
Palm oil-free infant formula (list). Baby food for newborns

Recently, there has been a heated debate about the role of palm oil in baby nutrition. Palm Oil Free Infant Formula - the subject of dispute between baby food manufacturers, pediatricians and caring mothers. Let's try to justify the addition of palm oil to the composition of infant formula.

It is an undeniable fact: mother's milk remains the ideal food for babies in all plans. For those who are left without it, it remains to eat specialized mixtures. Their production technologies are constantly being upgraded with only one goal - to reproduce breast milk as accurately as possible. The main raw material for the production of its substitutes is cow's milk, less often goat's milk. For children with lactase deficiency, soy or almonds are used as a base component. Cow's milk is significantly different in composition from women's milk, so it is adapted - artificially approximated in many ways. Consider the mechanism of adaptation of the fat component, because it is for this purpose that palm oil is added to the composition of infant formulas.

Correction of the fat component:

In breast and cow's milk, the quantitative composition of fats is approximately the same, but their chemical structure is significantly different. 50% of human milk lipids are unsaturated fatty acids: myristic, palmitic, oleic, linoleic, linolenic and arachidonic. They have high biological activity, are not synthesized in the human body, but are indispensable in the diet. The manufacturer must not only solve the issue of their content in the mixture in a physiological ratio, but also perform a practical task: to ensure the protection of the product from oxidation and good solubility. This significantly affects the quality and tolerability.

In order for a child to grow and develop normally on mixed or artificial feeding, the fat component of the milk mixture must provide:

The optimal ratio of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids (from 1:5 to 1:15)
Proper distribution of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids
Sufficient amount of unsaturated acids
The necessary ratio between the main antioxidant vitamin E and unsaturated fatty acids for protection against lipid peroxidation.

To this end, milk fat is partially or completely replaced by a combination of vegetable oils. In isolation, each of them cannot meet stringent requirements. For better absorption, lecithin, mono- and diglycerides are introduced into the mixture. Milk formula without palm oil: how justified is its use?

Palmitic acid makes up one-fourth of the fat in breast milk. Its main natural source is the oil of the oil palm fruit (Elaeis guineensis). This substance is widely used in food production due to its low cost, valuable components and resistance to oxidation. It contains the following set of fatty acids:

palmitic - 45%
oleic - 39%
linoleic - from 4 to 13%
stearic - about 6%
myristic - about 1%.

Human milk contains a substance called beta palmitate. In it, palmitic acid is in the second position of glycerol (beta position). This is how it is located in tropical palm oil - the only natural source of this substance. As you can see, if you use a formula for a newborn without palm oil, in which it is replaced by other vegetable fats, you can deprive it of physiological essential substances.

In addition, the production uses the liquid component of palm oil - palmitic olein, which concentrates the most useful substances - fatty acids, carotene, antioxidants. Do you still prefer palm oil-free infant formula over others? Well, let's give more arguments.

... and more about palm oil:

Phospholipids included in its composition, the body uses to "build" nerve cells. Vitamins A, E, linoleic acid enhance immune defense, affect the formation of teeth and bones. The presence of coenzyme Q10, one of the main catalysts for metabolic processes, makes palm oil unique in its composition.

Saturated acids in palm oil are predominantly short chain. This contributes to the formation of normal intestinal microflora. Milk formula without palm oil lacks the advantage of having tocotrienol, a substance that helps lower blood cholesterol, excessive formation of phagocytes, prevents the formation of blood clots, and improves immunity.
Palm oil-free, non-gmo infant formula is another subject of discussion. A number of documents regulate the quantitative and qualitative composition, mandatory ingredients, sanitary and hygienic standards, etc. In Europe, this is Codex Alimentarius and Commission Directive 2006/141/EC. In accordance with them, the composition of milk mixtures should not include genetically modified raw materials, as well as sesame and linseed oil. They do not mention restrictions on palm oil.

Which mixture to choose?:

If our arguments still do not convince you, here is a list of baby formulas without palm oil. It is not so big: Similak (Abbott, USA) and Nenny (Bibikol, New Zealand).

Similac - one of the leaders in the production of baby food in the United States. Really high quality adapted milk formula without palm oil. Its absence has become the brand of the product. The fat component is adapted with high oleic sunflower, coconut and soybean oils. Note that in them palmitic acid is represented by a compound that is difficult to absorb. Similac bills itself as palm oil-free, non-gmo infant formula, although it contains soybean oil.  

The products meet all modern requirements for a highly adapted mixture, and the cost is appropriate. The range is represented by starter, follow-up and special mixtures (hypoallergenic, soy, anti-reflux, low-lactose).

