
Edible seaweed in our diet: what you need to know about nori, wakame and hijiki. Gourmania

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Seaweed - the benefits and harms of brown and red algae

Algae are living organisms that live in sea or fresh water. Many of them are multicellular organisms and look like land plants. In composition, in many respects, they are superior to fodder and edible plants. Therefore, some of them are eaten, serve as raw materials for the pharmacological industry.

The use of seaweed powder, emulsions, tablets benefits the body, but in the presence of a number of diseases, individual intolerance can cause significant harm to health.

Types of sea "grass" most commonly used by humans:

  1. Brown algae:
    fucus vesiculosus
  2. Red algae:
    chondrus curly
    Phyllophora ribbed

Most seaweeds are beneficial due to the high content of micro and macro elements:

  • molybdenum
  • cobalt
  • vanadium
  • zinc
  • silicon
  • phosphorus
  • potassium
  • magnesium

The use of brown and red algae

brown algae

Laminaria is a brown algae from the seas of the Pacific and Arctic oceans. Its main thickets are at a depth of four to ten meters. The thallus (body) of kelp is very wide, large. Reaches sometimes up to 20 m in length. It is not by chance that kelp was called “seaweed” among the people; it is widely used in food, both fresh and dried, canned.

Laminaria is one of the main components for making sushi and rolls.

For the treatment of a number of diseases (goiter, atherosclerosis, colitis, constipation), kelp is used in powder form. A granular preparation is produced in tablets "Lamminaride".

Bubbly Fucus is a coastal algae of the seas of the Arctic and Atlantic oceans. The content of nutrients is not inferior to seaweed.

The use of fucus powder is indicated for diseases:

  1. immune system
  2. obesity
  3. disorders in the gastrointestinal tract

Treatment of obesity is based on the ability to fill the stomach, causing feelings of fullness and satiety.

Laminaria and fucus are used to obtain natural thickeners - alginates:

  • E 401, sodium alginate
  • E 402, potassium alginate

Alginates are necessary in the production of many antacids, to neutralize the hydrochloric acid of gastric juice.

Alginic acid masks are widely used in cosmetology.

Excessive consumption of drugs and foods with brown algae can be harmful to people with thyroid diseases, iodine metabolism disorders.

red algae

Anfeltia is a representative of scarlet, lives in many outer seas of the north and the Far East, is found in the Black Sea. It looks like low branched, hard bushes of red or yellow color. Lives at a depth of up to 5 meters in coastal areas. It grows in bunches or spherical formations.

The main purpose is the production of a natural thickener - agar - agar. Food additive E 406 (agar - agar) is the main gelling agent in the production of marmalade, marshmallow, soufflé. Replaces gelatin in some countries.


Seaweed. Benefit and harm

The legend about the absence of sex in the Soviet Union is groundless, if only on the basis that every decent Soviet person daily used seaweed - a well-known aphrodisiac. Not only the citizens of the USSR experienced an irresistible attraction to this algae, the love for kelp has a long history, which began in antiquity in coastal countries. Today, seaweed, the benefits and harms of which are the objects of numerous debates, is present on the menu less and less, giving way to the “main plate” of sushi and sashimi.

Why do the Japanese almost never get atherosclerosis? Is it true that the emperor Zhu Zi distributed free seaweed to the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire and almost personally controlled the daily use of this product? How much algae should be consumed per day to say goodbye to obesity, weakened immune system, iodine deficiency and other diseases?

About the benefits and harms of seaweed

To maintain health, the industry offers a number of pharmacological preparations and dietary supplements. But the body is more accustomed to extract and assimilate useful components from food. Laminaria is one of the many types of brown algae that grow in the form of "algal forests" most often at a depth of 5-30 meters, depending on the soil. The "kelp belt" is a dense thicket located near the coast. The Japanese, Okhotsk, White, Kara Seas are favorite places for growing kelp in the wild. But it is believed that the "northern" varieties are more useful than the "southern". However, the most useful sea kale is "freshly caught" regardless of the place of catch.

Seaweed, the beneficial properties of which are rather difficult to dispute, was used by ancient peoples as a source of vitamins, a medicine, and even food for animals. Laminaria is especially revered in China, where even in ancient times a decree was issued obliging the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire to consume algae daily. By the way, Emperor Zhu Zi organized regular deliveries to all remote corners of China with free distribution of this unique food product.

In Japan, kelp was treated more reservedly, more silently, which did not interfere with the daily use of seaweed. And today the Japanese suffer from atherosclerosis less than others, and their compatriots who emigrated to the United States are sharply inferior in this indicator. Seaweed outperforms fast food in every way. It is possible that the cause of atherosclerosis of the Japanese emigrants is elementary homesickness, but if we are talking about kelp - she deserves honors, and they are not at all unreasonable.

So, what is the use of seaweed?

Laminaria is an ideal natural source of iodine. In addition to the fact that iodine from seaweed is perfectly absorbed by the body and does not cause iodism, there is no other source in nature so saturated with this element. Doctors insist that other inhabitants of the deep sea are not suitable for kelp soles. For the latter has the amazing effect of drawing iodine out of sea water and accumulating it, leaving other organisms only a pitiful residue. By the way, if you have an irresistible desire to "eat" kelp in any of its forms, most likely there is a lack of iodine in the body. It’s not enough to go to the nearest supermarket and buy the coveted product, you need to look at the endocrinologist and get tested for hormones.

Betasitosterol is useful element number two. It is thanks to him that cholesterol deposits on our vessels literally dissolve, and all freshly received cholesterol is removed. And this means that the risk of developing atherosclerosis is reduced significantly.

Alginic acid closes the top three. It removes heavy metal ions, radionuclides and other toxic elements from the body, reduces the risk of cancer, and improves immunity. For people affected by the Chernobyl accident, this property in seaweed is one of the priorities. Alginates are generally often used in the food industry. Some of the "E" additives are absolutely harmless and even useful, namely - E 400-E 404, E 406, E 421 (natural alginates that add thickness to the product).

The benefits of kelp are not limited to the three useful leaders. Other structural elements may well compete for the right to be the best:

  • easily digestible dietary fiber - swell in the stomach and stimulate peristalsis,
  • a huge amount of vitamins and microelements - D, B, PP (more than 40 vitamins), an antioxidant group, sodium and potassium, magnesium, chlorine and others (almost the entire periodic table!),
  • folic acid - for the nervous system, indispensable in preparing for pregnancy,
  • proteins and amino acids.

By the way, vitamin B12 is not found in plants, but seaweeds generate it in huge quantities! If you are allergic or vegan, do not consume eggs and milk, a remedy for B12 deficiency has been found.

What we treat with seaweed

  • iodine deficiency - only 40-60 g of kelp is enough to saturate the body with 150 mg of iodine (and this is a daily requirement),
  • avitaminosis of any etiology,
  • fragile blood vessels
  • cardiovascular diseases,
  • atherosclerosis,
  • disruption of the digestive tract,
  • obesity.

