
Rambutan fruit useful. Rambutan fruit: useful properties and seed planting

Rambutan - the fruit of health and beauty
“Terrible appearance, unearthly taste” - this is how they say in Southeast Asia about the fruits of rambutan. Locals consider the tree sacred, magically powerful.
Like any product, it has limitations. But with regard to rambutan, the benefits and harms are incommensurable. The usefulness is scientifically proven, contraindications are negligible.
Thais eat five fruits daily. They are sure that with such a menu, the risk of getting oncology is almost zero.
Rambutan is the number one fruit, the pride and heritage of the region. He was loved all over the world.

Everything about rambutan is unusual, starting with the “appearance”:

  • Red round or oval "fluffies" - that's what rambutans are at first glance. The peel is thick, reddish-orange or orange. In Malaysia, elongated yellow fruits are found.
  • Covered with red-greenish hairs, similar to antennae. But they are not prickly, but soft, flexible. Hairs gave the name to the fruit: the Indonesian term "rambut" means "hair". This is the “chip” that distinguishes the fetus from others. Instances with fallen hairs are similar to.
  • The pulp of pearl shades resembles a dense juicy jelly, exudes a very pleasant aroma.
  • Inside oblong light brown big bone(1.5-2.3 cm).
  • Rambutan fruits also taste different - sweet or sour. Some with strawberry notes.
  • Aroma whole fruit difficult to catch. But the pulp exudes a range of sweet dark varieties.
  • They ripen like apples: from green through yellow to intense scarlet.

Rambutan contains edible pulp and inedible part(stone plus peel) are almost equal in mass. The weight of 1 fruit is 32-39 grams. A kilogram of fruit is 25-30 pieces or 470-490 grams of pulp.

What is the difference between rambutan and lychee

Rambutan and lychee are close relatives and grow on similar trees. They have a lot in common, but there are also differences:

Fruit parametersLycheeRambutan
Surfacelike a raspberry: spiky, but without hairsgreen hairs-processes up to 4.7 cm long
Sizewith plumwith chicken egg
Peelpinkish to purplejuicy red, denser
pulppearl whitepearl white, denser
Taste, aromareminiscent of grapesreminiscent of grapes, but sweeter, richer

Main outward difference rambutana - hair-sprouts on the peel, which lychee does not have.

Where and how does rambutan grow

These are evergreen trees of the Sapindaceae family. Grow in the tropics. The leaves are elongated, small flowers form inflorescences, the fruits are collected in clusters.

The natural area is the countries of Southeast Asia. Purposeful cultivation are engaged in the homeland of culture: in Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia. The breeders of the last two countries have bred the most varieties, enriching the local wild abundance.

There are rambutan plantations in Sri Lanka, Australia, India, and Central America. The richest harvest is harvested by residents of the southern provinces of Thailand - Rayong and Surat Thani. By themselves, the trees grow up to 19-24 meters. To facilitate harvesting, people have bred a variety of tree no more than five meters high. During the season, 17-20 kg of fruit are removed from each.

Rambutan season in Thailand

In Thailand, exotic ripens during the rainy season - from April to August. Tourists come for tasting by June-August. At this time, the fruit is the most juicy, sweet, cheap. It wasn't always like that. Nature gave a harvest only in May, but the breeders of Southeast Asia pushed the boundaries. They sell fruit until the 20th of September.

How to peel and eat rambutan

For any European who has visited the country or bought an exotic in his homeland, the question arises of how to eat rambutans correctly. There is nothing complicated.


To enjoy the fruit, you need to choose fresh ripe specimens. They are distinguished:

  • fruit density;
  • pulp - hard translucent sweet jelly;
  • peel - bright red, without dark areas;
  • elastic reddish hairs; permissible with greenish tips (such are ripe specimens from southern Thailand);
  • shell integrity.

Overripe fruits contain liquid, acidity appears in the taste with a hint of fermentation. Their skin is dull and wrinkled. The antennae hairs are wilted, yellowish or brownish. Sometimes they are not there - they have disappeared. You can eat slightly overripe fruits, but only freshly picked. In unripe fruit, the peel is pink, it is difficult to separate.

We clean

Clean tropical exotic with a knife or hands:

  • Uses a regular knife. The peel is cut (not to the pulp) around the entire circumference, opened.
  • Hands. They find a “shovchik” on the peel that divides the fruit in half. Twist the halves of the peel along the seam in opposite directions. You can press to crack the peel.

