
Snickers recipe. How to make chocolate ganache for a Snickers cake

There are no people left in the world who would not know about the popular Snickers chocolate bar. This bar is so delicious that for many years its popularity has not fallen, but only increased. Because of the universal love for this beloved chocolate bar, many manufacturers began to produce various confectionery, which in their own way palatability could compare to her. If you love this chocolate-nut sweetness since childhood, then you will surely like the cake made on the basis of nuts, soft caramel And milk chocolate.

Chocolate cake Snickers with crackers

Beautiful and delicious chocolate cake "Snickers" with the addition of a cracker will perfectly decorate any festive event.

  • chicken egg - 5 pcs.;
  • flour - 120 gr.;
  • sugar - 160 gr.;
  • cocoa powder - 30 gr.;
  • baking powder - 10 gr.;
  • butter - 200 gr.;
  • cracker - 150 gr.;
  • boiled condensed milk - 400 gr.;
  • chocolate - 200 gr.;
  • peanuts - 200 gr.

Cooking method:

  • Beat egg whites and yolks separately with sugar.
  • Mix the protein and yolk masses in one container, add the sifted flour with baking powder and cocoa, and gently knead batter. It should be uniform and airy.
  • Transfer the batter to a heat-resistant dish for baking cakes and put it in the oven, preheated to 170 degrees, for 40-50 minutes. Check the readiness of the biscuit with a toothpick - there should be no batter left on it.
  • While the biscuit is baking in the oven, prepare the cream. To do this, beat the softened butter with boiled condensed milk. You should get a thick homogeneous mass.
  • Break the cracker by hand small pieces and add it to the cream.
  • Add peanuts to it. If you have raw peanuts, then you need to fry them.
  • Cool the finished biscuit well and cut it into two parts. Put all the prepared cream on the first part and cover with the second part.
  • Melt the chocolate and pour over the top of the cake. Decorate the cake with peanuts, if desired.
  • Before serving, the cake should be in the refrigerator for at least three hours.

Snickers cake from cookies without baking. Two cooking options

Even a child can cope with the preparation of this simple, but nevertheless very tasty and nutritious cake, and besides, it will not take you much time. We bring to your attention two options for preparing such a delicacy.

To prepare it, you will need next set products:

For the cake:

  • cookies - 600 gr;
  • butter - 120 gr;
  • boiled condensed milk - 1 can;
  • roasted peanuts- 150-200 gr.

For decoration:

  • milk chocolate - 100 gr;
  • butter - 20 gr.

The preparation methods are shown below.

Option 1

  • Beat 120 gr. softened butter with a can of boiled condensed milk until a homogeneous cream is obtained.
  • Grind roasted peanuts and add it to the cream.
  • Lay one layer of cookies on the surface prepared for the cake. Lubricate it with the previously prepared cream.
  • Repeat layers until you run out of food.
  • For decoration, melt 100 gr. milk chocolate with 20 gr. butter and pour finished glaze cake. Garnish with peanuts if desired.

Option 2

  • Prepare the cream, for this, beat the butter with condensed milk with a mixer.
  • Crush the cookies into small crumbs. The easiest way to do this is in a blender.
  • Mix cookie crumbs with cream until smooth.
  • Put the resulting mass on the prepared dish, give the cake the desired shape.
  • Lay the roasted peanuts generously on top of the cake. Peanuts do not need to be crushed.
  • cook chocolate icing from chocolate and butter. Cover the cake with it.

Cake "Snickers". Classic recipe

Snickers cake prepared according to this recipe will appeal to absolutely all lovers of this popular chocolate bar. air biscuit, delicate caramel cream and fragrant roasted peanuts will make you return to this recipe again and again.

