
The influence of food additives on the human body course. Food additives - useful and harmful, classification and effect on the human body

Freshly picked vegetables, fresh meat, fish and other products have a pronounced taste and aroma. This is explained high content they contain substances that enhance taste perception. In the process of storage and industrial processing of food raw materials, their quantity decreases, which is accompanied by a loss of taste and aroma of the product. Therefore, it becomes necessary to add these substances artificially, that is, the so-called food additives.

In addition, many products quickly deteriorate, which is accompanied by their drying, mold damage, discoloration, nutritional qualities. Therefore, food additives are used to prevent rapid spoilage of food products and to make them marketable.

Shop windows beckon us with bright packages of chips, crackers, multi-colored marmalades, lollipops, lollipops.

The question arises: are these additives harmful, what effect do they have on human health?

The purpose of the work: to study and analyze the composition of chips "Lays", crackers "Three crusts", to determine the effect of food additives on the human body.

Research objectives:

1. Conduct a survey of classmates in order to determine the products that are in greatest demand, analyze the survey data.

2. To study the degree of awareness of classmates about food additives and their effect on the body.

3. Conduct an experiment to determine the need for the use of food additives in the manufacture of chips "Lays", croutons "Three crusts".

4. To study and analyze the composition of chips "Lays", croutons "Three crusts".

5. To study the effect of these food additives on the human body.

Research methods:

✓ systematization and analysis of data from various sources: textbooks, manuals, books, encyclopedias, reference books, the Internet;

✓ simulation of the situation during the experiment, analysis of the results of the experiment;

✓ survey of classmates.

Subject of study: chips "Lays", croutons "Three crusts".

1. Nutritional supplements

1. 1. Monosodium glutamate

Food additives - substances added to food to give them the desired properties, such as a certain aroma (flavorings), color (dyes), increasing the shelf life (preservatives), taste, texture.

In the composition of the product, the letter “E” is written first - this is Europe, and the digital code is the characteristic of the food additive. All food additives are divided into groups:

E 100 - E 182 dyes,

E 200 - E 280 preservatives,

E 300 - E 391 antioxidants, acidity regulators,

E 400 - E 481 stabilizers, emulsifiers, thickeners,

E 500 - E 585 different,

E 600 - E 637 flavor and aroma enhancers,

E 700 - E 899 spare numbers,

E 900 - E 967 defoamers, glazing agents, flour improvers, sweeteners,

E 1100 - E 1105 enzyme preparations.

Monosodium glutamate is one of the most common additives, hiding under the index E 621 or "flavor enhancer". It is found with a high probability in all meat, fish, soy semi-finished products or finished products: in chips, snacks, crackers, sauces. A lot of it in seasonings, bouillon cubes and soups. A huge amount of monosodium glutamate and other flavor enhancers contains food in fast food establishments. Glutamate "revives" foods whose taste "dies" during storage, or gives them flavor.

In countries Far East flavor enhancers have been used for centuries, made from algae. It was not until 1908 that the ingredient used in Japan as a flavor enhancer in soups, sauces, and other foods was discovered to be a salt of glutamic acid. And in 1909 they began to produce flavor and aroma enhancers industrially.

All flavor and aroma enhancers are white crystalline powders, perfectly soluble in water. IN pure form these substances have neither taste nor smell, but enhance the taste of any dish.

"Miracle seasoning" - a flavor enhancer - allows you to save on natural meat, poultry, fish, mushrooms, seafood. A few chopped fibers of a natural product or even its extract are added to the dish, it is generously flavored with an amplifier, and a “real” taste is obtained.

The flavor enhancer successfully masks the low quality of the original product, such as old or low-grade meat. At the same time, the permissible norms can be exceeded - the maximum dosage of this additive creates the illusion of a "quality product".

1. 2. Preservatives

Preservatives are substances (E 200 - E 280 preservatives) that affect the vital activity of bacteria. Adding preservatives to food products can significantly increase their shelf life.

So, for example, the oldest representatives of preservatives are salt, wine, honey, sugar, citric and acetic acids, ethyl alcohol. Today, mainly acid derivatives of organic compounds are used as preservatives.

There are several classifications of preservatives. The simplest divides them into natural, that is, created by nature, and obtained artificially. Many people are convinced that natural ones are the safest for health, while synthetic ones keep food better and longer. In part, such a judgment is true, but not always such a gradation will be true.

According to the method of exposure, preservatives are divided into those that directly affect bacteria, inhibiting their vital activity, and those that modify the environment (affect acidity, regulate oxygen concentration, etc.), due to which they also achieve the destruction of microorganisms.

To refuse preservatives today is not only difficult, but generally impossible. After all, it was they who, in the end, created the range of food products as we know it today. They protect bread and cheeses, sweets and dried fruits, wines and oils, fish products and canned vegetables, mayonnaises, ketchups, sausages, soft drinks, juices, chocolate, instant soups and much, much more from spoilage - it's just too much to list. Preservatives prevent the formation of harmful toxins, preserve the smell and taste of foods, and prevent them from molding. If one, strong-willed decision today removes all preservatives, then tomorrow (or rather, the day after tomorrow) humanity, quite possibly, will simply have nothing to eat.

2. What do we eat?

In the course of the research work, a survey was conducted among classmates to find out how often they satisfy their hunger with chips, crackers, chupa-chups, etc., do they know what nutritional supplements are. Below are the survey questions.

1. Enter your age.

2. How often do you satisfy your hunger with chips, kirieshka, chupa-chups, etc.

A) every day

b) several times a week

C) very rarely.

3. Your favorite food:

A) crackers;

C) chupa - chups and other sweets;

D) other.

4. Name the company - the manufacturer of the product.

5. In nutrition, I prefer:

A) homemade food:

B) instant food (instant noodles, bouillon cubes, quick soups, porridge);

C) I like to eat crackers, chips.

6. Do you pay attention to the composition of the product you use?

B) sometimes.

7. Do you know what food additives (E) are?

8. Do you know about the effect of various nutritional supplements (E) on your health?

A total of 20 people participated in the survey, aged 10-11 years.

The survey showed that half of the students surveyed like to have a snack with chips, crackers, but in nutrition they prefer homemade food. The most popular manufacturing firms: Chips: "Lays", "Sheetos", "Prochips"; croutons: "Kirieshki": "Three crusts", "Vorontsovskie", "Khrustim", Kemerovo sausages food factory. Many do not pay attention to the composition of the product they use and do not know what nutritional supplements are and their impact on health.

3. The influence of food additives on the quality and shelf life of products

An experiment was set up to determine the effect of food additives on the shelf life and quality of the product. Chips "Lays", croutons "Three crusts". For comparison, natural products were taken: boiled potatoes, white bread and placed in glass containers. Over the course of two months, I observed the appearance of signs of food spoilage.

When observing the chips, there were practically no changes, only dark spots appeared on some of them. For two months, the chips did not show significant signs of spoilage.

Boiled potatoes had an unpleasant smell already on the third day, on the fifth day signs of slime appeared, then there was an increase in sliminess. Two weeks later, it turned black, green and black spots appeared, and a large amount of slimy fluid was released.

Experience has shown that chips, unlike boiled potatoes, do not spoil quickly due to food additives and retain marketable condition.

Observations of the “Three crusts” crackers practically did not reveal any visible changes and spoilage of the product, and it remained the same after two months. White bread showed signs of green mold after a week. Two weeks later, it was completely covered with mold, black spots appeared.

Experience has shown that "Three crusts" crackers do not undergo changes due to food additives, unlike white bread.

4. Analysis of the composition of chips "Lays" and croutons "Three crusts"

Consider the composition of "Lays" chips and "Three crusts" croutons, read on the package.

Chips "Lays":

Potato, vegetable oil, identical natural flavoring[Whey Powder, Wheat Flour, Milk Lactose, Flavor Enhancer (Monosodium Glutamanate, Sodium 5 Ribonucleonide), Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil (Including Soybean Oil), Glucose, Natural, Natural Identical and Artificial Flavors, Acidity Regulator (Citric acid), cheese powder, color (paprika extract, turmeric extract), garlic powder, milk protein, maltodextrin], salt.

Croutons "Three crusts":

Bread made from a mixture of rye and wheat flour(peeled rye flour, wheat flour of the 2nd grade, drinking water; table salt; pressed baker's yeast); refined deodorized soybean oil, flavor-aromatic mixture, complex “caviar” (salt, maltodextrin, dextrose, whole milk powder, hydrolyzed vegetable protein, natural and natural-identical aromatic substances (white fish, oils), flavor and aroma enhancers (E 621, E 635), fish oil, anti-caking agent E 551, dye E 160 c).

The studied products contain a large number of chemical substances, among them there are flavor and aroma enhancers: sodium glutamanate (E 621), sodium 5 ribonucleonide (E 635), as well as dyes: paprika extract, turmeric extract in chips, in crackers E 160 s. etc. However, there is no specific information about the preservatives included in the products. Experience has shown that the products under study must contain the substances that keep them so long. Besides, the greatest harm Preservatives provide health benefits.

5. Effects of monosodium glutamate on human health

This amino acid and its salts are involved in the transmission of impulses in the central nervous system, have an exciting effect and are used in psychiatry. Therefore, researchers believe that foods high in glutamate (as found in fast food restaurants, for example) can be both physically and mentally addictive.

To a person who frequently consumes monosodium glutamate, natural food seems tasteless, because the taste recognition receptors lose their sensitivity. So a person becomes addicted to the "tasty seasoning". In order not to scare off the buyer, manufacturers do not always call E 621 seasoning by its name. It is often labeled as a flavoring agent, flavor enhancer, or flavor enhancer.

Monosodium glutamate has been the subject of intense controversy for many years. American neurophysiologist John Olney discovered in the mid-70s of the last century that monosodium glutamate can cause brain damage in rats. This flavor enhancer is the cause of diseases of the digestive system such as gastritis or stomach ulcers.

