
How to make homemade chocolate: cooking recipes. Basic rules for melting chocolate

Milky and dark, porous and in the form of bars, with hazelnuts or peanuts, with yoghurt or fruit filling- the shelves are always full of the most different chocolate. With coffee, tea or just like that, tons of chocolate are eaten every day by children and adults.

Recipes for many desserts include it as a main and additional ingredient. But he himself can be an independent dessert, cooked on home kitchen. How to do this - read the material "AiF in Omsk".

Cinnamon, coffee, rum, marshmallow

“It is very easy to make chocolate at home. Of course, it is not always possible to find ingredients such as cocoa butter and grated cocoa, but these products can be replaced with natural cocoa powder. If you increase its amount, then the chocolate will turn out to be more bitter and hard,” explains Irina Nagnibeda, pastry chef at one of the popular Omsk restaurants.

Both children and adults love this delicacy. Photo: pixabay.com

If you can’t find cocoa butter in the store, then you can easily replace it with butter. For the most simple option homemade chocolate will need 50 grams. Melt the butter in a water bath, and then add 100 grams of cocoa powder and 10 grams (the same as one teaspoon) of sugar. Mix to a consistency thick sour cream, bring to a boil, reduce heat, cook for two minutes, and then cool, pour into a mold and freeze. This is the base, and then - great amount variations. For example, adding more cocoa - we get dark chocolate. As ingredients - vanilla or cinnamon, liquor, rum or cognac, brewed coffee (you can add orange peel), nuts or coconut flakes, pieces of wafers, cookies or marshmallows, nuts, dried fruits or fresh fruits and berries.

By the way, many people change sugar for honey or even jam (but it should be added after cooking). You can also use cane sugar. You can try instead of butter heavy cream or condensed milk, but in this case you should be careful with sugar - it can turn out very cloying.

Candy or tiles

“If you want to make milk chocolate, you can add milk or cream,” advises Irina Nagnibeda. - Here is his recipe: take 100 grams of milk, 50 grams of butter, 20 grams of cocoa powder and 15 grams of sugar. Heat milk, add cocoa and sugar. Continue heating, as soon as the mass begins to boil, add oil, lower the temperature and boil for a couple more minutes. Then you need to remove the chocolate from the heat, pour it into molds and put it in the refrigerator or freezer for a couple of hours.

Dessert can be decorated with chocolate: it will turn out both tasty and beautiful! Photo: pixabay.com

As for the shape, to get a tile, buy a special shape from the store. But you can also make sweets - an ice mold or molds for small cookies are suitable. Before pouring, it is worth lubricating the molds with oil.

Homemade chocolate should always be stored in the refrigerator until you or your guests eat it. By the way, it can also be used as a gift - you just need to pack it beautifully.

Since the outlandish cocoa beans came to the European continent, confectioners have no rest.

More and more delicious sweets they invent from products obtained from exotic fruits chocolate trees.

Sweet tooth also does not sit still.

Each of them at least once was lucky enough to make a delicacy at home, using both specially purchased ingredients and various little things from home stocks: nuts or vanilla, raisins or dried fruits.

The inventors of new forms of antidepressant (namely, chocolate) do not stop there, improving their culinary skills, inventing fresh sweet combinations and configurations. But for starters, a beginner in the home chocolate industry would do well to get acquainted with the basic recipes and general principles for making real chocolate at home.

Chocolate at home - general principles of preparation:

Don't skimp on products! The main ingredients of chocolate are cocoa powder, butter, sugar or honey, as well as nuts and raisins. Having bought a little fewer ingredients, you risk getting a delicacy of inadequate quality and taste at the output.

When making chocolate at home, remember that normal cooking temperatures quality chocolate not too high: no higher than 32 degrees Celsius. This is easy to check manually: touch the mixture with your hand - and if it does not burn the skin, then your chocolate is not ruined yet.

Connoisseurs say that the mixture should not be put on open fire, although some recipes indicate just such a method. But it is better to use a double boiler or a water bath.

Do not start making chocolate with industrial scale. Start with a small portion. If you are satisfied with the taste and quality, then you can make a larger portion of the treat.

To make the filling “inside” your sweets, add it in layers alternately with chocolate.

