
Technological solutions for the production of soups. Organization of the work of the soup department


Cook, confectioner

(code, name of profession)

Admitted to the defense

Deputy Director of MMR

________ N.V. Osipenko


Subject: The technological process of preparing a complex lunch:

- Shchi with fresh cabbage. - Stuffed peppers. - Kissel. . - Baby bun.

Student(s): Semenova O.V.

Group No. 131 PCS

Work is done _______

Student(s) signature_____

Head of work _______ L.N. Krasovskikh "___" _______ 2016

Introduction 3

Explanatory note 4-9

Conclusion 10

Literature 11

Annex 12

Introduction Cooking a complex lunch is a hot topic. In the modern age of speed, the main task of public catering enterprises is to feed the population quickly, tasty and as healthy as possible. For any category of the working population, it is possible to develop a lunch ration taking into account the required calorie content of dishes.

The purpose of the written examination work "The technological process of preparing a complex lunch: ... .." is a description of the technological operations for preparing and decorating dishes and confectionery using modern equipment in accordance with the requirements of the qualification characteristics for the profession OK "Cook" 4 category, OK "Confectioner" 3 categories .

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to describe the sequence of stages of this work: 1. selection of products in accordance with the recipe and requirements for their quality; the sequence of cooking and confectionery; requirements for the quality of finished dishes and products, storage conditions and the timing of the sale of dishes and confectionery. 2. sanitary and hygienic requirements for the preparation of the workplace in the culinary and confectionery shops, the conduct of the technological process of cooking; 3. organization of the workplace in the shops; 4. types of equipment, inventory, tools, utensils used; 5. safety regulations for the performance of work.

Explanatory note Shchi from fresh cabbage

Cooking.Vegetables must be fresh, elastic in texture, with a color, taste and smell characteristic of the species, without strangers. Vegetables are well cleaned and washed. Cabbage is cut into checkers or strips, potatoes - into cubes or sticks, onions - into half rings, carrots - into strips. Onion, carrot, tomato -

pass in fat. Cabbage is placed in boiling broth or water, brought to a boil, potatoes are placed, brought to a boil, passivation, salt, bay leaf are laid. Boil until cooked at a low boil. Ready cabbage soup is left to stand without boiling for 5-10 minutes to form the taste and smell. Meat is placed in a deep soup bowl, cabbage soup of medium density is poured, sour cream is added and finely chopped parsley or dill is sprinkled. Serving temperature + 65-70C.

quality requirements: The consistency of the soup is medium thick. There are glitters of orange fat on the surface. The broth is transparent. The taste is slightly sweet, with the aroma of sautéed vegetables, moderately salty, without the smell of steamed cabbage. Vegetables should keep their cut shape.

Stuffed Peppers(Collection of recipes 2010, page)

Cooking. Wash the vegetables, remove the stem. Carrots, onions are cut into strips, sautéed with tomato. Then combined with boiled rice, salt, pepper, parsley and mixed. Prepared peppers are filled with minced meat, placed on a baking sheet or portioned frying pan, poured with medium-thick sour cream and tomato sauce and baked in an oven until cooked at a temperature of 200-220C for 15-20 minutes. Served at a temperature of 65-70C. Store in the oven for no more than 2 hours.

Quality requirements: The dish is covered with a golden crust, the texture is soft, juicy. Taste is mildly salty.

Kissel from fresh berries:(Collection of recipes 2010, page)

Cooking. The berries should be fresh, not crushed, without rot. The berries are sorted, washed, kneaded with a pestle, squeezed out the juice and stored in the refrigerator. The squeezed pulp is poured with water and boiled for 5-10 minutes. Filter. Starch is combined with water and stirred. The broth is combined with sugar, brought to a boil and poured in a solution of starch, juice from the refrigerator. Stir quickly and turn off the heat and sprinkle the surface with sugar so that a film does not form. Kissel is cooled and served in glasses at a temperature of +10-14C.

Quality requirements: The color of jelly is saturated translucent, the taste and smell are pleasant, characteristic of used berries. Consistency is uniform. Film on the surface is not allowed. baby bun (Collection of solution of flour confectionery products 2010) Quality requirements: products should be of the correct shape, evenly sprinkled with sugar, golden in color, well baked, porous, soft, with a pleasant taste and smell, without strangers.