Nanny - infant formula without palm oil in goat's milk. It is in many ways similar to women's: it has a similar amino acid and fat composition, is easier to digest, and contains less lactose. "Minus" - casein formula of the mixture. The proportion of whey proteins in it is only 20%. This fact indicates a low adaptation of the protein component of the mixture.
But they are represented by alpha- and gamma-lactalbumins, as in human milk, in contrast to beta-globulins in mixtures based on cow's milk. A special form of casein contributes to the formation of a delicate food clot and better digestion of proteins. The manufacturer indicated on the packaging that the mixture contains at least 46% goat milk. Raw materials valuable for dietary nutrition cause a high cost.


Palm oil-free infant formula is more "bad" than "good". It contains palmitic acid, which is indispensable for the body, in the beta position, which is favorable for absorption. In other vegetable oils, its structure causes delayed absorption of Ca and fats. Given this fact, all adapted mixtures are enriched with calcium and vitamin D.
To adapt the fat component, the oleic liquid fraction is used, which contains all the most useful components of palm oil. Its harm is more of a marketing move by companies using other vegetable oils to replenish milk fat. But if you are a stubborn opponent of palm oil, then you can choose for your baby a modern adapted mixture without it - Similac. It is suitable for breastfeeding from birth. Nanny's mixture is low adapted in protein composition, so it is better to use it as an additional food.  

Relevant for many young parents is the question, why use palm oil in infant formula? This is a plant based substance. Many manufacturers use it in products. What effect it has on the human body - positive or negative - scientists are arguing now. It is important to understand whether its use in baby food is justified.

The adapted formula should replace breast milk. The child needs micro and macro elements, vitamins and nutrients. Cow's milk and the fats present in it are contraindicated for children. Palm oil is used as an alternative.

Not all mothers can breastfeed newborns. This is facilitated by psychological, physiological, sociological reasons. Animal milk should not be given to newborns. The founder of the company, Nestozhen, was the first to find a way out of this situation - he invented a substitute for mother's milk. The first milk formula saved many children. The composition of baby food is constantly being improved. Remain constant in the composition of fats, carbohydrates and proteins.

Before buying a mixture, read the composition

Before buying food for children, parents get acquainted with the composition. You can find out what is included in baby food by reading on the product packaging. It is there that manufacturers indicate palm oil. It is also used in the manufacture of instant cereals, confectionery and infant formula. Many parents have doubts about the usefulness of its use.

Milk formula is used as the main food until the child is very young and then as a supplement instead of breast milk if the mother does not have it. Even on artificial feeding, the baby needs useful substances. In the manufacture of infant formula, products are used that can replace breast milk. The basis is cow's milk without fat. Instead, various oils are added to the composition. Mixtures are distinguished by the presence of:

  • sunflower;
  • corn;
  • coconut;
  • palm;
  • soybean oil.

Each of them differs in fatty acids, so using only one type does not work. Palm oil based infant formula contains palmitic acid. It is also present in mother's breast milk. Only the fourth part. So it can be used. And manufacturers introduce it into the diet.

Palm oil in infant formula: let's talk about the dangers and benefits

Why is palm oil added to baby food?

Before talking about the dangers of oil, it should be said why it is added to baby food. Experts identify several positive characteristics:

  1. Prevents cancer;
  2. Tidies up the skin;
  3. It contains 20% more vitamin A than it is in carrots.
  4. The substance is absorbed better than milk fat.

Adding to infant formula makes it fatter, brings it closer to mother's milk.

Palm oil is considered beneficial because it contains various substances. Among them:

  • Vitamins A and E;
  • Coenzyme Q10;
  • Saturated fatty acids.

Therefore, the food industry cannot do without this oil. Despite this, most parents try to buy baby food without adding it. Of course, there is some danger.

Based on observations of children and conducted research, experts have proved that:

  • The use of palm oil interferes with the absorption of calcium, which is necessary for children to form the skeleton.
  • Children have constipation, colic, regurgitation.
  • Oil clogs blood vessels, increases cholesterol, so it should not be used for children with cardiovascular diseases.

However, this refers to a low quality product. And in infant formulas there is an extract of palmitic acid, so there is no danger to the child.

Babies need to get nutrients

At the same time, newborns and infants up to a year old should receive nutrients from mother's milk or its substitute. This is the only source of nutrition until the child begins to eat regular food. Calcium is also necessary for children from the first days of life. It is believed that the use of palm oil leads to the fact that it is not absorbed by the child's body. Studies were conducted on babies who were under six months old. Their body absorbed calcium 20% less than those children who were given baby food without the use of oil. Therefore, it was concluded that when palmitic acid and calcium are combined, the latter is not absorbed. The composition obtained from the two substances becomes insoluble.

If palm oil is present in the infant formula, fats are not absorbed in addition to calcium. Babies get constipated. Most often this happens in newborn babies, as their body is just beginning to establish proper work outside the mother's body.

