
Baked eggplant salad. Salad of baked eggplant and peppers with garlic and herbs

Do you want something savory, satisfying, but not too heavy for the stomach? Try to cook some vegetable salad from baked eggplant and peppers and tomatoes - pp-variants of this dish are quite simple to prepare, but can become a decoration holiday table.

Salads from baked blue ones: what are good for pp-shnik

Baked eggplants are very popular with supporters proper nutrition, for example, - well, delicious! The salads are just as amazing. And it's not just about excellent taste- baking allows you to remove the bitter taste of the vegetable, and also saves a maximum useful substances, which are rich in blue ones. For example, coarse fiber perfectly helps the gastrointestinal tract get rid of all that is superfluous, removes toxins, and improves bowel function. Potassium is good for the heart and blood vessels, glycoside protects against cancer, pectins normalize cholesterol metabolism. And this is not all the benefits that an ordinary baked eggplant can bring!

Baked eggplant salads in PP interpretation are prepared with the minimum amount oil (or without it at all), with the addition of other vegetables and a variety of herbs that give the dish spicy taste and aroma.

There are a lot of options, but we will consider the most popular recipes for cooking eggplant hearty salads.

The famous garlic recipe

Baked eggplant salad with tomatoes and bell peppers is a legend not only in diet kitchen! It is very tasty, piquant in a Caucasian way and at the same time quite dietary.

The nutritional value per 100 g:

  1. Calories: 55
  2. Proteins: 1
  3. Fats 3
  4. Carbohydrates: 6,2

For cooking you will need:

  • 500 g eggplant, young is best
  • 500 g sweet bell pepper
  • 500 g fleshy tomatoes
  • 1 red onion
  • 2-3 garlic cloves
  • greens (oregano or cilantro will do)
  • 2 tbsp. l. olive oil
  • a little salt to taste.

Step by step preparation:

  1. Washed vegetables - tomatoes, peppers and eggplants - put on a baking sheet and bake for about 25 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees. Then remove the baking sheet from the oven and cover with foil for 5 minutes - this will make it easier to remove the skin.
  2. When the baked vegetables have cooled, remove the skin from the blue ones and from the peppers, cut everything into cubes.
  3. We put the vegetables in a salad bowl, add finely chopped garlic, onion and herbs there. Fill with oil and mix thoroughly. It is recommended to salt the eggplant salad baked in the oven with tomato and pepper at the very end, shortly before serving.

Please note that the dish is hearty in itself, but if desired, you can add a small piece of baked to it. lean meat- chicken, veal or turkey, you get an excellent meat salad.

Baked eggplant with raw tomatoes

This salad is great! Delicious, simple, low calorie. Surprisingly, even children love it.

Nutritional value per 100 g:

  1. Calories: 50
  2. Proteins: 1
  3. Fats 2,1
  4. Carbohydrates: 7


  • eggplant - 1 pc.
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs.
  • white onion - 1 pc.
  • garlic - 1 clove
  • salt, black ground pepper- pop to taste.
  • olive oil (unrefined) - ½ tsp (can be to taste)
  • greens - for decoration.

How to cook:

We wash vegetables, peel garlic and onions from the husk. Let's bake the eggplant.

The oven is preheated to 200°. Bake for 15-20 minutes. When the eggplant is soft, take it out of the oven and let it cool.

Cut the tomatoes into cubes. We send it to the salad bowl.

Cut the white onion into cubes and send to the tomatoes.

When the eggplant has cooled, remove the skin.

Grind the pulp, trying to cut into cubes.

We send to the rest of the vegetables. Finely chop the garlic. We poison in a salad bowl.

Salt everything, add pepper and oil.

Stir, being careful not to crush the vegetables.

The salad is very tasty and juicy. Best served with dark unleavened bread, it will emphasize the taste of the dish. Sprinkle with greenery and delight loved ones delicious snack.

