
Salmon in milk sauce. How to cook a steak in the oven

Among sauces for fish, creamy occupies a special place, since it is really universal and suitable for any of its varieties. It is easy to prepare and at the same time is able to make the dish not only more satisfying, but also give it a soft taste. delicate taste. This sauce is based on cream, flour and butter, but through the use of various ingredients you can give it additional flavors: garlic, cheese, pickles.

Classic creamy sauce

Classic creamy sauce does not involve the use of any additives. It can be served with fish, meat and vegetables. It can be used as a base for preparing special creamy sauces that are served with specific dishes. To make a classic creamy sauce, you will need:

200 ml cream 20% fat;
- 1 tbsp butter;
- 1 tbsp wheat flour;
- ground black pepper;
- salt.

Before preparing the sauce, the flour should be lightly fried in a dry frying pan until a golden color appears. Then put the butter in the pan and mix it well with flour, continuing to fry. Pour the cream into the pan, wait until it boils, and cook, stirring the sauce for another 2 minutes. Be careful not to form lumps. Pepper the sauce a little, add salt to taste.

Cream sauce with mushrooms for salmon steak

- 1 tbsp wheat flour;
- 50 g dry forest mushrooms or 150 g fresh;
- 1 small onion;
- 1 tbsp olive oil;
- a little chopped green dill;
- salt, pepper to taste.

Cut the mushrooms as finely as possible, to prepare the sauce they can even be chopped in a blender. In a dry frying pan, fry the flour and pour it into a cup. Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan and fry the finely chopped onion in it until golden brown. Add mushrooms and fry them together with onions, stirring constantly, over medium heat for another 8-10 minutes, until all the liquid has boiled away. When it boils, add flour and salt, mix and carefully pour the cream into the pan. Keep stirring the contents of the pan so that there are no lumps. After the sauce boils, cook it over low heat for another 2-3 minutes, remembering to stir. At the very end, add chopped dill, turn off the heat, cover the sauce with a lid and let stand for a few minutes before pouring it over the salmon steaks.

Creamy sauce with caviar for salmon steak

- 150 ml of cream 20% fat;
- 1 small onion;
- 1 tbsp butter;
- 1 tbsp wheat flour;
- 50 g of red caviar;
- salt, pepper to taste.

Cut the onion into small cubes. Heat the pan, melt the vegetable oil and fry the onion in it until golden brown. Add flour, mix, pour in the cream. When the mass thickens, remove the pan from the stove, cool its contents and pour into the chopper of a blender. Add caviar and caviar to the blender, grind everything until a homogeneous consistency.

Step 1: prepare the lemon.

Rinse the lemon thoroughly with warm running water, brushing off all adhering dirt with a hand or brush. Remember that there is a lot of dirt on the skin of the fruit that you may not see. Wipe the peeled lemon with a disposable paper towel and grate its zest on fine grater. Then squeeze the juice from the fruit into a separate bowl and clean the liquid from the pulp and seeds.

Step 2: prepare the salmon fillet.

If your fish was frozen, then, of course, you need to defrost it, but you just don’t need to use a microwave for this or put the fillet under the stream hot water. No, just wait until the salmon moves away and warms itself at room temperature.
Rinse the defrosted fillet with cool water, wipe with disposable towels and cut into small strips, thick 5-7 centimeters, while it is better to strive for 5 centimeters. Pepper and salt the salmon pieces, rubbing the spices and put the fish in a baking dish. Pour lemon juice over salmon. Leave everything soaked in a kind of marinade for 10-15 minutes.

Step 3: prepare the greens.

Place all fresh herbs in a colander and rinse warm water. Then wait a while for the glass to excess moisture. Then transfer the sprigs of greens to a cutting board and separate the leaves from the stems. Discard the stems and chop the rest very finely.

Step 4: prepare the sauce.

Place the yolks in a deep plate, pour the cream there and mix everything with a whisk until smooth. Then add Dijon mustard to the sauce and mix thoroughly again. And lastly, add chopped greens and lemon zest to the mixture. Stir in the freshly added spices.