In both versions, the shell is removed easily. Under it is a pulp that you can bite off.

We eat

The fruit is eaten while holding it in the hands. Only the pulp is edible, which is bitten off or put into the mouth as a whole.
The stone of rambutan is bitter, for a European it can be toxic. In order not to accidentally swallow it, the fruit is bitten like.
Tourists are also offered peeled fruits. But it is less useful and hygienic. Yes, and most interesting to try to clean the exotic.
The most delicious rambutan is at home, in Asia. They are enjoyed immediately after purchase.
Fruit is not meant to be long storage. It is possible to save a fresh, strong copy in the refrigerator for a maximum of a week.

Calorie content and composition

The stereotype "everything tasty is bad" for rambutan is invalid. Exotic can be enjoyed while improving health and not worrying about the figure.


Any variety of rambutan fruit has a calorie content of 75-85 units per 100 grams of pulp. Dieting figures may seem exorbitant, but when it is consumed, fats in the body do not accumulate.

Chemical composition

Fruit contains a large number of organic acids, vitamins, other useful substances:

  • saturated and unsaturated fatty acid: nicotinic, pantothenic (concentrated in the bones);
  • vitamins: A, B (1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 12), C, PP (niacin), riboflavin;
  • thiamine.

Mineral composition:

  • iron;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • manganese;
  • copper;
  • sodium;
  • phosphorus.

The nutritional value

Four-fifths of the fruit is water. The remaining 17-20 grams (out of every 100) are distributed as follows (g):

  • proteins - 0.63-0.66;
  • fats - 0.19-0.22;
  • carbohydrates - 16.0-19.0.

The exact figure depends on the degree of maturity and variety of fruit.

Useful properties of rambutan

At the rambutan beneficial features and contraindications have been identified thanks to research by scientists from China and Malaysia.
The benefits outweigh:

  • It is proved that the bones, peel, pulp are effective in the fight against oncology.
  • Phenolic acids-antioxidants are concentrated in the peel of the fruit, simultaneously killing infections and bacteria. Extracts from it are sold as dietary supplements.
  • The antimicrobial properties of the pulp allow it to be used as an anthelmintic.
  • A set of vitamins and minerals helps the body work, slows down aging.
  • Phosphorus cleanses the kidneys of "garbage", is indispensable for the growth, restoration of body cells.
  • To alleviate the condition, people with diabetes are prescribed crushed fruit seeds.
  • Diet product that helps burn fat - a godsend for fans healthy eating. This is facilitated by fiber, increased water content, plus low-calorie content. Many simply swallow the bones.
Rambutan seeds can be taken internally only after heat treatment, ground and mixed with other products.
  • Stocks of vitamin C remove toxins, strengthen the immune system.
  • Carbohydrates plus protein (with minimum content fat) almost instantly saturate the body with energy. High water content allows you to safely quench your thirst.
  • The fruit is useful for hypertensive patients and cores.
  • This good source copper. It is involved in the generation of blood cells, improving the composition of the blood.
  • Without manganese, enzymes vital for the body are not produced.
  • Calcium, phosphorus, iron strengthen the skeleton, teeth, hair.
  • Fiber and proteins speed up metabolism, treat disorders such as diarrhea or constipation.
  • Iron prevents anemia, fatigue, dizziness. Delivers oxygen to tissues.

Finally, it is used as a beauty fruit. Regular consumption heals the skin. Residents of Thailand prepare “rejuvenating” masks from the pulp.

The use of rambutan in traditional medicine

Traditional oriental medicine uses all parts of the fruit, including the inedible ones:

  1. An oil is extracted from the seeds of rambutan, which has wide range applications.
  2. Peel neutralize diarrhea, dysentery, fever. The crushed skin is thrown into boiling water. Boil until the liquid is reduced by half. The cooled water is drunk twice a day until the result.
  3. Rambutan oil inhibits hair growth, so it is used for hair removal. They treat skin rashes.
  4. A decoction of the peel, roots, young shoots, leaves is prescribed for lactating women who have little milk. They clean them up headache, heal wounds, rinse your mouth with inflammation of the gums, abscesses, stomatitis.

Unsuitable for food parts of the plant are also used for medicines and natural dyes.

