
Homemade biscuit roll with bananas. How to cook a banana roll: the best recipes

The forum, which constantly gives me inspiration, this time advised on baking with bananas. Having dreamed up a little on a given topic, I decided that I had not baked simple, but invariably successful homemade biscuit rolls, and by combining them with fragrant fruits, she created just such a dessert. They destroyed it right away - I was even upset: there was almost nothing to photograph to show you. However, this is an indicator that the experiment was a success, right? Homemade biscuit roll, in general, always helps out - it is easy to prepare and completely unobtrusive in eating: you can get carried away and not notice how there will be no half. I usually cook simple biscuit rolls when you need to figure something out for tea, but there is neither time nor food for significant feats, it’s enough to immediately get five eggs from the refrigerator, find a jar of forgotten and uninteresting jam and knead the dough in a couple of minutes. All. Done, you can put the kettle on.

I don't like people who want to straighten a banana for the benefit of humanity.
Günther Grass, "From the diary of a snail"

This version is, of course, a little more complicated than the version with forgotten jam, however, there is nothing to be afraid of, it is almost as easy to prepare. If you are on "you" with baking technology homemade biscuit rolls, there will be no difficulties at all. If not on "you", but for now on "you", then this recipe will just bring you together.

Dough Ingredients:

2/3 cup sugar;

2/3 cup flour.

Filling Ingredients:

1 st. l. starch;

1/2 cup sugar;

1 glass of milk;

Mix starch and sugar, break the egg, rub well. Pour a glass of boiled strained milk.

We put on a minimum fire, stirring constantly, bring to a state of "puffing". Turn off, add vanillin, leave to cool (you can transfer it to a bowl, which you put in another, large one, filling it with ice water).

Turn on the oven (180 degrees), cover the baking sheet with baking paper.

We break the eggs, turn on the mixer, beat for several minutes, the mass should become homogeneous and increase in volume. While continuing to beat, gradually add sugar. After its dissolution - flour.

Pour the dough onto a baking sheet, bake for 10-15 minutes - watch carefully, the cake should turn yellow-pinkish, but in no case brown. If the biscuit is overexposed in the oven, it simply will not roll up.

  • Make the dough: beat the whites, slowly pour a pinch of salt and 2 tablespoons of sugar. Beat egg yolks with vanilla and remaining sugar. Continuing to beat, pour in the oil. Combine mixtures carefully. Sift flour and baking powder. Stir gently to maintain volume. Separately combine coffee, cocoa and water, mix until smooth.
  • Lay parchment on a baking sheet (36 by 28 centimeters), lightly spread with vegetable oil. Carefully lay out 2/3 of the dough. Distribute on a baking sheet. Add the coffee and cocoa mixture to the remaining dough, mix. Put on top of the light dough in the form of blots. Draw patterns with a toothpick.
  • Bake for 15-20 minutes, keep the temperature at 180 degrees. Cover the finished layer with a towel, turn over, remove the parchment. Gently roll the hot layer into a roll together with a towel. Let cool. Prepare the cream: beat sour cream, powdered sugar, cream thickener.
  • Melt the chocolate in a water bath. Mash the banana until puree, mix with cognac and chocolate, mix. Combine banana-chocolate mixture and sour cream. When the roll has cooled, unroll, spread with cream. Roll up the roll. Trim the edges. Serve Marbled Biscuit Roll cold.
Sponge roll with filling is a worthy alternative to cake. A very convenient dessert that does not require much practice, special skills or time consuming decoration. You can use absolutely any stuffing for the roll. It can be butter, sour cream or custard, thick jam jam, honey or condensed milk - everything will do.
The recipe is simple and cooks pretty quickly.


For test:

  • Flour-5st.l (without a slide).
  • Eggs-5pcs (medium size).
  • Sugar-4 tbsp.
  • Milk - 4 tbsp.
  • Vegetable oil-3 tbsp.

For cream:

  • Butter-200g.
  • Condensed milk - 8-10 tbsp.
  • Cognac-1st.l (or liquor, rum or balm).
  • Bananas-2pcs.


Separate the yolks from the whites.

Add a pinch of salt and 1 tablespoon of sugar to the yolks. Beat with a blender. Then, in small portions, without stopping whipping, add vegetable oil.


We add milk. Beat for another 3-5 minutes.


Add sifted flour. Mix quickly. You should get a thin dough.