When considering the benefits and harms of kelp, it is worth considering the place where the algae grows. The ecological state of the region is the most important indicator of the quality and usefulness of sea kale. After all, it, like a sponge, absorbs not only useful trace elements, but also toxic waste. Unfortunately, the manufacturer on the packaging rarely informs the buyer about the cleanliness or contamination of the reservoir from which the kelp was taken. Try to find out from the manufacturer where he got the seaweed.

When to Avoid Eating Seaweed

  • with iodine intolerance,
  • with kidney disease,
  • with hemorrhoids,
  • with tuberculosis,
  • in acute forms of diseases of the digestive system,
  • with acne and furunculosis,
  • with urticaria, chronic rhinitis.

So, if you are in the category of lucky ones and you can use kelp - do not put off going to the nearest supermarket, do not deprive yourself of the opportunity to improve your budget and improve your life.

Which one to choose and how to use?

Yes, marinated kelp with spices, salt, monosodium glutamate and other additives is delicious. But raw or dried is tasteless, insipid and inedible. Unfortunately, it is this laminaria that is most useful. It contains the least number of calories - only 4-5 kcal per 100 g of raw product! Pickled seaweed, the calorie content of which can go off scale for 300 kcal, is a relatively healthy product.

Dried seaweed is an ideal choice for those who do not have the opportunity to purchase frozen kelp or buy fresh from a fishing boat, but have a strong desire to be healthy and live long. From dry kelp, you can prepare a powder that is added to any dish - this way of eating kelp will be especially pleasant for those who cannot stand seaweed.

Seaweed - cooking recipes

Dried cabbage can be chewed, or you can (and should) soak and boil. Pour dry kelp leaves with water at the rate of one part of the product to five parts of water for 12 hours. After soaking - rinse well, boil for a couple of hours (or draining water three times every half hour). The frozen product is thawed, washed and boiled for about half an hour, you can drain the water and repeat the cooking process several more times until the smell is eliminated.

Dry cabbage salad

For him you will need:

  • 100 g dry cabbage,
  • 200 g red cabbage
  • 200 g carrots
  • 200 g champignons,
  • a tablespoon of grated ginger and sesame oil,
  • 2 tablespoons soy sauce,
  • sesame for decoration.

Preparation: soak the seaweed for 20 minutes and chop finely. Chop and add red cabbage, carrots, mushrooms to it. Season the mixture with grated ginger, sesame oil and soy sauce. Marinating time. Before serving, cool the salad, sprinkle it with sesame seeds.

Seaweed for weight loss

Seaweed for weight loss is an indispensable product. Only on it can you arrange mono-diets without the risk of harming your health. 5-15 kcal per 100 g and an incredible amount of vitamins and minerals - the perfect food for eating and losing weight! But in addition to low calorie content, seaweed also tends to dull the feeling of hunger - dietary fiber, swelling, fills the stomach and provides a feeling of satiety.

Fasting days on kelp are recommended even by nutritionists. But it is advisable to use only dried or fresh seaweed for weight loss, and not everyone can withstand such pleasure. Leave hope for delicious weight loss - in the absence of glutamate, oil, salt, spices, mayonnaise and crab sticks, kelp is nothing more than an ultra-healthy product. Isn't that enough?

For those who have not come to terms with the lack of taste and the presence of a specific aftertaste in kelp - diversify your weight loss menu with boiled chicken breast and boiled eggs, but do not exceed the total mass of additives in 200 g. It is quite possible to sit on such a diet for up to 10 days.

And do not forget that in addition to losing weight and healing, the reward for diligence will be an increase in libido - for this you can endure any hardships, rewarding yourself with a portion of love for dessert.


Sea kale (kelp), its benefits, harm and medicinal properties

Kelp, known to us as seaweed (or kelp), is quite popular among oriental chefs. And the ancient Chinese healers even attributed miraculous properties to it and called it " sea ​​ginseng". Salad from these algae was used to restore strength after hard physical work and cleanse the body. Laminaria grows on Far East. You can meet her in the sea at a depth of up to 40 meters. The collected leaves of the algae have a sharp specific smell, because of which people with a sensitive sense of smell do not like the sea plant.

How useful is kelp and how, is it worth introducing it into our, not at all oriental, diet?

Useful and medicinal properties of seaweed (kelp)

Currently, seaweed is appreciated not only by culinary specialists, but also beauticians. In the food industry, it is used as a thickener and jelly-forming agent. Referred to as E414- it is this inscription that can be found on the packaging of canned foods and many mistakenly take a natural product for a chemical dye.

Seaweed has many other beneficial properties.

  • rich iodine content helps to cope with thyroid diseases and replenish the supply of this element in the body. In addition, iodine is a kind of prophylactic against oncology. It reduces the risk of prostate cancer in men and cervical cancer in women.
  • Alginates, included in the composition, allow you to cleanse yourself of radionuclides, pathogenic bacteria and toxins.
  • Fatty acid contribute to the breakdown of cholesterol plaques, and this is an excellent prevention of atherosclerotic changes in the vessels, coronary heart disease, heart attack, hypertension. It is known that even smokers who use kelp daily have a good condition of blood vessels.
  • Prevention of blood clots is another miraculous property of seaweed.
  • Algae leaves contain substances that resemble in their chemical composition hormones. They help to cope with age-related changes in the body and the development of sclerosis.
  • Sea kale contributes to the normalization of digestive and metabolic processes, the acceleration of metabolism.
  • In addition to all of the above, it significantly improves memory and brain function in general.
  • She is accepted as vitamin supplement and an immune stimulant.

Chemical composition and vitamins of seaweed

Laminaria is a low-calorie product. The calorie content of seaweed is 4 kilocalories. Belkov 2% , carbohydrates 1,2% , fat 0,4% from the daily norm of consumption by an adult per day.

Vitamin composition kelp is represented by almost all B vitamins.

  • A - 2.5 µg;
  • B1 - 0.04 mg;
  • B2 - 0.06 mg;
  • B6 - 0.02 mg;
  • B9 - 2.3 mcg;
  • C - 2 mg.

Dietary fiber - 0.6 grams.

Laminaria is famous for its mineral composition. First of all, rich content gland(16 milligrams) and iodine(300 micrograms).

Other trace elements (in milligrams per 100 grams):

  • Calcium - 40;
  • Magnesium - 170;
  • Sodium - 520;
  • Potassium - 970;
  • Phosphorus - 55;
  • Sulfur - 9.

Healthy food and treatment


  • Fresh or frozen kelp included in many salads and soups. And dry sea kale is used as a seasoning.
  • Cooks add it to stews, meatballs and casseroles.
  • But the most delicious is canned pickled cabbage. It is produced on an industrial scale with the addition of various seasonings and spices (for example, garlic or pepper).


  • Laminaria powder is used in cosmetology as an additive for bathing.
  • She is also included in face masks and therapeutic wraps for the whole body.

Medical use:

  • In folk medicine, kelp is used to treat peptic ulcers of the stomach and intestines. She is capable stop bleeding.
  • In surgery, it is used as an antiseptic (pour under bandages).
  • The ability to remove toxins allows seaweed to act as sorbent. At the same time, the intestinal microflora is preserved, and pathogenic microorganisms and decay products are excreted from the body.
  • Special preparations with kelp are produced to help fight viral and bacterial infections, as well as fungal diseases. Alginates produce such a beneficial effect on the human body.
  • An infusion made from dried kelp successfully treats diseases of the throat and nose (chronic rhinitis).