Warm salad with cheese

In the traditional case, this recipe involves frying blue ones in a pan in in large numbers oils. In the pp version, we will not fry vegetables, but bake them in the same way as described in previous recipes and then cut into cubes. And while they are baking, let's take care of the other ingredients of the salad.

Nutritional value per 100 g:

  1. Calories: 81
  2. Proteins: 6
  3. Fats 4
  4. Carbohydrates: 5

In addition to eggplant, we need:

Cooking in 3 stages:

  1. IN vegetable oil crush the garlic, add salt, pepper and dry herbs there. Get a salad dressing, which you need to let a little brew.
  2. Cut the chicken into small cubes. You can add a couple if you like. raw tomatoes, cut in the same way - but even without them, the salad will not lose its taste.
  3. Then you need to cut the cheese and put it on the chicken. There we add ready-made warm eggplants, dressing and mix.

warm salad from baked eggplant - excellent in winter time year, and also quite satisfying - because it is prepared with meat.

Korean carrot recipe

Korean-style eggplant salad baked in the oven with carrots can be safely called a gourmet's dream. Usually in this case, eggplants are cooked in the form of rolls, so the dish looks very interesting and is quite suitable for a festive table. But if laziness, then you can simply mix the crushed components.(there is a recipe here), or find a suitable option in the store.

  • Cut the eggplant into thin strips along, each of them needs to be sprinkled with a little salt and quite a bit greased with vegetable oil. If the carrots are very spicy, then you can do without salt, and the oil is needed so that the chopped eggplant can be easily rolled up.
  • Place eggplant strips on a wire rack and bake in the oven at 200 degrees for 15-20 minutes. Watch carefully so that the vegetable does not dry out and does not burn - the strips should only brown, but remain elastic.
  • Then ready-made eggplants need to be cooled and put 1-2 tablespoons on each strip Korean carrots so that it literally hangs on both sides. After that, we roll tight rolls and fix them with skewers.
  • Above ready salad sprinkle with chopped walnuts.
  • By themselves, blue ones often turn out to be a little watery and tasteless - to give the dish taste and aroma, use more greens and healthy seasonings. Incidentally, this will allow excess salt during the cooking process.

    Another feature of eggplant is a bitter taste, which is especially noticeable in old fruits. For a baked eggplant salad with tomatoes, choose medium-sized fruits with a clean, glossy skin. By the way, it is believed that “male” fruits are practically never bitter, and you can distinguish them from “female” ones by the base of the vegetable. In female fruits, a clear depression can be seen at this place, and in male fruits, the base is more round.

    Old, overripe eggplant accumulate in the pulp dangerous substance- solanine, which has a negative effect on the nervous and circulatory system. IN large quantities solanine can cause poisoning, so you should not eat stale fruits with dark seeds.

    Be sure to freeze the eggplants for the winter in the season, so that in the cold season you can add variety to the menu with the help of wonderful salads


    Baked eggplants are not only simple, but also healthy, because they do not absorb oil, as when fried, and thus do not burden the dish with extra calories.

    Salad with baked eggplant and fresh tomatoes


    • eggplant - 640 g;
    • red onion - 45 g;
    • tomatoes - 280 g;
    • garlic - 1 head;
    • a handful of mint leaves;
    • - 75 ml;
    • lemon juice - 15 ml.


    Roast the head of garlic, drizzling it with oil and wrapping it in foil. Dry the washed eggplants and make small cuts so that they do not explode during baking. Place the eggplant along with the head of garlic in the oven and bake for 35 minutes at 200 degrees. Ready eggplant cool, divide in half, remove the pulp with a spoon and chop it coarsely. Water the eggplant lemon juice.

    Squeeze the garlic out of the shell, puree and combine with eggplant slices. Cut the tomatoes and onions into small slices, mix all the prepared ingredients, season with oil, add mint leaves, salt, freshly ground pepper.

