
Snickers recipe. Incredibly airy Snickers cake


For biscuit cakes:

  • Boiling water - 200 ml;
  • Cocoa powder - 6 tablespoons;
  • Flour - 400 g;
  • Sugar sand - 400 g;
  • Egg - 2 pcs;
  • Milk - 300 ml;
  • Baking powder -5 tsp;
  • Vanilla sugar -3 tsp;
  • Vegetable oil - 4 tbsp. l.

For cream cheese:

  • Creamy curd cheese - 300 g;
  • Powdered sugar - 80 g;
  • Cream with a fat content of 30% - 40 ml.

For homemade caramel:

  • Cream with a fat content of 30% - 100 ml;
  • Sugar sand - 150 g;
  • Butter - 60 g;
  • Salt - 1 pinch.

For chocolate ganache:

  • Milk chocolate - 200 g;
  • Cream - 200 ml.

It turns out that the chocolate bar, beloved by many, with sticky nougat and peanut filling has an analogue in the form of baking. Yes, yes, a cake with an incredibly similar taste and a name similar to the famous chocolate bar has long conquered the hearts of the sweet tooth.

Interestingly, the correct recipe for the Snickers cake, in principle, does not exist. There are so many variations that the eyes run wide: it is made with caramel, with icing, with condensed milk and even with meringue.

Considering that this ingredient is absent in the chocolate bar of the same name, we will do without it. For the base, you can use chocolate biscuit cakes prepared according to your favorite recipe, but the ideal option would be to use the so-called “boiled chocolate” biscuit.

Porous, slightly moist butter cakes with a rich chocolate color and taste are perfect for making Snickers air cake.

Homemade salted caramel and the most delicate cream cheese will be used for impregnation. Of course, the latter can be bought ready-made, but why not try to cook it yourself at home? Moreover, a step-by-step Snickers cake recipe with a photo will help you do everything right.

Let's make a reservation right away that the process of preparing a dessert is not fast. Some housewives even prefer to divide it into several stages, for example, they make a peanut filling in advance and caramelize the nuts. Do as you please, but do not forget that the result is worth it.

And even if you spend a few days creating this culinary masterpiece, your efforts will pay off in full. After all, it’s really difficult to find something tastier than a Snickers cake. Is it possible to resist such a tempting hazelnut-chocolate delicacy?

Preparation of biscuits

So, having prepared the necessary ingredients, you can start baking biscuit cakes. For a cake, you will need 3-4 pieces, so it is better to prepare two medium biscuits, which can then be cut in half. The dough for the Snickers cake according to the classic boiling water chocolate biscuit recipe is prepared as follows:

  1. The flour is sifted with cocoa powder and baking powder and mixed with vanilla and regular sugar.
  2. The eggs are beaten with a mixer until a plentiful amount of foam is obtained.
  3. Milk and vegetable oil are added to the egg mass and all the ingredients are whipped again.
  4. Gradually, the dry mixture is added to the liquid mass. A mixer is also used for mixing, which makes it easier to obtain a thick, homogeneous dough with a rich chocolate shade.
  5. Finally, boiling water is added to it, and the mass is beaten again with a mixer until bubbles appear.
  6. Half of the dough is poured into a pre-oiled form and sent to the oven. At a temperature of 180 ° baking should stand in the oven for 40-50 minutes.
  7. The second cake is baked in the same way.

The completely cooled biscuit is cut in half. As a result, we have four cakes of the same thickness in front of us.

How to make filling and impregnation?

The next step is preparing the peanut filling for the Snickers cake.

  1. Roast the peanuts in a large skillet. It is enough to keep the nuts on fire for 8-10 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  2. Cooled peanuts without husks are placed in a blender bowl, where they are ground for 10-15 seconds. You don’t need to chop the nuts strongly, so in the absence of a blender, it’s quite possible to get by with a rolling pin, mashing them in a plastic bag.

Alternatively, you can use ready-made salted peanuts for the Snickers cake without wasting time roasting and cleaning them. The original combination of sweet cream and salted nuts will appeal to many.

Making soft gooey caramel, like in a Snickers bar, is also very simple at home.

