
Is it possible to boil eggs in a double boiler. Delicious, healthy and nutritious: eggs in a double boiler

Today, more and more people are aware that a healthy diet is the key to healthy body. At the same time, those who begin to gradually change their diet in favor of more useful products, sooner or later think about buying a double boiler.

A double boiler allows you to cook food in such a way as to minimize the consumption of fats, and at the same time preserve substances and vitamins that are useful for the body. This provides a very subtle method of heat treatment, while not adversely affecting taste sensations. Eggs are a complete source of protein, and they are simply necessary for a diet. They are especially convenient to cook in a double boiler.

How to cook


  • several chicken or quail eggs;
  • water.


  1. wash the eggs well;
  2. pour water into the steamer;
  3. put the eggs in the bowl of the double boiler or in the appropriate recesses that are in some models;
  4. set the device timer to 5 minutes if you want to cook soft-boiled eggs, 7-10 minutes if you want to cook them in a bag, or 12-15 minutes to make hard-boiled eggs. However, it is important to understand that there is a direct correlation between egg size and cooking time. That is quail eggs in this case, cook for only five to six minutes.

Important! Having prepared soft-boiled eggs or in a bag, they must be immediately lowered into a container with cold water, because otherwise they will continue to cook for some time even after they are removed from the double boiler.

Omelette Recipes



  • 4 chicken eggs;
  • 1 st. milk.


  1. break all the eggs into a container, mix;
  2. then pour milk there, gradually stirring the contents with a fork or spoon;
  3. pour the omelet mass into the bowl of a double boiler;
  4. cook the dish for 25 minutes.

Useful video: how to cook

For clarity, here is a video with the preparation of a standard omelette without any frills in a double boiler:

Important! Don't forget vegetables. This is the basis healthy eating, and even if you are preparing a standard omelet or other dish, then try to spread the dish with herbs or chopped onions.

with cabbage

This famous recipe dietary egg dish, which has an excellent classical flavor additive in the form of thinly sliced ​​fresh cabbage leaves. This recipe uses the classic flavor combination, while the content of cabbage in the dish is relatively small - it is the eggs that are the starting point of taste.

The structure of an omelet is dietary products, no third-party additives are present. For the recipe, such varieties of cabbage as white cabbage, Beijing, cauliflower are suitable. You can use broccoli.

Salt the dish should be very careful not to disturb the dietary structure. Of course, no seasonings can be added either. The recipe is very well suited for a double boiler.


  • a couple of chicken eggs;
  • some salt.
  • 1/3 st. milk;
  • fresh cabbage (cauliflower, white, Chinese) - 100 g.


Important! The cooking time may be different, it depends, among other things, on the model of the double boiler itself.

With zucchini

This dish has a recognizable dietary structure. Zucchini give him a large number of vitamins and improve the digestibility of the dish by the body, eggs provide the protein necessary for the body.

Salt in the dish must be added extremely small quantities, only for individual improvement of taste sensations. Zucchini is recommended to be taken from young fruits, so they will be better absorbed.


  • chicken eggs- 2 pcs.;
  • 1/3 st. milk;
  • young squash;
  • a pinch of salt.


  1. wash and peel your zucchini, then cut it into small cubes. Move it to the capacity of the double boiler;
  2. now you need to cook an omelet. Crack the eggs, add the milk and a pinch of salt to one saucepan and mix it all thoroughly with a spoon or fork. It is necessary to mix for a long time and thoroughly, but do not beat;
  3. as soon as the mixing process is completed, pour all this omelet mass into the heat-resistant container of your double boiler;
  4. you need to cook for 15 minutes, although there are other options, depending on the desired thickness ready meal, For example.

With ham


  • 4 chicken eggs;
  • 100 ml fresh milk;
  • 100 g of ham;
  • 50 g of cheese;
  • a little dill;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • a pinch of pepper.


  1. Crack the eggs one by one into the bowl of the double boiler and beat them together with salt and pepper until smooth. After that, slowly pour in the milk, stirring the contents of the bowl with a spoon along the way, and whisk again;
  2. grate cheese;
  3. the ham is very finely chopped, mixed with cheese and sent to the total milk and egg mass, which is then thoroughly mixed;
  4. this omelette mixture should be so fluffy that you should see foam. Cooking this dish takes up to 25 minutes (depending on the device);
  5. a hot omelet just pulled out of the oven is recommended to be garnished with fresh chopped vegetables.

