
Seasonings for salmon. Spices for fish: nothing more

Some housewives are not particularly enthusiastic about the proposal to cook fish, explaining this by their dislike for its specific smell. But various spices for fish can easily cope with it, which are not difficult to pick up. And the taste of the finished dish from such additives only wins. The women's online magazine "Beautiful Half" has some valuable recommendations in store for you, which will definitely help you make it unforgettable.

Any connoisseur of fish cuisine will tell you that there is nothing better than freshly caught fish, and it does not matter at all how you cook it. If the fish spent some time in the freezer, this is not at all the same. In order not to suffer with cleaning, rinse the fish with boiling water, and the scales will come off very easily. First decide what exactly you want to cook. After all, the selection of spices largely depends on the type of heat treatment. For example, if you have salmon fish soup on your menu, then the spicy set will include ground black pepper, cloves, bay leaf, finely chopped fresh dill and parsley, as well as allspice peas. Almost without exception, onions are put in fish soups and broths: both onion and green. But first things first.

Broths, soups, fish soup: what spices to choose?

The minimum set of spices for cooking fish includes onions, bay leaves, allspice and fresh herbs (parsley is preferred). Some put chopped garlic in fish broth: the dish turns out to be spicy and, undoubtedly, useful, since I hope no one has any doubts about the medicinal properties of garlic. Nutmeg and red pepper will also set off the rich fish broth with burning notes, and sage will bring a subtle, pleasant bitterness. Just use these spices very carefully, otherwise excessive "generosity" will spoil even the most wonderful soup.

There are gourmets who add white wine to fish broth, and in this case it also becomes something of a spice. And another find for such a broth is rosemary with its persistent aroma, similar to coniferous.

Spices for fried fish

Surely many will say that fried fish is delicious on its own, and only needs to be slightly salted. But it's so banal and predictable! By the way, I have a question: do you sprinkle fish pieces with lemon juice before sending them to the pan? So do the chefs of many famous restaurants, considering lemon juice in combination with ordinary salt and black or white ground pepper as the best seasoning for fried fish.

Together with pepper, a pinch of ground coriander, cumin, bitter or sweet almonds, nutmeg will not interfere with fried fish at all. But the fruits of anise in the process of preparing fish dishes are not used. But garlic is quite appropriate here. You can, for example, salt and pepper pieces of fish prepared for frying, sprinkle with chopped garlic and herbs, pour over with olive oil and let them marinate in the refrigerator for thirty minutes. Then fry, as usual, in breadcrumbs.

Spices for baked fish

Fish baked in foil is becoming increasingly popular. It is prepared in its own juice, and therefore it is clearly not worth abusing spices here. Classical salt and pepper are often complemented with onion or lemon: their rings are placed in foil along with pieces of fish - this is called “fish on an onion pillow” or “fish on a lemon pillow”. And here, obviously, rosemary will not be superfluous. When talking about the use of rosemary in cooking, then, first of all, they recall the recipes for baked fish and potatoes. There is also a more tricky technology - fish with horseradish, when the prepared fish carcass is smeared with table horseradish (this sauce can be bought at almost any grocery store), wrapped in foil and baked in the oven or on the fire. Contrary to all expectations, the taste is very soft and tender. You can use other spices when baking fish in foil - the same garlic, basil, savory or fennel. In general, try, and one day you will definitely find the best option for yourself.

P.S.: I can't resist asking a question: what fish spices do you usually use? You can write the answer directly in the comments under this article.

The meat of most fish has a fairly neutral, mild taste, so almost any seasoning is suitable for fish. Therefore, the choice of spices for fish dishes is truly unlimited. For each method of cooking fish, it is logical to use its own set of spices and spices.

Spices - various parts of plants added to food in small doses for various purposes, mainly with the aim of improving taste , which have a specific, to some extent stable aroma and taste.

Spices are food supplements of exclusively vegetable origin. Various parts of plants can be used as spices: leaves, stems, inflorescences, roots, fruits and their parts - bark, skin.

