
Clear chicken soup. Bouillon for delicious jelly

Real chicken broth is legendary. This dish can no doubt be taken to the hospital to a sick relative without fear that the doctor will not allow you to drink. healing broth. Chicken broth perfectly restores strength, is able to suppress the onset of a cold. Chicken broth is great for getting rid of hangover syndrome, it is indicated for diabetics and patients with gastrointestinal diseases. Besides, chicken bouillon not only very useful, but also insanely delicious. According to statistics, chicken broth is one of the most common dishes in many families. But often the broth is not perfect. Today you will learn the recipe for making a clear, tasty and rich broth.

Traditional chicken broth recipe

  1. First you need to choose the meat from which a clear broth will be prepared. A clean fillet or breast is not suitable for broth - the dish will turn out to be very lean. It is best to take a ham or a whole chicken carcass. Pay attention to the color and smell of meat before buying - they must be perfect. If something bothers you, it is better to refuse such a chicken.
  2. The meat must first be thoroughly washed and wiped with a dry cloth. The broth will turn out to be thicker and richer if you cook it from fresh rather than frozen meat. If the chicken is broiler, it is better to remove the skin and unnecessary pieces of fat from it. home chicken undressing is not worth it - her skin contains special useful material, which will not only add a special taste to the broth, but also make it appetizingly yellow.
  3. After that, place the finished chicken in a saucepan, and pour clean cold water so that the carcass is completely covered with liquid. To make the broth more rich and thick, there should be a little water.
  4. Put the saucepan on medium fire and wait for it to boil. In the meantime, you can add vegetables to the broth for taste. It is best to add only carrots and onions to chicken broth. The bow can be cut small pieces and throw into a saucepan. After long cooking, it will almost completely dissolve. If you prefer a clear broth, it is best to cook the onion whole so that it can be completely removed. If you want to achieve golden color broth, cook the onion directly in the husk, but do not forget to rinse the vegetable first.
  5. If you are cooking broiler chicken and want a more nutritious and cleaner broth, then this is the way to go. Pour the carcass not cold, but hot water, and immediately after boiling, drain the first water. It will contain all the carcinogens and unnecessary substances that can spoil the taste of the future broth. Then again fill the chicken with water and put it to cook on a slow fire.
  6. When the water in the pan boils, you need to carefully remove the foam with a slotted spoon. If you did not have time to do this, pour a little into the pan cold water and the foam will rise again. The foam will need to be removed several times - this is the key to the transparency of the broth. When the water in the pan boils, reduce the heat so that the chicken does not boil, but languishes.
  7. Cooking chicken broth takes about two to three hours. In this case, the broth is rich, with a deep chicken flavor.
  8. When to salt chicken broth? If you want to receive delicious broth, salt should be added almost at the very beginning of cooking. If you are focusing on tasty and soft meat, salt the broth should be at the end.
  9. When the chicken broth is almost ready, you can add spices to it. It is very important not to overdo it here - odorous spices can kill the taste of chicken broth. Do not add a lot of parsley - it will give the broth a special smell that will be difficult to get rid of. If you prefer light taste bay leaf - add no more than one small leaf to the broth. You can also add a little peppercorns to the broth, a piece bell pepper for flavor (fresh or frozen).
  10. The broth should be served with the second hot dishes, for example, potatoes with meat. You can serve the broth for pies with various fillings. Crackers are usually served with the broth.
  11. If you want to boil pasta, noodles or potatoes in broth, then you will get not a broth, but a soup. To keep the broth crystal clear, you need to boil all the ingredients separately, and pour the ingredients with chicken broth before serving.

In fact, cooking chicken broth is not difficult. However, only knowing some tricks and nuances will help you prepare a truly rich and crystal clear chicken broth.

Here are a few tips to help you make chicken broth.