To prepare it, you will need the following set of products:

  • 6 chicken eggs;
  • 180 gr. flour;
  • 170 gr. Sahara;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of baking powder;
  • 250 gr. peanuts
  • 1 can of boiled condensed milk;
  • heavy cream(not less than 30%) - 400 gr.;
  • vanillin to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Six egg whites beat with a mixer for about three minutes.
  • Continue beating the whites at medium speed of the mixer, gradually adding sugar to them. When the sugar runs out, without stopping beating, gradually add one yolk at a time.
  • Add the sifted flour with baking powder to the resulting mass and gently stir the dough until smooth.
  • Finished sticky dough transfer to a baking dish and put it in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees, for 40 minutes.
  • For cream, whip heavy cream. Without stopping beating, gradually add one tablespoon of condensed milk. As a result, you should get a medium-thick cream.
  • IN ready cream add crushed roasted peanuts and mix well.
  • Cut the finished biscuit into several cakes, each of which is smeared with butter cream.
  • Spread the top of the cake with the remaining cream and decorate it as you wish.
  • Put the finished cake in a cold place for several hours, and preferably all night.

Recipe layered cake « Air Snickers» with meringue and peanuts at home. This cake is wonderful and amazing delicious combination boiled condensed milk, peanuts and air meringue. Traditionally, the Snickers cake is made from several layers and soaked in a cream of boiled condensed milk with butter. Form and appearance The cake can be varied - round, square or rectangular. The cake turns out to be quite satisfying, nutritious and very high-calorie.

Required Ingredients:


3 cups flour;

3 cups sugar (1.5 + 1.5);

230 g butter (softened);

1 teaspoon of slaked soda;

1 st. a spoonful of mayonnaise;

6 eggs (yolks + whites).


1 can of boiled condensed milk;

200 g butter (softened);

2 handfuls of peanuts (peeled).


50 - 60 g dark chocolate + 1 tbsp. a spoonful of water.

How to cook:

To start making the Air Snickers Cake, thaw the butter completely in advance when room temperature, it should be very soft.

Divide the eggs into whites and yolks into separate large bowls. Pour 1.5 cups of sugar into the yolks and beat with a mixer until the mass turns white.

Pour softened butter into this mass and continue to beat until smooth.

Then add mayonnaise slaked soda, stir and start in small portions add flour to the dough. It is more convenient to knead the dough at this stage with a spoon or spatula.

The finished dough should not be thick and elastic, on the contrary, it is plastic and a little sticky. Cover the dough with cling film and refrigerate for 1-1.5 hours.

Take a mixer and beat the whites with the rest of the sugar in a strong and stable foam.

After the time has elapsed, take out the chilled dough and divide it into 3 or 4 parts, depending on the form you have chosen.

Turn on the oven and preheat to 150 degrees. Place parchment paper into the mold.

Take one part of the dough and flatten it with your hands into a thin even layer. Put the rest of the dough back in the refrigerator.

Divide the whipped squirrels into three parts, according to the number of cakes. Spread one part over the entire surface of the cake and make small peaks with the back of a spoon.

Put the prepared form in a preheated oven for 30 - 35 minutes. During this time, the cake and meringue will be completely baked. Finished cake remove from the mold along with the parchment and leave to cool completely. Put more parchment in the freed form and bake the rest of the cakes in the same way.

While the cakes are cooling, take care of the cream and peanuts. Mix the softened butter with a mixer with condensed milk.

Continue whisking the cream until the mass is completely homogeneous. Roast the peanuts in a pan or dry them in the oven.

Clean the nuts from the husk and chop with a knife. If desired, they can be left whole or chopped with a mixer (blender).

Assemble the cake. Carefully remove the parchment from the cooled cakes. Place the first cake on a serving dish and spread half of the cream on top. Sprinkle peanuts on top and place the second cake. Spread it with the second half of the cream and sprinkle with the remaining peanuts.

Put the third cake.

Melt chocolate with water for decoration and pour over the cake with chaotic movements.

Chill the finished cake "Air Snickers" in the refrigerator for at least 2 - 3 hours and serve.

5-6 servings

8-9 hours

449 kcal

No holiday is complete without dessert, in particular without a cake. Of course, you can buy a cake in the store. But each of us wants to surprise guests with what is done with our own hands. I want to invite you to bake a Snickers cake. There are many varieties of this cake. Today you will get acquainted with the two most the best recipes Snickers cake without meringue. The cake will take some time to bake. But it's worth it. Your guests will be delighted with your treat.

