
Turbo yeast which is the best review. Yeast for mash: which is better? Fermentation tank

by the most important component mash are yeast. It is thanks to them that the fermentation process (biochemical reaction) is carried out, as a result of which sugar is processed into alcohol. Also, quality depends on them. finished product(moonshine) and its yield in terms of volume. In addition to baker's yeast, there are special ones that are designed for the manufacture of alcohol. The advantages and disadvantages of specialized yeast intended for the production of alcoholic products, and you decide for yourself which yeast for mash is best for you.


alcohol yeast

Such yeast is intended for the manufacture of alcohol in industrial scale. Also, they are quite good, suitable for making mash by home craftsmen. The following indicators stand out as their main advantages:

  • Resistant to a high percentage of alcohol in mash. The strength of the mash wort can reach 18 degrees and at the same time, the yeast will do its job properly. This naturally increases the yield of the finished product.
  • The fermentation process is much faster than with conventional baker's yeast. So, with the right temperature regime, the readiness of sugar mash comes in three or four days, and the grain version of the mash wort will cook even faster. Usually, the mash is cooked for the longest time on fruit base, but if the product uses alcohol yeast, then the process will be reduced to seven days.
  • No increased foaming, thanks to which the container can be filled almost completely, leaving a small gap.
  • They are stored for a long time and do not require special conditions.
  • They do not have a yeasty smell, which affects the final result.

Like any product, alcohol yeast also has disadvantages:

  • The sale of such yeast is carried out only in specialized stores, because of which their availability to the majority of the population is limited. Alternatively, you can use the services of online stores.
  • The price of alcohol yeast is much higher than that of bakery yeast, so even a fairly high percentage of the yield of an alcohol-containing drink does not cover the costs.

Turbo yeast for mash

Turbo yeast is an alcoholic product with improved properties. It is believed that this is the most suitable option for making mash. This is due to the following benefits:

  • Increased resistance to alcohol. Thanks to their use, you can get mash with twenty percent alcohol.
  • Fermentation speed. Subject to technological process the mash will be ready for further distillation after two days.
  • There is no need to add top dressing, since all the required substances are already included in the product.
  • No dilution required. The yeast just falls asleep in the mash.
  • Slight foaming, makes it possible to use the container with maximum efficiency.
  • Various variants of turbo yeast can work effectively both at low temperatures (up to +10 degrees) and at high temperatures (up to +33 degrees).
  • Braga is obtained with the minimum amount harmful fusel oils, this is due to the speed of fermentation.
  • Turbo Yeast Doesn't Change Taste ready drink and therefore, they can be successfully used for grain or fruit and vegetable mash.

Analyzing the benefits of such yeast, you can answer the question “Which yeast is better for mash?” Turbo Yeast - perfect option for homemade mash, unless, of course, some negative points are taken into account:

  • Significantly high cost, which is why the final product is quite expensive.
  • Available only in specialized stores.
  • During the maturation of the mash, a large amount of carbon dioxide is released, and when using a glove instead of a shutter, it can simply be torn off, which will increase the cooking period of the product.

Wine yeast for moonshine

The breeding ground for wild strains of wine yeast is grapes. In areas where viticulture is practiced, they are used to make traditional chacha. Industry offered dry grape yeast, which can also be successfully added to homemade mash. Their advantages are the following indicators:

  • They are a purified product, unlike strains taken from berries.
  • With their help, you can get mash with an alcohol content of 17 percent.
  • Braga, like the resulting alcohol-containing drink, does not have the smell characteristic of yeast.
  • Reinforce taste qualities grape mash.
  • Are the most suitable option for making chacha or cognac drink. Grain mash they are of excellent quality as well.
  • Long stored.

As a disadvantage of wine yeast, slow processing of sugar is distinguished, which is why it is not recommended to use them for the preparation of sugar must.

You can make your own wild version of wine yeast using one of the following recipes:

  • Two glasses of hops are poured with four glasses of water, the container is put on fire until the volume is halved. After that, two tablespoons of sugar and six tablespoons of flour are added. Everything is mixed and left in a warm place for fermentation for three days.
  • One and a half cups of ground malt, half a cup of flour, a quarter cup of sugar and two and a half cups of water are thoroughly mixed. The mixture is boiled for 60 minutes and sent for fermentation in a warm place for two days.
  • Unwashed raspberries and rose hips, one hundred grams of sugar and a glass of water are mixed. The resulting composition is placed in a warm place for three days.

Homemade wine yeast can be poured into the beer wort at a ratio of 100 milliliters of yeast per liter of water.

When choosing the best yeast for mash, you should rely on your taste preferences and ease of preparation.

One of the most important tasks facing a person who learns the basics of moonshine is the correct selection and use of yeast raw materials. The choice depends on how quickly fermentation will take place, organoleptic qualities end product and ease of use.