With vegetables and cheese


  • 5 chicken eggs;
  • 150 ml fresh milk;
  • 100 g of hard cheese;
  • 1 large red tomato;
  • average bell pepper;
  • some parsley / dill;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • a pinch of ground pepper.


  1. Crack all the eggs into a separate bowl. Add salt to taste, a pinch of pepper and start whisking;
  2. then pour in some milk, stir, then pour again, stir again, etc.;
  3. take a bell pepper, separate it from the stalk and seeds, cut into thin slices;
  4. divide the tomato, and then chop it into small cubes;
  5. cheese should be grated on a fine grater;
  6. all the greens are finely chopped;
  7. the above ingredients (pieces of tomato, pepper, cheese and greens) are thoroughly mixed and laid out in a double boiler;
  8. all these vegetables are then poured over with an omelette mass from a bowl;
  9. cooking takes up to 25 minutes.


An omelet in a double boiler, in addition to being easy to use, also saves you from various burns, burns, etc.
Of course, this may even seem like a minus to some, especially those who love a crispy crust. But steamer-derived meals are the cleanest options we can get.

All the above recipes, despite their differences, agree on one thing: this is the real diet food, which your dietitian may even prescribe for you. Therefore, if you have stomach problems or overweight, then be prepared to buy a double boiler, since today it is quite inexpensive.

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For this simple recipe you only need raw eggs.

Pour water into the steamer and place a bowl on it. Take fresh chicken eggs (not older than 3-4 days), wash them thoroughly and put them in a bowl. Close the lid and set the cooking time using the steamer timer:

Eggs in a bag - 5-6 minutes; - soft-boiled eggs - 7-10 minutes; - hard boiled eggs - 12-15 minutes.

Quail eggs, which are three times smaller than chicken eggs, will be hard-boiled in a double boiler in 5-6 minutes. Exact time cooking depends on the size of the eggs and is determined only by experience.

As soon as the steamer turns off, immediately remove the eggs from the bowl and hold under cold water. If this is not done, they will continue to boil for some time, and instead of a liquid yolk, you risk getting a solid one.

Poached eggs in a steamer

Poached eggs are boiled without shells for as long as it takes for the protein to seize. The yolk remains liquid. Ideally, it should be completely hidden by the protein. Eggs must be taken very fresh, otherwise the protein will spread and the yolk will be exposed.

You will need: - eggs; - vegetable oil; - food film; - small cups

cut into cling film into squares with a side of about 20 cm. Grease vegetable oil so the eggs don't stick. Line the cups with foil.

Wash the eggs and carefully break into cups. Collect the film in a bag. Pull the neck with a thread so that the contents do not leak out during cooking. If desired, eggs can be salted, pepper, put inside the bag small piece ham, soft cheese, finely chopped greens.

Pour water into the steamer. Put the bowl on the steamer and put the egg sacks in it. Close the bowl with a lid and turn on the steamer. It takes 3-5 minutes to cook poached eggs.

Poached eggs in a double boiler are also convenient to cook in silicone molds for muffins. Carefully break the eggs into molds and place in the steamer bowl. Close the lid and steam for 3-5 minutes

Take out ready eggs from bags. Toast slices of bread and spread them with Dijon mustard. Put eggs on toast, serve with sauce, vegetables and herbs.

As a sauce for poached eggs, you can use traditional ketchup or mayonnaise. However, the dish will be much more delicious and refined with hollandaise sauce, spicy cheese sauce cream based or spicy tomato sauce with garlic, olives and herbs.

Any woman dreams not only about delicious, but also about instant cooking various dishes. Unfortunately, it is not always possible for housewives to make dinner for the whole family without being at the stove. long time. That is why today such a kitchen device as a multicooker is very popular. She knows how to cook perfectly different dishes and also look after them until you arrive. It is also worth noting that food in a slow cooker is done a little longer than on the stove. But at the same time, such a device does not require special attention, acting on the principle - loaded the products, selected the program and turned on the timer.

When purchasing this device for personal use, many housewives have no idea how to cook a slow cooker, and whether it can be done at all. It should be noted that in this device it is allowed to cook almost everything, including the presented product. And how exactly this is done, we will consider a little lower.

How to cook eggs in a Redmond multicooker for a couple?