As a low-calorie kelp product widely used in dietary nutrition. By normalizing the work of the intestines and at the same time accelerating metabolism, cabbage has a beneficial effect on the whole body. Gently cleanses and nourishes it with the most important trace elements. It can be included in any of the diets. A teaspoon of dry algae, taken immediately before meals, will allow reduce appetite.

Laminaria is also used for fasting days, on which nutritionists suggest eating a kilogram of boiled algae. Weekly unloading will allow you to reduce weight by four kilograms. Here you can read about other products that are actively used in diets, for example, about how to take rye bran or about the benefits and harms of barley.

Dry kelp can be added as a spice to any dish. Salads are most often prepared from raw. Cook with it in soups or cabbage soup. It is used as an additive to cereals (boiled rice is especially tasty).

How to choose and store

Laminaria can be purchased at a store or pharmacy. Sold in a pharmacy dry seaweed, which is prepared simply - just pour water, let it brew and boil for twenty minutes. It is packaged in bags and looks like large-leaf green tea.

Ice cream kelp requires long cooking (up to an hour). After cooking, it must be washed with water. It should be noted that they are not suitable for a healthy diet. ready-made canned seaweed. They contain a lot of preservatives, salt or sugar. From such a product there is no benefit to the body. And to lose weight with the help of factory salads is unlikely to succeed.

Seaweed grown in the southern and northern seas is available for sale. It is better to give preference to the latter, since they are richer in iodine and bromine.

High-quality algae should not be disheveled and have lost their structure. Particular attention is paid to the temperature regime. At a temperature up to +4 degrees it keeps for two days. frozen at -12 - ten days. And the temperature in -18 degrees will allow you to store kelp for a month.

Dry algae is stored in a dry and cool place from one to three years.

Consumption rates

It is forbidden to give algae to children under three years old! Later, the norm may be a third of a teaspoon once a day or two days.


Despite the usefulness of this product, do not forget about the harm that it can cause. Excess iodine causes a dangerous disease called iodism.

Do not take kelp:

  • with individual intolerance (sensitivity to iodine);
  • low blood clotting due to bleeding and vascular fragility;
  • when breastfeeding (iodine accumulates in breast milk) and pregnancy;
  • with kidney diseases (for example, nephritis) and acute inflammatory processes of the stomach and intestines;
  • furunculosis;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • increased bone fragility (with osteoporosis);
  • acne and any allergic manifestations like urticaria.

Laminaria is the richest source of essential amino acids and beneficial trace elements. It has twice as much phosphorus, eleven magnesium, sixteen iron and forty sodium as white cabbage! Replace this valuable product in the diet with something else not worth it. However, reasonable care must be observed, because everything is good in moderation. This rule also applies to laminaria.

Do you eat this seaweed? Do you like its spicy taste and how effective is your diet that includes seaweed?


Algae caviar - benefits and harms

This product appeared in stores relatively recently, so many questions arise about the benefits and harms of algae caviar. To understand this issue, let's look at what substances are contained in this product.

The benefits and harms of seaweed caviar

The simulated product contains a lot of iodine and bromine, which are necessary for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland. Also in the composition of algae caviar, you can find alginic acid, the use of which normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and blood pressure, and also helps to improve metabolism. Another property of the mentioned acid is its ability to remove heavy metals and even radiation from the body, so the product can be safely called very useful. The ecological situation in our time is such that even in a small settlement the air is polluted, and this contributes to the deterioration of well-being and forces us to eat products that can minimize the negative impact. Imitated caviar is just such a product.

But, black caviar from algae, in addition to benefits, can also be harmful, because it enhances intestinal motility, which means that if you eat it regularly in large quantities, you can provoke the onset of diarrhea or increased gas formation. Experts recommend eating no more than 50 g of simulated caviar per day, then problems should not arise. The high content of iodine makes it impossible for people with disturbed hormonal levels to eat imitated caviar. Algae can also trigger allergic reactions, so eat algae products very carefully and eliminate them from your diet if allergy symptoms do appear.


Seaweed - benefits and harms

The use of kelp as a dish has been known for a long time. Its properties are so great that it is actively used both in medicine, cosmetology, and in industry. Of course, on the one hand, seaweeds have great benefits for the body, but, like any product, they have harm. This and more needs to be discussed in more detail.

The benefits of seaweed

First of all, it is important to note that this is one of the main components of microbiotic nutrition. Seaweed contains:

  • vitamins PP, A, D, R, B1, B3, B6, B12;
  • phytohormones;
  • polysaccharides;
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids;
  • enzymes;
  • amino acids;
  • manganese, sulfur, calcium, silicon, phosphorus, sulfur.

It will not be superfluous to mention that kelp is a source of iodine, which is so necessary for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland.

It also actively removes excess mucus in the body. If you take seaweed in combination with various amino acids, you can get excellent protection for the heart muscle. In order to increase the immune defenses of the body, doctors recommend including this product in the daily diet.

As for the benefits of seaweed for weight loss, fucus, a type of brown algae, can lower blood cholesterol levels. They also normalize metabolic processes in the body, weight, help get rid of cellulite, regulate lipid metabolism.

They are taken both inside and added to the bathroom. In the latter case, in order to reduce problem areas on the body, it is necessary to scrub the skin and apply gruel for half an hour, which remained after the filtered infusion.

Not only the benefits, but also the harm of seaweed

It is important to exclude the use of this product for people suffering from thyrotoxicosis. The variant of individual intolerance to the components that make up kelp is not excluded.


Vitamins and other useful substances

Having bought dried algae (kelp), you should not leave them unattended for a long time, because the sooner you start using them for medicinal purposes, the sooner you will notice the proper effect. It is advisable to use this product once a week in the amount of two dessert spoons. With such a dose of the ingredient, you can provide yourself with all the necessary vitamins and minerals.

Processed and dried seaweeds are unique, as they contain a huge amount of useful substances, namely:

  • Vitamins A, E and C, which slow down all aging processes in the body and are extremely important for the immune system.
  • Vitamin D - with its help, phosphorus and calcium are completely absorbed in the human body.
  • Vitamins B1 and B2 - stimulate all metabolic processes.
  • Vitamins B6 and PP are responsible for the condition of nails, hair and skin.
  • Macro- and microelements: Na (sodium), Ca (calcium), K (potassium), Cl (chlorine), Mg (magnesium) and, of course, I (iodine). These substances are responsible for the normal functioning of the heart, blood vessels, thyroid gland and other organs and systems.

Seaweed in cosmetology

Dried kelp, reviews of which are only positive, is actively used in cosmetology. For example, for cellulite, you can use the following recipe: you need to take 4 large spoons of dried seaweed, pour hot water over them, but not boiling water, and then leave for 20 minutes to swell. After that, the product should be thoroughly mixed together with raw egg yolk and a few drops of lemon and camphor oils. The resulting mixture must be applied to problem areas under a plastic film, and then left for 60 minutes.

