
"Forest meat" in reserve. How to freeze mushrooms for the winter

I'm sure everyone cooks soups. They can be meat and vegetable, rich and dietary, dairy and puree. You can also use mushroom broth to prepare first courses and various sauces.

To begin with, it is worth saying that mushroom-based broth is not only very tasty, but also healthy. It's no secret that mushrooms are high in protein. Some people even call them forest meat.

In addition, mushroom broth has a low energy value. That is why it is often used to prepare delicious dietary dishes. There are several ways to prepare the basis for the first dish with mushrooms. Consider the most popular options.

Mushroom mushroom broth

To prepare this version of a liquid dish, you will need a few mushrooms that you most often use, a pot of water, an onion and carrots.

Rinse vegetables thoroughly. Remove the caps from the mushroom legs and process them separately. If desired, you can first finely chop the mushrooms. In this case, the liquid will turn out to be more fragrant and rich. Cut the carrots into half rings, and leave the onion whole, after peeling it.

Place all the ingredients in a pot of water and put the container on the stove. When the liquid boils, note 40-50 minutes and cook the vegetables for the indicated time. If necessary, add salt and spices to the products. During the cooking process, foam is often formed. It must be removed in order for the mushroom broth to be as transparent as possible.

When the time allotted for cooking has passed, strain the resulting liquid and then use it for its intended purpose.

recipe with meat

There is a way to prepare a liquid mushroom base with the addition of pieces of meat. In this case, the dish will turn out to be rich and will have a slightly higher calorie content.

As you know, the most delicious liquid bases are obtained from porcini mushrooms. They will be used in this recipe. You will also need one small chicken fillet and your favorite spices.

Rinse vegetables thoroughly under running water and cut into cubes. Place the product in a pot of water and leave for half an hour. At this time, process the chicken meat. Wash it and cut into small pieces.

After the specified time, put the pan on the fire. As soon as the liquid boils, put the meat in it and mix the food. Add your favorite spices and simmer the mushroom broth for half an hour after boiling. Try to remove the pop-up foam more often and mix the products.

Diet option for cooking mushroom base

For people on a particular diet, there is a way to make a mushroom base that is virtually calorie-free. You will need any mushrooms and onions.

Rinse the food and put it in water. Put the container on the fire and cook for one hour. After that, drain the resulting liquid and fill in clean water. Put the onion cut in half into the pan and cook the food for another hour. After the specified time, you can add the necessary ingredients or proceed to the direct use of the dish.


Now you know several options for how to cook mushroom broth. Try each of the suggested methods and choose the one you like best.

It is worth recalling that mushrooms can be stored for a long time frozen or dried. From such products, no less tasty and healthy dishes are obtained. Vegetables practically do not lose their qualities during storage.

Cook with pleasure and eat right. Enjoy your meal!

Many housewives and connoisseurs of culinary art are well aware of the recipes for canning mushrooms, because in winter this delicacy is especially pleasing to the eye both on the festive table and on a normal day. But why preserve fresh mushrooms if you can prepare them practically without processing, but simply by freezing them?

Preparing mushrooms for the winter

How to freeze mushrooms

Winter right? This will be discussed in our article. First of all, you need to take note of simple, but very important rules:

Use only clean mushrooms;

When washing the mushrooms, do not wet them too much, as the mushrooms will quickly absorb moisture, which will turn into ice in the freezer;

Immediately remove spoiled mushrooms;

Select firm young mushrooms.

By adhering to these rules, you will not have to throw the prepared product into the trash after defrosting.

Methods for freezing mushrooms

There are several ways to freeze porcini mushrooms or any other:

Freeze unboiled fresh mushrooms (strong mushrooms such as mushrooms, boletus, chanterelles, porcini mushrooms, boletus and champignons are well suited for this type of freezing). Wash them thoroughly and dry them on a napkin or towel so that they do not stick together later. Now put dry mushrooms in a plastic bag in a thin layer and place in the freezer. Butterfish can also be frozen in this way, but first clean them from the skin. When you are about to defrost mushrooms, put them in the refrigerator - the effect of freshly picked mushrooms in the forest is guaranteed!

