
The name of the seaweed. Seaweed

Seaweed are valuable dietary product nutrition. These seafood are actively used in cooking and medicine.

Seaweeds have entered the diet relatively recently. Only in the second half of the last century, this product began to be actively used for cooking, as well as for industrial production finished products and some drugs. It is worth noting that many types of ice cream, marmalade and marshmallows contain alginic acids, which are obtained from seaweed. Thus, even if you do not eat seaweed in in kind, then from time to time you use their extracts contained in the composition various products nutrition.

Over the past few decades, a lot has become known about the beneficial properties of algae. According to medical observations, regular use seaweed contributes to the body, a person becomes energetic and much less likely to get sick.

Nutritional value of seaweed

Almost all edible seaweed contains the following components:

  • vitamins (A, B, C, D, K, PP, folic acid);
  • carotenes;
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids;
  • polysaccharides (glucans, alginic acid, sulfated galactans, lignins, pectins and others);
  • macro- and microelements, in particular, a huge amount of iodine, the concentration of which can reach 1000 mg per 1 kg of seaweed;
  • chlorophyll and its derivatives;
  • phenolic compounds;
  • plant sterols;
  • enzymes.

The energy value of seaweed is only 7-15 kcal per 100 g of product. Therefore, they are rightfully considered a valuable dietary product. The use of algae in large quantities will not affect your figure.

What are the benefits of seaweed

Anticarcinogenic action

Seaweeds have an anti-cancer effect due to their high content of alginates. These compounds are capable of selectively binding with radionuclides, salts of heavy metals and excreted from the body together with them. naturally. Salts of alginic acid are good radioprotectors (protect the body from harmful effects). Given these properties of seaweed, they should be actively used as a prophylactic against cancer.

Antimutagenic activity

Antioxidant action

Seaweed contains vitamins A and C, which have antioxidant activity. The complex of these vitamins slows down the aging process and activates immune system, which allows you to effectively deal with many diseases.

Anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties

These properties of seaweed endow a number of biologically active substances, which are immunocorrectors. These components have a positive effect on the activity of T-lymphocytes and macrophages, and also contribute to the synthesis of immunoglobulins-A, the lack of which is the cause of many chronic diseases of the respiratory and genitourinary systems.

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October 18, 2013, 17:25 I really want to lose weight! Tried a lot, but the weight comes back .. I would like to get advice from a nutritionist. How to lose weight and where to start?

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Prevention of cardiovascular diseases

Seaweed (especially brown) contains a large number of polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acids. These fatty acids reduce the concentration of low-density lipoproteins ( bad cholesterol), thereby reducing the risk of atherosclerotic vascular changes. Omega-3 fatty acids have a positive effect on work of cardio-vascular system and also prevent the development of diabetes.

Seaweed and Prostaglandin Synthesis

Polyunsaturated fatty acids (arachidonic acid), which are part of seaweed, are involved in the synthesis of special substances - prostaglandins, which are the main mediators of the inflammatory process. Different kinds prostaglandins are found in almost all tissues and organs. These substances have a stimulating effect on the smooth muscles of the intestines and uterus. Prostaglandins contribute to normalization blood pressure and also help fight alien agents.

To maintain health, a person begins not only to follow the daily regimen, but also to eat right. Enriching your diet with seafood, whole body maintenance and improvement appearance. One of the richest sources of vitamins, mineral salts and useful substances, according to consumer reviews, are seaweed.

The nutritional value

The plant fauna of the sea has a beneficial effect on general state affecting the body in different ways. Each type has:

  • Unique properties;
  • Universal composition;
  • nutritional value.

What are the benefits of seaweed. Due to its inherent qualities, the product is considered:

  • Dietary. Suitable for use when losing weight, fasting or a poor diet. The calorie content of the product is low;
  • Saturated. Each species is rich in a high level of nutrients, vitamins, minerals;
  • Safe. Can be eaten by children from the age of five;
  • Antioxidant;
  • Healing. Correct Application heals the body, prevents the development of beriberi;
  • Easily digestible.

Chemical composition and calorie content of different algae

Marine fauna contains a large number of different elements, the total structure of which resembles the structure of human blood plasma.