The properties of yeast cultures have been known to mankind since ancient times. Using them, people prepare wine, beer, bake bread and make moonshine. By researching and improving, new strains are obtained that help achieve certain goals. Yeast, as one of the main ingredients for making mash, is a direct participant in the fermentation process. To obtain the best raw materials for the production of moonshine, you need to know the ingredients and be able to choose them correctly. Products that are available to the buyer differ in the level of resistance to external factors, a certain habitat, and the potential for reproduction at a certain temperature.

There are several main types for moonshine:

  • bakery pressed and dry;
  • alcohol;
  • turbo yeast;
  • wine;
  • beer.

What is the best yeast to use for mash

Pressed baker's yeast

Grayish briquettes, often found on sale, are traditional raw materials for fermentation. For getting best result it is necessary to carry out “inverting sugar for mash”, and at the end of fermentation, “clarification of mash with bentonite” should be done. Despite the presence of a large number of more advanced product options, many moonshiners prefer pressed ones due to the following qualities:

  • you can buy a pressed product at almost any outlet;
  • low selling price in comparison with other types;
  • no need for activation, they are added directly to the wort;
  • due to the fact that the fungi arrive in the active phase, the reaction when they are added occurs very quickly;
  • after distillation, the drink retains the authentic smell and taste characteristic of rustic moonshine.

Pressed products have a number of disadvantages that cannot be ignored:

  • After the end of the distillation process, the strength of the wort does not exceed 9-11 degrees, which means that the amount of moonshine will be small.
  • Pressed raw materials are stored for only a day at room temperature and up to two weeks in the refrigerator. Therefore, before making a purchase, check the date of manufacture.
  • They are demanding on storage conditions. May deteriorate during storage and transportation if the correct temperature regime is not observed.
  • If you are going to cook sugar mash, there is a need for top dressing.
  • The specific smell that appears during fermentation is retained in the final product. However, some adherents of traditions like it.
  • Fungi of this species are characterized by abundant foaming, as they emit a lot of carbon dioxide. This leads to the fact that 1/3 of the container volume has to be left empty.

Dry baker's yeast

The product is sold in convenient bags in the confectionery department or on the shelves with seasonings. Due to the ease of use, dry products took most market, displacing the pressed one. What dry yeast is best for moonshine? It is best to purchase the Pakmaya Cristal and Saf-Levure brands, they are an intermediate option between alcohol and bakery types.

Among the advantages of dry products, the following should be highlighted:

  • You can buy them at any grocery store.
  • The price is relatively low, but it all depends on the manufacturer of the product.
  • Differ in long term of storage and are unpretentious to conditions.
  • When using them, hands do not get dirty.
  • Sachets are sold in different volumes, which simplifies the selection of packaging for the required volume of wort.

Despite a number positive qualities, they also have negative sides:

  • There is a need for feeding, since, in addition to carbohydrates, they need additional substances. This plays a role if you are choosing which yeast to use for sugar mash. In this case, fruit and starch-containing raw materials are preferable.
  • They require activation, for which they are poured with warm sweetened water until foam appears, which indicates the beginning of fermentation.
  • Like pressed raw materials, it has a specific aroma, although less pronounced. This point can be omitted if you use distillation columns for distillation.
  • The fermentation of the must takes longer, as the processing of sugar is quite slow. In turn, this increases the amount of fusel oils in the wort, so during distillation it is necessary to “cut off the tails” earlier. At the same time, the output amount of the drink is much less.
  • Yeast usually freezes when the liquid reaches 14 degrees of strength, which means that the amount of moonshine will be average.
  • A large amount of carbon dioxide, which is released as a result of their activity, forms an abundant foam on the surface of the wort.

If you're wondering what kind of yeast is better to choose for mash, dry or pressed , it should be based on the amount of experience and knowledge. If you are making the first wash and are new to this business, then choose dry ones. They are available, and the result is more stable.

Alcoholic yeast for moonshine

These strains of fungus are specifically designed for the production of alcohol. If you are not sure on which yeast it is better to use mash for moonshine, then you should focus on alcohol, as they have a number of serious advantages.

  • This variety is ethanol tolerant and will continue to ferment until the wort reaches 18 degrees. Thanks to this, the output of moonshine is quite large.
  • Fermentation is fast enough. Subject to temperature regime sugar mash will ripen in 3-4 days.
  • Alcohol raw materials do not form foam. - Container for mash - can be filled to 90%.
  • A significant advantage is the ease of storage and long term shelf life, so they can be bought in reserve.
  • No foreign yeasty smell. This is especially good for fruit and grain moonshine.
  • Due to the fact that the product is sold in different volumes, it is easy to choose the required dosage.
  • Quantity various impurities minimized, which is well reflected in the taste, smell and quantity of the resulting drink.