Boil the mushrooms and freeze them: drop the mushrooms into boiling water for only five minutes and then drain in a colander to drain excess liquid. Pack the mushrooms in bags and tie tightly, releasing excess air. Place in the freezer. This method is perfect for harvesting large mushrooms. This also applies to mushrooms, which are intended for frying. When defrosting mushrooms prepared in this way, keep in mind that pathogenic bacteria multiply rapidly in them, so use one bag of mushrooms for cooking one dish.

How to freeze mushroom broth?

Can mushroom broth be frozen? Yes, you can, and it's easy to do. Use any mushrooms except dark varieties. Boil the broth, pour it into containers in which you put food bags in advance. After the broth has completely solidified, carefully remove it and store it in the form of briquettes in the freezer. When cooking, you can add onions and carrots to the broth, so the taste will be richer. After defrosting, such a broth can be used immediately for making soups.

Freezing fried mushrooms

How to freeze mushrooms if they are fried? This is also easy: fry them over low heat with a little oil until the moisture evaporates. Let the mushrooms cool and pack them into bags. Place in the freezer.

If you want the mushrooms to retain their taste and aroma, fry them in the oven without adding oil, then they will cook in their own juice and the result will simply amaze you.

Store frozen mushrooms at a temperature not higher than -18 degrees, and after defrosting, immediately heat treat and use all thawed mushrooms at a time.

What to cook?

When there are frozen mushrooms in the freezer, there is always a dish for which they will come in handy. For example, you can cook fragrant mushroom soup, julienne, fry potatoes with mushrooms, or make a delicious filling for pancakes. Do-it-yourself mushrooms will delight you and your family on cold winter evenings.

In winter, it’s so good to cook mushroom soup or add mushrooms to risotto, and just to potatoes. Therefore, we do not waste time and freeze the harvest.

"Silent hunting" (as our ancestors called mushroom picking) is in full swing. What to do with prey if there is no energy for canning? Freeze!
All edible mushrooms are suitable for freezing, but more than others are strong and not wormy young porcini mushrooms, boletus, boletus, champignons, chanterelles, mushrooms. Mushrooms are a very delicate product and therefore require careful attention and processing as soon as possible. The best thing is to put them in storage on the same day when you collected them in the forest or bought them in the market.
The principle of freezing forest mushrooms is generally similar to freezing berries. Mushrooms must be carefully sorted out, throwing out dubious specimens and wormy mushrooms, cut off, remove damaged parts and rinse thoroughly, changing the water several times.
It is best to freeze whole young strong mushrooms, which are rarely wormy. Dry the washed mushrooms on a towel, cut large ones, then put them on a baking sheet or tray in one layer and place in the freezer.

If you are afraid to freeze mushrooms fresh, boil them for 5 minutes in boiling salted water before freezing, drain them in a colander, dry them, and only then freeze them. Pour the frozen mushrooms into a bag or container, tie, label (be sure to write the date of laying and the variety of mushrooms), store in the freezer.
Advice: Thawed mushrooms are a favorable environment for the reproduction of various microorganisms, therefore, after thawing, mushrooms should be immediately used for cooking mushroom dishes. Frozen mushrooms can be stored in a freezer at -18°C for up to one year.

Boiled mushrooms, especially noble varieties, produce a rich, clear and highly aromatic decoction that can be stored frozen for a hearty soup rich in wild mushroom flavor.

Boil mushrooms (excluding dark ones), pour the cooled broth (together with mushrooms) into containers, after putting food bags into them, freeze, and then empty the containers and store the broth in the form of neat briquettes. To bring such a soup to readiness, it will be enough for you to cook a roast of onions and carrots and add potatoes, noodles or cereals, herbs and spices to taste to the heated broth.

