
Oven roasted peanuts recipe. How to Roast Peanuts in the Oven

In addition to the fact that roasted peanuts can become the basis for or one of the components of your favorite dishes, you can eat it yourself, sprinkled with salt and spices, or cooked in. For all those who are interested in how to roast peanuts in the oven, we present this simple instruction.

How to roast peanuts in the oven?

The method of baking peeled peanuts from the film is no different: the first is better to use for cooking butter and other dishes, and the second is most often eaten just like that.

Unlike an ordinary stove, the heat in the oven is distributed much more evenly and requires minimal participation from you.

If you decide to shorten the cleaning time, then before roasting the peanuts in the oven properly, cover the baking sheet with parchment, otherwise you can immediately pour the nuts and distribute them in a single layer. The nuts are most evenly roasted at the middle level of the oven at a relatively low temperature - 180 degrees. If you do not know how long to roast peanuts in the oven, then stop at 15-20 minutes, this time may vary depending on the size of the nut and its variety. Do not forget that even despite the even distribution of heat in the oven, the nuts will still have to be mixed from time to time.

The nuts will be incredibly hot when they come out of the oven, so take extra care to place them in a safe place to cool, then season or use right away in your favorite recipes.

The peanut shell must be washed first, as it collects a large amount of dirt on itself. After washing, the nuts are dried and also distributed evenly and in one layer on the selected baking sheet. Of course, with such a dense shell, frying peanuts in the oven will take longer, about 20-25 minutes. Stirring the nuts is also a must. After cooking, the peanuts are completely cooled throughout the night (under the shell, the kernels cool longer), and only then they begin to clean. Next, the nuts are shelled and filmed, and then they are tasted: a properly roasted nut has a creamy color and is not bitter.

Have a nice day! Roasted peanuts are often used in confectionery recipes. The taste of the whole dessert depends on the quality of the nuts, for example, as in. But ready-made roasted peanuts, which are sold in supermarkets, leave much to be desired!

And if the recipe requires salty or sweet roasted peanuts, then finding a quality one for sale is almost impossible!

This gave me the idea to create an article for you explaining how to make simple roasted peanuts and both sweet and savory options.

Where to start - perhaps with a trip to the market or to the fruit and vegetable pavilion where fresh nuts are sold. It is better not to buy in stores. There is no guarantee that the nuts will be fresh harvest.

It is best to buy peanuts in places where they are sold by weight without packaging. So you can understand the quality by appearance.

Which nuts to choose in the shell or without it - better without. So you save time on cleaning, you can externally assess the condition of the kernels and you will not be mistaken in weight, since it is impossible to guess how many nuts will end up after being shelled.

Choose shelled peanuts that are roughly the same size and color. No skin damage. In size, large ones are better - the larger the nuts, the better they ripened.

Check for damage, diaper rash and any such trouble - we only need healthy specimens. The color of the husk is light brown or brown-burgundy - it does not matter, these are just different varieties of peanuts.

I bought these nuts.

Now let's figure out how to properly fry peanuts without oil in a pan or in the oven at home.

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So, continue the recipe…

How to fry peanuts in a pan

First, pour them into a colander and pour them for a few seconds under a strong stream of water. Your task is to make sure that the nuts are washed, but the husk is not soaked. Shake vigorously to make sure all the water is glass.

Spread the washed peanuts on a clean towel, let dry for 40 minutes.

Put a dry frying pan on the stove, heat it for a couple of minutes over a high heat, then reduce to medium and pour the nuts into it. Calculate the volume so that the nuts occupy no more than ÂĽ of the pan, otherwise you will not be able to fry the peanuts evenly.

You need to stir with a silicone spatula from the very beginning until cooked.

After some time, the nuts will begin to crackle, the husks will peel off in places and a characteristic alluring smell of roasted nuts will appear. Continue frying, stirring constantly.

There is an important point here - the nuts should not be allowed to burn, they should become a pleasant cream color, not darker.

The amount of time is always individual, it depends on the size of the pan, the thickness of its bottom, the number of nuts and the intensity of heating. The average frying time is approximately 15 minutes.

Readiness can be determined not only by color, but also by taste.

It is impossible to leave nuts in a hot pan after they are ready, because they will overcook, they can even burn in some places.

Pour the finished roasted nuts into a bowl, let cool slightly.

Cooking in the oven

Roasted peanuts are prepared in the same way in the oven. To do this, washed dried peanuts need to be laid out on a baking sheet in one layer.

Preheat the oven, place the peanuts in it and cook for 15 minutes at a temperature of 70-80 degrees. Then take it out of the oven and cool.

How to quickly peel peanuts from the husk

In order to peel roasted peanuts, you just need to crush the nucleoli in your hands, the dry husk crumbles very easily.

Put the peeled nuts in any container.


