
How to cook fillet in soy sauce. With sesame seeds

Doctors in all media sources say that for a fulfilling life, we simply absolutely need to consume protein every day.

But this does not mean that you need to eat egg whites around the clock, you can replace them with fried chicken fillet in soy sauce in a frying pan. You can eat it all the time without fear that you will get tired of it, because it is always a pleasure to see such a dish on your table.

Despite the fact that soy filling in China appeared in antiquity, the Russians recognized it relatively recently. Since in ancient China attention was always paid to healthy food and seasoning, so the sauce is no exception.

It contains amino acids, vitamins and minerals. Unfortunately, today the fight against cancer is relevant. And surprisingly, the marinade acts as a good prophylactic in this matter. Improves blood circulation and is rich in proteins. Therefore, soaking meat in it is not only tasty, but also healthy.

By the way, soy sauces are divided into dark and light, thick and thinner. Thick ones are already being presented to ready meals, and liquid ones are added during the cooking process. Light - takes part in the preparation of complex fillings, with the addition of garlic and spices. Dark - independent marinade, with a rich pronounced taste.

Pan-fried chicken in soy sauce


  • — 700 g + -
  • - 4 tablespoons + -
  • - 4 tablespoons + -
  • - taste + -

How to cook chicken fillet in soy sauce in a pan

  1. As soon as we brought the chilled chicken home, we proceed to marinate it. Slice the white meat into thin slices. We put it in a deep container.
  2. Pour in oil and soy sauce, sprinkle with pepper. You can choose soy liquid according to your taste. For this recipe suitable Japanese.
  3. We leave for a quarter of an hour.
  4. Heat the pan along with the oil over medium heat.
  5. Fry the chicken pieces on both sides, spending 2-3 minutes on each. Put the finished layers on a plate with steamed vegetables and enjoy fine taste and aroma.

Not many housewives like to fry the fillet, because it turns out to be rather dry. Thanks to the preliminary marinating, the meat will turn out incredibly tender and juicy.

Asian-style chicken fillet with soy sauce


  • Chicken fillet - 500 g;
  • Soy sauce - 60 ml;
  • Garlic - 4 cloves;
  • Sesame seed - 2 tablespoons;
  • Vegetable oil - 15 ml.

How to fry chicken in soy sauce in a pan

  1. Sliced ​​white meat small pieces.
  2. We clean the garlic, pass it through a garlic press.
  3. Pour the sauce into a deep container, pour sesame seeds into it. We stir in the garlic.
  4. Immerse the meat in the marinade, stir.
  5. Marinate for at least half an hour.
  6. Fry the soaked meat together with the marinade until fully prepared in a heated pan with oil.

A side dish for such meat can be vegetable, or maybe cereal. In China, such meat is preferred to be served with steamed vegetables and boiled rice. Surprisingly, there is no salt in rice, but nevertheless this does not spoil the overall impression of the dish.

Chicken fillet is an ambiguous meat. On the one hand, it is very healthy and literally stuffed with proteins, on the other hand, it does not taste very good in the sense that it turns out to be dryish. Even roasted in the oven fragrant chicken fillet is far from the most desired and tidbit. And about boiled breast and there is no need to speak. It's good for salads. IN pure form many eat it with great reluctance and in case of emergency.

However, there are many ways to make the fillet more juicy and attractive in terms of taste. For what it is enough just to marinate. For example, in soy sauce. Moreover, this method involves fast cooking. That is, you do not need to mess with the oven, everything can be done on the stove. And we want to offer you several options for preparing such a dish and tell you how chicken fillet is cooked in soy sauce in a pan. The recipes below are quite simple and do not require a special set of ingredients. But first, a few words about the sauce itself.

Asian Cuisine Favorite

Having a slightly salty and slightly sharp taste, the sauce can work wonders. IN Asian cuisine it is used in cooking huge amount dishes. While our chefs sometimes clearly underestimate him. While, say, even the same chicken fillet in soy sauce, cooked in a pan, turns out surprisingly tender and juicy. Which, as you know, is completely uncharacteristic of this meat.