Dough kneading: The quality of products is assessed by an organoleptic method in terms of appearance, color, smell, which must meet the requirements of GOST. Flour, sugar, salt - sifted using a Pioneer type sifter or a hand sieve to remove impurities. Margarine is freed from packaging, cleaned, softened. Melange is thawed in warm water and used up to 4 hours. Yeast is dissolved in warm water up to 40C and filtered. In the bowl of the dough mixing machine, the dough is kneaded from a solution of yeast, flour and milk. The dough is kneaded for 10 minutes and left to ferment for 2-3 hours. During fermentation, 1-2 punches are made. The finished dough is fluffy, porous, with an alcoholic smell and a sour taste. Forming and baking. The dough is cut on the table by 88 grams, rounded into a ball and placed on a confectionery sheet.

Molded products are melted for 30-40 minutes on racks until doubled in size and baked in baking ovens at a temperature of 200-220C for 10-15 minutes until golden brown and with a pleasant aroma. Finished products are cooled.

Quality requirements: products should be of the correct shape, evenly golden in color, well baked, porous, soft, with a pleasant taste and smell, without foreigners Yield: 80 grams. Terms and conditions of storage: store products on clean wooden trays, laid in rows on their sides at a temperature of 18-20C, air humidity 65-70% for 12 hours.

2.Sanitary and hygienic requirements:

Salads are prepared in a cold shop, where strict sanitary rules, cleanliness of the room, labeling of inventory and utensils are observed, since most cold dishes are not subjected to heat treatment after cooking. All work surfaces, inventory, tools, hands of the cook are well washed with approved detergents and disinfected with disinfectants. Store finished products in refrigerators at a temperature of +4 to +8C and sell them within a strictly set time frame - salads 1 hour. Salads are served in salad bowls or snack plates. In the hot shop, they also observe the cleanliness of the premises and work tables, the labeling of inventory, the observance of the neighborhood of products, semi-finished products and ready meals. Hot dishes are stored on a food warmer at a temperature of + 70-75C for 2-3 hours. Hot dishes are served in clean heated plates at a temperature of + 65-75C.

3.Organization of the workplace. The area of ​​the working area is not less than 6 square meters per cook. The workshop must have heating, lighting, ventilation, hot and cold water supply. The workshop uses production tables for manual operations with built-in cabinets. The cook must have all the necessary types of equipment, inventory, tools and utensils. Cold dishes are prepared in a cold shop, first and second courses, drinks in a hot shop, flour products in a confectionery shop

Types of equipment, inventory, tools, utensils for cooking and dispensing dishes.

In the technological process of preparing a complex lunch, the following equipment was used: scales for weighing products; washing baths for washing products; a vegetable cutter for cutting vegetables, a refrigerator for storing semi-finished products, an electric or gas stove for cooking cabbage soup, cooking jelly, an oven for roasting peppers; food warmer for storing ready-made hot dishes. Inventory was also used: knives and cutting boards marked OS, MS, KC. For serving dishes, a 500-gram soup plate, a flat plate for the second dish or a portioned frying pan, a glass for jelly, a patty plate for a bun were used.

5. Safety precautions when performing work: All electrical equipment must be grounded. There should be rubber mats in front of switches and machines. The safety of the machine depends on the design of the presence of fences, blocking devices. Before turning on the equipment, make sure that there are no foreign objects in the working chamber and near the moving parts. The correct assembly and serviceability of the vegetable cutting machine should be checked at idle. Do not overload the working chambers of machines with products, leave the switched on equipment unattended. Do not overheat the burners and oven to avoid damage. When working with hot containers, use oven mitts, lift hot containers only with two people. Do not overload the mixing bowl with dough. When installing the bowl, the locking mechanism must be securely fastened so that the bowl does not move when kneading the dough. After finishing work, turn off all equipment, cool it down and sanitize it.


To carry out the written examination work, the theoretical material on the proposed literature was studied, the skills of preparing dishes and confectionery products were worked out during the period of educational and industrial practice to perform practical qualifying work on the topic “Technological process of preparing a complex lunch:…..”. The set goals and objectives were met in full.

The paper describes the technological processes of preparing culinary dishes and confectionery using modern equipment; description of sanitary and hygienic requirements, organization of the workplace and safety precautions at the workplace.

