
Small apples in syrup for the winter. Apples in syrup for the winter without sterilization

If such happiness has fallen on you as a decent bunch of garden (not store) apples and you are not able to exterminate them in the near future, I offer my own version of their use - do not be too lazy to make such a wonderful preparation for the winter like apples in sweet syrup.

Before such a dessert in winter (and not only), neither a young sweet tooth nor an overgrown gourmet can resist. Besides, canned apples in syrup can be an excellent filling for pies and pies or a luxurious addition to all kinds of desserts. A sweet syrup with the aroma and taste of spices will become worthy replacement compote, coffee or tea. It is better to take apples for such a preparation dense (not loose) such as "Antonovka" or "Simirenko".

By the way, in addition to apples (or together with them), according to the same recipe, you can preserve any other fruits (pears, nectarines, peaches, mangoes).


  • apples (antonovka variety) - 2 kg;
  • sugar sand - 900 g;
  • citric acid - 1 dessert + 1 teaspoon;
  • cinnamon - 2 sticks;
  • vanilla sugar - a teaspoon;
  • cloves - 3 buds;
  • allspice - 6 peas;
  • purified water - about 1.7 liters.
  • Yield: 4 jars with a capacity of 700 ml.
  • Cooking time - 1 hour (maybe a little more).

First things first, take care of the packaging: jars + lids for them carefully soapy water wash and rinse with boiling water - this is the most fast way sterilization of dishes. Or you can put in cold oven and sterilize for 20 (maximum 25) minutes at 160°C - the easiest way to sterilize canning utensils.

Now is the time to start preparing the fruit. Pour into a spacious cup (basin, saucepan) cold water(about 2 -2.5 liters) and dilute citric acid in it (dessert or even a tablespoon).

Wash the apples, cut the core with seeds, cut into not very wide slices (from 1.5 to 2 cm). Immediately toss the apple slices into a cup of acidified water - thanks to the citric acid, they will not darken.

In the meantime, boil water in a saucepan (with a volume of at least 3 liters), which will later become a sweet syrup - 2 kg of it. apples will need approximately 1700 ml.

Then load half of all apples into a saucepan with syrup (you will have to work with fruits in two steps, because their entire volume will not fit in such an amount of liquid).

Next, without removing the pan from the heat, soak the fruit slices in syrup for about a minute and a half (you do not need to bring to a boil - tender juicy apples will quickly spread). Then, quickly but very carefully, using a slotted spoon, remove the apple slices from the hot syrup and immediately place in a colander or sieve (to drain the remaining syrup from them) mounted on a cup or pan.

Do the same with the remaining apples. Strain all the syrup into a clean saucepan, pour the second part into it granulated sugar together with citric acid and boil for 1-1.5 minutes.

While the syrup is boiling, arrange the apple slices in jars (you don’t need to tamp too much so that the fruit doesn’t wrinkle).

Pour boiling syrup over and continue in the usual way: tightly seal the jars with lids, turn over and leave to cool under a towel.

Good preparations for you!!!

Step by step photo recipe for apple slices sugar syrup specially for the site well-fed family. Sincerely, Irina Kalinina.

Summer is over, and the autumn season of apples has come to replace it.

Despite huge selection overseas exotics, these fragrant and juicy fruits remain the most popular and affordable. Ripe apples green, red, yellow color you can fill home bins to the top.

It is nice to eat a fresh bulk fruit, especially if it has recently been plucked from a tree.

Apples are no less tasty and baked, and dried, and canned. Why not make sure that jars with your favorite fruits settle on the shelves in the cellar, basement or pantry in the fall?

Canned apples retain many vitamins and do not lose their flavor. Therefore, they are useful and tasty to decorate a winter day or evening.

Their apples can be prepared not only the usual jam, jam or compote, but also sweet dessert. To do this, the fruit must be cut into slices and canned in a thick syrup.

Slices of apples are eaten with pleasure by both kids and adults. And the syrup can be diluted with water - you get a fragrant, sweet and nutritious compote.

Slices of apples in syrup for the winter - general principles of preparation

Firm and firm apples are suitable for canning. Rotten fruits should not be thrown away. The damaged part can simply be cut off.

Apples need to be thoroughly washed, dried, cut each fruit in half and remove the core.

Then it is best to chop the fruit into slices one and a half to two centimeters thick.

Fruits are boiled in a thick syrup or poured into a ready-made sweet mass. In its composition, sugar should occupy from 40 to 80%.

Citric acid, cinnamon, cloves, sage and vanillin will decorate the taste of the dish.

