
How much to cook heads of corn. How to cook corn correctly and how much time - important tips

Hello everyone! Today is such a wonderful day, despite the fact that for almost several days the weather is not happy, it is raining and very cloudy. But, on the other hand, in the bazaars and in the market everywhere there are large mountains of corn cobs.

Therefore, I wanted to tell you about how to cook this seemingly simple, but at the same time, sometimes time-consuming dish.

Which of you loves corn, admit it ?! I just adore her, my favorite gourmet, I love her even in a salty form, even in a sweet one. The main thing is that it should be very juicy and soft, and then, for sure, not only will you lick your fingers, but you will also swallow it.

I think that this delicacy will not leave anyone indifferent, even children. But in fact, there is a reason, because it contains great amount useful substances, but what do you know? In short, boiled corn will reward you with 30 types of vitamins and trace elements, can you imagine?! Here, here, I would say oooooo!

About how to properly and quickly, as well as how long to cook corn, when and at what point to add salt or sugar, I want to dedicate this short note. In general, stay in touch with me, do not switch, as they say on TV, you will learn all the tricks of cooking.

Like it or not, but to make these yellow gifts of nature very tasty, you need to know some secrets that will help to make and please your loved ones with juiciness and softness.

Important! Choose right sort corn. It should not be fodder, namely food. How do they differ from each other and how not to confuse and buy the right type in the market or in the bazaar? I answer easily and directly: take exactly those cobs that are lighter, the stern is very yellow in appearance.

Step number two, you need to choose only fresh, almost plucked corn. The old one is not good, how to do it, and what other subtleties of cooking are, read on for more details step by step description with photo.

We will need:

  • corn
  • water (milk)
  • butter

Cooking method:

1. To begin with, despite the simplicity of this delicious gourmet, beginners and young housewives make mistakes. First of all, as I said above, take only the one that is fresh and on appearance looks excellent.

Important! Pay attention to the tops, it should also not be wilted, but fresh. Try to buy with leaves, because it is the tops that protect the corn from dryness, and then the grains on the cob will be even, beautiful and not boring, they should be like in this photo below.

It is best to take milk corn or, as it is now fashionable to choose the Bonduelle varieties, it is obtained at home the way you used to eat on the beach or buy from grandmothers in the markets. This variety is very sweet, soft, boils very quickly in just 15-20 minutes.

2. Second important condition good corn, these are grains, their appearance. Pay attention to them, if you see one like in the picture, then refrain from buying, it is better not to take and not cook this one.

Important! The grains should not be with pits, recesses, they have already dried up, and due to this, the dish can turn out to be hard.

It can be seen that all the juiciness has already gone, when you click on the grains, milk should stand out.

3. At the very beginning of cooking, usually everyone cleans the cobs from the leaves.

Important! Remember, the yellower, brighter the color on the cob, perhaps even already orange, this means that the fruit is old.

I advise you not to clean it right away, but to place them together with the foliage in water, or even better in milk and soak. The ratio of milk and water should be 1 to 1.

Then the corn will turn out even more tender. At least one hour it must be kept in water or in water with milk, keep this in mind.

4. The next step, you can boil the corn with the leaves, or you can peel it, and put the leaves and stigmas on the bottom of the pan. In my opinion, the aroma will remain, and it will be more convenient to cook.

Important! Choose ears of the same size, the same thickness, then they will all weld at the same time.

5. Take a saucepan, preferably a cauldron or refractory with a thick bottom larger size, put the leaves on the bottom, and then the cobs. Remove the beginning and tail from the cobs in advance, they are not edible.

Important! Fill with water, the main thing is to be boiling water, this is very very important, not cold.

If the peeled corn does not fit in the pan, then do not worry, you can easily tear it in half with your hands.

6. The water in the saucepan should cover all the cobs, be sure to cook under the lid on not big fire 20-30 minutes.

Important! It is impossible to salt ahead of time, otherwise the grains will become hard and tasteless. It will be possible to salt at the end of cooking, and it is better when it is already cooked. How much salt and how much? I usually adhere to such proportions for 1 liter, I take 0.5 tablespoons of coarse salt. How are you doing?

Interesting! To improve the taste, add oil to the water at the end, before turning off the stove, and if you want the taste to be sweet, add granulated sugar to taste, but it is not necessary to do this, if desired.