The easiest way

This recipe, according to which chicken fillet is cooked in soy sauce in a pan, can certainly be called the simplest. The set of ingredients in this case is minimal, as well as the cooking time itself. To bring it to life, you need only half a kilogram (if you have a large frying pan, then you can take more) chicken fillet, four tablespoons of soy sauce, the same amount of vegetable oil and a pinch of black pepper. Here, even salt is not needed, since the sauce is already completely saturated with it.

What should be done?

Cut the meat very thinly, into long strips. Pour soy sauce + vegetable oil into the meat, then pepper and mix everything thoroughly. Leave to marinate like this. Preferably for half an hour, but if you are in a hurry, then 15 minutes will be enough. Then fry in oil and enough big fire, stirring constantly. If there is a lot of meat, then fry the chicken fillet in soy sauce in a pan better in portions. So that it only covers the bottom of the dish, and does not lie in layers. This will not take much time, since four minutes will be enough to prepare one serving. As a side dish, fried cauliflower. But in principle, one can mashed potatoes or vegetable salad. It will still turn out to be a very tasty dish.

We complicate the recipe

You can, of course, cook chicken fillet in soy sauce in a pan in other ways. Moreover, having tried to implement all the options we have proposed, you will understand that dry white meat can turn out to be very tasty and juicy. But back to our recipe. So let's get ready. We cut half a kilogram of fillet in the same way as in the previous case - into thin stripes. We spread the meat in a bowl, pour in four tablespoons of the sauce, knead and leave to marinate. Ten minutes will be enough. Then pour three tablespoons of starch into the meat, stir. We fry the chicken fillet in soy sauce in a pan, over high heat and vegetable oil, adding a few cloves of chopped garlic beforehand (we take the amount to taste). After five minutes, you will need to pour in half a glass of chicken broth, after which you need to keep the pan on fire until the dish thickens. Before serving, it is recommended to sprinkle the meat with sesame seeds, which must first be fried.

Fillet with soy sauce and honey

We offer another, this time a very peculiar recipe for chicken fillet in soy sauce. IN this case honey will be present among the ingredients. Enough strange combination components, however, makes it possible to get a dish that has surprisingly exquisite taste. What should be done? Mix a tablespoon of honey and dry wine (white), and then add three of the same spoons of soy sauce to them. Cut half a kilogram of chicken fillet arbitrarily, but not very large, mix with the resulting mixture, and then send to a frying pan with hot vegetable oil. Fry over very high heat, stirring constantly.

Replace honey with oranges

From two oranges you need to remove the peel, then cut them into pieces, pour half a glass of water in a saucepan, put on a small fire. As soon as it boils, add a couple of tablespoons of sugar. Cook, stirring often, for five minutes, no more. Mix five or six crushed garlic cloves with two tablespoons of mustard and four soy sauce. Send all this to the oranges after they have cooled. Chicken fillet (seven hundred grams) cut arbitrarily and put in a pan. Add vegetable oil and pour in the resulting orange-soy mixture. Simmer for forty minutes under the lid, then fry without it for about seven minutes over high heat. Serve with rice.

How to cook chicken fillet in soy sauce in a pan, on skewers

Four chicken breasts cut lengthwise into pieces about a centimeter and a half wide. Then mix five tablespoons of the sauce with lemon juice and vegetable oil (the last two ingredients will need a tablespoon each). Pour five crushed garlic cloves into the resulting mixture, pour it all into the meat, stir. Leave to marinate for an hour. Then put the meat on skewers and twist it so that you end up with a spiral. Then put the meat in a pan with preheated vegetable oil, fry it on both sides over high heat (three minutes on each side). Close the lid and keep on medium heat for another five minutes.

Chicken fillet cooked in this way in soy sauce in a pan (the photo above clearly demonstrates this) turns out to be very beautiful. When serving, the dish can be additionally sprinkled with fried sesame seeds, and rice and vegetables can be used as a side dish.


Recipe: Braised Chicken Breast - Chicken breasts in honey and soy sauce braised in a pan

boneless chicken breast - 2 pcs. ;

soy sauce sen soy classic - 2 tbsp. l. ;

onion (medium size) - 1 pc. ;

sunflower oil - 2 tbsp. l. ;

garlic - 3 cloves

So, let's get started: For example, I took 2 pieces of chicken breast.