Preservation of apples in syrup for the winter in slices can be placed in any glass container. If there are few fruits, we use small jars: a liter or 0.5 liter capacity. When the number of apples is measured in several kilograms, it is better to load them into a three-liter container.

Some recipes call for pasteurizing filled jars in boiling water. The time of such processing is from twenty minutes (0.5 liter container) up to 35 (2 liters).

To destroy germs, jars and lids are sterilized in the oven or steamed. It does not hurt to treat the slotted spoon with boiling water, with the help of which the apple slices are poured from the syrup into a glass container.

closed conservation turned over and covered to keep the internal heat longer.

The cooled cans are moved into the dark and cool place. They can be stored there for up to two years. Already opened treats should be kept in the refrigerator for no more than a few days.

Apple slices cooked in syrup can be used as a dessert. They are also suitable for making charlottes and strudel.

Recipe 1. Apples in syrup for the winter with cinnamon slices


600 gr. fruits;

300 gr. Sahara;

One cinnamon stick;

A spoonful of citric acid;

Two glasses of clean water.

Cooking method:

We prepare all the ingredients so that they are at hand.

Cut the apples into slices and remove the seeds.

We heat the water and dissolve in it sweet ingredient. Boil the syrup for twenty minutes.

Prepare two half-liter jars. They are quite enough for such a number of apples. Put half a cinnamon stick in the bottom of a glass container. Loading apple slices.

Pour citric acid on top and carefully pour the syrup.

We put the glass container in a container with heated water, cover with lids.

We pasteurize apples in syrup for the winter in slices for five minutes. We note the time after the water boils.

We unload the cans from the container and immediately twist hermetically. Then we turn the container down with a lid, cover with a towel and leave for a day.

We move the conservation to the cellar or to the pantry. There is a place for it in the refrigerator.

Recipe 2. Apples in syrup for the winter in slices "Hello from the hot summer"


Fruit - 2½ kg;

800 gr. Sahara;

Two liters of water;

Two spoons of Art. lemon juice.

Cooking method:

We wash the apples and let the water drain.

Divide each fruit in half and carefully remove the core. Fruit cut into slices of medium thickness.

Pour water into a saucepan and heat until boiling. Add sugar and pour lemon juice.

Dip the apple slices into the boiling syrup. Stir the fruit well so that all the slices are immersed in sweet mass. Boil for one minute or two.

We shift the apple slices into sterilized jars. To do this, we use a slotted spoon previously scalded with boiling water.

Bring the syrup back to a boil. Fill them with fruits so that the water almost overflows over the edge of the jar.

We twist the glass containers with boiled lids.

We turn over each jar, wrap it up and leave it for a day to cool. Then we move the container with apples in syrup for the winter in slices to a cool and dark room.

Recipe 3. Apples in syrup for the winter with saffron slices


One kg of apples;

A quarter of a teaspoon of saffron;

300 gr. Sahara;

0.75 l of water.

Cooking method:

Pour water into a saucepan and heat up. We introduce sugar and mix so that it does not stick to the bottom of the container.

Add saffron to already fairly hot water. Stir the syrup and gradually bring it to a boil.

We continue cooking for ten minutes or a little more. The sugar will completely dissolve, and the mass will become homogeneous and bright orange.

From clean apples, cut the core and remove the seeds. We cut them into slices.

Add to boiling syrup apple slices. Stir very gently so that they are completely dipped into the sweet liquid.

Cook apple slices in syrup for fifteen minutes. Do not mix any more so that the pieces of fruit remain intact.

Mass with apple slices Pour into dry glass jars and seal tightly.

We wrap the preservation with a warm towel. After the jars have cooled, we move them to a place adapted for storage.

Recipe 4. Apples in syrup for the winter with slices "Spicy dessert"


For a 500 ml jar:

300 gr. sour apples;

Three cloves and peas of allspice;

200 gr. Sahara;

½ teaspoon tsp. ground cinnamon;

Vanillin - on the tip of a knife;

Water - one and a half glasses.

Cooking method:

Cut clean and dry apples into slices.

At the bottom of a clean jar we put a carnation and allspice. Place fruit slices on top.

Boil water in a saucepan and pour it into jars. Covering the glass container clean lids and leave for a quarter of an hour.

Pour the water from the jars into a saucepan and bring it to a boil.

We fall asleep sugar and vanilla with cinnamon. Stir and simmer over low heat for about 10 minutes.

Fill the container with apple slices with syrup and immediately twist.

