
Weird but delicious food combinations. Building the taste of a dish: how to combine ingredients

The classics are boring. It is impossible to choose the right outfits all the time, carefully combining shades and tones. Sometimes the soul asks - no, it demands - courage, originality and showiness! Contrasting, bright and stylish will help you stand out from the crowd. Interestingly, for the most part they fit into the rules of the standard color wheel, but are rarely used in images due to excessive saturation.

Unusual color combinations: not easy, but tasteful!

The color combination palette dictates choosing outfits using five simple rules:

  1. from two to five shades in one look;
  2. distribution of volumes of colors into primary, secondary and accent;
  3. permission for any combination of pastel shades;
  4. versatility in the use of achromatic colors;
  5. a combination of contrasting or related shades.

This is the last point that will be discussed: after all, most of the unusual color combinations are based on the combination of contrasts. That is, these are couples officially approved by stylists, but rarely used and therefore especially spectacular.

Contrasts. We create bright images!

Color combinations in clothes are more often non-conflict, soft and, unfortunately, hackneyed. In order not to look “like everyone else”, but at the same time not to violate the rules of combinatorics, it is recommended to use the circle of color combinations in clothes in a new way: take shades of opposite sectors.

Applying this rule and using the spectacular work of designers and stylists, it is easy to highlight high-quality contrasting pairs that will always look good in a look. Good, but unbanal - which is what a fashionable lady needs!

These color pairs include:

  1. Gray and pink. Favorite combination of Christian Dior, which he actively used in the development , and then in other collections. Calm gray and coquettish pink - harmonious, spectacular and very feminine.
  2. Green and red. A combination condemned by many, although in fact it is allowed and permissible by fashion. It looks great in the summer-autumn period and will easily drive away the blues and dull mood.

  1. Yellow and purple/lilac. Another conflicting option, but officially allowed by the color wheel. It looks good when in the image both shades are represented by equal volumes, and the third color is calm and achromatic.
  2. Blue and black. Surprisingly, this option has long been classified as a fashion bad manners. However, the blue-black options are very effective: a moderately cold combination, but rich in tone and businesslike in mood.
  3. Orange and red. Good, but not very favorite due to the brightness of the couple. Looks great in a muted range of both shades. Suitable for autumn walks and casual looks.

Color combinations in clothes 2016 recommend neutral pleasantness: the tones are predominantly gentle, natural and muted. But this does not mean that bright images should be abandoned before the change of the fashion trend. Not at all! Excellent pairs of unusual color combinations are perfect for creating unique stylistic compositions and ensembles. The main thing is not to abuse the variety and follow the advice recommended by stylists.


Many write that some recipes are not unusual, while others have not tried them. What do you think about this?

Unusual flavor combinations

Many very original options have come in, and here are the best of them:

Melt a thin piece of cheese on top of a piece of apple pie.

Hummus on a bagel.

Cold espresso poured into a glass of beer.

Cream cheese along with regular cheese inside grilled cheese.

Pour some honey over the fried chicken.

Potato chips with apple mousse.

Put butter in coffee and stir.

Pop a donut in the microwave for 15 seconds and it tastes much better.

Dip a fried potato (French fries) into an apple shake.

Unusual food combinations

Eat a lemon or orange in the shower.

One of the users shared an interesting story: a slight swelling appeared in the throat, which eventually blocked the salivary glands and prevented the release of saliva. The doctor prescribed antibiotics, but it was decided to look for another option. Then the doctor advised to try to eat a lemon during a long stay in a hot shower. The heat widened the passage, and the lemon made her salivate.

Pepperoni pizza with salad dressing (mayonnaise, sour cream, buttermilk, garlic, green onions and other seasoning seasonings).

Puree pizza.

A little soy sauce on top of vanilla ice cream.

Chicken broth with noodles and peanut butter sandwiches.

Unusual combinations of ingredients

Sprinkle the popcorn with pepper.

Waffles with peanut butter and maple syrup.

Sprinkle the pineapple slices and watermelon slices with salt.