Snickers cake the easiest recipe

Kitchen appliances and utensils: refrigerator, oven, microwave, blender, mixer, baking dish with a diameter of 24 cm, bowl, bowl, knife, board, spatula.


How to make Snickers cake - the best recipe

Cooking a biscuit

final chord

video recipe

Be sure to watch this video chocolate cake Snickers.

Airy Peanut Snickers Cake - The Best Recipe

Cooking time: 7-8 hours.
Servings: 5-6.
Kitchen appliances and utensils: refrigerator, oven, baking dish with a diameter of 21 cm, a baking ring, a mixer, a pan with a thick bottom, a board, a knife, a bowl, parchment paper, cling film, brush, acetate film.


Eggs5 pieces.
cocoa is not sweet40 g
Vegetable oil50 g
Flour200 g
Milk400-450 ml
Sugar580 g
Baking powder1 tsp
Boiling water200 g
Water130 g
salted caramel200 g
Fatty cream from 30%750 ml
Butter40-50 g
Sea salt optional1 tsp
Gelatin28 g

A step-by-step recipe for the most delicious Snickers cake at home

Cooking a biscuit

Stacking the cake

We cover a baking sheet with a side (I have 22 * ​​33 cm) with parchment.

Melt half of the chocolate in a water bath or in a microwave oven. Pour onto parchment paper and spread with a spatula.

Put in the freezer so that the chocolate hardens quickly.

Cooking nougat. We put honey and sugar in a ladle and pour 50 ml of water. Put on the stove and bring to a boil over medium heat. Cook up to 135 degrees on a thermometer or until a test for a soft ball (put a little syrup in a cup with cold water- the drop should harden, but at the same time remain soft).

While the syrup is cooking, beat the egg whites to stiff peaks. We begin to pour the finished syrup into a thin stream into the whipped proteins, without stopping whipping. Beat until the mass thickens. WE WHICK FOR A LONG TIME UNTIL THE BLADES OF THE MIXER BEGIN TO KNIT IN THE MASS!

Spread the nougat on top of the hardened chocolate and smooth it out.

We put in the refrigerator for an hour.

While the nougat is set, prepare the caramel. We put all the ingredients for it in a saucepan. We bet on medium fire and cook, stirring constantly, up to 120 degrees on the thermometer. Or we make a test - we drip caramel on a cold surface - it should harden to the state of soft toffee.

Add peanuts to caramel.

Mix, pour over the frozen nougat and level.

We put in the refrigerator.

Melt the remaining half of the chocolate. Remove the baking sheet from the refrigerator, pour the chocolate over the caramel and smooth it out.

Put it back in the fridge until the chocolate hardens.

Cut into squares and serve.

Store in refrigerator for up to 2 weeks.

Happy tea!

Step-by-step recipes for making a Snickers cake with biscuit and sand cakes, no baking with cookies: options with nuts and without nuts, with meringue, crackers

2018-08-27 Oleg Mikhailov





In 100 grams ready meal

6 gr.

25 gr.


34 gr.

388 kcal.

Option 1: Snickers cake - classic recipe

Cakes created “inspired” by other desserts and named after them often turn out to be no worse than the original and are included in the list of favorite and sought-after treats. This is the cake for you. We have collected several recipes, different in complexity and slightly different in taste. Do not look for a full-fledged replacement for a branded bar among them, but you may well find a cake that will become a frequent guest on your table.


  • cocoa powder - 30 gr.;
  • 350 gr. flour;
  • two spoons of powder ripper;
  • pack of butter;
  • sugar - two glasses;
  • three raw eggs;
  • two glasses of high-fat kefir;
  • powder, vanilla - two spoons.

For caramel cream:

  • caramelized condensed milk - 800 gr.;
  • two packs of high-fat oil.