How else can you use a product such as dried kelp for cosmetic purposes? Seaweed face mask is very popular among modern women. But it is absolutely not necessary to purchase it in the store, because such a tool can be made at home. To do this, combine soaked algae with sour cream in equal proportions, and then apply evenly on the skin of the face. In this state, the mask must be kept for half an hour, and then gently rinse with warm water.

What are the benefits of seaweed?

Laminaria is valued due to such useful properties:

  1. It is rich in minerals. Of particular value is the presence of iodine. In addition, the chemical composition of dried seaweed includes: potassium, iron, bromine, magnesium, pantothenic and folic acids.
  2. Polysaccharides and fructose, which are part of kelp, give the body energy and strength.
  3. Laminaria contains various amino acids, without which the normal functioning of the body is impossible.
  4. Betasitosterol - a cholesterol antagonist substance - helps to remove harmful deposits from the walls of blood vessels. Therefore, kelp is included in the list of products that help fight atherosclerosis.
  5. Alginic acid helps to eliminate radionuclides and harmful metals from the body, which reduces the risk of developing cancer.
  6. Easily digestible fiber improves the functioning of the digestive system.
  7. The use of seaweed helps to make the blood more liquid, which is the prevention of thrombosis.

The harm of seaweed

Dried kelp is a very useful product. However, it can also have a harmful effect if used for such diseases:

  • kidney disease in the acute stage;
  • diseases of the digestive system in the acute stage;
  • tuberculosis;
  • individual intolerance to iodine;
  • hyperthyroidism.

In addition to the above contraindications, kelp can also be dangerous if it was collected in an ecologically polluted area. In this case, it will absorb toxic substances that can adversely affect human health.


The benefits of dried seaweed

Eating seaweed is especially common among people with thyroid problems. It is not only an effective remedy for fighting the disease, but also used as a prophylactic agent for an enlarged thyroid gland. Doctors recommend eating this product for vascular atherosclerosis and high blood pressure.

It has long been known that this plant has excellent bactericidal properties. It is often taken in the treatment of various inflammatory processes. Dried and fresh seaweed is used in cosmetology in the form of body wraps and rejuvenating masks.

It is believed that regular consumption of kelp reduces the risk of breast cancer. It lowers cholesterol levels and eliminates toxins. In addition, algae has a beneficial effect on vision, improves memory and brain function. With its help, you can get rid of chronic runny nose and sinusitis.

Where to buy seaweed

It is clear that seaweed lives in the water, so people living on the coasts of the oceans collect it. They go fishing at low tide. It is even better to do this after a storm, during which the waves throw a lot of sea delicacies and algae ashore.

By its appearance, seaweed looks like a long ribbon. It has wavy edges and a pungent marine scent. The color of the algae can be green or brown, depending on its habitat.

People who live away from the sea can buy kelp at grocery stores. It is usually sold in several forms: dried, frozen or pickled seaweed. By the way, algae in a tin can have fewer useful qualities than fresh ones.

Dry seaweed

How to cook dried sea kale correctly in order to preserve all its beneficial properties? To do this is quite simple. We have already said that thin leaves are taken for drying. They should be washed well and laid out separately from each other on a table or other surface. Excess water can be removed by blotting the ribbons with a paper towel. After that, the layers must be left to dry.

Such seaweed should be stored in a cool, dry place without lighting in a bag or box. She has a long shelf life. Now useful algae can be used for salads or as an additive to a dish. To do this, you just need to pour the required amount of dry kelp with boiling water and wait for it to swell. Then rinse it with water and cook for about 20 minutes.

Can sea kale harm the body

Undoubtedly, supporters of a healthy lifestyle widely use such a dietary product as dried seaweed in their diet. The benefits and harms of algae are discussed by many. To avoid the negative impact of the components of kelp, you just need to be aware of the contraindications, which include diathesis, chronic furunculosis, nephritis and hyperthyroidism. In addition, some people may experience an allergic reaction.

Given the fact that sea kale consists mainly of the water in which it lives, you should carefully consider buying it. Algae from environmentally polluted seas may contain radioactive elements and heavy metals.

So, we found out how dried seaweed is useful, and learned how to properly cook kelp. By including it in your diet, you will not only improve your health and brain function, but also become more active.

The well-known kelp or sea kale is a brown algae, very popular in the East. In ancient China, it was called Sea Ginseng, due to the benefits, low harm and miraculous healing properties of sea kale. A salad made from this sea product is able to restore strength and cleanse the entire body in a short time.

Laminaria can be found in the Far East in the depths of the sea. A specific pungent smell is a feature of seaweed, which is not very pleasant for people with a delicate sense of smell. For a better understanding of the medicinal properties, benefits and harms of sea kale, it is worth learning about the elements that make up this product.


Seaweed has a rich composition, which includes:

  1. Vitamins E, C, A, D and group B.
  2. Complete protein with all essential amino acids.
  3. Minerals with alginates and polyunsaturated fatty acids.
  4. Trace elements with high molecular weight polysaccharides and iodine.

Moreover, the place of growth of this algae does not affect the amount and composition of useful elements.

The benefits of seaweed for humans

The benefits of seaweed for humans have been known for a very long time, starting from ancient China and Japan. Now this product is used all over the world for different purposes:

  • Due to the presence of folic and pantothenic acids in it, as well as iodine, kelp has a beneficial effect on the activity of the thyroid gland and cardiovascular system, including the normalization of blood pressure and getting rid of atherosclerosis;
  • There are statistics claiming a small number of breast cancers in women living in Japan. This is due precisely to the regular use of seaweed;
  • This product perfectly cleanses the body from the harmful effects of the external environment, removing accumulated toxins, toxins and heavy metals;
  • Thanks to the use of kelp, indicators of bad cholesterol are reduced;
  • Sea kale is useful for a person with a bactericidal effect, like therapeutic mud, eliminating inflammation of the urogenital area in women;
  • You should also be aware that the presence of codes E 400, 401, 402, 403, 404, 406 and 421 on product labels does not indicate preservatives or harmful substances, on the contrary, this indicates the presence of seaweed in the product. It is added to creams, jelly, bread and ice cream,

Such algae reach 13 meters, and not everyone likes their taste and smell. But this is eliminated by purchasing kelp powder with sprinkling dishes with it. At the same time, the unpleasant smell is dulled, but the benefits remain.

Medicinal properties

The rich composition endows sea kale with a mass of medicinal properties:

  1. This applies to the treatment of stomach ulcers with intestines.
  2. Stop any bleeding of kelp is also within the power.
  3. Surgeons use kelp as an antiseptic, sprinkling it on the wound for better healing.
  4. It is an excellent sorbent that removes toxic toxins while preserving the intestinal microflora.
  5. To combat viruses, bacteria and fungi, certain drugs are produced that fight them.
  6. Alginates in the composition of seaweed heal from ENT diseases, including chronic rhinitis.

The healing properties of seaweed extend to the entire body as a whole, positively affecting metabolic processes. Low calorie content allows you to use it to normalize weight, including in any diet. If you eat 1 tsp. this product before meals, you can reduce your appetite, which will not allow you to use too much.

