
Biscuit roll with whipped cream recipe for biscuit roll at home. Biscuit roll with butter cream and chocolate icing

It is prepared on the basis biscuit dough which does not require any special skills. The main thing is that the squirrels are well whipped, and here a mixer will come to your aid: either manual or stationary.

The cream is also prepared simply and quickly.

As a result, you will get delicious pastries.

This roll is a favorite not only with my family, but also with the families of my relatives and friends.

To make chocolate biscuit roll with butter cream prepare the products according to the list.

Divide the eggs into whites and yolks.

Beat the whites in a stable foam with salt, vanilla extract and sugar.

If you turn over the mixer bowl, the foam will not budge.

Then add the yolks one at a time, beating after each.

In several stages, we introduce flour mixed with cocoa.

Mix carefully.

Put the dough on a baking sheet lined with parchment.

Bake in an oven preheated to 220 degrees for 6-8 minutes.

Focus on your oven! Ready biscuit when you press it with your finger, it will spring. If you overcook the biscuit in the oven, it may break when you roll it.

By the way, this is not critical. And it happened to me that the layer broke, but, as they say, where ours did not disappear ... I just broke the layer into pieces and laid it out in layers (pieces of biscuit - cream) in glasses. It turned out very delicious dessert! You can make a layer of fruit.

The size of the baking sheet is 30x40 cm.

We put a piece of parchment on the table, put a hot biscuit on it. We remove the parchment on which it was baked, and cover the biscuit with a film.

In this form, let it cool completely.

For now, let's get on with the cream.

Whip cold cream with powdered sugar to soft peaks.

4-5 tablespoons are enough for me. powdered sugar. You are free to add as much as you like.

Cream cheese at room temperature kneaded...

And combine it with cream. Whisk until everything comes together.

The cream is ready.

We apply cream on the cooled biscuit layer.

You can leave a little cream to lubricate the surface of the roll, but this is entirely optional.

We turn the roll, helping ourselves with the parchment on which the layer lay.

I smeared the roll with the reserved cream and sprinkled with cocoa.

Chocolate biscuit roll with buttercream ready.

You can serve it right away, but it’s better to let it rest in the refrigerator for three hours, and ideally overnight.

During this time, the cream will stabilize and become a lush mousse! Yes, and cut the roll will turn out beautifully and evenly.

This is delicious!

Happy desserts!

Mix flour and cocoa powder, sift. Beat eggs with mixer until lush foam gradually adding sugar vanilla essence. Beat for 5 minutes. In two or three doses, add flour with cocoa to the beaten egg mass, mix.

Line a baking sheet measuring 38/33 cm with baking paper, if in doubt about the quality of your paper, grease with oil. Put the dough, level it and put it in the oven preheated to 180 degrees. Bake for 10-12 minutes, do not overdry the biscuit.

Finished cake remove from the baking sheet along with the paper, cover it with a towel on top and roll it together with the paper and towel. Leave to cool for 2 hours.

While the biscuit is cooling, prepare the cream: beat with a mixer until lush mass room temperature butter with 170 g of condensed milk. Milk and butter should be at the same temperature. Add the amount of condensed milk to taste ... sweetness to your taste. Then add cottage cheese, mix.

Unroll the cooled biscuit, remove the towel. Spread cranberry jam sponge cake TM "Maheev" so that the cranberries are evenly distributed over biscuit cake Then gently spread buttercream on top. I do this with a piping bag with a round nozzle so the cream can be applied evenly over the entire surface. Roll up the roll and refrigerate for 2-3 hours.

Chilled roll cover sour cream glaze. For glaze, mix sour cream with 100 g of condensed milk. Then add lemon juice, mix again, the icing after adding the lemon juice should become thick. I mix the icing by hand ... with a whisk. Decorated with chocolate shavings.

