
Pasta cookies. macaron french pastry

Macarons - gourmet dessert French cuisine. It is a round cookie, which are paired together with a variety of fillings.

By the way, the macaroon blanks themselves, the so-called “lids”, are made without the addition of flavorings and other additional products unless otherwise specified in the recipe. The flavor accent is achieved through the filling, which can be sweet, sour, salty, or spicy.

So, let's start preparing this interesting multi-colored "cookie", which will surely delight your loved ones.


  • Almond flour - 150 g
  • Powdered sugar - 150 g
  • Sugar - 150 g
  • Protein - 100 g
  • Water - 50 g
  • Gel food coloring heat resistant- 5 drops


Servings - 8
Cooking time - 1 hour

Important information! All ingredients must be taken exactly in the amount in which they are indicated in the recipe. For this, it is better to use a kitchen scale.

Sift the flour through a sieve. Add powder to it, mix. If necessary, sift the mixture again.

Now take the eggs room temperature), separating the whites from the yolks. We divide the required amount of protein exactly into 2 parts, that is, 50 g each. Add one half of the proteins to the flour and sugar mixture and mix until smooth.

Put aside. Pour one part of the protein into a deep 2.5-3 liter saucepan with a capacity and set aside.

Pour sugar into a small saucepan or ladle and pour in water (no more than 50 ml).

Add dye to the syrup and put on fire.

At this point, it is very important to monitor the temperature, so you will need a thermometer. As soon as it rises to 95 degrees, we begin to beat the whites with a mixer (maximum speed) until peaks appear so that the protein mass is dense and thick.

When the temperature rises to 118 degrees, pour the syrup in a thin stream into the whipped proteins, continuing to work with the mixer. Now we cool the mass to 45 degrees.

The result will be thick uniform consistency mixture. It should not spread or fall out of the dish when it is turned over.

Add the almond-sugar mixture and mix gently.

As a result, the "dough" should become glossy and slightly liquid. As soon as it starts to drain from the spatula, proceed to the next step.

We take a piece of parchment and spread it on a baking sheet. We transfer the finished mass into a pastry bag and squeeze out the same cakes with a diameter of 3-4 cm.

Leave macaroons for 20-30 minutes. During this time, they will dry out, and a dense crust will form on their surface.

Preheat the oven to 140 degrees and place a baking sheet with the already dried meringue in it. We withstand 12-18 minutes (no more!).

Already in the third or fifth minute, a characteristic skirt should appear on the circles, which indicates that the entire previous process was performed correctly.

As soon as it forms on all products, we pull out the baking sheet, turn them over to the other side and again send them to dry.

Macarons are almost ready! Now we decide on the filling. It can be different: Kurd, custard, jelly, jam, and even ketchup and caviar.

How to plant cookies correctly?

You can deposit the dough using a disposable pastry bag. The most important thing in the procedure is to prepare the stencil. On parchment paper you should draw circles (you can use a glass) with a diameter of 3-4 cm. It is better to draw in checkerboard pattern This will provide better air circulation. Then squeeze the dough into the drawn circles and leave it until a crust forms.

What nozzle diameter is needed?

The best option is a nozzle with a round hole with a diameter 10-15 mm.

What is the best way to bake?

It is allowed to bake on ordinary parchment paper. You can draw circles on them, or you can plant them "by eye".

How to make black macarons?

This can be achieved in two ways:

  1. Purchase special black food coloring. It will give the dessert a rich black color.
  2. Add cocoa powder (25 g is enough). It is entered directly initial stage and stir in the almond flour.

Why are they empty inside?

The main reasons for this:

  1. Overwhipped whites. The result of whipping should be a kind of soft "beak" on the meringue.
  2. Baking at low temperature. Optimum temperature for dessert, it ranges from 135 ° C to 155 °. At temperatures below 135 ° C, the cookies will be baked, but there will be voids inside.
  3. The dough was mixed incorrectly. Pasta should be stirred, making movements from the bottom up, while not pressing too hard. It should be noted that prolonged mixing will cause the protein to become liquid and a hole will form inside.
  4. Almond flour. You should buy flour only finely ground.