Contraindications and possible harm of seaweed

Seaweed is bad for:

  • Women who are breastfeeding and pregnant because of a possible allergic reaction. But here we need specialist advice, since there is more benefit than harm during these periods of life;
  • A child under the age of 3;
  • People with personal intolerance to this product with iodine;
  • Those suffering from osteoporosis. For preventive purposes, kelp is suitable, and if you start treatment for such a disease, the situation will only worsen;
  • Renal diseases and gastrointestinal tract in an acute form.

Seaweed can cause harm in the presence of diathesis, both in children and adults. Its use can also cause hives with skin irritation.

The period of pregnancy and feeding

Despite the possible occurrence of an allergic reaction to this product, it is still very useful during these periods, therefore, in the absence of health problems and permission from a specialist, it is still worth including it in your diet.

Amino acids with iodine, just such a combination, allows them to be fully absorbed. And given the deficiency of these substances during pregnancy and lactation, kelp becomes a necessary product. Although it is possible to use it not in its pure form, but by buying drugs with its composition.

As a result, the hormonal background is normalized, the depressive state will go away, the body will be cleansed of toxins, the work of the lungs will improve, the skeletal system of the child and mother will be strengthened. Seaweed also reduces blood viscosity.

Some maternity clinics use seaweed sticks to soften the cervix before childbirth to ease it. This in some cases replaces medications that stimulate the process of childbirth.

Dried seaweed

The benefits of dried seaweed are no less than ordinary. The only difference is that there is no water in it. It is sold in briquettes. In order for kelp to take on a form suitable for consumption, it must be soaked for 3-8 hours. After that, rinse 4 times, add seasoning, oil and sesame seeds, enjoying the taste and benefits.

Laminaria in dry form normalizes metabolic processes, reduces weight and improves immunity. Dried sea kale is useful for the work of the entire CCC, including the normalization of blood pressure. Strengthens the nervous system and bones. It is indicated for diseases of the prostate gland. Enzymes with pectins have a beneficial effect on the activity of the digestive tract.

Radionuclides, heavy metals and antibiotic residues are removed. You can even get rid of worms with the help of dried kelp.

Application in cosmetology

In the cosmetology field, kelp is popular, using it:

  1. For wraps that help to lose weight, remove cellulite, improve skin tone and elasticity, and improve blood circulation.
  2. Masks prepared with the addition of seaweed rejuvenate and cleanse the face. For hair, they are useful for strengthening effects.

Such masks can be made independently at home, improving your appearance and prolonging youth.

Selection and storage

As a rule, sea kale is sold in pharmacies in dry form in packaged bags. If you purchase a frozen product, you will need to boil it for an hour, then rinse with plain water.

To get the maximum benefit, you should not buy canned kelp because of the content of preservatives in it, plus salt and sugar. Even losing weight with a ready-made salad from this product is unlikely to succeed.

It is best to purchase fresh or dry kelp collected on the north or south coast - they have more bromine with iodine. When choosing a product, you need to look at the appearance - the cabbage should not have a shabby appearance with a destroyed structure.

Shelf life depends on temperature:

  • At +4, it will last no more than 2 days;
  • At -10 ten days;
  • Within a month it will be suitable for consumption at -18 degrees.

In dry form, sea kale can be stored for 3 years, retaining all the beneficial properties.

Here is such a wonderful product, presented to man by nature. In the absence of contraindications, in order to preserve youth, health and beauty for many years, it is imperative to include seaweed in your diet.

Once quite exotic - sea kale, the benefits and harms, the medicinal properties of which are described below, are now known to everyone. It is especially popular in Japan. And this is no coincidence. There is even a legend about the wise ruler Shan Gin and his daughter Yui. Being on the verge of death, the ruler asked the gods for help in order to save his people from the invaders. The gods responded to this request and gifted Shan Gin with a healing potion. In order for this drink to spread everywhere, the beautiful daughter of the ruler drank the potion and threw herself into the sea. According to this giving, Yui became kelp seaweed. Seaweed quickly grew and the exhausted inhabitants, having used them, gained strength. So they managed to win.

About kelp as a medicinal plant has been known since the thirteenth century. With the help of it, goiter and gastrointestinal ailments were treated. Despite the long history of the use of algae, active ingredients became known only at the beginning of the nineteenth century. The first who found and isolated iodine from a plant was Bernard Courtois, a chemical technologist from France. Since then, the plant has been widely used not only in medicine, but also in cosmetology and cooking.

Botanical characteristics of seaweed

Laminaria is a large marine brown algae of the Laminaria family with the presence of a ribbon-like thallus reaching a length of ten or more meters. The thallus or thallus tapers at the base into a stem, which is attached to the ground with the help of massive root-like outgrowths. These outgrowths are called rhizoids.

The plates of sea kale are linear, mucous soft with wavy edges of a green-brown color. They can be smooth or wrinkled, whole or dissected. Every year the plate is destroyed, and in its place a new one grows from the stem.

In medicine, as a rule, two types of plants are used: Japanese kelp and sugary. Sugar is endowed with an undissected, even or wrinkled plate with a dark longitudinal stripe. The plate of Japanese kelp is also uncut, it can reach a length of five or more meters. Thallus plants grow no more than two years.

The Far Eastern seas of the Pacific Ocean, the Sea of ​​Japan and the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, the Kuril Islands, the shores of Sakhalin are the places where Japanese kelp grows. The northern part of the Atlantic Ocean, the western part of the Baltic, the seas of the Arctic Ocean are the places where sugar kelp grows.

How is plant material harvested?

In folk medicine, seaweed thallus is used for the manufacture of medicines. Algae are caught from a depth of five meters using special poles. Often harvested and washed ashore by the tide, but it contains much less iodine than freshly harvested.

Further, the raw material is cleaned and washed from impurities, silt and sand and dried. The thalli are spread in a thin layer on a tarpaulin or cardboard, and dried in the sun. The fact that the raw material is ready for use will be indicated by a white coating on the algae.

Sea kale - benefits and harms, medicinal properties, composition.

As already mentioned, seaweed is rich in iodine. However, in addition to this substance, the plant contains far from a considerable amount of other useful substances:

  • high molecular weight polysaccharides: laminarin and mannitol;
  • fructose;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • vitamins B, D;
  • fatty oils;
  • chlorophyll;
  • ash substances;
  • fatty acids;
  • sterols;
  • micro and macro elements: magnesium, calcium, potassium, sodium, iron, manganese, phosphorus;
  • alginates;
  • amino acids.

Plant preparations contribute to:

  • lowering blood pressure;
  • decrease in blood viscosity;
  • normalization of the functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • reduction of manifestations of premenopause;
  • increased motility of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • wound healing;
  • reduction of intoxication of the body;
  • stop bleeding;
  • treatment: atherosclerosis, anemia, gastrointestinal ailments, goiter, constipation, cystitis, pyelonephritis.

Laminaria preparations in the treatment of various ailments

➡ Seaweed will strengthen the immune system. It is recommended to use kelp at least a couple of times a week, one hundred grams.

➡ Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: decoction therapy. Take about one hundred grams of dry seaweed rhizome, pour it into a saucepan, preferably enameled, and pour half a liter of boiled water. Boil the product on low heat for half an hour. Cool, filter and pour the composition into a glass bottle. You can store the medicine either in the refrigerator or in a cool place. Take a quarter cup of the drug once a day, before meals. Already after a week of decoction therapy, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is normalized.