  1. Warm the cream on the stovetop or in the microwave.
  2. Pour sugar into a saucepan with a thick bottom and put on fire to melt. When you see that the process has started, start stirring it intensively with a wooden or silicone spatula, trying not to touch the edges of the pan. If sugar freezes on them, then the mass will turn out to be lumps. Fully melted sugar takes on a beautiful amber color.
  3. Add the chopped butter to the melted sugar and mix vigorously again.
  4. Add warmed cream to the sweet mass and again place everything with a spatula. If lumps form, do not worry: then the caramel can be filtered through a strainer.
  5. Remove the homogeneous mixture from the stove and add a pinch of salt.

Homemade caramel can be used not only to impregnate the cake, it is ideal for other pastries as well. Ready caramel is stored in the refrigerator for about a month, so you can safely make it with a margin, proportionally increasing the number of ingredients.

Cream cheese or cream cheese cream is another great soak that is prepared quickly and with just three ingredients. True, it is important to observe the temperature regime: the cream should be at room temperature, but the curd cheese, on the contrary, should be chilled. And one more thing: granulated sugar for cream cheese is not suitable, use only powdered sugar, fortunately, it is not at all difficult to make it with a blender.

  1. Whip cream on medium speed for 1-2 minutes.
  2. Add powdered sugar and continue beating for a while.
  3. Without turning off the mixer, gradually add the cheese to the mass and beat for another 4-5 minutes.
  4. Refrigerate the resulting cream.

Assembling the cake

Let's start building the cake.

  1. On a round dish we put one chocolate cake base of the future Snickers cake and evenly on it a third of the resulting homemade caramel.
  2. Spread 2/3 of the peanuts on the cream and cover everything with the second cake.
  3. Gently spread the cream cheese over it and lay the third cake.
  4. We repeat the impregnation, as for the first cake, smearing the biscuit with caramel.
  5. We lay the last cake and pour the Snickers cake with thick chocolate ganache based on milk chocolate.

The latter is prepared very simply: in a bowl, chocolate bars chopped into pieces are combined with hot cream, after which the ingredients are well mixed until a homogeneous mass of creamy consistency is obtained.

We use the remains of peanuts to decorate the Snickers cake, as in the photo. We remove the finished chocolate-peanut dessert in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours so that it is well soaked. Happy tea!

By 11.10.2015

The Snickers bar is loved by many, especially by children and teenagers. But its composition is even scary to look at! Let's try to cook a delicious cake based on the famous chocolate bar, only from natural and healthy products. The cake consists of three biscuits and two thick layers of cream, so it turns out to be very satisfying. From above it is desirable to decorate with chocolate icing, then the taste of the delicacy will be the most saturated.


  • Chicken egg - 4 pcs
  • Sugar - 180 g
  • Wheat flour - 130 g
  • Soda (baking powder) - 0.5 tsp
  • Boiled condensed milk - 1 can
  • Peanuts - 200 g
  • Cracker - 200 g
  • Butter - 200 g