Why doesn't a "skirt" form?

The main reason for this is the long beating of the dough. Whipping too long destroys the air bubbles in the meringue. But it is at their expense that cakes are baked "with a skirt." Liquid pasta spreads over the entire parchment, does not hold its shape and, as a result, does not form a “skirt” during baking.

1. Keep egg whites at room temperature for 3-4 days without a lid.

2, Good almond flour. If you cook it yourself, then I advise you to hold the almonds after blanching and cleaning in freezer, and then grind in a coffee grinder in small doses. Be very careful, otherwise you will get almond paste. It is desirable to grind more than you plan to bake, after sifting large pieces will move away. Sift the resulting flour, separate large pieces and weigh only the sifted fine flour for baking. This should be done 2-3 days before baking. But if possible, then buy almond flour already ready. I now order online and the price between almonds and flour is negligible, especially when you consider the waste.

3. Be sure to sift the powdered sugar with almonds again after mixing and again after drying in the oven.

4. Proteins for whipping must be at room temperature. Cold squirrels whip faster and do not have time to gain right amount air for a good lift. It is important not to beat the whites, otherwise the air bubbles will burst and the pasta will fall and crack instead of growing. Proteins after whipping should be dense, but at the same time soft.

5. Before baking, be sure to hit the baking sheet several times on the table so that air comes out of the cookies and keep them at room temperature for at least 30 minutes to form a crust. This can be easily verified. When you touch the surface with your fingernail, it springs, not sticks. Therefore, all experts unequivocally recommend baking them in dry weather.

6. Prepare the ganache for the filling in advance and keep in the refrigerator.

7. After baking pasta, you need to withstand 7-8 hours, and then start.

8. The taste of pasta is fully revealed when they lie down for several days in the refrigerator. And you can store them in the freezer, taking them out 20-30 minutes before eating.

2 years ago


Unusually tasty, but not easy to prepare French pasta cookies (macaron). This cookie is from egg whites, powdered sugar and almond flour. In order for the cookies to turn out bright and colorful, various food colors are added. I will cook classic version without dyes. It is recommended to strictly observe the amount of ingredients indicated in the recipe. I have tried different recipes with different amount ingredients. And also on Italian and French meringue. Meringue is essentially whites whipped with sugar. So, the Italian meringue is prepared with sugar syrup- the protein is whipped and brewed with hot sugar syrup. french meringue- the protein is whipped with dry sugar. The second option, in my opinion, is easier to cook, and you can experiment.
This is the second publication based on the results of the survey - what recipes do you want to know? Application from a subscriber of the VK group Home cooking.



  • 60 g almond flour
  • 60 g egg white(from 2 eggs)
  • 100 g powdered sugar
  • 20 g sugar
  • vanilla on the tip of a knife
  • a pinch of salt


macaron french pastry

French meringue pasta.

First I will note important points !

  1. All ingredients must be weighed on an accurate balance. This is noted by everyone who cooks pasta.
  2. Almond flour should be fresh, finely ground and good quality. Better to buy in specialized stores for baking.
  3. Proteins are recommended to be “aged” beforehand, i.e. keep at room temperature for a day in a closed container. This is necessary so that the "skirt" of pasta is correct. Without it, there is no real pasta.
  4. Pasta is best baked on baking paper. It doesn't always work on silicone mats.
  5. The oven must be well preheated before baking pasta, at least turn it on for 20 minutes.

If you are preparing this cookie for the first time, then I advise you to take exactly this amount of ingredients - the minimum in order to “fill your hand”. There are many on the Internet different recipes pasta cookies and the composition is different everywhere. The first time it may not work out, as these cookies are quite capricious in preparation. I admit honestly, I got it on the third or fourth time proper cookie, that is, the correct shape, the correct "skirt" and it was baked correctly. But don't let that scare you! Even if the cookies didn't turn out, the taste is still delicious.