Beat egg whites to soft peaks, then add remaining sugar and beat until stiff peaks form.


In the yolk mass, add the whipped whites in small portions and with neat, folding movements from the bottom up, knead the biscuit dough.


After kneading, pour the dough onto a baking sheet (I used a baking sheet measuring 38 × 40 cm) lined with parchment. Bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 10-15 minutes.

During baking, do not open the oven door for the first 10-12 minutes!


Immediately after baking, the finished biscuit is quickly turned over onto another parchment, or onto a clean towel. Carefully remove the parchment on which the dough was baked.


We roll the hot biscuit into a roll along with parchment (or a towel) and cool.



Unroll the cooled roll. Lubricate the entire surface with cream.

A little cream can be left for decoration, but this is not necessary. You can simply sprinkle the roll with powdered sugar. I decorated the roll with roasted peanuts, so I left a little cream.

Put bananas on the edge.


Let's roll the roll.

At this stage, if you do not decorate with nuts, the roll can be wrapped in cling film and placed in the refrigerator for 2 hours to soak. Sprinkle with powdered sugar before serving.


If you decorate the roll with nuts, then put the roll on a dish, grease with cream and sprinkle with any nuts (I sprinkled with roasted peanuts).

We close the roll with a film and put it in the refrigerator for 2 hours for impregnation.


Today we will please all the sweet tooth, without exception, because the dessert according to the proposed recipes is prepared easily, quickly and with pleasure! And it is eaten simply with delight, as the banana roll with condensed milk pleases both adults and children with its delicate texture and amazing creamy-fruity taste.

There are several options for preparing this simple delicacy, and in our selection you will surely be able to find one that will enchant you and your loved ones.

First, let's make a dessert with raw condensed milk.

Condensed milk roll with banana


For the test

  • Condensed milk - 1/2 can + -
  • - 1 PC. + -
  • - 80 g + -
  • Baking powder - 1 tsp + -

For filling

  • Condensed milk - 1/2 can + -
  • - 100 g + -
  • Bananas - 2 pcs. + -


  1. Let's make a biscuit cake: beat the egg with condensed milk until smooth, add flour and baking powder. If desired, we can add a little salt to the dough - literally on the tip of a knife.
  2. We cover a rectangular baking sheet with baking paper and pour the dough onto it. It should spread in a thin layer.
  3. We set to bake at 180 ° C for 15 minutes. Readiness is determined by the golden color of the dough and the fact that it easily moves away from the sides. Take it out and let it breathe for a few minutes.
  4. But while the cake is baking, you need to prepare the filling: beat the condensed milk with butter at low speed. The main thing is not to be too zealous so as not to break the oil into lumps and whey.
  5. When the consistency suits, we remove the cream in the refrigerator - chilled it will keep its shape better and will not spread.
  6. Bananas 1 or 2 pieces, depending on their size, cut into small cubes.

We slightly moisten a clean towel with boiled water, spread it on a flat surface and lay the finished cake on it - turn it over right on the sheet and carefully remove the paper.

Do not let the cake cool completely - in this case it will become less flexible and may break, we coat it well with cream. Lay chopped bananas on top in an even layer.

Using a towel, wrap the roll. Transfer it to a plate and pour over the remaining cream, the biscuit should be completely soaked.

Sprinkle the top of the roll with biscuit crumbs, grated chocolate or chopped nuts. And we can leave it like that, wait 30 minutes until the excess moisture is absorbed and decorate the surface with fresh berries.

After that, we remove the roll in the refrigerator and let it soak for an hour and a half. To achieve a more caramel taste, we will prepare a dessert with boiled condensed milk.

Banana roll with boiled condensed milk

Option 1

  1. We make the dough for the biscuit as follows: 3 tbsp. Whisk white sugar with 3 eggs. As soon as the grains are completely dissolved, mix in 4 tbsp. flour and add ½ tsp. soda - you can not extinguish it so that the biscuit does not rise too much.
  2. Beat everything until smooth, cover the baking sheet with paper and pour the dough. We bake at 180 ° C for 10 minutes or a little less, since the layer is very thin. We should get a biscuit cake, quite elastic and durable.

We roll the hot dough into a roll directly with paper - this will give the desired shape. We hold it like this for half a minute, unfold it and generously coat the entire surface with boiled condensed milk. It will take at least ½ can.