And Japanese scientist Hiroshi Oguro recently proved that this flavor enhancer has an adverse effect on the retina. The scientists fed the rats three different diets for 6 months. In rats given very high doses of monosodium glutamate, the nerves of the retina were so seriously affected that the animals lost their sight. Rats fed a moderate glutamate diet also had retinal damage, but to a lesser extent. In animals fed without glutamate, everything was normal. Based on the experiments carried out, scientists concluded that glutamate binds to retinal cells and destroys them. It is for this reason that in East Asia, where monosodium glutamate is used very widely, a special type of glaucoma has become widespread, in which the pressure inside the eye does not increase.

The only way to avoid exposure to glutamate is to buy natural products and cook them at home with natural seasonings. People who frequently eat foods with monosodium glutamate complain of headaches, heart palpitations, muscle weakness, fever, and chest tightness. This may indicate that the taste enhancer monosodium glutamate changes the hormonal status in the body.

Especially often this flavor enhancer is used in oriental cuisine, so experts have combined the described symptoms with the term “Chinese restaurant syndrome”.

Sometimes, under the name of a taste improver, E 622 is also hidden - potassium glutamate, which is prohibited for use in Russia. Of the 18 known flavor enhancers, only 6 are allowed in Russia. But none of them can be considered harmless. The recommended dosage of monosodium glutamate is 0.5 - 0.4%.

6. Impact of preservatives on human health

Around preservatives, as noted above, a lot of terrible rumors revolve, many of which are very annoying and seem plausible. Alas, a lot of this nasty gossip about preservatives is true. Each preservative in one way or another affects human body. Some preservatives have a detrimental effect on vitamins: sorbic acid destroys vitamin B12, sulfur dioxide destroys vitamin B1. Others are weak or pronounced carcinogens: benzoic acid, sodium benzoate, para-hydroxybenzoic acid ethyl ester, orthophenylphenol, formaldehyde, sodium nitrate, potassium nitrate. Many synthetic preservatives can cause allergies, up to asthma attacks, headaches and nausea, especially in people prone to allergic reactions. A particularly dangerous group of preservatives are nitrates and nitrites. Once in the body, they prevent the absorption of oxygen by the cells of the body, which leads to oxygen starvation of tissues. In addition, nitrates and nitrites form new compounds called nitrosamines, which cause oncological diseases and reduce resistance to infection.

Nevertheless, modern science states that, for example, preservatives in their mass do not affect the digestion process in any way (with the exception of two phenomena described below). There are a small amount that, due to allergic reactions, badly affect the kidneys and liver (sulfur dioxide), irritate the intestines (sodium hydrosulfite, sodium sulfite, sulfur dioxide). But for the preservation of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in food, as well as their subsequent assimilation in digestive tract human, is not affected, either positively or negatively, by any known preservative.

The above unpleasant side effects of preservatives are exacerbated by the fact that different types preservatives with varying effectiveness fight one or another type of bacteria. Accordingly, in order to extend the shelf life of products, the manufacturer adds complexes of preservatives, each of which can negatively affect the body in its own way. The result is that in one the only product can be the broadest list of harmful substances. Moreover, some manufacturers deliberately invest in excess preservatives in their products in order to make impressive (several years) shelf life - after all, from a commercial point of view, this is very, very profitable, but what consequences for the consumer can this " horse dose" of bactericidal substances are usually not thought about.


In our time, when there is such a variety of products on store shelves, it is worth thinking about what we eat. Our future and our health depend on it. You need to know about healthy and healthy food, watch and study the composition of the product that you want to put in your mouth more often.

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The effect of food additives on the human body

Work completed:

1st year student,

101 groups

Sherer Hope

Scientific adviser:

Areshchenko Galina Filippovna


Over the past decades, the quality of food has changed so rapidly that a simple person who is not connected with science has little idea of ​​what this could threaten him with. Useful artificial food additives can not be in principle. Many people today are afraid extra calories in their diet, they are afraid of contamination of food and water with harmful substances, radioactive elements; afraid of vegetables and fruits grown on fertilizers. But at the same time, without worrying at all, they use products containing artificial food additives and preservatives. Manufacturers convince us that third-generation artificial additives are harmless. They said the same about food additives of the first and second generations, many of which are now recognized not only as harmful, but dangerous to health, and their production is prohibited in civilized countries. You can be sure that after some time this will happen with third-generation nutritional supplements.

The purpose of the work is to find out the effect of food additives on the human body.

The task of the work is to study the theoretical material on the effect of food additives on the human body.

The object of the study is food products containing nutritional supplements.

1. Nutritional supplements

food additive colorant thickener stabilizer

“The use of nutritional supplements is an inevitable requirement mass production food products, which allows to improve their taste and appearance, as well as to extend the shelf life - this is the opinion of the vast majority of modern nutritionists. - To completely avoid these substances, you need to live subsistence farming or switch to products grown in an environmentally friendly environment. A long time ago, the name of nutritional supplements was written in full, it took up too much space, so today they are coded. The name of each additive received a conventional name that begins with the letter E.

Today, index E denotes substances added to food and divided into groups according to the principle of action in accordance with the International Classification System. Each target group has its own number.

2. History of appearance

Until the beginning of the 90s of the last century, the domestic industry almost did not use food additives, but then it made up for lost time, and in excess. And just 15 years ago, experts convinced fellow citizens that there was no reason to worry about the chemistry in food. After all, each additive, before being in the stomach, is tested not only in Russian laboratories, but also in a committee of experts from the World Health Organization. In fact, the possible negative effects of the use of chemical additives in food are being studied in rats. For a short two-year life, animals are pumped with additives every day and monitor changes in the health and quality of offspring.

Only when there is not the slightest doubt about the harmlessness of the substance for rodents, permission is issued for the use of the additive in the products of our table, but allowable dose decreases by a factor of 100. If this amount is enough for the manufacturer to complete the technological task - well, if not - the use of this compound will never be allowed.

However, the approach to this issue is completely different, it all depends on the country.

Take at least sodium nitrite (a preservative and, to some extent, a dye for sausages), whose use is limited in our country. In Germany and other EU countries, concentrations of 150-200 mg/kg are allowed, while post-Soviet requirements are no more than 50 mg/kg. Why? Yes, our people just love sausage not childishly! We can easily screw it up as a second course with a side dish, but abroad it is used only as an appetizer and never satisfies hunger with it, so they are less likely to face an overdose of nitrites.

In the process of processing, minced sausage loses its pale pink color, turning into a gray-brown mass. Then nitrite (E 250) and nitrate (E 251) of sodium, as well as potassium nitrate (E 252) are used.

3. Many food additives are harmless.

And yet, many nutritional supplements are actually completely harmless. So the additive E 330 is just ordinary citric acid; E 162 - concentrated beetroot juice, which is used to color food; E 296 - malic acid; E 300 - ascorbic acid (vitamin C); E 10 - vitamin B2, E 307 - vitamin E, which is added to the oil so that it does not go rancid. All nutritional supplements are harmless to the body, of course, in moderation.

4. The impact of food additives on the human body

It is worth remembering that different people may tolerate the same additive differently. Someone is completely calm, and someone is allergic to this additive and knows that a certain food additive affects his body in a certain way, but sometimes it’s not easy for him to understand these codes ... There are additives that are safe according to the order of the Ministry of Health social development, but in some people they can trigger an asthma attack or arrhythmia. Therefore, such people simply need to know what exactly is hidden behind the code and know the reaction of their own body to this supplement, for example, I would like to say about glutamate. IN Food Industry this substance is known as monosodium glutamate, flavor enhancer E-621. It creates the taste of meat. It is added to soups and instant noodles, canned food, sauces, prepared foods, seasoning mixes, marinades, chips and sausage. This substance has a lot of side effects. In people who are sensitive to it, it can cause seizures. bronchial asthma, urticaria, headaches. Big consumption foods with glutamate can provoke the so-called "Chinese restaurant syndrome": headache, heart palpitations, nausea, chest pain, drowsiness and weakness.

Here are some food additives that can harm the human body. These include:

Sodium benzonate (E 211), used as a preservative, is really dangerous with constant use: it can provoke metabolic disorders and even cancer. Sodium benzonate is added to soda, ketchup, chips, meat and other canned food.

E103, E105, E121, E123, E125, E126, E130, E131, E142, E153, E171, E173 - dyes.

E221-226, E230, E231, E232, E239 - preservatives.

Used for any kind of preservation. Can lead to disease gastrointestinal tract, and allergic reactions.

E407, E447, E450 - stabilizers and thickeners.

At the same time, experts discovered that preservatives so unloved by the people, it turns out, can have a detrimental effect on Pseudomonas aeruginosa, a pathogenic organism that causes diseases. urinary tract, eyes, skin and soft tissues and is considered one of the most dangerous and antibiotic-resistant pathogens. Preservatives cause genetic changes in Pseudomonas aeruginosa and make it much more susceptible to drugs. But doctors still insist on this conclusion: even those food supplements that are made from natural raw materials, all undergo deep chemical processing. And so the consequences, you know, can be ambiguous.

5. Classification of food additives

There are tens of thousands of different foods in the world. In addition to artificial, created by man from natural products (wine, bread, sour-milk products, etc.), which do not occur naturally in nature: in the last century, many synthetic products which are made on the basis of organic substances. These include food additives that are added to food products to impart aroma, taste and color, create the necessary structure, and also to completely or partially replace natural raw materials. Most often, these are chemically processed natural or synthetic substances.

Many substances are added to make the product more attractive to the consumer, to mask bitterness or other unpleasant tastes. Food products are sometimes tinted to make them look more appetizing. When buying various products in beautiful packages, we often do not even think about their composition. However, in many cases, its knowledge would help to avoid poisoning or disease caused by excessive content of dyes, thickeners, etc. contained in a particular product. Therefore, informing the consumer about the composition of food products is not only a marketing (social), but also an environmental problem.