This raw material also has its drawbacks:

  • You can buy them only in special stores, which are not very common.
  • The price for them is higher than for bakery.
  • Some brands of raw materials have claims to quality. Complaints are often associated with the fact that when they are used, “braga does not roam.”

Turbo Yeast

This variety belongs to alcohol strains, but with significantly improved characteristics.

Considered the best to use for the following reasons:

  • strain has the highest resistance to ethanol. Their use makes it possible to obtain a must with a strength of up to 20 degrees;
  • fermentation occurs much faster than in all other species. Distillation can be started in a day or two, subject to the optimal fermentation regime;
  • raw materials do not need additional feeding, since everything that is required is already in the composition;
  • foam formation is negligible;
  • they tolerate different temperatures well. Some brands are adapted to low temperatures, and some to higher ones;
  • quantity harmful impurities small, which is natural for such short term fermentation;
  • do not affect the taste of the finished drink.

They will excellent choice if you don't mind the following:

  • high cost;
  • sale only in special places;
  • too much fermentation.

wine yeast

They are also used to make moonshine due to a number of positive qualities:

  • Resistant to ethanol, which makes it possible to end up with a wort with a strength of about 17 degrees.
  • There is no yeast smell in the final product.
  • They can be stored for a long time and are unpretentious to temperature.
  • Low consumption of raw materials - for 10 liters of mash you need only 2-4 g.
  • No matter what - fruit or grape, grain or sugar - mash comes out of excellent quality.

The disadvantages of these strains are:

  • high price;
  • they are quite difficult to buy, as they are sold in special stores;
  • the fermentation process is slow, the wort stays longer.

The use of this raw material for moonshine mash Not recommended. It gives a very small product strength and is characterized by very strong foaming.

Yeast rating for moonshine

A variety of types, types of packaging, the presence or absence of additives is a guarantee that you will choose the right product. But to find out which yeast is right for you personally, you can only experiment.

Which type do you prefer to use? Be sure to share this in the comments.

Making moonshine at home is a complex and exciting process. The taste and smell of the resulting drink depends on how high-quality raw materials are chosen. No one wants to spoil their tasting experience with unpleasant odors or yeasty taste. Therefore, it is necessary to pay great attention to the quality of the selected products.

To do good mash, it is necessary to choose right yeast. This affects how much alcohol and for how long it will be obtained after fermentation, as well as how pure moonshine will come out. Therefore, many people who take their first steps in home brewing are wondering: what kind of yeast is best used for home brew? If in Soviet times there wasn’t much choice, they used ordinary bakeries, but today in stores there is big choice this product.

Why do we need yeast

Yeast itself is a fungus., which during reproduction process sugar and secrete carbon dioxide and ethanol. This is the process of fermentation. Of course, these organisms need a suitable environment, a certain temperature. They can exist in a liquid that contains ethyl alcohol, but only up to a certain concentration. There are many types of yeast, but not all of them are suitable for making moonshine.

In order for yeast to begin to multiply and ferment, a number of conditions must be met. They can carry out their useful activity only in the temperature range from 22 to 28 degrees Celsius. On top of that, for better fermentation jars with mash should be placed in a dark place. If, for example, you mix water and sugar, and then add yeast there, close the container with a glove or water seal, after a while the liquid will become lighter. When you open the jar, it will smell of alcohol. This will be the desired result of fermentation.

These fungi are very sensitive to water quality.. You can't use tap water here. Spring water is best, or in extreme cases, bottled water, which is sold in supermarkets.

Variety of varieties

The strains that are used for home brewing can be sold in pressed and dry form. The former are more used for baking. They have a limited lifespan, so before using them for mash, you should take a good look at the expiration date on the packaging.

Dry yeast is the spores of a fungus, which are just waiting to be placed in a favorable environment for reproduction. Many people think that they are not suitable for making mash, but this is far from the case. Supermarkets offer a wide range of these products.

Yeast itself is of different types:

  1. Bakery.
  2. Wine;
  3. beer;
  4. Turbo yeast;
  5. Alcoholic.

Not all of them are suitable for mash, they give different output ethanol and so on. Therefore, it is better to study the issue thoroughly, and then decide which yeast is best for moonshine.

You can buy this product in supermarkets, specialized stores. There are sites that sell yeast specifically for. The quality of the resulting moonshine depends on this product no less than on moonshine still. Many do not take this moment into account, and then they are very surprised that the drink smells strongly of fuselage and it is impossible to drink it.

Bakery Strains

These strains are the most common. Previously, only they were used to make mash. But, it is worth noting that this is not the most better option. Brazhka on baker's yeast takes a long time - up to two weeks. The output is a drink with a strength not exceeding 10 degrees. At the same time, the liquid accumulates a large number of fusel oils. As a result, moonshine from such mash is of poor quality, it must be distilled a lot to get rid of impurities and an unpleasant odor.

At the same time, the bakery variety has its advantages:

  1. They are sold in all grocery stores;
  2. They are very inexpensive;
  3. Long stored in the refrigerator;
  4. Easy to use.