➡ Preparation of a drug that increases appetite. Take 30 g of a dry plant and brew raw materials in half a liter of boiled water. Cover the container with a lid and set aside for a couple of hours. It is recommended to take 40 milliliters of the drug once a day, before a meal.

➡ Laminaria is an ideal remedy for the prevention of scurvy. Brew a fresh plant, about 50 g of boiling water. Wait for cooling. Take 100 ml of medicine twice a day.

➡ Normalization of blood pressure: application of seaweed powder. Pound the dry rhizomes of the plant to a powdery consistency. Dilute 15 grams of powder in half a glass of boiled, slightly cooled water. Take ¼ cup twice a day half an hour before meals.

➡ Preparing a remedy for goiter. To prevent the development of goiter, it is recommended to take a spoonful of kelp powder once a week.

➡ Hyperthyroidism, constipation, proctitis, enterocolitis: kelp therapy. Grind the dried plant to a powdery consistency. Take ½ teaspoon of powder once a day before going to bed. The course of treatment should be at least two weeks.

➡ Bronchitis, pneumonia, tracheitis: use of inhalation. Take a couple of spoons of dried chopped kelp, brew 400 ml of boiling water. Let the remedy infuse a little. Filter the product and use for inhalation. The procedure is recommended to be carried out twice a day. The duration of the procedure is five minutes.

➡ Atherosclerosis: application of decoction. Combine kelp, 15 grams with hawthorn, chokeberry, lingonberry leaves, succession, chamomile, corn stigmas and buckthorn bark. Grind all the ingredients and brew the raw materials with boiled water. Place the container on the stove, simmer the composition for twenty minutes. Cool and take 100 ml of medicine twice a day.

➡ Eliminate cellulite with seaweed. Soak a couple of tablespoons of dried chopped plant in 200 ml of boiling water. Set aside the composition for half an hour, and then combine with camphor oil - 15 ml, lemon oil - five drops and raw egg yolk, mix the composition. Apply the product to areas with cellulite, and then wrap with plastic wrap. The duration of the procedure is an hour.

➡ Seaweed against hair loss. This tool helps to strengthen the hair, normalize the metabolic processes occurring in the skin of the head, nourish the hair roots. Brew 20 grams of kelp in half a glass of boiling water. Leave it for a couple of hours. After that, pour the product into a saucepan, warm it up and apply on the scalp for an hour. After the time has elapsed, wash off the product with warm water, but without shampoo. This procedure is recommended to be carried out once a week.


It is strongly not recommended to use sea kale during pregnancy, individual intolerance. In addition, it is not advisable to use laminaria-based products in the presence of urticaria, diathesis, nephritis and furunculosis.

Try not to abuse drugs from sea kale. And do not take any preparations of seaweed without the knowledge of your doctor.

37 chose

Let me tell you a secret: we all eat algae without even knowing it! Do you like marmalade, marshmallows and marshmallows? Do you know that the substance agar-agar, which gives the mentioned sweets the right consistency, is obtained from algae? I confess that since childhood, these sea vegetables have been associated with me exclusively with shapeless green plants clinging to slimy rocks, from which I always jerked my hand away in disgust. And did I know then, in my distant childhood, that algae would become frequent guests in my kitchen, and I would really enjoy their taste?!

Algae, lazily stretched out on the coastal areas of water, contain a record amount of iodine, iron, selenium, magnesium, calcium - substances necessary for the health of the human body. And yet, the reputation of "terrible sea weeds" is so firmly ingrained in our imagination that when I offered kelp salad to my friends for a steak, they shouted in unison: "Oh, no, no, no, I don't eat that! ". I have long and radically changed the attitude of my friends to sea vegetables, today I want to tell you how to learn how to eat seaweed and enjoy their taste!

There's a now trendy bio store near my house that sells natural, unprocessed foods. I can’t say that I buy everything only here, but recently I’ve been going to this cozy store for algae. A nice girl named Apollinaria, who ironically chose the profession of a seaweed sales consultant, immediately noticed that I was interested in looking at various types of sea vegetables in the window. We met. Polya (as she allowed herself to be called) gave me a short excursion into the world of edible algae. I learned that 20 types of sea vegetables are recognized as suitable for consumption. When she was finishing the story, I asked if I could come every Saturday to choose one of the types of seaweed for home after listening to the story about it. Polya happily agreed, and we scheduled the next meeting for the coming Saturday.

Our first lecture was devoted to the most common type of algae - kelp. Since childhood, we all know this plant as sea kale. This brown algae is especially rich in iodine, often, it is even prescribed as a treatment for people suffering from a lack of this essential element in the body. Polya enthusiastically told how she first tried real fresh kelp, the most delicate taste of which was significantly different from the usual pickled seaweed, which can be found in every store. So, kelp can be purchased dried and added to soups and salads. If you find a frozen pack of kelp in the store, be sure to buy it: it will come in handy for adding to salads! I stocked up on a dried type of this algae and still often add it to soups.

The next Saturday, Polya was already waiting for me with pictures prepared in advance. Purple(or nori) is a seaweed that is extremely popular today and is used in many recipes for a wide variety of dishes, especially in Japanese cuisine. Polya showed me a picture of the finished dish and told me what role porphyry played in the preparation. Bright red algae is rich in iron and calcium, but it has less iodine than brown algae. Still better known as nori, this seaweed can be crushed and added to noodles, mashed potatoes or even butter, or you can make rolls: wrap fish or shrimp with rice in it. I chose the dried nori bag. And at home, on the advice of Paulie, I added seaweed to softened butter, lightly salted, mixed, shaped the butter and put it in the freezer for an hour. The next morning, my family was in for a surprise: for breakfast, I made bread toast spread with delicious and healthy algae oil!

Polya fell ill and did not come to the store. I wandered alone along the display of algae and decided to choose the most unassuming type of marine plants - fucus. This alga is often called sea oak due to the similarity of the leaves with the tree of the same name. I bought a small bag of dried fucus to use instead of salt: this seaweed is very salty!

A week later, missing the amusing stories of the consultant Poli, in the morning I was already in the store! Polya admitted that she was very glad to find a like-minded person and a grateful listener in my face. She began her next lecture with a story about how algae are grown. In recent years, they have been grown not only in Japan, Korea and China, but in some regions of Spain, Italy, France, the USA ... It is in these countries that you will be lucky to buy the freshest algae! But Polya does not recommend collecting them by yourself: algae plantations are sometimes located at a distance of several kilometers from the coast, where the water is very clean. After all, plants from the coastal polluted zone absorb all the substances from the water in which they grow.

My new friend continued her lecture with a story about algae dulce, which is a bright red sea plant with a sweet-salty, nutty taste. By the way, Polya advised dulce to be added to butter just like nori. I, having bought another bag of new algae, decided to use it as a fragrant seasoning for fish.