Step 5: bake the salmon in a creamy sauce.

Preheat the oven to 200 degrees Celsius. Pour the resulting creamy sauce into the form with the fish and send everything to bake for 20 minutes. During this time, part of the sauce will evaporate, it will thicken a little, and the fish will be saturated with the aromas of herbs and become deliciously juicy. Get it soon ready meal out of the oven and serve it to the table.

Step 6: serve the salmon baked in a creamy sauce.

Using a thin spatula, transfer the pieces of salmon to portion plates and decorate them with fresh herb sprigs and thin slices of lemon. Choose rice or boiled potatoes as a side dish.
Bon appetit!

You can use any spices that you like the most to rub the salmon fillet. Or you can just use a mixture of several peppers, in which case the fish meat is even more aromatic.

Instead of fresh herbs, you can use dried herbs, in which case, select the amount of spices to suit your taste and the taste of your household and guests.

Salmon is already quite fatty and juicy, so I use cream of moderate fat content, because dry red fish will turn out only if it is overexposed.

Instead of fillets, you can also use steaks, but get ready for the fact that you will have to dig in your plate, looking for bones.

Red fish is an incredibly tasty product both boiled, fried, and baked. And now we will tell you how to cook salmon in cream sauce. It turns out very tender and very tasty.

Recipe for salmon in creamy sauce


  • 600 g;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • cream 21% fat - 250 ml;
  • salt, curry, black pepper, Provence herbs.


Salmon fillet cut portioned pieces. If there are bones, remove them. It is convenient to do this with tweezers or tweezers. Put the fish in a bowl, sprinkle with salt, provencal herbs, curry, black pepper and add chopped garlic. Pour the cream into the bowl and stir. Lubricate the fish baking dish with oil, spread the salmon with sauce and bake. Optimum temperature V this case will be 190°C. And the time to cook salmon in a creamy garlic sauce will take 45 minutes.

Salmon fillet in creamy sauce


  • salmon (fillet) - 700 g;
  • cream - 55 ml;
  • water - 160 ml;
  • milk - 60 ml;
  • cornmeal - 1 teaspoon;
  • green onion- 20 g;
  • dill - 20 g;
  • bay leaf - 1 pc.;
  • salt pepper.


Cut the salmon fillet into pieces and place in a baking dish. Salt, pepper, toss Bay leaf hic and add water. Cover with foil and leave for 15 minutes at 200°C. After that, pour the liquid into a saucepan, add cream, chopped green onions and carrots and, if necessary, salt and pepper. Mix in a separate bowl cornmeal and milk. We combine both masses and boil the sauce over low heat until it thickens. Serve baked salmon in a creamy sauce to the table with a side dish of vegetables.

Salmon in cream cheese sauce


  • salmon fillet - 250 g;
  • sunflower refined oil- 10 ml;
  • allspice peas - 4 pcs.;
  • seasoning for fish - 1/3 teaspoon;
  • lemon juice - 10 ml;
  • soy sauce - 30 ml;
  • salt.

For sauce:

  • cream - 100 ml;
  • red caviar - 20 g;
  • parmesan cheese - 40 g.


Pouring fish fillets soy sauce and lemon juice. Sprinkle with spices, pepper lightly and leave to marinate for 15 minutes. After that, fry the fillet on both sides. For the Parmesan sauce, three on a fine grater. We heat the cream to bubbles, pour in the cheese and stir vigorously until it is completely dissolved. In this case, the fire should be minimal, strong boiling should not be allowed. hot sauce It has liquid consistency. And after cooling, it thickens. We spread the pieces of salmon on a dish and pour them with cheese and cream sauce. And on top we lay red caviar.

Pieces of salmon in a creamy sauce


  • fresh fish - 700 g;
  • cream - 200 ml;
  • wheat flour - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • lemon juice - 25 ml;
  • dill - 1 bunch;
  • salt, spices - to taste.