    Salad of baked eggplant, tomatoes and onions


    • eggplant - 430 g;
    • tomatoes - 320 g;
    • red onion - 230 g;
    • garlic - 2 cloves;
    • parsley - 15 g;
    • olive oil - 35 ml;
    • lemon juice - 10 ml;
    • a pinch of black pepper.


    Before baking eggplant for salad in the oven, prick the eggplant on all sides so that the vegetables do not burst during cooking. Bake eggplant for 45 minutes at 200 degrees. After 15 minutes from the start of baking, put the tomatoes, and after another 15 minutes - the onion, cut into feathers. Take out the baked vegetables, cover the eggplants with a film so that the skin easily separates when peeling. Peel the tomatoes, cut the vegetables into slices, add the baked onion, mix with chopped herbs and garlic. Season the dish with a mixture of oil, lemon juice and pepper.

    I propose to cook a very tasty, juicy baked eggplant and tomato salad. It is very similar to baked eggplant caviar, but there are still differences in preparation and some subtleties in the recipe. In Greece, there is a similar appetizer called "melizana", but olives and feta cheese are added to its composition. So with basic recipe This salad can be experimented, each time achieving a new interesting taste.


    To prepare a salad of baked eggplant and tomatoes, we need:

    1 red onion;
    2 eggplants;
    3 tomatoes;
    3 cloves of garlic;
    1 st. l. lemon juice;
    100 g of olive oil;
    1 bunch of parsley;
    salt pepper.

    Cooking steps

    We cut the eggplant into 2 parts, with the help of a knife we ​​make cuts on the eggplant. In the resulting cuts we place thin plates garlic and sprinkle lightly olive oil. Bake eggplant and tomatoes until soft in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees, for about 20 minutes. If you are in nature, this can be done perfectly with the help of a grill and a barbecue.

    Add passed through the press raw garlic and the one baked in eggplant. Finely chop the onion, chop the greens and add to the vegetables.

    Season the vegetables with olive oil and lemon juice, add salt and pepper to taste, mix well. Very delicious salad from baked eggplant and tomatoes is ready, if desired, you can add 100 grams of olives and cheese to it.

    I am very glad to every guest!

    And if the information I have provided is useful to you, I will be just happy!

    How do you feel about roasted vegetable salad? Haven't tried? Then get acquainted - a salad of baked eggplant is light, tasty and moderately spicy. If it is not yet on your menu, then I strongly advise you to try it.

    I want to note that baked vegetables are just a godsend for those whose stomachs are not very fond of coarse fiber fresh vegetables, because in them in the process of heat treatment everything valuable that is necessary for our body is preserved.

    Thanks to spicy dressing salad of baked eggplant, tomatoes and peppers will be appreciated by lovers of spicy dishes. It goes especially well (as for me) with meat or fish skewers. Tasty! Just lick your fingers! I definitely advise you to try this tandem in nature, you will not be disappointed!

    Well, today we will cook at home. And for roasting vegetables we use conventional oven, which is available in every kitchen. Take the following products.


    • Eggplant - 1 piece
    • Bulgarian pepper - 2 pieces
    • Tomatoes - 2-3 pieces
    • Onion - 1 head
    • Refueling
    • Soy sauce - 2 tablespoons
    • Vegetable oil - 2-3 tablespoons
    • Garlic - 1-2 cloves (depending on size)
    • Vinegar - 1 teaspoon
    • Ground hot pepper and salt - to taste


    Wipe the washed vegetables dry. We pierce the eggplant with a toothpick in several places. We do this so that when heated, they do not “explode”. Then brush all the vegetables with vegetable oil. Then we send them to the oven preheated to 180 degrees, laying them on a baking sheet.

    Roast vegetables for an average of 20-25 minutes. We check the readiness of the eggplant by piercing with a wooden toothpick. They should be soft, but not overcooked.

    After we have verified that original products to prepare a salad of baked eggplants, carefully (so as not to burn yourself) we take them out of the oven and put them in plastic bag, which we immediately tie and immerse in a container of cold water.