Other food combinations

Some more unusual food combinations

Pineapple with blue cheese

These products enrich each other. The sourness of the blue cheese balances out the sweetness of the pineapple.

Strawberries with Parmesan

If sweet strawberries are sprinkled with grated parmesan, which contains butyric acid (it is also found in chocolate). This acid, along with the flavonoids found in strawberries, creates a rich flavor.

Dark chocolate with beets

Beetroot salad can be sprinkled with grated chocolate (preferably black) for a richer flavor. The fact is that beets get their flavor from substances like geozyme and pyrazine (which is also found in dark chocolate). Beetroot with chocolate gives an unusual combination of sweet and bitter.

Dark chocolate with ketchup

As a rule, ketchup is poured over meat or potatoes. But it is worth noting that notes of tomato can be seen in the taste of dark chocolate, and pouring it with ketchup, these notes are enhanced, which enriches the taste of chocolate.

Pickled cucumber ice cream

Pickled cucumber contains salt, which is needed for blood circulation, as well as for cellular metabolism, while ice cream contains sugar and fat, which give our body energy. Our brains will love the combination of vital ingredients, even if they are, at first glance, very strange.

Delicious food combinations

White chocolate covered with black or red caviar

Popular British culinary specialist Heston Blumenthal knew that only a small amount of something salty can enrich the taste of white chocolate and soften its sweetness a little. He conducted many experiments and eventually realized that the greatest taste effect occurs when red caviar is placed on a bar of white chocolate.

French fries covered with chocolate spread (such as Nutella)

Salt is known for its ability to enhance flavor, and this also applies to sweets. Potatoes contain salt, and if you pour them with chocolate paste, the dessert will become even sweeter. Instead of pasta, you can use a chocolate milkshake.

Fruit sprinkled with chili peppers

In Mexico, this combination is quite popular. Chili, which causes blood flow to the taste buds, is best paired with watermelon, pineapple, coconut, orange, and melon.

Coffee with orange

If you like coffee in the morning, try adding some orange juice to it. If you like coffee with milk, then juice is added instead of milk. Orange softens the bitterness of coffee (usually sugar does, which is often added).

Avocado with hot chocolate

Blended avocados add a new, creamy flavor to hot chocolate.

A dress with sneakers, sandals with socks, pajamas as an evening dress - twenty years ago, such fashionable experiments could only cause bewilderment, but today fashionistas can no longer surprise them. 7 unexpected fashion combinations that will play into your hands - in our new selection!

Dress + sneakers

photomedia / ImaxTree

This trend has been around for several years - at first, even the most advanced fashionable girls took it with hostility, continuing to complement dresses and skirts with shoes and heeled sandals. However, normcore began its active offensive, and as a result, our bastions fell - sneakers look really cool with "girl" outfits, allowing us to combine femininity and convenience.

Coat + pumps

photomedia / ImaxTree


This combination is very popular in the West - we, unfortunately, most often have to reckon with the harsh Russian climate. But if you want, then a couple of weeks in the spring and the same amount in the fall, we can easily afford to play Carrie Bradshaw, who loved to flaunt with bare legs even in winter. The best options are a camel coat with nude shoes.

Pants + dress

photomedia / ImaxTree

This trend is not new at all - women began to experiment in this way in the early 20th century, then it returned in the bohemian 70s and grunge 90s. Today, designers again offer us to remember the past. The most obvious and easy to repeat option is a shirt dress over trousers. It is important that the dress has a free cut (if you wish, you can emphasize the waist with a belt) and is in harmony with the bottom of the outfit. By the way, this season the brands decided to make life easier for us and released a lot of "twos" of the pants-dress format.

Sandals + socks

photomedia / ImaxTree

Yes, we are not joking - sandals can be worn with socks, but, let's make a reservation right away, we are not talking about nylon hosiery. Fashion gurus have gone even further and recommend that we complement graceful sandals with a pair of thin straps with high socks or golfs (in this case they need to be carelessly lowered) made of dense material. Special chic - sandals with cashmere socks. This combination will save you if you didn’t have time to work up in new shoes in the summer.