Whatever you say, but the biscuit will always remain the king of sweets and the king of desserts! On the basis of biscuit dough, you can cook a lot of goodies and all of them will have the most delicate base, delicious stuffing and incredibly appetizing appearance.
Biscuit roll with jam and whipped cream is just what you need for a holiday or celebration. Agree, everyone is tired of cakes and pies, so I want something new, both in taste and in shape. Dessert is good because it can be cut into small slices, which are beautifully arranged on a serving dish. This will please those guests who always ask for a smaller piece of cake.
At first glance, it may seem that preparing such a roll is quite difficult. But this is not so, a beautiful and tasty biscuit roll can turn out without problems at home, if you follow it clearly step by step recipe with photo. Gentle wet biscuit, sweet jam berries and fluffy whipped cream create cooking masterpiece, which will appeal to both small children and adult connoisseurs of desserts.

Cooking time - 1 hour. The number of servings is 8.


for the biscuit dough:

  • 5 eggs;
  • 1 st. Sahara;
  • 1 st. flour;
  • 1 tsp soda;
  • 1 tbsp vinegar to extinguish soda.

For filling:

  • 500 ml cream with a fat content of at least 33%;
  • 200 g jam or jam;
  • 50 g of powdered sugar.

1. Put sugar in a small container and beat eggs into it.

2. Using a mixer, beat the contents of the bowl until foam.

3. Add the sifted flour and soda slaked with vinegar. Soda with vinegar can be replaced with 2 tsp. baking powder for dough.

4. Whisk batter to homogeneity. Biscuit dough for roll should be with a lot of bubbles, and in consistency it resembles liquid sour cream.

5. Prepare the form. It can be a parchment-lined baking sheet or a baking mat. thin cakes. I use a silicone mat, baking cakes with it is a pleasure. Pour the dough into the chosen form.

6. The dough itself spreads in shape, you just need to smooth it out a little with a spoon.

7. Put in an oven preheated to 200 degrees and bake for about 15 minutes, depending on the thickness of the cake. Readiness is checked with a toothpick, piercing the dough with it. If there is no toothpick liquid dough- the biscuit for the roll is ready. Take it out and let it cool down room temperature. The dough will settle, but remain soft and airy.

8. Let's move on to the preparation of the filling. Pour the cream into a cold dry bowl. In order for the cream to whip well, it must also be cold. In addition, before pouring the cream, you can crush and shake the box, since all the fat collects on the walls and bottom. Pour in powdered sugar.

9. Beat everything until the cream turns into a tender and air cream. Mixer speed should be maximum. Be careful as the cream will scatter when whipping. different sides, so the dishes should be chosen deep. For convenience, I put the bowl in the sink.

10. Carefully separate the cooled cake from the mat. This is done quite easily. Leave it on the mat or transfer it to another flat surface.

11. Prepare jam. Spread a layer of jam evenly over the cake with a spoon. It is important not to overdo it, as the roll will be cloyingly sweet.

12. On top of the jam, spread the whipped cream in a neat even layer.

13. Now we need to wrap biscuit dough stuffed in a roll. We start from the very edge very carefully so that the cake does not break.

14. We shift the biscuit roll with jam to a large flat plate for serving. Grease the top and edges of the finished roll with cream.

15. You can decorate the roll with colored sprinkles, grated chocolate or cocoa powder poured through a strainer.

16. To make the biscuit dough pleasantly moist and literally melt in your mouth, eat little secret. Can be placed ready roll in the freezer for about 1-2 hours. Then we move the roll to the refrigerator and keep it for at least 2 more hours. During this time, it will be well saturated, and the cream will grab a little and become denser.

Biscuit roll with whipped cream and jam is ready! You can take a sample and enjoy the gentle thin unforgettable taste!

If we talk about the fact that biscuit roll will not be the only treat for the sweet table, then you can add a few more dishes to it. It can be cupcakes cooked in small forms, cookies, buns or a pie. It is important that the types of dessert served are well combined with each other, both in taste and in taste. appearance. Therefore, you can always leave a little cream or cocoa powder in order to decorate the second dessert course in a similar way.

