
How much to smoke hot smoked wings. Natural smoking at home

It is also worth noting that when smoking at home, you can be sure that the products are not added harmful substances or artificial concentrates.

a snack like smoked wings in the smokehouse you can do it quickly enough, the main thing is to adopt the chosen recipe. Do not overdo it with spices and then you will please yourself and your loved ones with juicy and fragrant smoked wings.

A set of products for the dish:

  • 1.5 kg of chicken wings;
  • 50 grams of salt;
  • allspice(5-6 peas);
  • ground black pepper (a few pinches);
  • 5 cloves of garlic;
  • mustard (100-150 grams);
  • olive oil (2-3 tablespoons).

Steps for making smoked wings

Buy fresh chicken or turkey wings. They should not have unpleasant odors and yellowness on the skin, since these two factors mean that this product has been lying on the counter for a long time and may already have deteriorated.

To cook hot smoked wings in a few hours, you need:

  • wash them thoroughly and clean them of the remnants of feathers (this is convenient to do with special tweezers because with it you will definitely pull out the feather completely and not even a small part of it will remain under the skin);
  • dry the wings with napkins;
  • prepare the marinade (grate the garlic or push through the garlic press and mix with salt, pepper and olive oil. Then you need to gradually add mustard to get a paste-like consistency of the marinade);
  • marinate the wings (each must be coated with marinade on all sides. In order for it to be better absorbed into the meat, and not just into the skin, small cuts should be made on the wide parts of the wings. After that, put on top of the container with the pickled product 3 liter jar with water and send everything to the refrigerator for 2 hours).

The smokehouse also needs to be prepared in advance:

  • wet sawdust of deciduous trees should be placed at the bottom (alder, cherry, apple tree chips can be used);
  • it is better to cover the tray with foil so that the dripping fat and juice do not burn on it (it is imperative to put the tray, it prevents fat and meat juices from getting into the sawdust).

If you are going to cook for outdoors, then, apart from the above actions, nothing more is required. And in the case of smoking products in the apartment, you also need to install a special hose on the cover of the smokehouse to remove smoke (the hose can be brought out the window).

When you take the wings out of the marinade, remove them. extra spices and place on a wire rack in a smoker. After 30 minutes, you can check the doneness of the meat for the first time. For cooking this product hot smoking is enough from 1 to 1.5 hours. Turkey wings are cooked in 1.5 - 2 hours, as they are much larger in size and turkey meat is tougher compared to chicken.

You and your loved ones will appreciate original snacks and dishes from different meat or fish that are cooked in a smokehouse. Having tried them once, you will no longer be able to deny yourself the pleasure of cooking homemade smoked meats according to your own recipes!

I associate picnic time with deliciously cooked meat in the fresh air - this can be regular barbecue or, something new, for example, smoked meats in hot smoked smokehouse. I have been using a smokehouse for half a year now, there is experience and a way fast smoking without pickling. This method well will be suitable for departures on the nature, giving, fishing. You just need to decide on the products and put a hot smoked smokehouse in the trunk.

Recipe for smoking in a hot smoked smokehouse. Quick method without pickling.

Ingredients for a smoker with a load of 4 kg of meat:
  • undercuts - 1 kg.,
  • chicken wings - 1 kg.,
  • chicken drumsticks - 1 kg.,
  • pork ribs - 1 kg.,
  • champignons - 200-300 g.,
  • salt, black pepper and spicy to taste.

Preparation of products for smoking.

Wash and dry everything well, divide into pieces convenient for smoking and serving. The wings can be cut into phalanges, the undercuts cut into pieces of 200-250 g. I recommend making the wings spicy - for beer, and other products without hot pepper.

Preparing the smokehouse for smoking.

If your smokehouse is new, not yet smoked, then you need to smoke it for the first time at idle for 30-40 minutes. If you have already smoked, then mainly wash the pan and lid. Well, this is obtained with the help of a construction spatula and a metal mesh brush. Personally, I try to keep the smokehouse not very smoked inside, all the same, the products are different and they should have their own tastes.

At the bottom of the smokehouse we fall asleep sawdust alder or beech chips, if you have chips of fruit trees or oak, then you need to soak the chips for a day clean water, periodically changing it, then dry it. Chips or sawdust do not need much, in a hot smoked smokehouse it is only to give taste and smell, the products are mainly cooked due to heat treatment. For my smokehouse, 3-5 handfuls are enough for one smoking.

We cover the tray with foil, so that it would be easier to clean and wash later. We lay out the products on the grids: the ribs and drumsticks on the lower shelf, as they contain more meat, wings, bacon or undercuts on the top of the lattice. We charge the smokehouse and put it on the grill or on a small fire.

Since we smoke essentially fresh products, they contain a lot of moisture. When smoked, liquid will evaporate from them and condense on the lid of the smokehouse. Along with the smoke, black cinder will form, which then drips onto the meat and leaves black spots, in order to avoid this, we put small pebbles in the water lock chute and put the lid at an angle, but so that the water lock is in working order. Now the condensate rolls and flows down the wall of the smokehouse.