So, firstly, the fish can be fried. You can do this on the grill, in the pan and in the oven, and - quickly. In any case, the fish will retain as much as possible its natural taste and texture, for which we, in fact, love it. It is reasonable in this case to use almost commonplace salt, pepper and lemon juice. Pepper can be either black or white, but large and freshly ground. Lemon juice, which is sprinkled on a ready-made dish, is perhaps the best seasoning for fish in general. In addition to the above, fried fish goes very well with olive oil.
In general, the fish absorbs the aroma of herbs very well. Therefore, if you cook, then by all means with seasonings, herbs. And you should let her soak well with their aromas. The herbs that are used to cook the fish can be... ANYTHING!!!

This is not to say that a certain fish is better combined with a certain specific plant, this is a matter of taste. But it cannot be said that the combination of mint-salmon or halibut-rosemary is classic. Rather, on the contrary: halibut with rosemary is a special, rather complex and peculiar recipe.

The combination of lemon and fish is a classic. Pairing garlic with fish is a classic, and garlic pairs well with fish. Traditional spices for fish are rosemary and thyme, they go well with fish dishes without imposing their taste, but without making it too thin.

Such combinations are used in many Mediterranean cuisines - in Greece, and in Spain, and in other countries where they love fish and know how to cook. Absolutely, the word "classic" is suitable for a combination of fish and Provence herbs - parsley, dill, tarragon, marjoram, thyme, which have an extraordinary odor.

You can try different combinations of herbs yourself, not forgetting in your experiments that the herbs for fish are mostly tender, growing in Europe. But with oriental spices you have to be very, very careful - for fish, many of them are too heavy.

Greens and parsley root, black pepper, marjoram, nutmeg, curry, dill, savory, tarragon, onion, garlic, red sweet and hot pepper (dried or fresh), allspice, rosemary, sage, cumin, white mustard, thyme, parsnip, bay leaf, peppermint.

Basil, black pepper, leafy greens, garlic, savory, borage, fennel, dill, cumin, nutmeg, sweet red pepper, parsley, lemon balm, curry, bitter and sweet almonds, cardamom, coriander, watercress are suitable for fried fish .

Onion, garlic, nutmeg, cloves, bay leaf, grated parsley, basil, savory, fennel, allspice, rosemary, lemon balm, curry are used with stewed and boiled fish.

Classic spices include:

  • Asafoetida, she is ferula smelly, smelly resin, bad spirit, damn feces, asmargok, hing, ilan
  • Badian real, he is also star anise, Chinese anise, Indian anise, Siberian anise, ship anise
  • Kalgan, aka galgan, alpinia, galangal root, pharmacy root
  • Turmeric, she is also long turmeric, yellow root, gurgemei, zarchava, haldi
  • Nutmeg and Nutmeg or mace, mes
  • Pepper
    • real peppers

Fish and fish dishes are an integral part of the diet of modern man. Fish is healthy, tasty, and, importantly, it is a low-calorie product. The technologies for preparing fish dishes among different peoples can differ significantly, but one thing remains the same: seasonings and spices are always used by everyone.

Culinary art does not stand still, and today fish can be cooked deliciously with seasonings that could not even be thought of before. And although the fish itself has a neutral smell, it perfectly absorbs the aromas of various spices.

Classic seasonings

Of course, the familiar classic is the combination of fish and lemon. You can replace the lemon with a more exotic lime, and add the equally appropriate red or black pepper.

Especially popular is white lemon pepper is a unique combination of flavors that creates a fragrant bouquet in the finished dish. Many famous chefs do not recognize any other seasoning for fish, except for the combination of lemon juice with salt and black or white pepper. Perhaps they are right, but, you see, it's so boring ...

Fish, both river and sea, go well together with dill seeds, rosemary, thyme, tarragon, basil, marjoram and anise. The main thing is to mix spices correctly and not overdo it with their quantity, as seasonings should emphasize the taste of the dish, and not interrupt it.

It is important to know that European herbs have a mild taste, so it is difficult to spoil the fish with them, but oriental seasonings must be handled with care, as they are quite spicy and can easily overshadow the taste of the finished dish.