First, make a template for pasta - draw circles with a diameter of 4 cm on tracing paper at a distance of 2 cm from each other in rows or in a checkerboard pattern. This will be a template that you can put under the baking paper and deposit the dough. This is necessary so that all the halves are the same size, since the finished pasta consists of two halves.

How to make macarons

Sift the almond flour through a sieve. Then sift the powdered sugar. We mix.

Pour onto baking paper or onto a tracing paper laid on a baking sheet, distribute.

Dry in a preheated oven to 160 degrees for 5 minutes. We drag the sheet with the almond mixture onto the table, spread it over the paper and leave to cool.

Sift the dried mixture through a sieve again TWO TIMES. Here you can add cocoa (1 tbsp = 10 g) to make chocolate macarons. Also through a sieve.

Beat egg whites with a pinch of salt until foamy. In several steps, add the sugar mixed with vanilla, without stopping whisking. At the end, food coloring can be added to whipped proteins to give color to the liver.

In several steps, again through a sieve, add the almond mixture to the proteins. Gently mix silicone spatula, direction in one direction, while constantly turning the bowl clockwise. So we upset the protein and thin the dough a little.

The result is a smooth homogeneous mixture. How to determine that the dough is ready? Run a spatula over the dough to form a groove. It should disappear within 8-10 seconds.

Transfer the dough to pastry bag which is placed in a glass. or in cream injector with a tip with a diameter of 8-10 mm.

A baking sheet must be taken with a minimum height of the sides. On it is a template, on top of baking paper. We set aside the dough according to the template. Do not fill the circles of the stencil completely, the dough will spread a little. When the blanks are deposited, the stencil can be carefully pulled out from under the top sheet. To bring down the "tails", you need to knock the baking sheet on the table strictly vertically.

We leave the blanks at room temperature for 45-60 minutes until a crust forms on the surface. Gently touch the surface with your finger, the dough should not stick.

The oven should be well heated to 150 degrees. Place the pan on the middle rack for about 12 minutes. Ready pasta have dense crust on top and a characteristic "skirt" at the bottom, and are also easily separated from the paper.

We drag the paper along with the pasta from the baking sheet to the table and let it cool.

Remove the pasta from the paper and put in pairs on a dish.

Now let's prepare the filling - ganache.

Ganache for pasta

Chocolate can be used white or dark.

Macaron has been a favorite dessert of the French monarchs since time immemorial. The recipe was brought to France by the Italian princess Catherine de Medici, who married Henry II, the king of the future republic. It's hard to believe, but back in the 16th century, pasta was a simple cookie made from almond flour, egg whites, and sugar. None exotic flavors and rainbow colors, no cream filling, just dough.

He acquired the second layer of pasta at the beginning of the 20th century. Pierre Defontaine - grandson of Louis Ernest Ladure (owner of the first Laduree tea salon in Paris) - decided to glue the two halves of a cookie together using a sweet chocolate mass known in French cuisine as "ganache" (ganache). Thus, the pasta acquired a two-story appearance familiar to us.

By the way, you still need to pronounce "macaron", as required by the French transcription. Macaroon is a completely different cookie, which in 90% of cases is made from egg whites and coconut flakes.

As history shows, pasta has always been the lot of wealthy people. So now these cookies are more associated with the Queen of Manhattan, Blair Waldorf from Gossip Girl, eating a ton of pasta in her own bathroom, than with a housewife baking elite dessert in your own kitchen. However, with the onset of the crisis, it will be useful to master the recipe for air cookies to surprise loved ones.




Before you cook pasta according to the Maison Ladurée recipe, you should master the most detailed step by step instructions those who have already done it before you and know all the pitfalls complex process. In addition, you need to know a few simple secrets preparations: although they seem insignificant, experienced people say that they must be followed to achieve the ideal result.

    "Aging" the eggs. Most agree that eggs should be at room temperature. It is best to take them out of the refrigerator 12 hours before cooking, but 2-4 hours is also possible.

