
Chinese and Japanese dishes. Japanese food: names (list)

Japanese food

Japanese cuisine is very simple, but at the same time, incredibly diverse. There is no such diversity in any national cuisine. Japanese cuisine is preferred by lovers of fish and meat, as well as supporters of a healthy and vegetarian diet.

The Japanese eat foods at the time of the year when they are especially tasty and healthy. In the Land of the Rising Sun, this culinary feature is especially revered, and they firmly believe that bamboo sprouts are good in spring, and lotus roots - in spring and autumn, stewed eel pieces and fried trout - best restore strength in summer.

Japanese dishes are gaining more and more popularity every year.. Why do people who adhere to the right lifestyle choose this oriental way of eating for themselves? The answer is simple! According to statistics, Japan is a country of centenarians. This is the best proof that the foods that are eaten there are ideal for the human body. So what is the secret of Japanese longevity? The secret is in the national cuisine.

Many people are used to thinking that Japanese gastronomy is traditional sushi, rolls, rice, soybeans. In fact, there is a great variety of various delicacies and unusual dishes in Japanese cuisine. It is wrong and even insulting to reduce everything to sushi and rolls!

Japanese culinary technology

The Japanese process food minimally, which cannot be said about neighboring countries, where the choice of sauce for the dish plays the most important role. For example, in China, the sauce and cooking method changes the same dish beyond recognition.

The Japanese attach great importance to the appearance and high quality of their dishes. Everything in the dish should be harmonious: the taste, the appearance, and the benefits. Local chefs always try to preserve the original taste and appearance of products. For example, fish for the Japanese is beautiful in itself, it only needs a little salt and fresh air. This is the main principle and difference between Japanese cuisine and the culinary traditions of all other countries.

Rice is the head of everything!

For the Japanese, “rice” is the same as “bread” for a Russian person. This cereal is the main ingredient in Japanese cuisine and the basis of Japanese nutrition. On average, a Japanese eats about 100 kilograms of rice a year.

If we are used to cooking crumbly rice as a side dish, then in Japan they prefer glutinous and strongly boiled rice, because it is this convenient to eat with chopsticks. The Japanese do not salt rice and do not add oil to it. And they also believe that rice, like a person, has a soul, so you need to treat it with respect and reverence. Everyday dish of the Japanese - rice with egg omelet, with soy sauce and fish.

The world-famous alcoholic drink is made from rice sake, Japanese beer and make many different delicious desserts.

Rice is the basis of Japanese cuisine

Every day - fish!

Dishes from fish, marine animals and various shellfish in Japanese cuisine are second in popularity after rice. As a rule, during cooking, the fish undergoes minimal heat treatment. A popular Japanese dish sashimi generally prepared from raw, lightly pickled fish. slices sashimi served on a flat plate garnished with fresh vegetables such as white radish daikon, which in the Land of the Rising Sun is eaten as often as rice.

Sushi - there is no better food!

In recent years sushi compete with Italian pizza and American burger. Japanese restaurants open with enviable regularity around the world. Only, unlike competitors, sushi is a reference healthy food! They are made from boiled rice and raw seafood. Two main types can be distinguished: the first - themselves sushi, second view - rolls, which are fundamentally different. Rice and seafood are laid out in layers on a sheet of seaweed, then they are rolled into a thin roll. The roll is cut across into small pieces with a sharp knife. Rolls are served on a flat plate or wooden stand, with wasabi horseradish, soy sauce and pickled ginger.

A real delicacy - poisonous fish!