Put the breasts in the marinade for a couple of hours, but you can do more, the more, the tastier, but without fanaticism, for a maximum of 4-5 hours.

Leave the chicken to marinate for 4-5 hours. I needed it quickly, and I only marinated it for 1.5 hours.

After 1.5 hours, pour oil into the pan and put finely chopped garlic there.

Roast it lightly for a nice flavor.

Then put the chicken breasts there along with the marinade. I cut them into pieces first.

Roasted for 5 minutes.

Then she closed the lid and stewed under the lid for half an hour.

The aroma after removing the lid is amazing.

This is what the finished chicken breast looks like.

My garnish has become buckwheat. Can also be served with rice.

I poured all the sauce on top, which was formed when stewing from the marinade with onions. The breast turned out tender, soft and juicy, you can not even chew.))


How to fry chicken breast in a skillet

Chicken dishes amaze with their variety and splendor, and all because with meat poultry you can do anything: fry, boil, bake, smoke, put on cutlets or sausage. The chicken breast in soy sauce in a pan is especially tasty; not a single gourmet and lover of fried meat can refuse such a roast.

Here are a couple of recipes tender meat so that you and your family can enjoy the amazing taste of the dish that absolutely everyone in the household will like!

Chicken breast in soy sauce: oriental recipe

The dish itself is quite unusual, but we propose to make it even more original. To do this, we need 20 minutes of time and oriental recipe frying chicken in a pan - with honey and spices that give it spicy taste and intoxicating aroma.

Ingredients (quantity is calculated for 4 servings)

  • Chicken breasts - 500 g;
  • Natural honey - 3 tablespoons;
  • Garlic - 4 cloves;
  • Vegetable oil - for frying;
  • Salted soy sauce - 4 tbsp.

Spices for Oriental Chicken (quantity to taste)

  • Curry;
  • Ground black pepper;
  • ground ginger;
  • Sesame - 1 handful or to taste.

  1. We wash the breasts and cut into portions.
  2. We clean the cloves of garlic, chop them in a garlic maker (or three on a fine grater).
  3. Mix the breasts with garlic mass and soy sauce, salt, add all the seasonings.
  4. Put honey and mix everything well.
  5. Remove chicken breasts cool place for 1 hour, let them marinate properly.
  6. After an hour, heat the pan by adding a little vegetable oil to it.
  7. We spread the pickled breasts in a pan, reduce the heat and fry on both sides until golden brown.
  8. At the end, sprinkle the chicken with sesame seeds, mix everything, wait two minutes and remove from the stove. The dish is ready!

Chicken breast in soy sauce with lemon


  • Chicken meat (breast) - 450 g + -
  • Soy sauce - 100 ml + -
  • Lemon - 1 pc. + -
  • White granulated sugar - 1 tbsp. + -
  • Olive oil - 2 tbsp. + -
  • Purified water - 90-100 ml + -

How to fry chicken breasts with soy sauce

Another option for cooking breast with soy sauce is frying with lemon. This preparation will take a little more time (about 25 minutes), but the dish will turn out to be no worse than the “oriental” chicken. In a word, a couple of servings of delicious fried chicken for a family or gala dinner you are provided!

  1. Pour into the pan olive oil and put it on the stove to heat up the oil.
  2. At this time, rinse the breasts and dry them with a paper towel.
  3. We put the chicken in a pan with oil and fry for 4 minutes on each side over high heat (this is necessary to preserve the juiciness of the meat).
  4. We wash the lemon, cut it into slices, squeeze the juice out of it, avoiding the seeds getting into the juice.
  5. Pour into skillet with fried chicken lemon juice, some water and soy sauce. Cover and simmer the breasts over medium heat for 5 minutes.
  6. Remove the lid and, if the chicken breasts are not yet ready, then bring them to readiness, frying without a lid.
  7. Remove the cooked meat from the pan and cut into small pieces.
  8. We leave the sauce on the stove so that it is slightly reduced.