    Sift flour 3 times. Exactly 3. The number of sieves was experimentally derived by the chefs of the Parisian culinary school Cook’n with class. And the first time you do it just to get rid of the lumps, the second time you fix the result, and the third time you sift the flour along with the powdered sugar. The procedure will make the dough glossy.

    Drying dough before baking. Do not try to immediately put the baking sheet with the "lids" of pasta into the oven. Leave them to lie on the table for 20-30 minutes.

    Air circulation during baking. The desired mode is provided correct location cookies on a baking sheet (chess order) and a slightly ajar oven in the process (to remove excess moisture).

    Proportions are important. In the case of pasta, making dough by eye will not work. Therefore, a kitchen scale is your faithful assistant during the preparation of dessert.

classic pasta recipe



  • almond flour - 150 gr,
  • powdered sugar - 150 gr,
  • sugar - 150 gr,
  • water - 50 gr,
  • protein - 50 + 50 gr (about 3 eggs),
  • dye (preferably gel).


    We prepare the flour, namely: we sift it as it should be - 3 times. Add powdered sugar, mix well with a whisk and sift again.

    Separate the whites from the yolks. Make sure that not a gram of fat, water or yolk gets into this mass. It is important! We divide the protein into 2 parts - 50 grams each.

    cook up workplace for kneading dough. Pour 50 grams of protein into a large bowl. Put a saucepan with sugar and water on the stove, next to it - a cup of proteins, a spare glass of water, a mixer and a thermometer.
    *Attention! A thermometer is essential to keep track of the temperature of the syrup. A degree more or less - and the whole idea will fail!

    Next, we will perform several actions at the same time. We turn on the stove and begin to cook the syrup, stirring with a thermometer. Keep it in the middle of the mixture so that the temperature is as accurate as possible. Keep a close eye on heating. As soon as the thermometer shows 95 degrees, start whipping the whites at full power of the mixer. When the syrup is heated to 110⁰, remove it from the stove and start slowly pouring it into the proteins.

    The whipped egg whites should be almost firm and should not run or drip when the bowl is turned over. If the syrup has already warmed up to 110 degrees, and the proteins are not whipped to the desired state, you can cool the syrup with water and wait again desired temperature. While pouring in the syrup, continue to beat the mixture with a mixer.
    *Attention! The mixture should be thick and very strong. She should not have any fluid qualities. The mixture will cool down as you whisk. Add another 50 grams of protein, and on top - the finished flour and powder.

    We begin to mix the dough with a spatula and continue the procedure until the desired texture is obtained. The dough should drip off the sides of the spatula and not fall in lumps. Cover the baking sheet with baking parchment.

    Pour the dough into a pastry bag and begin to carefully form pasta hats. Try to arrange them in a checkerboard pattern. Don't forget dry! Put the baking sheet in the oven heated to 140 degrees Celsius.

    Baking time - 10-20 minutes. Don't be upset if your "hats" start to crack, crumble, or "rise". Do perfect pasta the first time, even the great Ladura would hardly have succeeded.

    If everything worked out, then your pasta will have “skirts”. This will happen in 3-4 minutes. After 10 minutes, you can try to pry them with a knife. If the cookies easily move away from the parchment, then the pasta is ready. The lid over the “skirt” must be rigid.

    Prepare the filling yourself to your taste - it can be custard or ganache. It is important to remember that if the filling is liquid, it will soak into the dough faster and soften it more quickly. Therefore, such a filling can be filled with cookies just before serving.

    Ganache can be applied immediately after oven and left in the refrigerator until consumed.

French macarons are a combination of aristocratic taste, a rainbow palette of colors and a sophisticated almond flavor.