Types of food additives:

Dyes are substances that are added to restore the natural color lost during processing or storage of the product, or to increase its intensity.

Preservatives increase the shelf life of the product. Most often, table salt, ethyl alcohol, acetic, sulphurous, sorbic, benzoic acids and some of their salts are used as preservatives.

Antioxidants protect fats and fatty foods from spoilage, and protect fruits and vegetables from browning.

Read the product label carefully;

Do not buy products with excessive long term storage;

Don't buy products with unnaturally bright colors;

Don't buy colored soda, make your own juices;

Do not buy processed or canned meat products (sausage, sausages, stew);

Do not buy instant soups and cereals, cook them yourself;

Do not snack on chips, crackers, replace them with nuts, raisins;

In nutrition, everything should be in moderation, safe and varied as much as possible.

Conclusions and offers

In order to improve the safety of food products containing individual food additives, the following inscriptions can be included in the labeling:

Summing up the work done, I would like to note that products with food additives are not the first necessity, and they can be neglected. And if you use it, then only in moderation.

Hosted on Allbest.ru


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E-supplements - their effect on the human body

An important problem for human health is the addition of preservatives and food colorings to food, many of which have not yet been identified. This means that their effect on the body has not yet been accurately established.

We often drink different drinks - Fanta, Pepsi-Cola, drinks made from dry concentrates. But, probably, few people know that you can clean copper coins with a fanta, “cook” jeans in Pepsi-Cola, and paint egg shells with dry concentrates.

Coming to the store, we are constantly faced with various imported products, which include various food additives: preservatives, dyes, emulsifiers, etc. The purchase and delivery to Russia or the production of low-quality products are profitable, as they bring considerable income. But it turns out that this is not enough. Huge incomes for Western firms are brought by the production and supply of refined (purified) products.

Refining products that are easily digestible by the body does not mean at all, as it is believed, an increase in their biological value. On the contrary, during refining, dietary fiber, mineral salts, and vitamins that are essential for the body disappear. This is not a mistake at all, but a purposeful desire of the countries producing these products to rid their population of them and get super profits through our government officials and medically illiterate entrepreneurs who are ready to poison their people for a profit.

According to most experts, the use of refined products can provoke the occurrence of diseases or aggravate the course of existing diseases, such as obesity, atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, diabetes, gallstone disease and malignant neoplasms. Before purchasing a product, check which preservatives are used in it. Many of them are harmful (and very) to health, it is forbidden to sell products with such additives in developed countries, so manufacturers sell these products in other countries where the legislation protecting the consumer is not so strict, and buyers are not spoiled for choice of products or simply do not know about it. harmful additives.

Real "yellow" cheese E from 100 to 199 - dyes. Color plays an important role in our perception of food. Back in the 70s, psychologists conducted a curious experiment. Its participants were offered to taste a steak with fried potatoes. It tasted quite good, but after a special backlight was turned on and the steak turned blue and the potatoes turned green, some participants in the experiment felt bad ... Since then, cheese shelves in supermarkets have been illuminated in yellowish color to make it seem even more yellow and attractive, and a dye is added to almost all types of sausages, giving the meat a soft pink color. You will not buy an unsightly gray sausage, despite the fact that this is the natural shade of boiled meat. How they influence. Products with red and yellow dyes, for example tartrazine E102, often cause food allergy. This dye is used in sweets, ice cream, confectionery, drinks. E127 has a toxic effect, provoking thyroid diseases.

Store almost forever E from 200 to 299 - preservatives. Preservatives increase the shelf life of products, protect them from microbes, fungi, bacteriophages. Sterilizing additives stop the fermentation process of wines.

How influence.

The infamous sodium nitrites and nitrates are E250 and E251. They are still used everywhere, despite the fact that they cause a variety of allergic and inflammatory reactions, headache, hepatic colic, irritability and fatigue.

Substances designated by the code E231 and E232 are harmful to the skin. These additives are used in the production various sausages, meat products with a long shelf life and canned food. Dyes and preservatives have a bad effect on immune system disrupt the natural intestinal microflora. And functional disorders of the intestine sometimes lead to oncological and cardiovascular pathologies. Metabolism and liver suffer. By the way, the chief sanitary doctor of Russia, Gennady Onishchenko, banned the use of additives with the index E216 and E217 in our country in order to prevent the threat of the emergence of mass non-communicable diseases (poisoning) of the population. Scientists speak more harshly - these substances can provoke the occurrence of malignant tumors. Previously, these additives were used in the production of meat and confectionery products. E from 300 to 399 - antioxidants. Antioxidants (they are also called antioxidants) slow down the oxidative process in fat and oil emulsions. Fats thus do not deteriorate and do not change their color over time. How do they influence. Allergics and asthmatics should not use the antioxidant E311. An asthma attack can also be provoked by additives E320 and E321 (included in some fatty foods and chewing gums). E320 also retains water in the body and increases cholesterol levels. And this, in turn, adversely affects the functioning of the liver and the cardiovascular system.

The thicker, the better E from 400 to 499 - thickeners, stabilizers. Thickeners and stabilizers increase viscosity. Almost always they are added to products with low fat content - mayonnaise and yogurt. So, a thick consistency creates the illusion of a "quality product". How do they influence. They can provoke diseases of the digestive system. E from 500 to 599 - emulsifiers. Emulsifiers create a homogeneous mixture of immiscible products such as water and oil. How influence. Negatively affect the liver, cause indigestion. Emulsifiers E510, E513 and E527 are especially dangerous in this respect.

Meat flavored noodles E from 600 to 699 - flavor enhancers. Flavor enhancers are a real find for manufacturers. Still would! "Miracle seasoning" allows you to save on natural meat, poultry, fish, mushrooms, seafood. A few crushed fibers of a natural product or even its extract are added to the dish, generously flavored with an amplifier, and - voila - a "real" taste is obtained. The additive successfully masks the low quality of the original product, such as old or low-grade meat. There is a flavor enhancer in almost all fish, chicken, mushroom, soy semi-finished products, as well as in chips, crackers, sauces, various dry seasonings, bouillon cubes and dry soups. Not a single dish in a fast food restaurant can do without flavor enhancers. At the same time, manufacturers exceed all permissible norms - the maximum dosage of this additive should be no more than 1.5 g per 1 kg or 2 liters of product. In reality, it is added to food several times more. How they influence. The most famous flavor enhancer is monosodium glutamate E621. This supplement has been the subject of intense controversy for many years. American neurophysiologist John Olney discovered in the mid-70s of the last century that monosodium glutamate can cause brain damage in rats. And Japanese scientist Hiroshi Oguro recently proved that this food supplement has an adverse effect on the retina of the eye. 30% of people who often eat food with monosodium glutamate complain of headaches, increased heart rate, muscle weakness, fever and fullness in the chest. Especially often this supplement is used in oriental cuisine, so experts combined the described symptoms with the term "Chinese restaurant syndrome." Monosodium glutamate is a salt of glutamine amino acid that enters the body with food (for example, there is a lot of it in celery root), says the nutritionist. Olga Fedorova - This amino acid and its salts are involved in the transmission of impulses in the central nervous system, have an exciting effect and are used in psychiatry. amazing property enhance the taste of any dish. To a person who frequently consumes monosodium glutamate, natural food seems tasteless, because the taste recognition receptors lose their sensitivity. So a person becomes addicted to a "tasty" seasoning. "Please note, in order not to scare off the buyer, manufacturers do not always call the E621 seasoning by its name. Sometimes it hides under the mysterious wording "flavor additive" or "flavor enhancer". Moreover, sometimes this wording also hides E622 (potassium glutamate) - an "improver" that is prohibited for use in our country. Note that out of 18 known flavor enhancers, only 6 are allowed in Russia. But even they can hardly be considered useful.

Sweeter than sugar and honey
E from 900 to 999 - defoamers, glazing agents, sweeteners, baking powder. As the name implies, these additives prevent or reduce the formation of foam, create a shiny smooth shell, provide the product with sweet taste and make the dough fluffier. Like flavor enhancers, sweeteners (aspartame, cyclamate, saccharin, etc.) are extremely convenient for manufacturers: for example, to obtain the same taste, aspartame requires 200 times less than sugar, saccharin (E954) - 500 times less, sucralose (E955) - 600 times, and thaumatin (E957) - 200,000 times. How do they influence. Defoamers, glazing agents and baking powder do not pose a great danger to the body, which cannot be said about substitutes. natural sugar- sweeteners. The most common sweetener today is aspartame, found in over 6,000 products. It is to him that doctors make the most serious claims. It turns out that at 30 degrees aspartame begins to decompose into methanol ( methyl alcohol) and formaldehyde, which is considered one of the worst carcinogens. Constant intake of aspartame often causes headaches, ringing in the ears, allergies and depression. "These sweeteners are widely used in the production of soft drinks," comments Olga Fedorova. "Meanwhile, they are known to increase appetite and cause thirst, which is very convenient for manufacturers: the more you drink a drink with a sweetener, the more thirsty. Even if you have nothing to lose but your thirst, such drinks are unlikely to help part with it. And for people with metabolic disorders, diseases of the kidneys and the cardiovascular system, sweeteners are simply contraindicated. "

E-additives prohibited in Russia E121 - citrus red, dye. E123 - red amaranth, dye. E240 - formaldehyde, preservative. E125, E126, E130, E131, E143, E152, E210, E211, E213-217, E240, E330, E447. Allergens: E230, E231, E232, E239, E311-313.
Here is a list of the most dangerous preservatives that cause:
malignant tumors (cancer): E131, E142, E152, E210, E211, E213, E217, E240, E330, E447;
Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: E221, E222, E223, E224, E225, E226, E320, E321, E322, E328, E339, E340, E341, E 405, E407, E461, E462, E463, E464, E465, E466;
diseases of the liver and kidneys: E171, E172, E173, E320, E321, E322.
But other preservatives, the use of which is also prohibited in developed countries: E 102-105, E110-111, E120-127, E130, E141, E150, E180, E212, E215-216, E230-232, E238, E241, E250, E311, E312, E313, E450, E477. What are the first signs of vitamin deficiency? How do you know what is missing in your food? In the first four stages of nutritional deficiency, it is impossible to identify the "culprit of hidden hunger": these first four stages are always the same:
Stage I Irritability (a person or animal reacts inadequately to stimuli, shows unreasonable aggression, their sleep and appetite are disturbed).
Stage II Fatigue (lethargy, drowsiness, fatigue from a load that was previously easily tolerated, depression).
Stage III Violation of immunity (this is not only chronic infections, but also allergies and autoimmune diseases, and cancer).
Stage IV Reproductive disorders (i.e. reproduction, reproduction of offspring - these are hormonal disorders, early menopause, male and female infertility, not carrying a pregnancy, etc.).