Some manufacturers add olein. It contributes to the development of side effects. Now the formula of the product has been revised. If the packaging indicates that the composition contains modified palm oil, then a universal formula has been added to the infant formula. There will be no harm from such a mixture.

Based on this, parents should decide for themselves whether they will buy a formula with or without palm oil.

What is the best mixture to choose?

It is believed that baby food, which does not contain palm oil, refers to the premium composition. It contains probiotics and prebiotics. In the absence of oil, the child's intestines work like clockwork. In addition, a healthy microflora is formed. IQ complex is added to such infant formula. He is responsible for the development of the brain and vision. There is also a substance such as lutein, which is also found in mother's milk. In addition, starch is also added so that the mixture becomes the necessary viscosity in the child's stomach.

There are opponents and supporters of the use of palm oil in infant formula. It is up to parents to decide which mixture to choose. It is important not only to listen to the opinion of experts, but also to take into account such factors:

Evidence that palm oil is indeed harmful to the health of the baby would lead to the fact that its use in baby food was banned.

There are brands that have been making baby formula for decades. They use palm oil. However, parents choose them for their children and leave positive feedback.

For everyone who decides to buy baby milk formulas without palm oil, the list of manufacturers will help you make the right choice and choose the best complementary foods for your baby.

Palm Oil Free Blends: List of Brands

For those parents who are worried that palm oil will negatively affect the health of their baby, you can check out the list of brands that produce baby food without using this substance. At the same time, you can be sure that well-known expensive brands add it to mixtures.

Milk formulas for newborns without palm oil are distinguished by a high price and may contain dubious components. These include beta palmitate, soybean oil. Based on the data presented, you can choose infant formulas presented on the modern market.

  • Similac is produced in Denmark. There is no palm oil in this blend. It was replaced by coconut, sunflower and soy.
  • Nutrilon and Kabrita are made in the Netherlands. It contains beta palmitate.
  • Nenny from New Zealand also contains coconut, sunflower, and canal oils.
  • Heinz from the UK - has beta palmitate.

Explore the list of blends with and without palm oil

There is a list of infant breast milk substitutes that contain palm oil.

  • Swiss Nestozhen.
  • Belarusian Bellakt.
  • German hipp.
  • Russian Agusha, Malyutka and Malyutka.
  • Dutch Nan.

All these brands are known for a long time. If their products contained substances that had a negative impact on the health of children, they would be banned from being released, and parents would not give them their preference.

Experts advise not to listen only to the opinions of other people. It is important to understand that artificial children need mother's milk, but they cannot get it. Therefore, it is important to buy products that will be as close as possible to breast milk. And vegetable fat from oil palm makes the mixture as similar as possible to mother's milk in composition and consistency.

After all, breast milk and infant formula can equally not be absorbed by the baby's body. Often, only on mother's milk, the baby has constipation, allergies and gas formation. Therefore, in the absence of milk from the mother, it is necessary to select the mixture taking into account the characteristics of the child's body, even if the mixture in which palm oil is present is more suitable for him. It will bring more benefits than cow's milk. Unprocessed milk protein can harm the body of a newborn.

What do pediatricians think about palm oil?

Of course, it is better and healthier than mother's milk for a baby. there is nothing.

But for various reasons, some mothers forced to give up from breastfeeding.

What to feed babies? How to choose substitutes breast milk?

The food industry came to the rescue with its infant formula.

Everything would be fine.

But, when I was forced to interrupt the natural feeding process, my baby flatly refused eat those that featured "palm oil".

Benefits and harms for the child

Before blaming manufacturers for being poison our children, I studied all the properties of the supplement. is of natural origin. It's the same useful, as well as corn, linseed, sea buckthorn, sunflower and others.

In him large amount of vitamins groups A and E. There are Omega 3, saturated and fatty acids. It would seem Everything is fine. Indeed, the same fatty acid(at least some of them) increase cholesterol levels.

Moreover, if the oil is not indicated in the composition, or disguised as "vegetable fats" and so on, then we can’t determine the taste in any way. Especially in . It has a pleasant creamy taste.

Where can I find mixtures without it?

Are there any mixtures without it and which ones? Find baby food, including formula, palm oil free very easy - study . conscientious manufacturers always indicate all incoming components in full and in Russian.

Take food at specialized children's goods or large retail chains. There are less chances to buy fake.


Mixes should help babies to develop, grow and stay healthy.

Therefore they should contain:

  • nucleotides;
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids;
  • amino acids, especially taurine.

Which formula does not contain structured palm oil, and which does?