Harm of rambutan and contraindications

Like any exotic, fruit requires caution:

  • Forbidden for allergy sufferers.
  • The rest first try a maximum of one to see the reaction of the body. If there is no allergy, the stomach does not rebel, you can eat further.
  • However, you should not be zealous. Four or five fruits a day is enough for a person of average build. With greater body weight and portability, you can add a couple more.
Excess daily allowance(more than eight fruits) is fraught with indigestion or intoxication of the body.
  • For those suffering from type 2 diabetes or hypertension, overripe specimens are dangerous. In them, sugar becomes alcohol, provoking an increase in cholesterol levels.

You can’t eat raw bones: alkaloids saponin and tannin are concentrated here. They are safe after heat treatment (eg roasting).


Southeast Asia is a land of mysticism, mysteries and miracles. While sightseeing, don't forget to enjoy the rambutan. It's tasty and healthy. If possible, take a few branches with you to please your boss, relatives or friends. After all, finding exotic outside the region is problematic.

Rambutan is Malaysian for hair. So the name fully justifies appearance. Rambutan
tourists also call hairy, which also does not contradict the truth. How to eat rambutan when rambutan season
how much does rambutan cost in thailand and how much rambutan can be stored and also why rambutan
girls should eat, everything in this article.

I wrote an article about all the fruits of Thailand, you can

Rambutan - when is the season, how much does it cost?

Rambutan bears fruit almost all year round, but still the main season for collecting rambutan is in the summer.
A couple of months ago, I bought rambutans at 20 baht per kg from farmers' cars, now I take them at the market
30-35 baht per kg. In rubles at the current exchange rate, this is twice as expensive.

During the tourist season in Thailand, rambutan is also easy to buy. Only the price is
there will be not 30, but 150-200 batza kg. And not from the greed of the sellers, but from the fact that the main crop has already been harvested.

In any case, if you have not tried rambutan yet, I strongly advise you to try, as rambutan in my opinion
one of the most delicious Thai fruits that the locals salt, marinate, bake, preserve and even
rambutan soap is brewed.

Rambutan - useful properties

Rambutan is useful, that's a fact. It contains zinc, selenium, vitamins C, B1, B2,
and in 100 grams of rambutan there are only 80 kcal, which should please girls on a diet,
because rambutan is very satisfying. Only 2-3 things can serve as a snack,
for example - the mountain of rambutans in my photo is only 1 kg.

Also, rambutan will help to normalize and reduce the pressure of hypertensive patients.

It is also interesting that not only the fruits, but also the roots, leaves and bones of rambutan are used.
Rambutan leaves are dried and used as a decoction for migraines, and the roots are used as a remedy for colds.
and cough. Oil is pressed from the pits of rambutan.

Rambutan - how to peel and how to choose rambutan?

Rambutan is very easy to choose. Rambutan should be red with green hairs.
Plucked rambutan is stored for no more than a week, during this time the skin and hairs
begin to darken and when the rambutan is already rotten, the hairs and the skin itself will be almost black.

Rambutan is easy to peel.
You need to make a small cut in the middle

and turn the halves in different sides- ready!

What does rambutan taste like?

Inside the hairy skin is a dense, round, creamy-white flesh.
Gelatinous to the touch.
Rambutan reminds me of a mixture of melon and grapes for some reason. Rambutan sweet, firm,
and very tasty, but the bone spoils everything.

The stone inside is small, but it clings to the pulp and leaves a skin inside, which is practically
impossible to clean.
But not everything is so scary, the bone is not poisonous, the scales from it can also be safely eaten and, in principle,
you can deal with it)

As I said, rambutan is hearty and easy to overeat, because a bag of rambutans
it just flies by. But you shouldn't do it. By myself I will say that overeating rambutan is accompanied by
all the familiar symptoms—nausea, heaviness in the abdomen, and so on.
Eat a maximum of 4-5 fruits at a time.

Rambutan has no contraindications other than individual ones. Even the smallest children are happy to eat it,
which rambutan of course needs to be pitted.

Growing rambutan at home

Rambutan can be grown, you just need to wrap the bone in a wet cloth, which follows
change every couple of days until the leaf hatches.
Then you can transplant into a pot and wait for the tree to grow :)

Rambutan is certainly whimsical, but it may well become a houseplant if it is not
stand in a draft at a temperature not lower than 12-15 degrees.