Recipes often call for crushed peanuts. To do this, crush the desired amount of nuts with a large knife on a wooden board.


If you're making nuts ahead of time, store them in a dry place at room temperature - not in the refrigerator!

Do not close the container with nuts with a tight lid, this can make them damp and change the taste. It is better to put the peanuts in a paper bag.

Peanuts with sugar

To roast peanuts with sugar, first roast and peel them as described above.

After that, pour the finished nuts into the pan, pour 50-70 ml into them. water, put everything on a quick fire. As soon as the water boils, immediately pour 100 gr. sugar, stir.

Water with sugar will form a syrup and will boil. Your task is to constantly mix with a silicone or wooden spatula.

Gradually, the water will evaporate, and the sugar will stick to the nuts.

You don't need to fry anymore. Pour the finished nuts into a bowl, let cool. Roasted peanuts with sugar are ready.

Peanuts with salt

How to quickly cook roasted peanuts with salt - also fry and peel first. Next, place it in a pan, pour 50 ml. water, put on fire and after boiling water, salt to your liking.

While stirring vigorously with a silicone or wooden spatula, wait until the water has evaporated. Pour it into a separate bowl. Roasted peanuts with salt are ready.

Now use the peanuts of your choice - as a filling for a cake, candies or other treats. If you want to eat it just like that - that's good too!

Ready-made roasted nuts, cooked at home, will give you an excellent rich taste! Perhaps for you it will be a discovery, for me it was at one time! And how could it be otherwise - because the taste is created by the warmth of your hands!

I hope today I was useful to you, I look forward to your feedback in the comments to the article!

There are questions, ask.

Bon appetit! And all the best!

Peanuts or peanuts are a tasty, relatively inexpensive and affordable product from southern countries. It is sold already roasted or raw, completely peeled, in shell and without shell, but with films. Raw peanuts can be cooked by yourself. There are many recipes, but uniform roasting is obtained only when baking in the oven. Roasted kernels can be used to make oil or use them as an ingredient in your favorite dishes. Nuts add a touch of piquant flavor to pastries, desserts, snacks and even side dishes, soups, sauces. If you want to learn this simple art, then it's time to learn how to roast peanuts in the oven.

Cooking features

Although roasting peanuts in the oven is not that difficult, even this simple process has its tricks. The nuts should be laid out on a baking sheet in a single layer. This method will ensure uniform frying, and you will not find half-cooked or overcooked kernels in a serving. If there are too many peanuts in stock, then you should not save time, it is better to fry it in several passes. The baking sheet should be lined with parchment paper. Although the kernels do not stick to it, it will be much easier to remove them.

During the roasting process, open the oven every five minutes and stir the nuts with a spatula. After the cooking time is over, do not rush to remove the baking sheet from the oven. Let the kernels simmer a little more and gradually cool down. Peeled nuts will take about half an hour to cool, and the kernels in the shell should be left for twice as long. It is not worth stocking up on such a delicacy for the future, since its shelf life is limited.

Step-by-step recipe for shelled peanuts in the oven

The process of preparing peeled peanuts begins with the preparation of the product. Although heat kills most germs, it is not known what the product went through before it got into your hands. First you need to figure out how to properly rinse and dry peanuts before roasting:

  • First, rinse it thoroughly under cold running water. For this you need a colander.
  • Then the nuts in a colander are allowed to drain, and then they are poured onto a spread towel.
  • Now it will take at least 30 minutes for the excess moisture to be absorbed into the fabric.

While the nuts are drying, you can turn on the oven to save time. The product, like pastries, should only be placed in a preheated oven. It is necessary to set the temperature to 150-170 degrees. Pour the prepared kernels onto a baking sheet and place in the oven. How long to roast peanuts without shells? For fully peeled nuts, 10-15 minutes will be enough. If they have a pink film, then the time should be increased by 3-5 minutes additionally.

How to roast peanuts in shell

This roasting method is practically the same as the previous one, except for the time required for cooking. Peanuts in the shell are also desirable to lightly rinse and dry. Then the same algorithm of actions is used as with the peeled kernels, but the shell will bake a little longer. Nuts should be kept for about 15-20 minutes.

With salt

Salted nuts are a classic recipe for making peanuts. There are two ways to get such a simple but tasty snack. In the first version, the nuts need to be prepared and baked, and after turning off the oven, when they have not cooled down yet, just sprinkle salt on top and mix.

For the second method, you need to prepare a brine. It will need 1 tablespoon of salt and 1 glass of water. The washed kernels are placed in liquid for 30 minutes. Then they take it out and let it drain a little. Now in the oven using the same technology as simple unsalted nuts. Kernels with salt will be an excellent snack for beer.