  1. If you cook the broth not from whole carcass, and from the cut pieces of chicken, pieces of fat may remain in the broth, small bones, remnants of the skin. In addition, after cooking, the broth may contain remnants of spices, peppercorns. In this case, the broth will need to be filtered. To do this, you can use a strainer or simple gauze folded several times.
  2. If you are preparing soup with barley, it will need to be soaked and boiled separately, and only then pour the finished broth. Otherwise, the broth will turn out to be slimy and lose its transparency.
  3. To give the chicken broth a special aroma and taste, you can add a little greenery to it, preferably dill. So that it does not lose color, add it literally a minute before the end of the preparation of the broth. If one of the household members does not like the greens floating in the plate, dip a small tied bundle into the pan - it can be easily removed before serving.
  4. If the broth, despite all efforts, did not turn out transparent, the following trick will help. Whisk the egg white in a bowl and pour it into the broth. When it curdles, just strain the liquid. After such manipulations, you will notice that the broth has become much more transparent.
  5. For a deep broth taste, do not use tap water. Opt for filtered or bottled liquid.
  6. To make the broth more saturated, you need to cook it not only from chicken, but also from other types of meat. The most delicious broths are obtained with two and three varieties of meat. In this case, beef, pork and lamb need to be cooked longer, and chicken components are added in the middle of the cooking process.
  7. When pouring water into the pan, pour the liquid "with a margin". After all, after cooking the broth, a significant amount of liquid will evaporate.
  8. In order for the broth to remain transparent after cooking, it must be quickly cooled. Professional chefs It is recommended to lower the pan into a container with cold water or ice.

These helpful tips will help to prepare a transparent and rich broth even for the most inexperienced hostess.

Chicken broth is the basis of many dishes. Besides that you can cook chicken broth various soups(borsch, hodgepodge, kharcho), dumplings and side dishes can be boiled in the broth - main dishes will get more rich taste. From chicken broth, you can cook jellied meat, porridge, sauce, risotto. The variety is only limited by your imagination. Prepare chicken broth the right way and treat your home to delicious and healthy chicken broth dishes.

Video: the secret to making the right broth

Step by Step Recipes for Clear Chicken Soup with Vermicelli, Noodles, Peas, Mushrooms and Wine

2017-12-14 Marina Vykhodtseva





In 100 grams ready meal

4 gr.

2 gr.


3 gr.

50 kcal.

Option 1: Classic Clear Chicken Noodle Soup

Home chicken soup with noodles simply must be transparent. Due to this, the dish looks appetizing, beautiful, does not resemble a mess. In this recipe, the noodles are kneaded in a standard way on the egg. Used for broth chicken legs, but you can take separately the thighs, lower legs.


  • 2.6 liters of water;
  • 800 g of chicken;
  • 2 onion heads;
  • 2 carrots;
  • egg;
  • 105 g flour;
  • 0.5 tsp oils.

Step-by-step recipe for a classic clear soup

We wash chicken legs. We remove all the skin from them if you want to get a really transparent broth. Fill with water, bring to a boil and after a minute drain into the sink. Rinse the chicken, put it back in the pan, pour clean water and quickly bring to a boil. In no case do not interfere, otherwise the resulting foam will disintegrate.

When boiling, remove the foam, put the peeled carrots and one onion in the husk, but cutting off the area with the rhizome. We cook the broth for 60-70 minutes. If the chicken is homemade, then increase the time. Then remove from the stove, filter.

Mix the egg with salt, add a little oil, literally half a teaspoon, add flour and knead the dough. It will be a little, but it's normal, real chicken noodles should not be thick, the dish is more appreciated for its delicious broth.

Let the dough lie down, then roll out and cut the noodles. In the old days, it was dried before being added to the soup, but this is not necessary, we just disassemble it well so that nothing sticks together.

Throw the remaining onion head into the boiling broth, chop finely. Cut the chicken into pieces, toss, put salt, pepper. Boil for a couple of minutes and lay the noodles. Stir immediately so that nothing sticks together.

After boiling, boil the chicken soup for two minutes, turn it off. No need to be afraid that the noodles will boil. Since water was not added to the dough, you can cook even more than 10 minutes, reheat, nothing will happen to the soup.

