
How to make homemade cottage cheese from sour milk - three easy ways. Secrets of simple pleasure - delicious curd from sour milk

Good day, dear readers! Want to learn how to make the gloomiest morning pleasant? For this you need a good, proper and healthy breakfast. A cup of fragrant coffee or tea, crumbly cottage cheese with herbs or bright pieces of fruit... Do you feel how your mood becomes sunny, it seems that you have enough energy to accomplish the greatest things? How to cook cottage cheese at home from sour milk so that the morning is good?

Why cottage cheese should be homemade

We all know how little good and a lot of harmful substances are contained in a store-bought product, which can not always be called cottage cheese. I especially don’t want to give purchased dairy products to children - at best, it simply will not bring any benefit, at worst, babies develop incomprehensible allergic reactions.

Homemade cottage cheese is a complete absence of chemistry, combined with mother's care, sincerity. If you cook it yourself, you are sure that all hygiene norms and rules are observed, which is not always the case at large manufacturing enterprises. And the taste is much better! Each of you, dear readers, can create your own unique recipe.

Believe me, it’s not difficult to cook a delicious dairy product on your own, I will share with you all the secrets and subtleties. Even lovers of losing weight, without offending their taste buds, can read about.

At home, it can be prepared from yogurt, kefir. But there are a few basic rules that will help you prepare the perfect dish for the whole family.

Subtleties of cooking

  1. The first time you need to take 1 liter of milk - the product will turn out a little, but it will be easier to adjust the process next time.
  2. Milk should sour at room temperature - in the refrigerator it will simply disappear, it will acquire an unpleasant odor. How long does it take for milk to sour enough? If the house is warm - about a day. If you decide to cook cottage cheese in the summer, then you can leave the milk for the night, and start cooking in the morning.
  3. If the milk is not heated enough, the whey will not separate well, the product will turn out sour. If you like this taste, then remove the pan from the heat early.
  4. If the milk is overheated, then the final product will turn out to be tough, very granular.
  5. Milk must be taken at home. If you, dear readers, think that low-fat dairy products are healthier, then you are mistaken. The low fat content prevents the complete absorption of calcium and phosphorus from dairy products. If you still want to make a low-fat product, you can use low-fat pasteurized milk.
  6. If you like a dry curd product, then it is better to dry it in a suspended state - this way more liquid flows down.

By the way, have you asked yourself the question - why are syrniki called that way, because we cook them from cottage cheese. Since ancient times, the Slavs have been preparing cottage cheese from sour milk, but they called it cheese, all dishes based on it are cheese.

Well, are you ready? Then let's get started. The main rule of good cooks and housewives is never despair! If the dish did not work the first time, you must definitely try to make it again. Perhaps the first time was just not your day or not the right mood. I believe in you, so we start cooking together a delicious and healthy dairy product at home.

The easiest ways

Our ancestors fermented milk and prepared fermented milk products in a Russian oven. We can use a pot or oven for cooking.

Classic recipe - cooking cottage cheese in a saucepan

To prepare a homemade curd product, you will need a minimum of equipment - a colander, clean gauze, a saucepan.

How to cook :

  1. Pour the milk into a saucepan, set the heat to low.
  2. It is necessary to heat the liquid until the whey begins to separate. I would recommend using a thermometer for the first time - the optimum temperature of milk is 50 degrees. If there is no thermometer, it is better to cook milk in a water bath, or use special metal fire distributors for burners.
  3. We remove the saucepan from the fire.
  4. We put the gauze in 3-4 layers, put it in a colander, stir it over a capacious container, pour out the milk mixture.

That's actually all the main steps. We leave our blank for 7–10 hours: during this time, the whey will drain completely. You don’t need to throw it away - it can be used for (by the way, you can cook it with fresh cucumbers even in winter), pie dough, or homemade beauty recipes.

We transfer the finished product to a plate. To please yourself and your child, add some fresh or dried berries, a drop of honey - enjoy the taste, praise yourself for the work done.

Cottage cheese from the oven - a modern version of an old Slavic recipe

It is easy to cook in the oven. This, of course, is not a Russian oven, but the product turns out to be as similar as possible to the one that our ancestors ate, ideal for baby food and desserts. I was lucky to try cottage cheese from a Russian oven - it tastes amazing, non-acidic, and the light aroma of baked milk just makes me dizzy.

In the process of languishing, the cottage cheese acquires a pasty consistency. If you do not like grainy products, then this recipe is for you.