For nougat:

  • peanuts, peeled - 200 gr.;
  • two fresh proteins;
  • 200 gr. peanut butter;
  • half a glass of sugar;
  • 50 ml of water;
  • "Traditional" oil - one package;
  • 50 gr. honey.


  • one and a half glasses of high-calorie cream;
  • 400 gr. dark milk chocolate.

Step by step Snickers cake recipe

Combine flour with cocoa and ripper. Sift the mass twice through a fine mesh sieve.

Put the butter prepared for the dough in a separate bowl and cut it into pieces right in it. Let stand to soften. Beating with a mixer, add sugar to the butter in small portions.

Without interrupting the beating, we introduce into the mass one egg at a time. Do not rush to release the next one until the previous one is completely sold out. Mix in the vanilla and dry mixture, also in small portions, switching the mixer to the minimum speed. At the same time, pour in parts of kefir.

Lubricate two forms, with a diameter of at least 24 cm, with oil, lightly sprinkle with flour. Divide equally, lay out in forms chocolate dough. We bake biscuits, check readiness, puncture the biscuit with a splinter. Cool the cakes by placing them on a wire rack.

In a dry frying pan, stirring occasionally, roast the peanuts. After cooling, remove the husks from the nuts. After pouring into a blender, we interrupt the peanuts to small crumbs.

Cut the softened butter into a bowl, beat until fluffy. Without interrupting whipping, we introduce in parts boiled condensed milk. Qualitatively whipped cream should be uniform and dense.

We prepare the second cream mass "Nugu". Combine softened butter with peanut butter, mix with a mixer until smooth.

From honey, sugar and water, cook on low heat clear syrup. Without bringing to a boil, stirring, warm up until the temperature rises to 130 degrees.

while brewing honey syrup, fluffy beat the chilled egg whites, adding a small pinch of salt. Slowly pour in the syrup, whisking until the base cools. Stir in a continuously whipped mass of a spoonful of peanut-butter mixture.

We cut the cooled biscuits in two - four identical cakes should come out. We put one on a dish, cover it with a layer of Nougat cream, cover with a second cake, on which we apply part of the caramel cream. Next, put another cake, evenly distribute the remaining nougat over it and cover with the last cake, bulge up. Leveling the surface and sides caramel cream. Place the cake in the refrigerator for forty minutes.

While the surface of the cake is cooling, prepare the frosting. To do this, break the chocolate into a saucepan. Pour in the cream and put on slow fire. Heat until chocolate is completely melted. We don't boil! Cool glaze completely.

The cooled cake is carefully transferred to the wire rack installed on the tray. Drizzle with glaze to completely cover the sides. We filter the icing that has collected on the tray and put it on the cake again. Place the dessert in the refrigerator for ten minutes.

Option 2: Snickers Cake - A Quick Recipe

An original treat will come out if you use already roasted, salted peanuts. Many people like this contrast of tastes, but you should not add salt on the nuts on purpose, rather, on the contrary, wipe them with clean hands, shaking the salt to the side. But it makes sense to fry the peanuts a little stronger, do it in a dry frying pan, be sure to mix it.


  • six chicken eggs;
  • one and a half glasses of flour;
  • refined sugar - 160 grams;
  • a spoon of a factory ripper;
  • powder, vanilla - a small bag.


  • 33% cream - 400 ml;
  • condensed milk, caramelized - one tin;
  • 200 gr. peanuts.

For decor:

  • milk chocolate bar - 100 gr.;
  • one Snickers bar;
  • 50 gr. roasted peanuts.

How to quickly make a Snickers cake

Breaking the shell, pour the whites into a clean bowl. After adding vanilla, start beating egg whites with a mixer. Having received white foam, in portions we introduce sugar. Pour the flour, ripper onto the lush egg mass and gently fold in with the folding movements of the spatula.

We put parchment at the bottom of a heat-resistant form, grease the sides and sprinkle with flour. After filling the form with dough, for half an hour we place it in hot oven. We check the readiness of the biscuit with a dry stick.

Whip the cream, gradually adding to them a spoonful of condensed milk. Ready butter cream put in the refrigerator for 20 minutes.