Before my next visit to the store, I warned Polya that I plan to bake fish on Saturday and would be glad for advice on how to improve the taste of the dish with the help of seaweed! When I entered the now beloved shop, Polya was busy with another customer, but when she saw me, she smiled and pointed to the table where beautiful pictures lay. I took one of them in my hand, which showed off chips. “What does it have to do with chips?” I thought, and putting the picture back in place, I started walking along the algae display case. Polya freed herself and took the picture from the table. "It's kombu! The chips are made from kombu seaweed!" - she said with enthusiasm and continued her next story. kombu is a Japanese species of kelp familiar to us. It is from this algae that the traditional Japanese broth is prepared: pour dried kombu with water and, as soon as it begins to boil, remove from heat. I reminded Polya about the white fish waiting for me in the kitchen, and Polya, raising her index finger, went for a pen and paper. I wrote down the recipe, marveling at the simplicity and genius of the idea. If you want to taste the incomparable delicious fish, you will need:

  • 1-2 whole white or red fish of any variety
  • pack of fresh or canned kombu seaweed
  • salt to taste

The fish can be used whole, but I cut it into equal small pieces. Rinse the fish well, clean, grate a little with salt. We wrap the fish in the washed kombu leaves and fasten the ends so that the juice that stands out does not flow onto the baking sheet. We put in an oven preheated to 150 degrees for 30 minutes. Algae will give the fish an unusual tenderness and aroma!

The famous Japanese miso soup is cooked with seaweed. wakame. I tried this dish in different Japanese restaurants, and each time I paid attention to the slightly sweet taste of this juicy brown seaweed. Polya said that wakame, which has become accustomed to growing on sea plantations in Spain, Italy and France, is suitable not only for miso, but also for salads, rice, pasta, and even as a side dish, wakame seasoned with soy sauce and sesame is served with fish dishes. . I bought a small package of this seaweed to soften it in hot water in the evening, season it with sauce and serve it with fish.

I often go to a store near my house, and every time I see Apollinaria, I go up to her to buy a bag of dried algae in reserve and cook another amazing dish, after trying which, none of my friends will ever say: "Algae? Oh No, I don't eat that!

Khritsina Khristinina , specially for Etoya.ru

Photo: trikky.ru, bochkavpechanleniy.com, otvety.org, mirmila.ru, ucheba-legko.ru, aquaumniki.ru, seaweed.ie, ru.wn.com

Algae are able to concentrate sea salt, which explains the large amount of minerals contained in them. Vitamins A, B, C contribute to the resistance to aging and many diseases.

And this is not a complete list of the advantages of this product.

One of the varieties of marine life and the most popular seaweed is brown seaweed, which has long, flat, strong leaves. Some of these algae reach up to 6 meters in length (near the coast of the United States), and in the Pacific Ocean - even larger.

Brown kelp kelp stimulates the metabolic process, affects the endocrine glands. It is used in the treatment of thyroid diseases. According to the content of vitamin C, kelp is not inferior to citrus fruits.

Fucus algae stimulates blood circulation, has a diuretic effect and helps to eliminate toxins. It is used to treat the musculoskeletal system and mineral metabolism disorders.

Ascophylla brown algae is not so rich in useful substances, but it is used by humans to protect the skin and antibacterial effects.

Salts of alginic acid contained in algae “absorb” salts of heavy metals and radionuclides in the best way (up to 90%!), which has been proven by scientists from Russia, Japan, and Norway.

In cosmetology, algae are used, for example, for body wraps. They are part of creams, masks, serums for face and body. They increase the immunity of the skin, provide deep hydration. Algae-based preparations are suitable for highly sensitive skin. It has also been proven that algae and human skin have similar cellular activity. That is why they are so useful.

Seaweeds are used in weight loss preparations, as they "defeat" the feeling of hunger.

Here are a couple of recipes:

Rice porridge with seaweed

Required for cooking: 200 g of soaked seaweed, 1 tablespoon of sesame oil, 1.5 cups of water, 2.5 cups of rice, 2-3 teaspoons of salt.
Rice should be washed and soaked for 2 hours. Tear the algae into pieces and fry in a saucepan with sesame oil, add water and bring to a boil. Put the rice into the boiling "soup" and cook until it boils. Salt.

Vitamin salad from seaweed

Required for cooking: 100-150 g of pickled seaweed, 1-2 pickled or fresh cucumbers, 2-3 carrots, 1-2 apples, 1 egg, 3-4 tablespoons of sour cream, salt, herbs.
Peel and grate the carrots on a coarse grater. Cut apples and cucumbers into thin slices. Combine all products with seaweed, salt, add sour cream and mix. When serving, decorate with eggs in the form of slices and sprinkle with parsley.

Bon appetit and stay healthy!

Algae is a relatively young health product. It is interesting that they began to actively use them only some half a century ago. Now the high biological activity of marine flora and the high concentration of substances necessary for man have been scientifically proven.

People who regularly consume seaweed are energetic and have a high level of intelligence. They age more slowly than others and are much less likely to get sick.

Despite the fact that each individual species of algae has a unique chemical composition, representatives of edible marine flora also have common features that determine their nutritional and dietary value.

So, seaweed contains:

  • vitamins (A, group B, including vitamin B5, or panthenol, C, D, K, or menadione, PP, M, or folic acid);
  • carotenoids;
  • lipids with polyunsaturated fatty acids;
  • polysaccharides (alginic acid, glucans, pectins, sulfated galactans, fucoidans, lignins - an excellent source of dietary fiber);
  • macroelements and microelements (here the undisputed champion is iodine, the concentration of which is on average 800-1000 mg / kg);
  • chlorophyll derivatives;
  • plant enzymes;
  • sterols of plant origin;
  • phenolic compounds.

Since seaweed has a low calorie content, they are rightfully considered a valuable dietary product. Therefore, eat salads with sea flavors more often and drink them with green tea. Algae will swell in the stomach and eliminate the feeling of hunger.



Algae of marine origin has an almost endless list of useful properties, due to the richest chemical composition.

  1. This product received anticarcinogenic properties due to the content of alginates, which selectively bind and remove radionuclides, salts of heavy metals, etc. from the body. And alginic acid salts are radioprotectors, protectors from the harmful effects of radiation. In view of the above reasons, sea kale (kelp) is an excellent prophylactic against cancer and leukemia.
  2. The antimutagenic activity of seaweeds can be attributed to plant pigments such as lutein, chlorophyll, and p-carotene. Many eminent scientists are currently working on the mechanisms of action of these pigments.
  3. Antioxidant properties provide an extensive complex of vitamins that slow down the aging process.
  4. Anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties of the marine flora "gave" biologically active components under the general name of immunocorrectors. They affect the activity of T-lymphocytes and macrophages, are involved in the synthesis of immunoglobulins-A. But it is the deficiency of the latter in the body that researchers call the main cause of chronic diseases of the respiratory tract and the genitourinary system with disorders in the mucous membranes.
  5. The synthesis of prostaglandins is provided by polyunsaturated fatty acids of seaweed, some of which are not produced in the body. Prostaglandins are a hormone-like substance found in all tissues (for example, in the walls of blood vessels), which has a stimulating effect on the smooth muscles of the uterus and intestines. Hence the regulation of blood pressure, assistance in fertilization and childbirth. It is no coincidence that some prostaglandins are used in obstetric practice to regulate contractions.
  6. The prevention of cardiovascular disease, obesity and diabetes along with the intake of brown seaweed was made possible due to the high concentration of omega-3 fatty acids in them with scientifically proven lipid-lowering properties.