Smoking in a hot-smoked smokehouse, fast technology.

The first 20 minutes we smoke on medium-low heat, as soon as the smoke from the wood chips comes from the smokehouse, we detect 20-25 minutes and maintain a uniform medium fire. It is desirable that the fire be evenly distributed along the bottom of the smokehouse. After 20 minutes of smoking on medium heat, open the lid of the smokehouse and check if everything is in order. Next, we throw firewood into the fire and smoke it on an already strong fire for another 15-25 minutes. A sign that the products are undergoing enhanced heat treatment is when not smoke, but steam comes out of the smokehouse tube.

Below I present a video instruction for cooking meat products in a hot smoked smokehouse. Enjoy watching.

Hardly anyone doubts that chicken smoked wings at home- This gourmet delicacy. You can buy it in the store, but the quality of the dish does not always satisfy the lover of smoked meats, and sometimes its price bites.

If there are conditions for smoking at home, in the country or at a picnic, cook fragrant dish It's easy and the process doesn't take long. But before you cook smoked wings at home, you need to prepare them - pickle them.

The delicacy can be prepared in two ways, hot or cold smoked, but regardless of this, any marinade recipe is equally good for one or the other option.

Before loading raw product in the marinade, you need to take into account some recommendations that affect taste qualities ready meal:

  • Buy poultry meat that has not been frozen;
  • At room temperature pickling occurs much faster than in a cool place;
  • The longer the wings are marinated, the sooner they reach the condition in the smokehouse;
  • A good product is obtained if the wings are wrapped with wet gauze before being placed in the smoking chamber. This operation will allow you to get a beautiful golden color with hot smoking;
  • To prevent the meat from being bitter in taste, the consistency of the smoke should be controlled. If it is too saturated, dense, you need to release some of it from the smoking chamber.
  • Taste and aroma finished product largely determines the type of tree. Firewood fruit species trees will saturate the meat with natural flavor and delicate taste. good source fragrant smoke are aspen firewood. Never use coniferous wood for smoking, the smoke of which is saturated with carcinogens and resins. Smoked pine or spruce meat products, have a pronounced taste of tar.

Chicken meat bought at the market (homemade) needs to be marinated longer than broiler meat from the supermarket.

When the above conditions are met, and everything necessary for preparing the delicacy is prepared, we select the marinade recipe.

Love ➤ smoked chicken wings? Check out their recipe home cooking hot smoking method. Tender and juicy meat with a crispy crust cannot be compared with what is offered in the distribution network. No dyes, flavor enhancers or preservatives, only fresh product, interesting marinade and fragrant smoke.

Choose wings and cook in salting

Smoking chicken wings in a hot-smoked smokehouse involves rendering fat. At the same time, you need to understand that small and thin wings will dry out quickly during the cooking process and may burn. To enjoy smoked meats, we recommend choosing larger wings. Even after removing some of the fat and fully prepared left to enjoy.

Ideal for hot smoking - chilled or fresh product. It is better to refuse the purchase of frozen chicken meat. The problem is that at low temperatures the wings lose taste properties and get tough.

There is no need to cut the wings. You can only remove the first phalanx, because with high temperature it often turns into a cracker. Better get rid of problem area and not create difficulties for yourself in the process of hot smoking. If you are preparing a snack for beer, leave everything as it is, dried wings are just appropriate here.

marinade recipes

Chicken meat, unlike beef, pork, lamb and other varieties, is tender and soft in itself, so cook complex marinades not necessary. And soaking the wings for 2-3 days is also not worth it. We offer several simple options gas stations.

Salty wings.

You can limit yourself to salt. To make the meat well salted, rub the wings with salt, after drying them and folding them into a deep container. Cover the container cling film and overnight in the refrigerator.

dry marinade.

Mix spices that taste and smell you like: black and red ground pepper, thyme, Svan salt, fragrant seasonings for meat. Rub the wings with the composition. Wrap the bowl with cling film and refrigerate for 3-4 hours.

Pickle with spices.

2 kg. chicken wings, 2 cups of water, 40 ml. 9% vinegar, 4 tsp. salt, 40 ml. vegetable oil, 10-12 peppercorns, 4 bay leaves, 5 cloves of minced garlic. We combine the ingredients and marinate the chicken in the refrigerator for 24 hours.

Marinade with lemon juice.

1 kg. wings, 1 l. water, 1.5 tbsp. l. salt, 2 parsley, 6-7 peppercorns, 3 tbsp. l. lemon juice. Lemon can be substituted citric acid. We put the meat in the marinade and leave it in the refrigerator for 5-6 hours.

Preparing meat and equipment for smoking

When the chicken wings are well salted or marinated, remove them from the refrigerator and put them in a dry container or hang them for several hours to dry. If time is short and guests are already on the doorstep, you can blot the meat with a dry cloth to remove excess moisture, and send it to the smokehouse.