E-200 Sorbic acid May cause skin reactions.
E-209** Para-hydroxybenzoic acid heptyl ester
E-210 Benzoic acid May provoke asthma attacks.
Е-213** Calcium benzoate
E-214** Para-hydroxybenzoic acid ethyl ester Banned in several countries
E-215** Para-hydroxybenzoic acid ethyl ester sodium salt Banned in several countries
E-216** Para-hydroxybenzoic acid propyl ester
E-217** Para-hydroxybenzoic acid propyl ester sodium salt Banned in several countries
E-218** Para-hydroxybenzoic acid methyl ester Possible skin allergic reactions
E-219** Para-hydroxybenzoic acid methyl ester sodium salt Banned in several countries
E-220 Sulfur dioxide People with kidney failure apply with caution
E-221 Sodium sulfite
E-225** Potassium sulfite
E-226** Calcium sulfite Banned in several countries
Е-227** Calcium hydrosulfite Banned in several countries
E-228** Potassium hydrosulfite (potassium bisulfite)
E-230** Biphenyl, diphenyl Banned in several countries
E-231** Orthophenylphenol Banned in several countries
Е-232** Sodium orthophenylphenol
E-233** Thiabendazole Banned in several countries
E-234 Nizin
E-235 Natamycin (pimaricin) May cause allergic reactions, nausea, diarrhea
E-236 Formic acid Banned in several countries
Е-237** Sodium formate Banned in several countries
Е-238** Capcium formate Banned in several countries
E-239 Hexamethylenetetramine Banned in several countries
Е-240* Formaldehyde Banned in Russia Banned in a number of countries
E-241** Guaiac resin
E-249 Potassium nitrite Possibly a carcinogen. Not allowed in baby food
E-252** Potassium nitrate Its use is restricted in many countries
E-261 Potassium acetate Should be avoided by people with kidney disease
E-262 Sodium acetate sodium acetate, sodium hydroacetate (sodium diacetate)
Е-263** Calcium acetate
E-264** Ammonium acetate May cause nausea.
E-281** Sodium propionate May cause migraine
Е-282** Calcium propionate The same
Е-283** Potassium propionate The same
Е-284 Boric acid
E-285 Sodium tetraborate (borax)
E-296 Malic (malonic) acid Not recommended for infants and young children
E-297 Fumaric acid
Flavor and aroma enhancers (E-600 - E-699)
Code Name Notes
E-620 Glutamic acid. Salt substitute Not recommended for use in baby food
E-621 Monosodium glutamate Prohibited for use in baby food
E-622** Potassium glutamate monosubstituted May cause nausea, diarrhea, colic
Е-625** Magnesium glutamate
Е-627 Disubstituted sodium guanylate Prohibited for use in baby food
E-629** Calcium 5-guanylate
E-630 Inosic acid
Е-631 Disubstituted sodium inosinate Prohibited for use in baby food
Е-635** Disubstituted sodium 5-ribonucleotides Banned in a number of countries
Dyes (E-100 -- E-199)
Code Name Notes
E-100 Curcumins
E-102 Tartrazine Causes asthma attacks Banned in some countries
Е-103** Alkanet, alkanine
E-104 Quinoline yellow Causes dermatitis. Banned in some countries
E-107** Yellow 2 G Use with caution in asthma
E-110 Sunset Yellow FCF, Orange Yellow S May cause allergic reactions, nausea. Banned in several countries.
E-120 Cochineal; carminic acid; carmine Some health organizations advise avoiding it.
>!E-121* Citrus red 2 Banned in Russia! Banned in several countries.
Е-122 Azorubine, carmoisine Banned in a number of countries.
!E-123* Amaranth Banned in Russia! Banned in several countries. Incl. causes malformations in the fetus
E-124 Ponceau 4R (crimson 4R), cochineal red A Banned in some countries. Carcinogen. Causes asthma attacks.
E-125** Ponceau, crimson SX
E-127** Erythrosine Banned in a number of countries. May cause thyroid overactivity.
E-128** Red 2G Banned in some countries.
E-129 Charming red AS Carcinogen. Banned in some countries
E-131 Proprietary Blue V Banned in several countries
E-132 Indigotine, indigo carmine May cause nausea, fever and other allergic reactions Banned in Norway
E-133 Brilliant Blue FCF Banned in several countries
E-142 Green S Banned in some countries
E-151 Black shiny BN, black PN Banned in some countries
E-153** Vegetable charcoal Banned in the USA
E-154** Brown FK Banned in the USA
E-155** Brown HT Banned in some countries
Е-160с Paprika extra, capsanthin, capsorubin Banned in a number of countries
E-160d** Lycopene
E-166** Sandalwood
E-173** Aluminum Banned in several countries
Е-174** Silver Banned in several countries
E-175** Gold Banned in several countries
E-180** Ruby Lithol VK Banned in a number of countries
E-181 Food tannins
E-182** Orsail, orsin
Glazing agents, bread and flour improvers and other substances (E-900 - E-999)
Code Name Notes
E-900 Dimethylpolysiloxane
E-901 Beeswax, white and yellow Allergic reactions possible
Е-902 Candle wax The same
Е-903 Carnauba wax Obtained from palm trees growing in Africa
E-904 Shellac Extracted from insects Allergic reactions possible
E-905a Vaseline oil "food"
E-905b Vaseline
Е-905c Paraffin
Е-906** Benzoin resin
Е-908** Rice bran wax
E-909** Spermaceti wax
Е-910** Wax esters
E-911** Fatty acid methyl esters
Е-912 Esters of montanic acid
Е-913** Lanolin
E-914 Oxidized polyethylene wax
E-916 Calcium iodate Used to enrich foodstuffs with iodine
E-917 Potassium iodate The same
Е-918** Nitrogen oxides
Е-919** Nitrosyl chloride
E-920 L- cysteine
Е-922** Potassium persulfate
E-923** Ammonium persulfate
Е-924а-b** Calcium, sodium bromate Banned in Russia!
Е-925** Chlorine
E-926** Chlorine Lioxide Carcinogen
E-927b Carbamide
E-928 Benzoyl peroxide
Е-929** Acetone peroxide
E-930 Calcium peroxide
Е-938# Argon
Е-939# Helium
E-940 Dichlorodifluoromethane freon-12
Е-941 Nitrogen
Е-942* Diazomonoxide
E-943a* Butane
Е-943b** Isobutane
Е-944* Propane
E-945* Chlopentafluoroethane
Е-946** Octafluorocyclobutane
E-948 Oxygen
E-950 Acesulfame potassium
E-951 Aspartame Sugar substitute Huge number of side effects
Е-952 Cyclamic acid and its sodium, potassium and calcium salts Sugar substitute. Banned in the US and UK, considered a carcinogen
Е-953 Isomaltite
Е-954 Saccharin and its sodium, potassium and calcium salts Sugar substitute. Restrictions on its use in the US, according to some reports a carcinogen
E-957** Thaumatin Natural sugar substitute
Е-959** Neohesperidin Dihydrochalcone
E-958 Glycyrrhizin
Е-965 Maltitol maltitol syrup
E-966 Lactitol
E-967 Xylitol Causes stone and kidney disease in laboratory animals
E-999 Quillaia Extract A naturally occurring substance that causes rich foaming in carbonated drinks, beer.

  • what a terrible life...
  • It's scary what we eat...

    "Know how to distinguish the blood on the hands of a doctor, from the blood on the hands of an executioner"

  • Speaking of vitamin E.
    coincidence, I'm reading one book right now - Ch. Bukowski "Women". so there main character, like a sex giant. he is over 50, but his sex life is in full swing, he has a lot of women and blah blah blah ... so he says (hero) that he constantly drinks vitamin E - they say it has a good effect on potency))
  • And what about vitamin e? :)
  • I also somehow read similar articles, began to pay attention to E,
    then another came across, that not everything is so scary, that "not all E are the same" (c)

    For probably a year now, we have been carefully paying attention to the composition of the purchased products, the most terrible conclusion is that all sweets are solid E, the more colorful the packaging, the more E (((

    And this is what I would like to comment on.

    Coming to the store, we are constantly faced with various imported products, which include various food additives: preservatives, dyes, emulsifiers, etc. The purchase and delivery to Russia or the production of low-quality products are profitable, as they bring considerable income. But it turns out that this is not enough. Huge incomes for Western firms are brought by the production and supply of refined (purified) products.

    NOT ONLY imported, in our local products exactly the same E, for example, just yesterday I bought Novok products. kondit. factories, "lingonberry pie", it would seem, where is E, but no :) I found at home in small print (((
    like this :(

  • Prejudice against food additives

    Many people think that literally all food additives are “chemicals” and therefore definitely harmful, but in fact, food additives are used to meet certain food industry hygiene standards approved by regulatory authorities.

    Some additives are indeed harmful in large doses - for example, E250 (sodium nitrite in sausages), but in practice they are not banned, since this is the "lesser evil" that ensures the presentation of the product and, consequently, sales volume (suffice it to compare the red color shop sausage with dark brown color homemade sausage), and the amount of E250 in the sausage is small. For smoked sausages high grades the norm of nitrite content is set higher than for boiled - it is believed that they are eaten in smaller quantities. Many consumers will be displeased to learn that the pink color of some yogurts comes from the addition of cochineal (E120), a dried insect powder.

