
Types of seaweed used in food. Nutritional value of seaweed

>>>> Edible algae - names and benefits (Part 1)

Edible algae - names and benefits (Part 1).

Algae is an exotic food product for continental residents and a common diet for residents of coastal areas of the seas and oceans. Edible algae include several species that grow in salt pools. edible algae There are three varieties: green (spirulina, ulva, monostroma, umi-budo), red (rhodimenia, carrageenan, porphyra) and brown (kelp, tengusa, fucus, mozuku, hijiki, limu, kombu). There are several other types of edible algae from these groups that are used for food, but are practically not on sale, with the exception of those regions where they are mined. Edible seaweed is the easiest way to supplement your diet with iodine, iron, phosphorus, B vitamins and light fiber. Edible algae in food It is a complete plant protein.

Fucus- brown algae, which has earned recognition primarily in pharmaceuticals as an immunostimulating agent and antiseptic. The word "brown" does not accurately reflect the appearance of this algae, which is also found in shades of green. The nutritional value of Fucus lies in the high concentration of vitamin A, group B, vitamin K, along with this, the algae is rich in vitamin E and mineral components: sodium, iodine, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, and iron. In fact, Fucus algae is a pharmacy in miniature. Thanks to the use of Fucus in food, it is possible to improve the health of the tissues of the musculoskeletal system, heart muscle, endocrine disorders, and immunity.

Umi budo ("sea grapes", "green caviar" - a variety of Caulerpa algae)- green algae, its name "sea grapes" acquired due to its resemblance to microscopic bunches of grapes, and the name "green caviar" Umi budo received because of its salty taste and grainy appearance. Umi budo is a popular delicacy of the Japanese, Koreans, Chinese, but for Europeans it is a novelty. Umi budo is a low-calorie seaweed rich in vitamins (A, E, B) and minerals (iodine, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, magnesium, copper). In the diet, Umi budo is used as a delicacy due to the difficulty of delivering algae to other regions, but for residents of regions bordering on where it grows, this algae is a common delicacy.

Porfira (other names: Nori, Kim, Laver)- the most popular among algae used in food. These are familiar to all records for onigry, sushi, rolls. Mined off the coast of China, Korea, Japan and Wales. The nutritional value of this type of algae lies in the almost complete composition of B vitamins and trace elements (iodine, phosphorus, iron, calcium). Along with these beneficial substances, Nori contains vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, which makes them successful reparants and builders of bone tissue. Despite the fact that Porphyra is a plant, its calorie content is very high - about 350 Kcal. The advantage of this type of edible algae is that the iodine content in them is moderate, which does not threaten an overdose of iodine if the algae is abused in food. Porphyra belongs to the red algae, although in nature its color varies from pinkish red to greenish and brown. On sale Porphyra looks like plates or powder of green or brownish color.

Monostroma (Aonori - "Green Nori")- green algae, common in Japan, China, Korea, South America. Monostroma is a popular product in the manufacture of sushi and rolls, as the industry produces it in the form of plates. Monostroma in pharmacology has established itself as an antiviral drug (for the treatment of Japanese encephalitis), but has become the most popular due to its nutritional qualities and vitamin and mineral value. Monostroma contains B vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin A, minerals: potassium, manganese, zinc, phosphorus, iodine, magnesium. Monostroma is a source of vegetable protein and is extracted for the purpose of widespread use in the diet of countries bordering on the places of its growth.

Laminaria (arame, wakame)- a familiar very common seaweed, which is most often found on sale in a pickled (canned) form. Pharmacy kelp is a biologically active food supplement with a high content of iodine; as a mannitol (binder), kelp can be part of some medicines, food supplements and food products. Laminaria is a good helper in the case of chronic constipation. Its hygroscopicity allows stimulating intestinal motility due to the fact that the algae absorbs water and increases in volume, which causes natural intestinal motility. And the high content of pectin in kelp has a beneficial effect on diseases of the gastrointestinal mucosa. Laminaria has a low calorie content (about 25 kcal) and a high content of trace elements. In addition to iodine, it contains potassium, manganese, magnesium, molybdenum, cobalt, iron, phosphorus and many other elements, which makes kelp a complete vitamin and mineral supplement. Laminaria should not be abused in food, as a high concentration of iodine in the plant can cause an overdose of this trace element. Laminaria belongs to brown algae, but in nature it is found in green and brown form.