You can quickly dry the noodles with an iron. Rolled dough cakes are laid between two sheets of parchment and ironed several times.

Option 2: Quick Clear Chicken Vermicelli Soup Recipe

To prepare such a clear soup, you need small vermicelli. Better take hard varieties that do not lose shape will not stir up the broth. We use any parts of the carcass, except for the breast.


  • 500 g chicken;
  • 2.5 liters of water;
  • 1 head of onion;
  • 1 carrot;
  • salt, spices;
  • 50 g of vermicelli;
  • 2 potatoes.

How to quickly make a clear soup

Pour the washed and cut into small pieces bird with cold water. Be sure to remove the skin to get a clear broth. Bring to a boil over high heat, remove the foam and immediately reduce the heat to a minimum. The soup should not boil, there is a barely noticeable boil on the surface. Cook for approximately 30-35 minutes.

We cut the potatoes, throw them into the broth. After a minute, add onions and carrots. Salt after another ten minutes. It is important to quickly bring the food to a boil, then immediately remove the heat so that the soup does not gurgle.

Cook the dish until the vegetables are soft, throw in the vermicelli, season with spices, stir and turn off after boiling. Let the soup stand for a while, the vermicelli will come to readiness. When serving, add greens.

The same soup can be prepared with others pasta, but you need to cook them less than indicated in the instructions on the package. Otherwise in in large numbers liquids are just sour.

Option 3: Lightened Clear Chicken Soup

This recipe is for someone who wants to make a clear chicken soup, but it turns out immediately cloudy broth. There are many ways to lighten it, here the simplest is with eggs. The dish itself is just vegetable with chicken.


  • 700 g of chicken;
  • 2.5 liters of water;
  • 3 potatoes;
  • 2 carrots;
  • onion head;
  • spices, herbs.

How to cook

We wash the chicken, fill it with water, throw one peeled carrot for taste and color. We send it to the stove, remove the foam. We cook until ready. We take out the carrots and the bird, cool the broth to about 70-80 degrees.

We separate the proteins, the yolks are not needed for clarification. Beat the whites until a good foam, add to the broth and stir. We return to the stove. Bring to a boil, cool again to 70 degrees. We boil again, cool. IN last time remove the broth and strain through cheesecloth. Or use a fine sieve.

The pan needs to be washed, as gray foam usually accumulates on the walls. We return the chicken broth to the stove, bring to a boil, throw in the chopped potatoes.

Shred the remaining carrots into strips. It is undesirable to use a grater in transparent dishes, as it gives straws of different thicknesses, the particles fall off, float in the soup and spoil the broth. Add next to the potatoes.

We clean the head of the onion, cut into small cubes. We throw it into the soup, stir, after five minutes you can salt. Cook vegetables until tender at a low boil.

Chicken, which was cooked in the broth, cut into pieces, add at the end. We throw greens, pepper, turn off the stove.

Sometimes, in addition to egg white, crushed shells are used to clarify the broth. In this case, the eggs must be thoroughly washed in advance with a brush and soap, as many microbes are concentrated on them.

Option 4: Clear Chicken Soup with Mushrooms and White Wine

The recipe is not quite ordinary, but tasty and warming transparent chicken soup. For cooking, you will need champignons and a little white wine, the variety does not really matter, but still affects the result. Greens, spices can be selected independently at your discretion.


  • 180 g of chicken;
  • 800 ml of water;
  • 100 g of champignons;
  • 35 ml of white wine;
  • egg;
  • greens, salt;
  • 0.3 lemons.

Step by step recipe

We wash the chicken, but rather soak it, fill it with clean water, send it to boil. Bring to readiness, periodically removing the foam. We take out the bird, cool it, put it in the refrigerator so that the meat gets stronger, cut evenly.

Beat the egg with a fork, add to hot broth, bring to a boil. Strain through cheesecloth until transparent. We return the broth to the saucepan.

Cut the washed champignons into slices, put in the broth, cook until soft, salt the soup.