  1. Bellakt. In addition to vegetable oil, it also contains. Therefore, it is not suitable for all children and can cause allergy. But it contains everything. important for baby components.
  2. Hipp. A very small amount iodine and there is potato in the components starch. A newborn baby does not need it.
  3. Agusha. rich taurine And nucleotides, but contains little iodine.
  4. Baby. The constituent components include soy- a child under one year does not need it. But the content useful substances very high.
  5. Nan. Eat soy and vitamin D, which prevents rickets.
  6. Nutrilon. High content useful substances.
  7. Baby. Eat soy, but the other components are very useful.

mixtures, free of palm and coconut oils:

  1. Semilak. Contains soy and milk powder, but very high content iodine.
  2. Unstable. Little iodine, there is soy and milk powder. But there is also prebiotics excellent for digestion.
  3. Nanny. Little iodine and taurine, but there is vitamin D, lactose and prebiotics.

Another important point. If you manage to find whey, Necessarily demineralized, then instead of other mixtures, get it better - the composition is very similar to breast milk. AND preference give to those mixtures, among the components of which it is listed.

Do you need an alternative?

If a woman deliberately refuses from breastfeeding from birth is stupid.

And if this type of nutrition for the baby is impossible, and the mother opponent of artificial mixtures, then you can, of course, replace the mixtures.

The question is different; if necessary?

Our grandmothers and mothers cooked porridge for us on cow's or goat's milk with cereals, such as semolina or rice.

Children grew up healthy and without delay in development. Although they didn’t let their parents sleep peacefully - their stomachs probably hurt.

In my opinion, better mix. Their choice is very wide: non-allergic (hypoallergenic), fortified with vitamins, minerals or iron, dairy, dairy-free… If the mixture hard going and the baby is suffering from a tummy, it makes sense to help him medically. For example, to give "smecta". The only caveat: choose food only together with the pediatrician.

My own experience makes me ardent opponent introduction of palm oil into the diet of newborns. But kids preschool and school age perfectly absorb products containing it. The choice of certain food for their children falls on the shoulders of the parents. She must be quality.

remember, that cheapness can also become an enemy of children's health. Avoid long composition on dairy products and be careful not to add dyes, flavors, GMOs and other chemicals.

And when you find “Palm oil” in the list of components, be guided by knowledge: vegetable fats can affect the body perniciously, and may positively, depending on the age of the person.

Dairy and dairy-free formulas with prebiotics and probiotics based on high-quality vegetable fats are in the premium class. The absence of palm oil reduces the risk of side effects that traditional baby food often causes. For you - features of compositions without palm oil, an overview of popular brands.

Why You Shouldn't Buy Palm Oil Blends

Despite the rich chemical composition, the naturalness of the oily liquid, the product has many limitations for use in baby food. The results of studies show that the frequent use of mixtures with palm oil by a baby provokes a disruption in the functioning of various organs.

Main problems:

  • the higher melting point explains the poor digestibility of the oil. An unprocessed substance leaves the body, takes valuable vitamins and microelements with it;
  • violates the full absorption of calcium;
  • provokes the development of endocrine diseases, including diabetes;
  • causes bloating, colic in the smallest;
  • with frequent use, constipation develops;
  • the natural product settles on the walls of blood vessels, narrowing the gaps.

Why do manufacturers use palm oil despite the side effects? There are several reasons:

  • cheapness. Palm oil is purchased in tons, which significantly reduces the cost of production;
  • natural product extends the shelf life of baby food.

Buy mixtures with or without palm oil: it's up to the parents. A serious drawback of baby food containing more valuable oils (coconut, soy, sunflower) is the high price. Not all parents can afford to constantly buy baby food with a minimum of side effects. If possible, pediatricians strongly advise choosing formulations with oils that are easily absorbed by a small body.

Benefits and Benefits

Learn the features of dairy / dairy-free mixtures, cereals, purees, dairy products for babies up to a year old and older. Useful compositions are suitable for children of different ages.


  • easily absorbed by a tiny organism;
  • contain prebiotics and probiotics that support the composition of the intestinal microflora, populating the mucosa with beneficial bacteria;
  • vegetable oil complex improves calcium absorption;
  • products are less likely to provoke allergies. Some brands are made with goat's milk, which reduces the risk of negative reactions;
  • dairy and dairy-free formulations are enriched with lutein, vitamins, valuable acids, for the full development of vision, the brain.

Note! There are only two drawbacks to healthy types of baby food: high cost plus a limited list of brands. It is not always easy to find high-quality mixtures of foreign manufacturers in a pharmacy or supermarket without not very healthy palm oil.

List and features of baby food without palm oil

Before buying artificial/mixed feeding formulations, talk to your pediatrician to see which brand your doctor recommends. The pediatrician will offer products taking into account the characteristics of each baby. Popular brands: Nutrilon, Similak, Nutrilak, Heinz, Kabrita, Nanny, Nestozhen.