There is a high level in the chemical composition:

  • Proteins, carbohydrates. There are no fats;
  • Vitamins: A, groups B, C, D3, PP, M;
  • mineral compounds. Especially a lot of fluorine, iodine, calcium. At a high level: molybdenum, silicon, calcium, magnesium. Vanadium contributing ;
  • Carotenoids;
  • Secondary formations of chlorophylls;
  • Phenols;
  • Lignins;
  • polyunsaturated fats;
  • pectins;
  • Plant-type enzymes;
  • Phytosterols;
  • Starch;
  • dextrins;
  • Polysaccharides;
  • Alimentary fiber and fiber;
  • Ash.

Suitable for complex treatment, with the development of special schemes.

Algal plants are characterized by a low number of calories. Most kcal in nori, about three hundred and fifty per hundred grams of product, less - in ulva - twenty.


unique composition, dietary features, the nutritional value allow algae to have a beneficial effect on the body. Useful for men, women, children.

The healing qualities of marine fauna are manifested in:

  • Strengthening and strengthening of immunity. Raises the activity of lymphocytes, increases the synthesis of interferons;
  • Maintaining health nervous system;
  • Eliminate the effects of free radicals;
  • Improving brain activity;
  • Increasing energy balance, tone;
  • Slowing down the manifestation of signs of aging of the skin of the face and body;
  • Removal of toxins, carcinogens, radionuclide compounds, toxic substances;
  • Normalization of the functions of the respiratory system, the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Preventive properties against cancer, leukemia, mutation of healthy cells;
  • Anti-inflammatory and antibacterial action;
  • Participation in the production of prostaglandins, supporting: fertilization, labor activity;
  • Contribute to the regulation of blood pressure;
  • Prevention of cardiovascular pathologies, diabetes mellitus.

Applies to:

  • Cooking as aromatic additive, as a thickener;
  • For production cosmetics flush;
  • In veterinary medicine - yeast with algae for different breeds of animals (labradors);
  • In the manufacture of medicines;
  • Textile, pulp and paper industry;
  • agricultural needs.

Benefit and harm:

Positive traits sea ​​food will appear with systematic use. But apart from healing properties the product may be harmful to health This situation may arise in the event of:

  • The origin of algae from unfavorable, polluted areas. The ability to accumulate elements can provoke the appearance of toxic substances in the structure;
  • Violations of the processes of processing, freezing, storage on land.

Types of edible algae

There are many species in nature, but only a few, obtained in sea salt water, are used for food without harm to health. Moreover, each representative has its own level of therapeutic effect.

Laminaria, or seaweed

One of the most widely used brown algae. Has a high level of salts:

  • manganese;
  • Copper;
  • Zinc.

Regular use allows:

  • Normalize the performance of the thyroid gland;
  • Remove bad lipoproteins;
  • Regulate blood cholesterol;
  • Prevent the development of diabetes;
  • Actively fights obesity;
  • Stimulate metabolic processes;
  • Remove excess salt
  • Reduces the risk of cancer cells.

Fucus blisteris

The type of vegetation that lives in the coastal zone in northern latitudes Atlantic and Arctic Ocean. what are the benefits of algae

The composition includes a large number of compounds of iron, iodine,. Calciferol, retinol.

The main properties are:

  • Stimulation of blood flow functions;
  • Support for mineral metabolism;
  • Cleansing the body of toxic substances;
  • Immunomodulatory;
  • Antivirus.

Promotes saturation of bone tissue with mineral salts.

It is used in the complex therapy of HIV infection.


An algal plant of the blue-green family that lives in a highly alkaline environment. It has the most useful chemical composition. It has eighteen types of amino acids, due to which it is used in:

  • Pharmaceutical industry - for the manufacture of dietary supplements;
  • Cosmetology - creams, masks, skin balms,
  • Food quality in the form of frozen semi-finished products.

Ulva, or sea lettuce

Green representative of the Black Sea fauna. Contains a large amount of protein, iron salts and vegetable fiber. Used for food.


Nori is one of the most common red marine plants.

IN chemical composition includes a macronutrient - vanadium, vitamin D3, retinol, B12. Normalizes cardiovascular activity, stabilizes cholesterol levels.

The easiest recipe to use: porphyry caviar with scallop.