    Other additives can be considered quite safe (citric acid, lactic acid, sucrose, etc.). However, it should be understood that the method of synthesis of certain additives in different countries different, so their danger can vary greatly. For example, microbiologically obtained synthetic acetic acid or citric acid may contain heavy metal impurities, the content of which is standardized differently in different countries. Over time, as analytical methods develop and new toxicological data become available, government regulations for the content of impurities in dietary supplements may be revised.

    However, it should be taken into account that some additives that were previously considered harmless (for example, formaldehyde E240 in chocolate bars or E121 in soda water) were later recognized as dangerous and banned; in addition, additives that are harmless to one person can have a strong harmful effect on another. Therefore, doctors recommend, if possible, to protect children, the elderly and allergy sufferers from nutritional supplements.

    Note that for marketing purposes, many manufacturers do not list the ingredients with the letter code E. They replace them with the name of the supplement, such as "monosodium glutamate", which is misleading to the uninformed buyer.

  • Yes, the topic of healthy food has been repeatedly discussed, not specifically "E". Business is all around in our life, including the food business, and in order for the food to be beautiful, tasty, and stored for a long time, chemistry is added, and here everyone chooses for himself what to "poison"
  • Dear bases(Anton)! Why open a separate issue? There is also a theme "Flood, etc."! Please arrange an educational program for yourself and your loved ones. Why do you think other members of the forum are dumber than themselves? Let's all start here all sorts of "educational programs" to arrange. For example, I am ready to give everyone an introductory lecture on a reasonable approach to the problem of excess weight. Well, is everyone ready to listen to this "burden"? So, with your tacit consent, I proceed. And, please note, I'm not going to quote anyone, I wrote all of the following myself.

    Message from Juicer

  • Dear Juser. Further, my imagination unfortunately ran out and I do not want to develop this discussion in any way (
    I am glad that you are aware of the problem of my post and are fully aware of what is sold in our stores. If everyone were as well informed as you are, then our nation as a whole would be healthier than anyone else in the world.

    To my shame, I confess that before reading this article, I paid little attention to all sorts of E. No, well, I knew of course, but I let everything at random. I will be careful what I eat in the future. And I will be extremely glad if my post helped someone else decide on the choice of food for themselves.

  • The first digit of the index after the letter E allows you to understand the general purpose of the additive:

    1 (E100-E199)

    Category dyes. They give the products the desired color or return the color lost during processing. Divided by color scheme: codes 100-109 belong to yellow shades, 110-119 to orange, 120-129 to a palette of reds, 130-139 to violet and blue, 140-149 to green, 150-159 to black and brown, numbered 160-199 there are other colors.

    2 (E200-E299)

    Group preservatives. Protect from fermentation, decay and other decay processes. Indices 200-209 are for sorbates, 210-219 are for benzoates, and 220-229 are for sulfites. Codes 230-239 are reserved for phenols and formates (methanoates), 240-259 for nitrates, 260-269 for acetates (ethanoates), 270-279 for lactates, 280-289 for propinoates (propanoates), and 290-299 for other substances.

    3 (E300-E399)

    Antioxidants (antioxidants). They protect against oxidation - they prevent the rancidity of fats, the decomposition of natural light-sensitive dyes. Ascorbates (vitamin C) are hidden under the numbers 300-305, tocopherols (vitamin E) are hidden under the numbers 306-309. Codes 310-319 belong to gallates and erythorbates, 320-329 to lactates, 330-339 to citrates, 340-349 to phosphates. Malates and adipates (adipinates) are under indices 350-359, succinates and fumarates - 360-369, and other substances are assigned numbers from 370 to 399.

    4 (E400-E499)

    Category stabilizers, thickeners and emulsifiers. They retain the consistency or give the desired viscosity to the products. They consist of alginates - codes 400-409, gums - 410-419, other natural substances - 420-429, polyoxyethylene compounds - 430-439, natural emulsifiers - 440-449, phosphates - 450-459, cellulose compounds - 460-469, fatty acid compounds - 470-489 and other additives - 490-499.

    5 (E500-E599)

    Group pH regulators and anti-caking agents. Provide homogeneous food appearance. At the same time, indices 500-509 were assigned to inorganic acids and bases, 510-519 to chlorides and sulfates, and 520-529 to sulfates and hydroxides. Numbers 530-549 are for alkali metal compounds, 550-559 for silicates, 570-579 for stearates and gluconates, and other groups of substances are indicated by codes 580-599.

    6 (E600-E699)

    Flavor enhancers, fragrances. They make the taste and smell of products more saturated or transform them, obtaining the desired properties. Under the indices 620-629, glutamates are hidden, the numbers 630-639 are reserved for inosinates, and 640-649 for other compounds.

    7 (E700-E799)

    Antibiotics. Only codes E710-E713 are occupied in this category.

    8 (E800-E899)

    Reserve, not used.

    9 (E900-E999)

    Glazing agents, leavening agents, softeners and other substances improving the condition of baked goods and other products. This group includes waxes - 900-909, glazing agents - 910-919 and substances that improve the properties of flour products - 920-930. Gases for packaging are assigned codes 938-949, sweeteners - 950-969, foam concentrates - 990-999.

    10 (E1000-E1999)

    Additional substances and additives not included in the above categories also include antioxidants, foaming and antiflaming agents (foaming agents), water-retaining agents, texturizing agents, thickeners, emulsifiers and stabilizers, preservatives, fillers, separating agents, flour and bread improvers, flavor and aroma enhancers. Enzymes and biological catalysts are coded 1100-1105.

    Table of harmful additives

    Not all substances that can harm the body are prohibited in Russian Federation and other countries. The following deserve special attention:

    Prohibited and Unauthorized E103, E105, E106, E107, E111, E121, E123, E125, E126, E127, E128, E130, E152, E154, E173, E180, E216, E233, E239, E240, E241, E388, E389, E403, E4 24, E462, E463, E512, E537, E557, E916, E917, E918, E919, E922, E923, E924b, E925, E926, E929, E945, E952
    Very dangerous E123, E510, E513e, E527
    Dangerous E102, E110, E120, E124, E127, E129, E155, E180, E201, E220, E222, E223, E224, E228, E242, E400, E401, E402, E404, E405, E501, E502, E503, E620, E6 36, E637
    Carcinogenic (cancerous) E131, E142, E153, E210, E211, E212, E213, E214, E215, E216, E219, E230, E240, E249, E280, E281, E282, E283, E310, E945
    Stomach upset E338, E339, E340, E341, E343, E450, E461, E462, E463, E465, E466
    bowel disorder E154, E626, E627, E628, E629, E630, E631, E632, E633, E634, E635
    Skin pathologies E151, E160a, E231, E232, E239, E311, E312, E320, E907, E951, E1105
    Pressure E154, E250, E252
    Dangerous for children E270
    suspicious E104, E122, E141, E171, E477

    Prohibited and Unauthorized

    Have serious side effects or are not well understood:


    Alkanet, Alkanin (Alkanet). Dye from the roots of dyeing alkane. Influencing the skin and mucous membranes, getting into the eyes, causes severe irritation. In animal experiments, it exhibits carcinogenicity - it promotes cancerous tumors.


    Yellow durable AB (Fast Yellow AB). Azo dye is a substance based on nitrogen compounds. Toxic, banned for coloring food in Russia, the European Union and the US, but added to drinks and confectionery in the East.


    Riboflavin-5-phosphate sodium, Flavin mononucleotide (Flavin mononucleotide). The sodium salt of vitamin B2, in the body breaks down to riboflavin - supplements E101a. Unlike natural riboflavin, it causes allergies, kidney dysfunction, adrenal pathology, visual impairment.


    Yellow2G (Yellow 2G). A toxic azo dye, a powerful allergen, is contraindicated in asthma, intolerance to acetylsalicylic acid and other antipyretics. May cause cough, runny nose, swelling of the respiratory tract and bronchospasm, dangerous for children.


    OrangeGGN (Orange GGN). Toxic additive, reduces immunity and promotes cancer.


    Citrus red 2 (Citrus Red No. 2). Chemical dye found in carbonated and alcoholic drinks, juices, yogurts. Due to the content of carcinogens, it is considered poisonous. It is banned in Russia, but is used to color the peel of oranges in Florida, USA.


    Amaranth) . A synthetic azo compound that gives foods a dark red or purple color. In experiments on rats, it causes cancerous tumors, provokes congenital deformities and heart defects in the fetus.


    Ponceau, Crimson SX (Ponceau SX). Bright red powder based on disodium salts, carcinogen and mutagen - poisonous effect on all organs, especially the stomach, intestines, liver and kidneys, suppresses the immune system, causes cancer.


    Ponceau 6R (Ponceau 6R). It resembles E123 in structure and properties, has a carcinogenic effect and pernicious influence on the gastrointestinal tract and genitourinary system.


    Erythrosine. Gives a red or bluish-pink color to fermented milk and fruit and berry products, sausages and seafood, biscuits and dry liver. Exceeding the allowable daily allowance of 600 micrograms per 1 kilogram of body weight leads to allergic reactions, disruption of the digestive system, heart, thyroid gland, cancer, hyperactivity and excitability of the nervous system of children.


    Red 2G (Red 2G). Azo dye, gives the desired color to meat products - sausages, balyk. When ingested, it releases the carcinogen aniline, which provokes oncology, has a bad effect on the nervous system, and leads to oxygen starvation.


    Blue indanthrenRS (Indanthrene blue RS). Violates the digestive tract, is a strong carcinogen. In Russia, the European Union, the USA, New Zealand, Australia, it is prohibited not only in the food industry, but also in other areas of production (for dyeing fabrics, obtaining paints).