Step by step cooking process at home

  1. We prepare products. It is better to take peanuts on the market, having previously tried them so that they are not damp. The cracker needs to be creamy, not salty. Unfortunately, he is forgotten in the photo. We take natural milk, without milk fat substitutes. Then the cream will be tasty, without extraneous aftertastes.
  2. Let's get some biscuits. Separate the whites from the yolks and beat well. The secret of a successful biscuit is in long-term whipping. We spend at least 10 minutes on proteins. After the first five minutes, add sugar in a thin stream.
  3. Add yolks and continue beating. Again it will take 10 minutes. The mass should be very thick, white and lush. We fall asleep baking powder or pour in soda slaked with apple cider vinegar or lemon juice.
  4. Gradually add the sifted flour, stirring constantly. It is recommended to stir with a spoon, but it works well with a mixer. You don’t need to beat for a long time, 30 seconds is enough. The dough is lush and airy.
  5. Put in a mold greased with oil. You can use a multicooker, as in the photo. At a temperature of 200 degrees in the oven, bake for about an hour. In the multicooker, we set the program according to the instructions. After the end of baking, do not open the oven (slow cooker) for 15 minutes.
  6. We take out the finished biscuit from the mold and put it on the wire rack to cool completely. It is advisable to leave it all night, then when cutting it will not crumble.
  7. Let's get to the cream. Roast the peanuts in a dry frying pan over low heat. It should acquire an appetizing smell and appearance, but in no case should it be charred. Stir the nuts constantly while frying.
  8. We cool the finished peanuts and clean them from the husk by rubbing with our hands. There is no need to bring it to the ideal, if a little remains, nothing terrible will happen.
  9. We break the cracker with our hands or put it in a bag and roll it with a rolling pin. Large pieces should remain.
  10. Whisk softened butter with condensed milk. Pour nuts and crackers into the finished mass, mix. Everything must be done quickly so that the cream does not drip. If the kitchen is very hot, then after cooking put the bowl in the refrigerator for a while.
  11. Cut the cooled biscuit lengthwise into 3 cakes using a long thin knife or silk thread. Spread half of the cream on the first cake.
  12. Cover with a second biscuit, spread the remaining cream. Top with a third layer.
  13. We prepare the icing according to any recipe or simply melt the chocolate bar and pour our design. You can try to smear the sides, but the “streaks” of chocolate also look interesting.
  14. We decorate the finished cake as desired or leave it as it is. You can sprinkle with nuts, powdered sugar or colored decorations. Leave in the refrigerator for several hours and serve with tea.
2 stars - based on 1 review(s)

5-6 servings

8-9 hours

449 kcal

No holiday is complete without dessert, in particular without a cake. Of course, you can buy a cake in the store. But each of us wants to surprise guests with what is done with our own hands. I want to invite you to bake a Snickers cake. There are many varieties of this cake. Today you will get acquainted with two of the best Snickers cake recipes without meringue. The cake will take some time to bake. But it's worth it. Your guests will be delighted with your treat.

Snickers cake the easiest recipe

Kitchen appliances and utensils: refrigerator, oven, microwave, blender, mixer, baking dish with a diameter of 24 cm, bowl, bowl, knife, board, spatula.


How to make Snickers cake - the best recipe

Cooking a biscuit

final chord

video recipe

Be sure to watch this Snickers chocolate cake video recipe.

Airy Peanut Snickers Cake - The Best Recipe

Cooking time: 7-8 hours.
Servings: 5-6.
Kitchen appliances and utensils: refrigerator, oven, baking dish with a diameter of 21 cm, baking ring, mixer, pan with a thick bottom, board, knife, bowl, parchment paper, cling film, brush, acetate film.


Eggs5 pieces.
cocoa is not sweet40 g
Vegetable oil50 g
Flour200 g
Milk400-450 ml
Sugar580 g
Baking powder1 tsp
Boiling water200 g
Water130 g
salted caramel200 g
Fatty cream from 30%750 ml
Butter40-50 g
Sea salt optional1 tsp
Gelatin28 g

A step-by-step recipe for the most delicious Snickers cake at home

Cooking a biscuit

Stacking the cake

Hi all. February 23 will come soon, which means that women will again be frantically looking for what to give men on Defender of the Fatherland Day. As always, I suggest making a sweet gift with your own hands at home.

What do our men love? Of course chocolate! And if there are nuts and boiled condensed milk in addition ... mmm. Is it possible to stay here? Guess what dessert we will cook? I present to your attention an unrealistically delicious Snickers cake.

There are tons of recipes for this dessert on the Internet, but most of them contain so many elements that your head is spinning. I tried to simplify the recipe as much as possible, so as not to stand at the stove all day long. It will take more time to prepare than usual in my recipes. But it's worth it. The composition of the cake will be chocolate cakes, roasted peanuts,. We will level the cake, but not ordinary, but also with chocolate, and on top there is also milk chocolate icing.

Within the framework of one article, I will not be able to fully describe the preparation, I will simply give links to everything we need. It describes in detail how to prepare one or another product we need. Here I will only write the ingredients that I needed to make this cake.

Cake in diameter 18-20 cm.

Biscuit Ingredients: (I have)

  1. 2.5 cups flour
  2. 2 cups sugar
  3. 2 eggs
  4. 0.5 cup vegetable oil
  5. 1 glass of milk
  6. 6 tbsp cocoa
  7. 1.5 tsp baking powder
  8. 1.5 tsp soda
  9. 1 cup boiling water

glass - 250 gr.