First, we cut the salmon into portions, sprinkle them with spices, salt and leave to marinate for 30 minutes. And at this time we ourselves will prepare the sauce. Fry the flour in a dry frying pan until light golden brown. Then pour it into a bowl, and pour cream into the pan. We warm them up a little and add flour. Now the main thing is to mix everything well until a homogeneous mass. Pour the sauce into a suitable bowl, add lemon juice and chopped dill to it. Mix well again. Now that the salmon has marinated, fry it in a pan with a small amount oils. Then we put it on plates and serve it to the table along with the sauce.

Salmon steak in creamy sauce


  • 2 pcs.;
  • lemon - 1/3 pc.;
  • salt, spices, pepper;
  • vegetable oil.

For sauce:

  • onion - 130 g;
  • cream 20% fat - 150 ml;
  • salt;
  • red caviar - 50 g.


First, let's start making the sauce. Chop the onion into small strips and fry until tender, pour in the cream and boil until medium thick. Add salt to taste. And then transfer the mass to a blender and grind until smooth. Salmon steaks pepper, salt. frying pan with vegetable oil warm up well - this is a prerequisite, otherwise the crust will not work. So, fry the steaks on one side until that very golden appetizing crust, then turn over, sprinkle with lemon juice and fry on the second side. Salmon steaks are prepared very quickly - about 5 minutes. As soon as the fish changes color, the steaks are ready! Serve them with creamy sauce and garnish with red caviar.

A recipe with a photo of salmon in a creamy sauce in the oven is an opportunity for every housewife to demonstrate their own skills in the correct and delicious cooking fish. In addition, the preparation of fish requires a minimum of time and effort. The “highlight” lies precisely in the creamy sauce, which can successfully set off the salmon and allow its taste to open up after baking.

Features of the right choice of fish

When choosing fresh fish, it is extremely important to correctly evaluate its color and smell. It is recommended to give preference to fish with silver scales and dark spots in the ridge area.

The absence of a strong odor should indicate the freshness of the product. For this reason, the fish should have a fairly pleasant smell.

If desired, you can choose a dense fillet of bright pink color, which will not fall apart in your hands.

Another way successful cooking frozen product is an estimate appearance the abdomen, which should be light and without any signs of damage. Defrost the delicacy preferably in the refrigerator and until soft. When defrosting fish, do not use water, and the use of hot water is the most risky. If you try to defrost salmon in water, the product will lose its juiciness and the finished dish will not turn out as tasty as we would like.

After you manage to choose the right fish, it is extremely important to cook it successfully. This will require a few easy and quick action, each of which will be the next step to getting perfectly tasty baked salmon:

  • defrost taking into account all recommendations;
  • rinse thoroughly;
  • to clean the fish from scales;
  • remove the head and tail;
  • cut into serving pieces.

Proper preparation of salmon guarantees the possibility of obtaining an impeccable taste. fish delicacy, which will be appreciated not only by household members, but also by guests.

The secret to successful fish cooking

A recipe with a photo of salmon in a creamy sauce in the oven allows you to understand the overall picture of cooking delicious fish, but certain secrets still need to be learned separately. In addition, each experienced hostess can use something of its own in order to offer dishes that are impeccable in taste.

  1. For cooking salmon in cream, it is advisable to use fresh product. At right approach To culinary process even from frozen fish, the dish will turn out delicious. However, salted salmon should not be used for culinary purposes.
  2. Salmon in a creamy sauce cannot be baked completely. It is advisable to use thin steaks or portioned fillets. In this case, it is advisable to give preference to even and appetizing pieces of fish. For this reason, housewives who do not know how to butcher fish should choose finished fillet or steak, guaranteeing successful cooking and significant time savings.
  3. To cook salmon in a creamy sauce, use any cream. However, if the dish should show tender and pleasant taste, it is desirable to use more fatty cream.
  4. No more than half an hour is enough to cook salmon. Even if it initially seems that there will be little time for baking fish, it is undesirable to increase this figure. If the salmon is baked too long, the juiciness will also go away and the finished dish will be too dry.
  5. Cooking baked salmon in a creamy sauce suggests the possibility of refusing additional additives. However, the use of a side dish will be appropriate. If the fish is cooked immediately with vegetables or potatoes, no garnish is required.