To be in Japan and not try a fish dish puffer- an unforgivable mistake. Locals are very fond of this fish, despite the fact that the dish can be deadly. Every year, the Japanese eat over 2,000 tons of poisonous fugu. It is enough for a person to simply touch her insides with his hand to receive a lethal dose of poison. If there is fugu on the restaurant menu, this indicates the presence of a high-class chef: strict requirements are put forward for the master who cooks fugu - he must unlearn two years in a special school, where they reveal the secrets and features of cooking such a dangerous fish. After school, cooks take a difficult state exam. This dish is prepared as follows: the cook separates the fins with quick strokes of a sharp and thin knife, after which he carefully removes the poisonous parts and removes the skin. The fillet is cut very thinly, like a sheet of paper. This dish is not only delicious, but also very beautiful, because the chef creates real artistic landscapes on a plate of fish pieces. It is considered the highest skill when the chef leaves the exact dose of poison in the fish so that the guests of the restaurant have a barely noticeable sensation of drug intoxication.

puffer fish

Popular Japanese dishes

Dish kushiyaki usually prepared from seafood. Small fish pieces are strung on a wooden stick and grilled - this dish is similar to our barbecue. Another culinary delight - yakitoriya (translated fried chicken), cooked in the same way as kushiyaki, grilled, only from chicken entrails, with the addition of quail eggs and vegetables.

Often "out of Japan" by the word yakitoriya name all types of food kushiyaki, which causes bewilderment among the Japanese traveling the world. From fish broth hondashi and soybeans miso , a traditional Japanese soup is being prepared, which is called miso . Mushrooms are often added to it. shiitake, seaweed and bean curd tofu. Many people mistakenly think that the Japanese are strict vegetarians. This is not true, dinner for them is impossible without fish or meat.

At the festive table, when many guests gather, the Japanese prepare the famous dish sukiyaki . Its peculiarity is that it is not the owners who conjure over its preparation, but the guests themselves. A kettle is placed on the table on an electric stove. Guests put food into the bowl (thinly sliced ​​beef or pork, green onions, mushrooms, udon, Chinese cabbage). The degree of cooking is determined by the guest, depending on personal preferences: someone fries heavily, and someone prefers to keep the taste and leave the dish half-baked!

As a rule, all the dishes that are planned to be served to guests are served on the festive table at once. The concept of "main dish" is absent in Japanese hospitality, instead there are many different snacks. An important feature of Japanese cuisine is that all dishes are served in small portions so that guests can try everything, and not eat up one. In addition, the serving size depends on the time of year and the age of the guests ... Maybe that's why the Japanese are the most slender nation, where there is no obesity problem. The secret of their elegance is small portions.

We must not forget that Japan is a country of tea. Green tea is drunk constantly: before, during and after meals. The Japanese believe that green tea aids digestion.

Green tea


The dish is easy to prepare because the recipe is simple. And the main ingredient is chicken liver, sold in any butcher shop.


500 g chilled chicken liver
3 art. l. soy sauce
2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil
2 pcs. green pepper
50 g green onions
3 garlic cloves
Daikon radish (you can use regular instead of daikon)
Ground ginger and pepper to taste


1. Marinate chicken liver in soy sauce. Then fry it in a skillet for a few minutes.

2. Add chopped peppers, garlic, green onions and radishes to the liver in strips. Fry for 5 more minutes.

3. Garnish the finished dish with radishes and fresh onions. Soy sauce mixed with sugar is served with the finished dish.

The culinary traditions of Japan are quite complex. The main distinguishing features of oriental cuisine are the choice of products and cooking features. Traditional Japanese food provides for the preservation of the primary taste of each component (mainly fish, eel, squid, crabs and shrimp).

What is cooked more often?

Recipes of Japanese cuisine are significantly different from European or Chinese. The secret lies in seafood, which enriches the body with essential substances. Many people try to follow the diet, adhering to a healthy lifestyle, Japanese cuisine, the recipes for cooking which at home are offered on, is a great helper in this matter.

Page online store "Fuji-san" provides a lot of delicious options for traditional Japanese cuisine - sushi, sauces, noodles, soups, salads, desserts , impressive simplicity and pleasantly surprising taste.

Popular treats

Japan is a country full of customs that have remained unchanged for many years. The history of sushi began several centuries ago. The dishes acquired their current appearance around the 19th century, after a couple of decades they spread to other cultures. Despite their popularity, they are classified as exotic and gourmet treats.

Thanks to "Fuji-san" you will learn how to cook rice properly, which is required for rolls. In the process, it is important to follow the key processing technologies of the components. Fish should not be frozen, and rice should be overcooked.