Spices for fried fish

Each spice is individual, and depending on the way the fish is cooked, it gives it its own, exceptional flavor. Grilled fish drizzled with lemon juice or sprinkled with salt and white pepper is incredibly delicious on its own, but a little ground coriander, cumin, crushed bitter almonds, and even a pinch of garlic can't hurt. Also, leafy greens - such as dill, parsley, green onions - go well with fried fish.

simple recipe: fish pieces prepared for frying are salted, peppered, sprinkled with chopped garlic and herbs, sprinkled with lemon juice and olive oil and left to marinate at room temperature for several hours. With such preparation, any fish will turn out so that you lick your fingers!

Spices for fish soup

The traditional fish soup set includes spices such as onion, bay leaf, allspice and fresh herbs. Parsley and celery roots are added to the water even before the start of cooking - they will give the ear a special fragrant.

Nutmeg and hot peppers are good for those who like it spicy, while sage adds a little bit of pleasant bitterness. Exotic lovers can try using a little rosemary - it will give the ear a subtle coniferous aroma. But these seasonings should be used with great care, as they can easily spoil the appetizing ear.

Spices for baked fish

Gourmets and dieters prefer baked fish - this technology allows you to preserve all the useful and nutrients as much as possible. Fish can be baked in an open way, but most often it is wrapped in foil - this is how the fish cooks in its own juice and turns out to be especially tender and fragrant.

Seasoning for fish allows you to enhance the taste, gives piquancy and allows you to get rid of an unpleasant odor. We will tell you which options are suitable for different types of cooking - after reading the article, you will be able to surprise your loved ones with new culinary masterpieces.

For frying

Spices for fish allow you to incredibly change its taste - a light and delicate texture does not have pronounced properties. That is why different herbs change it beyond recognition.

Fried foods are tasty - they have juiciness derived from oil and a crispy crust. Consider the best spices for frying fish.

  • To achieve a spicy aroma and light piquancy, choose black or red pepper;
  • A more sophisticated option white pepper;
  • Turmeric allows you to achieve a pleasant golden hue and adds a sweet aftertaste.

Among the best options for spices and spices for fish, chefs distinguish:

  • Fennel;
  • Dill;
  • Paprika.

All ingredients can be used both fresh and dried. Strictly monitor the amount - too much spice can interrupt the main taste of the dish.

It's better to cook like this:

  • On the grill;
  • In the oven;
  • On a frying pan.

Let's tell you a little trick! In order not to oversalt when frying, add salt directly to the oil.

And here's the perfect recipe. Mix these ingredients:

  • A small amount of black pepper coarse grinding;
  • Add salt;
  • Pour in a spoonful of lemon juice.

Let's talk about what spices are used to bake fish.

For baking

This type of cooking is considered the most useful and dietary. Heat treatment in the oven is as follows:

  • On the contrary;
  • In foil or sleeve;
  • In glass or ceramic form;
  • In a food bag.

No matter which method you choose, the main thing is the spices for the fish in the oven, which change the taste and make the dish a finished masterpiece. Let's talk about the most suitable spices:

  • To remove a specific smell, add fresh parsley, onion, celery or lemon juice (lime);
  • For baking without sauce, it is better to choose anise, marjoram,;
  • Bay leaf will help emphasize the aroma;
  • Mint and lemon balm will add freshness;
  • Basil, fennel and thyme add flavor to the dish;
  • Ground bay leaf and black pepper enhance the unique taste.

A little advice - it is best to cook the dish by covering the carcass with herbs on all sides.

Now you know what spices are suitable for fish cooked in the oven. Let's see what to avoid:

  • Discard cumin, coriander, cardamom;
  • Do not use paprika, turmeric, nutmeg.

Bright "oriental" flavors will erase the fish bouquet and spoil the dish.

We reviewed the best baking kits. Let's look at the best spices and seasonings for fish that are used in cooking.

For cooking

Choosing the right option for a large amount of liquid is not easy - the selected bouquet must be combined with boiling water and soaked into the meat.

Let's figure out what seasonings are suitable for fish, what should be added to the pan when cooking:

  • The best option for saturating the broth is onion, celery and bay leaf. In addition, they interrupt a specific aroma. Dill and parsley will serve these purposes;
  • Any pepper will add a little spiciness;
  • Nutmeg, saffron, rosemary, and sage are bitter and should not be added to soup. But if you want to boil the fillet and take it out of the water, these seasonings will be the best option.