    Coal, Black 7984 (Black 7984). Synthetic diazo dye, imparts a black or dark brown color to foods. It can be found in the shell of cheeses, semi-finished products, confectionery products - sweets, dragees. It provokes hyperactivity and nervousness in children, allergic reactions, asthma attacks in patients with asthma, cancerous tumors.


    Brown FK (Brown FK). A chemical azo dye found in chips, smoked fish and ham. Leads to allergic reactions and increased pressure, diseases of the intestines, liver and kidneys.


    Aluminum Light metal, gives a brilliant silver color to dragees, cakes and other confectionery. It can accumulate in the body, leading to intoxication - rashes, diseases of the stomach and kidneys, skeletal anomalies, nervous disorders, including memory impairment, inattention.


    Ruby lithol BK (Lithol Rubine BK). A strong allergen that has a bad effect on the digestive organs, in particular the liver, and the nervous system of children, causing increased activity, lack of attention, unwillingness to sleep. Banned in a number of countries, including Russia, may be used to color the outer edges of products that are cut off and discarded.


    Propyl ester of paraoxybenzoic acid, Propylparaben (Propylparaben). Preservative with pronounced antimicrobial activity, inhibits the development of bacteria and fungi. Affects blood vessels, increasing blood pressure. According to some reports, it provokes allergic reactions, increases the risk of breast cancer in women, leads to infertility in men.



    Hexamethylenetetramine, Urotropin (Hexamethylene Tetramine). It is used for the conservation of red caviar, in winemaking, cheese making, yeast cultivation. With a tendency to allergies causes skin irritation, there is information about the carcinogenicity of the additive.


    Formaldehyde (Formaldehyde). A strong preservative and antiseptic, it may be present in canned food, mainly fish caviar. It is carcinogenic, when ingested it leads to intoxication - pale skin, headache, weakness, shortness of breath.


    Guaiac gum, Guaiac resin. When it enters the stomach, it provokes inflammation of the mucous membrane, in large doses it acts as a poison.

    E388 and E389

    Thiopropionic acid (Thiodipropionic Acid) and its derivative Dilauryl thiodipropionate (Dilauryl Thiodipropionate). Antioxidants, before the ban, were used in the manufacture of edible fats and oils.


    Ammonium alginate (Ammonium Alginate). An alginic acid derivative, used as an alternative to yeast, not allowed in other products. It manifests itself as an allergen and irritates the skin. The consumption rate is no more than 10 grams per 1 kilogram of a person's weight per day.


    Curdlan. Before the ban, it was used as a thickener, shaper and gelling agent.


    Ethylcellulose (Ethyl Cellulose). Food thickener, promotes inflammation of the mucous membranes of the digestive system, acute indigestion, skin allergic manifestations, nervousness and hyperactivity in children.


    Hydroxypropylcellulose (Hydroxypropyl Cellulose). Prevents stratification of liquids, settling of fine particles of turbidity. It is added to ice cream and other dairy products, baking powders. Causes upset stomach and intestines.


    Chloride tin(Stannous Chloride). It is prohibited on the territory of the CIS countries, but in European countries it is an emulsifier.


    Iron hexacyanomanganate (Ferrous Hexacyanomanganate). Registered as an additive that prevents the appearance of lumps in bulk products.


    Zinc silicate (Zink Silicate). Anti-caking and clumping product, emulsifier.

    E916, E917

    Iodates: calcium (Calcium Iodate) and potassium (Potassium Iodate). Enrich products with iodine, improve the quality of flour.

    E918, E919

    Nitrogen oxides (Nitrogen Oxides) and Nitrosyl chloride (Nitrosyl Chloride). Very toxic.

    E922, E923

    Persulfates: potassium (Potassium Persulphate) and ammonium (Ammonium Persulphate). Used for bleaching flour. Irritate skin, mucous membranes, respiratory tract.


    Calcium bromate (Calcium Bromate). It provokes the rapid development of cancer cells.

    E925, E926

    Chlorine and Chlorine Dioxide. In high concentrations, toxic.


    Acetone Peroxide. Some countries use the additive to improve the properties of flour and bread.


    Chlopentafluoroethane, Chloropentafluoroethane (Chloropentafluoroethane). Propellant and anti-flaming. Under the influence of ultraviolet, it decomposes, releasing radicals that destroy ozone in oxygen, including the ozone layer of the planet. Inhalation of the substance or its vapors leads to suffocation, asthma, pulmonary edema.


    Sodium cyclamate (Sodium Cyclamate). Synthetic sweetener, 30-50 times sweeter than sugar. Contained in diabetic products, carbonated and hot instant drinks, confectionery. May release toxic and teratogenic metabolites when broken down by intestinal bacteria, increases risk of cancer when tested in rats Bladder. Used in more than 55 countries with a maximum allowable daily dosage of 10 milligrams per 1 kilogram of body weight.

    Very dangerous


    Amaranth– described in Prohibited.


    Ammonium chloride (Ammonium Chloride). Emulsifier, acidity regulator, salt substitute. A large concentration of vapors of a substance can cause respiratory arrest and death, therefore it is considered safe only conditionally and is prohibited in many countries. In Russia, it is involved in the production of flour, improves the properties of finished bakery products.


    Sulfuric Acid. Used in yeast production, regulates the acidity of alcoholic beverages. Very aggressive - getting on the skin, leads to burns and tissue necrosis, inhalation of vapors may cause chemical burns oral cavity, nose and eyes, cough, swelling of the larynx and bronchi, pneumonia.


    Ammonium hydroxide (Ammonium Hydroxide). Acidity regulator - neutralizes the acids of cocoa beans in the manufacture of chocolate. It provokes indigestion, badly affects the kidneys and liver. Not used in Europe, Australia, New Zealand, but still allowed in Russia.



    Tartrazine (Tartrazine). Cheap synthetic dye. Included in drinks, confectionery, fruit and vegetable preserves, yoghurts, mustard, soups. Causes allergies in the form of a skin rash, in children - hyperactivity and attention deficit. According to the norms, the amount of a substance should not exceed 100-150 milligrams per 1 kilogram of the finished product or 7.5 milligrams per 1 kilogram of body weight.


    Sunset Yellow FCF. It is extracted from petroleum products and is included in jellies, marzipans, creams, ice cream, sweets, canned fish, cheese sauces, soups. Causes skin rash, nasal congestion and runny nose, gastrointestinal disorders, kidney problems. Dangerous with a tendency to allergies or intolerance to aspirin, in childhood.


    Carmine. The source of this expensive dye is the females of some insect species. Gives products a persistent orange, red or purple color. It is used in meat and fish processing, dairy and confectionery production, gives color to alcohol and lemonades, sauces and ketchups. Occasionally causes allergies, up to anaphylactic shock.


    Ponceau 4R, Crimson 4R (Ponceau 4R). Meat, fish, confectionery industry, it tints drinks, desserts, canned fruits. A number of countries recognized as a carcinogen and a strong allergen, in Russia it is allowed subject to the norms - up to 0.7 milligrams per 1 kilogram of body weight per day. Previously, the norm was 4 milligrams, and unscrupulous manufacturers still adhere to it.


    Erythrosine– described in Prohibited.


    Red charming (Allura Red AC). It is extracted from coal tar as a replacement for the E123 dye. Included in semi-finished products, sweets, sauces. Potentially dangerous for children - can provoke ADHD (attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder). According to other studies, it has an anti-carcinogenic effect, blocking the action of cancer-causing substances.


    Chocolate brown (Chocolate Brown HT). Mixture of azo dye with coal tar. It is added to semi-finished products, chocolate biscuits and muffins, ice cream, marshmallows. Undesirable for children and allergy sufferers, bad for the kidneys and liver. Banned in many states.


    Ruby Lithol VK– described in Prohibited.


    Sorbate sodium(Sodium Sorbate). A popular preservative that extends the shelf life of margarines, cheeses, meats, sausages and fish products, preservation and tomato products, sweets, non-alcoholic and alcoholic drinks, dietary goods. Permissible daily allowance- up to 25 milligrams (in terms of sorbic acid) per 1 kilogram of human weight. Allergenic in high doses.


    Sulfur Dioxide. Gas with a strong odor, prevents vegetables and fruits from rotting. It is added to alcohol, citrus fruits are processed during transportation, warehouses are fumigated. Highly toxic - when inhaled, it causes coughing, hoarseness, rhinitis, suffocation; with prolonged contact, vomiting, incoherent speech, and pulmonary edema are noted. Allowed subject to consumption standards.


    Sodium hydrosulfite (Sodium Hydrogen Sulphite). Serves as a preservative, antioxidant, refrigerant, reducing agent, bleach and color stabilizer. Found in condiments, dried and canned fruits, frozen vegetables and seafood, wines, juices, sweets and sugary confectionery. Dangerous allergic reactions, diseases of the stomach and intestines, destroys thiamine (vitamin B1).


    Pirosulfite (Metabisulphite) sodium (Sodium Metabisulphite). Prevents darkening of raisins, starch and potatoes, vegetable and fruit purees, added to alcohol, confectionery and sweets. When heated above 65 degrees or mixed with water, it releases sulfur dioxide, a toxic allergen gas. Refers to harmful and irritating, although permitted substances. With a daily intake of up to 0.7 milligrams per 1 kilogram of body weight, it is considered safe.


    Potassium pyrosulfite (Disulphite) (Kalium Metabisulfite). Interchangeable with preservative E223, but preferred due to lack of effect on sodium balance in the body. Direct contact leads to irritation and narrowing of the airways, causing asthma attacks and other side effects.


    Hydrosulfite (Bisulfite) potassium (Potassium Hydrogen Sulphite). Preservative, antioxidant, bleach and color stabilizer, inhibits the growth of fungi and bacteria. Contained in wines and products made from starch and sugar, fruit and vegetable products. At frequent use above the norm (0.7 milligrams per 1 kilogram of body weight in terms of sulfur dioxide) causes allergies and asthma, gastrointestinal pathologies, increased activity and attention deficit in children. Destroys vitamin B1.