Spicy roasted peanuts in the oven

To prepare a spicy gourmet snack, you will need a set of spices. First you need to fry the peanuts in the oven. When it is evenly baked, the baking sheet is taken out and the kernels are sprinkled with a mixture of a pinch of salt, white and black pepper, paprika and dried garlic. To taste, you can add a couple of grams of grated ginger to this set to get burning notes or fragrant curry.

Peanuts in honey glaze

Roasted peanuts in honey glaze are a great option for lovers of sweets. You will need honey and butter in a 1:1 ratio. For 1 cup of peanuts, 1 tablespoon of honey and butter is enough. While the kernels are drying on a towel, the other two ingredients are placed in a bowl and heated in a water bath. Then all the components are mixed and the nut mass is placed in the oven, heated to 170 degrees. In this case, frying the peanuts is carried out until the kernels are browned. After cooking, they can be sprinkled with sugar.

For lovers of unusual tastes, there is another recipe. Nuts are prepared using a similar technology, but while they are languishing, a pinch of red pepper, salt, garlic and sugar are mixed in a separate container. When the appetizer is ready, sprinkle it with this mixture and leave to cool completely.

The benefits and harms of roasted peanuts

Peanuts are a high-calorie product. If a person adheres to proper nutrition, then you should not abuse peanuts. With moderate use, this product is perfect even for the diet of losing weight and athletes, as it is rich in vitamins and minerals. Do not get carried away with salty and spicy snacks, the recipes of which were given above.

Some people have an individual intolerance to peanuts. Fried kernels must be cleaned of films in which the concentration of the allergen is highest. The product removes “bad” cholesterol from the body, supports the cardiovascular system, and helps normalize blood pressure. It contains antioxidants that bind free radicals. This allows you to maintain the elasticity of the skin and the beauty of hair and nails. Peanuts even act as a sedative, having a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

Peel the peanuts and fry over low heat without oil. A sign of the readiness of roasted peanuts is a slight crackle.

How to Roast Peanuts

How to fry peanuts in a pan
1. Put the peeled peanuts on a frying pan heated for 2 minutes, add salt or sugar to taste. Lubricate the surface of the pan with vegetable oil is not necessary.
2. Fry the nut over medium heat for 10-12 minutes, stirring occasionally so that the peanuts do not burn.
3. Wait for a crackle and turn off the burner.
4. Immediately transfer the roasted peanuts from the pan to a plate.

How to Roast Peanuts in the Microwave
1. Put the peanuts in one layer on a plate, sprinkle with salt, put in the microwave, set to 800 watts.
2. Set the microwave operating time to 2 minutes. Click on "Start".
3. Stir, then again for 2 minutes. Stir again - and again for 2 minutes.
4. Stir for the last time - and for another 2 minutes at the same power.

How to roast peeled peanuts in the oven
1. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees, cover the baking sheet with food foil.
2. Put peeled peanuts on a baking sheet, sprinkle it with salt, spices or sugar.
3. Roast the peanuts in the oven for 15 minutes.

How to roast raw peanuts in the oven
1. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.
2. Line a baking sheet with foil, put unpeeled peanuts on top in one layer.
3. Place a baking sheet in the oven, bake the nuts for 15-20 minutes.

How to roast peanuts in a slow cooker
1. Pour one glass of peeled peanuts into the slow cooker, salt if desired - the peanut layer should not be thick.
2. Close the lid of the multicooker, turn on the "Baking" mode for 30 minutes. Do not grease the bottom of the bowl with oil. Put the finished peanuts on a plate.

How to fry peanuts in a deep fryer
1. Pour vegetable oil into the fryer, set the temperature to 180 degrees.
2. Pour the peeled peanuts, fry the nut for 5 minutes, remembering to stir constantly.
3. Place peanuts on paper towels before serving to drain excess fat.


Quantity antioxidants in roasted peanuts is not inferior to the concentration of these natural substances in raspberries or blackberries. Antioxidants slow down the aging of living cells in the human body. When roasted, peanuts retain vitamin E, which is responsible for improving vascular tone, blood circulation, lowering blood sugar levels, and preventing premature aging.

Roasted peanuts should be consumed in moderation. Walnut contains a large amount of fiber, which has an irritating effect on the mucous membrane of the digestive tract. It is not recommended to use the product for diabetes and stomach ulcers, intestines.

- Shelf life peanuts not shelled is 1 year, store the nut should be in a dry and well-ventilated place. To store shelled nuts, it is recommended to use a sealed container; you can store peeled peanuts in the refrigerator or freezer in it; in this form, the nut will be usable for 3 months.

Peanut has and other titles: underground peanut or peanut. In fact, peanuts are not nuts, they are legumes.

- homeland of peanuts South America, it was first discovered in Peru, long before the discovery of the continent by Columbus. Later, the Spanish conquerors brought the nut to Europe, where the nobility even used it instead of coffee. In the 15-16 centuries, peanuts began to spread rapidly around the world: they were brought to Africa, North America, India, and the Philippines. On the territory of the former USSR, peanuts grow in some regions of the Transcaucasus and Central Asia.