Baker's yeast is sold dry and pressed. The latter, after opening the package and using it, should be put in the freezer so that they do not deteriorate. To prepare the mash, 100 grams of the product is taken per 1 kg of sugar.

This type is also good because it can be immediately added to the wort, and the fermentation itself begins quickly enough. Wherein This product also has disadvantages:

  1. With them, the mash turns out to be weak, 9-11 degrees.
  2. Moonshine has a characteristic smell that not everyone likes.
  3. If the product is stored incorrectly, it will quickly deteriorate.
  4. Need a feed.
  5. They give abundant foam, since these mushrooms emit a large amount of carbon dioxide.

Dry yeast can be used to make mash. They are quite suitable for moonshine, they are sold in small bags, they must be diluted in water before use. Among famous brands you can call the yeast Saf Moment, Saf Levure and Pakmaya.

Among their advantages are:

  1. Cheapness and availability;
  2. Ease of use;
  3. Long shelf life.

The proportions of mash on dry yeast are as follows: from 16 to 20 grams of the product is taken per 1 kilogram of sugar. Must be diluted with water before adding.

Braga on this product comes slowly, foam is likely to form. Here you will need a defoamer, which can be purchased at the store. Otherwise, you will have to regularly wash the floor around the place where the jar of mash stands.

The yeasty smell, although slight, is still present. The yield is also not very strong: mushrooms die at an ethanol concentration of 14 percent.

wine yeast

This product is suitable for to make moonshine, but with some restrictions. in the wild they live on grapes and they are used in Italy and the Caucasus for the preparation of strong alcoholic drinks: grappa and chacha. In fact, they are ideal for fermenting grape pomace that remains after wine production. Of this one that has great taste and aroma.

For the production of mash from berry crops or fruit this product is good. But for sugar mash it is not recommended to use it.

Stores sell dry wine yeast.. They have great advantages:

  1. With their help, you can get a drink with a strength of 17 degrees.
  2. They do not have a characteristic yeasty smell either in Braga or in moonshine.
  3. They are very unpretentious in storage.
  4. They do not contain foreign organisms, it is a dry, clean product.
  5. They give a special taste to drinks, especially on grape raw materials.

You can make wild yeast yourself at home, for which there are many different recipes. But the quality of the purchased ones is also quite acceptable.

Brewer's yeast

This product is not suitable for mash and moonshine. By itself, it is indispensable during the preparation of beer. It will also be useful as a biological active additive. Brewer's yeast was invented in Germany in the 19th century.

For moonshine, this strain is not suitable for two very important reasons. Firstly, during fermentation, they give a very large foam output, which is completely unacceptable. Secondly, as a result, too much a small amount of ethyl alcohol. However, there are craftsmen who use brewer's yeast to make home brew and moonshine. Also, this product can be made at home on your own.

Turbo Yeast

This product occupies an intermediate position between baking and alcohol. His attitude is ambiguous. Some praise him, while others criticize him..

Producers promise record results, the fermentation process, according to them, takes no more than two days. The output should be a mash with a strength of about 20 degrees. Certainly this good result. In addition, turbo yeast has other advantages:

Some experts are critical of such statements. This compound is used in Food Industry. There is a high probability that the output will be strong, but tasteless mash. Therefore, to obtain it is worth feeding the culture.

Turbo yeast is expensive, this is also a disadvantage. An ordinary pack of Turbo-24 should be enough for 40 liters of mash, but it’s not a fact that the costs will pay off. You can buy them on the websites of winemakers or in specialized stores.

Alcohol strains

Alcoholic yeast are considered the best option for the preparation of mash and moonshine. By themselves, they were created precisely to create alcoholic beverages. They are suitable for sugar mash. If moonshine is made from grain, then these strains will also be the best option. This is due to the following reasons:

  1. Great fermentation speed. 4 days is enough;
  2. The strains begin to die at an ethanol concentration of 18 degrees, therefore, you will get a mash with just such a strength.
  3. There is no smell left from this product, so a very high-quality drink is obtained;
  4. They don't foam. The container with mash can be filled almost completely. Defoamers are not needed.
  5. They are easy to store, easy to use, they do not contain unnecessary impurities, and so on.

Alcoholic yeast is sold in dry form. For the preparation of mash, strains are required in a ratio of 2.5 grams per 10 liters of wort.

You can buy the product in specialized stores and on the Internet.

How to cook sourdough

To create the most comfortable conditions for mushrooms, they need to be fed. This will increase the survival of the colony and the rate of fermentation. The culture will need vitamins, trace elements, ammonia and phosphorus salts. Fertilizers can be used as top dressing, they are usually available from cottage owners. It's about about adding superphosphate, carbamide, ammophoska and so on to the liquid.