We learned which seasoning is best for fish cooked in a pot, as well as for soup.

The herbs below are best avoided - they saturate the broth, remaining useless for the fillet:

  • Cinnamon;
  • Paprika;
  • Turmeric;
  • Cumin - interesting, read the detailed answer in our other article;
  • Cardamom.

Now you know how to properly cook a carcass and cook a delicious, fragrant soup. Let's discuss what seasoning is added to fish when stewing.

For extinguishing

Many housewives complain that stewed fish seems too bland. This can be fixed - just add a small amount of spices.

The options for you are:

  • Onions and dill will help enhance the taste;
  • Melissa, mint and basil keep the dish fresh;
  • A sprig of rosemary will give a spicy smell and decorate the plate;
  • Mustard seeds will make the taste spicy and refined;
  • For spiciness, any kind of pepper is ideal.

Spicy sauces that you can make yourself will add spice, make the meat juicy and melt in your mouth. Here is the simplest recipe:

  • Mix sour cream and selected spices. Do not overdo it with the amount of ingredients;
  • Pour in the fish;
  • Add some flour to thicken the sauce.

The second option for beginner cooks:

  • Stir in tomato paste and seasonings such as peppers and onions;
  • Pour the fillet and sweat a little under the lid.

Such sauces are also good because they allow you to reduce the number of calories, because they successfully replace fatty oil.

We learned which ingredients will enhance the taste when baked, let's discuss the composition of seasoning for fish used in smoking.

For smoking

Almost everyone loves smoked fish - it has a delicate texture and a pleasant aroma. As a rule, this cooking method does not require additional taste and smell stimulants, because the smoke from smoking saturates the meat in the best way.

If you want to improve the taste, it is important not to overdo it. Can be used:

  • Celery. Put it under the gills for a gentle scent;
  • Mustard, saffron, tarragon. Wipe the carcass before cooking.

What is included in the seasoning for fish, which can be added to the source of smoke:

  • Bay leaf;
  • Carnation;
  • Black peppercorns.

Let's talk about the seasoning for fish with our own hands, or rather, the marinade, which will reveal all the taste qualities of the carcass. It is necessary to prepare:

  • 5 bay leaves;
  • A few peas of black pepper;
  • 1.5 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 2.5 tablespoons of salt;
  • 5 cloves


  • Pour a liter of water into the pan;
  • Add salt and sugar;
  • Wait until it boils, then add the spice mixture;
  • Pour the carcass with the resulting marinade;
  • Wait for cooling and put in a cool place for 2-3 days.

The number of ingredients is calculated per kilogram. Now you know how to smoke fish in the best possible way - now we can discuss what is needed for proper salting.

Some housewives are not particularly enthusiastic about the proposal to cook fish, explaining this by their dislike for its specific smell. But various spices for fish can easily cope with it, which are not difficult to pick up. And the taste of the finished dish from such additives only wins. I have in store for you some valuable recommendations that will definitely help you make it unforgettable.

Freshwater fish species:
catfish- the largest representative. Almost without bones and scales, it is easy to prepare.
Perch- found everywhere and has delicious meat.
Pike- one of the most popular fish due to its delicious white meat.
Carp- the owner of the most tender meat. It is considered a "bony" fish.
Trout- fish suitable for any kind of cooking.
Sterlet- royal fish among freshwater. It has tender meat and in skillful hands becomes a delicacy.
Carp- big and fat. Suitable for cooking in any form.

No matter how popular in cooking and distinctively tasty the fish is, suitable seasonings for it are an important issue in the kitchen.

Spices for cooking river fish

River fish does not have a bright taste of meat. This determines the choice of spices and seasonings for use - they are all fragrant, pungent, with a pronounced aroma.

Cooking fish by frying is popular. The dish acquires a specific fried taste, and dryish meat increases fat content due to oil.

Salt and hot peppers (black, red, white) are invariably considered spices for fish when frying. Salt is recommended to be added directly to the oil. So the fish will "take" the required amount during the frying process.