That's it - the dish is ready! Arrange the chicken breast pieces on plates and drizzle with soy sauce from the pan just before serving. You can also serve an appetizer fresh vegetables, mashed potatoes, rice, buckwheat porridge and other side dishes.

Now you know how to cook chicken breast in soy sauce in a pan. Take advantage of our advice and original recipes, To obtain gourmet treat With great taste. Surprise yourself and your guests with your culinary skills, and brag to other housewives about how delicious and appetizing you can cook simple dishes.

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Chicken fillet in soy sauce in a pan

Soy sauce - 2-3 tbsp.

Powdered garlic - 1 tsp

Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.

Cooking instructions

Today I will offer you my favorite chicken fillet recipe when guests are on the doorstep, and you have chicken fillet and some soy sauce in the refrigerator. The fillet turns out juicy, acquires beautiful colour when fried in a pan.

So, to cook chicken fillet in soy sauce in a pan, you don’t need a lot of products and time.

Chicken fillet cut into small cubes.

In a bowl, mix soy sauce, vegetable oil and garlic powder.

Put the pieces of chicken fillet in the resulting marinade and let the meat marinate for only 10-15 minutes.

We heat the pan and put the meat into it along with the marinade.

IMPORTANT: We do not add vegetable oil for frying, we have it in the marinade. We do not add salt either, since the soy sauce is salty, but if salt is not enough for you, add a little more soy sauce to the pan when frying the meat.

Fry the meat in a pan until tender, 20-25 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Serve chicken fillet cooked in a pan in soy sauce, sprinkled with sesame seeds.

Can be marinated in soy marinade string chicken fillet pieces on skewers and fry in a grill pan. Here, do as you please.

Serve fried chicken breast with soy sauce with rice, boiled potatoes or vegetables.

To be honest, I tried this dish for the first time yesterday. This is despite the fact that I was told about him ten years ago. But they told me, but did not give a try. And when they began to recommend me to cook chicken fillet marinated in soy sauce right on the site, in the comments, I decided that it was time to cook it. I did not interfere with chicken breasts with soy sauce, only because I was afraid that the children would not eat. Ate!!! And they asked for more!

Ingredients for Chicken in Soy Sauce:

chicken breasts 600-700 gr.

3-4 tablespoons soy sauce (Japanese is best)

3-4 tablespoons vegetable oil

black pepper

Cooking chicken fillet in soy sauce:

As always, I take chilled chicken breasts. They need to be cut into thin slices. I do it at a slight slope - I plast like a fish. This makes the final dish look better. Yes, and I have another idea where to add ready-made breasts so that they become part of another dish. Add soy sauce, vegetable oil to the chopped breasts, pepper well and mix. Leave to marinate for 10-15 minutes.

Heat a skillet with vegetable oil to above medium heat. Small portions(I got three) fry the chicken fillet on both sides. Total time frying literally 3-4 minutes.

Chicken fillet cooked according to this recipe is very tender and juicy. It can be served hot, I have it as a side dish, fortunately, now you can buy it all year round. However, as I wrote above, I want to put them in the composition of another dish. As regular readers correctly guessed, we are talking about. Bon appetit!!!

Chicken fillet in soy sauce is a simple and fast food on every day. The chicken is soft, juicy, bright taste soy sauce and ginger. Such a dish will perfectly complement sports nutrition, because chicken fillet with soy sauce contains practically no fat and most consists of protein, which is necessary for muscle growth.


  • Chicken fillet (breast) - 700 g
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Garlic - 2-3 cloves
  • Ginger root (ground or fresh) - 2 tsp ground or 3 tbsp. spoons of fresh
  • Soy sauce - 1/3 cup
  • Sugar sand - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Balsamic vinegar - 2 tbsp. spoons


Prepare the chicken fillet. Wash it, remove the fat and cut into thin strips. The thinner the chicken is cut, the better it will soak and, accordingly, it will be tastier. For thin cut, you must first cut each fillet lengthwise into 3 parts, and then cut each part into strips.

In a skillet, heat up some olive oil or sunflower oil and lay out the chicken. First, fry the chicken fillet over high heat until it acquires a lighter shade, and then cover the pan with a lid and leave to simmer. Simmer the chicken over low heat with the lid closed for 10 minutes.