There are also folk ways top dressing. For better growth yeast can be added to the mash:

  1. Raisin;
  2. Boiled peas;
  3. nettle leaves;
  4. Rye bread;
  5. Rye flour brewed with boiling water;
  6. Ground malt.

Feeding for the colony can also be bought in stores. They are specially produced industrially for home brewing. They already have all the necessary useful material. Often winemakers use a preparation made from brewer's yeast shells that have already been used and dried.

Terms of Use

It is not enough to buy the right strains, it is necessary competently approach the cooking of the mash. There are a number of rules that will help create a quality strong alcohol with good features.

Which yeast is better for mash is impossible to say for sure. You can experiment with different types of them, but this is the destiny experienced moonshiners. For beginners, alcohol is most suitable. Thanks to them, you can create high-quality moonshine with a minimum of flaws.

Attention, only TODAY!


Turbo yeast for moonshine and yeast

Turbo fruit yeast

Yeast rum turbo

Yeast turbo whiskey- yeast for quick creation mash from starch-containing raw materials. Considered the best for whiskey
have in their composition also special top dressings and nutrients that contribute to the rapid breakdown of starch. The term of readiness of mash is 6 - 9 days.

Turbo yeast instructionfor use and recommendations for the preparation of mash:

In general, the preparation of mash from any raw material is similar, the main differences are the ripening time and the requirements for ambient temperature. So first we need a fermenter or in simple terms

We all know what to create strong drinks first you need to make a mash. And the most popular and, accordingly, the easiest way is yeast-leavened sugar mash. The stereotypical format of mash is a very long fermentation process accompanied by unpleasant odors throughout the apartment or house and, accordingly, a rubber glove sticking up. If you look at a few decades ago, this is exactly what the preparation for the creation of your favorite drinks looked like. But time does not stand still, and now special yeast strains have come to replace them, capable of fermenting raw materials without strangers. unpleasant odors and the most amazing thing is that the process has decreased down to a few days.

What it is? Very often, our customers in retail stores and by phone ask the question, what is so amazing and magical in this bag? All over the world you can find more than a dozen yeast institutes that develop special top dressings, nutrients and select the right vitamins for each strain. More precisely, turbo yeast contains a set of amino acids, vitamins, trace elements and others. nutrients allowing naturally ferment raw materials. All components of such yeast are completely natural and do not contain harmful substances, just the very essence is aimed at the rapid processing of certain raw materials.

Turbo yeast for moonshineand their main varieties. The variety of turbo yeast in our time is very large, as they say for every taste, color and smell. Of course, yeast must be selected for the purpose. For example, the best yeast strains for sugar mash according to customer reviews - and yeast . Their main difference from their counterparts is a mild fermentation process: in the process they emit the smell of champagne, you can put it at home in the kitchen, for example. They always ferment stably, as stated by the manufacturer 77 - 3 days, 48 ​​- 2 days and always give an alcohol content of at least 14 revolutions in mash. Also, yeast is not whimsical, it can ferment in extreme situations, for example, at 10 degrees, the process will not stop, only the ripening period will increase. As a result, we get moonshine more fragrant, without pungent odors.

Turbo fruit yeast- yeast strain for effective fermentation of natural juices. rightfully are the leader in their field. This strain is endowed with a unique top dressing in the form of microorganisms that help gently ferment any fruit raw material, while not distorting the smell and taste of fruits. The fermentation time is 3 days.

Yeast rum turbo- there is also turbo yeast for fermenting cane molasses. Unique in its composition, the strain in its composition contains, in addition to nutrients and vitamins, glucoamylase, which very effectively breaks down the complex sugar of cane molasses. Fermentation time is approximately 7 days. , the container can be purchased immediately in a complete set ( thermometer, drain tap and even a heater), and you can also buy everything you need separately. Add raw materials and sugar to the container according to the instructions (the instruction is always on reverse side packaging), for fruit mash it is best to check the sugar content first with and add, if necessary, dextrose to the mash. after thoroughly mixing the raw materials and adding a bag of yeast, you can simply sprinkle it on the surface. Close the lid tightly and pour water into the water seal. Then we just wait, the cessation of gas release in the water seal will show that the mash is ready.

Buy alcohol turbo yeastyou can in our online store site at prices from the manufacturer. You will also receive competent advice from our sales practitioners by phone. We work every day without days off and holidays from 09.00 to 21.00, delivery is carried out in all cities of Russia. Delivery across Moscow is possible in day of the order, Call!

240r. 220r.

We all know that in order to create strong drinks, you first need to make mash. And the most popular and, accordingly, the easiest way is yeast-leavened sugar mash. The stereotypical format of mash is a very long fermentation process accompanied by unpleasant odors throughout the apartment or house and, accordingly, a rubber glove sticking up. If you look at a few decades ago, this is exactly what the preparation for the creation of your favorite drinks looked like. But time does not stand still, and now special yeast strains have come to replace them, capable of fermenting raw materials without extraneous unpleasant odors, and the most surprising thing is that the process has decreased up to several days.