Spirulina, a blue-green algae that is classified as a filamentous cyanobacterium rather than a plant. Spirulina is a valuable nutritional component, as it contains linoleic acids, a full line of B vitamins, vitamin A, vitamin E and vitamin D, which is good for skin, bones, hair, nails. A rare selection of trace elements: zinc, selenium, sodium, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, iron, calcium, make spirulina a unique supplement in terms of medicine. Spirulina is a highly concentrated protein in the diet, which is why it has gained its popularity in protein diets and vegetarian cuisine. Spirulina is a complete dish in the daily diet of many nations, as well as food for animals and fish.

Rodimenia (Dulse "Dals")- red algae, distributed almost everywhere, which makes it hardly a plant product of industrial production. Rhodimenia is a source of iodine and bromine, a classic selection of trace elements (iron, magnesium, potassium, zinc, selenium, phosphorus, fluorine, cobalt), provitamin A, vitamin E, B vitamins. Rhodimenia is rich in pectin and is very useful for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The high protein component of the leaves of Rodimia has made it into the diet of cuisines of different peoples. Rhodimenia is part of many dietary supplements to improve their pharmacological characteristics, but is rarely used as an independent pharmacy.


I honestly tried to accustom myself to algae. Inspired by scientific research: there are dozens of times more vitamins and minerals in this exotic food than in the most healthy vegetables and fruits. But everything turned out to be not so simple.

In an ordinary store, the choice is small: most often come across canned seaweed (kelp), nori and fucus. Seaweed contains about 40 useful substances. It is especially valuable for iodine (rarely from which products iodine is as well absorbed - almost 100%) and alginic acid. She and radionuclides.

But canned sea kale worries me: too much salt, oil and vinegar. In addition, it is clear that there are much fewer vitamins and trace elements in it than in fresh algae.

seaweed fucus, according to the annotation, strengthens bones, hair, nails and teeth, prevents the formation of blood clots, accelerates the breakdown of fats and creates an abyss of other miracles. Only the taste is nasty. Fucus is sold dried and ground into groats - a sharp fishy smell, and when it gets wet, it is also bitter.

Denis Bykovskikh

I would have buried the idea of ​​including algae in the diet, if not nori. Paper-thin plates of dried algae tasted like roasted seeds. It is great to wrap sushi and raw rolls, slices of cucumbers and avocados, pates in nori. Chop them into smoothies, soups, stews and omelettes instead of salt, or simply eat them as chips. Delicious and healthy snack: nori has three times more calcium than milk, plus there is iodine, vitamins C, A, B12, B2 and D.

Denis Bykovskikh

Friends and vegans talked about spirulina. Both in Europe and in our spirulina marketers earn - they sell it as a scarce medicine. They promise to cure everything in the world, from excess weight and baldness to cancer. This microalgae actually contains many more vitamins and minerals than regular food. For example, it contains ten times more iron than meat and beta-carotene than carrots.

Denis Bykovskikh

It is almost impossible to buy live spirulina in our country. It is mainly sold in the form of tablets over the Internet and is often counterfeited.

The consolation is that spirulina is quite possible to grow at home. This idea is promoted by blogger and journalist Nika Dubrovskaya. “Spirulina is a quality food that a lazy metropolitan like me can grow,” she says. - With proper care in the laboratory, it divides eight times a day. If it is simply stirred at home in a jar, it grows more slowly, but enough to feed a family. Requires minimal care: water, light and additives, as for growing indoor flowers.

You can get a sample of spirulina for free via the Internet and try to grow it yourself - Nika updates the information and shares her experience.

I tried real, not in pills, spirulina thanks to the LIVE! Alexey Merkulov. He is from a farm in French Normandy, where they are grown in ecologically clean conditions. I can say that spirulina is the most delicious algae out of a dozen that I have eaten. Reminds mushrooms in half with nuts and very gently smells of the sea.

Our editors were ready to eat it from morning to evening, but Alexey immediately warned that it was impossible to do much, especially at night - this is a strong stimulant, just like. It is better to start with a quarter teaspoon and gradually increase to one teaspoon per day. During illness or heavy physical exertion, you can eat more - 10-15 g. By the way, this rule applies to any algae.

“Spirulina is added to juices and salads with citrus fruits (iron from algae is better absorbed with vitamin C). Another good idea is to make tartar sauce with spirulina, advises Aleksey Merkulov. - You need to chop the onion, garlic and ginger, marinate in lemon juice. Soak spirulina in water until it becomes a paste. Finely chop the tomatoes and avocado, mix everything. Goes great with fresh bread or crispbread.

But no matter how good spirulina is, it is not necessary to rely only on it. “Each algae is useful and unique in its own way,” Ruslan Gevorgiz, head of the microalgae biosynthesis control group at the Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas, told me. A. O. Kovalevsky (Sevastopol). “The best option is to try all the available types of edible algae and empirically find your norm.” The main thing is not to force yourself to eat them by force.