At the end, pour the wine, pepper and turn off.

We take the chicken out of the refrigerator and cut it into neat slices, put it on the bottom of the plates, pour hot broth with mushrooms and wine.

We cut thin slices lemon, put 1-2 pieces each on a plate, additionally decorate the dish with herbs.

It is believed that for the preparation clear soups it is best to use a bird without fat and excess skin, be sure to remove the foam, salt the soup at the very end, but this does not all help. If the broth turns out to be gray, then onion peel or carrots, which are boiled with the bird, will help to correct the color.

Option 5: Clear Chicken Soup with Peas and Vegetables

A variant of bright and vitamin chicken soup. Its important component is a transparent broth that will convey all the charm of colors. Frozen peas are used here, the rest of the vegetables are fresh.


  • 400 g chicken without skin;
  • onion head;
  • 150 g of peas;
  • large carrot;
  • 300 g potatoes;
  • 3 eggs;
  • dill, salt.

How to cook

Fill the bird with cold water, boil until tender, collecting gray foam from the surface of the broth. We take out the meat. Pour one egg into the broth, stir quickly, let it lighten, filter. Pour into a clean saucepan, re-send to the stove.

We throw in the diced potatoes, after a couple of minutes we chop the carrots and add, and then we throw in the chopped onion. Boil everything together for five minutes.

We cut boiled chicken or just take it apart with your hands into pieces, return to the soup. After boiling put green pea. Now you can add salt to the soup, cook for another five minutes.

Separately, in a saucepan, cook the two remaining eggs, boil hard-boiled. Cool, peel, cut in half.

Soup at the end we try, add more salt, pepper. Pour the dish on plates, put an egg in each half, supplement with fresh herbs.

Exactly the same soup can be prepared with beans, but you need to boil them separately, it is also advisable to take white varieties that do not color the broth. As an option - canned beans, which must be washed and added to the pan at the very end of cooking.

A good broth is the head of everything! A beautiful transparent broth with golden droplets of fat and an amazing aroma is already full first dish. If the broth is cloudy, with foam, gray and ugly, then it will not turn out to be soup, but a real gruel. You don't need to allow this. There are many ways to brighten up homemade broths, color them in nice colors, turn a modest soup into an amazing dish for home dinner.

How to make broths transparent - general principles

Cannot be used for clear broths pieces of meat or poultry with pieces of ichor or dried blood. If pieces of fat or fat hang down, then they must also be removed. Next, the main product must be thoroughly rinsed with cold water, squeezed out. Bones and large pieces pork, beef, it is advisable to soak for half an hour in cold water. To prevent the broth from becoming cloudy, you need to remove the foam. This is done not only when boiling, but also during the cooking process.

Basic principles of cooking:

1. You can not let the broth actively boil and boil, so it will never turn out transparent.

2. No need to salt the broth during cooking, this is done at the very end or at least half an hour.

3. After filtering, the broth must be returned to a clean pan, be sure to rinse the bowl.

4. Carrots, onions, parsley root give the broths not only taste, but also a pleasant color. You need to add them in their entirety.

Clarification of the broth is the removal of turbidity, that is, small particles. It is impossible to do this by ordinary straining. In cooking, a quickdraw is used, most often based on egg white. A little lower is detailed recipe. The essence of the method is in the absorption, "braces" of suspended particles from the liquid. Then they are removed along with the protein. Other foods can be added to the egg, for example, vegetables, chopped meat, crushed bones.

How to Clarify Broth with an Egg

One of the simplest and known ways how you can lighten the broth is to make a guy. Recipe Based egg whites suitable for any chicken and meat broths, it is in cookbooks technological books.


3-4 liters of ready-made broth;


1. Thoroughly wash the eggshell with soap and rinse with cold water. We break the eggs, take out the yolks. They can be used for other dishes, they will not be useful to us.

2. Whisk the whites into a good dense foam. Crush the egg shells with your hands.

3. Cool the prepared broth to about 70-75 degrees, add the proteins, stir.

4. We send the pot with the broth to the stove, turn on the strongest fire, quickly bring to a boil. Turn off, leave for ten minutes.