  1. To begin with, we need to pour the sour milk into the correct container - it must be clay, or made of refractory glass.
  2. We will put the dishes with milk in a cold oven, set the temperature to 130-150 degrees - you will have 50 minutes to calmly do other things.
  3. Then we turn off the oven, leave the milk in it until it cools completely. I put milk in the evening, leave it all night.
  4. In the morning, throw the finished mass into a colander with gauze, leave for 6-7 hours.

Do you know, dear readers, that cottage cheese is indispensable for weight loss? It is especially useful for those who cannot resist the evening gluttony. A small portion will give a feeling of satiety, speed up metabolic processes in the body.

Cooking cottage cheese with kitchen helpers

A microwave oven and a slow cooker greatly simplify the preparation of a delicious dairy product at home, saving time and effort.

In the microwave

To cook cottage cheese quickly, you can use the microwave. Some believe that cooking in the microwave is harmful, that this device is intended only for lazy housewives. I do not agree with this statement. If we, modern women, can make our daily household chores a little easier, then it’s a sin not to take advantage of this!

So, we are preparing a healthy product in the microwave. To do this, we need to mix sour milk with an equal amount of kefir - this is the optimal proportion, but you can safely experiment. I once tried to mix milk and natural yogurt - I really liked the result, the final product turned out to be incredibly tender and airy.

To cook cottage cheese quickly, we need to follow 3 simple steps :

  1. Pour the milk mixture into a fireproof bowl, put it in the microwave.
  2. Set the maximum power, in 10 minutes our useful product will be ready.
  3. Pour the milk into a colander, which must first be covered with a thin cotton cloth.

Everything, after 6–9 hours, delicious cottage cheese is ready.

Homemade cottage cheese: photo

In a slow cooker

Do you like to cook in a slow cooker like I do? The first time after acquiring this wonderful device, I cooked everything in it - from soups to pies. Now the ardor has subsided somewhat, but still the multicooker remains my faithful assistant. I like to cook cottage cheese in it - there is a minimum of actions on my part, and the result is amazing.

The main advantage of this cooking method is that you do not need to monitor the temperature. :

  1. Pour sour milk into the bowl of the multicooker, set the “heating” mode for 40–60 minutes.
  2. After that, we need to throw the liquid into a colander with gauze, leave it for 10 hours. This time is enough to cook delicious whey pancakes, and for the filling we will use our delicious homemade cottage cheese.

What to do if there is no sour milk, but you really want cottage cheese? It's simple - bring the milk to a boil, add 30-40 ml of lemon juice, remove the pan from the heat. Curdled milk should be thrown into a colander, after 4 hours you can enjoy a delicious product.

I hope that I was able to convince you that cooking cottage cheese on your own is not at all difficult? But remember, your product does not contain preservatives and other chemicals, so you can store it in the refrigerator for no more than 5 days. You can make a wonderful one on it - it’s difficult to get hungry, and the kilograms are melting!

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To make the process more understandable, we have prepared a step-by-step recipe with a photo. You can safely add any of the proposed options to your culinary piggy bank, and indulge your homemade natural cottage cheese both in its pure form and with various additives. It is prepared from milk, kefir, curdled milk and other dairy products.

Heat treatment will take place at not too high temperatures. As a rule, the technology uses a water bath. To do this, the pan with raw materials is placed in a bowl of water. At a high processing temperature and an increase in the duration of the process, the curd deteriorates its qualities. It becomes hard and dry.

For cooking you will need utensils:

  • Glass jar;
  • 2 pans of different diameters;
  • Colander or sieve.

And also prepare a flap of natural fabric or gauze folded in several layers.

Before straining, wet the fabric (gauze) with boiled water and wring it out, and then nothing will stick to it.

For the preparation of homemade cottage cheese, milk is taken from under a cow or store-bought. In the first case, the yield is greater, the product is fatter, and from store-bought pasteurized milk it is softer and more tender.

When buying raw materials in a store, choose milk with a short shelf life and a fat content of at least 3.6%.

Whey is a by-product of making homemade cottage cheese. It has nutritional value in itself, and it also works great as a base for dough. So do not pour it out, but use it to make pies and okroshka.

How to cook cottage cheese at home from homemade and store milk: a step by step recipe

Cottage cheese is a fermented milk product, it is obtained from sour milk, so the first stage of preparation is fermentation. For this reason, long-term storage milk is not suitable, it simply does not turn sour. We take in polyethylene (by the way, it is cheaper). Be sure to look at the date of manufacture - only fresh milk is suitable for us.