5 more beneficial algae

Seaweed As it is For what Subtleties
Laminaria (dried seaweed) As a salt substitute in soups, omelettes, side dishes with rice / buckwheat / legumes. With grated carrots, onions, olives, lemon juice and sesame seeds - a delicious filling for sandwiches About 40 nutrients, including iodine, calcium and alginic acid Pharmacies sell crushed dried kelp - it is healthier than canned
Hijiki Dishes with potatoes and legumes, fried vegetables, sesame oil iron and calcium It tolerates heat treatment well and greatly increases in size after soaking.
Wakame In pureed soups Vitamins A, C and E, phosphorus, calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese and copper If diluted with water, salt and add spices, nuts, lemon juice - a delicious seaweed soup
Arame In salads and with browned vegetables, tofu cheese, yogurt dressing Lots of calcium, iron and iodine Arame has a sweet aftertaste, ideally combined with beets, carrots and pumpkin
kombu Fish dishes and side dishes with rice, spicy sauces Normalizes hormonal levels, lowers blood pressure and maintains a stable blood sugar level Intense marine flavor

It seems to a city dweller that it is unrealistic to survive in the wild. Where are the usual foodstuffs? Where are the beloved vegetables? What can you eat here? Meanwhile, it is not difficult for a knowledgeable person to find food. Yes, in winter this task is a little more complicated, but in summer, when everything green starts to grow, finding something not only edible, but also useful is easy. We have already written about edible, and even some, so today we will talk a little about something else - edible algae .

edible algae

The culture of eating algae for food is not very close to the Slavic people - it just so happened that there have always been tastier and more nutritious alternatives. However, among the island and coastal peoples of Asia, algae made up a significant part of the diet. Now no one can surprise anyone with kelp or seaweed - tasty, affordable, healthy. However, there are other algae that are not inferior to it in nutritional value. But how do you define them? The main thing you need to know is that they grow exclusively in salt water. So if you are brought to the seashore and want to diversify your usual diet with something, remember.


Fucus. The plant is also called sea ​​grapes". Refers to brown algae. It is found in the northern seas in fairly large quantities. These are long brown leaves resembling oak leaves, equipped with a large number of air-filled bubbles. The leaves are edible, and not only edible, but also extremely useful. They have antiviral, antiseptic and immunomodulating agents, contain a huge amount of vitamins and trace elements. Needless to say, this plant is officially used in various medical procedures and is sold in diet food stores. And you can just collect it from the rocks, cook and eat. It may not be very tasty, but it is extremely useful.


Porphyra.Refers to red algae. grows well in cold waters. The plates are not very long - up to a meter long, not branched. Color - pinkish red. Surprisingly, these algae are eaten not only in the east, but also in the west. Inhabitants of Wales (Great Britain) traditionally use them for food in a fried form. And in Japan there are even marine farms where it is purposefully grown. Contains a large number of trace elements, vitamins and iodine. It can also be eaten raw, but fried is better. By the way, it is from porphyry that nori leaves are made - a wrapper for sushi so beloved by many.

Rhodinia digitata (palletoid)

Refers to red algae. Talom of medium length, branching at the end. The surface is smooth. Color - from reddish-pink to brown. The culture of eating this seaweed came to us from Iceland. There it is considered a familiar, healthy and healthy food. Can be eaten raw or boiled. You can even dry it and then add it to tea - in our ecological conditions, an extra dose of digestible iodine will not be superfluous.

sea ​​salad

Ulva lactuca. The name speaks for itself. The leaves really resemble the lettuce so familiar to us. The thalom is not too long, multi-lobed, sometimes torn. Color - light green or light green. Contains a large amount of vitamins and microelements. Can be eaten raw or added to salads. Yes. You got it right. Sea lettuce, light green in color, reminiscent of lettuce leaves, suitable for making salad. If such a tautology hasn't left you a little confused, great. Eat a sea salad. It's even delicious.

Seaweed or kelp

Everyone knows her - long dark green smooth plates. Color - brown-green. Excellent source of iodine. It can be eaten raw, boiled, marinated, whatever. It makes no sense to paint in more detail - many of our readers already regularly eat it.


Codium. Green algae of small size, is a bush or a pillow of thin processes woven together. It lives mainly in warm seas, for example, the Black Sea. Suitable for eating raw. Quite juicy, albeit almost tasteless.

To fish, collect algae and shellfish, and most importantly, you can quickly get to the settlement along the coast. Therefore, if you suddenly run out of supplies on a trip to the sea coast, relax and do not panic. You won't die of hunger here. But all this does not negate the usual caution, because the seashore for a frivolous tourist can be no less dangerous than high mountain slopes.