The fashion for gastronomic asceticism and the popularity of vegetarianism are increasingly being replaced by another fashionable status - the status of a connoisseur. haute cuisine. In today's culinary world, it's easy to be a gourmet, especially when it's introduced. gourmet delicacies, one view of which opens the gate to paradise. Exactly paradisaic delight promises the colorful appearance of the royal French dessert with the uncomplicated name "macaroni" or "macaroni".

french macaron- These are multi-colored almond-biscuit cakes with a fragile glossy crust, an airy “pelerine” and a creamy layer that melts in your mouth. A collection of flavors and a palette of colors delights the sweet tooth of the whole world. And this justifies the efforts of French confectioners, whose imagination did not stop at traditional dessert flavors. Classic chocolate, fruit and berry, coffee macaroni - for conservative gourmets. Demanding admirers of French desserts prefer macaroni with taste pink pepper, champagne, rose petals, violet, lily of the valley, grenadine, salted caramel, drunk cherry, saffron with orange, etc. But some gourmets have gone even further in their taste preferences and fell in love with newfangled savory pasta with foie gras, olives or truffles.

Macaron is considered french dessert, yet they came up with it in medieval Italy. A refined french cuisine discovered macaroons only during the Renaissance. At that time, although dessert was served exclusively royal nobility, looked unremarkable. This culinary misunderstanding in the twentieth century was corrected by the famous french pastry chef Pierre Defontaine, who came up with the idea of ​​sticking two pieces of biscuits together with a filling. And he improved the shape, taste and color of the cake, which made it incredibly popular, another Frenchman - pastry chef Pierre Erme. This version of gourmet pasta is loved by the whole world!

TOP 5 recipes how to cook pasta cake

Recipe 1: Classic Macaroni from Pierre Herme's Macaron

For 4-5 servings:
For test:

  1. 150 g almond flour, 150 g sweet powder, 55 g of proteins from eggs.
  2. 150 g sweet powder, 37 g water, 55 g egg whites.

For chocolate hazelnut ganache: 20 g dark chocolate 70%, 100 g white chocolate, 60 g cream 33%, 35 g butter, 25 g pistachio paste.

Prepare ganache:

  1. Both types chocolate bars split into small pieces, add pistachio paste and pour over the cream brought to a boil.
  2. After half a minute, mix the components, add soft butter to form a perfectly smooth mass.
  3. Close the finished ganache with a film and rearrange in the refrigerator to thicken.

Prepare pasta:

  1. Cook syrup for Italian meringue: pour 50 g of water into powdered sugar (150 g) and cook, measuring the temperature, exactly up to 118 degrees.
  2. Beat whites (55 g) until stiff (should be kept in a "cap" in an inverted bowl). Without stopping the process of whipping, pour boiling syrup in a thin stream. It takes about 10 minutes to beat the sweet meringue, until the mass cools down to 50-40 degrees, and acquires a smooth, shiny texture.
  3. Dilute almond flour with sweet powder, sift. Add the second serving of protein (55 g) and ready Italian meringue. Knead the dough with a spatula until it flows in a “ribbon” from the shoulder blade. The secret to kneading is to turn the bowl counterclockwise while the spatula follows the clock hand. The main thing is not to overdo it!
  4. Transfer the dough to a pastry bag fitted with a round tip and, holding it STRICTLY vertically, pipe the pasta onto a baking sheet. It is better to lay them out in a checkerboard pattern so that the air circulates well between the cookies, allowing them to bake perfectly. In order for the surface of the pasta to be smooth and even, the baking sheet needs to be lightly tapped on the table several times.
  5. Necessarily deposited cookies must be left in a place with low humidity for an hour. During this time, its surface will take on an elastic "branded" crust. You can check it with a light touch of your finger, if the top of the dough has seized, and there are no marks left on the skin, the pasta is ready for baking.
  6. Baking should be carried out at 160 ° C, it will take 9-12 minutes. At 7-10 minutes (after the formation of a “skirt”), you need to get the baking sheet, unfold the other side and continue baking until done. Transfer the parchment with the pasta to a cold surface.
  7. Assemble the French biscuits by using a pastry bag to spread the filling between the biscuits. Ganache should be on a par with the "skirt".

Recipe 2: Salted Caramel Pasta

Salted caramel in dessert macaroni is also an invention of Pierre Herme. Sweet-salty delicacy promises an amazing harmony of seemingly incongruous tastes.

