broth.

Instead of a conclusion

After learning how to freeze the broth in the freezer, you definitely will not want to give up this method. It is very convenient and practical. Moreover, the broth does not have to be stored in containers. After freezing, lower the container into warm water, shake out the contents and carefully stack in the freezer. Some housewives prefer to grind ice bars into cubes.

If the refrigerator has been defrosted, then it is advisable to boil the broth and freeze again. Quality finished product and content useful substances in this case, it decreases, but the broth is still suitable for consumption. Judging by the reviews of experienced hostesses, optimal amount broth - 2-3 liters. In this case, the product is easily placed in the freezer and consumed quite quickly. Within a month, it can be safely eaten even if you rarely cook soups.

In some families, mushroom broth is more in demand than meat broth. It turns out fragrant and tasty, while it has negligible energy value. On it you can cook soups, make sauces, it is used for cooking second courses. Some housewives add mushroom broth to meat or chicken to give them a seductive flavor. This dish is suitable for a vegetarian diet, indispensable in fasting. The ability to cook it is necessary for any housewife.

Cooking features

The technology for preparing mushroom broth is not very complex. With proper skill, the process will take no more than an hour. However, without knowing some of the subtleties, tasty and healthy broth it is impossible to cook from mushrooms.

  • Not all mushrooms are suitable for making broth. If they belong to the second category or are generally conditionally edible, they are not used for broth: they will give everything to the broth harmful substances turning it into poison. The same applies to old (overgrown) mushrooms and forest gifts collected in ecologically disadvantaged areas. Bouillon is not cooked from boletus, but only for the reason that it turns out to be brown and unappetizing.
  • You can cook mushroom broth not only from fresh or frozen mushrooms, but also from dried ones. The technology for cooking dishes from fresh and frozen foods is approximately the same, but dried mushrooms need preliminary preparation. To restore their shape, they are soaked for at least an hour in cool water. After that, the mushrooms are thoroughly washed and only after that they are used to prepare the broth.
  • The water in which the mushrooms were soaked should not be poured out, but it must be well filtered to prevent sand from entering the broth. To do this, you can use gauze folded in several layers. After that, the aromatic liquid is diluted the right amount water and used to make broth. Thanks to this trick, it turns out to be more fragrant.
  • If puree soup is cooked on the broth, you can soak them not in water, but in milk. It is filtered and added to the dish at the last stage of cooking.
  • The time of cooking the broth depends on the variety of mushrooms and the size of the pieces into which they are cut, usually it is 25-45 minutes. Mushrooms cook a little faster, forest mushrooms a little longer.
  • The most useful and fragrant porcini mushroom broth is obtained.
  • Mushroom broth can be light and dark. Light is usually made from fresh and young mushrooms, dark - from mature and dried. A pleasant shade of the broth allows you to give the use of an unpeeled onion or onion peel.
  • When cooking mushroom broth, various roots and seasonings are used. The taste of the finished product largely depends on these ingredients. However, do not add too much spices to the broth so that they do not compete with mushrooms, trying to kill their seductive aroma.
  • If the mushrooms are pre-fried, the broth from them will turn out to be more fragrant and tasty. This is what they do if they plan to submit it as self-dish.

If you serve broth instead of soup, it does not hurt to offer croutons to it, add fresh herbs to it, after finely chopping it with a knife.

Easy fresh mushroom broth recipe

  • fresh mushrooms - 0.5–1 kg (0.5 kg is enough for white mushrooms, more mushrooms are needed);
  • water - 2 l;
  • onions - 100 g;
  • cloves - 2 pcs.;
  • bay leaf - 1 pc.;
  • allspice peas - 5 pcs.;
  • salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the mushrooms, cut them into large pieces.
  • Peel the onion, cut it into 4 parts, put to the mushrooms.
  • Fill with water and put on fire.
  • After the water boils, remove the foam that has come out on the surface, reduce the intensity of the flame.
  • Cover the pot with a lid, but leave a gap for steam to escape. Boil for 20-30 minutes.
  • Add salt and spices. Simmer for 5 more minutes and remove from heat.
  • Take out the onion and mushrooms. Onions are no longer needed, and mushrooms can be used to prepare other dishes. If you plan to cook soup with mushroom broth, you can add them to it.
  • Strain the broth.

Mushroom broth by this recipe easy to prepare. It will be a good basis for any dish, which is recommended to include this product. However, if you want to serve the broth as an independent dish, its recipe does not hurt to complicate.

Delicious white mushroom broth

  • white mushrooms - 1 kg;
  • water - 2.5 l;
  • onions - 0.25 kg;
  • carrots - 100 g;
  • celery root - 50 g;
  • parsley root - 30 g;
  • vegetable oil - as needed;
  • salt, spices - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Clean and wash the mushrooms. Set aside a few pieces (approximately 0.2–0.25 kg), place the rest in a saucepan, fill with water in an amount of 2 liters and put on the stove.
  • Wash the bulbs, remove the husks from them, put them in a separate pan. Put a whole small onion there. Pour in the remaining water. Put on fire. Boil 5-10 minutes after boiling. Strain.
  • Wash and clean carrots, parsley and celery roots, cut them into small cubes or circles.
  • Cut the remaining onion into large rings.
  • Fry the onions, carrots and roots in vegetable oil for 5–7 minutes, pour onion peel decoction, stew the same amount more.
  • Cut into medium-sized pieces and fry the mushrooms in a separate pan until half cooked.
  • When the water in the pan where the mushrooms are boiled boils, remove the foam. Reduce heat and simmer for 15-20 minutes.
  • Add fried mushrooms, cook for another 10-15 minutes.
  • Add the contents of the second pan. Salt, put spices. Cook for the same amount of time.