Type of coral plants of red color. The benefits of algae are high levels of mineral salts, beneficial trace elements. Especially iron and magnesium. It is used to prevent many diseases, including blood.


The use is limited for iodine intolerance, allergies to seafood. Not recommended during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

You can buy algae in a pharmacy in dried form. Lots of offers on the site. Prices depend on the quality and country of origin.

Among the variety of seafood, all these countless shellfish, crustaceans and others marine reptiles, there is a completely separate family that was recorded in this motley gathering just for the company. Its name is edible algae, plants that peacefully ear at the bottom of the sea, and often serve as food for its inhabitants. The question is, who thought of diving to the bottom in order to get out not pearls, not an oyster and not a chest from a sunken ship, but a bunch of algae? Not otherwise, such a thing could only come to mind from hunger?

Yes and no.

Yes - because until recently, the natural feeling of most people, including the wealthiest, was a constant feeling of hunger, and one of the strongest desires was the desire to satisfy this very hunger, or at least muffle it. With a certain degree of probability, we can assert that for the first time a person tried algae not from a good life - just as we came up with the idea of ​​adapting young nettles and beet tops for food.

And no - because algae are a real storehouse of nutrients. Here you have iodine, which is inherent in all seafood, and calcium, and iron, and zinc, and tons, and protein, which contains a combination of all nine amino acids necessary for life. Incredibly, such a useful product really exists, and if you sincerely wish yourself health and longevity, you should pay attention to it. This article is all about what edible algae are and what they are.

edible algae

Algae is a completely separate group of plants (Latin name Algae), whose representatives, as the name suggests, grow in water, fresh or sea. However, if we talk about edible algae, they grow in the seas and oceans, while all freshwater algae in best case inedible, at worst poisonous.

To one degree or another, algae are eaten by inhabitants of coastal regions on all continents where they are found - but for the first time they began to do this, apparently, on the territory of present-day Japan, China and Korea. Genetic studies have shown that over the past millennia digestive system of the Japanese began to absorb algae better than anyone on the globe. However, this does not mean that representatives of other nations will receive less from algae. useful minerals— but the main contribution to the study edible algae should be recognized all the same for the Japanese.

In general, edible algae can be considered universal product: you can eat them just like that, wrap stuffing in them, add them to soup and salad or come up with many more different ones culinary applications. Today, some chefs, inspired by the taste, variety and benefits of algae, are even declaring them the food of the future. So, for example, dishes appeared in which algae play the role of a fish flavor enhancer or even completely replace it. Nevertheless, in order for algae to bring you not only benefits, but also gastronomic pleasure, you need to understand what they are. Let's look at the main varieties of edible algae.

sea ​​kale

Seaweed or kelp is the most understandable type of algae for us, since it began to be popularized back in Soviet years. This is not surprising: kelp grows in abundance on Far East, in the Sea of ​​Japan and the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, as well as on the northern coast of Russia, in the White and Kara Seas. small portion seaweed in 30-40 grams is enough to cover daily requirement body in iodine, and in addition, you will also get a whole scattering of other useful minerals and trace elements with a minimum of calories.

Now seaweed is sold mainly as a ready-made salad, but I recommend proudly passing by and buying plain or dried cabbage - you can cook the dressing and add it to seaweed yourself, but the difference in taste will be enormous.


Nori is the Japanese name for red algae from the genus Porphyra, which are usually sold in the form of dried and pressed sheets of regular rectangular shape. This is due to the fact that nori, which began to be eaten as early as the 10th century, took on its current appearance after they began to be produced using the same technology that is used to make paper.

Some of the most common ways to use nori are to wrap sushi and rolls in them, cut into thin strips and add to soup or noodles, add to salad, grind into a powder and use as a seasoning, or eat it just like that. Last but not least, it should be noted that nori themselves have excellent taste so ignore last option not worth it either.