We turn over and wrap the banks. So they should stand for at least a day. Then we send conservation for storage until winter.

Recipe 5. Apples in syrup for the winter slices "Fruit antidepressant"


One and a half kg of apples;

Liter of water;

500 gr. Sahara;

A sprig of mint per jar of one liter.

Cooking method:

Cut fruit into slices and put in jars. Place a sprig of mint on top. Pour boiling water over and leave to cool.

After twenty minutes, pour the water into a saucepan. Its quantity should be one liter. If there is less water, you need to add.

Add sugar and heat to a boil. Boil the syrup for five minutes. We put it in banks.

glass containers with apple slices immediately twist.

We turn the jars over and cover with something warm. In this form, they should cool completely.

Then delicious preservation hide and forget about it until winter.

Recipe 6. Apples in syrup for the winter in slices "Apple slices in juice"


One kg of apples;

One liter of currant juice;

500 gr. Sahara.

Cooking method:

Cut the apples into slices and load them into clean jars.

currant juice bring to a boil. Add granulated sugar and do not turn off the stove until it dissolves.

Filling jars with apple slices currant syrup.

We cover the container with lids and sterilize.

Then we close it hermetically, turn it over, wrap it well and leave it for a day or two to cool completely.

We hide the twists in a prepared place and open them when winter comes.

Recipe 7. Apples in syrup for the winter with vanilla slices


For a half liter jar:

Five apples;

400 gr. Sahara;

One gr. vanillin;

750 ml of water;

Three gr. citric acid.

Cooking method:

Cooking apples: wash, dry and cut into small slices.

We sterilize the jars over steam for two to three minutes. Boil the lids in a small saucepan.

Put apple slices in jars. Fill with boiling water and leave for twenty minutes.

Pour water into a saucepan, pour sugar and vanilla into it.

citric acid place in a glass and dilute with two tablespoons hot water. Pour the solution into the sweet syrup.

Fill jars with apple slices with boiling thick liquid.

Roll carefully and turn over.

Cover the container with a towel and leave for a day. Then we place the preservation on a shelf in the pantry or refrigerator.

Slices of apples in syrup for the winter - tricks and tips

    Apples cannot be too small, because they will be overcooked and lose their shape.

    It is better to use strong and unripe fruits so that after cooking they do not fall apart.

    Preservation will be tastier if the fruits have bright taste and persistent apple aroma.

    So that the chopped apples do not darken, they can be held in a 1% salt solution, but not more than half an hour.

    It is important that the temperature of the syrup when filling the cans is not lower than 70-80 degrees.

    Preservation can be stored on a closed and half-insulated balcony. But then it must be used before the onset of heat.

    A tight apron is useful in the work, which will protect against spilled boiling water.

This type of preparation will perfectly help you out if you want to sweeten your darling on a cold evening. Apples in syrup for the winter in slices according to the recipe with a photo are sweet, with a slight sourness. They can not only be eaten with tea or coffee, but also added to desserts, such as cakes, pies, pastries. sweet syrup can be used as delicious drink. To do this, simply dilute it boiled water and chill in the refrigerator. Preparing such a delicacy for the winter is simple, but the result will delight you and your family. You can modify the recipe if you wish. Can be harvested ripe juicy pears, apricots or plums.

Apple Syrup Ingredients:

  • apples - 3000 g;
  • drinking water - 2500 ml;
  • granulated sugar - 500-700 g.

Cooking apple slices in syrup

For such a preparation, it is best to take juicy apples of hard, tight varieties. They will keep perfectly whole slices, and delicious syrup will envelop them. Let's start cooking the syrup: pour water into a convenient container and put granulated sugar. Mix and put on the stove. During the time that the syrup will boil, we will take care of the fruit.

We wash the apples thoroughly, remove the core and cut into small slices. It is not necessary to peel the skin from the fruit.

Sliced ​​apples are sent to boiling syrup and boil for two to three minutes. Don't keep the fruit on the stove for too long because it will become cooked like porridge.

We take out the fruit from the pan with a slotted spoon and distribute it into sterile and dry jars.

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Bring the sugar liquid to a boil a second time and pour it into jars. Now we roll up with sealed steamed lids and cover with a warm blanket.

Fruits and berries


Apples in syrup for the winter will delight you with their original and very summery taste. It often happens that there is simply nothing to do with the abundance of fruit crops: all compotes are closed, jams are cooked and marmalade has long settled in the pantry. Do not eat these apples for breakfast, lunch and dinner, really. Today's step by step photo the recipe will tell you how to preserve halves or slices of apples in sweet syrup. By the way, you can safely adjust the sweetness of this syrup yourself, the amount of refined sugar indicated in the ingredients is averaged.