Filling for making delicious chocolate at home:

The filling for homemade chocolate can be any sweetness that you like. Some sweet tooth prefer nuts (peanuts, walnuts, hazelnuts) and dried fruits (raisins, dried apricots, prunes), others - citrus peel, the third - cracker or wafer crumb. The filling is crushed and added already in hot mix, then stir and pour into molds.

Recipes to help you cook delicious chocolate at home

Classic chocolate: nothing more

Don't even try to make an exact replica of a shop bar if you haven't stocked up on cocoa butter. It is this rare ingredient that allows sweets to keep their shape. But if your rarity hunt is still successful, you will receive delicious treat. This recipe is for lucky hunters.


Grated cocoa - 200 grams;

Cocoa butter - 40-50 grams;

Butter - 20 grams.

In a water bath or in a double boiler, melt both types of oils (cocoa and butter), then add grated cocoa, sugar (powder) to the mixture and stir until the composition becomes homogeneous. Then cool the contents of the bowl a little, pour into prepared molds and place in the refrigerator.

Vanilla chocolate "Refined" with nuts and dried fruits

If you have opted for vanilla chocolate, Then you will need following products:

Cocoa powder - 4 tbsp. l;

Milk - 100 ml;

Butter - 125 grams;

Sugar or powdered sugar - 1 cup;

Vanillin - half tsp;

Walnuts, raisins and dried fruits.

Pour milk into the container, then put on slow fire and warm up. Vanillin and sugar add to the warmed milk, without removing the bowl from the heat and constantly stirring the mixture. Then you need to make a separate water bath, melt the butter in it and pour the already melted butter into a container with milk and sugar. Cocoa powder is added there after mixing the previous ingredients. Then the container stays on low heat for about 25 minutes. The dried fruits or nuts chosen as the filling are added just before the chocolate is poured into the molds. A few hours in the refrigerator, and your treat is ready.

Coffee chocolate "for true gourmets"


Cocoa powder - 50 grams;

Powdered milk - 250 grams;

Sugar - 500 grams;

Butter - 250 grams;

Brewed ground coffee- 1 tsp;

Dried fruits, nuts, lemon peel, vanilla (to taste).

Before starting the main process, you should prepare the main “flavor” - coffee. Of course, the dosage depends only on your taste, but in basic recipe the following steps are suggested: 3/4 cup of water to one spoon of coffee. When the coffee boils, you need to add zest or vanilla to it and continue to boil for 4-5 minutes. small fire. Then strain the liquid removed from the stove from coffee pomace and again put the container on fire. When the coffee begins to rise, add cocoa and sugar to the mixture, and then boil for another five minutes.

Now the turn of powdered milk will come - it should be added here, mix thoroughly, turn off the heat and dissolve the butter, previously cut into pieces, in the resulting chocolate. The filling - nuts, candied fruits, raisins, dried apricots or prunes - are added to an almost ready-made delicacy at your discretion right before pouring into molds.

Milk chocolate "Gentle"


Cocoa powder 4 tbsp. l;

Butter - 50 grams;

Sugar - 1 tsp;

Milk - 100 grams.

In a suitable bowl, first you need to pour the milk and heat it up over medium heat. Next add sugar and cocoa powder. Meanwhile, the butter is melted in a separate container in a water bath, and then poured into a bowl with the main mixture, which, after adding the oil, should be brought to a boil. After that, the fire should be reduced and the chocolate should be cooked for another 2-3 minutes.

Chocolate "a little bit of everything"

Cooks who have tried next recipe, claim that the taste of this product is not much different from store-bought tiles. But in its composition - available ingredients, for which a zealous hostess does not need to run to the store - they will always be found in the kitchen cabinet and refrigerator.


Cocoa powder - 150 grams;

Butter - 70 grams;

Sugar or powdered sugar - 100 grams;

Milk - 5 tbsp. l.;

Flour - 1.5-2 tsp.

On low heat, warm the milk, gradually pouring sugar into it (or powdered sugar) and cocoa. Separately, in a water bath, you need to melt the butter, and then pour it into the milk mixture and mix. Continuing to stir, you need to bring the mass to a boil, and then turn off the heat.