- calories peanuts is 552 kcal for 100 grams of raw nuts and 626 kcal for roasted.

- Price raw peanuts in shell - from 300 rubles / 1 kilogram (average in Moscow as of June 2016).

- bitter taste roasted peanuts indicates that the product has gone bad.

Peanuts are one of the most inexpensive nuts, especially if you buy them raw and cook them yourself at home. There are many ways to make roasted peanuts at home, and even more recipes. But if you want the nuts to bake evenly without too much trickery on your part, then it won't hurt you to learn how to roast peanuts in the oven. After all, this method allows you to get an excellent result with a minimum of effort and even in the absence of any culinary skills.

Cooking features

While roasting peanuts in the oven is easy, knowing how to do it right is essential.

  • Raw peanuts are sold in-shell, unshelled, and fully shelled. How peanuts are prepared for frying and how long they cook depends on how well dressed they are. Shelled peanuts do not need to be washed, but they need to be cooked for quite a long time - 25 minutes. Peanuts covered with only a thin husk should be washed and dried well. Its preparation time is 20 minutes. Completely peeled peanuts must be washed. It is prepared the fastest - only a quarter of an hour.
  • To simplify the cleaning process, the baking sheet on which the peanuts will be roasted does not hurt to cover with parchment or foil.
  • You need to roast peanuts in a not too hot oven (at 100 degrees), placing a baking sheet approximately in the center of the oven. At the same time, it is recommended to take the baking sheet with nuts out of the oven every 5 minutes to mix them. It is not necessary to do this, but it is desirable that the nuts roast evenly.
  • Spread the peanuts on a baking sheet in one layer - this is the only way it will bake well and evenly. If you want to fry more nuts, then you will have to do this in several passes.
  • After the baking sheet with peanuts is removed from the oven, you do not need to immediately remove the nuts from it. As they cool, they will continue to cook without the threat of being overcooked.
  • Roasted peanuts are delicious on their own, but many people like them salty or sweet, with a variety of spices and seasonings. If they are used, it is best to sprinkle them on the peanuts immediately after they are removed from the oven.
  • If peanuts in the husk were used for frying, then it will be easy to remove it after it is fried: it is enough to rub it in the palms of your hands.
  • Before tasting peanuts, make sure they are cold. Peeled nuts need half an hour for this, in-shell peanuts - several hours.

Features of cooking peanuts in the oven may also depend on the chosen recipe.

Spicy roasted peanuts

  • peanuts - 0.5 kg;
  • salt (fine) - 20 g;
  • ground cayenne pepper - 2 g;
  • dried ground garlic - 5 g;
  • paprika - 5 g.

Cooking method:

  • Prepare the nuts and sprinkle them on a baking sheet.
  • Place the baking sheet in an oven preheated to 100 degrees for 15-25 minutes.
  • Every 5 minutes, remove the baking sheet with nuts and mix them with a spatula.
  • Once the nuts are ready, remove the baking sheet from the oven.
  • Mix salt with hot spices, sprinkle it with peanuts and mix.
  • After half an hour, remove the peanuts from the pan and place in a vase. It is also advisable to put the peanuts in a paper bag - they can be stored in it for 4 weeks.

Recipe for the occasion::

This recipe makes Asian-style spicy peanuts. If you want to get a less spicy snack, the amount of spices should be reduced. Salt also needs to be poured twice less. Spices and herbs can be used and others, choosing their bouquet to your taste. If you want to get sweet peanuts, instead of salt and pepper, you should use powdered sugar and cinnamon. For the amount of peanuts indicated in the recipe, two tablespoons of powdered powder and one tablespoon of ground cinnamon will suffice.

Peanuts in honey glaze

  • peanuts - 0.5 kg;
  • vegetable oil - 50 ml;
  • honey (melted) - 50 ml;
  • salt (fine) - 5 g.

Cooking method:

  • Take fully peeled peanuts. Peanuts can be peeled off if necessary by soaking them in hot water for 5 minutes.
  • Melt honey by mixing it with vegetable oil (refined).
  • Use a pastry brush to coat the nuts with honey icing. If you need to save time, you can simply dip the nuts into the sweet mixture and remove it with a slotted spoon, let the excess glaze drain.
  • Roll glazed peanuts in a little salt.
  • Lay parchment on a baking sheet, put glazed peanuts on it.
  • Put the baking sheet in the oven, preheated to 100 degrees, for 20 minutes.
  • Take out the baking sheet with the nuts, mix the nuts with a spatula and let them cool for an hour.

Peanuts in honey glaze are appetizing, fragrant and sweet. It can be served with tea and cocoa, eat just like that.