Summer dress + Cossack boots

This image - the personification of the "festival" fashion - has long reached Russia. Not immediately, but it was nevertheless accepted and appreciated. A contrasting combination of a light dress made of flowing thin fabric and coarse “Cossacks” will look appropriate not only at a musical event or a picnic, but also just for a walk around the city. The main thing is to choose shoes made of genuine leather or suede - "leatherette" in the summer your legs will not appreciate.

Pajamas + evening dress code

photomedia / ImaxTree

Rihanna, Jessica Alba and Uliana Sergeenko have been calmly “walking” this trend for many years, and you still don’t dare to impress with all the specially bought silk pajamas? Try a compromise - wear a pajama top with leather skinny or culottes, and complement the pajama pants with stiletto sandals and an oversized jacket. The only “but” is that you should definitely not go to work in such an outfit, unless you work in a fashion publication.

The mere thought of combining certain ingredients can make you feel disgusted and lose your appetite. Nevertheless, unusual combinations appear all the time and often it turns out that this is something extremely tasty! Check out the list of these combinations and see if you're willing to take the risk.

Macaroni and cottage cheese

You may have heard of the combination of macaroni and mayonnaise, but serving them with cheese, which you usually spread on a sandwich, can be strange. However, there is no doubt that the taste will be excellent! The cream cheese will create a creamy sauce when warmed up. If you leave macaroni and cheese in the refrigerator, you get an original salad. You can also try pasta with cottage cheese. It's more affordable than with ricotta. In lasagne, for example, you won't even taste cottage cheese, but this product will increase the amount of protein and make the texture creamy and appetizing.

Cola and chicken

The next time you cook chicken, try adding cola. The acidity of the drink makes the meat more tender, in addition, the dish will have an original flavor. Some people stew chicken with fizzy drink, but cola can also be used as a marinade.

Strawberries in Caprese salad

Sweet strawberries seem like an odd addition to a savory salad like Caprese. Nevertheless, the combination of strawberries with balsamic vinegar and basil leaves turns out to be very tasty. The sweetness will be emphasized more brightly, and this is a great option for a season when fresh tomatoes are not available. Even fresh imported berries will seem tastier in this combination.

Eggs and maple syrup

You may combine these ingredients in one breakfast, but you are unlikely to eat at the same time. And in vain! Combined with the runny yolk, the maple syrup turns into a thick, delicious sauce perfect for pancakes. You can also drizzle maple syrup over omelettes. You get a breakfast with an interesting combination of sweetness and salty taste.

Peanut butter and burger

Oddly enough, in some countries, a peanut butter burger can even be ordered at a restaurant. The rich taste of the combination of patty and peanuts provides the burger with incredible expressiveness, it turns out no worse than with the more classic version - bacon. You don't have to travel to try this, just brush the bun with peanut butter before making your homemade burger!

Blueberries and steak

What do you usually top your steak with? It's definitely salty sauce. Try blueberries next time! This combination is a classic of Italian cuisine and is popular in Florence. Your steak will get a sweet, appetizing summer flavor. You can make a sauce or simply mash the berries with a fork on top of the steak.

Salt and watermelon

You may never have thought of sprinkling salt on a plate of watermelon chunks, but it's worth a try nonetheless. This will help bring out the natural flavor of the watermelon! You can add a little more lemon juice, and then it will turn out especially appetizing. Salt is an electrolyte, so watermelon with salt is great for recovery after a hard workout.

Pickled cucumbers with ice cream

This odd pairing is the perfect combination of sweet and salty and has health benefits too! The salt present in cucumbers has a positive effect on blood circulation and cell metabolism, while sugar and fat provide a burst of energy. Eat them at the same time or just dip a cucumber in a bowl of vanilla ice cream! You might like it!

Corn chips and milk

This combination may seem too unusual, but it's worth a try. Pair cheesy corn sticks with a glass of milk for an unusual breakfast version. After all, the traditional breakfast cereal is also made from cornmeal.