For 10 servings: 250 g almond flour, 225 g icing sugar, 207 g sugar, 130 g butter, 85 ml 35% cream, 100 g egg white, 3.5 g instant coffee, small spoon lemon juice, 1 vanilla pod, a teaspoon of salt.


  1. Melt granulated sugar in parts in a dry saucepan. You can't let it burn. The thermometer on the finished caramel should show 160 ° C.
  2. Pour cream into half a serving of butter, heat the mixture, put the vanilla pod. When it comes to a boil, remove the vanilla.
  3. In the caramel removed from the hob, add hot cream. Do not stop stirring so that the cream does not have time to curdle. In the process - salt. Return the saucepan to the fire and hold until the thermometer shows 108 ° C.
  4. Cool the caramel, allowing it to thicken to a viscous state.
  5. Beat the second part of the butter with a food processor. Add caramel, mix until smooth.


  1. In 4 ml hot water pour coffee, brew. Pour coffee liquid into a whipped mass of protein, salt and lemon juice.
  2. In portions, mix a dense protein "cap" into a mixture of flour and powder. The dough cannot be “crushed” during the kneading process, otherwise the air bubbles will disappear. Readiness can be determined by the shiny, smooth surface of the mass, which will fall off the shoulder blade.
  3. Immediately transfer the dough to a culinary bag and squeeze out even circles with a diameter of 4-5 cm onto parchment covering a baking sheet. Lightly tap the mold with the blanks with the palm of your hand, allowing the dough to become smooth.
  4. After 20 minutes, move the pasta to the oven with a temperature of 150 degrees for 12 minutes.
  5. From finished semi-finished products and salted caramel to make French macaroni cakes.

Recipe 3: Lavender Macaroni "Macarons à la lavande"

For 8-10 servings: 80 g almond flour, 20 g wheat flour, 80 g of egg whites, 125 mascarpone cheese, 240 g of powdered sugar, a tablespoon of milk, 2 tbsp. spoons of honey, 2 tbsp. spoons of lavender flowers, purple food coloring.

  1. Pour almond and wheat flour to 180 g of powder, and sift everything together several times so that the components are well saturated with air.
  2. Pour 60 g of sweet powder into the proteins and beat until strong peaks form.
  3. IN protein mass sift the mixture of dry flour and powder again, add the dye. Gently mix by moving the spatula from top to bottom.
  4. Place the purple mass in a bag and deposit on a baking sheet.
  5. Lightly tap the baking sheet with the blanks on the surface, achieving evenness of the tops of the pasta.
  6. After half an hour or an hour, bake the “rested” and crusty cookies for 10 minutes, creating a temperature of 145 degrees in the oven.
  7. Cream can be prepared in advance. Pour a tablespoon of lavender flowers with milk and set aside so that the milk is saturated with lavender smells.
  8. Strain aromatic milk, pour in mascarpone, add honey. Lightly beat the cream with a whisk.
  9. Apply cream to half of the pasta, cover the second and carefully fill the hermetically sealed box with ready-made cakes. French cookies should be infused in the refrigerator for a day.

Recipe 4: French lemon biscuits macarons

For 8 pasta: 45 g almond flour, 10 g sugar, 1 egg, 75 g icing sugar, 0.5 teaspoon yellow food coloring, 50 ml lemon juice, 100 g white chocolate.