Recipes of Japanese cuisine are presented visually, with photos and are available for use at home. The catalog includes a complete set of required goods that can be ordered at a convenient time with delivery to Russia, in particular Moscow.

Oriental cuisine is not only sushi. The Japanese prepare salads and soups from seafood, with the addition of rice, noodles, fruits or vegetables, poultry meat. Various sauces (including soy), pastes and oils are often used as dressings.

The preparation of noodles is simple and varied. From it you can cook a side dish, salad or fragrant broth. Bamboo, or rather, its sprouts are healthy and rich in vitamins, so food with the presented ingredient is becoming more and more popular.

Japanese cuisine, the recipes of which are posted on the pages of the site "Fuji-san", include a variety of sweets - ice cream and sweet rolls and cheesecakes. Tofu cheese is used for main dishes, desserts and cocktails.

In this section, you will learn recipes for making sushi and rolls at home, how to cook rice for sushi and rolls, how to cook Japanese noodles, how to eat Japanese salads, how bamboo is useful, what Japanese dishes you can cook yourself at home.

On the pages "Fuji-san" hostesses will find something special. The specialists of the company will help to make the oriental book closer. We have a lot of good advice and possibility of order the right ingredients with delivery.

Recipes for cooking Japanese dishes at home

Without exaggeration, we can say that Japanese dishes arouse genuine interest in a European person. The unusualness of dishes in terms of taste and aesthetic parameters attracts an increasing number of fans and the passion for Japanese cuisine is rapidly spreading around the world.

Now you will not surprise anyone with Japanese food and specialty restaurants are growing like mushrooms. We can safely say that Japanese cuisine is a paradise for gourmets and lovers of healthy food.

What is very common and popular with us, for example sushi, rolls is not a typical daily meal for the Japanese. Often what the Japanese eat is much simpler. Even on the example of what our Japanese teachers treat us to at various thematic meetings, we can conclude that the Japanese prefer healthy food and I would probably prefer our food, which is richer and brighter in taste.

But I also love it very much and, on occasion, either or do not miss the opportunity to visit Japanese cuisine establishments.

As an example, we were treated to ourselves (buckwheat noodles), boiled with finely chopped nori (seaweed), it was possible to add, if desired, wasabi and soy sauce. Another time it was beans (adzuki) with gravy and something white added, like rice flour balls. Traditional sweets are also made with rice flour and adzuki is used as a sweet filling. And of course, traditional Japanese green tea.

And what do the Japanese prefer? Today we will walk from north to south across the Japanese islands and see the most delicious or rather not very famous dishes, but popular in Japan.

Hokkaido is the northernmost and coldest island of the Japanese archipelago, what kind of dishes do they prefer here?

They don’t prefer ... actually, the feature of Hokkaido is crabs, but today we will focus on Hokkaido Baked Cheese Tarts, already known outside of Japan, in order to try hot pies with cheese filling, the Japanese line up. Hokkaido is famous for its dairy products and three types of cheese are used to make cheese pies. The ingredients of the cheese filling is a closely guarded secret.

The pies have the perfect balance between sweet and savory, paired with silky custard and a crispy crust that frames the splendor of the cheeses. Cheese pie is eaten both warm and frozen, then the custard becomes like a popsicle.

Hokkaido baked cheeses (Baked Cheese Tarts) is a trademark and is widely known outside of Japan, in particular in Australia, the delicacy was liked by the locals.

The next dish is typical for Hokkaido - Jingisukan (Genghis Khan) - you know such a Japanese dish Genghis Khan is a variation of it - this is grilled or domed pan fried lamb with the addition of onions and various local vegetables - bell peppers, green onions, etc. This dish is also popular in China and Thailand, and although its origin is debatable, Japan is rightfully recognized as its home. Spring and summer in Hokkaido is picnic time and Genghis Khan is the most popular dish of these seasons.

A favorite delicacy and must-have souvenir from Hokkaido is the Rokkatei Marusei sandwich, a biscuit or biscuit filled with white chocolate, raisins, and butter made from milk produced in Hokkaido.