Cut 1 ripe banana into thin circles and spread them on condensed milk. Now, with the help of paper, we roll up the roll and put it on a plate. We also coat with condensed milk on top, roll in walnuts, coconut flakes or decorate with fresh berries.

Happy tea!

Roll recipe: option 2

According to the same recipe, the roll can be prepared a little differently. After the cake is ready and properly greased with boiled condensed milk, cut a large banana or a couple of small ones into bars 3-3.5 cm long.

We lay them out at small intervals along the edge of the long side so that they occupy it entirely and twist the roll around them. That is, when cut in the middle of the roll, there will be a beautiful banana slice.

We decorate the surface with boiled condensed milk and sprinkle with nuts.

  • If it seems that the cake turned out to be harsh and dry, soak it with sugar syrup. To do this, dilute 1 tbsp in ¼ cup of warm water. Sahara.
  • If boiled condensed milk is too sweet, combine it in a 2: 1 ratio with butter - it will make the filling more tender.
  • Nuts are also good to add along with bananas inside. Sprinkle them with cream, and then lay out the slices of fruit.
  • If you want to make the filling more juicy, add a few slices of kiwi fruit, thinly sliced ​​orange slices without films, or several halves of fresh or defrosted cherries to the banana.

Since we will not sugar sour fruits, we add them a little - 2 tbsp is enough for a standard cake. berries or 1 kiwi.

Now you know how easy and quick it is to make a banana roll with condensed milk. As you can see, there is nothing complicated in its preparation, and the taste is simply extraordinary! Try and enjoy a wonderful tea party with a fragrant dessert.

Today I wanted to make an interesting version of the banana roll. It turns out such pastries with bananas are quick and tasty, although at first glance everything may seem much more complicated. Thanks to impregnation and sour cream, such a roll turns out to be very tender and not dry. And with a banana inside, it not only becomes tastier, but also more beautiful in the context.

I have had this biscuit roll recipe for a long time and have prepared it many times already, and I can say with confidence that it always turns out perfect. And it can even be served at the festive table.

For me, baking with bananas is always delicious and interesting to try to cook something new. I advise you to try this recipe, you will not regret it. I'm sure yours will be just as delicious.


  • Chicken egg - 4 pcs.
  • Sugar - 165 g
  • Wheat flour - 120 g
  • Sour cream - 350 g
  • Powdered sugar - 2 tbsp
  • Banana - 1.5 pcs.


  • Liquor - 1.5 tbsp
  • Water - 3 tbsp
  • Sugar - 3 tbsp
  • Chocolate - 50 g
  • Milk - 2 tbsp
  • Butter - 10 g

How to make biscuit roll at home

Biscuit roll dough is easy and quick to make. To begin with, I beat the eggs into the mixer bowl and pour the sugar. Then I beat them until fluffy foam, for 5 - 10 minutes at high speed. The time depends on the power of the mixer.

Next, add flour and mix until smooth, so that no lumps of flour remain. I cooked 2 rolls at once, so there is more dough in the photo, and I indicated all the ingredients for one.

Then I cover the baking sheet with parchment and pour the dough on it. Spread evenly with a spatula.

I heat the oven to a temperature of 180 degrees and set it to bake for 15 minutes. The finished biscuit will be a beautiful golden color. after that, I take it out of the oven and transfer it to wooden planks.

Immediately without removing the parchment, I roll it up and leave it to cool completely.

And at this time I am preparing the impregnation. Pour water into a small saucepan, add sugar and liquor. Stir and put on fire until the sugar dissolves. I took the one I made myself.

In thick sour cream add powdered sugar and mix. The cream is ready.

It remains to peel the bananas and everything you need to make a roll with a banana inside is prepared.

Now I carefully remove the parchment and unfold the biscuit slowly so that it does not crack. Next, I soak it well.

Then I generously spread with sour cream, and on one side I spread bananas, cutting off the required amount.

And I wrap it back, not pressing hard so that the cream does not leak out. As you can see, the banana roll recipe is simple.

For glaze, I break the chocolate into pieces, add milk and butter. I melt them over low heat, stirring and pour the roll with the resulting icing. Decorate as you wish, in any way.

This is how banana cakes turned out quickly and tasty, and most importantly, simple and without difficulties. Now I give it a little soak and you can taste this dessert. It turned out to be quite satisfying, beautiful in the cut, soft, soaked and incredibly tasty. Try it too. Bon appetit!