When frying, you can add:
garlic- a small amount will improve the taste of the dish;
coriander, thyme ground nutmeg- enhance the taste and give uniqueness;
turmeric- will give a rich golden color and a sweetish aftertaste;
basil, dill, parsley, thyme, lemon balm- they are crushed and added at the end of cooking for freshness;
lemon juice- a few drops on the meat will eliminate the river smell.
IMPORTANT! When choosing spices suitable for fish, it is better to refuse a mixture of 2 or more types at once, since when frying in oil, they enhance their properties.


Most often, fish is stewed in oil, a vegetable pillow or in sauces. A small amount of spices can improve the final taste.

The following spices are suitable for stewed fish:

peppers and mustard- for sharpness;
mint, basil, lemon balm or rosemary- for a fresh aroma of herbs (the main thing is not to overdo it);
onion (any), dill- enhance the taste of river fish meat.
IMPORTANT! Bright and spicy spices - curry, coriander, turmeric, cinnamon are better not to use when stewing fish.


Cooking fish in a large amount of liquid imposes some difficulties for the choice of spices: they must “play” hot and be able to soak into the meat from the broth.

The best spices for cooking fish are:

Onion and bay leaf- with them, the broth will become richer. They will kill the river smell of fish when cooking;
Peppers (any)- from the broth will give a slight sharpness to the meat. Will not hurt peppercorns.
Celery and parsley- will make the taste of fish richer.
Saffron, nutmeg, rosemary, sage- leaving a bitter taste to the broth, only the best will be given to the fish.
IMPORTANT! Cinnamon, paprika, turmeric, coriander, cumin do not “tolerate” cooking in large amounts of water. Having filled the broth with aromas, they will be useless for fish.


In foil or without, in the oven, microwave or on fire - baked river fish is loved by gourmets and nutritionists. The most common way to use spices in this case is to wrap the fish on all sides with herbs.

For baking river fish, the following spices should be used:

Marjoram, anise, oregano- enhance the taste of fish dishes;
Onion, celery, parsley- when baking, they will “take away” the river smell;
Bay leaf, lemon balm, mint- add a fresh aroma and can sweeten the taste of the finished dish.
Turmeric, coriander or thyme- will give spicy, rich shades of flavors.
IMPORTANT! Roasting with cumin, nutmeg, paprika or cinnamon will spoil the unique fish bouquet of flavors.


Smoked fish is loved for its flavor and culture of consumption, even by those who do not prefer fish at all. Cooked on fragrant smoke, the fish does not need additional flavor enhancement.

When smoking, the following spices are added:

Celery- a little under the ribs or gills for a pleasant aroma;
Mustard, paprika, saffron or tarragon- to choose from. Wipe the carcass of the fish on all sides before cooking.
IMPORTANT! The addition of oriental spices when smoking fish can add a specific taste to the dish. They are not recommended.

sea ​​views
Sea fish has a wide variety. Spices for her are "calmer" and often serve to complement the rich taste.

Sea fish for cooking:

Herring is a popular marine fish. It is used in salted, smoked and pickled form.
Mackerel- fish with fatty meat. Retains great taste in any form.
Flounder- the meat is easily boiled. Suitable for frying, stewing or smoking.
Salmon (salmon, salmon)- have fatty, tender red meat. A popular fish for cooking. Almost no intermuscular bones.
Pollock- one of the most common marine fish. Suitable for any type of preparation.
Cod- has tender meat and is considered one of the most useful and nutritious. Contains a large amount of protein.
Sturgeons- a delicacy breed. It is used for cooking balyk, smoking, salting.

Spices for sea fish
As mentioned above, marine fish species do not require bright spices in cooking. The amount of additives must be clearly controlled so as not to lose the delicate taste of the fish dish.


You can fry all types of sea fish. Due to the natural fat content of meat, halibut, mackerel, sturgeon, fatty herring can be fried even without oil.

A good addition to cooking will be:

Ground pepper (allspice, black, red, white), added in moderation, will not only add spiciness, but will enhance the natural taste of fish meat.
Ginger or nutmeg- will add piquancy. They are difficult to interrupt the "marine" flavor.
Oregano or thyme- add a light spice.
Melissa- will add a touch of freshness to rich fried fish meat.
IMPORTANT! Fried sea fish does not go well with cardamom, cumin, coriander. They interrupt the taste, making the dishes too spicy.