The rules for feeding each type of mixture are indicated on the packaging. Follow the instructions exactly, add a certain amount of boiled water, always sterilize bottles and other devices for children up to a year old.

Premium products Kabrita, Heinz and Nutrilon contain beta palmitate. This is a special type of palm oil with an artificially improved formula. The location of hexadecanoic acid has been changed for maximum similarity with breast milk. Transformations greatly increase the benefits of nutritious foods.

Goat milk products

High-quality nutrition with an IQ complex, a full range of vitamins, minerals, lutein, kartinin, a complex of vegetable fats. Nutritious, hypoallergenic mixtures have a composition as close as possible to mother's milk. Choose healthy foods for children prone to allergies, intestinal problems.



  • healthy premium products from New Zealand;
  • ecologically clean region plus 60% valuable goat milk;
  • baby food without sucrose, glucose contains a valuable carbohydrate - lactose;
  • beneficial effect on the work of a tiny organism, strengthens the digestive tract;
  • adapted mixtures are suitable for babies from birth.


  • Nanny Classic (for the little ones).
  • Nanny 1.2 3 for different ages - from birth, from six months, for little ones over a year old. The food is enriched with prebiotics.

Estimated price - from 1200 to 1500 rubles, depending on the weight and name.



  • Kabrita healthy baby formulas are produced by the baby food laboratory in the Netherlands;
  • base - goat's milk;
  • whey formulas are similar in quality to breast milk;
  • nutritious foods are enriched with probiotics and prebiotics, bifidobacteria, Omega-3 and 6 valuable acids;
  • the compositions contain a unique complex of vegetable fats Digest X. The patented mixture helps to absorb calcium more fully, normalizes digestion;
  • types: Kabrita Gold 1, 2, 3: (for newborns, children under and after 12 months);
  • good value for money nutritional formulations. Average prices - from 850 to 1800 rubles.



  • popular brand of quality baby food;
  • developers of useful products - Danish specialists;
  • the compositions contain an IQ complex for the development of the brain and vision, lutein, vitamins, a mineral complex, are easily digested;
  • products for different ages are presented: from 0 to 6 months, children up to a year, for 2, 3 years.


  • Premium. Maximum protection of the stomach, intestines.
  • Neoshur - for premature babies.
  • Comfort - with colic, bloating.
  • Izomil is a lactose-free composition for milk protein intolerance.
  • Hypoallergenic - with excessive sensitization of the body.

The cost depends on the volume of packaging (from 400 to 900 g), variety. The price of a jar of Similak baby food is from 750 to 1027 rubles.



  • well-known brand of baby food;
  • high quality products are made in Holland;
  • all formulations contain vitamins, prebiotics to strengthen immunity, the immunofortis complex;
  • the manufacturing company offers about ten types for healthy toddlers and babies with digestive problems, small allergies, debilitated and premature babies.


  • Nutrilon 1, 2 with immunofortis. For children from 0 to 6, from 6 to 12 months of the standard composition and for babies prone to allergies.
  • Nutrilon pre. Nutrient complex for small and premature babies provides intensive growth, full development.
  • Nutrilon is lactose free. Suitable from 0 to 12 months. The composition is recommended for lactose intolerance.
  • Nutrilon antireflux. Especially for babies suffering from frequent spitting up.
  • Nutrilon Comfort 1 and 2 with immunofortis. Components facilitate digestion with constipation and colic. Compositions from birth to six months (1), from 6 to 12 months (2).
  • Nutrilon pepti gastro. For problems with absorption of food.
  • Nutrilon pepti tsc. Combined composition for problems with the intestines, allergic reactions from birth to a year old.
  • Nutrilon soy. Adapted lactose-free formulas are indispensable for protein allergies. The product is suitable for babies from 0 to 12 months.
  • Nutrilon pepti allergy. With problems of absorption in the intestines, children with food allergies.

Price - from 440 to 1200 rubles.



  • well-known brand of baby food, high-quality Swiss product;
  • a rich assortment, taking into account the needs of a growing organism, there are compositions for babies from one to two years old;
  • for premature, weakened babies, the compositions of this brand have not yet been developed.


  • Unstable 1. Mixture for newborns. Strengthens the immune system, softens stools, develops the brain, saturates the body with valuable minerals, vitamins, taurine.
  • Unstable 2. Nutritional product for babies from six months to one year old. There are recipes without additives and with whole grains. Baby food with rice is a great option for evening feeding.
  • Unstable 3. A useful product for children from 12 to 18 months. The optimal content of dietary fiber, prebiotics, vegetable fats, amino acids, vitamins. The nutrient mixture has a positive effect on activity, appetite, and normalizes stool in a child. Regular use of the Nestogen 3 type allows you to safely cancel night feedings after 1 year for the baby.
  • Unstable 4. The composition is specially designed for older children. Offer healthy nutrition to the little one from 1.5 to 2 years.