On a note

You can skim the cream from farm milk, but if you want to boil full-fat cottage cheese, you do not need to do this.

Step by step preparation:

We talked about how to cook delicious coarse-grained cottage cheese at home from whole sour milk, gave a step-by-step recipe, but you can do without a water bath. A saucepan with yogurt is simply placed on a low fire and heated. Be sure to keep an eye on it so it doesn't burn. After curdling, proceed as described above.

From kefir: fresh and frozen

You can quickly make cottage cheese from kefir. The yield will be less than from curdled milk, but the taste is no worse. We skip the ripening stage and immediately put the dishes with kefir in a water bath. Don't forget to stir. The remaining whey can also be used, for example, to make pancakes or donuts on it.

The heating temperature of kefir should not exceed 60 ° C, otherwise the curd will turn out tough.

A glass jar is great for making homemade cottage cheese from kefir in a water bath, just remember to put a towel on the bottom of the pan so that it does not burst when heated. The process will be similar to the sterilization of preservation, with the difference that it is not necessary to bring to a boil. The jar is convenient in that it is not necessary to interfere with the mass, and the readiness will be easy to track by separating the whey from the curd mass. It is very visible through the glass.

A completely different technology is used for frozen kefir curd. In this case, heat treatment is not carried out.

Cooking steps:

  1. Put a pack of kefir in the freezer.
  2. After it freezes, remove from the freezer, remove the packaging.
  3. Place frozen kefir in a colander lined with a damp cloth or gauze folded in 2-3 layers. Place a colander over a bowl or saucepan.
  4. Leave to defrost at room temperature for at least 5 hours. The time depends on the air temperature.
  5. When all the ice has thawed, drain the mass remaining on the gauze, transfer it to a glass or plastic container.

Cottage cheese from pre-frozen kefir turns out to be dietary, tender and soft, without grains. The consistency is like a cream. The taste depends on the quality of the original product.

If the room is cool, the defrosting process may take up to 10 hours. It is convenient to put the bag in the freezer in the evening, and put kefir ice on gauze in the morning. Then fresh homemade cottage cheese will be ready for dinner.

In a slow cooker: with sour cream and sourdough

In a slow cooker, cottage cheese is made from kefir, fermented baked milk or sour cow or goat milk. If you have fresh milk and sour cream, then with the help of a miracle saucepan you can also make a delicious product, only it will take more time, the process will drag on for about 12 hours, and possibly longer.

We will need such products;

  • Milk - 10 glasses;
  • Sour cream - ½ cup.


  1. Pour milk into the multicooker bowl.
  2. Add sour cream, stir. To make this easier, dilute the sour cream in a small amount of milk, and then pour the liquid mixture into a bowl.
  3. Set the "Heating" mode, leave for half an hour.
  4. After 2 hours, turn on the heating again, but for 15 minutes.
  5. It is more convenient to put cottage cheese at night, then in the morning the yogurt will be ready.
  6. For curdling at the final stage, turn on the multicooker in the “Heating” mode for 1 hour.
  7. Now it remains to fold the thick mass onto gauze. Pre-fold it several times and put it in a colander, and place it over the pan.
  8. Wait until all the serum has drained.
  9. Do not try to speed up the process by stirring the mass with a spoon. Leave it alone, in extreme cases - tighten the edges of the gauze alternately from all sides.
  10. As usual, transfer the finished cottage cheese to a suitable dish and refrigerate.

Instead of sour cream, you can use any fermented milk product: kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt.

With special starter cultures, you can prepare a tasty and healthy fermented milk product in 8 hours. An excellent result is obtained with BakZdrav sourdough. The instructions are very detailed. In the multicooker, this is done like this:

  1. Pour the leaven into the cooled boiled milk, stir.
  2. Pour the mixture into the bowl of the multicooker, turn on the “Yogurt” mode. If it is not there, then set the temperature to 35-40 ° C, leave for 8 hours.
  3. With a spatula, cut the dense layer right in the bowl into rectangles with a side of 2 cm (do not mix, but only pick), set the temperature to 60 ° C, cook for 15 minutes.
  4. Strain through cheesecloth, cool.

Place in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours, after which you can serve. Children like this cheesecake very much. It is stored in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days. If you add berries, fruits or raisins to it and pour over syrup, you get a wonderful dessert.

Homemade cottage cheese with calcium chloride

If you need to increase the calcium content, then the pharmaceutical preparation calcium chloride 10% is used for this. It is sold in ampoules and bottles. Be careful when using the ampoule.