    Dimethyldicarbonate (Dimethyl Dicarbonate). An ester of dicarbonic acid with antimicrobial properties. Used in the production of wines, soft drinks and soft drinks, including iced tea, with a dosage of up to 250 milligrams per 1 liter. After contact with the product, it decomposes, but when working with the additive, protective equipment is required - it irritates the skin and respiratory organs.


    Alginic acid (Alginic Acid). A viscous substance extracted from algae. Stabilizer and thickener, maintains consistency and increases the viscosity of food. It is necessary for marmalades, jelly, jams, berry and fruit pastes, canned meat and fish, processed cheese, sauces. It removes radionuclides and heavy metals, but is not digested in the human body, therefore it is unsafe for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

    E401, E402, E404

    Alginates: sodium (Sodium Alginate), potassium (Potassium Alginate), calcium (Calcium Alginate). Salts of alginic acid - additives E400. They are used as thickeners and gelling agents. Daily intake of E401 - up to 20 grams per 1 kilogram of human body weight, E402 - 10 grams, E404 - 20 grams in combination with other alginates.


    Propane glycol alginate, Propan-1,2-diol alginate (Propan-1,2-diol alginate). Turbidity Stabilizer – prevents product particles from settling. It is used in the manufacture of beverages, including cocoa, to prevent liquid segregation and cloudiness. The dose of consumption is up to 70 milligrams per 1 kilogram of body weight per day.


    Carbonate (Hydrocarbonate) potassium (Potassium Hydrogen Carbonate). The admixture of soda, in the manufacture of soft drinks, is a stabilizer and acidity regulator. In suspension, it is dangerous - inhalation of the substance leads to cough, runny nose and asthma attacks in chronic patients, contact with the skin causes irritation and eczema.


    Carbonate (Hydrocarbonate) ammonium (Ammonium Carbonate). It is used as a baking powder for baking dough, replacing soda and yeast or enhancing their properties. Dangerous in its original state - due to the release of ammonia, it is toxic.


    Glutamic acid (Glutamic Acid). An "exciting" amino acid and a widely used flavor enhancer in canned foods and food concentrates. Exceeding the maximum daily doses of 120 milligrams per 1 kilogram of body weight causes palpitations, weakness, numbness of the neck and back.


    Maltol (Maltol). Substance with a fruity-caramel odor. Stabilizes, enhances or changes the taste and aroma of foods. Involved in the production of chocolate, cocoa, essences, tea, coffee, soft drinks, canned fruits and vegetables, bakery products. Potentially dangerous - large doses contribute to the accumulation of aluminum in the brain, causing Alzheimer's disease. Permissible use - 1.4 grams per 1 kilogram of weight.


    Ethylmaltol (Ethyl Maltol). 4-6 times stronger than E636, enhances the taste and aroma of sweets, confectionery, sour-milk products, sauces, gives the effect of fat to non-caloric products - yogurt, mayonnaise, ice cream. The effect on the body has been little studied, the substance is prohibited in many countries.

    Carcinogenic (cancerous)

    The potential danger of these additives is in stimulating the development of cancerous tumors. Many of them are very allergenic, have a toxic effect on the digestive organs, and cause hyperactivity in children:


    Blue Patent V (Patent Blue V) . Synthetic dye from blue to purple. Contained in sweets, carbonated drinks, meat products, sausages.


    Green S (Green S). It is found in mint sauce, green peas, ice cream, desserts, sweets, and is used to color eggs.


    vegetable charcoal, charcoal(Vegetable Carbon). Colors juices, cheese casings, jelly candies, confectionery.

    E210 and E211, E212, E213

    Benzoic Acid and its derivatives Benzoates: sodium (Sodium Benzoate), potassium (Potassium Benzoate), calcium (Calcium Benzoate). Preservatives for brewing, production of margarines, sauces, jams, juices, ice cream. In combination with ascorbic acid (additive E300), they form benzene, a strong carcinogen. The norm is up to 5 milligrams per 1 kilogram of weight per day, the excess affects the functioning of the kidneys and liver.

    E214 and E215

    Ethyl ester of para-hydroxybenzoic acid, Ethylparaben (Ethylparaben) and its sodium salt (Sodium Ethyl Para-hydroxybenzoate). Strong allergens, upon contact with the skin, lead to dermatitis, eye irritation. The norm is up to 10 milligrams per 1 kilogram of body weight per day.


    Propylparaben– described in Prohibited.


    Methylparaben sodium salt, Para-hydroxybenzoic acid methyl ester sodium salt (Sodium Methyl Para-hydroxybenzoate). Preservative and sterilizing additive, protects jams, canned foods, soups, breakfast cereals and sweets from the growth of bacteria and fungi, stops the maturation of wines. The daily norm is up to 10 milligrams per 1 kilogram of body weight.


    Biphenyl, Diphenyl (Biphenyl, Diphenyl). When applied to the peel of fruits and berries, it retains their presentation. Irritating to eyes and respiratory tract, causing skin reactions, toxic to the liver, kidneys, nervous and cardiovascular systems.


    Formaldehyde– described in Prohibited.


    Potassium Nitrite (Potassium Nitrite). Preserves and improves the color of sausages, meat and fish products, prevents the appearance of botulinum toxin. It has a toxic and mutagenic effect on the body.

    E280 and E281, E282, E283

    Propionic acid (Propionic Acid) and its salt Propionates: sodium (Sodium Propionate), calcium (Calcium Propionate), potassium (Potassium Propionate). They are used as preservatives in the manufacture of bakery products and cheeses. In a concentrated form, the E280 additive causes burns, provokes wounds and ulcers in the stomach, so its derivatives are used.


    Propyl gallate (Propyl Gallate). Antioxidant, protects mayonnaise, margarine, soup concentrates, chewing gums from oxidation. Causes allergic reactions, including asthma attacks, gastrointestinal irritation.


    Cotton pentafluoroethane– described in Prohibited.

    Stomach upset

    E338 and E339, E340, E341, E343

    Orthophosphoric acid (Phosphoric Acid) and its salt Phosphates: sodium (Sodium Orthophosphates), potassium (Potassium Phosphates), calcium (Calcium Phosphates), magnesium (Magnesium Phosphates). Used as drink acidifiers, added to baking powders, soups, cheeses and sausages, sweets. Increase the acidity of the body, wash out calcium. At high concentrations, the acid leads to burns, nosebleeds, crumbling of teeth.


    Pyrophosphates (Diphosphates). Salts and esters of pyrophosphoric acid are found in meat and confectionery products. In large doses, they interfere with the absorption of calcium, causing the deposition of salts in the kidneys and osteoporosis.


    Methylcellulose (Methyl Cellulose). As a thickener, it is included in ice cream, juices, sauces, increases the volume of dough, and is present in carbonated drinks.

    E462 and E463

    Ethylcellulose and Hydroxypropylcellulose– are described in Unresolved.


    Ethyl methylcellulose (Ethyl Methyl Cellulose). Forms and stabilizes foam in desserts, improves the consistency of liqueurs, is added to jellies, sweets, ice cream, cheese products.


    Carboxymethylcellulose (Sodium Carboxy Methyl Cellulose). Forms a stable viscous colloidal solution, added to ice cream, desserts, creams and sauces, casings for meat and fish.

    bowel disorder


    Brown FK– described in Unresolved.

    E626 and E627, E628, E629

    Guanilic acid (Guanylic Acid) and Guanilates: sodium disubstituted (Sodium Guanilate), potassium disubstituted (Dipotassium 5-guanylate), calcium (Calcium 5-guanylate). Flavor modifiers are made from tissues of animals and fish. Present in cheeses soy sauce, sausages and meat products, soups and instant noodles, canned vegetables, chips, crackers and other snacks. affect the gastrointestinal tract and arterial pressure, are contraindicated for allergy sufferers, patients with rheumatism and gout, pregnant women and children.

    E630 and E631, E632, E633

    Inosinic acid (Inosinic Acid) and its salt Inosinates: sodium (Disodium Inosinate), potassium disubstituted (Dipotassium 5-inosinate), calcium (Calcium 5-inosinate). Produced from tissues of animals and fish, bacterial sugar enzymes. Purpose - to enhance the aroma of spices, snacks, broths and instant soups. In addition to gastric and intestinal disorders, they lead to skin rashes, exacerbation of asthma, and gout.

    E634, E635

    Calcium nucleotides (Calcium Nucleotides) and disubstituted sodium ribonucleotides (Disodium 5-ribonucleotides). In nature, they are found in fungi, tissues of animals and fish, for industrial purposes they are synthesized during the fermentation of glucose. By properties and side effects similar to glutamates, guanylates, inosinates.

    Skin diseases


    Brilliant Black BN (Brilliant Black BN). Browns desserts, dairy products, cheeses, semi-finished products, pasta, condiments, sauces, spirits. The norm is up to 1 milligram per 1 kilogram of body weight per day. Causes skin reactions, gastrointestinal diseases, sarcoma.


    Carotenes (Carotenes). Sources of vitamin A, tint dairy and confectionery, soft drinks, sauces. They are considered harmless, but in excess they are deposited in the liver and fats, leading to carotenemia - yellowing of the skin. Can stimulate cancer diseases in people at risk.

    E231 and E232

    Orthophenylphenol (Orthophenyl Phenol) and his salt - Orthophenylphenol sodium (Sodium Orthophenyl Phenol). Preservatives used for external processing of citrus fruits. They irritate the skin and mucous membranes, can cause burns to the eyes and respiratory tract, and when ingested, provoke vomiting, convulsions. Do not consume more than 0.2 milligrams per 1 kilogram of body weight per day.


    Urotropin– described in Prohibited.

    E311 and E312

    Octyl gallate (Octyl Gallate) and Dodecyl (Lauryl) gallate (Dodecyl Gallate). Antioxidants, used in fatty foods, prevent rancidity of oils and margarines. They cause allergic manifestations on the skin, including flushing, rash and eczema, as well as hyperactivity and irritation of the gastric mucosa.