A description was made of all stages of the preparation of culinary dishes and confectionery, the requirements for the quality of finished products, the rules for storing and dispensing dishes and products.
The explanatory note is based on theoretical material, normative and technical documentation, SanPiN.

Used Books

1.Anfimova, N.A. Cooking: A textbook for the beginning. vocational education: Textbook for environments. Prof. Education / N.A.Anfimova L.L.Tatarskaya. -2nd ed.ster. - M .: Information Center "Academy", 2010.- 328s.

2. Buteykis N.G. Technology for the preparation of flour confectionery products: Textbook for the beginning of vocational education / N.G. Buteykis, A.A. Zhukova. - 3rd ed.

2. Zolin, V.P. Technological equipment of public catering establishments: A textbook for the beginning. prof. Education: Proc. allowance for Wednesdays. professional education / V.P. Zolin. -8th ed.ster.- M .: Information Center "Academy", 2010.- 320s.

3. Matyukhina, Z.P. Merchandising of food products: A textbook for the beginning. prof. Education: Proc. Manual for secondary vocational education / Z.P. Matyukhina, E.P. Korolkova. - 4th ed. Ster. - M .: Information Center "Academy", 2009. -272s.

4. Kharchenko, N.E. Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products: textbook. Allowance for the beginning. vocational education / N.E. Kharchenko.-3rd ed., Ster.-M.: Information Center "Academy", 2010-496s.

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    Characteristics of public catering at the present stage, the introduction of new technologies. Technological process of production of culinary products, inventory, equipment, utensils. Quality and storage of raw materials for the preparation of milk soups, their range.

  • 1.2. Soup classification
  • Soup classification
  • 3 Parts / 3 Parts
  • Mushrooms 1 part
  • Weight loss of vegetables during sautéing
  • Beet preparation
  • Blanching (scalding) cabbage and turnips. Fresh white cabbage, if it is a little bitter, and turnips are recommended to be scalded with boiling water before being put into soups.
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  • 1.6. Soups-puree. Range. The main technological methods for making puree soups
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  • Cooking technology
  • 1.9. Cold soups. Cooking technology. Range
  • Range
  • 1.11. Soup quality requirements
  • Soup quality requirements
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  • 2.2. Sanitary requirements for the production of cold dishes and snacks
  • 2.3. General technological requirements for the production of cold dishes and snacks
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  • 2.5.2. Boiled vegetable salads and vinaigrettes
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  • 2.6.1. Egg snacks
  • 2.7. Snacks from vegetables and mushrooms. Technological requirements for preparation, rules for serving. Range
  • 2.8. Snacks from fish and non-fish aquatic raw materials. Technological requirements for preparation, rules for serving. Range
  • 2.8.1. Snacks from non-fish seafood
  • 2.9. Snacks and dishes from meat products, poultry, game. Technological requirements for preparation, rules for serving. Range
  • Cold dishes from boiled and fried meat
  • 2.10. Hot appetizers. Technological requirements for preparation, rules for serving. Range
  • 2.11. Requirements for the quality of cold dishes and snacks
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  • Physico-chemical indicators of the quality of cold appetizers
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  • Classification of sweet dishes
  • Technological properties of the components of sweet dishes
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  • Hot raspberry punch
  • Punch "To health"
  • Drinks with wine
  • Grogi. These are hot mixed drinks with the addition of cognac, strong liqueurs. Grog is diluted with strong hot tea or boiled hot water. Add a slice of lemon for flavor.
  • 4.3. Cold drinks. Cooking technology, serving rules. Assortment Milk, dairy products
  • 4.4. Requirements for the quality of drinks
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  • 5.3. Technological process of production and packaging of chilled products
  • 5.4. Assortment, packaging, packaging, labeling of chilled dishes and culinary products in functional containers. Terms and conditions of storage
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  • 5.4.2. Culinary products in functional containers
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  • 1.6. Soups-puree. Range. The main technological methods for making puree soups

    Puree soups owe their origin to French cuisine, in some old cookbooks they are called “French”.

    The basis of such soups is a liquid white sauce on a broth of meat, fish, poultry, mushrooms, vegetables (instead of white sauce, you can use a decoction of rice or pearl barley or milk sauce).