Coffee and orange juice

This is another very unusual combination. Yes, both orange juice and coffee are served together for breakfast, but mixing them in one glass? Still worth a try. Orange juice neutralizes the bitter taste of coffee and is not as thick as milk or cream. Some people even add butter to their coffee. Definitely worth a try! You will understand that it is no coincidence that they say that opposites attract!

In cooking, there are products that are simply made for each other.
How to use these combinations? Firstly, for its intended purpose: by combining these products in dishes, you can be sure that the result will be worthy. Secondly, as a basis for further fantasies: for example, in a combination of blue cheese with a pear, it is enough to replace the fruit with figs - and before you is a new stunning duet!

Some Salad Secrets:

Seafood is slightly sweet in taste, sweetish corn, ripe, not sour tomatoes, fried onions, boiled carrots, apple, lingonberries are well suited for them.

The meat goes well with fried onions, stewed or boiled carrots, mushrooms, prunes in small quantities (prunes have a pronounced taste and can “clog” the meat), dried apricots.

Meat can also be combined with pickles, green onions, tomatoes, cucumbers, boiled eggs, green peas, pickled mushrooms, salted green tomatoes.

The liver is good with fried onions, green peas, pickles or fresh cucumbers.

Smoked fish likes to swim in a salad in the company of boiled eggs and cucumbers (salted or fresh), avocados.

Boiled chicken is combined with mushrooms, fried onions, eggs, boiled carrots, peas, corn, or with prunes, boiled beets and nuts.

Smoked chicken will agree with mushrooms, fried onions and eggs, but prunes and beets are unlikely to accept.

Eggplants love meat, carrots, can be raw, garlic, onions and green and onion, cheese, tomatoes, bell peppers.

Tomatoes are best combined with cheese and garlic, but they also love meat, peppers, eggplant, zucchini, fresh cucumbers, any onion.

This list could go on forever, or you could make your own.

Secret 4: There are also fillers: these are products that have a mild taste, they can emphasize the taste of the main dish a little, or they may not emphasize it, but they will never kill the taste and make the salad volume. This is rice (good with all seafood, it can also be used with meat with eggplant and tomatoes), this is boiled cabbage (also suitable for all seafood, eggplant and chicken), this is boiled potatoes (meat, chicken, maybe fish), this fresh cucumbers (tomatoes, eggplant, meat, chicken, fish). Perhaps I missed something, but this is not accidental, you also need to practice. See what you have in the fridge? Here is your salad almost ready. It remains to fill it and you can try.

Secret 5: A lot depends on the refueling. You can not season every salad with mayonnaise. Not all products love it. In some cases, it is able to completely “hammer” the taste of the main product and then you will eat mayonnaise filled with something.



10 Unusual Food Combinations

1. Meat + chocolate

Complete madness. But not for the Mexicans, because this is their traditional dish for several centuries. Mole is a mixture of several types of meat baked in a pot along with chocolate, peanuts, sesame seeds and various spices. The chocolate enriches the meat sauce, making it deeply dark and velvety. To completely drive the future eater crazy, local chefs also add garlic to the dish.

2. Black caviar + white chocolate

Shocking couple? It has been scientifically proven that such an alliance has every chance of success. Both foods contain high levels of amino acids, which is what makes foods like meats and cheeses taste good.

3. Strawberries + Balsamic Vinegar

4. Watermelon + smoked eel

6. Fruit salad + ground chili

Ready for fireworks for your taste buds? But this dish is an ordinary Mexican street food. The capsaicin found in chili stimulates the sense of smell and enhances the sweetness of the fruit. Mango and pineapple go especially well with chili.

7. Bananas + mayonnaise

The Facebook group has 542 fans who share a variety of banana-mayonnaise sandwich recipes with each other. Mayonnaise varieties vary mainly.

8. Eggplant + honey

Mix a little flour with a teaspoon of salt in a bowl, roll the eggplants in this mixture, shake off the excess. Heat 2 tablespoons of olive oil in a frying pan and fry the eggplant for 2 minutes on each side. Place on a plate lined with paper towels to remove excess oil. Sprinkle with sea salt. Drizzle with honey and garnish with thyme leaves.