Roast the peanuts in a dry frying pan. After cooling, we peel the peel from the nuts and interrupt them to fine crumbs with a blender. You can just finely chop the kernels with a knife. Combine crushed peanuts with cream.

We dissolve the cooled biscuit lengthwise into three parts. We stack bottom cake on a dish, cover with cream, put another workpiece on top of the bottom, just as abundantly cover it with cream. Lightly press the last cake and brush with the rest cream mass the whole cake.

Cut the chocolate bar into thin rectangles and arrange them on the surface of the cake. We complement the decor with roasted peanuts.

Option 3: A simple Snickers cake - a recipe with sour cream cakes

lovers original decor can slightly change the design of the dessert. Add to two dark chocolates also half white, but we do not melt it completely. Break the white chocolate into squares and dip into the melted dark chocolate. After quickly mixing the icing, apply it to the cake along with the undissolved pieces. white chocolate, then we give the dessert a tiger color by simply swiping the stripes over the surface with a fork.


  • cup white sugar and the same amount of first-class flour;
  • three full spoons of cocoa and sour cream;
  • three raw eggs;
  • a spoonful of finished ripper.

Cream No. 1:

  • a quarter kilo of natural oil;
  • three glasses of 3 percent milk;
  • 125 grams of sugar;
  • a glass of semolina.

Cream No. 2:

  • two cans of caramelized condensed milk;
  • 200 grams of peanuts, roasted;
  • pack of crackers.

For frosting:

  • two 100 gram chocolate bars (60%).

How to cook

Separate the whites from all the eggs and beat with sugar, then add the yolks one at a time. Stir the cocoa with sour cream and spoon it directly under the beaters of the mixer, then add and stir in the flour with the ripper with a spoon.

Bake the dough with two cakes, be sure to butter the form under it, at 180 degrees it will take up to half an hour for each. For the first cream, cook thick porridge in milk with sugar. After cooling, stir in the oil.

Crushed crackers and whole peanuts mix with condensed milk - this will be cream number two. Assembling the cake is simple: pour one cake with half of the butter cream, then with the entire volume of cream on condensed milk. Without delay, we apply the second part of the butter cream and cover with the second cake.

Fill the cake with chocolate melted in a microwave oven, decorate with peanuts.

Option 4: Snickers Cake - No Bake Recipe

Peanuts, immediately after the preparation described below, will be large. Arm yourself with a small knife with a sharp tip and cut the nuts into halves. From toasted walnuts, if it is they who go to the cake, we also remove the husk, cut the nucleoli smaller with a knife.


  • a tin can of white condensed milk;
  • packaging of good oil;
  • crumbly square cookies - 800 gr.;
  • 300 gr. nuts (walnuts or peanuts).


  • a slice of butter - 50 gr.;
  • a glass of 20% sour cream;
  • four tablespoons of cocoa;
  • a third of a glass of sugar;

For registration:

  • a handful of roasted peanuts.

Step by step recipe

After pouring into a dry frying pan, fry the peanuts over low heat for seven minutes. Be sure to stir the nuts, otherwise they will burn. After cooling, remove the husk from the peanut.

We put the cookies in a tight bag, tying them up, and go through the packaging several times with a rolling pin. You can grate the cookies or beat with a blender, it is important to get a small crumb.

Put the softened butter in advance into a bowl, cut into pieces. Pour condensed milk to it and beat with a mixer. The cream should come out dense and uniform.

Combine cookie crumbs with oil cream and, having mixed, put it on a dish, with the palms of our hands we give the mass the desired shape. Spread roasted peanuts evenly on top.

In a saucepan, combine sugar with cocoa and sour cream. Stirring constantly, bring the mass to a boil, and boil over low heat for about three minutes. Remove from stove, stir in hot icing butter and pour it over the cake. Place in the refrigerator for three hours.

Option 5: Snickers Sponge Cake - Recipe with Peanuts and Crackers

You can use another impregnation liquid if alcohol, even in this role, is inappropriate. So that its taste does not turn out to be unexpected, use something neutral: simple syrup, slightly diluted berry jam, juice from a can of peaches.