Advice: You can boil mushrooms with vegetables - potatoes, carrots (without fried onions), in this case, the semi-finished mushroom soup can be brought to full readiness much faster!

You can also freeze boiled, fried and stewed mushrooms. To do this, washed and fully prepared mushrooms must be cut, boiled for 15-20 minutes (or until fully cooked). Mushrooms that give a dark broth (pigs and some others) can be thrown into a colander and then boiled again in new water.

Boiled mushrooms need to be cooled, decomposed into containers and placed in the freezer. Stewed mushrooms, which contain a lot of fragrant mushroom juice, can be frozen along with the liquid in which they were cooked. True, fried, stewed, and then frozen mushrooms are stored much less than boiled ones - no more than three months. But they are especially good for cooking julienne, lasagne and mushroom stew, meat in pots or mushroom pizza.

Advice: Be sure to sign containers and bags with frozen mushrooms - when cooked, they look like a homogeneous mass, and it will be difficult for you to understand what is inside. Fill the containers completely. The less air left in the container, the better the food will be preserved in it. The same rule applies to plastic bags: before tying the bag, squeeze the air out of it, and only after that put it in the freezer.

How often do we cook first courses on meat broths, but sometimes we unfairly forget about mushroom broth. On its basis, a lot of tasty, healthy soups and borscht are prepared. The mushroom taste goes well with vegetables, beans, barley, lentils, resulting in a fragrant and hearty soup. Often professional chefs prefer to combine meat or chicken broth with mushrooms. Also, lovers of original recipes try to combine mushroom flavor notes with cream cheese, melted cheese is added to the mushroom broth and soups are cooked on this basis. To make the first dish even more piquant, spices, seasonings, chopped garlic are put in the mushroom broth.
For cooking, products of various conditions are used - fresh, dried, frozen, and always available champignons or oyster mushrooms are even better. Forest, only harvested mushrooms require careful processing, the cooking process is a little more complicated. When using dried ones, it will also not be possible to quickly take and boil the soup, they must be soaked.
Mushroom dishes are considered by nutritionists to be difficult to digest. Therefore, parents have a completely natural question: is it possible for children to have mushroom broth? It is recommended to give such soups for lunch only from the age of 7-8 years. First, it should be light vegetable soups on a diluted broth, which was used as champignons (it is believed that they are the most easily absorbed by the body and the least toxic). This is due to the fact that the children's digestive system is finally formed only by the age of 7-8, so if mushroom dishes are given to children earlier, the body may be poisoned, since the most common non-poisonous mushrooms can cause intoxication in the child's body. After feeding the children mushroom soup for the first time, carefully monitor the body's reaction for several days. Even if everything is fine, do not feed the kids mushroom dishes more often than 1 time in 2-3 weeks.
For those who already have adult children, we advise you to include mushroom dishes in your diet more often, especially the first hot ones. And for starters, let's take a closer look at what mushrooms and how to cook the broth correctly?

Fresh mushroom broth

If you went to the forest on the weekend, brought full baskets of mushrooms, then you now have a lot of work: marinate, dry, freeze. But leave a part to immediately cook the mushroom broth from fresh mushrooms. For cooking, use better tubular specimens - white, boletus.

Taste Info Hot soups / Mushroom soup


  • fresh mushrooms -1 kg;
  • water - 2-2.5 l;
  • bulb bulb - 1 piece;
  • carrots - 1 piece;
  • black peppercorns - 8 pieces;
  • cloves - 4 pieces;
  • salt - to your taste;
  • bay leaf - 1-2 pieces.

How to make delicious fresh mushroom broth

Sort fresh mushrooms, clean, rinse thoroughly. Put them in a saucepan, cover with water, put peeled onions with carrots and spices (you can add bay leaves a little later). Send to the stove, as soon as the water starts to boil, reduce the heat and cook for 1-2 hours. Cooking time depends on what concentration you want to end up with. The longer the mushrooms are cooked, the more aromatic and richer the broth will be.
When the mushrooms are fully cooked, remove them from the pan, and strain the broth itself and salt. You can eat it right like this, crushing fresh chopped herbs on top.
Rinse the boiled mushrooms under running water and then use at your discretion: you can chop them with a meat grinder and prepare a sauce, or add them to a light vegetable soup with vegetables.