The rambutan tree begins to bear fruit for the first time in 5-7 years.
Rambutan is usually grown in whole groves for commercial purposes, just like that, rambutan itself
does not grow anywhere.

That's all! Bon appetit And delicious fruits more!

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In Southeast Asia, the rambutan fruit is as common as apples in Russia. Today this fruit can be bought from us. What is this exotic guest? Why is it useful? Can fruit be harmful? How is rambutan eaten? Let's dwell on these questions.

Meet His Majesty Rambutan!

Rambutan fruits are similar in size to plums, they are protected by a thick skin with big amount hairs that are somewhat reminiscent of edible chestnut. The color of the fruit can be reddish and orange, and its flesh is whitish. Just look at this fruit! Its exotic appearance is simply mesmerizing!

On a note! Translated from the Indonesian language, rambut means hair.

Despite so many hairs and the toughness of the peel, rambutan is not prickly, and it is quite easy to peel it. The pulp of the fruit tastes incredibly juicy. It is sweet with a refined sourness.

There is a bone inside the fruit. Do they eat rambutan bone? Many people ask this question, because its taste resembles pistachios. However, it contains tannin that is harmful to our health. If you eat a few rambutan seeds, then nausea and a gag reflex cannot be avoided! But in the fried form, the bones of rambutan, according to local chefs, are absolutely harmless and very tasty.

How is this fruit eaten?

Before use, the fruit is peeled. Cut it carefully, and then divide it into two parts with your hands and remove. Then remove the bone, and the pulp can be eaten. As you can see, nothing complicated!

Rambutan is tasty not only in fresh. Many preserve it in syrup, you can add other fruits. From rambutan are obtained delicious desserts, fragrant compotes and healthy jams.

Attention! The most delicious are the fruits collected in the summer. In unripe fruits, the pulp is difficult to separate from the peel; such rambutans have a more sour taste.

Rambutan: what is useful and harmful?

This fruit is amazing healing properties! Its composition is interesting: it contains a lot of proteins, vitamins, minerals, as well as oils and natural acids. The calorie content of the fruit is 82 kcal per 100 g.

If we talk in detail about the components of rambutan, it contains in large quantities:

  • ascorbic acid;
  • niacin;
  • calcium.

It is niacin that is necessary for the full development of a growing organism, and its lack leads to serious ailments. Rambutan is also rich in antioxidants. If you eat seven to eight of its fruits per day, this will increase the ability of our body to resist cells of malignant origin.

And women note that by eating the fruit for two weeks, they noticed a significant improvement in the condition of the skin. From the pulp exotic fruits you can make masks that rejuvenate the skin and make it supple.

Able to restore the body's strength rambutan. Its properties are invaluable for people with weak immunity and diseases. of cardio-vascular system. Also, the use of this fruit is recommended for hypertensive patients and people with diabetes.

Rambutan is an ideal combination of vitamin C with iron and copper, so its fruits improve absorption. And phosphorus and enzymes cleanse the kidneys and increase their efficiency. Special attention rambutan should be turned to those who are struggling with extra pounds.

On a note! Oil is pressed from the seeds of this exotic fruit. It is used to make various cosmetics, as well as aromatic mixtures. Candles are made from this oil, as it emits an amazing aroma when heated.

Not only the fruits and seeds of an exotic fruit are used in traditional medicine. So, natural medicines are made from the leaves, rhizomes and peel of the tree. In Malaysian pharmacies, a wide range of dried fruit peels is presented. And the inhabitants of Asia use the leaves, rhizome and bark of the tree to prepare infusions and decoctions that help with fever and headaches.

On a note! There are no specific contraindications to the use of rambutan. However, it can provoke an allergic reaction, so introduce this fruit into the diet first in small portions.

Gourmet salad with rambutan

Various cold appetizers are prepared with rambutan. We suggest you try crab salad with this fruit. It will not only give you gastronomic pleasure, but also benefit.


  • 250 g crab sticks;
  • 100 g of rice cereal;
  • 0.2 kg canned rambutan;
  • mayonnaise;
  • 0.2 kg canned corn;
  • salt;
  • ground pepper.