7. How to understand that the grains are ready and can be consumed? This can be done with a fork or a sharp stick such as a toothpick. Just pierce and you will see if the corn is cooked, then the grain will fall apart, taste it.

Important! The yellower the color of the corn, the longer it will need to be cooked, up to 2-3 hours. But in our case, 20-30 minutes, since we have a fresh young and precisely the Bonduelle variety.

The readiness of corn can also be determined by the intoxicating smell in the kitchen.

8. You can leave the cobs to lie down for an hour to sweat in hot water, and you can immediately serve to the table. Grate each piece with salt or sprinkle lightly, as you like and smear traditionally with butter. Eat hot. Bon appetit!

9. If you overexpose it on the table and it cools down, then later it will become hard and not so attractive.

Important! If you are not going to eat the corn right away, then it is better then leave it in the water, but not more than 3-4 hours. If you want to store it for more than a day, then put it in the refrigerator, but remember, it is best to use it warm or hot.

Recipe for cooking corn on the cob in a pot

In this video, I also learned about one very important point, which must be performed in order to achieve greater aroma and juiciness. For those who are interested, I share this link from the YouTube channel:

How long to cook young corn on the cob in a pot of water

This question is probably the most popular. Everyone is always scratching their heads and don't know what to do. Let's figure it out. Although I think that from what you have already read above, you yourself understood everything.

Light-coloured varieties of corn will cook much faster than yellow fodder varieties. 15-20 or 25-30 minutes will be enough for good cooking corn.

Interesting! Remember that if you overcook the cobs, you will get firmness in the taste of the kernels.

Only fodder varieties are cooked for more than 2 hours.

If you want to shorten the cooking time, then break the cobs in half or cook in the microwave.

Important! You need to salt only at the end of cooking, into water or later, on the surface of the corn itself, as if rubbing it.

Corn in a pressure cooker

Due to the fact that the world does not stand still and new technologies appear every day, this is a big plus, by the way, they came up with a miracle assistant, such as a slow cooker. If you also have it as a pressure cooker, then I will say this is doubly pleasant.

After all, with this electrical appliance, you can cook corn much faster, and most importantly, even easier.

There are two ways of cooking, this is the conventional method, or the steam method.

Cooking method:

1. As usual, start by cleaning the corn well, washing it and placing it in the multicooker bowl.

2. The second action - fill it with hot water.

3. Turn on the desired mode. If you do not have the opportunity to select the time in the modes, then turn it on for an hour, and after 15 minutes turn off the mode, and then let it stand on the “Heating” mode for 20-30 minutes.

4. The best part is the tasting. You can sugar or salt on top, anoint with butter to give a creamy delicate taste.

Now use this instruction to steam the corn. Of course, you can also use a steamer for this. IN this case instead of a double boiler, we will have a double boiler bowl from a multicooker.

1. Pour water into the bottom of the bowl and place the corn leaves and stigmas.

Important! Don't forget to wash everything well. running water.

2. Take a special cup with holes and put the cobs on it, if they are very large, do not worry, break them in half with your hands.

3. Well, now select the appropriate mode, such as "Steaming" and set the time to 20 minutes.

4. In the meantime, set the table, because very soon it will boil and get such a wonderful bright yellow color. Bon appetit! When serving, you can also sprinkle with salt or sugar, anoint with oil.

Interesting! In one TV show, I saw that at the end, after pulling out, the corn is sprinkled with grated cheese and, accordingly, it melts on it while it is hot. You might want to experiment, good luck!

How to quickly cook corn in the microwave

Surprised? That such a method of cooking exists, by the way, I was also a little stunned when I found out. But, this is the most fast way, so to speak, quickly hastily. I note that this is the only option without leaves, and even in 10 minutes.

We will need:

  • whole corn of dairy varieties - 2 pcs.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the ears well, and then soak for one hour in a bowl of water.

Interesting! You can set the time for 5 minutes, and then get it smeared with butter, put it back in the bag and turn it on for another 5 minutes.

3. After the time has passed, check whether the grains have become soft, pierce them with a toothpick, everything should work out.

4. Such a beautiful creation of nature will certainly delight you and your loved ones. Try to make at home, well, just overeating! Check out this recipe and you won't regret it!