You need to understand that certain recipes change classical approach and suggest additional nuances that it is also desirable to take into account.

Recipes for classic sauces for salmon

A recipe with a photo of salmon in a creamy sauce in the oven suggests the possibility separate cooking sauce with cream. This option can also be considered, since in some cases it is possible to quickly and easily bake the fish, and then add a classic or modified cream sauce to it.

Classic creamy sauce

A simple cream-based sauce is prepared quite quickly and easily. In addition, its preparation requires the simplest products.


  • 50 grams of flour;
  • 50 grams of butter;
  • 100 milliliters of cream;
  • half a lemon;
  • greenery;
  • salt and ground black pepper.

Cooking method:

  1. Melt the butter in a frying pan and add flour to it, fry until golden brown. If desired, you can refuse to use butter and reduce the calorie content of the sauce. You need to understand what is ideal Wheat flour but it shouldn't overcook. It is at this stage that special care must be taken.
  2. Cold cream of 20% fat content is added to the thick mass. Then everything is thoroughly mixed.
  3. Add chopped herbs, salt. It is recommended to stir constantly and keep the workpiece on fire for about 5 minutes.
  4. Lemon and ground black pepper are added to the finished sauce.

The classic creamy sauce is quick and easy to prepare, but at the same time it promises to be the perfect complement for baked salmon.

Creamy garlic sauce for salmon

Creamy garlic sauce for salmon perfect option for those who want to change the fish and let it discover new facets of taste.


  • 200 milliliters not heavy cream;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 2 hazelnuts;
  • greenery;
  • 3 tablespoons of olive oil;
  • 100 milliliters of water;
  • 2 tablespoons of lemon juice;
  • salt and spices.

Cooking method:

  1. Garlic is peeled and finely chopped, fried in olive oil.
  2. Boiled water is poured into a saucepan and low-fat cream is introduced, which is desirable to bring to a boil.
  3. Hazelnuts are peeled, crushed and added to cream with frying and lemon juice.
  4. Now add salt and simmer everything for about 5 minutes.
  5. At the end of cooking, greens are added.
  6. Pour the cooled sauce over the fish.

Salmon will reveal its impeccable taste if properly prepared creamy garlic sauce, which promises to give the necessary spicy notes.

Classic recipe for salmon in a creamy sauce

If desired, salmon can be immediately baked in a classic creamy sauce. This recipe calls for the use minimum quantity ingredients and get the perfect taste of the dish.


  • 400 grams of fish fillet;
  • onion;
  • 150 grams of mushrooms;
  • 200 milliliters of cream;
  • a tablespoon of flour;
  • a tablespoon of vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

  1. Initially prepare the sauce for salmon. To do this, mushrooms are rinsed with boiling water and washed under cold running water. Champignons spread on paper towel and dried, finely cut. The washed dill is finely chopped. The cream is heated to room temperature.
  2. Vegetable oil is poured into a heated frying pan. After the oil is hot, add the mushrooms. The fire is then reduced and the mushrooms are fried for a little less than 10 minutes, stirring constantly.
  3. Flour is added to fried mushrooms. Then slowly pour in the cream, trying to stir them with a spoon and preventing the appearance of lumps.
  4. 4 After the mass is brought to a boil, add black pepper and salt. Reduce heat and simmer for about 5 minutes. The sauce should be slightly thick and smooth.
  5. Turn off the fire. Parsley is added to the sauce. The pan is covered with a lid and the sauce is left for a few minutes, as it should be infused.
  6. The salmon is washed and cut into portions, placed in a refractory form and baked for 25 minutes in the oven.