  1. Rice groats are washed several times and boiled in lightly salted water until tender.
  2. Put the rice in a colander and rinse again.
  3. Cut crab sticks into small cubes and put in a salad bowl.
  4. Salt the juice from the corn and send it to the sticks.
  5. We also drain the liquid from rambutan and cut it.
  6. Put the rambutan in a salad bowl.
  7. Add rice and mayonnaise. Mayonnaise should not be much, 2-3 tbsp is enough. l.
  8. We introduce ground pepper, as well as salt.
  9. Stir the snack and put in the refrigerator for half an hour. Ready!

Unusual holiday dessert

Such exotic dessert can be cooked for hastily. It is low-calorie: for example, there are only 131 kcal per 100 g of the product.


  • rambutan - 10 pcs.;
  • blue cheese - 100 g;
  • 30 g butter;
  • 3 art. l. freshly squeezed orange juice;
  • cottage cheese - 4-5 tbsp. l.;
  • whipped cream - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • walnuts to taste.


  1. We cut the fruit into two parts, take out the seeds and remove the peel.
  2. Grind cheese and butter through a sieve.
  3. Mash the cottage cheese with a fork and combine with the rest of the ingredients.
  4. Let's add juice, add cream.
  5. We stir the resulting mass.
  6. We stuff halves of rambutan with cheese mass, sprinkle with chopped nuts on top.
  7. The remaining cream can be used as decoration. Ready!

Unusual for us, but definitely worthy of attention, exotic fruit rambutan, for residents of many countries of Southeast Asia, the fruit is affordable and common, almost like our apples. What is rambutan, how it is eaten and how it is useful, is our today's topic.

The most interesting thing about rambutan, of course, is its appearance, this is the real exotic. Round, plum-sized fruits protected by a thick skin with many hairs, like an edible chestnut. The skin color of rambutan can be red-orange, red or just orange, but the flesh is always white.

Rabmutan fruit - what is it

Rambutan is an evergreen tree from the Saputov family that grows mainly in Southeast Asia. It reaches a height of 25 meters, its leaves are oval, the flowers are very small, and the fruits are 4-6 centimeters in diameter, covered with dense hairs. It is because of these hairs that they got their name, because “rambut” in Indonesian means “hair”.

So, rambutan fruits grow in clusters and change color as they ripen - at first they are green, then yellowish, and already ripened fruits acquire a rather intense, attractive red color.

The peel is easily removed, it is not prickly, as it may seem from the photographs, the flesh is white, juicy, and in the center has a small dark brown bone.

In terms of texture and appearance, the pulp of rambutan is very similar to the pulp of the lychee fruit, however, they have different tastes. Rambutan has a sweet taste with a slight sourness and a pleasant aroma.

Calorie content. The pulp of one bambutan fruit has about 60 calories. This is quite a bit, considering that it is rich in fructose, vitamins and minerals.

Today, rambutan is cultivated in Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Australia and India, Central America and the Caribbean.

How to eat rambutan

The peel of rambutan must be removed before use, as it is inedible. To do this, either cut it with a knife, or press down a little with your hands, and after the appearance of a crack, the peel is divided in half with your fingers and removed. It remains white pulp with a bone inside. Raw, the bones are toxic, and fried, it is quite possible to eat.

Basically, of course, rambutan is eaten fresh, but in many countries it is preserved in syrup, just like pineapple, sometimes along with other fruits, they make desserts, jams and compotes.

It is believed that rambutans taste best when harvested and eaten in the summer, from June to the end of August. In unripe fruit, the flesh sticks to the peel and they are more sour, but still taste good.

A short video instruction on the topic "How to eat rambutan"

Useful and medicinal properties of rambutan

When we are talking about useful properties, nature did not deprive this interesting fruit with your attention. In the countries of Southeast Asia, it is highly valued for its large amount of vitamins, minerals, oils and natural acids.


  • Water - 78%
  • Calories - 82 per 100 grams
  • Proteins - 0.65 grams per 100 grams.
  • Fats - 0.21 grams per 100 grams.
  • Carbohydrates - 21 grams per 100 grams of pulp.

Minerals: Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Sodium, Zinc.

Vitamins: C, A, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, vitamins B6 and B12, folic acid,

Rambutan is a good source of vitamin C and calcium, it also contains enough niacin, a substance also known as vitamin PP, nicotinic acid or vitamin B3. Niacin is very important for our body organic compound, which is involved in many processes in every cell, and modern medicine considers nicotinic acid to be a medicine.

The lack of niacin in the body can lead to the development of many serious diseases. This situation is especially dangerous for children who need all the vitamins and elements for normal development.