  1. For lemon ganache White chocolate break and put in a bath of water. Pour lemon juice into softened chocolate, mix, cool. Place covered in foil in the refrigerator.
  2. Protein (36 g), aged at room temperature, beat with sugar. Add sweetness gradually, beat the protein - starting with low speed. Before the appearance of stable "tops" add dye.
  3. Pass the almond flour and powder through a sieve 2 times. Pour the dry mixture in portions into protein foam. Knead the dough gently, “wrapping” the flour with a spatula into a protein mass. With this method, the consistency will turn out to be soft and viscous, smoothly falling from the spatula.
  4. On a form with a baking sheet of paper, place even circles of macaron, retreating from each previous 3 cm.
  5. Leave the deposited blanks for half an hour without attention, so that an even crust forms on top.
  6. Place the mold in a preheated oven (140 ° C) - total time baking 15-18 minutes. At the fifth minute, when the “pelerine” begins to appear, the baking sheet can be removed and unfolded on the other side. This will help the dessert bake more evenly.
  7. Transfer the finished pastry along with parchment to a cool surface, thereby stopping the baking process. Properly baked pasta, though sticky around the edges, should remain soft inside. Turn slightly chilled cakes upside down to cool completely.
  8. Applying lemon ganache, collect pasta into cakes. Treat French cookies loved ones and friends are better the next day.

Recipe 5: Mint French Macaroni

For 4-5 servings: 85 g almond flour, 160 g powdered sugar, 2 servings of egg white 45 g each, 125 g sugar, green gel or dry food coloring.
Mint cream: 50 g butter, 50 ml water, 200 g sugar, fresh mint sprigs.

  1. Sift the powdered sugar into a bowl, sift the almond flour in the same place. Mix the dry ingredients and pour in 45 g of protein at room temperature. Knead the almond dough with the smoothest possible texture.
  2. cook Swiss meringue from 45 g of protein and sugar. Combine ingredients and place on water bath. Do not stop whisking for 10 minutes. Transfer the mass to the combine and knead for another 10 minutes.
  3. Add a little green dye to the finished batch to make the color mint.
  4. Put the meringue in small portions into the almond dough, and with soft movements from the bottom up, combine the masses, achieving uniformity.
  5. Using a nozzle and a culinary bag, squeeze out flat, even cakes.
  6. After a quarter of an hour, place a baking sheet with almond blanks in a heated oven (150 degrees) for baking. Close the oven, reduce the temperature by 140 ° C - bake for 6 minutes. Open the oven and cook for another 4 minutes.
  7. Transfer the pasta with paper to a wire rack and cool.
  8. For mint cream: bring sugar and water to a boil. Transfer chopped with a blender into boiling water mint leaves. Boil caramel for ten minutes.
  9. Strain the finished syrup, cool and pour 4-5 tablespoons of mint liquid into the white-blended butter. Whip everything together.
  10. Combine French macaroni with mint filling and among themselves, picking up the same circles as much as possible. Garnish with sprigs of green mint when serving.

Colorful cookies with a "skirt" in the process of cooking often show a capricious disposition. To recreate an exact copy french pasta it is necessary to strictly adhere to the technology, the recommendations of the masters and stock up on the endurance of a Buddhist monk.

  1. Proportions are the first, and perhaps the main condition! The dough does not tolerate measures "by eye". This dessert requires a kitchen scale. An inaccurate weight of ingredients can spoil form style cookies - a beautiful "lace" around the edges will not work.
  2. It is better to get the eggs out of the cold before cooking so that they have time to reach the temperature of the room.
  3. Almond flour should not contain badly broken nut particles. Only dry almond powder can be considered quality ingredient for pasta.
  4. Be sure to sift the flour for the dough! French culinary schools proved through experiments that triple sifting of dry ingredients makes pasta dough perfect.
  5. To make the blanks as even as possible, you can draw circles of the same diameter on the wrong side of the parchment with a pencil.
  6. Another absolute rule is to dry the blanks before baking. They need to be allowed to "rest" for an hour, before the crust hardens. If during this time it has not dried up, the air in the kitchen is too humid. Some pastry chefs leave pasta to dry overnight.
  7. If the ganache for pasta filling includes white chocolate, it is better to “thicken” it additionally butter and remove to set in the cold for a few hours, or cook the day before the formation of cakes.

french macaron- the most modern of the classics culinary masterpieces dessert. In a short period, multi-colored almond "confetti" made a splash all over the world! And all because in a small cake under a crispy shell, in tender stuffing and the divine aroma lurks a firework of taste. Having experienced it at least once, you will also know the meaning of the French expression - "C'est tres magnifique!"