Algae are able to concentrate sea salt, which explains the large amount of minerals contained in them. Vitamins A, B, C contribute to the resistance to aging and many diseases.

And this is not a complete list of the advantages of this product.

One of the varieties of marine life and the most popular seaweed is brown seaweed, which has long, flat, strong leaves. Some of these algae reach up to 6 meters in length (near the coast of the United States), and in the Pacific Ocean - even larger.

Brown kelp kelp stimulates the metabolic process, affects the endocrine glands. It is used in the treatment of thyroid diseases. According to the content of vitamin C, kelp is not inferior to citrus fruits.

Fucus algae stimulates blood circulation, has a diuretic effect and helps to eliminate toxins. It is used to treat the musculoskeletal system and mineral metabolism disorders.

Ascophylla brown algae is not so rich in useful substances, but it is used by humans to protect the skin and antibacterial effects.

Salts of alginic acid contained in algae “absorb” salts of heavy metals and radionuclides in the best way (up to 90%!), which has been proven by scientists from Russia, Japan, and Norway.

In cosmetology, algae are used, for example, for body wraps. They are part of creams, masks, serums for face and body. They increase the immunity of the skin, provide deep hydration. Algae-based preparations are suitable for highly sensitive skin. It has also been proven that algae and human skin have similar cellular activity. That is why they are so useful.

Seaweeds are used in weight loss preparations, as they "defeat" the feeling of hunger.

Here are a couple of recipes:

Rice porridge with seaweed

Required for cooking: 200 g of soaked seaweed, 1 tablespoon of sesame oil, 1.5 cups of water, 2.5 cups of rice, 2-3 teaspoons of salt.
Rice should be washed and soaked for 2 hours. Tear the algae into pieces and fry in a saucepan with sesame oil, add water and bring to a boil. Put the rice into the boiling "soup" and cook until it boils. Salt.

Vitamin salad from seaweed

Required for cooking: 100-150 g of pickled seaweed, 1-2 pickled or fresh cucumbers, 2-3 carrots, 1-2 apples, 1 egg, 3-4 tablespoons of sour cream, salt, herbs.
Peel and grate the carrots on a coarse grater. Cut apples and cucumbers into thin slices. Combine all products with seaweed, salt, add sour cream and mix. When serving, decorate with eggs in the form of slices and sprinkle with parsley.

Bon appetit and stay healthy!

The benefits of seaweed have been known for a long time. Their properties are actively used in the food industry, medicine and cosmetology. The most well-known representative of seaweed, kelp or brown algae, is called the “health factory”.

Seaweed is an important component of macrobiotic nutrition, which occupies one of the first places in terms of mineral content. The widespread use of seaweed is due to the presence in their composition of a large number of useful substances: phytohormones, amino acids, minerals such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, iodine, sodium, silicon, manganese, phosphorus, sulfur, vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, C, D, E, R, PP, enzymes, alginic acid, polyunsaturated fatty acids, polysaccharides. In addition, the composition of seaweed includes iodine, which is in organic form, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland, which controls the body's metabolic processes. For example, brown algae contain 150 times more iodine than garden vegetables, and red algae are superior in iron content to red beets.

Seaweeds have an alkalizing effect, that is, they create a slightly alkaline environment in the blood, and also help to remove excess fat and mucus. In addition, seaweeds have the ability to convert the inorganic substances of sea water into organic mineral salts during their vital activity. In combination with amino acids, they represent a good protection of the human heart muscle. Vitamins A, B, C, which is part of seaweed, prolong youth and protect against many diseases.

Algae are an indispensable product, since they contain all the vitamins, minerals and amino acids necessary for the normal functioning of the body. Therefore, it is recommended to regularly include them in your diet.

Seaweeds are widely used in medicine. Brown algae are a special raw material for the production of many medical preparations and biologically active food supplements. On the basis of seaweed, a lot of medicines against rheumatism, migraine, and diabetes have been made. Many, probably, are familiar with the means of strengthening immunity based on an extract from spirulina. Brown algae kelp helps to improve the metabolic process, affects the endocrine glands. It is actively used in the treatment of thyroid diseases. It contains vitamin C, the amount of which is not inferior to citrus fruits. Fucus seaweed has a stimulating effect on the body's circulatory system, has a diuretic effect and removes toxins. Fucus is used in the treatment of mineral metabolism disorders, as well as the musculoskeletal system. Seaweed (brown algae or kelp) prevents increased blood clotting and the formation of blood clots. Also, the properties of kelp include a decrease in blood cholesterol, which delays the development of atherosclerosis. In addition, it has been empirically proven that a healthy diet and the introduction of this polysaccharide into the tumor inhibits the development of sarcoma.