The price depends on the name, ranges from 160 to 530 rubles.



  • American baby food. Excellent quality, rich assortment;
  • products contain sugar, which does not suit all parents. So far, there are no curds and yogurts in the line.


  • dairy and dairy-free nutritional mixtures;
  • juices;
  • vegetable puree;
  • gluten-free cereals;
  • mixtures of cereals with vegetables;
  • puddings;
  • soups;
  • cookie;
  • vermicelli for kids.

Premium quality products. Prices depend on the type of product, ranging from 40 rubles for a jar of vegetable puree to 175 rubles for pudding for babies.



  • another quality product from Denmark;
  • a balanced complex of vegetable fats, the presence of essential minerals, vitamins;
  • baby food meets WHO standards.

At the address, look at the calendar and schedule of vaccinations for children by age.


  • Mamex - for children from birth to six months, the maximum similarity with mother's milk.
  • Mamex Lactose free. Composition with maltodextrin, no lactose, easy to digest. The therapeutic mixture is recommended from birth for milk protein intolerance, diarrhea syndrome.
  • Mamex 2. Nutritional composition with oligosaccharides, minerals, vitamins. For babies from six months to 12 months.
  • Mamex 2 Night formula. Useful complex with iron, prebiotics, oligosaccharides, 15 minerals. Great option for the last feeding. The composition is nutritious, but does not burden the baby's gastrointestinal tract. Suitable for babies over six months old.

Average prices depending on the name - from 180 rubles.

Sour-milk mixtures

Products are easier to digest, less irritate the delicate stomach and intestines. Most well-known baby food companies have a line of fermented milk products for babies of different ages.

Popular mixtures with bifido- and lactobacilli, prebiotics and probiotics:

  • Nutrilak KM.
  • Nutrilak Premium fermented milk.
  • Nutrilon fermented milk.

Which mixture is best for a newborn

The best mixture for newborns in composition

All milk mixtures can be conditionally divided into two large groups: those made on the basis of goat's milk and those made on the basis of cow's milk. Experts believe that goat milk formulas are better suited for a baby, since its proteins are more similar to breast milk proteins.

The best food for a newborn is adapted milk formulas. They are the most suitable for replacing breast milk, since they are completely absorbed by the baby's body. But it is advisable to choose milk formulas for a newborn without palm oil. The use of this oil in large quantities is fraught with a weakening of the growth of the child, poor formation of the skeletal system and the occurrence of problems with the teeth.

Modern manufacturers offer milk formulas without sugar, but enriched with various minerals and vitamins necessary for the proper development of the child. In addition, prebiotics and probiotics are added to the composition of the mixtures. Adapted milk formulas with prebiotics help create an environment for “good” microflora in the baby’s digestive system, and mixtures with probiotics are responsible for the health of the organs involved in digestion. Research shows that the presence of pre- and probiotics in infant formula helps reduce the risk of food allergies and even diseases like asthma.

What is the best infant formula for newborns by age

Children's bodies at different ages have different nutritional needs. And this is a completely natural process. After all, the composition of breast milk changes with the growth of the baby. Therefore, the formula of milk formula also depends on the age of the child. It is believed that mixtures for an older child should be more satisfying and high-calorie than for a newborn. In their composition, the amount of non-adapted cow's milk proteins, as well as the content of minerals and vitamins, increases, since the need of the child's body for these substances increases.

For each age group, manufacturers offer a separate product, created taking into account the needs of the child's body at a certain age. For children of the first six months of life, the so-called "initial" or milk mixtures of the first stage are intended. The composition of the “follow-up” mixtures is designed to meet the needs of older babies. Adapted milk formulas from 0 to 12 months can be used throughout the first year of a newborn's life.

Which mixture is better to choose for a newborn: dairy and sour-milk formulations

Baby formulas without preservatives are very popular with mothers today, due to their low cost and composition, which includes all the useful ingredients that contribute to the active development of the little one. These mixtures can be fed to both infants and older children. Powdered fermented milk mixture Malyutka normalizes the composition of the intestinal microflora, improves digestion, strengthens the child's immune system, and reduces the risk of intestinal infections.

Our review includes the following manufacturers:

  • Abbott is a diversified international company engaged in the production of a wide range of products, including baby food. It produces products that are necessary for optimal development, growth and health of a person at all stages of his life;
  • BIBIKOL- this company has been presenting unique products on the baby food market for almost two decades, which are made on the basis of goat's milk;
  • Nestle is a company that has been producing infant formula for many years. Every year its products are improved, so completely new mixtures appear on the market, designed for certain categories of children and taking into account their needs;
  • Kabrita- under this brand, the most modern mixtures for children based on goat's milk are produced. They combine all the benefits of goat milk and modern ingredients for the development, growth, protection and nutrition of babies;
  • Nutricia is a Dutch commercial organization specializing in scientific research in the field of healthy nutrition and the production of foods with special needs. It is now part of the Danone group of food companies.