For many people, the sweetest childhood memory is the cream for the biscuit roll and, in fact, the biscuit roll itself. Absolutely everyone loves it: children, adults, gourmets and those who eat everything without sorting out dishes. Exists great amount various biscuits: dry, with all kinds of fillings, simple, soaked in syrups, purchased, homemade. And the cream for such a delicacy is generally an unforgettable pleasure. There are also a huge number of his options. The most delicious is homemade roll with homemade cream. But first things first.

biscuit story

Biscuit has existed on Earth for five centuries. There is a widespread belief that this sweet was born in England, but in fact France became its homeland. From the old French language, the word "biscuit" is translated as "twice baked." At the very beginning of its existence, this food was the so-called "sea biscuit". The product was intended for long sea voyages, as it was satisfying and could be stored for a long time. That biscuit was baked without oil, was superbly dried, and therefore did not become covered with mold quite for a long time. Of course, then the cream for biscuit roll was fairy tale that no one dreamed of.

But very soon, biscuit crackers became popular on land, they were served in secular living rooms for tea as cookies. Dessert was especially fond of the British, and in the time of Queen Victoria, not a single tea party was complete without sweetness. Only now it was a freshly baked biscuit with various layers, fillings and creams. It was not intended for long-term savings, but was to be consumed immediately.

In the 17th century, the biscuit triumphantly returned to France, two centuries later it conquered Australia. Today there are many variations of different biscuit sweets. Cream for biscuit roll is also offered in huge variations. Cooking a treat is quite difficult, but many housewives have learned to cope with this task and bake incredibly delicious cakes and rolls.

Basic creams for rolls

Modern chefs brew a variety of various creams for biscuit rolls. But there are among them the most popular options. So, butter cream for biscuit roll belongs to such varieties. It is not only incredibly tasty, but also very convenient for decorating baked goods, as it retains and takes on various forms without any problems. One of its variants is prepared from butter, powdered sugar and yolks. You can also add a little cognac or rum to it.

Incredibly tasty and which is prepared on the basis of whipped egg whites. Proteins must be whipped with a mixer until airy foam forms. As a result, such a cream is not suitable for a layer of cakes, they can only decorate the surface of the rolls.

The lowest calorie and easiest to prepare is considered curd cream. To create it, you will need cottage cheese, cream, sugar and vanillin.

Very delicious cream for biscuit roll - sour cream, made from sour cream 15% fat, sugar, vanillin and thickener. Cream based on whipped cream also belongs to the most appetizing options. Its only drawback is that it must be stored in the refrigerator and only a few hours. Therefore, you need to prepare the cream from immediately before using the biscuit roll.

It is popular for biscuit roll, which also has a drawback - it is high in calories. But its unearthly taste justifies this minus. Any of the above types is considered a perishable product, and therefore it or a roll with it must be kept only in the refrigerator. The storage time is from three to 40 hours.

Biscuit Ingredients

To bake a tender biscuit roll, you need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • 10 eggs.
  • One sachet of vanilla sugar.
  • One glass of regular sugar.
  • Half a cup of wheat flour.
  • Half a cup of potato starch.

Roll preparation

Separate the whites and yolks first. Then we send the proteins to the refrigerator for a while, and the yolks, along with vanilla and regular sugar whisk until white. Gradually add starch and flour to the mixture and knead.

Now, in a separate container, whip the whites into a strong foam, then carefully lay them on the mixture of yolks and stir until a homogeneous dough is obtained. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees, grease the baking sheet with oil, sprinkle flour on top, pour the dough and put it in the oven for 25-35 minutes.

When the biscuit is ready, it should be put on a clean towel and rolled up. When it cools down, you need to carefully unroll the roll, remove the towel, spread the dough with cream and roll it up again.