    Soups-puree on cereal broth are called soup helmets, on milk sauce cream soups.

    Puree-like soups are a homogeneous pureed mass with the consistency of thick cream. Thanks to this, puree soups are most widely used in children's, dietary and clinical nutrition, when it is necessary to provide mechanical sparing of the gastrointestinal tract.

    Range. Puree soups are prepared from the following products:

    Potatoes and vegetables (green peas, green beans, young corn, carrots, turnips, pumpkin, swede, zucchini, fresh cucumbers, white cabbage, cauliflower, brussels, savoy, spinach, lettuce, leek, tomatoes with apples, asparagus); legumes (peas, white beans, lentils);

    Groats (oatmeal, barley, rice);

    Poultry (chickens, broilers, turkeys, ducks);

    Mushrooms (porcini, champignons, morels);

    Offal (liver).

    Puree soups are prepared vegetarian, on bone broth, on decoctions or broth obtained by boiling or poaching the products included in the soup recipe, as well as on whole milk or on a mixture of milk and water.

    Products intended for puree soups are boiled, stewed or stewed until fully cooked, then rubbed. So that the particles of mashed products are evenly distributed throughout the mass and do not settle to the bottom of the dish, white sauce made from flour (sautéed with or without fat) and broth or vegetable broth is added to puree soups (except cereal soups).

    To increase the nutritional value and improve the taste, soups, in addition to "bean soup", are seasoned with butter and hot milk or egg-milk mixture (lezon). Instead of milk and butter, cream can be used to dress soups. Butter for the preparation of puree soups according to the II and III columns of the collection can be replaced with table margarine. The dressing is introduced into ready-made puree soups, after which they are not boiled.

    When preparing vegetarian puree soups, the rate of investment of milk and eggs for dressing can be increased by 50% against that indicated in the recipe.

    To prepare the egg-milk mixture, stir the egg yolks, gradually add hot milk and boil with low heat in a water bath until thickened, not boiling, then filter.

    You can use industrially made cereal flour for making cereal puree soups.

    The main technological methods for the preparation of mashed soups. To obtain a homogeneous soup, the products included in its composition must be brought to readiness and crushed.

    Various methods of thermal cooking are used - boiling, poaching, frying, depending on the taste characteristics of the finished product. Before the end of the heat treatment, browned onions and roots are added to the main product and brought to softening. The products brought to readiness are turned into a puree-like mass. To do this, they are passed through a wiping machine or MIVP. Poultry, game, liver are crushed with a meat grinder, and then passed through a mashing machine.

    To prepare the liquid base of the soup, flour sauteing with or without fat is diluted with hot broth or broth, in which the main product is brought to readiness, and boiled. As a result of starch gelatinization, a viscous liquid base of the soup is formed. It is filtered and used to dilute crushed products. In this case, a stable suspension is formed, and the particles of the mashed mass do not settle to the bottom during subsequent storage of the soup on a food warmer.

    In soups made from starch-free products, flour sautéing can be replaced with rice. The flour used as a thickener can also be replaced with modified (phosphate) starch.

    After combining the liquid base of the soup with the crushed product, the semi-finished soup is thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous mass is formed and must be brought to a boil.

    To improve the taste and consistency, boiled puree soups are seasoned with hot milk or cream, butter or ice cream. Soups are seasoned with lezon without bringing them to a boil, since due to denaturation and coagulation of proteins, the homogeneity of the soup consistency may be disturbed.

    Ready-made puree soups are stored in a water bath at a temperature of 80-85 ° C for no more than 1-1.5 hours until vacation.

    Some of the products included in the recipe can not be wiped and added to the soup when you leave as a side dish (15-20 g per serving).

    All puree soups can be separately served with corn or wheat flakes (25 g per serving), or pies, or croutons (20 g per serving). The croutons are served separately on a patty plate. For puree soups, croutons are made from dried wheat bread without crusts, cut into small cubes.

    Vegetable and mushroom soups. Carrots, zucchini, pumpkin, cucumbers, tomatoes, mushrooms are cooked, other vegetables are boiled. Before the end of cooking, browned onions and roots are added and brought to readiness. Softened products are rubbed together with a decoction and combined with a liquid base. Fill and release these soups with croutons, as indicated above.