What are the benefits of canned apples? First of all, since we do not have to grind fruits, they will retain most of their vitamins and trace elements necessary for the body. You can close such apples completely, especially if they are small in size. Also, fruits will retain their natural taste which does a lot this recipe preferable, because in winter you want to enjoy the natural taste of fruits and berries. Further canned slices or halves of apples can be added, for example, to charlotte or any other homemade cakes. We don’t even have to sterilize such a blank, which will significantly save time on preparing this preservation.

Let's get ready for the winter delicious apples in syrup halves at home on your own the best recipe!



    To create this preservation, we do not need so many ingredients, but it would be nice to choose the right apples. TO the right apples include all natural and juicy fruit that you have collected own garden or bought in the market. As for the variety of apples, then you can safely rely on your taste. Thoroughly wash the fruit and special device cut out the cores of the apples. If you do not have such a device, then you can immediately cut the apples in half and carefully cut the core with a knife.

    At this stage, the apples must be cut as shown in the photo and put in glass jar. Preservation storage containers must be thoroughly rinsed in boiling water with soda in advance. It is most convenient to use 3 liter jars to store such a workpiece.

    Our syrup base is plain water, which at this stage must be brought to a boil in a saucepan or saucepan. boiling water pour the apples in the jar, but carefully, otherwise the glass will burst from the temperature drop. From above, cover the neck of the jar loosely with a lid and leave the apples in this form for the next 15 minutes.

    After the specified time has elapsed, carefully pour the water back into the pan and bring it to a boil again. Repeat the above steps two more times.

    Before the third final pouring of boiling water into a jar of apples, we pour the amount of granulated sugar indicated in the ingredients. Now we roll the jars tightly and hermetically with prepared sterilized lids.

    Traditionally, we turn the preservation upside down and leave it in this form for the next 8-10 hours. When the workpiece has completely cooled, we rearrange the jars in the pantry or cool cellar. Apples in syrup for the winter in the simplest and most delicious recipe ready.

    Bon appetit!

Good day or night, my reader!

Hooray! I got jam from small apples, as it turned out once with my grandmother, during her life! The apple tree variety from which I prepared this miracle is called “Ural Bulk”.

As a child, I loved to feast on translucent apples in syrup. They were perfect for my grandmother. And this taste of childhood is simply unforgettable!

But due to the fact that in those days I was a child, I naturally did not need a recipe for this. The main thing is that it was very tasty and that's it. Real heavenly apples!

As an adult, I have not tried any methods of making this jam. The apples fell apart and that's it, it turned out to be porridge - malash. As a result, I threw into the far corner all my attempts to prepare this deliciousness and beauty. I must say that I rarely make jam at all. Instead, I intensively use freezing vegetables and fruits. But you can’t freeze apples, therefore, we store winter varieties, right up to the end of March, in a pit. Thankfully, this year's harvest allows for this.

Here, quite recently, my wonderful friend “dug up” on the Internet one simple recipe for making heavenly apples in syrup, cooked it herself, she succeeded, as a result, she shared with me. I listened, but did not burn with the desire to again take on an idea that was useless to me. I decided in the search engine to simply type the request I needed, to which, of course, the desired answer came.

I dared ... And I got apples in syrup exactly - in - exactly like my grandmother's! Look, taste, and quality! Transparent, amber, melting in the mouth. Joy knew no bounds! Finally, I didn’t explain on my fingers to my family about the taste of this, one might say, royal dessert, which she enjoyed in childhood, but gave it a try and prepared this pleasure for the winter.

Do you want me to share with you, my reader? Then write down or memorize the recipe and act!

Paradise apples, a recipe like grandma's


  • Apples(Ural Bulk or Golden Chinese) - 5 kg
  • Sugar - 2 kg 700g
  • Water - about 1.5 liters

My cooking method:

1. Wash the apples thoroughly, do not peel the stalks
2. We prick each apple with a fork or in several places with a toothpick, put it in an enamel basin

3. Cook the syrup - pour sugar into the water, bring to a boil and completely dissolve the sugar

5. Turn off the fire and leave the apples for a day (can be less) for impregnation
6. Bring to a boil and turn off again, leave for a day
7. Bring back to a boil and boil for about 3 - 4 minutes

Thus, we cook for about three days.

All! paradise apples like my grandma's ready!