If desired, the recipe with a photo of salmon in a creamy sauce in the oven can be modified. In this case, it is desirable to add a few drops to the boiling sauce lemon sauce or lemon peel. Adding lemon juice or zest will add a tangy flavor to the sauce.

Salmon in cream cheese sauce with tomatoes

To prepare such salmon, you will need the following ingredients:

  • kilogram of salmon fillet;
  • 300 grams of tomatoes;
  • olives;
  • middle bar hard cheese;
  • 100 milliliters of cream.

Cooking method:

  1. Salmon fillet is cut into portions and salted.
  2. Olives are cut into thin rings.
  3. The parsley is minced.
  4. Everything is added to the cream the right spices and other seasonings are thoroughly mixed. Then parsley and chopped olives are added, mixed again.
  5. Salmon fillet is placed in a refractory form and poured with cream.
  6. Tomatoes are cut into circles or cubes. Tomatoes spread on salmon.
  7. The cheese is rubbed on a fine grater and sprinkled over the dish.
  8. Salmon is baked in the oven at 200 degrees for about 20 minutes.

Baked salmon is best served with green onions. Bon appetit!

Salmon with potatoes in creamy sauce


  • 400 grams of salmon fillet;
  • 400 grams of potatoes;
  • onion;
  • lemon;
  • sweet bell pepper;
  • 200 grams of champignons;
  • 200 milliliters of cream;
  • butter packaging;
  • flour;
  • salt and spices.

Cooking method:

  1. Initially, the fish is marinated in salt, spices and freshly squeezed lemon juice.
  2. Potatoes are peeled and cut into bars, boiled until half cooked.
  3. Mushrooms are washed and dried, finely cut.
  4. The peeled onion is cut into small cubes.
  5. Melt half the butter in a frying pan. Mushrooms with chopped onions are fried.
  6. Mushrooms are mixed with potatoes and spread in a baking dish in an even layer.
  7. bell pepper cleaned of seeds, cut into small squares or straws, sprinkled with potatoes.
  8. Lay the pieces of salmon.
  9. Melt the rest of the butter in a frying pan, fry the flour and add the cream.
  10. Salmon is poured with creamy sauce and baked in the oven at 200 degrees for about 20 minutes.

Salmon in a creamy sauce with potatoes is a tender and light dish.

A recipe with a photo of salmon in a creamy sauce in the oven is ideal for housewives who want to please their household and demonstrate their ability to work with fish.

Salmon in cream - more holiday dish than everyday. However, to please your loved ones in the middle of the week on the most ordinary day is much easier than it might seem.

Cooking salmon is quick and easy. The ingredients that make up the dish are available, with the exception of the salmon itself.

But occasionally pampering yourself and your family is useful and incredibly delicious dish not only possible, but even necessary.

Salmon in cream - general principles of cooking

Without a doubt, salmon, like any other Marine life, contains mass useful substances , But that is not all. In its composition a large number of melanin, which favorably affects the cells of the body, providing a rejuvenating effect. Therefore, this fish must be included in the human diet.

To cook salmon in cream, you can purchase both whole fish and its loin or steaks. Prices are about the same, but the advantages of cut fish are undeniable. There is no need to mess around with skinning, cutting fins and removing bones.

Salmon in cream can be cooked without any additives as a base for side dishes such as rice, potatoes, peas, vegetables. Also, when cooking, you can add additional ingredients, such as pasta, mushrooms, seafood, vegetables, and get quite independent dish. Everything depends on your taste preferences.

In addition to salt and pepper, spices such as garlic, hot and sweet peppers, marjoram, dill, cayenne pepper, and rosemary can be added to salmon with cream. All of them are perfectly combined with fish and complement the dish with their aroma.

Decorate the finished fish with sprigs of greenery: parsley, rosemary, dill; olives, olives, red caviar.

Recipe 1. Salmon in cream

Perhaps the easiest recipe for salmon in cream. Minimum time - maximum taste and benefit.