    Soups-puree from cereals and legumes. Cereals and legumes are boiled, adding sautéed onions and roots before the end of cooking and rubbing together with the broth. Bean soups are not seasoned with lezon. As a side dish, you can use part of the unmashed cereal.

    To reduce the loss of dry matter in the manufacture of cereal soups, cereals can be used in the form of flour. In this case, the manufacturing technology is simplified: the flour is diluted with warm (40-5 0 ° C) water or broth, boiled for 10-15 minutes and seasoned with the products provided for in the recipe. At the same time, the cooking time of soups is reduced by 6-8 times.

    Soup puree from offal and poultry. The liver is fried and stewed until cooked, the bird is boiled. Softened products are first passed through a meat grinder, and then through a mashing machine. Next, soups are prepared according to the general scheme.

    The products ground in a meat grinder can be ground in a mortar with butter and cooled, then season the white sauce with the resulting mass and, stirring gently, add to the soup, without bringing it to a boil to avoid “oiling”.

    Tools, inventory and utensils

    Pot with a capacity of 2 liters for cooking chicken; pots with a capacity of 1 l for cooking soups, cooking white sauce and cooking! rice chef's knives; skimmer; sieve; cutting boards "OS", "MS", "MB"; wooden blades; pouring and tablespoons; plates deep and patty.

    Poultry soup (No. 277)

    Pour the processed chicken with cold water (400 g), boil, strain the broth. Cool the chicken and separate the meat from the bones. Pass the pulp through a meat grinder with a fine grate 2-3 times, dilute with a small amount of chilled broth and wipe on a mashing machine or through a sieve. Store the mashed mass in the refrigerator.

    Prepare a white flour saute, dilute eel with the remaining broth and cook for 25-30 minutes, stirring occasionally and removing the resulting foam. Then strain, bring to a boil, add the sauce to the mashed chicken and boil without boiling for 3-5 minutes, then season with oil. If the soup with mashed chicken is boiled, its homogeneous consistency will collapse and grains will form. Salt the soup should be immediately after you put the chicken in it.

    Prepare the lezon and season the soup with it, cooled to a temperature of 70 ° C. Prepare croutons.

    Serve soup in a bowl along with croutons, and serve croutons on a patty plate with soup poured into a soup bowl. You can put chopped pieces of chicken fillet in the soup.

    Chicken 109/75, carrots 13/10, onions 12/10, wheat flour 20, butter 20, milk 75, eggs 1/8 pcs., water 400, croutons (No. 1107) 20. Yield 500/20.

    quality requirements.

    Taste and smell of boiled chicken; pale yellow color; the consistency is homogeneous, close to sour cream of medium density.

    Homemade noodle soup (No. 235)

    Cook chicken broth at the rate of 400 g per serving. Chop the roots and onion into strips and sauté.

    Prepare homemade noodles. Sift the flour, make a funnel in it, pour in the filtered salt solution and add the eggs. For a salt solution, take 1/5 of the water from the mass of flour. Knead a stiff dough and leave it for 30-40 minutes for the gluten to swell, then roll it out thinly, cut into strips 4-5 cm wide, sprinkle with flour, put 3-4 strips together and chop obliquely into strips. Spread the finished noodles in a thin layer for drying. Sift the flour from the dried noodles, and blanch the noodles and discard.

    Strain the broth, bring to a boil, salt, put browned carrots, onions and cook at low heat for 5-8 minutes. Add prepared homemade noodles and cook until done.

    Put a piece of boiled chicken in a warmed plate or soup bowl, pour over the soup and sprinkle with herbs

    Carrot 25/20, parsley (root) 7/5, onion 12/10, leek 13/10, fat 10, water 450, chicken 104/72. Homemade noodles (No. 1106): wheat flour 75 (5 g - for dusting), 1/2 egg, water 14, salt 2. Yield 500/50.

    quality requirements.

    The taste is moderately salty, the smell of chicken broth, browned vegetables, the color is light golden. The consistency is of medium density, the cutting of all components is uniform, the noodles are well boiled, but not swollen.

    Milk soup with vegetables (No. 261)

    Carrot cut into slices, lightly sauté with butter. Separate the cauliflower into small pieces and rinse, cut the potatoes into cubes, white cabbage into checkers, cut the bean pods into 2-3 parts.