5. We repeat boiling the broth with eggs two more times, but each time we turn it off and let the broth stand for a while.

6. Now we take gauze, put it in a colander, filter the broth. Or we use a sieve with small cells for this.

7. Now we must bring the broth to a boil again, use it for our needs.

How to make the broth transparent (minced meat pull)

Another easy way to make meat broth clear. For a delay, in addition to egg white, you will also need a little minced meat. It is important for him to use meat without fat.


1 carrot;

1 onion;

500-800 g of beef;

2.5-3 liters of water;

250 g minced meat;


1. Pour the washed beef with bones or only the bones with cold water, send to the stove.

2. When boiling, carefully remove the foam. We cook the broth under the lid with a barely noticeable boil for about an hour.

3. Remove the top husk from the bulb or just rinse it well from the ground, throw it into the pan. Immediately throw a peeled, but not chopped carrot. Cooking the broth for another hour. When boiling vegetables, the foam must also be removed.

4. Twist a lean piece of meat. Whip the egg white into foam. Combine with minced meat, stir.

5. Add minced meat to a pot of boiling broth. Stir so that large lumps do not seize. Slowly bring to a boil.

6. Cooking for small fire broth for about half an hour.

7. Wet a cotton cloth or gauze folded in several layers. We filter the decoction.

Clear chicken broth for noodles and soups

Recipe for a simple clear chicken broth. It can be simply served with greens and crackers, or used for cooking homemade noodles, light soups. It is better to use homemade chicken, any parts except the breast will do.


Chicken 1-1.5 kg;

1 carrot;

1 onion;

1 parsley root;

4-5 peppercorns, salt.


1. We wash chicken carcass cold water, remove damage or feathers from the surface.

2. Transfer to a saucepan, fill the bird with water.

3. Put on maximum heat, quickly bring to a boil. big spoon we collect all the foam from the surface. We reduce the fire, boil for fifteen minutes, do not let it boil actively.

4. Add parsley root, onion. Carrots, whole, no need to cut anything. We add fire, bring it to a boil again, remove the foam again and remove the fire.

5. Cover the pan, cook the broth for about an hour. If the chicken is homemade or farm, then about 1.5 hours.

6. 15 minutes before the end of cooking, remove vegetables from the broth, add laurel, pepper, salt.

How to Clarify Broth with Lemon Juice

This method is useful if the broth after cooking turned out to be gray or brownish. Soup from such a base will not be very pretty.


2 liters of broth;

Husk of 1 onion;

1 st. l. lemon juice.


1. For a golden color, throw a little into the cloudy and dark broth onion peel, boil for a couple of minutes.

2. Filter through a cloth or strainer, return to the pan.

3. Put it on the stove again, add lemon juice, stir. You can add some dry acid.

How to make the broth transparent (for jelly, aspic)

One of the toughest questions- how to clarify the broth for jellies, aspics, aspics. The broth is cooked for a long time, very saturated, it just does not turn out transparent and golden, the dishes are not very pretty, but it's easy to fix!


2.5 liters of broth;

2 yolks;




1. First, the broth must be well cooled, cool for several hours. A layer of fat forms on the surface. We take a spoon, take it off. It can be used for different dishes, cook roast for soups. Do not throw away, put in the refrigerator.

2. Now we heat the broth on the stove.

3. Cut the onion into small cubes, rub the carrot, pour everything into a bowl.

4. Beat the proteins, mix with vegetables.

5. We spread the guy into the boiling broth, stir and immediately turn off the stove, but do not stop stirring, we do this for about five more minutes

6. Turn on the stove and bring the broth to a boil again, turn off, cover.

7. After fifteen minutes, strain the broth for jelly.

8. Evaluate transparency. If particles or light turbidity remain, then you can add whipped protein again, now without vegetables, warm up and strain. The procedure is repeated until the desired result is obtained.