Video on how to freeze corn for the winter

Probably everyone always wants to leave the gifts of summer for a little longer, we all make different pickles, jams, preparations, but what to do with corn? Yes, everything is elementary simple, you need to freeze it, but as you ask, see everything yourself and you will learn how to do it with ease:

That's all for me, please your loved ones. Until we meet again, subscribe to my group in contact, see you soon)))

Sincerely, Ekaterina Mantsurova

How to choose the right corn, as well as how much to cook it to make the product soft and tender enough - read in this article.

Boiled corn - favorite summer dish many people. As soon as it ripens in the garden or appears on the shelves, we immediately bring it home.

Corn is not only very tasty, fragrant and juicy, but also very useful for the human body. It contains vitamins such as: B, C, D, K, PP, composition: copper, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, iron, glutamic acid, etc.

How to choose corn for cooking

Fresh and young corn should be bought in the season, which will end no later than August. If bought later, the fruit may be hard or overripe.

If you cook corn, it is better to use cobs with milky-light or white-yellow grains. If the grains are soft and elastic, located close to each other and have the same size, then such corn will be very juicy and tender. A strong yellow hue indicates that the cob is quite old and can taste tough.

Also look at the leaves, they should be yellowish and dry. Don't buy leafless corn and make sure the kernels are round and without dimples.

How to prepare corn

  1. Rinse the cob under clean water, and also clean the leaves from various dirt or rotten leaves.
  2. Also, before cooking, it is recommended to soak the corn in not too cold water for 1-2 hours.
  3. Cobs of the same size are boiled together. Too large cobs, it is desirable to divide into two equal parts.
  4. If the corn is ripe, then many housewives first clean the cobs from fibers and leaves, then cut them into 2 parts and fill them with a special mixture. The liquid is prepared from cold water and milk in a ratio of 1:1. IN this mixture put the corn for 4-6 hours, and then the plant can be boiled in ordinary water.

How long to cook corn by time

Before cooking corn, it is necessary to determine its ripeness. Young cobs are boiled for no more than 30 minutes, and ripe fruit must be boiled for about 40 minutes. Cobs that are too ripe tend to take more than 2 hours to cook.

The plant must be dipped already in boiling water and salted preferably only 3-5 minutes before readiness or at the time of serving.

To give the corn a juicy and delicate taste, it is recommended to add a little butter or sugar in water. Also, do not cook the plant over high heat, after boiling, reduce the heat to low.

  • See also -

After cooking, eat corn immediately, you can eat it with oil and salt. Don't leave it in the refrigerator as it will harden.

How to cook delicious corn - video

Corn refers to those few vegetables that do not undergo genetic modification during the growth process. She doesn't absorb harmful substances that fertilize the soil.

More corn does not lose its nutritional properties at heat treatment . But you need to cook corn properly.

So that the cob not only gives the body vitamins and minerals, but also pleases the gentle sweet taste and a very pleasant smell.

How and how much to cook corn on the cob?

Cooking process of young fresh corn

You wonder: “how many minutes to cook young corn?” There are no strict rules in this matter. It all depends on the variety of corn, as well as on the maturity of the cob itself.

If the corn is young, then it should be cooked for only 10-15 minutes.

Distinguishing young cobs from older ones is quite simple. Young corn has a very light shade. It is almost white sometimes pale yellow.

Some people think that young corn is tastier than older corn, but in fact it all depends on the cooking method and personal preferences.

Young cobs are boiled in slightly salted water. Also, when cooking, add a teaspoon of sugar to the water (per liter of water).

It is very easy to digest young corn. Therefore, 15 minutes must be strictly clocked. Then check for readiness.

How long to cook old cobs?

The grains in the old cobs will have a rich yellow tint. Such corn is cooked for half an hour even forty minutes. If you want to keep the grain density, then it is recommended to boil the cob for only thirty minutes.

If you want the grains to burst and the corn to turn out loose, then cooking time can be extended up to 45 minutes. Only after the end of the cooking process and the extraction of the cobs should they be rubbed well with salt. Possible options corn feeds will be discussed below.

How long does it take to cook Bonduelle sweet corn?

Many people are interested in this question, because it is precisely this variety of corn is considered very useful for baby food . This variety also called sweet corn.

There is no special secret in cooking. It is necessary to do everything in the same way as if you had ordinary young corn in front of you.

How to cook?