To prevent the glass from accidentally getting into the product, draw up the preparation with a syringe with a needle.

  • Milk - 300 ml;
  • Calcium chloride - 1 tsp

How to cook:

  1. boil milk
  2. Add calcium chloride, after which the milk will begin to curdle.
  3. Throw on cheesecloth, drain.

With this technology, two goals are achieved. Firstly, the preparation is very fast, no preparatory measures are required. Secondly, cottage cheese is enriched with calcium, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

Calcined cottage cheese is often prescribed for children, it is useful for older people as a prevention of osteoporosis.

We have given several options for how to cook cottage cheese at home. This can be done quickly with calcium chloride or without heat treatment by freezing and then thawing kefir. Very tasty and tender cottage cheese is obtained in a slow cooker. And there is also a classic way that our grandmothers used. In each case, the consistency will be different, and the taste will also be different, so you need to try and choose what your family will like.

1. Cottage cheese can be made in two ways: with and without heat. This is a matter of taste and convenience. However, cottage cheese without heating is a little more tender.

2. If you make cottage cheese from milk, take a rustic one. Especially if according to the recipe it should turn sour. But you can use store-bought milk of any fat content. The fatter it is, the fatter the curd will be.

3. Kefir can also be taken in any fat content. can only be used if you heat it up.

4. The quantity and taste of cottage cheese depend on the quality of the original product. So when buying milk or kefir, you should not skimp.

5. You can cook cottage cheese both in a saucepan and in a water bath. Again, this is a matter of convenience. You will find a description of the cooking process in a water bath in the recipe for kefir cottage cheese.

6. It is better to heat dairy products in a heavy-bottomed aluminum or stainless steel pan. Enamelware is not suitable: everything in it can burn.

7. Cottage cheese spread on a colander covered with several layers of gauze. Place a saucepan or some other container under the colander so that the whey flows there.

8. If you leave the cottage cheese in a colander for a couple of hours or even less, then it will turn out wet.

9. To make cottage cheese dry and crumbly, you need to tie the ends of the gauze and hang the knot over the sink or pan for several hours or even all night. The time depends on your preference: the longer the whey drains, the drier the curd will be.

10. And in order for the cottage cheese to keep its shape, you can put it under oppression.

11. Homemade cottage cheese is stored in the refrigerator for no more than four days.

This is the traditional way of making cottage cheese.


  • 2 liters of milk.


Leave the milk in a warm place for 1-3 days. Don't mix it up. The time depends on the temperature in the room: the warmer, the faster the milk will sour. To speed up the process, you can add 2 tablespoons of sour cream or a piece of black to the milk.

Milk should not go sour in the refrigerator. There it will acquire an unpleasant odor and may begin to taste bitter. If you notice that the milk in the refrigerator is starting to turn sour, it's best to take it out so that it sours in the right conditions.

The sour milk will look like a soft, thick jelly, and whey will begin to appear around it. Pour the milk into a saucepan and place over low heat.

Boil, stirring occasionally. Do not overheat the milk, it should be slightly warm. After 10-15 minutes from the start of cooking, curd clots will begin to form in the pan. Remove the pan from the heat and let stand for the same amount of time. Then put the cottage cheese in a colander and let it drain.

2. Homemade cottage cheese from milk without heating

Ready cottage cheese will be more tender than in the first case.


  • 2 liters of milk.

From the indicated amount, about 400 g of cottage cheese will be obtained.


Let the milk sour, as in the first method. Do not heat the thickened mass, but immediately fold it onto gauze.

Thanks to lemon juice, milk will turn sour much faster.


  • 2 liters of milk;
  • 1 lemon.

From the specified amount, about 350 g of cottage cheese will be obtained.


Pour milk into a saucepan. If you are using country milk, then bring it to a boil and reduce the heat. If the milk is already pasteurized, then just warm it up, but do not boil it.


  • 1 liter of kefir.


You will need two pots of different sizes. One of them should fit freely into the other. Fill a large saucepan halfway with water. Bring water to a boil over high heat.

Pour kefir into another saucepan. After boiling, put a small saucepan in a large one and heat the kefir over low heat.

Kefir should break up into curd and whey. When this happens, remove the pan from the heat and let it sit for 10 minutes. Transfer the cottage cheese to a colander and let the whey drain.

And from frozen kefir you will get the most delicate airy curd, reminiscent of cream cheese. It can be mixed with herbs, salted and used for cooking.


  • 1 liter of kefir.

From the indicated amount, about 200 g of cottage cheese will be obtained.