Ramen is an iconic dish in Japanese cuisine. Each region, prefecture, and even each cafe and restaurant has its own version of such a popular dish. Hokkaido is no exception. During the cold winter months, a large dish of hot ramen is just what you need to pacify and calm down (the Japanese are big fans and even fans of food, especially delicious food).

Ramen made in Sapporo is usually a rich broth and lots of sweet corn noodles. Typical of Hokkaido, there is a long queue for ramen.

Tahoku's signature dish is はらこ飯 (Harakomeshi)

With the advent of autumn, from mid-September to December, residents of the Tahoku region, Miyagi prefecture enjoy this delicious and delicious dish. Literally, it means rice with salmon or rice with caviar. At this time of the year, the Abukuma River begins fishing for selected salmon.

Rice is boiled in salmon broth and sprinkled with caviar on top - I can assume that it is really tasty, at least it is very beautiful.


For local residents, this dish takes the palm for the title of the most delicious and at the same time the most "ugly" non-aesthetic dish. The principle of cooking monjiyaki is the same as that, but they add a lot of seafood and a jelly-like sauce, as a result of which the dish does not take on a solid form, but remains soft and vague, which is not so easy to eat.


Dangos are sweet balls on sticks made from rice dough. This is a very popular and favorite sweet among the Japanese. Depending on what seasoning will be used in the preparation of dango, its type and hence the name is determined, for example, if dango is made from red beans or with adzuki paste, then it will be called An-dango, and if with the addition of soy flour, then its name will be Kinako dango. Well, in Okinawa and Kyushu, dango is traditionally made from slices of raw sweet potatoes with the addition of moderately sweet anko (red beans). All this is wrapped in dough and steamed.

And Kyushu is also famous for tonkatsu ramen - pork bones are boiled for several hours until the broth turns into a jelly-like mass, then noodles, pork meat and spices are added to the broth. At first, this dish arose as a fast food for people who worked in the fish market. Today, it takes a considerable amount of time to prepare, and a special chain of restaurants based in Fukuoka specializes in its preparation.

In Kagawa prefecture, udon sanuki is the most popular and favorite dish. There are more than 800 specialized restaurants here, and each taxi driver can provide the tourist with information in which of the restaurants you can eat or try one or another type of udon sanuki.

At first glance, I did not see anything unusual and “healthy” in the above dishes. Meat broths (about which they write that it would be better not to eat), cookies, noodles. On the other hand, a large amount of greens and various algae are added to each dish; vegetable fillings predominate in sweets.

Do you think these beautiful Japanese dishes can be called healthy food? Although, of course, it was not the purpose of this article to list exactly "healthy" Japanese food. Personally, I really liked はらこ飯 (Harakomeshi), I would gladly include it in my diet if there was the Abukuma River nearby, which would have selected salmon.

Traditional Japanese cuisine, also called "Washoku", was almost completely formed before 1868 - the beginning of the era of Westernization. Despite the fact that Japanese cuisine is very original, authentic and specific, many Japanese dishes are well known outside the Land of the Rising Sun - for example, sushi, sashimi, tempura and buckwheat soba noodles. Moreover, Japanese cuisine is so interesting and unusual that it is perhaps its greatest attraction when visiting the country.

In principle, Japanese cuisine is based on a combination of just a few basic foods - steamed white rice with various main dishes. The meal can be accompanied by miso soup or tsukemono - pickles. The Japanese meal ends, as a rule, with a traditional tea party.

The serving method practiced in the traditional cuisine of this people is very curious. Rice is always served in a separate small bowl, most main courses or ingredients are served separately. The Japanese do not like it when different foods and dishes come into contact with each other on the same plate, so they break them into different dishes.

Traditional Japanese cuisine recipes are characterized primarily by the sparing use of mammalian meat, butter, fats and dairy products. Instead, the Japanese make heavy use of soy sauce, miso, and umeboshi, making the local delicacies quite salty. Since Japan is an island state surrounded by the ocean, since ancient times people here love and know how to cook seafood. According to many food authorities, the Japanese diet relies mainly on cereals with vegetables or seaweed as the main course, a small amount of mammalian or poultry meat, and seafood. The most commonly used ingredients are rice, beans, eggs, flour, fruit, meat, mushrooms, noodles, soy products, vegetables and, of course, seafood.