    Put carrots into boiling water, let it boil, then add white cabbage and potatoes and cook at low heat for 15-20 minutes. 5-10 minutes before the end of cooking, add beans or green peas, add hot boiled milk, season the soup with salt and bring to a boil again.

    Pour the soup into a heated bowl and season with oil.

    Milk 250, water 100, white cabbage 50/40 or cauliflower 77/40, potatoes 134/100, carrots 25/20, fresh beans 56/50 or green peas 77/50, butter. 5. Exit 500.

    quality requirements.

    The taste is moderately salty, with the aroma of milk and vegetables. The consistency of medium density vegetables are soft, but not overcooked, butter on the surface. The smell of burnt milk is not allowed.

    Soup from a mixture of dried fruits (No. 316)

    Sort dried fruits, sort by type, rinse well in warm water, cut large apples and pears into pieces

    Put pears in cold water, boil for 10-15 minutes, add sugar, bring to a boil and put apples. After boiling, add the rest of the fruits (except raisins) to the soup and cook for another 10-15 minutes. Put raisins 5 minutes before the end of cooking. Dilute the starch with four times the amount of cold water and quickly (with stirring) pour into the soup, then bring to a boil.

    Soup can be served with loose rice. In boiling salted water, taken in the ratio of 6-7 parts of water and 1 part of rice, pour the sorted washed rice and cook, stirring occasionally. The boiled rice is thrown back into a colander and the liquid is allowed to drain.

    Put rice in a bowl, pour soup, evenly distributing the liquid part and fruits, and add sour cream.

    Dried fruits 80, sugar 50, starch 10, rice 18, sour cream 20, water 450. Yield 500/50/20.

    quality requirements.

    The taste of the soup is sweet and sour, the smell of dried fruit, the color is light brown, the consistency of liquid jelly, without lumps, the fruit is well boiled, the folding rice is undigested.

    Sequence of operations.

    Process the chicken, put it to cook; process and cut vegetables; prepare dried fruits; cook homemade noodles.

    Boil rice; save flour; cook white sauce for mashed soup, separate the pulp of boiled chicken, chop; cook vegetables for milk soup, dried fruit soup and homemade noodles; dilute the mashed chicken with white sauce, bring to a boil; prepare a lezon; boil milk for milk soup; season all soups to taste; prepare dishes for the holiday of soups.


    1. Make flow charts for boiled cabbage, cracker sauce, vegetable stew, carrot cutlets, sour cream sauce, potato roll or casserole, mushroom sauce.

    2. Write out the requirement-consignment note.

    3. Answer self-test questions.

    Questions for self-examination

    1. Tell the rules for cooking vegetables, cereals, meat products for mashed soups and cream soups.

    2. Explain the distinctive features of the preparation of cream soups and cream soups.

    3. Tell us how the liver is prepared for liver puree soup.

    4. Why is milk sauce used as a liquid base for making tomato puree soup; what role does starch play in this case?

    5. Explain why it is recommended to cook white flour sauté without butter (dry) for cream soups and cream soups.

    6. Explain how to keep the slurry stable when making soups.

    7. Tell us how the lezons are prepared, what is the temperature regime for the preparation and introduction of the lezons into puree soups.

    8. What are the features of cooking puree soups from meat products?

    9. What is the serving temperature of cream soups and soups.

    10. Tell the rules for cooking milk soup with vegetables.

    11. How to prepare dried fruits for soup?


    Sauces are of great importance in nutrition, as they are an integral part of hot and cold dishes from meat, fish, vegetables, cereals and other products. They are served with dishes on vacation, meat and vegetables are stewed with sauces, various products are baked under them, they are used as minced meat (marechal cutlets), side dishes, soups, cold dishes and snacks are seasoned with sauces.

    Sauces spice up your meals. Using different sauces, you can cook different dishes in appearance and taste from the same product. For example, poached fish can be served with steam sauce, white wine, brine, Russian, tomato. Each of these sauces gives the dish a unique color and taste.

    Sauces complement the nutritional value of the dish and increase its calorie content, as many sauces contain butter, eggs and sour cream.

    Dishes are served with or without sauce. In the first case, the sauce is served in a gravy boat or poured next to the main product. In the second case, the main product is poured with sauce or the product is prepared together with the sauce.