We continue the festival Japanese titles, because it is in the Country rising sun the first to come up with wakame, which also has a less poetic name - pinnate undaria. Like nori, wakame is usually sold dried, but this seaweed is usually soaked before being eaten, causing it to swell and become slightly slimy, without sacrificing its pleasant, delicate flavor. I think this is the reason why wakame is used primarily in soups - say, the famous japanese soup misoshiru in its classic incarnation is not complete without wakame. In Korea, wakame is also used to make a special soup. Another area of ​​application of this algae is salads, the main of which can be considered Japanese wakame chuka with sesame seeds. It's funny that in our country the name of the salad is often transferred to the seaweed itself, claiming that it is prepared from "chuka seaweed" - but in reality it is a wakame salad, and the word "chuka" in Japan refers to dishes that came in Japanese cuisine from China.

Although according to some studies, the iodine content of Undaria is extremely low, this algae is very rich. beneficial acids omega-3, and scientists at the University of Hokkaido recently discovered fucoxanthin in wakame, a pigment that promotes fat burning.

In the treatment of algae, brown marine varieties are most often used, for example, kelp, ascophilium, amfeltia, fucus, containing the largest number alginic acid. Many doctors insist on the benefits of algae in the treatment oncological diseases and diseases of the endocrine glands. Algae have also been used in cosmetology.

What is seaweed and how are they useful to humans

Algae are a group of predominantly aquatic unicellular or colonial photosynthetic organisms. Unlike higher plants, algae do not have stems, leaves, or roots; they form a protoplast. They contain a wide range of useful substances.

The benefits of algae are known firsthand to adherents of alternative medicine. In particular, crushed or micronized algae are used in thalassotherapy: energy-rich substances penetrate the skin from the gruel, revitalizing metabolic processes and counteracting cellulite. In addition, the benefits of algae for humans is that they are rich in antioxidants: P-carotene, vitamins C and E, the superoxide dismutase enzyme, microelements and are a source of essential fatty acids.

In total, there are more than 30 thousand species of seaweed - brown, green, red, blue-green and others. Seaweed treatment is based on the fact that they contain a large amount of iodine, sea gum, vegetable mucus, chlorophyll, alginic acids, sodium, potassium, ammonium salts, and vitamins. In cosmetics, mainly extracts of brown algae are used - fucus, kelp, cystoseira. Speaking about the benefits of algae for humans, we must not forget that extracts obtained from certain types algae, differ in their composition and therefore have a directed action.

Vitamins in marine and freshwater algae

Especially high is the content in freshwater and seaweed of such vitamins as A, B1; B2, C, E and D. Algae also contain a lot of fucoxanthin, iodine and sulfoamino acids. The importance of algae in human life lies in the fact that they are able to stimulate and regenerate skin cells, have a softening and light bactericidal effect. In others, moisturizing and moisture-retaining properties are clearly manifested due to the higher content of polysaccharides, organic acids, and mineral salts. Still others - due to the active effect of organic iodine, fucosterol, mineral salts and vitamins, they are effective against cellulite, acne favorable for caring oily skin, because they provide regulation of fat metabolism and improve blood circulation.

In modern cosmetic practice, seaweed extracts are used in almost all types of skin and hair care products.

The main groups and features of algae, their classification

Speaking about the role of algae in human life, one cannot but recall the modern theory of the origin of life, which states that bacteria were at the origins of all life on Earth. Later, some of them evolved, which gave life to microorganisms containing chlorophyll. This is how the first algae appeared. Being capable of utilizing solar energy and releasing oxygen molecules, they were able to take part in the formation of a shell of atmospheric oxygen surrounding our planet. Thus, those forms of life on Earth that are familiar to modern man became possible.

The classification of algae in the general table of development is difficult. Plant organisms, called "seaweeds", are a highly arbitrary community of closely related organisms. Based on a number of features, this community is usually divided into several groups. There are 11 main types of algae, and the difference between brown and green algae is more significant than the difference between green algae and higher plants, such as grasses.

At the same time, all groups of algae have chlorophyll, a green pigment that is responsible for photosynthesis. Since only one of the groups of algae, the green ones, has the same composition and ratio of pigments as those of higher plants, it is believed that they are the ancestors of forests.

In addition to green, algae are blue-green, blue, red, brown. But regardless of color, all the huge number of species known to us, first of all, is divided into two large groups - unicellular and multicellular. Photos of the main types of algae are presented below on this page.

What are the main types of algae

The main groups of algae include microscopic unicellular and large multicellular.