Clear chicken broth with pits

To prepare such a brace and get a clear chicken broth, you will need crushed bones. By the way, they can be prepared in advance, dried and stored in a jar on the kitchen shelf.


2.5-3 liters of broth;

25 g seeds.


1. We cook fragrant chicken broth from any parts of the carcass or a whole bird. We take out the meat before clarification.

2. Beat the protein with a fork or whisk good foam.

3. Add chopped bones to the protein, stir. If there is more broth, then double the amount of products.

4. Put the protein with bones in the broth, stir quickly, turn on the stove.

5. Boil over low heat for about ten minutes. No need to let the broth boil, just simmer and warm up. We stir.

6. Turn off the stove, let it stand for a while so that the heat goes away.

7. We filter the broth from the ingredients of the brace through a cotton cloth.

How to Clarify Broth with Carrots and Protein

Another pull option. It is suitable for any fish and meat broths. Carrot not only helps to remove cloudy particles, but also gives a decoction beautiful colour.


2.5-3 liters of broth;

Big carrot;

Two squirrels.


1. We wash the carrots with a brush, you can not peel them. We take fine grater, grind. You can use a combine.

2. Beat in a steep foam egg whites. Combine with carrots, mix gently.

3. Add a carrot guy to the hot broth, bring to a boil. Stir quickly, switch off. Cover the pot, leave for ten minutes.

4. Bring to a boil again, stir to collect all suspended particles, turn off.

5. We insist for about 10-15 minutes, then ready broth strain through a damp, lint-free cloth.

Leftover broth? Feel free to freeze it! It's better to pour silicone molds. Will always be in the freezer aromatic additive for sauces, any first and second courses.

If the broth is prepared with rice, the cereal should be boiled separately until almost cooked, only then added to total weight. With him, the broth will never be transparent.

Onions with husks and carrots give the broth a beautiful golden hue. Chicken broths and soups look especially appetizing with them.

The color of the broth turned out ugly and gray? You can add carrots and onions to it, as mentioned above, but turmeric, curry seasoning will help to quickly fix the look, they perfectly color the first dishes, give a golden hue and quite pleasant taste.

The foam sank to the bottom, and did not have time to remove it? It is necessary to pour a glass of cold water into the pan, bring the liquid to a boil again.

Adult men, recalling happy childhood years, for some reason claim that only their mother knew how to cook clear chicken broth. They say that some families collapsed under the burden of this axiom, if a woman who got a husband enchanted by her mother's broth could not come close to the culinary ideal. Every mom has her own recipe, and you will never know all the secrets and nuances, so we want to help you master the wisdom of this simple and mysterious dish. The recipe is not complicated at all, the devil, as usual, is in the details.

Origins of love for chicken broth

Ideally transparent chicken broth - consommé, it was invented by the French, who managed to make cooking an art. French chefs and many housewives know how to make transparent fragrant broths from different varieties meat and vegetables. We will study a recipe that can be used to prepare a separate dish or a soup base - in any case, the broth should not be cloudy. You can make the right chicken broth if you follow all the rules of preparation, although imperfect broth can be clarified. Over time, you will learn how to make a dish perfect right away and you can safely write down the recipe to your asset.

Chicken broth is not only tasty, but also very healthy dish. Children and adults with colds and flu recover much faster if they are soldered with fragrant broth. During cooking, lysozyme is formed - an enzyme with a pronounced antibacterial effect. In addition, in a dish of domestic chicken an abundance of cysteine ​​- an amino acid necessary for bronchitis and tracheitis. In the United States, chicken soup is called "Jewish penicillin", which is Jewish penicillin. The experience of many generations confirms that the broth helps to recover no worse than the most modern antibiotics.