  • five raw eggs;
  • a full glass of white flour;
  • 140 grams of white sugar;
  • a bag of vanillin and a ripper (ready);
  • three tablespoons of cocoa and the same amount of sour cream.

In syrup for impregnation:

  • three tablespoons of cognac and sugar;
  • water - five tablespoons.


  • condensed milk, boiled - one can;
  • a handful of unsalted peanuts;
  • a pack of fatty oil;
  • 200 grams of crackers.

How to cook

With the entire serving of sugar, at the maximum speed of the mixer, beat the egg whites. We introduce the yolks into the mass, and mix, slightly reducing the speed. In sour cream, stir all the cocoa and add with spoons to the main mass, the last we add flour, sifted with baking powder. Turn the speed to medium, mix the ingredients thoroughly.

Moisten the form with oil with a brush, bake two cakes in it, dividing the dough into portions. Cut off the convex tops and crumble with a blender, soak the cakes themselves by boiling the syrup and stirring brandy in it. Mix soft butter with a spoon with condensed milk, pour peanuts and crushed crackers into the cream.

Lubricate any of the cakes with exactly half of the cream and place on a dish, place the second biscuit on top and press it to the bottom. Cover the cake with the rest of the cream on all sides and sprinkle with biscuit crumbs on top.

Option 6: Delicious Snickers Cake: Meringue Recipe

Use sour cream for cream with the content butterfat not less than 25%. Chocolate for decoration should be chosen not the most bitter or even replaced with dark milk chocolate. The amount, according to the recipe, is 50 grams, but you can safely double it.


  • three selected and fresh eggs;
  • one and a half tablespoons of flour, cocoa and sugar.


  • a glass of sour cream;
  • half a can of caramelized condensed milk.

Korzh, protein:

  • peanuts - 150 grams;
  • three fresh proteins;
  • one and a half tablespoons of white sugar;
  • starch and flour - half a spoon.


  • small bar of chocolate (dark).

Step by step recipe

When separating the eggs, put the whites in the cold, this is very important! Then beat the whites, adding a little salt. Pour sugar into the foam little by little, bring it to a noticeable density. Pour the peanuts in a bowl with starch and flour, mix and shift with a spoon to the proteins, gently mixing.

On parchment paper, draw a 24-centimeter circle, lay it inside the outline protein mass. Align the cake and send it to the oven for two hours, heated to 110 degrees, then turn off the heat, let the cake cool inside the oven.

For the biscuit, beat the eggs with sugar for five minutes. Then mix the flour sifted with cocoa into the air mass with a spoon. In the form, along the contour of which the first cake was baked, lay parchment, lay out the dough. Bake for up to 25 minutes at exactly 180 degrees.

Beat the condensed milk with sour cream, cool the biscuit, remove the parchment and dissolve the cake into two layers, trim the edges a little. Lubricate one half with exactly the third part of the cream, lay protein cake, on it again the cream and the second biscuit.

Dry the biscuit scraps in a dry frying pan and crumble, sprinkle the cake and cover with the rest of the cream. Melt the chocolate in the microwave and pour over the Snickers.

Option 7: Snickers Cake - Boiled Water Biscuit Recipe with Caramel

Butter in the cake, of course, we use absolutely smellless. Do not be stingy with an expensive product, often such oil is sold in small bottles, it is not so expensive.


  • a glass of boiling water;
  • 400 grams of flour and beet sugar;
  • two raw eggs;
  • five spoons of ripper and three - vanilla sugar;
  • 4 tablespoons vegetable oil;
  • six tablespoons of cocoa powder;
  • one and a half glasses of pasteurized milk.

For caramel:

  • one hundred milliliters of heavy cream;
  • sugar, white - 150 grams;
  • a whisper of salt;
  • a slice of butter - 60 grams.

IN cheese cream:

  • a quarter cup of heavy cream;
  • 80 grams of sweet powder;
  • cheese, creamy - three hundred grams.