Microscopic unicellular algae represented by a single cell that is able to provide all the functions of the body. As you can see in the photo, these algae are in the range of several tens of microns (l micron is a thousandth of a millimeter). Most of them are adapted to a floating lifestyle. In addition, many species have one or more flagella, which make them very mobile.

The second main type of algae is large multicellular- consist of a large number of cells that form the so-called thallus, or thallus - what we perceive as an individual algae. The thallus consists of three parts:

  • fixing apparatus - rhizoid, with the help of which the alga clings to the substrate;
  • stalk (legs), varying in length and diameter;
  • plate, dissected into fibers in the form of strands or straps.

The size of the thallus is very different, depending on the type of algae. For example, the thallus of Ulva, or sea lettuce (Ulva lactuca), does not exceed a few centimeters. The peculiarity of these algae is that they are extremely thin plate can continue development and growth even after detachment from the substrate. Individual specimens of laminaria reach a length of several meters. It is their thallus, clearly divided into three parts, that well illustrates the structure of macroalgae.

The shape of the thallus is also very diverse. Marine calcareous deposits are known, consisting of algae of the genus Lithothamnium calcareum, which in life looks like a small pink coral.

The role and importance of freshwater algae in human life

What are the types of algae other than seaweed? The sea is not the only habitat for algae colonies. Fresh water ponds, small and large rivers is also their habitat. Algae live wherever there is enough light for photosynthesis.

So, even at great depths, near the bottom, seaweeds called benthic algae live. These are macroalgae that need a solid support for fixing and development.

Numerous microscopic diatoms also live here, which are either located on the bottom or live on the thallus of large benthic algae. Great amount marine microscopic algae forms a significant part of the phytoplankton that drifts with the current. Seaweed can be found even in water bodies with high salinity. Small algae, when multiplying, can color the water, as happens in the Red Sea due to the microscopic alga Thishodesmium, which contains a red pigment.

Freshwater algae are usually represented by fibrous forms and develop on the bottom of reservoirs, on rocks or on the surface of aquatic plants. Freshwater phytoplankton is widely known. These are microscopic unicellular algae that live in literally all layers of fresh water.

Freshwater algae have quite unexpectedly succeeded in settling other areas, such as residential buildings. The main thing for any algae habitat is humidity and light. Algae appear on the walls of houses, they are found even in hot springs with temperatures up to +85 °C.

Some single-celled algae - mainly zooxanthelles (Zooxanthelles) - settle inside animal cells, staying in a stable relationship (symbiosis). Even the corals that make up coral reefs cannot exist without symbiosis with algae, which, thanks to their ability to photosynthesis, supply them with nutrients needed for growth.

Laminaria is a brown seaweed

What are algae, and in what industries have they found their application? Currently, about 30,000 varieties of algae are known to science. In cosmetology, brown algae have found their application - kelp ( sea ​​kale), amfeltia and fucus; red algae lithotamnia; blue-green algae - spirulina, chrocus, nastuk; blue algae - spiral algae and green algae ulva (sea lettuce).

Laminaria is a brown algae, which was one of the first to be used in cosmetic products. Despite the fact that there are several types of kelp, outwardly very different from each other, they all live only in cold, well-mixed water. The most famous is the sugary kelp (Laminaria Saccharina), which lives off the European coast and owes its name to the sweet taste of the mucus covering it. It grows in bushes, the size of which is directly dependent on the degree of protection of the habitat. It reaches a length of 2-4 meters, its stem is cylindrical, turning into a corrugated long plate.

Wide famous name"sea kale" is historically associated with the palmately dissected kelp (Laminaria digitata), living in places protected from the surf at the uppermost boundary of the sublittoral zone - the sea shelf zone. Otherwise, kelp is called the "witch's tail." The thallus of this alga, reaching a length of 3 meters, is an excellent visual example of the general plan of the structure of macroalgae. Rhizoids (trailers), palmate, branched, with which the alga is attached to stones, are very clearly visible; stem - long, cylindrical, flexible and smooth; the plate is flat, solid in the lower section, and then dissected into straps. This type of algae is especially rich in iodine, since kelp is always under water.

The use of algae of this species has been established in industrial scale. Apart from food purpose, it has valuable pharmacological properties. This type of kelp is especially known for its stimulating and tonic effect: it improves overall metabolism, is a source of trace elements and is widely included in weight loss products and anti-cellulite programs.