Stewed sea fish retains its appearance by absorbing the sauce or juice of the vegetables with which it is cooked.

The best choice of spices for stewing would be:

Bay leaf- add carefully at the end of cooking to enhance the specific iodine flavor of sea fish.
Allspice- has a rich aroma. Will not get lost in vegetable juice or stew sauce.
Mustard can be added to the sauce. The fish that is stewed in it will acquire a light sweet and sour point.
Ginger or nutmeg- for piquancy and flavor enhancement.
Garlic- a constant companion of fish in matters of extinguishing. Adds pungency to the dish without overpowering the main flavors.
NOTE It is better not to use spices such as mint, fennel, sage, as well as curry, turmeric, coriander, cumin for stewing sea fish.


Many chefs suggest not using spices when cooking sea fish.

If you still want some shades in taste, you can add the following to the broth:

Onion and parsley a - they will make the broth saturated, they will not allow the meat to become dryish even when digested.
Bay leaf and ground pepper- make meat with broth tastier and more aromatic.
Carnation- a small amount will make the dish more spicy.
NOTE Oriental spices and aromatic seasonings are useless when cooking, they will oversaturate the broth and prevent the fish from soaking in flavor


Roasting allows you to retain maximum nutrients and natural taste. When choosing spices and seasonings for baking fish, it is important not to use too rich aromas, “strong” oriental spices, but to choose lighter, fresher additions.

Seasonings for baking:

Salt, lemon juice or onion- constant companions of baked fish.
Rosemary- a small branch will decorate not only the appearance of the dish, but also the gastronomic bouquet.
Basil, thyme, fennel- add fragrant freshness to the fish dish.
Turmeric or paprika- add a specific taste if the dish needs updating.
Ground bay leaf, allspice, ground celery- are enhancers of the taste of sea fish, adding a bit of sharpness and fragrantness.
NOTE Fish should not be baked in the presence of cumin, coriander, cardamom, as these spices are bright and rich and will interrupt the taste.


Smoking sea fish is the process of preparing gourmet dishes. Cooked on fragrant smoke, the fish does not require "refinement" with spices. But you can use the following set of spices to add them to the smoke source for smoking:

Bay leaf;

Processing of fish, except for a slight addition of salt and greens under the ribs or gills, is not required.

Spices for salting and marinating fish:

Black, white, allspice.
Bay leaf.

Spices for fish soup

Making fish soup does not allow you to experiment with spices due to the presence of a broth that dissolves most of the spices.

Separately, the fish from the soup after cooking will be fresh, as the spices will remain in the broth. At the same time, you can not increase their number, so as not to spoil the broth itself.

When choosing spices for fish soup, you should opt for those that are suitable not just for hot cooking, but for a liquid dish.

The following "fish" spices have such versatility:

Black pepper. Passed through the mill, it will give both the broth and the fish an aroma and spiciness, although peppercorns will also open in the soup.
Carnation. Perfectly complements not only fish, but also broths. It should only be remembered that it is added 3-5 minutes before serving, since when cooked hot, it quickly loses its aroma, although it retains its taste.
Caraway. In small quantities, cumin can improve the taste of fish and broth, giving a slight spiciness and spicy aroma.
Parsley. Of the greens, parsley best gives flavor to the broth and goes well with fish dishes.
Bay leaf. A private guest in a pot with soup, including fish. It should be added 5 minutes before the end of cooking and in moderation so that the essential oils of laurel do not clog the aroma of fresh fish broth.

Often in the preparation of fish soups, spices are used that can kill natural fish flavors or even spoil the broth completely.

To such "unsuccessful" examples include:

Dill. Often added to soups, but when boiled, dill loses its flavors and becomes a decoration in boiled broth. If you still love dill on your table, it is better to cut it fresh and serve it to the table.
Chilli. A lot of hot peppers will kill the natural flavors and the broth will turn out to be spicy, and the fish will be tasteless.
Sage. In fish soup, this seasoning can give too much bitterness.
Rosemary. In the case of boiling in broth, rosemary gives too much spice, and the soup will end up with an excessive coniferous aroma.
The use of spices in the preparation of fish should be wise, especially when mixing them. By adding it carefully while cooking, over time you can come up with a set of seasonings that suit your taste.