  1. 1 can of boiled condensed milk (380 grams)
  2. 1 pack of butter (180gr.)

If you do without alignment, then double the serving of this cream.

  1. 300 gr. Sahara
  2. 200 ml. cream
  3. 100 gr. butter
  4. a pinch of salt (optional)

Not all caramel will go away, there will still be left for other desserts.

Peanuts left me a pack of 200 gr., again, if you decorate with it, then double the portion.

  1. cream cheese - 300 gr.
  2. butter - 100 gr.
  3. powdered sugar -60 - 80 gr.

Glaze Ingredients:

  1. milk chocolate bar
  2. cream from 30% - 30 ml.
  3. butter - 10-15 gr.

I must say right away that if you don’t like or don’t want / are afraid to cook it, then you don’t need to level the cake. Just top it with condensed milk cream and sprinkle with peanuts. This will save you even more time.

You can use any chocolate cakes that you have the most in use. I already have a recipe and I am more impressed with the second option, I cooked from it.

So, prepare the cakes in advance, they need 3-4 pieces.

We will have a cream based on boiled condensed milk and butter. I cooked condensed milk myself, but it is quite possible to buy a ready-made version in order to save time.

If you don’t know how to make cream, then here’s an article for you -. The whole process is described in detail there. There is nothing complicated. If you will not be cooking, then double the serving with boiled potatoes. Otherwise, the cream may not be enough to cover the entire cake.

Peanuts can be bought by weight raw, then roasted and peeled. I suggest using the ready-made salted version. Sweet cream and salted peanuts in the filling, a game of contrasts that I hope you will enjoy. Again, we save time and effort. By the way, the salt in the cake itself is not felt at all.

The only thing that cannot be replaced is caramel. There is also a complete recipe. I won't elaborate here so as not to lengthen the article. To prepare, by the way, you do not need much time and ingredients.

And we're going to assemble our cake.

As always, put a couple of spoons of cream on the dish so that the cake stands in place during assembly.

Lay the crust on top. I took the most unpresentable for the first cake. Since my cakes turned out to be quite high (about 2 cm), I soaked them a little with coffee. Just a couple of spoonfuls. You can choose another impregnation for yourself, I have a detailed article where I talk about all kinds of syrups -. It will be very tasty if you add alcohol to the impregnation. But since I am still a nursing mother, we excluded this ingredient.

If you cut the finished biscuit into cakes 1 cm thick, then you can additionally not soak. The biscuit is very moist inside.

Since I decided to level the cake before applying the icing, I made a side of cream cheese on the edge of the cake so that the filling would not leak out. If you decide to do the same, then here is a link to an article that describes in detail the process of preparing this cream -. If you are going to do without it, then just skip this step. By the way, I added melted chocolate to the cream cheese. But first I cooled it badly, and it turned into a chocolate crumb. So, if you suddenly decide to experiment, then consider my bitter experience.

Place a layer of condensed milk cream on the cake.

Next, sprinkle with peanuts. I took 200 gr. packaging is more than enough. If you are going to decorate the cake with nuts on top, then it is better to take another package. I ground the peanuts a little in a blender.

Drizzle with salted caramel. If you do not want to cook it, then skip this step. The taste, of course, will no longer be so spicy.

We repeat everything again: cake-cream-peanut-caramel.

So until the last cake.

If you decide not to bother with leveling the cake, then simply cover it with the rest of your condensed milk cream and sprinkle nuts on top.

And here is a cut of the finished dessert.

Juicy chocolate cakes, sweet condensed milk cream, salted peanuts and homemade caramel, and cream cheese cream and ganache on top. This cake, I am sure, will become a frequent guest on your table. Well, men will rightly appreciate such a gift.

P.S. After some time I decided to make a few additions.

Firstly, the side of the cream must be made high, for the entire height of the filling of caramel and peanuts, so that this very filling does not then treacherously peek out of the cake.