Appetizing and healthy curd cream

Cooking a biscuit roll is not at all difficult. We bake the roll according to the above recipe. Here comes the cream in the following way. In two tablespoons boiled water soak 10 grams of gelatin. We put 250 grams in a sieve cottage cheese and grind it until all the grains disappear. Now we shift the cheese into a saucepan and add 75 grams of sugar. We knead everything together. Dissolve gelatin in a water bath, then beat 200 milliliters of 33% fat cream with 75 grams of sugar. It should be an air mass. IN cottage cheese mixture add gelatin and beat the composition. Then gently, in small portions, add to the mixture of cottage cheese and beat everything again. Our roll cream is ready.

Custard cream

To bake a biscuit roll with, you need to prepare the dough according to the recipe given in the article. Then prepare the cream itself, for which you need a glass of milk, 0.5 cups of sugar, two yolks, a tablespoon of flour, a pinch of vanilla.

Rub the yolks with flour, vanilla and sugar. Now boil the milk, cool it a little and pour it into the yolks, constantly stirring the mass. We put such a cream on the stove and cook until thickened, stirring all the time.

Butter cream preparation

Biscuit roll with oil cream prepared from one package of butter, four eggs, one glass of sugar and one hundred grams of powdered sugar. The roll is already baked famous recipe. Then we proceed to the creation of the cream: we beat the eggs into the pan, knead them with sugar and put the container on the fire. Constantly stir the composition until a thick mass is formed. Then cool the contents of the pan. In the meantime, beat the butter with the powdered sugar and pour in egg mixture. You can add a little vanilla if you like. Cold ready cream put it on and roll it up.

Biscuit Secrets

Our article provides a recipe for biscuit roll with and butter. You also need to familiarize yourself with some of the secrets of making the biscuit itself, so that the roll turns out to be even tastier. So, in the dishes in which the dough will be prepared, there should not be any wet, greasy and other traces. Only in this case it will be possible to get a magnificent dessert.

It is recommended to beat the eggs at the highest power of the mixer. The resulting elastic foam should increase its volume by four to five times. If you are working with a hand whisk, then it is better to beat the ingredients in one direction, then the dough will not settle. The shade and consistency of the egg mass should be similar to whipped cream.

Being a big fan home baking, I often cook for my family and friends the most different desserts. Our family is especially indifferent to sponge cakes. I love baking cakes, but it's a rather long and laborious process. Usually it takes at least two or three hours, and sometimes much more.

But recently I started baking biscuit rolls, in fact, these are the same cakes, but they are made much faster. The dough for the roll includes exactly the same products as for the cake. You can also experiment endlessly with the filling. I have already tried to make a biscuit roll with different creams and fillers, I really liked the combination of delicate butter cream and sour lingonberries.

Dough Ingredients:

200 g flour

200 g granulated sugar

Vanillin to taste

Filling Ingredients:

200 g heavy cream

5 st. spoons of powdered sugar

100 g cranberries

Biscuit roll with butter cream and cranberries. Cooking method:

1. To prepare biscuit dough, mix eggs with granulated sugar and beat with a mixer.

2. The mixing bowl must be clean and dry, so the whipped mass will turn out lush.

3. Add flour to the beaten egg mass in parts and mix with a silicone spatula. Add vanilla for flavor. The mixer cannot be used at this stage, otherwise the biscuit dough will turn out to be sticky and heterogeneous.

4. On a baking sheet covered with baking paper, evenly distribute the biscuit dough with a thickness of about 3 mm. We put the cake to bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 15-20 minutes.

5. We turn the finished cake into a roll along with parchment and leave to cool.

6. In the meantime, prepare the cream. To do this, mix cream with a fat content of 33-35% with powdered sugar and beat well until thick.

7. Add lingonberries to the cream, the easiest way is to find frozen ones in any season. Mix the contents of the bowl and send the cream to the refrigerator to cool.

8. Unfold the cooled cake and generously grease with chilled butter cream with lingonberries.