Four steaks of salmon (about 500-600 grams);

200 ml cream;

130 ml of water;

half a lemon;

Salt pepper;

20 ml of olive oil;

Two or three sprigs of parsley and rosemary.

Cooking method:

1. We wash the salmon, dry it with a paper towel and rub with salt, sprinkle with pepper.

2. Cut the lemon into slices, rub the fish with them.

3. Pour oil into the pan, fry the steaks on both sides for two minutes until a light blush.

4. In a bowl, mix water with cream. Add a pinch of curry, if desired. cayenne pepper, marjoram.

5. Slightly fried salmon steaks put in a heat-resistant form, pour fragrant creamy mixture.

6. Bake at 240-250 degrees for literally ten minutes.

7. Put the steaks on plates, pour over the cream, decorate with sprigs of fresh herbs.

Recipe 2. Salmon in cream with tomatoes and cheese

The divine aroma and taste of salmon in cream under a cloud of tomatoes and cheese will not leave indifferent even the most fastidious gourmet.


A kilogram of salmon;

Two large fleshy tomatoes;

Half a jar of pitted olives;

200 grams of hard cheese;

parsley leaves;

100 ml cream;

Spices (a mixture of peppers, marjoram and others to taste);

A little vegetable oil for frying.

Cooking method:

1. We cut the fish: remove the skin, cut off the fins, remove the bones.

2. Sprinkle the resulting fillet with salt, put it aside for a while.

3. Pour spices, chopped olives and finely chopped parsley into the cream.

4. Put the fillet in a mold, fill it with prepared cream.

5. On top of the salmon, put the tomatoes cut into thin circles, sprinkle everything with grated cheese.

6. Bake for 20-30 minutes, cheese crust must acquire a pleasant golden color.

3. Salmon in cream with mushrooms

There is no lemon in the recipe, but if you want to give the dish a delicate citrus sourness, you can pour in a couple of tablespoons of lemon juice or grate the zest into the finished cream sauce.


Half a kilo of salmon fillet;

One bulb;

200 grams of champignons;

220 ml cream;

Dill and parsley leaves;

30 grams of flour;

20 ml oil for frying.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the champignons, put them on a towel and dry them.

2. Cut the mushrooms into slices.

3. Rinse the dill, cut off the twigs and throw it away or leave it to prepare another dish, chop the leaves.

4. Peel the onion and cut into small cubes.

5. Heat the oil in a frying pan, fry the onion on it, add the mushrooms, fry for 8-10 minutes over medium heat until blush.

6. Pour flour to the fried ingredients, mix.

7. Pour in the cream heated to room temperature, add salt and spices. Simmer until the sauce thickens, this process does not take more than 7-8 minutes.

8. Remove the pan with mushrooms and cream from the heat, put the chopped parsley into it, mix and put it aside for a while.

9. Put the washed and dried salmon fillet on a baking sheet, pour over the sauce. Cooking 20-25 minutes.

4. Salmon in cream with vegetables

hearty dish that does not require a side dish. Mushrooms in salmon with cream, if desired, you can not add.


400 grams of salmon fillet;

400 grams of potatoes;

One bow;

One lemon;

Vegetable oil;

Spices, salt;

Bulgarian pepper;

150-200 grams of champignons;

15 grams of flour;

160 ml cream;

30-40 grams of butter.

Cooking method:

1. Peel the potatoes and, cut into small bars, boil in slightly salted water until half cooked. We drain the water.

2. Mushrooms and onions are chopped into cubes. Fry for five to seven minutes in oil until golden brown.

3. Mix the potatoes with the roast, spread them in an even layer in a baking dish.

4. Wash the pepper, cut it into two parts, remove the middle and cut into cubes. Lay on top of the potatoes.

5. The next layer put the salmon, cut into medium pieces. First rub the fish with spices and sprinkle with lemon juice.

6. In a small container, prepare the cream filling. Grind greens, mix with melted butter. Add flour, mix thoroughly so that no lumps remain. Slowly pour in the cream. Bring the sauce to a boil, pour the prepared ingredients into the mold with it.