Chocolate flour is first sifted through a fine sieve, added to the mixture and mixed thoroughly - so that there are no lumps left, as if you were preparing pancake dough. Now once again you need to turn on the fire and hold the mixture on it for about 2 minutes - until it boils.

As a result, the mixture will resemble sour cream in density. Slightly cooled chocolate should be poured into molds greased with oil, and then put in the freezer to harden. After 3-4 hours, the treat will be ready.

Dark chocolate "Elementary, Watson!"

This recipe does not provide for any tricks or an abundance of components.


Cocoa powder - 100 grams;

Butter - approximately 50 grams;

Granulated sugar- 1 tsp.

As you can easily understand from the list of ingredients, cocoa powder will be the most in this chocolate. Because chocolate will turn out bitter or bitter. More experienced confectioners will change the ratio of sugar and cocoa. But one detail should be taken into account: it is on the basis of these proportions that more complex chocolate desserts.

The process itself is very simple: the butter cut into pieces must be melted in a water bath, then add a mixture of cocoa and sugar. The result is a mass with the consistency of thick sour cream. The composition must be brought to a boil, and then cook for about 2 minutes, stirring evenly. Then everything is the same as in other recipes: the chocolate should be cooled down a little, poured into molds and put in the refrigerator or freezer.

Homemade chocolate "honey"

The simple process of making real honey chocolate is fully offset by the rarity of the two main ingredients and the long wait for the final product to be ready.


Grated cocoa - 400 grams;

Cocoa butter - 200 grams;

Liquid honey - 100 ml.

In a water bath, as it should be in cases with the “correct” chocolate, you need to melt the cocoa butter, then pour the grated cocoa into it in small portions and pour liquid honey. Heat the mixture to a temperature of about 40 degrees (not higher, because in this case spoil the properties of honey), and then pour into molds. To be ready, honey chocolate should “settle” at room temperature 8 to 12 hours until completely dry.

What you need to know when making real chocolate at home - secrets, tricks and tips

The more cocoa you add, the more bitter it will turn out. But the hardness of the delicacy also depends on the amount of cocoa!

If the chocolate made with flour has not set well in freezer, add more flour next time.

If instead white sugar cook chocolate with brown cane, then the delicacy will become much more useful. Cane sugar contains valuable minerals It also makes the chocolate taste better.

Chocolate that is chilled in the freezer will be firmer; chocolate that is refrigerated will be softer.

The milk provided by the recipe can be replaced with water, although some experienced confectioners do not recommend this.

From silicone molds chocolate is easier to extract.

WITH chocolate forgotten on the shelf of the refrigerator can work wonders ... And if you lack imagination, use the following tips and everything will be "chocolate". For starters, there are three categories of chocolate: dark, milk, and white. Black (bitter) chocolate must contain at least 35% cocoa, milk must contain 25%, and white consists solely of cocoa butter, which must be at least 20%. IN chocolate they also add pieces of various fruits, nuts, cereals, caramel... You can not only enjoy a bar of chocolate, but also make something out of it. Well, let's get started?

Chocolate inside and out

Of course, you can add chocolate to baked goods, such as a pie or cupcake, but first you need to melt it properly. First way - water bath. To do this, you need to cut the chocolate into thin pieces and place in a small bowl, which is then placed in another, more large capacity with water heated to 40 degrees. If you decide to melt dark chocolate, start stirring it as soon as it starts to melt, and milk and White chocolate stir constantly from the beginning.

You can melt chocolate in another way - using a microwave. Set it to low mode (even the “defrost” position will be enough) and heat from one to four minutes. From time to time, take out a bowl and stir the chocolate, especially white or milk chocolate: they should not be left unattended for more than a minute and a half. And finally, do not exceed the temperature of 50 degrees, so that any ingredient that you decide to add afterwards does not dissolve in the boiling chocolate mass.

Once the chocolate is melted, pour over it. ready-made bun or add it to your pastry dough. In fact, you can use pieces of unmelted chocolate for both dough and drizzle. For example, you can put chocolate on top of a bun, then put it in the oven, and then the sweet slices will melt, and the chocolate will take on bizarre shapes. For baking, you can use any chocolate, not necessarily the same that was added to the dough. For example, for the test, you can take dark chocolate, and put a piece of white on top of the bun. If you are using white chocolate, remember that it is quite fatty on its own, so try not to put too many fatty ingredients into the batter.