Cooking Canons

  • The recipe does not require the best meat with bones, but still there should be three times more meat than bones. The purpose of the bones and veins is to make the broth strong, and the meat gives it nutrition and flavor. You can cook meat without bones, but bones without meat. good result won't give. A truly rich broth can be made from broth chicken, which differs from the boiler in its slenderness and mature age. It takes several hours to cook such a carcass, but the result will be excellent - a fragrant and rich broth, the same grandmother's that we remember all our lives.
  • Rinse the chicken properly and cut off excess fat from it. A very plump chicken is best skinned, although this depends on your diet.
  • Pour two liters of water per kilogram of meat, and if the chicken is broth, add another half a liter, because the cooking process will be long and the water will boil away.
  • Do not cover the pot with a lid. Steam will rise, settle on the lid and drip back, distorting the taste and appearance.
  • The cooking time depends on the number of bones. All the best of the meat is extracted in 1.5 hours, and the bones should boil for an hour longer.
  • Start boiling chicken in cold water and bring to a boil over medium heat. Gradually, the protein from the meat will pass into the water, part of it will curl up and float to the surface in the form of foam. If you heat the pan too quickly, the egg white will upper layers meat will curdle earlier and will not allow the rest of the protein to dissolve in water - that's why to get delicious piece boiled meat should be poured with boiling water. Our recipe is designed to receive perfect broth, so we will fill the meat with clean cold water.
  • If you let the broth simmer and don't skim off the foam in time, you'll end up with a cloudy broth with a specific taste. It will not be possible to save this dish, in any case, you cannot do anything even remotely resembling consommé. Do not stray far from the kitchen while the broth is cooking, adjust the heat so that the boil is barely noticeable. If it is not possible to eliminate bubbles on the surface peacefully, add a quarter cup of cold water. Remove foam periodically.
  • The classic recipe recommends laying about 110 grams of vegetables per kilogram of chicken, that is, on four legs - one medium-sized onion, carrot, celery stalk. By adding some washed onion skins to the pan, you can make a golden broth. Perfectly emphasize the aroma of chicken parsley root, parsnip, Bay leaf and thyme. fresh greens can give a greenish tinge, and bay leaves - bitterness if you cook it for a long time. Salt per liter of water needs one teaspoon.
  • The less you stir the broth while cooking, the more likely it will be transparent. You can clarify the failed broth with the help of whipped protein, which, after boiling, is able to make the broth transparent.
  • When the broth is ready, fish out everything superfluous from it, trying not to touch the walls and bottom of the pan, strain through two layers of gauze or a fine sieve using a ladle. If you don't like the layer of fat on the surface, scoop it up with a spoon and discard.

Recipe and step by step instructions

  • The number of servings is 5-6.
  • Cooking time - from 1.5 to 3 hours, depending on whether you are cooking stock chicken or boiler.

Gathering the ingredients:

To flavor the broth, you need to prepare:

Broth preparation
  1. well washed under running water put the chicken in a saucepan and pour two liters of clean cold water. If you decide to make broth from a laying hen, carefully inspect its innards and remove everything you find there. The heart, liver, and stomach can be cooked with the chicken after cleaning and rinsing. The recipe remains the same, only the cooking time is increased.
  2. We put the pan on medium heat, wait for the boil and reduce to a minimum.
  3. We remove the foam with a spoon.
  4. When the foam stops floating, add the onion, parsley root and carrot.
  5. It is advisable to tie thyme and peppercorns in a bag of gauze and lower them into a saucepan.
  6. Cook for an hour and a half without a visible boil, without closing the lid, if necessary, add a little cold water. This will stop the bubbling and help lighten the broth a bit.
  7. 10-15 minutes before the end of cooking, lay the bay leaf and salt.
  8. Remove the broth from the fire. If it's a bit cloudy, you'll need to lighten it.
  9. We filter through a fine sieve or several layers of clean gauze.
  10. You can clear a cloudy broth by using raw protein mixed with cold water and lightly whipped. Stir well and pour the mixture into the hot broth, let it boil and strain.
  11. You can start eating. Pour the broth into large cups and sprinkle it with chopped parsley, or put a hard-boiled egg in a plate, cut it into several pieces, pour over the broth and sprinkle with herbs. simple and delicious recipe, try it for sure.