Ascophylla brown algae are used for antibacterial protection of the skin. Salts of alginic acid, which are part of algae, absorb salts of heavy metals and radionuclides and remove them. This has been proven by scientists in Japan, Russia, Norway.

Seaweeds are also widely used in cosmetology; in beauty salons, wrapping procedures based on seaweeds are very popular. They have an excellent anti-cellulite effect. On the basis of seaweed, various creams, masks, and serums for the face and body are made, which increase the immunity of the skin and deeply moisturize it. Algae-based preparations are also suitable for sensitive skin. In addition, it has been scientifically proven that seaweeds have similar cellular activity with human skin, which is the reason for their usefulness for the human body.

Seaweeds are also actively used in thalassotherapy, which is a set of methods for the prevention and restoration of health reserves using seaweeds, sea water and many other products created on their basis.

In the food industry, alginic acid found in seaweed is used as a filler and leavening agent in the preparation of coffee, cocoa, ice cream and bread. Seaweed is the basis of many drugs for weight loss, because they have the ability to swell: there is an increase in the volume of the contents of the stomach, as a result, there is no feeling of hunger.

Seaweeds have a variety of uses in cooking, and they add a unique color and flavor to dishes. For example, sea kale is often added to a variety of salads, it gives a pleasant taste. Many healthy eaters use dried seaweed instead of salt. For this, seaweed is ground in a coffee grinder into powder and added to cereals, salads, first courses. Seaweed, due to the content of a large amount of iodine in it, is an excellent replenishment of its reserves for humans. In general, seaweed is a very healthy food and is recommended for a healthy diet. The systematic use of it in food provides the body with all the necessary substances and trace elements. No fruit or vegetable can match her nutrient profile.

The use of algae has no contraindications, however, in some diseases, they must be used very carefully. Algae should not be consumed by children under 12 years of age, pregnant women and nursing mothers. People suffering from gastritis, stomach ulcers, impaired renal function, thyroid gland must necessarily consult a doctor about eating seaweed. It is best to purchase fresh or dry seaweed. Of course, homemade seaweed salad will take you a lot of time, but it will be much better and tastier than a ready-made canned salad. But in everything it is necessary to observe the measure, this also applies to algae. Try pairing seaweed with rice and a variety of vegetables. Some types of seaweed go great with pasta, and they all make great appetizers.

For example, try making seaweed with apples, mushrooms, or beets. You can fry them in oil and stew, or you can prepare a cold appetizer for vodka. Ready-made salads based on seaweed are better not to season with mayonnaise, since the appearance of the dish is not very appetizing, and the taste is distorted. But pesto sauce based on olive oil, salt and crushed walnuts will be a great addition.

There is a wonderful recipe for a seaweed product that normalizes metabolism and activates thyroid function. To prepare it, you need to mix the juice of carrots, celery, parsley and spinach in equal amounts and add kelp powder. I will give an example of several dishes with seaweed.

Rice porridge with seaweed.
200 g soaked seaweed
1 tbsp sesame oil,
1.5 cups of water
2.5 cups of rice
2-3 tsp salt.
Soak well-washed rice for 2 hours. Algae must be torn into pieces, and then fried in a saucepan with sesame oil, add water and bring to a boil. As soon as the water boils, put the rice and cook until tender, salt.

Vitamin salad from seaweed.
100-150 g pickled seaweed,
1-2 pickled or fresh cucumbers
2-3 carrots
1-2 apples
1 egg
3-4 tbsp sour cream
salt, herbs.
Grate well-washed and peeled carrots on a coarse grater. Finely chop apples and cucumbers. We combine everything with seaweed, salt, add sour cream and mix well. When serving, garnish with egg slices and sprinkle with parsley.

In addition, there is seaweed tea for weight loss. The composition of this tea includes: seaweed (fucus, kelp), dandelion, corn stigmas, bearded cystoseira, buckthorn, Ivan tea, bearberry, licorice, fennel, alfalfa. The amount of each herb in the herbal composition is taken in equal proportions. This herbal tea is very useful in late winter and early spring. The result of its application is noticeable in 1-2 weeks. To prepare it, you need to take 2 tbsp. collection and pour a liter of boiling water, insist for an hour. It is necessary to drink herbal tea 5-6 times a day for half a glass, regardless of meals. The duration of admission is 1-2 months, then you need to take a break for a month, and then drink tea for another 2-3 months.