The Best Palm Oil Free Infant Formulas

Similac Milk Formula (Abbott) Free of Palm Oil and Sugar

Milk formula Similac (Abbott) in its composition as close as possible to mother's milk and contains nutrients for the full development of the child. First of all, this is the unique IQ Intelli-Pro complex, which includes docosahexaenoic (DHA) and arachidonic (ARA) acids, which are present in breast milk and ensure the proper development of the brain and vision. Prebiotics help the gut form its own healthy microflora and soft stools, and probiotics (live bifidobacteria) support this microflora.

The composition of the mixture also includes substances indispensable for the healthy development of the child's body, such as calcium, iron, magnesium, ascorbic and folic acids, riboflavin, lactose, coconut, soybean and sunflower oils, vitamins B12, D3, K1 and other vitamins and minerals, with through which the child will grow and develop properly. Price - from 900 rubles for 900 g.


  • live bifidobacteria have a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora of the child;
  • prebiotics help to normalize the stool and microflora, reduce colic and the frequency of regurgitation;
  • the presence of an antioxidant such as lutein in the mixture is very important for eye health. Lutein is not produced in the body, so you can get it only with food;
  • the fatty acids DHA and ARA (Omega-3 and Omega-6) included in the mixture help the proper development of the brain;
  • the absence of palm oil in the composition provides the child with healthy and strong bones and teeth in the future.

No significant cons were found.

BIBIKOL Nanny 1 mix with goat milk

BIBIKOL Nanny 1 is an adapted milk dry formula for artificial feeding of children from the first days of birth to six months. It is made from whole goat milk from New Zealand goats. New Zealand is one of the most environmentally friendly countries. That is why goat milk is so natural and rich in various nutrients, and infant formulas made on its basis contain all the components necessary for the full development and growth of the baby.

Nanny 1 formula is recommended for feeding healthy babies or those who have intolerance to cow's milk proteins and soy. Goat milk proteins contain lower amounts of beta-lactoglobulin and alpha-S1-casein compared to cow's milk, so they are better absorbed by the child's body. In addition, goat milk contains biologically active components such as phospholipids, nucleotides and oligosaccharides, which have a positive effect on the immune system of children.

Minerals, vitamins and omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids contribute to the proper development of the brain and organs of vision. The Nanny 1 mixture also contains a complex of plant prebiotics that normalize digestion.


  • the mixture does not contain sucrose, glucose, demineralized whey, modified proteins, dyes and flavors;
  • all components of the mixture are made from natural products of plant origin with an unchanged gene structure;
  • the possibility of feeding children who are at risk of developing food allergies or intolerance to cow's milk proteins.


  • low dissolution rate at the recommended water temperature of 35-40 degrees. This may make the mother want to use hotter water, but in this case vitamins will be lost;
  • somewhat overpriced.

Infant formula NAN (Nestle) 1 Optipro

The mixture NAN (Nestle) 1 Optipro is intended for feeding healthy babies from their very birth, if breastfeeding is not possible. It is made from high quality raw materials, free of genetically modified ingredients, flavors, colors and preservatives. NAN (Nestle) 1 Optipro is a milk formula that contains all the nutrients necessary for the harmonious mental and physiological development of a child.

Optipro is a quality and quantity optimized protein complex found exclusively in NAN blends. The baby, thanks to him, receives exactly the amount of protein that is necessary for his proper growth and development. Price - from 700 rubles for 400 g.


  • the product does not contain palm oil, dyes, preservatives, flavors, genetically modified substances;
  • optimized protein complex;
  • the presence of bifidobacteria BL, which help to normalize intestinal motility and increase the ability of the child's body to fight various infections;
  • omega-3 fatty acids present in the mixture contribute to the proper formation of the brain and organs of vision;
  • the necessary amount of vitamins and minerals for the development of the child at this stage.

Among the minuses can be noted the higher cost compared to domestic blends.

The best adapted mixtures for newborns

Milk formula BIBIKOL Nanny Classic

BIBIKOL Nanny Classic milk formula can be used for artificial feeding of healthy children, as well as those who are at risk of developing an allergy to cow's milk protein. It is made from whole milk from New Zealand goats., which is much closer in protein structure to mother's milk than cow's.