  • Thanks to high content antioxidants, regular consumption of 7-8 fruits per day will improve the body's resistance and its ability to destroy cancer cells.
  • Those who have eaten rambutan regularly for at least 2 weeks report a noticeable improvement in skin condition.
  • From its pulp, Thai women make face masks, they are sure that these masks rejuvenate the skin and make it beautiful.
  • These fruits are recommended for those who need to restore the body's strength.
  • The consumption of rambutan perfectly strengthens the immune system and reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.
  • The combination of iron and copper with vitamin C improves absorption.
  • Due to the content of phosphorus and enzymes, with regular consumption of rambutan, they are almost cleansed, their work improves.
  • It is a good source of vegetable calcium. There is not as much of this element in rambutan as in sesame seeds, but given how calcium is capricious in digestibility, any source is good.
  • And last but not least, it should be noted that rambutan is an excellent assistant for those who want to lose weight.

From the seeds of the rambutan fruit, oil is squeezed out, which is used in the manufacture of cosmetics, aromatic mixtures, and especially candles, as it emits a very pleasant aroma when heated.

Medicinal properties of rambutan

Fresh rambutan fruits are eaten for indigestion, indigestion, diarrhea and even dysentery. It is believed that they are able to soothe irritated intestines, improve digestion and overall well-being.

How to choose and store rambutan

When choosing these exotic fruits First of all, pay attention to its color. Ripe rambutan has a bright red skin, non-spiny, green hairs at the tips. It is important that there are no cracks and cuts, dark areas on the fetus.

The hairs should not be dry, this fruit may be overripe, or it has been lying on the counter for a long time and has begun to deteriorate.

Rambutan will keep in the refrigerator for up to 7 days.

Despite the short shelf life, due to the newfound popularity, rambutan is exported in small quantities to different countries peace. We can meet these fruits only in some stores and at a rather high price, because it is very cherished during transportation.

It is best, of course, to eat rambutan in the countries where it is grown, because there it is the most delicious and costs a penny. Therefore, when going on holiday to Thailand, do not forget to make a list of all the purchases and local fruits you would like to try.

Contraindications and harm

To date, this fruit has no known contraindications, however, allergy sufferers should always be careful, and in general, any exotic fruit should be eaten for the first time only a small amount of in order to make sure that there are no negative reactions to its composition.

Growing at home

Rambutan does not grow in our area, however good news is that it can be quite successfully grown as indoor plant, and even after a few years to collect fruits.

How to grow rambutan at home? Very simple, planting technology is no different from planting flowers. The main thing is that the bone is good, from a ripe fruit.

Before moving on to growing methods, you need to know some aspects:

  1. The air temperature in the place where rambutan grows cannot fall below 10 degrees Celsius.
  2. Caring for a rambutan tree is no different from caring for any other indoor plants.
  3. Many complain that rambutan first begins to grow rapidly, and then sneezes sharply. The fact is that they love moist air, so some create them special conditions, akin to greenhouse.
  4. The leaves must be constantly sprayed with water, make sure that both the soil and the environment are moist.
  5. At the age of 6-8 years, rambutan needs a tub of 60-70 liters, as its roots develop strongly.
  6. The first fruits are expected only in 6-8 years.

There are 2 options for growing rambutan at home:

  1. The bone is first germinated. It is wrapped in a piece of damp cloth, placed in a closed container and constantly monitored so that the cloth does not dry out. After 10-15 days, the stone will crack and the first tip of the root will appear. Now they take a pot of earth, on which drainage dressing is laid. The stone is placed in the ground 6-7 centimeters deep. Next, you need to make sure that the earth is wet all the time, and within a month the shoot will show itself. Now, if necessary, you will need to change the pot to a larger one.
  2. Bones are laid in moist soil without prior germination. This method is simpler, if the bone is good, then there is no reason why it will not escape, so more practical people choose this option.

Rambutan fruit is certainly interesting and worthy of attention. Sweet and juicy fruit knowingly gained such popularity in Asia, if possible, be sure to taste it and share your impressions.

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Rambutan is a rather exotic fruit. What is worth only one name! If you do not know what it is, then be sure to read the information below. After all, acquaintance with this exotic can be very useful.

The fruit has a very specific appearance. He is somewhat similar to Walnut, but not smooth, but covered with hairs that extend in different directions. But inside it is tender and juicy pulp and a bone no more than two centimeters in size.