Regardless of the age of the ears, they must be properly cleaned and placed in a pan. With cleaning, everything is simple - you need to free the cobs from green leaves. Do not throw away the leaves, because they will come in handy during the cooking process.

Method number 1

The cobs fit into the pan tightly to each other. They are filled with water so that it is 3-5 cm higher than the edge of the last cob.

Method number 2

Another way to cook is to line the bottom of the pan with leaves.

Put cobs on top, and also close leaves on top.

It is necessary to ensure that the cobs do not come into contact with the walls of the pan. If this happens somewhere, then leaves should also be placed between the pot and the cob. To fill with water.

It is important! To check whether the corn is ready or not, you must wait for the time allotted for cooking and try one grain. If it is soft and chews easily, then the corn is ready.

I would like to draw special attention to the fact that we are talking not about fodder varieties of corn, but about those that are grown for human consumption.

If the varieties are fodder, then it takes three or even four hours to cook such corn, regardless of its age.

What dishes to choose for cooking?

Deep and thick-walled dishes are ideal for cooking corn. Alternatively, you can use a cast iron or a cauldron. Be sure to choose the dishes that can be tightly closed with a lid.

You can cook on both gas and electric stove. The only thing to consider is the power of the heat. The heat should be no more than 250 degrees.

If the corn is cooked gas stove, then the fire should be small. Compliance with all these conditions will help corn retain its nutritional properties to the maximum.

How to apply?

Exist different traditions eating delicious boiled corn. The most common in our territories is to lubricate the hot cob large piece butter and eat.

Alternatively, you can melt the butter beforehand and dip the cob into it.

In Mexico, For example, boiled corn smear with a slice of lemon and sprinkle coarse salt. This is how it is eaten. very interesting and spicy taste it turns out.

What else can be done with corn: recipes

Experiment lovers can try to cook already boiled corn kernels in milk and cream. For this, from four boiled cobs beans need to be cut off.

Heat half a cup of milk and a quarter cup of cream in a saucepan, add the cut grains. Boil for ten minutes. Melt a cube of butter separately, add a spoonful of flour to it. Mix well and add to corn.

Cook for another ten minutes. Then add half a glass of dry white wine and cook for another ten minutes. At the end of cooking, do not forget to salt and pepper.

Italians from boiled corn kernels casseroles are made. It is necessary to take a few cobs of boiled young corn, rub the grains through a sieve. Combine the resulting mixture with whipped egg yolk, add butter and a little cream.

It will turn out a kind of dough, which must be divided into two halves and rolled out in the form of cakes. Lay the first cake on a baking sheet, and sprinkle it with grated cheese and grate with the second cake. Bake until done, literally 15-20 minutes.

The cooking time of corn depends on whether the young or old ears are going to be eaten.

In any case, if these are varieties of corn grown for human consumption, and not for animal feed, then corn is cooked very quickly - up to an hour. It is also important to choose the right dishes in order to be sure to cook the cobs with a tightly closed lid.

Summer is the time when you not only want to relax and enjoy life. It's time to saturate your body with vitamins. There are many of them in fresh fruit, vegetables, legumes. And the smell of freshly cooked corn causes rapid salivation. And now we are already buying bright cobs. But only at home comes the realization that we do not know at all how to cook corn correctly, and most importantly how much. And if you buy a frozen product? There are a lot of questions. And experienced housewives can answer them.

How to choose

For cooking, you can use both sweet, or food, and fodder varieties of corn. More delicate texture, as well as rich bright taste have sweet varieties of this delicacy. Although there are lovers of more rigid varieties with a sugary aftertaste.

When choosing fresh corn on the cob, pay attention to the color of the kernels and leaves. Young has light green leaves and light yellow grains. Corn stigmas (hairs) should also be light and not dried out. If you just press the grain with your fingernail, the juice should come out. This suggests that you have young cobs of milk corn in front of you. Her taste qualities will be the most profitable. Young corn does not take long to cook.

The fact that corn has been on the counter for a long time is evidenced by dried stigmas and leaves. In old cobs, the color of the grains is dark yellow. In time, such a delicacy will have to cook much longer.

Cooking process

It is not necessary to store bought cobs for a long time. As a result, they lose their taste and most nutrients. cook delicious treat can be in a saucepan, as well as in a slow cooker, pressure cooker, double boiler. This will depend on the cooking time.

in a saucepan

Young corn must be freed from leaves and hairs. Rinse the cobs thoroughly with running water, put in a thick-walled pan and pour water. Light leaves do not need to be thrown away. They can shift the cobs. This will add additional flavor to the finished product.