What it is? Very often, our customers in retail stores and on the phone ask the question, what is so amazing and magical in this bag? Around the world, you can find more than a dozen yeast institutes that develop special top dressings, nutrients and select the right vitamins for each strain. More specifically, turbo yeast contains a set of amino acids, vitamins, trace elements and other nutrients that allow raw materials to naturally ferment. All components of such yeast are completely natural and do not contain harmful substances, just the very essence is aimed at the rapid processing of certain raw materials.

Turbo yeast for moonshineand their main varieties. The variety of turbo yeast in our time is very large, as they say for every taste, color and smell. Of course, yeast must be selected for the purpose. For example, the best yeast strains for sugar mash according to customer reviews - and yeast . Their main difference from their counterparts is a mild fermentation process: in the process they emit the smell of champagne, you can put it at home in the kitchen, for example. They always ferment stably, as stated by the manufacturer 77 - 3 days, 48 ​​- 2 days and always give an alcohol content of at least 14 revolutions in mash. Also, yeast is not whimsical, it can ferment in extreme situations, for example, at 10 degrees, the process will not stop, only the ripening period will increase. As a result, we get moonshine more fragrant, without pungent odors.

Turbo fruit yeast- yeast strain for effective fermentation of natural juices. rightfully are the leader in their field. This strain is endowed with a unique top dressing in the form of microorganisms that help gently ferment any fruit raw material, while not distorting the smell and taste of fruits. The fermentation time is 3 days.

Yeast rum turbo- there is also turbo yeast for fermenting cane molasses. Unique in its composition, the strain in its composition contains, in addition to nutrients and vitamins, glucoamylase, which very effectively breaks down the complex sugar of cane molasses. Fermentation time is approximately 7 days. , the container can be purchased immediately in a complete set ( thermometer, drain tap and even a heater), and you can also buy everything you need separately. We add raw materials and sugar to the container according to the instructions (the instructions are always on the back of the package), for fruit mashes it is best to first check the sugar content using and add, if necessary, dextrose to the mash. after thoroughly mixing the raw materials and adding a bag of yeast, you can simply sprinkle it on the surface. Close the lid tightly and pour water into the water seal. Then we just wait, the cessation of gas release in the water seal will show that the mash is ready.

Buy alcohol turbo yeastyou can in our online store site at prices from the manufacturer. You will also receive competent advice from our sales practitioners by phone. We work every day without days off and holidays from 09.00 to 21.00, delivery is carried out in all cities of Russia. Delivery across Moscow is possible in day of the order, Call!

We all know that in order to create strong drinks, you first need to make mash. And the most popular and, accordingly, the easiest way is yeast-leavened sugar mash. The stereotypical format of mash is a very long fermentation process accompanied by unpleasant odors throughout the apartment or house and, accordingly, a rubber glove sticking up. If you look at a few decades ago, this is exactly what the preparation for the creation of your favorite drinks looked like. But time does not stand still, and now special yeast strains have come to replace them, capable of fermenting raw materials without extraneous unpleasant odors, and the most surprising thing is that the process has decreased up to several days.

What it is? Very often, our customers in retail stores and on the phone ask the question, what is so amazing and magical in this bag? Around the world, you can find more than a dozen yeast institutes that develop special top dressings, nutrients and select the right vitamins for each strain. More specifically, turbo yeast contains a set of amino acids, vitamins, trace elements and other nutrients that allow raw materials to naturally ferment. All components of such yeast are completely natural and do not contain harmful substances, just the very essence is aimed at the rapid processing of certain raw materials.

Turbo yeast for moonshineand their main varieties. The variety of turbo yeast in our time is very large, as they say for every taste, color and smell. Of course, yeast must be selected for the purpose. For example, the best yeast strains for sugar mash according to customer reviews - and yeast . Their main difference from their counterparts is a mild fermentation process: in the process they emit the smell of champagne, you can put it at home in the kitchen, for example. They always ferment stably, as stated by the manufacturer 77 - 3 days, 48 ​​- 2 days and always give an alcohol content of at least 14 revolutions in mash. Also, yeast is not whimsical, it can ferment in extreme situations, for example, at 10 degrees, the process will not stop, only the ripening period will increase. As a result, we get moonshine more fragrant, without pungent odors.

Turbo fruit yeast- yeast strain for effective fermentation of natural juices. rightfully are the leader in their field. This strain is endowed with a unique top dressing in the form of microorganisms that help gently ferment any fruit raw material, while not distorting the smell and taste of fruits. The fermentation time is 3 days.