    Depending on the method of use, sauces can be thick (minced meat), medium thick (for baking) and liquid (for serving dishes with sauces).

    Sauces are divided into two groups - hot and cold. Hot dishes are served with hot dishes, and cold dishes are served with cold and hot dishes (deep-fried fish). In addition, hot sauces are classified depending on the source products (liquid base) - sauces based on meat, fish broth and mushroom broth, sour cream, milk, butter. Sauces on broths are divided into red and white. Red sauces are prepared on brown broth, and white sauces - on meat and bone, fish, etc.

    Cold sauces include mayonnaise, marinades and vegetable sauces, salad dressings.

    For the preparation of sauces, various broths are used, liquid (background) from the poaching of poultry, fish; meat juice; flour sautéing, sautéed or stewed roots; browned tomato puree; flavoring and aromatic seasonings (black and allspice, wine, lemon juice, nutmeg, vinegar, parsley, celery, etc.).

    Aromatic seasonings are added to the sauce 10 minutes before the end of cooking, and ground red and black pepper are added to the finished sauce.

    Ready sauces are seasoned with butter or: margarine, which are placed in pieces weighing 3-5 g and thoroughly mixed until the butter is completely combined with the sauce. Then heated to a temperature of 80-85 ° C, but do not boil, as the oil may float to the surface of the sauce. 70-80% of the fat specified in the recipe is used to dress the sauce. The rest of the fat is added to the sauce while it is stored on the steamer to prevent the formation of a film on the surface of the sauce. Hot sauces are stored in a container, closed with a lid, on a food warmer at a temperature of 75-80°C.

    Shelf life of hot sauces on a food warmer: red and white - 3ch, sour cream and dairy - 1 hour 30 minutes.

    Preparation of broth for sauces cooking red sauces use brown broth. The bones of beef, lamb, pork, poultry and game are chopped into pieces 5-7 cm long for a more complete extraction of soluble substances, washed, placed on a baking sheet, carrots, onions, parsley, coarsely chopped, are added, and fried in an oven until light -brown color at a temperature of 160-180°C. The fat released from the bones is drained and used for sautéing vegetables. The bones are placed in a cauldron, poured with cold water at the rate of 1-1.5 liters per 1 kg of bones, brought to a boil and boiled for 5-6 hours, periodically removing foam and fat. In order to improve the taste, waste roots and greens, meat juice (juice) are added to the broth, which is prepared by dissolving the extractive substances left on the baking sheet after frying natural semi-finished meat products with a small amount of broth.

    For the preparation of white sauces, broths obtained by boiling or stewing poultry (chickens, turkeys), veal, beef, or broths from unroasted bones are used.

    For the preparation of fish sauces, broths obtained by boiling or stewing fish are used.

    Cooking flour sauté Red flour sauté is prepared for red sauces, and white sauté is for white sauces. Flour is sautéed with or without fat. For red sautéing, edible fats are used, for white sautéing, creamy margarine. It is better to sauté flour with fat, as more uniform heating of flour is ensured due to the low thermal conductivity of fat.

    When browning flour, the smell and taste characteristic of raw flour disappear, the flour protein is denatured (loses its ability to swell) and, when combined with the broth, does not form gluten.

    To obtain a red passerovka, the flour is sifted and poured onto baking sheets with a layer of 3 cm, placed in an oven with a temperature of 160 ° C and heated with constant stirring until a light brown color appears.

    For white sautéing, the flour is sifted, poured into melted butter or margarine and, stirring, heated at a temperature of 120 ° C until it turns slightly yellow.

    Fillers, flavoring and aromatic spices.

    Sauces are of a homogeneous consistency and with side dishes (fillers). If the sauce is prepared with fillers, then additional products are introduced into the filtered main sauce. Such products can be mushrooms, vegetables, cucumbers, cartilage, capers, herbs, eggs, etc.

    Fillers give the sauce the appropriate flavor and aroma. Additional products are introduced into the sauce most often pre-cooked. For example, eggs for Polish sauce are boiled and chopped, and egg yolks for white sauce with egg or white wine sauce are boiled in a water bath with butter.