Numerous studies have shown that sea kale (and other algae) is different in that none of its constituent components is harmful to patients, including those with malignant processes.

Fucus (fucus) is the second most important for cosmetics algae from the class of brown (Phaeophycophyta). It grows on stones in the coastal zone and is harvested by hand. Beneficial features These algae are due to the fact that they are extremely rich in iodine, vitamins, amino acids, plant hormones and trace elements. You can find it on the beaches of the English Channel and along the entire Atlantic coast. For cosmetic purposes, two varieties of fucus are commonly used:

Fucus vesiculosus

and Fucus serrafus.

The presence of a large amount of alginic acid determines the natural gelling and thickening ability of extracts, both kelp and fucus. Both algae are rich in organic and inorganic substances, which determine their high biological activity. Extracts of kelp and, to a greater extent, fucus vesiculosus (Fucus vesiculosus) contain a complex of substances that stimulate the work of β-receptors and block α-receptors of fat cells, providing an effective anti-cellulite effect.

What is it - red, blue and green algae (with photo)

Red algae is a division of algae that lives in sea water.

lithotamnia (Lithothamnium), like all red algae, they are found on the underwater rocks of the North Sea, the English Channel and the Atlantic. It was colorfully described in 1963 by the famous submariner Jacques Cousteau. At a depth of a hundred meters, he discovered a red beach - a platform of calcareous purple - lithotamnia. This seaweed is similar to big chunks pink marble with uneven surface. Living in the sea, she absorbs and accumulates lime. The calcium content in it is up to 33% and magnesium up to 3%, and besides, it has an iron concentration 18,500 times greater than sea ​​water. Lithotamnia is mined mainly in Britain and Japan. It is included in the composition of cosmetic products, given the ability to restore balance minerals in the body, but it is also popular as a dietary supplement.

In face and especially body care products developed in recent years, the use of a mixture of fucus, kelp and lithotamnia algae is common. Rich in inorganic compounds, lithotamnia perfectly complements the action of brown algae, providing a comprehensive effect on the skin and hair.

Blue algae are spiral algae found in some lakes in California and Mexico. Thanks to high content protein, vitamin B12 and P-carotene, they increase skin elasticity and have a wonderful firming effect.

See how blue algae look in the photo - they differ from other algae in a rich blue-turquoise color.

Green algae are a group of lower plants. Ulva (Ulva lactuca)- sea salad - is green algae growing on rocks. You can collect it only at low tide. sea ​​salad- a real pantry of B vitamins and iron, they help strengthen body tissues and improve blood circulation in capillary vessels.

Spirulina is a blue-green seaweed, its use for treatment. Spirulina from more than 30,000 species of algae contains the richest set of vitamins, microelements, amino acids, enzymes. It is rich in chlorophyll, gamma-linoleic acid, polyunsaturated fatty acids and other potentially valuable nutrients such as sulfolipids, glycolipids, phycocyanin, superoxide dismutase, RNase, DNase.

Spirulina differs from other algae in that it contains up to 70% of the most perfect protein in its composition, no other representatives of the flora and fauna on Earth contain such an amount.

Spirulina is the richest source of natural P-carotene, a vital antioxidant, and other carotenoids. Carotenoids are used by several organs in our body, including the adrenal glands, the reproductive system, the pancreas and spleen, the skin, and the retina of the eyes.

Only spirulina and mother's milk are complete sources of gamma-linoleic acid (GLA), which plays an indispensable role in ensuring the normal functioning of the body, all other sources are extracted oils. GLA helps prevent heart attacks and heart attacks, helps to remove excess fluid, improves the function of the nervous system and regulates cell reproduction, has anti-inflammatory properties, maintains healthy joints, and helps treat arthritis. GLA is also recognized as an important nutrient in the prevention of skin diseases such as psoriasis. Spirulina contains the most perfect protein and all essential amino acids. Spirulina protein for consumption does not require heat treatment, while other products containing protein must be cooked or baked (cereals, meat, fish, eggs), as a result of which some forms of protein partially, and some completely lose their useful qualities.