Yeast rum turbo- there is also turbo yeast for fermenting cane molasses. Unique in its composition, the strain in its composition contains, in addition to nutrients and vitamins, glucoamylase, which very effectively breaks down the complex sugar of cane molasses. Fermentation time is approximately 7 days. , the container can be purchased immediately in a complete set ( thermometer, drain tap and even a heater), and you can also buy everything you need separately. We add raw materials and sugar to the container according to the instructions (the instructions are always on the back of the package), for fruit mashes it is best to first check the sugar content using and add, if necessary, dextrose to the mash. after thoroughly mixing the raw materials and adding a bag of yeast, you can simply sprinkle it on the surface. Close the lid tightly and pour water into the water seal. Then we just wait, the cessation of gas release in the water seal will show that the mash is ready.


We all know that in order to create strong drinks, you first need to make mash. And the most popular and, accordingly, the easiest way is yeast-leavened sugar mash. The stereotypical format of mash is a very long fermentation process accompanied by unpleasant odors throughout the apartment or house and, accordingly, a rubber glove sticking up. If you look at a few decades ago, this is exactly what the preparation for the creation of your favorite drinks looked like. But time does not stand still, and now special yeast strains have come to replace them, capable of fermenting raw materials without extraneous unpleasant odors, and the most surprising thing is that the process has decreased up to several days.

What it is? Very often, our customers in retail stores and on the phone ask the question, what is so amazing and magical in this bag? Around the world, you can find more than a dozen yeast institutes that develop special top dressings, nutrients and select the right vitamins for each strain. More specifically, turbo yeast contains a set of amino acids, vitamins, trace elements and other nutrients that allow raw materials to naturally ferment. All components of such yeast are completely natural and do not contain harmful substances, just the very essence is aimed at the rapid processing of certain raw materials.

Turbo yeast for moonshineand their main varieties. The variety of turbo yeast in our time is very large, as they say for every taste, color and smell. Of course, yeast must be selected for the purpose. For example, the best yeast strains for sugar mash according to customer reviews - and yeast . Their main difference from their counterparts is a mild fermentation process: in the process they emit the smell of champagne, you can put it at home in the kitchen, for example. They always ferment stably, as stated by the manufacturer 77 - 3 days, 48 ​​- 2 days and always give an alcohol content of at least 14 revolutions in mash. Also, yeast is not whimsical, it can ferment in extreme situations, for example, at 10 degrees, the process will not stop, only the ripening period will increase. As a result, we get moonshine more fragrant, without pungent odors.

Turbo fruit yeast- yeast strain for effective fermentation of natural juices. rightfully are the leader in their field. This strain is endowed with a unique top dressing in the form of microorganisms that help gently ferment any fruit raw material, while not distorting the smell and taste of fruits. The fermentation time is 3 days.

Yeast rum turbo- there is also turbo yeast for fermenting cane molasses. Unique in its composition, the strain in its composition contains, in addition to nutrients and vitamins, glucoamylase, which very effectively breaks down the complex sugar of cane molasses. Fermentation time is approximately 7 days. , the container can be purchased immediately in a complete set ( thermometer, drain tap and even a heater), and you can also buy everything you need separately. We add raw materials and sugar to the container according to the instructions (the instructions are always on the back of the package), for fruit mashes it is best to first check the sugar content using and add, if necessary, dextrose to the mash. after thoroughly mixing the raw materials and adding a bag of yeast, you can simply sprinkle it on the surface. Close the lid tightly and pour water into the water seal. Then we just wait, the cessation of gas release in the water seal will show that the mash is ready.

Buy alcohol turbo yeastyou can in our online store site at prices from the manufacturer. You will also receive competent advice from our sales practitioners by phone. We work every day without days off and holidays from 09.00 to 21.00, delivery is carried out in all cities of Russia. Delivery across Moscow is possible in day of the order, Call!

Yeast largely determines the technology and quality of the product. There are a great many of them, for different requirements and technologies. About 1500 yeast strains are currently known. Many of them have unique properties, but the information below refers to the yeast used in home brewing. The purpose of this page is to help you figure out which mash yeast is best for your conditions.


You can somewhat reduce costs by reducing the amount of yeast, but you need to remember that yeast has a life time - about 10 days per day. optimal conditions(temperature, food), this time must not be exceeded. With a decrease in temperature and lack of nutrition, the life of the yeast increases.
Under the conditions of mash (temperature about 30 degrees, the presence of sugar, lack of oxygen), yeast cells do not multiply, but begin to fight for life, processing sugar into alcohol and carbon dioxide with maximum intensity.
This is exactly what we need.


Yeast are unicellular fungi that reproduce vegetatively, that is, by budding.
One yeast cell is able to double every 90 minutes in the presence of good external conditions - a temperature of about 30 degrees, the presence of nutrition (carbohydrates), the presence of oxygen.
In our conditions - mash under a water seal, yeast cells do not multiply. This must be firmly grasped.
If, when starting the mash, you reduce the amount of yeast from the nominal value, then you will increase the fermentation time, since fewer yeast cells will process sugar longer. If you increase the amount of yeast from the nominal, fermentation will go faster, but you will get more harmful substances in the mash. Therefore, the amount of yeast is strictly proportional to the amount of sugar.