    We do this so that the vegetables cool quickly. And also after such a procedure, they will be easily peeled off.

    We clean the cooled vegetables, we also remove the insides from the bell pepper. Then cut them into pieces (the size of your choice).

    Put the prepared salad ingredients in a salad bowl. Here we add onions in a fresh or pickled state. It's how anyone likes it. It will be delicious either way.

    Now you need to make a dressing for the eggplant salad with peppers and tomatoes. To do this, mix soy sauce, vegetable oil, vinegar and garlic passed through a press. Mix everything well and the dressing is ready.

    Now it remains only to season the salad prepared from baked eggplant and mix gently. Taste and season with salt and pepper if desired.

    Today I have for you a very tasty and healthy salad from vegetables:

    baked eggplant With tomatoes, onions and greenery

    (summer salad, )

    I will cook it from whole baked eggplants, how to do it in the oven or on open fire I told in the recipe for caviar from baked vegetables ().

    It's very hot in the kitchen this summer and you don't want to turn on the oven at all, so I'll adapt this recipe for a slow cooker and cook whole baked eggplants in it.

    Recipe for baked whole eggplant in a slow cooker

    (I’ll tell you how to cook in Panasonic, but any multicooker with the “baking” mode can handle it, if there is no such mode, you can bake eggplants in other modes, for example, “porridge”)

    There is nothing easier than baking whole vegetables: the eggplants are washed, the stalk is removed, and pricked with a fork in several places.

    I used whole frozen eggplants in my recipe.

    very convenient in winter, by the way (it’s not winter now, I’m just freeing up my freezer for a new crop, oh! Zucchini, cherries, raspberries, apricots, currants, mushrooms are next 😉)

    I put whole frozen eggplants in a dry bowl of a multicooker (they do not need to thaw, otherwise they will become very soft),

    I close the lid and leave them on the "baking" mode and I will cook them in time .... 60 minutes will be enough, in the middle of the process I will turn them over once.

    As you can see, bake whole eggplant not at all difficult, here is a photo with baked eggplants:

    Let the eggplants cool slightly and peel them from the skin to prepare the salad.

    From such fresh baked eggplants in the summer, you can make preparations for the winter in the freezer, after cleaning them before freezing, and then use them to make salads, casseroles or eggplant pies.

    Let me remind you that for this salad are suitable whole roasted eggplant(or boats from them), cooked in any way:

    • In the oven,
    • on a simple or electric grill,
    • microwave baked,
    • baked in foil
    • air grilled,
    • and the salad is especially delicious when eggplant from a fire (with smoke) is a good option in nature when you cook barbecue from vegetables or barbecue.

    Eggplant and tomato salad with pickled onions and herbs

    For a recipe eggplant salad we need:

    • 4 baked eggplants
    • 1 ripe tomato,
    • 1 onion
    • juice of half a lemon
    • 3 tablespoons olive (or any other vegetable oil),
    • a bunch of greens (dill, parsley, cilantro, basil),
    • salt and pepper - to taste,
    • If desired, you can add a clove of crushed garlic and chopped chili peppers.

    Cooking lettuce from baked eggplant with tomatoes

    Let's start with onion, we cut it (I like it in half rings in this salad) and pour lemon juice to marinate. Peel the baked eggplant, cut into cubes. Cut the tomato into cubes. Chop greens.

    It remains to mix our vitamin summer salad from baked eggplant with tomatoes and season with salt, spices and olive oil.

    Who likes it spicier can add garlic to this salad and fresh pepper chili (try to cut it without seeds, in which all the fiery power of pepper is located).

    I treat you with my baked eggplant salad:

    Anyuta and her Notebook wish you bon appetit!

    Oh yes, video recipe 🙂

    Continuing the eggplant theme,

    korean eggplant salad recipe

    from YouTube from Dovna