Chocolate is especially good for dessert.

Ice cream, poured with hot chocolate, sprinkled with nuts or cereal and laid out in beautiful vases, will decorate any afternoon snack. Try also mixing dark and white chocolate and adding it to italian dessert panna kota: no one can resist this! Incidentally, mixed chocolate mousses will be especially excellent if you add candied fruit to them.

An original and at first glance shocking find - Bell pepper in Apple pie order. Add red Espelette pepper to the ganache cream, then leave the dish to cool. After a while, take it out of the refrigerator, roll it into balls, sprinkle them with bitter cocoa, and now, the spicy truffles are ready.

Delicious dessert - chocolate fondue. Dip pieces of fruit or sweets into melted chocolate, in which, if desired, you can add spices (cinnamon, pepper ... vanilla is especially suitable for fondue). It's so delicious! To prepare fondue, you can use an ordinary saucepan in which chocolate will be heated. There are also sets of dishes specially designed for fondue, consisting of a fondue bowl, bowls, plates and forks.

Chocolate is also suitable for decorating cakes.

You don't hesitate to use chocolate as a frosting. To do this, it is necessary, gently stirring, to melt about 200 grams of dark chocolate and 100 grams of butter, and then distribute the resulting icing with a spatula. You can also mix chocolate with sour cream, and some add a little sugar.

To decorate an afternoon snack, cut a cupcake into equal pieces and dip each piece in the icing; then put on a plate and sprinkle with grated walnut A: It's simple but elegant. Put cupcakes in cool place to allow the chocolate to harden. And finally, profiteroles can be decorated with chocolate. Real jam!

A chocolate bar forgotten in the refrigerator can also be used to decorate dishes. Rub the chocolate on a grater to get shavings. You can also melt the chocolate, carefully pour it on the board, and then cut off large chips with a knife. There is another decoration: melt the chocolate, and then carefully pour it over parchment paper, creating bizarre shapes, such as a spiral. Just make sure that the layer of chocolate is not too thick. Then place your artwork in the freezer: the chocolate will harden and beautiful decoration for a cake.

Hot chocolate

In conclusion, it is worth talking about the most delicious hot chocolate, the memory of which makes you salivate. It is very easy to prepare at home, this hot drink, which slowly warm up, sitting on a sofa in a warm room and looking at the frost and cold outside the window.

All you need to make hot chocolate is a chocolate bar of your choice. It can be prepared for hastily: just melt the chocolate and heat it over low heat. To decorate the drink, you can dilute the chocolate with whipped cream and sprinkle cinnamon on top; it will look impressive and most importantly, delicious.

Sometimes you need to melt chocolate: for decorating a cake, for cooking chocolate sauce or just to pour ice cream on them. In order not to spoil the chocolate, but to get a plastic and homogeneous mass, you need to know some tricks.

You can heat any chocolate: black, milk or white. The main rule for all types is not to overheat it. At too high a temperature, any chocolate becomes very thick and lumps form in it. It is better to melt chocolate in a water bath. The second thing you should never do is add water to melted chocolate. The water or steam from the lid that is sometimes placed on the chocolate will change the consistency of the chocolate to a more runny one, and it will not be tender and gooey. To dilute it a little, it is better to add cream or butter to a container with chocolate.

The third rule for proper melting of chocolate is to constantly stir it. If this is not done, then the chocolate will melt unevenly, and with further cooling, solid inclusions will form in it.

Melt the chocolate in a water bath as follows:
  1. Pour water into a small saucepan and bring it to a boil.
  2. Break the chocolate bar into pieces and place in a bowl.
  3. Place the bowl on top of the saucepan so that the bottom does not touch the boiling water.
  4. Add 20-30 grams of butter or a couple of tablespoons of fresh heavy cream to the chocolate.
  5. Constantly stir the chocolate, preferably with a silicone spatula.

You can melt chocolate in microwave oven, but this is a more laborious method. In this case, the oven door will have to be constantly opened to stir the chocolate. So:
  1. Break the chocolate bar into pieces and place them in a ceramic bowl.
  2. Heat chocolate at maximum power for one minute.
  3. Stir the chocolate every 30 seconds until it is completely melted.