Spirulina does not contain rigid cellulose in its cell walls, unlike other algae, but consists of mucosol saccharides. This allows its protein to be easily digested and assimilated in the body. Protein digestion is 85-95%.

Edible algae have been used in oriental cooking for many centuries, but in daily diet Russians, they are extremely rare. This is largely due to the culture of food, and in some cases - the lack of information. Let's see what types of algae can be easily bought in our country and how they can be useful.

Despite the fact that scientists identify more than thirty thousand species of freshwater and seaweed, no more than thirty are eaten. In cooking, they are divided into red ones, which include nori, rodimia and carrageenan, brown ones - including arame, kombu, hijiki and wakame - and green ones: monostroma, ulva, spirulina and umi budo. We propose to talk about the most popular types seaweed in Japan, Korea and China: nori, hijiki and wakame.


The same nori leaves, from which plates for sushi, rolls and onigiri are prepared, belong to the genus of porphyry. Initially, the term nori had a broad meaning. This concept included most edible algae, including hijiki. The first mention of nori is found in the annals of the 8th century. Initially, they were a paste, and in their usual form they appeared only in the Edo period.

Despite the fact that all algae are enriched with iodine, in nori its content is much lower, which, in turn, reduces the risk of an excess of iodine in the body. Nori is believed to contain either a bioavailable form of vitamin B12 or cyanocobalamin analogues that can inhibit vitamin B12 dependent enzymes. Therefore, it is impossible to say unequivocally whether this vitamin is successfully absorbed by a person. Also, nori algae are enriched with vitamins A, B1, B2, B12 and D, and the composition of minerals, in addition to iodine, includes iron, calcium and phosphorus.

Despite popular belief, the calorie content of nori is quite high: about 349 kcal per 100 grams of the product, and proteins, fats and carbohydrates - 46.1 g, 0.1 g and 41.0 g, respectively. When buying nori sheets for cooking, you should consider their grade. There are three of them in total: A, B and C. The best, A, does not break when twisted. B and C are slightly different in color and may crumble.


Wakame is a type of brown algae from the genus Undaria. They are commonly used in salads and have a slightly sweet flavor. These algae are most common in Japan and Korea. Since the 1960s, thanks to the popularity of macrobiotics, they have become known in the US and Europe. The main dishes in which wakame can be found are miso soup, as well as salads with tofu.

In Korea there is interesting tradition associated with wakame, or, as they are called there, miyok. Due to the content of calcium and iodine, young mothers consume seaweed in the form of soup. The same soup is usually eaten on a birthday as a reminder of the first food that the mother passed on to the child through milk. However, according to studies conducted in the United States, wakame does not even contain daily allowance calcium and iodine, which makes them not so indispensable.

k-seafoodworld.com ">

The beneficial properties of wakame include the presence of vitamin A, which promotes the production of collagen. In addition, the algae contains vitamins E, K, ascorbic and folic acid, as well as a large number of minerals. Wakame - low-calorie product, and due to the presence of fucoxanthin, it is believed that these algae help burn fat. As a rule, wakame is sold dried, so it is recommended to soak it in water before cooking. warm water for 15–20 minutes.


mycooktes.com ">

Hijiki, or brown algae, lives in the shallows near rocks and stones on the coast. Pacific Ocean and in the southern part of the Sea of ​​Japan. Only young leaves are edible. New ones grow in place of the cut ones, so the “harvest” can be harvested for up to seven years.

Fresh leaves have a very pungent taste, and they are sold after they are boiled and dried in the sun. Therefore, just like wakame, hijiki must be soaked before cooking. Then they are washed and stewed or boiled for another half an hour. Hijiki goes well with seafood and fish. They are added to sushi rice and various sauces.

The health benefits of hijiki include magnesium, potassium, fiber and fucoxanthin, as well as vitamin A. According to some studies, they contain five times more calcium than milk. These algae also have "pitfalls". Hijiki contains inorganic arsenic, which contributes to anemia and problems with the liver and stomach. In some countries, such as Canada, the UK and New Zealand, experts advise to stop eating this algae. In turn, studies by the Japanese Ministry of Health showed that in order to exceed daily dose arsenic need to eat more than 4.7 grams of hijiki, while the Japanese are limited to only 0.9 grams per day.