It is best to take kefir in a bag: the bottle can crack when frozen, and it will be difficult to extract the petrified kefir from it. If only bottled kefir is at hand, simply pour it into a plastic bag and tie it very tightly.

Place the bag in the freezer overnight. Kefir should become like a piece of ice. If after 10-12 hours kefir does not become hard as a stone, then it is of poor quality. From such a product, liquid cottage cheese will be obtained, resembling rather sour cream.

Carefully cut open the bag, put the contents in a colander and wrap in cheesecloth.

Leave kefir at room temperature until completely defrosted.

This recipe is not so much a dish as a way to prepare an ingredient for later consumption. Most often it is bought in stores, but there is a way to make it from sour milk. Every housewife can make something like this, because the recipe is quite easy, and one might even say, very banal. The most important thing is to have sour milk on hand, and it will be very easy to prepare a delicious product from it. Many housewives call such curd from sour milk more useful than purchased, because the cooking process is controlled by them, and all the ingredients are of high quality and are present in the right amount. But very often, in order to make a homemade fermented milk product, there is no time or effort, so you have to buy ready-made. One way or another, in the arsenal of any housewife there should be a recipe for how to make cottage cheese from sour milk, so that, on occasion, you can show off your culinary skills not only in preparing gourmet dishes, but also such dairy products.

Our cooking method does not contain a large number of ingredients. All you need is sour milk for this. It should be noted that if you are making cottage cheese for the first time, then you do not need to take more than a liter. Without filling your hand, you may remain dissatisfied with the result and only regret the product spent in large quantities. Therefore, to begin with, you can prepare about 700 ml of milk “for a test”, and if you like the result, then in the future you will already think about how to make cottage cheese from sour milk in large quantities.

Now we tell the process of creating this culinary masterpiece

For cooking, you need to use only well-sour milk. To do this, you can leave it for several days without putting it in the refrigerator. Around the second day, you will get a thick mass like kefir. Most housewives call her "sour". It is with him that we will work, and talk about how to make cottage cheese from sour milk.

So, the resulting "sour" is poured into a saucepan, trying not to mix. We put on a slow fire and wait until the whey separates. As soon as we feel that the mass has warmed up, turn off the gas and remove the pan. In no case should it be brought to a boil, because then instead of cottage cheese you will get a rubber mixture, which will be very problematic to use.

As soon as the “sour” has cooled down a bit, put a piece of gauze folded several times on a colander and pour out the contents of the pan. After that, it is necessary to tie gauze, leaving the resulting curd in it so that all the liquid is glassed. The process takes a couple of hours.

Remove the finished cottage cheese from gauze and transfer to a storage container. Whey can be used as an ingredient in pancakes, fritters or buns, or simply drunk. To taste, it resembles liquid kefir and will also be very useful for the body due to the content of useful vitamins.

Now you know the recipe for how to make cottage cheese from sour milk. It turns out very satisfying, and most importantly - useful.

It has long been known that cottage cheese is a useful and necessary product for the body. It contains a lot of calcium and valuable protein.

After five months, pediatricians are allowed to introduce complementary foods with cottage cheese. But in the store you can rarely find quality cottage cheese at an affordable price.

We offer you to cook this dairy product from sour milk. The taste of such cottage cheese cannot be compared with the industrial analogue, and the benefits are much greater. Recipes using a microwave, multicooker and useful tips, read below.

The benefits and possible harm of homemade cottage cheese

We have already talked a little about the benefits of cottage cheese. These are far from all the advantages of this white fermented milk miracle.

The protein of this product is equally useful for people of all ages. Contains B vitamins, retinol, vitamin E.

A dairy product can be harmful due to non-compliance with a sense of proportion in food and allergic reactions. Of course, in order for a home-made product to bring only benefits, it is necessary to monitor storage and expiration dates.

The cottage cheese in the recipe, which uses the heating of sour milk, is stored in the refrigerator for no more than 48 hours. Provided there is a container with a tightly closed lid.

Do not risk eating cottage cheese after the expiration date, even if it does not have a pungent odor and its taste has not changed. Poisoning with fermented milk products has serious health consequences.

The classic recipe for cottage cheese from sour milk

Cooking cottage cheese is not as laborious as it might seem. We will tell you how grandmothers in the villages did and continue to do it.

For cooking, you need real cow's milk, which has turned into yogurt.

From three liters of milk, 750-950 grams of the product is obtained as a result. Add honey, jam or fresh berries to it and enjoy the taste of homemade cottage cheese.