In this case, add butter or cream at the very end and mix the resulting chocolate mass well.

If you follow the melting process very carefully, then chocolate can be melted simply over an open fire:
  1. Turn on the gas or electric stove at the lowest power.
  2. Place the chocolate pieces in a small saucepan with a double bottom.
  3. Add cream or butter if desired.
  4. Put the saucepan on the fire and constantly stir the chocolate until it is completely melted.

With this method of melting, the chocolate can be removed from the stove before it is all melted. Some of the smallest pieces will “get” to the right condition due to the heat that the double bottom of the pan provides. But you need to stir the chocolate even after removing it from the heat.

Following our advice, you will melt chocolate quickly and efficiently. And then decorate them with a cake, ice cream or fruit dessert. Keep in mind that if you do not add butter or cream to the chocolate, it will begin to solidify again, and quite quickly. So melted chocolate should be used immediately for its intended purpose.

In the minds of most people, chocolate is bars wrapped in foil and colorful labels on store shelves. But chocolate is not so difficult to make yourself. In addition to the fact that this is a fascinating process (every housewife is curious to try herself as a confectioner-chocolatier), you will be absolutely sure of your chocolate, its composition and ingredients that do not contain preservatives, thickeners, hardeners and other chemicals.

To the question: “How are you at home? "- there is a simple answer:" Elementary! » Ten to fifteen minutes for preparation and for the entire production process - and you are the proud owner of a plate of hot chocolate. We form it and put it in the freezer - further your participation is not required. After a couple of hours, you are not afraid of suddenly arriving guests - at any moment you are ready to treat them to tea with homemade chocolate.

The basis of the foundations of any real chocolate

Responsible and scrupulous housewives often face a difficult choice for them. How to do homemade chocolate- from cocoa powder or ready-made cocoa mixtures, or is it better to look for cocoa beans? If we take as a basis ready mix, you need to be firmly confident in its high quality.

In other cases, as they say, if in doubt - do not take it. Grinding cocoa beans like the ancient Mayans is, of course, original, but very laborious. And the process should be fun. Time-tested cocoa powder without unnecessary additives is all that is needed to solve the question of how to make chocolate with your own hands.

Step by step instruction

Gathering the Ingredients

What should a beginner (and an experienced one too) have a chocolatier at hand? Three main components - cocoa powder, butter ( perfect option- cocoa butter) and sugar. All other additives are already variations on the chocolate theme.

The process itself - how to make homemade chocolate - recipe

The essence of all chocolate recipes comes down to one thing. By experimenting, you will find your ideal proportions.

Recipe one

How to make homemade chocolate - dark chocolate recipe. Melt the butter in a suitable container. When it boils, add sugar (can be replaced with honey) and cocoa to taste. Approximately measure out the amount of cocoa powder until you are satisfied with the density and consistency of your chocolate. An extreme option is the consistency of thick sour cream. This is the limit - a more viscous structure will only harm your chocolate.

Consider the fact that the more cocoa, the harder and bitter dark chocolate. Pour into molds (you can not bother and pour into a regular deep plate), let cool and hide in the freezer. A couple of hours - and you can evaluate the result.

Recipe two

This recipe answers the question of how to make homemade milk chocolate. You will need:

  • cocoa powder;
  • sugar;
  • milk;
  • Butter.

The proportions will be as follows - respectively - 4 tablespoons, 1 teaspoon, 2 tablespoons. Oils - 50 g. Then boldly proceed according to the standard scheme described above.

Little chocolate tricks

  • In the freezer, the chocolate is harder, but in the refrigerator, the opposite is true.
  • Instead of milk, water will do.
  • If you put honey in chocolate instead of sugar, then try not to heat it above 40 degrees, which will save everything. beneficial features honey. Honey can be added after the chocolate has cooled down a bit.
  • For variety, add toppings - dried fruits, nuts, wafer crumbs, vanilla for flavor - everything will go into business when making homemade chocolate.

Making chocolate at home is easy. Don't be afraid to experiment and add to standard recipes your flair!