From dried mushrooms

In this case, dried mushrooms, boletus, mossiness mushrooms are well suited.
Before cooking the broth from dried mushrooms, carefully inspect them; during storage, a bug may hang in them.


  • dried mushrooms - 100-150 g;
  • water - 2 l;
  • parsley root - 1 piece;
  • salt - to your taste.


Sort the dried mushrooms and rinse several times in warm water (30-35 degrees will be enough); place in a bowl and cover with cold water. Leave them in this state for 3-4 hours, they should swell.

Now throw the mushrooms in a colander, rinse, put in a saucepan and fill with clean water. If you need a very rich mushroom broth, then boil them in the same water in which they were soaked. Put them on a slow fire, after boiling, add the parsley root. Boil an hour. When the mushrooms are fully cooked, pull out, cool and use further at your discretion. Strain the broth, salt.

From frozen mushrooms

Frozen mushroom broth is always excellent taste, quick and easy to prepare. You can freeze mushrooms yourself for future use, or buy all the same oyster mushrooms or champignons in the store.


  • frozen mushrooms - 500 g;
  • water - 2-2.5 l;
  • salt - to your taste.


Defrost and rinse the mushrooms well, if they are large, you can cut them into smaller pieces.
Boil water, dip the mushrooms into it, salt, you can add spices to your liking. Boil for 30-40 minutes. Strain the finished broth, sprinkle it with fresh herbs when serving.

From champignons

However, in our vast country there are places that are not mushrooms at all. And not everyone can call themselves a mushroom picker, allow themselves to walk through the forest with a basket, and then dry, freeze or cook porcini mushroom broth. And everyone wants delicious and nutritious mushroom dishes. This is where champignons come to the rescue, which you can easily go and buy at any time in every supermarket.


  • champignons - 1 kg;
  • water - 2-2.5 l;
  • carrots - 1 piece;
  • bulb bulb - 1 piece;
  • bay leaves - 1-2 pieces;
  • allspice peas - 4-5 pieces;
  • salt - to your taste.
  • Cooking:

Sort the champignons, clean, rinse thoroughly and cut if they are too large.

Put the mushrooms in a saucepan, pour clean water, send to the stove until boiling. Then reduce the fire to a minimum, put the peeled carrots with onions, peppercorns (throw the parsley later). Boil 30 minutes.
Serve the champignon broth, pouring into bowls and garnishing with fresh parsley.

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Dishes with mushroom broth

If there are mushrooms in the house, the hostesses will not have to rack their brains over the question of what to cook. From mushroom broth you can make a lot of healthy and tasty dishes:

  • Vegetable soups, for example, with young or canned green peas.
  • Noodle soup.
  • Add to risotto and paella.
  • Mushroom soup puree.
  • Stew vegetables and legumes in this broth.
  • It is also an excellent base for making sauces.

If you pour in a little when stewing potatoes with meat, the aroma of the finished dish will be even more pleasant and richer.

A wonderful option is how to freeze mushroom broth, for this it can be poured into plastic cups or ice molds. Once thawed, use as normal mushroom broth.
There is no better diet for those people who observe church fasts. And since the calorie content of mushroom broths is only 3 kcal per 100 g, they are perfect for those who follow their figure and are on diets.

Mushroom broth is a real lifesaver for people who, for whatever reasons, meat and fish soups are forbidden.

All Christians know that you can cook any first course on it during fasting: cabbage soup, borscht, pickle, any mushroom soup.