Cook young cobs under a closed lid over medium heat. They must be completely covered with water. Salt is not added during the cooking process. It takes only 15 to 20 minutes to cook young milk corn. But the old fodder varieties will have to be cooked for at least three hours.

On a note! Corn is salted only after it is fully cooked. A hot delicacy is rubbed with salt, oil and immediately served on the table.

in the microwave

Only young milk corn should be cooked in the microwave oven. To do this, the cobs are laid on the bottom of a special container, poured cold water, cover with a lid. With a power of 800 kW, it needs to be cooked for 45 minutes. During cooking, add water as needed.

There is another, dry method of cooking in the microwave. To do this, the milk cobs are placed inside plastic bag and tie it up. The product should be cooked in this way for no more than 10 minutes.

In a steamer or pressure cooker

A golden delicacy is placed in a double boiler container. To form enough steam, you only need to pour 1 glass of water. Milk corn should be cooked for no more than ten minutes. To weld old or fodder corn in a double boiler, it will take more time - 40 - 60 minutes.

In a pressure cooker, a golden delicacy can be cooked in the same amount of time as a steamer. To do this, the cobs need to be laid on the bottom of the pressure cooker, poured with cold water, tightly covered with a lid and cooked over medium heat. The cooking time of milk corn is from 10 to 15 minutes, the old one is 40 to 60 minutes.

frozen product

Today, you can buy frozen corn everywhere. Before quick freezing it is treated with steam. Therefore, the cooking time is reduced. Frozen cobs should be dipped directly into boiling water, and after boiling, cook for 20-25 minutes.

Frozen corn in grains can be perfectly cooked in a slow cooker. To do this, the contents of the package are poured into a bowl, add a little salt and butter. A spoonful of milk or cream will add spice to your dish. In the "Extinguishing" mode, the grains need to be boiled for 20 minutes. Ready meal Sprinkle with hard grated cheese before serving.

This is interesting! Corn is the only food that is a natural carrier of gold. The realization of this fact adds to the pleasure during its use.

Golden cobs contain a lot beneficial trace elements, fatty unsaturated acids, ascorbic acid, vitamins B, C, PP, E, potassium. Doctors recommend using it for the prevention of oncology, diabetes, allergic diseases, problems gastrointestinal tract, improving metabolic processes in the body. Don't deny yourself this delicious treat. Enjoy and stay healthy!

Of course, boiled corn is tasty and healthy. A lot of it is sold during the season, the main thing is to choose high-quality, undamaged cobs and not having foreign odors (chemistry, pesticides, etc.). Before buying corn, do not hesitate to taste the grain, it should taste sweet, juicy and not hard. The type of corn will also be important. Need to buy food sweet corn.

Have you ever thought that corn is rich in vitamins and fiber, that it contains vitamins such as B1, A, C, E. In addition, it is well absorbed by the body. The main thing in everything is to know the measure and not to overeat.

Immediately before cooking, peel corn cobs from leaves and fibers, rinse under cold water.

What to cook corn in?

Corn must be cooked large saucepan this is if it is cooked whole and in in large numbers, and if 2-3 cobs, and even break or cut into two parts, then a pot of 3 - 3.5 liters is enough.

Cook corn with leaves or not?

Many cook corn with leaves, and this is not forbidden, it can even be more fragrant and tastier with them. But, if you are sure that the leaves have not absorbed a lot of pesticides and not only that are used in corn fields. If you still cook corn in leaves, be sure to remove the first leaves.

We put the corn in a saucepan in boiling water - so it retains more of its juices.

Fresh sweet corn (from the store, market), cook for 10-15 minutes. We cook fodder corn from the field for 40-90 minutes (young corn is cooked more than two times less than the old one). Time will start counting from the moment re-boiling water. We do not add salt, because under its influence, corn grains harden. We cook under the lid - this reduces the processing time and reduces the loss of vitamins. To find out if the corn is ready, you can tear off a few grains and try if they are soft, then the corn is already cooked. Just be careful as you can get burned.

Corn cooked:

If the corn will be served immediately to the table, then it must be put on a dish with tongs directly from the pot of hot water