Strain the broth, pour into bowls and serve. Add fresh herbs to each plate. You can also use mushrooms from which the broth was boiled, unless you plan to use them for cooking another dish.

dried mushroom broth

  • dried mushrooms - 80–100 g;
  • water - 2 l;
  • onions - 100 g;
  • carrots - 100 g;
  • salt, spices - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Mushrooms pour cool water, leave for 2 hours.
  • Drain the liquid, strain through cheesecloth. Dilute with water to end up with 2 liters.
  • Rinse the mushrooms thoroughly under running water, put in a saucepan, pour the prepared liquid.
  • Wash and clean the vegetables, put them whole in a saucepan with mushrooms.
  • Boil, skimming off the foam, 40 minutes after the water boils. 10-15 minutes before readiness, salt the broth, add spices.
  • Drain the mushrooms and vegetables in a colander. Strain the broth to rid it of spices, otherwise it will acquire a bitter aftertaste.

This broth recipe dried mushrooms considered classic.

Mushroom broth is tasty on its own, but is more often used to prepare mushroom soups, sauces and dishes from vegetables, meat, and poultry. It can be cooked from fresh or dried mushrooms. There are several recipes for this dish, the technology for their preparation is not exactly the same, but the basic principles of cooking mushroom broth remain common.

How delicious does it get? fried potatoes if you add mushrooms to it. And the white broth - little else can compare with it in terms of smell and flavor. Everything tastes better with mushrooms! And what is very important is useful source vitamins, proteins and microelements, which are so lacking in winter.
In order not to deprive yourself of the delights of meat baked with mushrooms in New Year, or delicious julienne with champignons, learn how to freeze them properly! Frozen mushrooms can last a year in your freezer - more than enough to wait for the next season and go hunting for forest "gold" with baskets.

Preparation and freezing

After you have harvested porcini mushrooms, aspen mushrooms, chanterelles, boletus mushrooms, honey mushrooms, and so on, you have to sort them out. Wormy and spoiled specimens cannot be frozen. Such a fungus is already spoiled ahead of time and putrefactive processes, along with the spread of microbes, can also affect the nearby brethren. In addition, mushrooms that have not passed the kitchen selection are not suitable for cooking after defrosting.

So feel free to put off spoiled options - we will definitely not freeze them. By the way, you can freeze any and all varieties of mushrooms suitable for human consumption.

In general, the harvesting process forest meat» is similar to the similar preparation of fruits and berries. They are frozen whole, after a preliminary simple processing. It should be washed carefully and well, ridding the heads of the legs from sand and other remnants of the forest. Change the water several times - it should remain clean.

Next, spread the mushrooms in a single layer on a baking sheet and leave it in the freezer for a day. After that, you should quickly move them into bags so that they take up less space, and leave them in the freezer. You can freeze immediately in bags or containers, but make sure that the soft heads and legs do not deform when folding and tamping. On the package, be sure to indicate the freezing time and variety.

In general, the checklist for freezing mushrooms for the winter looks like this:

  1. Go over: get rid of wormy, rotten, unfamiliar.
  2. Sort by grade.
  3. Wash.
  4. Sort into packages.
  5. To freeze.

If you are disgusted by the thought of not giving mushrooms heat treatment- cook them for no more than 5 minutes in salted boiling water. Drain all the water, spread on a dish or baking sheet, allowing them to cool and dry. And after that you can already freeze.

Rolling the mushroom broth

Yes, no matter how strange it may sound, this method has found its connoisseurs. For those who can't imagine their week without mushroom soup, those who want to pamper their family all year round- there is a practical option.

1. Boil the mushroom broth. Yes, more.

2. Prepare several containers of the same shape and size, line them inside with bags.

3. Pour the pre-cooled broth into the containers along with the mushroom pieces.

4. Put the container in the freezer until completely frozen.

5. Remove the bag from the container and put the formed broth into the freezer. In this form, they take up less space and it will be convenient to fold them.

Then you just have to defrost the broth, add vegetables, spices, meat and the dish is ready.

Use of frozen mushrooms

They keep for up to a year in the freezer. Refreeze this product does not tolerate, so if blackouts are expected, make sure that the mushrooms remain at a temperature not higher than -18 degrees.

For bacteria, harmful microorganisms and irreversible decay processes, defrosted mushrooms are a beneficial environment. Therefore, they must be cooked after defrosting. They retain all their favorite qualities: smell, taste, texture. So do not worry that the broth will have any third-party smell.

Speaking of which, make sure that the mushrooms in the freezer are tightly packed and away from meat and other sources of odor. This "forest sponge" absorbs any flavors very successfully. So try to shield them from such prospects.

For the rest, give the mushrooms half an hour to defrost and, in the usual way, start preparing a dish with their participation.

When freezing broths, make sure that containers and packages are labeled. Since in the form of ice you can’t make out which varieties in the tray are waiting to be eaten.

Containers and packages with forest products try to fill as much as possible without leaving air. Squeeze out the packages well, leaving no chance for air.

That's all: now you know how to freeze porcini mushrooms for the winter and all your favorite varieties that can decorate your table and pamper your family all seasons! You can read about how to make mushroom broth, including frozen ones, here.