We also prepare equipment. At the bottom we fall asleep wood chips (preferably fruit trees). We place a tray in the container to prevent fat from getting into the sawdust, the appearance of burning and bad smell. Install the grill and place the wings on it so that they do not touch each other. Close the smoker and put it on fire.

Technology of hot smoked wings

For the preparation of wings in a smokehouse, it is optimal to maintain a temperature of 100 ° -110 ° C. 20 minutes after the start of smoking, you need to open the lid, let the steam come out and dry a little chicken meat. After that, close the lid again and cook the dish for another 20-30 minutes. During this time, the wings will become yellowish, the skin is denser, and in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe so-called joints, the meat will darken. Next, we increase the temperature in the smokehouse to 150 ° C and leave the wings in the smokehouse for another 10-15 minutes.

How to determine the readiness of smoked wings?

The degree of readiness of the dish is easy to determine by appearance and the way the meat separates from the bone. It is important that there are no blood stains left, and golden crust. The dish is being prepared for 1-1.5 hours, but it is better to determine optimal time empirically, because for smokehouses of different capacities, the duration of the process is different.

When the dish is ready, the wings must be removed from the grill and put on big dish. Smoked meats can be served both hot and cold. We advise you to prepare interesting sauce or ketchup dressing.

How much and where are smoked wings stored?

Hot smoked products are stored in the refrigerator, chicken wings are no exception. It is advisable to pack the product in parchment paper. The meat, despite the removal of excess fat during the cooking process, is still oily and juicy, so it can leak and leave marks on different surfaces. Chicken wings are stored in the refrigerator for about two weeks, after which it becomes unsafe to eat them.

Cook smoked wings with pleasure, treat your relatives and friends. Bon appetit!

Summer is in the yard ... Everyone strives for nature, where the sea fresh air, who want to stay at least a couple of days away from the dust and noise of the city - you must admit that this is very good for health, and most importantly, just nice.

And what is so delicious you can cook in field conditions? I propose to do smoked mackerel and smoked chicken wings. Difficult? Not at all! It turned out to be easy and simple to smoke products at home and, especially in field conditions. The main condition to get a hot smoked product is to buy (or maybe make it yourself) a smokehouse. In principle, the smokehouse is a tightly closed metal container. For "owners of skillful hands" any bucket is suitable, large saucepan Or a small metal barrel. The only thing is that the object chosen for the smokehouse should be tightly closed and by itself not emit harmful substances into the container.

For smoking we need:

Actually mackerel and chicken wings;
- rock salt;
- sawdust;
- firewood;
- dry leaves of grapes and cherries.

Wash the fish and wings, dry, salt and pepper to taste. I recommend tying the mackerel with threads so that it does not open during the smoking process.

We prepare sawdust (they can be made independently from fruit varieties of trees, or you can buy them in stores). Especially good, according to experts, alder sawdust.

Also, together with sawdust, you can use dried leaves of grapes and cherries, they will give smoked products unique aroma.

We make a fire on an ordinary barbecue grill, we used Pine cones. They tend to burn quickly and keep the heat in the grill for a long time.

While the cones are burning, we will prepare the smokehouse: put a layer of sawdust down the smokehouse, put some dry leaves on top of it. In the process of cooking, when the smoker is heated and there is no air, they will smolder, releasing a lot of smoke.

Now it's the turn to install the pallet, it must be present in the smokehouse. In size, it is slightly smaller than the base of the smokehouse itself, the free distance ensures the unhindered passage of smoke.

In the purchased smokehouse, there is also a pallet itself and fasteners for it. In a home-made design, it is necessary to provide fasteners; it is necessary to place the pallet closer to the source of smoke, under the products. It serves to collect the fat flowing from the products, so it does not get into the sawdust and spoil their original aroma.

I recommend putting a layer of salt on the bottom of the pan. Salt during the cooking process will absorb the fat flowing from the food, and will also serve additional source conserving heat.

We spread the products on the grate and place it above the pallet.

When the cones are thoroughly burned,

put the smoker on the grill and tightly close the lid.

It is not recommended to open the smokehouse lid for 30 minutes, so that the aroma does not evaporate and is not disturbed. temperature regime. It must be remembered that the products should not only be smoked, but also cooked, and this requires a decent temperature inside the smokehouse. If there are unscheduled discoveries (before the 30 minutes expire), then for “every curiosity” you will have to add an additional 10 minutes of smoking.

In general, products are cooked quite quickly, since the temperature in the smokehouse reaches 100-120 degrees, during smoking, the wings and fish are saturated with a characteristic wonderful “smoked” aroma.

After the set time has elapsed, you can open the lid and check the readiness of the products. If necessary, leave them in the smokehouse with the lid closed for another 10-15 minutes.

This is such a tasty treat for us!

Empirically, that is, in the process of tasting smoked products It has been found that both chicken wings and fish taste better when cold.

In conclusion, I would like to add that literally everything can be smoked in such home / country conditions: meat of all kinds, including lard, fish and vegetables. If you have not previously reached the hands of smoking, then while in the yard summer season it's time to start this process. You will have a real chance to diversify your menu with "sweets". Bon appetit!