The hairs are usually coarse, the peel is red or white. The fruit is most common in Asian countries such as Thailand, Indonesia and Malaysia. It grows on a tree that can reach 25 meters in height.

What taste and smell does

Want to know what rambutan tastes like before you pick up the treat at the store? It can be very sweet or with some sourness.

The taste of a ripe fruit will differ depending on the variety.

Until cut, the rambutan fruit does not emit any odor, but as soon as you open it, you will feel the aroma, somewhat reminiscent of blue grapes.

Chemical composition and calorie content of rambutan

In addition to the unusual and bright appearance, the fruit boasts one more of its advantages - a large number of useful substances.

  • It contains B vitamins.
  • Vitamin A is also present in the pulp of the fruit, which has positive influence on vision and skin condition.
  • A large amount of vitamin C contained in exotic fruits protects against colds. In just 100 grams of pulp, there are already seven percent of daily allowance ascorbic acid.

There are many in it and minerals: sodium, magnesium, iron, potassium, phosphorus and manganese are present in the pulp of rambutan in excess.

This fruit is not as high-calorie as a banana, but it cannot be compared with an apple. In 100 grams of the edible part, there are already 82 calories. And most of all in the fruit of water and carbohydrates - 18 grams. Proteins and fats are practically absent - less than 0.5 grams for every hundred grams.

Rambutan: useful properties and contraindications

It is believed that the beneficial properties of rambutan are better preserved if you buy it directly on the branches.

Residents of Thailand are sure that at least five fruits should be consumed per day, which will almost completely eliminate the risk of cancer.

There are no contraindications to the use of fruit. Is that not accustomed to it digestive tract who has never received such food before, may react unexpectedly, for example, with diarrhea or pain.

Allergies are also possible. To eliminate it, you need to try small piece exotic fruit and wait a while.

Application in traditional medicine

In folk medicine, mainly the peel of the fruit is used. But first they process it in a special way.

  • The skin is cut into small pieces.
  • It is laid out in a container with boiling water.
  • As soon as half of the liquid has evaporated, the peel pieces are removed and squeezed into another clean bowl.

What happened is used as a healing drink.

You can also drink a decoction. For its manufacture, not only the peel is used, but also the roots, shoots and leaves. It is useful for lactating women, as it stimulates lactation. In addition, it relieves headaches and helps wounds heal faster. Rinsing your mouth with this remedy will relieve abscesses, stomatitis and inflammation of the gums. It is recommended to take it twice a day.

Criteria for choosing ripe rambutan

Choose fresh and ripe fruit on our shelves is very difficult. But if you set a goal, then everything will work out. The main thing is to pay attention to some nuances.

  • To understand if a fruit is fresh, be sure to look at its color. It should be bright red, saturated with slightly greenish, but very elastic hairs.
  • If you have a soft fruit in front of you, its skin is dull, even slightly wrinkled, and the hairs are completely withered or fallen off, and even yellow color, then feel free to refuse the purchase. All these signs indicate that rambutan is not fresh.

It is best to enjoy this fruit in the country where it is sold.

Since after a couple of days it begins to deteriorate and it is very difficult to bring it to our countries in its original form. You can store rambutan in the refrigerator, where it will “hold out” for about a week.

How to peel and eat fruit

You nevertheless acquired such a curiosity, and now look at it and think how to eat rambutan and how to free it from the skin? First of all, carefully inspect the fruit. It has a natural seam that divides it in half. In this area, pull the skin in different directions so that the halves separate, but at the same time remain in your hands. So you can easily open it and be able to enjoy the juicy pulp.

You can also use a knife. To do this, make a cut on the skin around the entire circumference, but do not cut through it completely. Pull and remove it - you will be left with a pulp that you can bite off or eat all at once.

Please note that it is not recommended to use the bone, it is quite bitter, and generally not edible.

If you have visited an Asian country where rambutan grows and do not want to bother with cleaning it at all, you can look for already peeled fruits on sale. But do not forget that this way the fruit deteriorates faster, is inferior to the unpeeled one in usefulness and, possibly, even in taste.

Rambutan is very interesting. It can be cooked various dishes, for example, cook jam, syrup, sauce and even make ice cream. And the stone of the fruit is used to make oils, soaps and scented candles.