Transfer the finished chicken to a pre-prepared container, and use the oil remaining in the pan for further preparation, namely for frying onions.

Peel the onion and cut into small cubes. Peel and finely chop the garlic too. Do not crush garlic in a garlic press, as it may burn when cooked.

Add a little vegetable oil to the pan, if there is not enough left, and put the onion and garlic. If you are using fresh ginger, then clean it, grate it and put it in the pan too. Sauté the onion and garlic over low heat until soft and lightly browned, about 15 minutes. If you are using ground ginger, like me, then pour it into the onion and garlic 5 minutes before being ready.

While the onions are cooking, mix the soy sauce in a separate bowl, balsamic vinegar And granulated sugar. Pour the resulting sauce into the prepared onion with garlic and ginger. Don't be afraid to add sugar, the chicken won't be sweet, the sugar will only bring out the flavor of the soy sauce.

Bring the sauce to a boil and put the pre-fried chicken fillet in the sauce. You can also add some dried basil if you like.

Thoroughly mix the chicken with the sauce, cover the pan with a lid and leave the chicken to cook for another 5 minutes. After 5 minutes, the chicken fillet with soy sauce is ready. Serve hot with any side dish of your choice. For example, such a chicken goes well with rice. This is such a simple recipe for a very tasty chicken.

Bon appetit!

You can watch a funny video below:

Hello dear visitor of my blog. You are interested in juicy chicken fillet in soy sauce in a pan. Let me congratulate you, you true gourmet with excellent taste.

Chicken meat, the most popular in the world, but sometimes we cook it not quite right, this often affects the quality and, first of all, the taste. Using step by step way cooking, I will tell you how to cook chicken meat properly.

After watching this recipe, you will be able to cope with almost any meat dish cooked in the oven or in a frying pan.


1. Chicken fillet - 300 gr.

2. Bulgarian pepper - 150 gr.

3. Oil (for frying)

4. Boiled rice (for serving)

5. Garlic - 3 cloves

6. Salt to taste


1. Soy sauce - 5 tablespoons

2. Apple cider vinegar - 2 tbsp.

3. Water - 5 tablespoons

4. Starch - 1 tsp

5. Sugar - 1 tbsp.

Additional Information:

Chicken fillet, one of the most popular ingredients. Thousands of dishes are prepared from it various countries peace. Today's recipe belongs Chinese cuisine for which many thanks to their chefs.

Cooking method:

1. Let's start cooking. Cut the fillet into small pieces of elongated shape.

2. Prepare bell pepper, clean it from seeds, rinse, cut into strips. With pepper, this dish takes on a very amazing taste, it soaks all the ingredients entirely.

3. One more spicy seasoning which completely subjugates taste sensations off the dish, it's garlic. Without it, it will be completely different, the main thing is not to overdo it with garlic, otherwise you will kill the whole dish.

4. Soy sauce, Apple vinegar, water, starch and sugar are mixed in one bowl. To prepare this composition, I use the best soy sauce and thanks to it, the taste of the meat becomes great.

5. Take a free frying pan, put a little vegetable oil in it, bring it to optimal temperature. Fry the chopped chicken fillet in vegetable oil until white. I had a lot of fillets, so I roasted in two stages, dividing the meat into 2 portions.

6. We have this dish with vegetables, it is important to prepare them. Of the vegetables, we only have bell pepper, so let's heat it up.

We place the pepper and garlic in a hot frying pan, pass for a couple of minutes.

7. Add the chicken that was previously fried to the pepper. Pour soy sauce mixed with other ingredients into a pan. Cook for 15 minutes until the sauce thickens. Thickening occurs due to the starch that is part of the sauce.

Many people ask me a question, but how to marinate meat? The answer is, in this recipe, the pickling process occurs during cooking.

8. Separately, boil the rice for this dish, the recipe for its preparation.

Unfortunately, meat in soy sauce cannot be served and eaten as independent dish. The dish goes best with rice side dish, can be served with peeled boiled potatoes, and in extreme cases with boiled buckwheat.

This is where I will finish my recipe, thank you for reading this article to the end, cook more often!