The end of fermentation is possible for two reasons:
- all the sugar is processed, the yeast is left without nutrition and dies. Such mash can be distilled, but the possible yield of moonshine will be reduced, since the alcohol content is not maximum.
Second- the percentage of alcohol in the mash has reached the maximum possible for this strain of yeast (usually about 12%), the yeast dies, fermentation stops. This is just the maximum yield of alcohol from the mash, but the amount of sugar should be optimal. That is, by the time the yeast begins to die from alcohol, the sugar should be all fermented.
That's what it is optimal proportion mash - see the page Sugar mash.


This traditional yeast sold in packs different kind and weight, manufacturers are usually local. Produced by placing a certain amount of starter yeast in a nutrient medium. If support optimal temperature and blowing air through this mixture will begin the growth of the amount of yeast. It is necessary to constantly maintain the temperature and the amount of nutrients. After a while, the process stops, the yeast is separated from the water, pressed and placed in the refrigerator. In this form, yeast contains 68 percent water and 32 percent yeast cells.
It should be noted that even in the refrigerator, yeast continues to live, that is, it does not fall asleep.
Packaging and the amount of yeast in the package, of course, may vary. A photo of one of the options is shown below.

Be sure to try and evaluate the suitability for mash, a lot depends on the specific manufacturer.
Such yeast can be used without fermentation, that is, crushed and poured into mash (then stir). But to assess their quality, it is recommended to ferment as described on the Sugar Braga page. By acting in this way, you can evaluate the quality of the yeast and avoid losses if the yeast does not work (storage conditions, shelf life).
It is quite possible to use, the technology is debugged, there are no problems. The main disadvantage is that you need to store it in the refrigerator, and even in this case, the shelf life is very limited.


Relatively the new kind yeast.
Produced from press yeast. Pressed yeast is placed in an extruder, “noodles” are squeezed out, which are then cut into pieces and dried with hot air. We get dry yeast granules.
An important feature of dry yeast is that a yeast strain is used that tolerates high temperature when drying.
In this way, the so-called "active" dry yeast is obtained (examples are Saf-Levur and Pakmaya).
There is also instant dry yeast. The latest strain of yeast is used, another drying technology (for example, Saf-Moment). This yeast does not require fermentation, which is quite convenient. But according to numerous reviews in Braga, they do not work.. Therefore, be careful.
Probably the most common dry yeasts are Saf-Levure and Pakmaya.
They work about the same. I prefer Pakmaya - maybe Subjective opinion but the taste of the final product seems to be better. But if there is no Pakmaya, I use Saf-Levure without hesitation.

IMPORTANT! Do not try Saf-Moment. This yeast is only for baking, it does not work in mash.


Such yeast is designed specifically for the production of strong alcoholic beverages. Photo for example.


Differ increased speed fermentation. Braga ripens not in 5-6 days, but in 3-4 days. Very often alcohol yeast is also a turbo yeast.
And their price is correspondingly higher.
The use of this yeast is a very individual matter. Let me explain with an example.
Many in the summer are engaged in moonshine in the country.
If you put the braga on conventional yeast on Sunday, then by Friday it will just ferment, and you can work with it further.
There is simply no need to use turbo yeast.
The same is true in a city apartment - there is simply no time during the working week, you have to be tied to weekends.
So the use of turbo yeast is a very individual matter.


All the yeasts listed above can be successfully used for the production of moonshine. You just need to choose the specific type of yeast that best suits your conditions.
And then debug the technology, as they differ in subtleties in their work. Switching from one yeast to another is not always a simple operation, and it must be justified.

And getting a stable result, in our case quality moonshine is a sign of professionalism.

Advantages of alcohol yeast:
First. Highly resistant yeast to ethyl alcohol. They work in Braga up to 18% alcohol content. And this means that from one batch we will get more moonshine.
Second. Less harmful impurities in the mash, you can apply a simpler cleaning.
Disadvantages of alcohol yeast:
Less availability. It can only be bought in specialized stores or online stores.
Second. Significantly higher price.
Third. When upsetting mash with bentonite, more bentonite is required.
In many cases, this yeast is preferred. They are not so expensive, and you can buy in advance, they are stored for a long time.
But if we consider in relation to my technology, then there is no need to use this yeast.
First. A larger output of moonshine is not needed. Now I get 3 liters of moonshine with a strength of 40 ... 45 degrees from the batch. Convenient to store and make tinctures - in three-liter jars. There is no need to split the parties.
Second. With the purification technology available, I didn't feel any difference in quality depending on the yeast. That is, the available technology removes all harmful impurities.
Therefore, to use them or not - you need to decide individually.
Below is a photograph of one of the types of alcohol yeast.