Edible species

Science knows more than 1000 species of seaweed, of which not all are edible. And the point here is not at all their possible toxicity. Only freshwater algae can seriously poison you. However, only a few seaweeds have become firmly established in the human diet.

What algae are most actively used today in cooking and pharmacology (for the production of nutritional supplements)?

Laminaria, or seaweed

Belongs to brown algae, an excellent source of iodine (in a rare organic form), suitable for the treatment of insufficient thyroid function, prevention of endemic goiter, stimulation of metabolism, helps with salt deposition, radiation exposure, sclerosis, obesity (contains a fat-splitting enzyme).

In terms of vitamin C concentration, seaweed can compete on equal terms with citrus fruits.

Contraindications: do not eat laminaria with tuberculosis and kidney disease (including pyelonephritis).

You can get the most benefit from fresh kelp, since the addition of vinegar in the preservation and production of salads deprives the algae of an impressive part of its valuable properties. Also be sure to read about the variety of kelp popular in the East, brown algae.

Fucus blisteris

Refers to brown algae, known for its high content of vitamin A (10 g of dried product versus 100 g of carrots), vitamin D (10 g versus 10 kg of apricots), iron (10 g versus 1 kg of spinach) and, of course, iodine (10 g versus 11 kg cod).

This type of seaweed has a diuretic effect, removes toxins, stimulates blood circulation, and normalizes mineral metabolism. They are identical to human blood plasma in their chemical composition.

Fucoidin, a substance discovered by scientists in, has immunomodulatory, antitumor and antiviral activity, including against HIV infection.


Refers to green algae, very rich in easily digestible proteins (60-70 g of protein per 100 g of powdered product). And this is three times the protein value of soybeans. Do not forget about 18 different amino acids, each of which is necessary for a healthy full life. Moreover, the body cannot synthesize 8 amino acids from this list.

Considered one of the most popular edible seaweeds. It is sad that only the inhabitants of the African coast of Lake Chad and Mexicans from Texcoco, the territory of natural growth of spirulina, can afford it fresh. The rest have to be content with biologically active additives and semi-finished products.

The nutritional value of this green algae is so great that they learned to breed it in artificial conditions (in huge vats of warm, saturated with carbon dioxide water) in France and Mexico.

Ulva, or sea lettuce

Refers to green algae, has long been used as food by the inhabitants of Ireland, Japan, France, China, Scandinavia. Sea lettuce contains a lot of iron, nutritious proteins and fiber.


It belongs to red algae, prevents the development of atherosclerosis and reduces the level of "bad" cholesterol in the body. This type of seaweed can be recommended to heart patients as a dietary food supplement. Porphyry is also rich in vitamins A, B12 and D.


Red coral algae, rich in mineral composition (it contains more than 30 minerals), contains high doses of magnesium, and especially iron.

For the prevention and improvement of the body, the recommended daily dose of algae is 20 g for fresh, freshly frozen or dry pressed product (asaka, nori, etc.).

Attention! Anyone with kidney or thyroid problems should check with their doctor before introducing seaweed into their diet on a regular basis.

Edible algae have been used in oriental cooking for many centuries, but they are extremely rare in the daily diet of Russians. This is largely due to the culture of food, and in some cases - the lack of information. Let's see what types of algae can be easily bought in our country and how they can be useful.

Despite the fact that scientists identify more than thirty thousand species of freshwater and seaweed, no more than thirty are eaten. In cooking, they are divided into red ones, which include nori, rodimia and carrageenan, brown ones - including arame, kombu, hijiki and wakame - and green ones: monostroma, ulva, spirulina and umi budo. We propose to talk about the most popular types of seaweed in Japan, Korea and China: nori, hijiki and wakame.


The same nori leaves, from which plates for sushi, rolls and onigiri are prepared, belong to the genus of porphyry. Initially, the term nori had a broad meaning. This concept included most of the edible algae, including hijiki. The first mention of nori is found in the annals of the 8th century. Initially, they were a paste, and in their usual form they appeared only in the Edo period.

Despite the fact that all algae are enriched with iodine, in nori its content is much lower, which, in turn, reduces the risk of an excess of iodine in the body. Nori is believed to contain either a bioavailable form of vitamin B12 or cyanocobalamin analogues that can inhibit vitamin B12 dependent enzymes. Therefore, it is impossible to say unequivocally whether this vitamin is successfully absorbed by a person. Also, nori algae are enriched with vitamins A, B1, B2, B12 and D, and the composition of minerals, in addition to iodine, includes iron, calcium and phosphorus.

Despite popular belief, the calorie content of nori is quite high: about 349 kcal per 100 grams of the product, and proteins, fats and carbohydrates - 46.1 g, 0.1 g and 41.0 g, respectively. When buying nori sheets for cooking, you should consider their grade. There are three of them in total: A, B and C. The best, A, does not break when twisted. B and C are slightly different in color and may crumble.


Wakame is a type of brown algae from the genus Undaria. They are commonly used in salads and have a slightly sweet flavor. These algae are most common in Japan and Korea. Since the 1960s, thanks to the popularity of macrobiotics, they have become known in the US and Europe. The main dishes in which wakame can be found are miso soup, as well as salads with tofu.

In Korea, there is an interesting tradition associated with wakame, or, as they are called there, miyok. Due to the content of calcium and iodine, young mothers consume seaweed in the form of soup. The same soup is usually eaten on a birthday as a reminder of the first food that the mother passed on to the child through milk. However, according to studies conducted in the United States, wakame does not even contain the daily requirement of calcium and iodine, which makes them not so indispensable.

k-seafoodworld.com ">

The beneficial properties of wakame include the presence of vitamin A, which promotes the production of collagen. In addition, the algae contains vitamins E, K, ascorbic and folic acid, as well as a large number of minerals. Wakame is a low-calorie product, and due to the presence of fucoxanthin, it is believed that these algae help burn fat. As a rule, wakame is sold dried, so it is recommended to soak them in warm water for 15-20 minutes before cooking.


mycooktes.com ">

Hijiki, or brown algae, lives in the shallows near rocks and stones on the Pacific coast and in the southern part of the Sea of ​​Japan. Only young leaves are edible. New ones grow in place of the cut ones, so the “harvest” can be harvested for up to seven years.

Fresh leaves have a very pungent taste, and they are sold after they are boiled and dried in the sun. Therefore, just like wakame, hijiki must be soaked before cooking. Then they are washed and stewed or boiled for another half an hour. Hijiki goes well with seafood and fish. They are added to sushi rice and various sauces.

The health benefits of hijiki include magnesium, potassium, fiber and fucoxanthin, as well as vitamin A. According to some studies, they contain five times more calcium than milk. These algae also have "pitfalls". Hijiki contains inorganic arsenic, which contributes to anemia and problems with the liver and stomach. In some countries, such as Canada, the UK and New Zealand, experts advise to stop eating this algae. In turn, studies by the Japanese Ministry of Health have shown that to exceed the daily dose of arsenic, you need to eat more than 4.7 grams of hijiki, while the Japanese are limited to only 0.9 grams per day.