  • two chocolate bars - only 200 gr.;
  • a glass of cream, 30 percent.

How to cook

Pour the ripper, flour and cocoa into a sieve and sift, mix with both types of sugar. Whisk the eggs vigorously, then pour in the milk and butter, pass through the mass with a mixer again. We begin to pour the dry mixture in portions, mix with a mixer, slightly reducing the power. The last we introduce into the mass of boiling water.

We bake two identical cakes, in a buttered round form. We keep the heating moderate, bake for forty minutes, cut the cooled biscuits into two layers each. Lightly fry the nuts in the filling, cool and chop. Heat the caramel cream on the stove, melt the sugar separately. First, add the slices of butter to the caramel, mix, then add the cream. Salt, mix the caramel again and remove from heat.

Whip the cream for a couple of minutes, then add the powder in three batches. After that, add cheese in small portions, beat for five minutes and cool. We put one cake on a decorative dish, apply about a third of the caramel. Set aside some of the peanuts, spread the rest evenly over the cake. Cover with the second biscuit, put cheese cream on it and lay the third cake.

The next layer is caramel, the last of the cakes is placed on it. Pour it with ganache, melting chocolate for this and mixing with hot cream. Decorate the cake with nuts.

Option 8: Snickers Cake - Shortcrust Pastry Recipe

A thin layer of meringue (meringue) is baked together with the cake, the technology is very interesting, but somewhat troublesome. If the experiment fails, next time cook these parts of the cake separately, more in the usual way. We break the cooled meringues into thin pieces and lay them on top of the cream layer, although the meringue and cream will go a little more.


  • two spoons of sweet powder and one - thick sour cream;
  • 125 grams of natural oil;
  • three raw egg yolks;
  • ripper spoon;
  • sugar, vanilla - an incomplete spoon;
  • a quarter kilogram of flour.

For buttercream:

  • caramelized GOST condensed milk - 200 grams;
  • 150 grams of "Farmer" oil;
  • 70 grams of peanuts.

For meringue:

  • three fresh proteins;
  • a glass with a slide of sugar.

For decor:

  • peanuts and marshmallows.

Step by step recipe

Soft butter, vanillin and sweet powder beat vigorously with a mixer. One by one, add the yolks to the mass, do not turn off the mixer, stir all the new ingredients. In the next run, we introduce sour cream, and then sift flour with a ripper directly into a bowl with a whipped mass.

Change the mixer attachments to stiffer ones, knead the dough until crumbs form. Gather the crumbs into a bun with your hands, in no case knead! wrap it up plastic bag, refrigerate for an hour.

Knead the cooled dough on a large sheet of parchment, cover with a second sheet of the same. Roll out the dough to a thickness of four millimeters, with sides of the layer 25 by 35 centimeters and remove to cool again.

Whip the meringue egg whites with the sugar until it is completely dissolved. Remove the dough from the refrigerator and place on a baking sheet, remove the top sheet of paper. Spread a layer of meringue on top.

The temperature in the oven must be adjusted ahead of time to 175 degrees. At the moment when you put the baking sheet there, it will fall a little more. Do not let the heat rise beyond the specified limit for exactly ten minutes, then sharply move the regulator to 100 degrees. Open the door for just a second, let out some hot air through the gap. Repeat three times, slightly lowering the temperature. Bake the cake for another half hour and take it out to cool.

Beat the softened butter fluently, add condensed milk to it with spoons and combine with a mixer until a solid color. Grind the peanuts a little, the pieces of nuts should be small, but feel good in the cake.

We cut the cake from all edges and dissolve it into three long strips, crumble the trimmings for decoration. We cover the first cake with a layer of cream, sprinkle with peanuts, repeat this for the second cake and cover with the third one, thinly grease the edges of the cake with cream.

Finely break the chocolate for the icing and sprinkle with a portion of powder. Heat the cream almost to a boil and pour into the chocolate, stir until the pieces dissolve. Add soft butter and stir until completely dissolved.

We cover the dessert with icing on top, sprinkle with crumbs, peanuts and marshmallow pieces.