Secondly, I just want to add a photo of this cake, but with a different biscuit, you can also try a new biscuit, with it the cake is simply unrealistically tasty (only you need to take good cocoa - alkalized, it is with it that such cakes are obtained). Link to biscuit.

Bon appetit.

Cake Snickers

A classic recipe with a photo of making an airy chocolate Snickers cake with nut nougat and caramel without meringue. Snickers cake is easy to make at home.

2 h 30 min

410 kcal

4.5/5 (4)

Kitchen appliances: immersion blender, a couple of deep bowls, a glass of 200 ml, a couple of small saucepans, a stove with an oven, a refrigerator, a detachable baking dish, a flat plate or dish, tablespoons and teaspoons, a knife, parchment paper, a silicone spatula.

Everyone knows the Snickers chocolate bar, but not everyone has tried a cake with that name. Meanwhile, air Snickers cake deserves to be tried. For a long time I did not dare to cook it myself. I reviewed many different options on the Internet and opted for the best and most delicious Snickers cake recipe without meringue (Snickers cake with meringue takes longer to cook).

Cake composition



  • 1 glass of flour;
  • 0.5 cups of sugar;
  • 0.5 cups of cocoa powder;
  • 1 pinch of salt;
  • 100 g of butter (half a pack);
  • 2 egg yolks.


  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 1 glass of cream;
  • 100 g of oil;
  • 1.5 cups roasted peanuts

Chocolate glaze

  • 100 g milk chocolate (bar);
  • 50 g butter.

How to choose the right ingredients

In order for the cake to turn out tasty and everything to be prepared as it should, it is important to take into account their characteristics when choosing products. So, it is better to choose butter for this cake with maximum fat content - 73% and above, it is also better to take cream with a maximum fat content.

Peanuts can be bought immediately roasted, but it will be tastier if you roast the nuts in the process of making the cake. Any honey will do, even candied honey - after all, in the process of making nougat, it warms up. For chocolate icing, they take both milk chocolate and bitter black - as you like.

Snickers cake: a classic step-by-step recipe with a photo

Sand cake preparation

While the cake is baking, you will learn from this recipe how to cook nougat for Snickers cake at home.

Nougat preparation

Cooking caramel

Preparation of chocolate glaze

How to decorate and serve a cake

Like any cake, Snickers cake can be topped with chopped nuts, candied fruit slices, or caramel patterns (leave a couple of spoonfuls of caramel on the cake for this). Each hostess can decorate the cake, as her fantasy tells her. I don't decorate a Snickers cake over frosting.

I love this glossy glazed minimalism. It turns out such a big round mega Snickers bar.

Snickers cake, like the Snickers bar, is very nutritious, so cut it into small pieces slightly larger than the candy size. Serve unsweetened drinks with this wonderful dessert: black, green, flower tea, uzvar.

I personally like to eat Snickers cake with clean, non-carbonated cool (not cold) water.

Video recipe for making Snickers cake

Even if the process of preparing a dish is described in as much detail as possible and provided with a photo, the video recipe is still worth watching. In the video recipe for Snickers cake, instead of caramel, the author gives a recipe for caramel-nut cream and suggests baking biscuit-like cakes, which is also delicious in its own way.

  • To get the right taste of the cake, it matters what kind of nougat you cook. If the nougat is too viscous (undercooked) - it will stick to the teeth, if it is too hard (overcooked) - it will be inconvenient to eat such a cake. Therefore, at the stage of preparing nougat, be especially careful.
  • Be sure to use a cooking thermometer if you have one in your kitchen. I have a meat thermometer, I used it.
  • During the preparation of caramel, do not step away from it, otherwise you risk making a cake with burnt caramel, and it is bitter, which is inappropriate in the cake.

Other cooking options

What kind of Snickers cakes can not be found on the Internet! The imagination of our hostesses is simply limitless. Snickers is prepared on the basis of biscuit white and chocolate cakes, with and without nougat, with caramel and caramel cream. Peanuts and chocolate icing remain unchanged mandatory ingredients. If you love meringue, be sure to cook. Delicate meringue goes perfectly with chocolate and roasted nuts.

What's your favorite Snickers cake? Write in the comments if you have ever made this wonderful cake. Share your cake decorating ideas.

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