For vegetarians, this is one of the first bases for soups; it is not at all clear what they would do without such a product. These people know exactly what mushrooms smell like. Fragrant mushroom broth, for example, will not work very well from oyster mushrooms. With champignons it’s already better, but forest mushrooms will give the real forest flavor to the broth, and eventually to the soup. In the first place, of course, the porcini mushroom is the king among its relatives.

But soups are also cooked on the basis of broths from chanterelles, aspen mushrooms, butter, honey mushrooms, and extreme people even from russula. In a word, if only not from fresh fly agarics or grebes. Newfangled shiitake and meitake are also used.

It would seem that it’s easier - washed the mushrooms properly, poured water in a saucepan, put on fire - and now the broth is ready. And this is actually true, but you need to follow some rules. This, of course, is about prey from the wild. "Shop" mushrooms do not require much effort in cooking: washed, cut and cooked.

Rule number 1. We clean and wash

Before you cook any of the mushrooms, they must be properly cleaned and washed. The volume that you brought from the forest in a basket is already at this stage reduced by about a third. Washing and processing take quite a lot of time, especially if it is a rainy autumn outside, and together with mushrooms you have collected dirt, fallen leaves, blades of grass, sand.

Rule number 2. Soak

All this must be removed and put the mushrooms to soak. For what? The fungus has a porous structure. A lot of things are clogged in the pores, but you are unlikely to want to eat it. Therefore, they cleaned it, cut off all the excess, washed it - put the mushrooms in a sufficient amount of water, they should be completely covered with liquid. Leave them for 2 hours, it is not superfluous to change the water. Some mushrooms have their own characteristics: the breast can be bitter, the butter mushrooms themselves are slimy.

Rule number 3. Pre-boil

So, if you are dealing with noble mushrooms - for example, porcini, boletus, boletus, then you can start cooking them immediately after soaking. If the mushrooms are capricious, then they should be boiled on a slow boil for at least an hour, and preferably two. The liquid that forms during the cooking process is not yet broth, it must be poured out! And after that, you can dispose of the mushrooms further: you can cook broth from them, and then soup; You can roast it, you can freeze it, or you can dry it.

Rule number 4. Cook the broth

And now, in fact, we cook mushroom broth. The mass of mushrooms depends on the purposes for which you then want to use them. On average, 200 g of dry mushrooms are taken per 2 liters of water, and 500-700 g of fresh or frozen ones. But if you are planning to cook a luxurious puree soup, where mushrooms will be the main ingredient, then there should naturally be more of them.

If you take dry mushrooms, then they must first be soaked and washed. Frozen is better to defrost, although not necessary.

When you start cooking, immediately add spices. Pairs well with mushrooms.

  • Onions (leek or onion), 1 large is enough for a two-liter pan;
  • Bay leaf, but it can interfere with the mushroom flavor;
  • Peppers of all kinds (black, white, red, sweet peas, paprika, chili);
  • Parsley - both root and greens;
  • Celery;
  • Thyme;
  • Oregano;
  • Tarragon;
  • Caraway.

Choose the spice or combination of spices that you like. It is important that the spices are in moderation - their aroma should emphasize the forest mushroom spirit, and not interrupt it.

Rule number 5. How much to cook?

The cooking time of mushroom broth is on average from 45 minutes to 1.5 hours. Again, it depends on the mushrooms. You can easily cook broth from champignons in 40 minutes. The rule is that wild mushrooms should be cooked longer. Readiness is determined by the consistency and smell. When the broth is ready, it is filtered, the mushrooms are crushed so that they go further into business.

How to use mushroom broth?

Its main purpose is to become the basis of the soup! If you do not want the mushroom first course immediately, you can cool the broth and freeze.

For second courses, mushroom broth will be a good basis for side dishes: buckwheat porridge cooked in it is already great. You can make great pasta if you boil spaghetti in broth instead of water.

Mushroom broth is excellent as the basis of julienne and all its varieties. In mushroom broth, you can stew meat, chicken, vegetables. All of them will acquire a unique forest aroma as a result!

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