The composition of the mixture contains all the nutritional components that are necessary for the full development and growth of the child. These are goat milk proteins, which, compared to cow's milk, contain less alpha-S1-casein and beta-lactoglobulin, as well as high-quality vegetable oils, natural milk fat, as well as nucleotides, phospholipids, oligosaccharides, which are naturally present in goat milk .

Nanny Classic blend is enriched with additional fatty acids DHA and ARA (Omega-3 and Omega-6), which are especially important for the development of the brain and organs of vision of the child. No sweeteners are added to this mixture. The only carbohydrate present in Nanny Classic is lactose, which is a natural milk sugar and helps maintain a healthy intestinal microflora. Price - from 1200 rubles for 400 g.


  • naturalness. The mixture is made on the basis of natural goat's milk and has a mild creamy taste;
  • ecological cleanliness;
  • the possibility of using for feeding children suffering from intolerance to cow's milk and at risk of developing food allergies.


  • low dissolution rate;
  • high price.

Kabrita 1 GOLD Infant Formula with Prebiotics

Based on goat's milk, Kabrita 1 GOLD contains nutrients that are essential for the proper mental and physiological development of the child, as well as for strengthening his immunity. Goat milk, unlike cow milk, has a higher degree of digestibility, therefore, mixtures based on it can be a godsend for those parents whose babies suffer from intolerance to cow's milk proteins. This problem is quite common and can cause difficult digestion, skin problems and complaints related to the respiratory system.

Kabrita 1 GOLD blend also features a unique combination of prebiotics and probiotics. Prebiotics (fructooligosaccharides and galactooligosaccharides) in combination with BB-12 bifidobacteria (live probiotics) ensure proper digestion, strengthen the child's immune system and contribute to the development of the protective functions of the child's body. The presence of arachidonic (ARA), docosahexaenoic (DHA), linoleic and linolenic fatty acids in the mixture ensures the proper development of the child's brain. Price - from 1800 rubles for 800 g.


  • the mixture in terms of the ratio of casein and whey proteins is as close as possible to mother's milk;
  • the optimal ratio of prebiotics and probiotics improves the digestion of the child;
  • the mixture has a natural sweetness. It is made without the addition of fructose, glucose, maltodexin, crystalline sugar;
  • the mixture does not contain soy lecithin, flavors, flavor enhancers and preservatives.


  • contains palm oil;
  • high price.

Fermented milk mixtures for newborns Malyutka

Dry fermented milk mixture Malyutka (Nutricia) 1

Sour-milk products significantly improve digestion, but they are quite complex food for the delicate tummy of a newborn baby. Nutricia created Baby 1 - specially adapted fermented milk formula for infants, which combines the benefits of sour-milk products and good nutrition. The secret behind the formula of this blend lies in the special manufacturing process of Lactofidus, using a special starter culture to support natural digestion and promote tummy health.

The mixture also contains the essential amino acid L-tryptophan, which is used by the brain to produce serotonin, which is called the good mood hormone, as well as the free sulfonic acid taurine, which is necessary for the formation of brain tissues and has an anticonvulsant effect. The mixture contains a vitamin complex, contributing to the harmonious physiological and mental development of the little man.

Fermented milk formula Malyutka 1 can be used to feed healthy babies with a sensitive digestive system (with a restless tummy, a tendency to colic) and babies with reduced appetite, including during the period of prevention after an intestinal infection. The mixture can be used as a main food or combined with breast milk.


  • a balanced composition of the mixture that provides the infant with good nutrition;
  • the presence in the composition of the mixture of milk demineralized whey, as adapted as possible to the characteristics and needs of the body of the newborn;
  • prebiotics that improve bowel function and reduce the manifestations of dysbacteriosis;
  • the presence of a variety of vitamins, minerals, trace elements and amino acids.


  • the presence of palm oil in the mixture. The possibility of its significant harm has not been proven, but it is known that it is digested rather hard;
  • the presence of soy lecithin. There is an opinion among consumers that genetically modified soybeans can be used in its production.

Sour-milk baby formula Malyutka (Nutricia) 2

Formula Malyutka (Nutricia) 2 is recommended for feeding children over six months of age. when breastfeeding is not possible. The composition of the mixture contains the whole range of useful elements and vitamins that ensure normal digestion and maintain the immunity of the crumbs.

Fermented milk formula Malyutka 2 is produced according to a special technology using a special starter culture that promotes the health of the baby's tummy and supports natural digestion. It is a completely balanced product, so it can be used as a main food. A mixture of Malyutka 2, unlike Malyutka 1, contains "smart iron" - the optimal combination of the amount of iron, zinc and vitamin C. This ensures better absorption of iron, which is especially important for the prevention of iron deficiency. Price - from 330 rubles for 350 g.


  • provides the child with a balanced diet;
  • nutrients, dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals are selected taking into account the age of a six-month-old child, therefore they ensure healthy growth and development;