Natural flavorings play a very important role in Japanese cuisine - these are dashi, soy sauce, sake, mirin, vinegar, sugar and salt. To remove the fishy smell when using raw fish, ginger and red pepper are used. But the Japanese do not eat garlic at all - this has been the custom since the time of Buddhist monks.

As for the method of cooking, the hallmark of Japanese cuisine is the very extensive use of raw food - sashimi. The Japanese don't understand why cook foods that are tasty and edible raw. It is believed that the raw food diet is the reason for the longevity and good health of the Japanese. In addition, dishes cooked on the grill or steamed, as well as marinated in vinegar, are very popular.

The Japanese culinary tradition is also distinguished by a fairly wide list of classic dishes that are considered a real treasure of Japan. However, there are dishes that all Japanese people love and eat - these are all kinds of rice variations with different ingredients, sushi and sashimi, miso soups, tempura (batter-fried foods), kushiyaki (something like the local barbecue) and tonkatsu (pork steak) .

Without exaggeration, it can be called the standard of healthy food. All traditional dishes are beautifully decorated, there is even a saying in Japan: "Food, like a person, cannot appear naked in a decent society."

Popular food in Japan - traditions and customs

Rice is the most sought-after food product in Japan, the dishes from which form the basis of traditional cuisine. Due to the geographical features of the country, which is surrounded by seas and oceans, fish and seafood dishes are very popular. Of course, meat is also eaten in Japan (for example, baked chicken is the main Christmas dish), but it is worth noting that it is much less common and less than, say, in Europe.

The national cuisine of Japan has its own peculiarities:

  • cooking- It is not customary to subject products to deep heat treatment. For example, fish here is often marinated, steamed or lightly fried, but often served raw;
  • food culture- In Japan, great importance is attached to the rituals of eating. Very symbolic is the use of hashi (chopsticks). Spoons are used very rarely here, and asking for a fork and knife in a traditional Japanese restaurant means disrespecting the traditions of the country, and simply these devices may not be available;
  • innings- the design of the dish itself and the table setting in this Asian country are also given great attention. Any dish of Japanese cuisine can be compared to a beautiful still life - bright, juicy and varied colors.

TOP 10 national dishes of Japan

Since we are talking about the most popular food, let's see what exactly the locals prefer. The top 10 national dishes of Japan are as follows:

The most unusual food in Japan

A lot has been said about the traditional dishes of the national cuisine of Japan, but this country can surprise even sophisticated gourmets. Our list of the most unusual food in Japan includes the following dishes:

  • meat flavored ice cream perfect for when you can't decide what you want more at the moment. This delicacy has different tastes: chicken, beef and even horse meat;
  • candied squid. It is difficult to attribute this dish to the usual desserts, but it can be easily found on the shelves of Japanese stores;
  • cheese drink. Many Japanese have never eaten classic cheese in their lives. But they often use this mixture for dressing salads and other dishes.

The Japanese have not bypassed drinks either: the usual cola is produced here with flavors of yogurt, cucumber, mint, and lemonade can be found with the addition of curry. Such unusual drinks from Japan can be brought home as a souvenir - inexpensive and completely unbanal.

Japanese traditional drinks

Tea is the most popular non-alcoholic drink in Japan. Locals prefer green. Sugar is not added to it - it is believed that the taste of the drink is lost in this way. Tea ceremonies are an integral part of Japanese culture, and they are performed only by masters who have received special education.

The Japanese cannot be called a drinking nation, but still drinks "with a degree" are produced and consumed here. Sake is considered the traditional alcoholic drink of Japan. This is rice vodka, prepared according to the old technology (pasteurization and fermentation). Sake has many varieties: there is a drink with the taste of soy sauce, cheese, fruits and even mushrooms. It even exists in Japan! Another popular alcoholic drink is beer, the quality and taste of which is noted by connoisseurs. We remind you that according to the laws of Japan, alcohol can only be bought by persons who have reached the age of 20.

You can talk about Japanese cuisine endlessly, but the best advice is to try and discover new tastes.