7. Cooking salmon in cream in the oven for about half an hour.

5. Salmon in cream with pasta


300 grams of pasta;

250-280 grams of salmon fillet;

220 ml cream;

A couple of sprigs of dill;

Spices, salt;

A clove of garlic;

20 ml of olive oil;

60 grams of parmesan.

Cooking method:

1. Boil pasta, recline in a colander.

2. Cut the fillet into cubes two centimeters wide.

3. Heat up the butter in a frying pan, spread the garlic, cut into slices. Fry it for literally 15-20 seconds and immediately add pieces of fish. Stirring, fry for a couple of minutes.

4. Pour in the cream, put the grated parmesan and chopped dill. Add salt and spices to taste.

5. Simmer all the ingredients in the pan for about five minutes, then add the pasta. Mix thoroughly, cover the pan with a lid, turn off the gas.

6. Insist salmon in cream with pasta for five to ten minutes, serve.

6. Salmon in cream with shrimps

To prepare this dish, you will need a form with high sides. If this is not available, you can simply reduce the amount of ingredients.


600 grams of salmon;

230 grams of peeled shrimp;

large carrot;


Salt and spices;

Five cloves of garlic;

Bell pepper;

400 ml cream;

40 grams of flour;

25 grams of butter.

Cooking method:

1. Put the carrot, cut into thin strips, into the mold.

2. Put the chopped onion in the next layer.

3. Put the salmon cut into pieces on top of the onion.

4. We put shrimp on the fish (shrimps should not be frozen).

5. Heat the cream in a small saucepan, add butter, chopped pepper, salt and spices. We sprinkle flour. Stirring, bring the sauce to a thickening over low heat.

6. Fill the seafood with sauce. Bake at 200 degrees for twenty minutes.

7. Salmon in cream with spinach

original dish, perfect for both regular and diet table.


Six salmon steaks;

130 ml 15% cream;

Ground pepper;

One large lemon;

200 grams fresh spinach.

Cooking method:

1. My steaks, dry them.

2. Rinse the spinach, put it in a colander, chop finely.

3. Wash the lemon, slightly scrape off the skin and cut into slices.

4. We cover the baking sheet with foil, lay out twelve circles of lemon in two rows.

5. Spread each steak on two lemons, lightly add some salt to the fish, sprinkle pepper to taste.

6. Gently spread the chopped spinach on the salmon, slightly pressing down the greens.

7. Pour two or three tablespoons of cream directly onto the spinach.

8. Bake for twenty minutes.

8. Salmon in cream with red caviar


180 grams of salmon fillet;

A small bunch of dill;

Salt pepper;

Two pieces of 30-gram butter;

Two or three tablespoons of lemon juice;

Half an onion;

Vegetable oil;

30 ml white wine (dry);

80 ml of heavy cream;

Bay leaf;

20-30 grams of red caviar.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the fillet portioned pieces, grease with vegetable oil, sprinkle with pepper, chopped dill and salt. Sprinkle with lemon juice, set aside for half an hour.

2. Cut the onion and fry for butter adding bay leaf for flavor.

3. Pour in the wine, simmer until the liquid has completely evaporated.

4. Pour in the cream, add more butter, simmer for five minutes.

5. ready sauce cool the cream, add caviar, mix.

6. Put the steaks on a greased baking sheet, bake for ten minutes.

7. We lay out the finished salmon in plates, pour the sauce of cream and red caviar.

To cook salmon in cream, be sure to choose cream with high content fat, so the dish will turn out much more tender and tastier.

Almost every recipe involves pre-marinating fish in spices and lemon juice. It will not be difficult to squeeze juice from citrus fruits if you roll the fruit lightly on the table, pressing it with your palm.

Salmon cooks quickly, so there is no need to increase the cooking time.

Used spices, such as pepper, are best ground in a mortar. Powdered spices don't do that. rich aroma.

Fish living in their natural habitat are much more useful than their counterparts who lived in artificial reservoirs.