    Common seasonings for sauces are wine, citric acid, nutmeg, vinegar, etc. Red wine such as Madeira is added to red sauces, white dry wines are added to white sauces. Wines and vinegar are usually added to the sauce after they have been boiled to create the desired taste and smell. Citric acid is diluted with a small amount of water. Nutmeg rubbed on a fine grater.

    Carrots, parsley and onions for red meat sauces are finely chopped and sautéed. Tomato puree is introduced into sauces browned, and sauces "Southern", "Vostok", "Kuban" - without heat treatment (they are seasoned with sauces).

    Industrial production of sauces. The food industry produces semi-finished products of the following sauces: basic red, basic white, tomato, sour cream, apple, as well as vegetable marinade with tomato. These sauces are called concentrated and come to enterprises in functional containers.

    For main, tomato and sour cream sauces, browned vegetables are homogenized on a machine for fine grinding of boiled products (MIVP). For red main and tomato sauces, browned vegetables are combined with browned tomato puree, after which the resulting tomato-vegetable mixture is cooled to a temperature of 70 ° C and combined with browned flour, broth. Then sugar, salt are added, mixed, packaged in functional containers.

    Apples as a whole are stewed with the addition of 15% water, rubbed and homogenized on a MIVP machine. The puree is heated, cooled to a temperature of 70°C and combined with starch and sugar, heated in a dry state at a temperature of 160-180°C for 15 minutes, with citric acid, mixed, packaged in functional containers and cooled.

    At enterprises preparing semi-finished sauces, dilute with water in accordance with the technological instructions, add salt, pepper, bay leaf (cinnamon in apple), boil for 20 minutes (sour cream - 10 minutes, apple - just bring to a boil).

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    The hot shop should be equipped with modern equipment - thermal, refrigeration, mechanical and non-mechanical: stoves, ovens, cooking pots, electric frying pans, electric fryers, refrigerated cabinets, as well as production tables and racks.

    The technological process of preparing the first courses consists of two stages: the preparation of the broth and the preparation of the soups. In high-capacity canteens, where the assortment of first courses is small (2-3 items), soups are prepared in large batches, so a lot of broth is required. At the workplace, cooks preparing broths install stationary boilers in line - electric, gas or steam. More often used electric boilers KPE-100, KPE-160, KPE-250 with a capacity of 100, 160, 250 liters or KE-100, KE-160 with functional tanks. Cooking device UEV-40 is designed for cooking dressing soups, second and third courses, side dishes; differs from boilers in that after cooking, the cooking container is disconnected from the steam generator and transported for distribution. Above stationary boilers, it is advisable to install local exhaust ventilation in the form of umbrellas connected to the general exhaust ventilation system of the hot shop. This contributes to the creation of a normal microclimate in the workshop.

    After preparing the broth, the boilers are washed and used for cooking soups.

    In a restaurant where broths are prepared in small quantities, 50 and 40 l stove-top boilers are used to cook them.

    To prepare mashed soups, the products are rubbed and ground using a universal P-P drive with interchangeable mechanisms, a UKM universal kitchen machine with interchangeable mechanisms.

    In addition to stationary cooking pots, the workplace for making soups includes a line of thermal equipment and a line of non-mechanical equipment (Appendix No. 2). The distance between the lines should be 1.5 m.

    The line of thermal equipment consists of electric (gas) stoves, electric frying pans. The stove is used for cooking first courses in small batches in stove-top boilers, stewing, sautéing vegetables, etc. An electric frying pan is used for sautéing vegetables. Section inserts for heating equipment are used as additional elements in the lines of sectional modulated equipment, creating additional convenience for the cook.

    Lines of non-mechanical equipment include sectional modulating tables and a mobile tub for washing garnishes for clear broths.

    At the workplace of the cook who prepares the first courses, the following are used: a table with a built-in bathtub, a table for small-scale mechanization, a table with a refrigerated slide and a cabinet for storing food supplies.

    Depending on the type and power, it is planned to use mechanical equipment in the hot shop (P-II universal drive, mashed potato machine).

    Equipment for the hot shop is selected according to the standards for equipping trade, technological and refrigeration equipment in accordance with the type and number of seats in the enterprise, its mode of operation, the maximum load of the trading floor during peak hours, as well as forms of service. So, in restaurants where first courses are prepared in small batches, stationary cooking pots are required less than in canteens with the same number of seats (Appendix No. 4).