    Butylhydroxyanisole (Butylated Hydroxyanisole). Contained in animal and vegetable fats, sauces, soup concentrates, confectionery. When combined with nitrates, it acquires mutagenic properties, changing the DNA of cells. The daily dose is up to 0.5 milligrams per 1 kilogram of body weight.


    Poly-1-decene hydrogenated (Hydrogenated poly-1-decenes). The glazing agent is used in the manufacture of dried fruits, sugary confectionery and bakery products. When exceeding the norm of 6 milligrams per 1 kilogram of body weight, it reduces the bioavailability of fatty acids.


    Aspartame (Aspartame). Sugar substitute found in sweet and low alcohol drinks, chewing gum, yogurt, sweets, confectionery. With prolonged use causes allergies, headaches, insomnia, depression, weight gain. According to experiments on rodents increases the risk of cancer.


    Lysozyme (Lysozyme). Enzyme and natural antibacterial agent, extracted from egg protein of chickens, including genetically modified breeds. It is used as a preservative in the manufacture of cheese and other dairy products. May cause skin rashes and headaches.



    Brown FK– described in Unresolved.


    Sodium nitrite (Sodium Nitrite). Preservative and color improver for meat and fish products. Poisonous toxic substance, can form carcinogenic compounds, cause chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Expands blood vessels, reduces muscle tone and pressure.


    Potassium Nitrate (Potassium Nitrate). Used in cheeses, sausages, meat products. With prolonged use, even in small quantities, it causes anemia, abdominal pain, vomiting, muscle weakness, pressure drop, irregular pulse.

    Dangerous for children


    Lactic acid (Lactic Acid). Natural preservative and antioxidant, present in fermented milk and confectionery products, involved in the production of soft drinks and beer. Harmless for adults, but contraindicated in infants - they have not yet developed enzymes for the absorption of the supplement.



    Choline Yellow (Quinoline Yellow). Added to fish, groceries, chewing gum, colored dragees, cough drops. It is suspected of irritation and inflammation of the skin, allergic reactions, hyperactivity in children. The daily rate has been reduced from 10 to 0.5 milligrams per 1 kilogram of body weight.


    Azorubine, Karmazin, Karmoisin (Azorubine, Carmoisine). Derivative of coal tar, colors drinks and juices, jams, confectionery. The allergen, especially dangerous for asthmatics and people with intolerance to aspirin, causes hyperactivity and decreased concentration in children.


    Chlorophyll copper complexes (Chlorophyll Copper Complexes). Green vegetable dye added to ice cream and dairy desserts. Due to the presence of the heavy metal copper can be hazardous. The consumption rate is no more than 15 milligrams per 1 kilogram of body weight per day.


    Titanium Dioxide. A bleaching agent used in milk powder, quick breakfasts, the white part of crab sticks. Possibly involved in liver and kidney disease, and if inhaled can cause cancer.


    Propane-1,2-diol esters of fatty acids, Ethers of propylene glycol and fatty acids (Propylene Glycol Esters Of Fatty Acids). Viscosity stabilizer and product consistency improver, most often used in fatty products. There is information about an increase in the liver and kidneys, metabolic disorders due to the supplement.


    • E100 - Curcumins (Curcumin). Natural dyes with anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties.
    • E101 - Riboflavin (Riboflavin). Vitamin B2, necessary for the health of the skin, nails, hair and thyroid gland, is involved in metabolic processes. Riboflavin sodium salt (E106) banned from use due to side effects.
    • E140 - Chlorophyll (Chlorophylls). Vegetable dye, removes toxins, has anti-cancer properties. At the same time, the addition E141 Copper complexes of chlorophyll may be hazardous to health.
    • E160a - Carotene (Carotene). A vital element, provitamin A. Harmful in large quantities.
    • E161b - Lutein (Lutein). natural dye, an antioxidant, improves visual acuity.
    • E300 - Ascorbic acid (Ascorbic Acid). Vitamin C is essential for normal metabolism.
    • E306, E307, E308 – A mixture of tocopherols (Tocopherol-rich extract), Alpha-tocopherol (Alpha-tocopherol), Gamma-tocopherol (Gamma-tocopherol). Vitamin E, an important antioxidant, protects the body from the effects of toxins and lactic acid, and slows down cell aging. Additive E309 Delta-tocopherol (Synthetic Delta-tocopherol) not studied and not allowed in Russia.
    • E440 - Pectin (Pectins). Natural gelling agent, thickener and moisture retainer, removes harmful substances from the body, helps to reduce cholesterol levels.
    • E641 - L-Leucine (L-Leucine). Essential Amino Acid imparts the desired flavor and aroma confectionery and fast food products.
    • E642 - Lysine hydrochloride (Lysine Hydrochloride). Participates in the formation of collagen and tissue repair, maintains the health of the heart muscle, gives energy.


    • E150 - Sugar color (Plain Caramel). Burnt sugar, caramel. It is divided into subspecies: E150a is natural and safe, and E150b, E150c And E150d obtained by treatment with acids.
    • E162 - Beetroot Red, Betanin (Beetroot Red, Betanin). Produced from food beets.
    • E163 - Anthocyanins (Anthocyanins). Contained in extracts of red grapes, elderberry. Antioxidants, eliminate inflammation, prevent cancer.
    • E170 - Calcium carbonates (Calcium Carbonate). Ordinary chalk, benefits the body, is dangerous only in case of overdose.
    • E181 - Tannin (Tannin). Gives color to products astringent taste, many substances are present in tea.
    • E202-Sorbate potassium(Potassium Sorbate). Salt of sorbic acid, a popular and safe preservative.
    • E260 - Acetic acid(Acetic acid). The product of the souring of grape wines, the fermentation of carbohydrates and alcohols, at a concentration of up to 30% is safe.
    • E270 - Lactic acid (Lactic Acid). Harmless to adults, but not assimilated by young children.
    • E290 - Carbon Dioxide. Carbon dioxide is added to carbonated drinks.
    • E296 - Malic acid. Participates in metabolism.
    • E297 - Fumaric acid (Fumaric Acid). Present in the cells of living organisms, safe in small quantities.
    • E322 - Lecithin (Lecithins). A powerful antioxidant and an indispensable substance for the liver, brain, nervous system.
    • E330- Lemon acid(Citric acid). Harmless antioxidant involved in metabolism.
    • E406 - Agar. Red algae thickener and gelling agent, even approved for baby food.
    • E420 - Sorbitol, Sorbitol syrup (Sorbitol). Sweetener, emulsifier and stabilizer, when consumed up to 30-40 grams per day, is considered safe.
    • E500 - Sodium Carbonates. Soda, present in baking.
    • E507 - Hydrochloric acid (Hydrochloric Acid). A corrosive substance, but in the food industry it is used in the form of safe, weak solutions.
    • E901, E902, E903 - Waxes: Beeswax, Candle Wax, Carnauba Wax. When processing fruits, they prevent their spoilage. E901 and E903 are used in the manufacture of icing, sweets.
    • E905b, E905c, E913 - Vaseline (Vaseline, Petrolatum), Paraffin (Petroleum Wax) and Lanolin (Lanolin). Approved for processing citrus, fruits and vegetables.
    • E954 - Saccharin (Gluside). Sweetener, considered harmless when used up to 5 milligrams per 1 kilogram of body weight per day.
    • E955 - Sucralose (Sucralose). The safest synthetic sweetener, the daily intake is up to 15 milligrams per 1 kilogram of body weight

    The vast majority of products in our time can not do without food additives. Today we will consider the question of how these very additives affect our body. And finally, we will find out what kind of strange characters are written in the composition of the goods that we buy.

    The fact is that the effect of food additives is very individual - each organism reacts to these components in its own way. It can be allergic reactions and individual intolerance to the substance. One thing is for sure - no artificial food additive can benefit the human body. They are either harmless or adversely affect the functioning of individual organs or the entire body as a whole.

    Below are the groups of the most dangerous food additives:

    • Dyes: E103; E105; E123; E121; E125; E130; E126; E142; E131; E153; E172; E171; E173. A large number of dyes in sweet soda, ice cream (except cream), lollipops. The risk of developing malignant tumors. It also adversely affects the liver and kidneys.
    • Preservatives: E210; E211; E213-217; E221-226; E230; E231; E232; E239; E240. Contained in canned food (any) - mushrooms, jams, compotes, stew, etc. In large quantities can lead to acute illness gastrointestinal system and cause allergic reactions.
    • Antioxidants: E311; E312; E313. Mainly present in fermented milk products, sausage, yogurt, chocolate, sweets, butter. Badly affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
    • Thickeners and Stabilizers: E407; E447; E450; E461; E462; E463; E464; E465; E466. Contained mainly in jam, condensed milk, jams, chocolate cheese, etc. Negatively affect the liver, kidneys and stomach.
    • Defoamers: E924a; E924b. It is found in all carbonated drinks, both in sweet and in ordinary mineral water. Increase the chance of developing malignant tumors.

    Perhaps this is a complete list of the main food additives dangerous to humans. Of course, it will not be possible to completely eliminate them from the diet, but we strongly recommend once again to refrain from using them.

    In addition, there are also harmless foods. ext. Some even talk about their benefits, but this is not so. Good for exercising and eating healthy food. And these substances only have a neutral effect on the body. Here are some of them:

    • Antioxidant: E-338 - obtained grape skins.
    • Stabilizer: E-450 - phosphate.
    • natural supplements: E101; E163; E260; E330; E363; E334; E375; E620; E160a; E920; E300 - obtained from ordinary apples.

    In general, in the end, I would like to repeat that, ideally, you need to eat exclusively natural products and drink clean water from a well, but in the modern world, living in the city, this is not possible. Therefore, try to limit yourself from various carbonated and sugary drinks, canned food and sweets.