There is another way of cooking without heating yogurt. It is necessary to prepare a dense fabric in advance and make a bag out of it. Pour sour milk into it and leave to drain the whey.

As soon as the liquid stops dripping, you can eat the product. Such cottage cheese turns out tender, soft, but watery. Not suitable for fillings in pancakes, pies and cheesecakes.

An old recipe in a Russian oven

Cottage cheese is also one of the most ancient products. This is how they prepared it in the old days in Rus'. If there is an oven, then you can repeat the preparation of cottage cheese according to the recipe of our ancestors.

  • Pour yogurt into a clay pot;
  • Put for several hours in a warm oven (but not very hot);
  • When detachment occurs, drain the whey, and put the cottage cheese in gauze under any heavy object.

After 2-3 hours, you can try a fermented milk product.

How was cottage cheese stored in the old days without a refrigerator? To do this, after the press, the cottage cheese was sent back to the oven, and then under weight, and so on several times. The finished cake was poured with ghee and stored for months.

How to make cottage cheese from sour milk in the microwave

This is the fastest and easiest cooking method. You can take any sour milk, add kefir, sour cream or yogurt there.

With experience comes the knowledge of how much of one or another ingredient to add to get the curd to your liking. According to reviews, a delicious product is obtained from a mixture in a one-to-one ratio of kefir and milk.

Pour the mixture into a suitable cup and microwave. Turn on at full power, set the timer to about 9-11 minutes.

Place cheesecloth or cotton cloth in a colander and strain the mixture through it. Leave the curd for 5-10 hours.

Homemade cottage cheese in a slow cooker

A slow cooker is a convenient thing for making cottage cheese - you don’t need to dirty a lot of dishes and you can free up time for other things.

To prepare, take sour milk and pour it into a bowl. Select the heating mode.

As a rule, this option heats the contents of the bowl at a temperature of 40 degrees. This is just what you need to make delicious and proper cottage cheese. We choose the time from 40 minutes to 1 hour.

Then proceed as in the first recipe. You can take a colander with gauze and put a pan on the bottom. Dump the contents of the multicooker onto layers of gauze and leave for 5-8 minutes for the whey to drain.

The product will be ready in 4-12 hours. This time is enough to have time to cook pancakes with whey, so that later you can fill them with homemade cottage cheese.

Children's cottage cheese at home

There are two recipes for making baby cottage cheese:

  1. Sour curd cooked on kefir,
  2. Fermented milk product using calcium.

For the first recipe, kefir from dairy cuisine or high-quality children's is suitable. Kefir is heated in a bowl.

After clots begin to form, the stove is turned off. The resulting mixture is filtered through cheesecloth. It is necessary to store cottage cheese in a glass dish with a closed lid for no more than a day.

For the second recipe, you need to boil the milk and add a solution of calcium chloride to it. It can be purchased at a pharmacy. Next, bring the solution to a boil. Remove from stove and cool. Squeeze the clot in gauze, without making much effort. Store in the same way as in the first recipe.

From milk in the amount of 300 ml, 50 g of cottage cheese is obtained. For this amount you need 3 ml of calcium chloride solution 20%.

To achieve an airy and homogeneous consistency, the curd must be beaten with a mixer. You can add bananas, peaches, berries or jam there.

  1. If you want to get granular and dry cottage cheese, then increase the sourdough drain time. For those who like soft curd, it will be enough to keep the workpiece in gauze for 4-5 hours;
  2. Any sour milk is suitable for cooking, but it is better to choose homemade;
  3. You can not use milk that has sour after the expiration date in the refrigerator;
  4. Do not throw away the serum, it is also a valuable and useful product. Can be consumed as a drink or added to pancake batter. There are recipes for facial skin care based on serum;
  5. If there is no sour milk, and cottage cheese is needed in the near future, then a knowledgeable recipe will help. Pour milk into a saucepan and put on fire. As soon as a small foam appears on the surface, you need to add lemon juice and stir everything. Sour milk must be immediately removed from the fire. Next, you can cook cottage cheese by simply throwing yogurt into gauze. But you still have to wait at least 4 hours;
  6. For the first experience of making cottage cheese, you need to take some milk. So that later, if something goes wrong or you don’t like the final product, you can correct your mistakes on the next serving of milk;
  7. It is important not to overcook the curdled milk, otherwise the curd will turn out tough like chewing gum.

Homemade cottage cheese makes delicious casseroles, dumplings and cheesecakes. Do not be lazy in the evening to work a little on yogurt in order to get a healthy and tasty breakfast in the morning.