Surely everyone knows that this product contains great amount useful elements. That is why experts recommend that a person consume one egg 2 or 3 times a week. It should be clarified that the ingredient presented must be boiled or steamed. After all, in fried he inflicts more harm than benefit.

So how to cook eggs in a slow cooker and what is needed for this?

  • Drinking filtered water - 2 glasses.
  • Chicken eggs of any size - from 1 to 10 pcs.

Steam cooking process

Having found out, in a slow cooker, it must be washed (if required) and inspected for cracks. If they are, then there is a high probability that in the process heat treatment the shell will burst and the protein will come out. That is why it is better not to use such eggs.

After selection, the ingredient should be placed in a special grid of the multicooker, which is intended for steaming dishes, and a little water should be poured into the main container. Next, the bowl with the main product must be installed in the device, close the lid and immediately turn on the steam mode. If you want to do that after boiling water, it is recommended to set the timer for 14 minutes. If you like a liquid and soft yolk, then given time it is desirable to cut exactly twice.

Proper serving to the table

Now you know the slow cooker using the steamer mode. After the set program stops cooking, the product must be immediately lowered into cold water and stand in it for 5 minutes until completely cooled. If you neglect this advice, it will be cleaned very badly. Serve a soft-boiled or hard-boiled chicken egg to the table along with fine salt and fresh butter.

Cooking chicken eggs in water

Such a product is boiled in the same way as on gas stove. To do this, prepare the following components in advance:

  • filtered drinking water - 3 cups;
  • chicken eggs of any size - from 1 to 10 pieces;
  • fine sea salt - a dessert spoon.

The process of boiling eggs in water

For such preparation, you should take any number of eggs that fit in a slow cooker, and then put them in a bowl, pour water room temperature and salt a little. Next, the kitchen device must be closed and immediately set the soup or steamer program. As a rule, after the actions taken, the hostesses have a new question about whether it is in the multicooker in the water? It should be noted that this figure is similar to the one that is followed during the preparation of the same dish on the stove. Yes, to get hard boiled eggs you need to soak them in boiling water for 10 minutes. As for the product with a liquid yolk, the time should be exactly halved.

What is the right way to serve breakfast?

After boiling chicken eggs, they should be briefly placed in ice water, and then carefully peeled and served at the table along with salt, wheat bread, sweet tea and butter. Bon appetit!

Making a delicious and hearty omelet

Thinking about how to cook eggs in a slow cooker, you should not be limited only classic options cooking this product(hard-boiled or soft-boiled). After all, it can be made very tasty and nutritious omelette. For this we need:

  • fresh fat milk - 4 cups;
  • large eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • sea ​​salt - a few pinches (to taste);
  • butter - 30 g.

How to cook?

In order to make tasty and nutritious, you should beat chicken eggs, pour into them fresh milk, add butter and add salt. Next, all the ingredients must be mixed and put into the bowl of the device. You can make such a dish in soup mode, milk porridge, and even in a double boiler. In any case, the cooking time should be about 30-37 minutes.

The electric steamer is a multifunctional kitchen helper. It allows you to quickly and appetizingly cook healthy lunch, dinner and even breakfast. Let's say cook eggs- in a bag, hard-boiled or soft-boiled.


1. Get ready for the fact that the first time a perfectly cooked egg may not work. The cooking time depends on the size of the egg, the amount of water poured into the appliance, the model of the double boiler. However, having tried the device two or three times, you will choose the best mode for yourself. The advantages of steaming eggs are obvious - after boiling they are easy to clean, their shell does not burst, and a bluish film does not form around the yolk.

2. Take a look at your steamer. Some models have bowls with special recesses for eggs. If you find similar ones with your appliance, read the instructions - it will indicate the cooking time that is best for a particular model. When pouring water into the device, also follow the instructions.

3. There are steamers without recesses. They are also allowed to cook eggs. Put them right into the bowl. Do not place them in the water tank located at the bottom of the appliance.

4. Wash the eggs, removing clogs, wipe them with a towel and place them in a bowl or special recesses. If you want to hard boil an egg, set the timer for 15 minutes. In order to get an egg in a bag, boil it for 10-12 minutes, and soft-boiled, it will cook in 7 minutes. Hard-boiled quail eggs are boiled the same amount. Heavily small eggs will cook faster, especially huge ones will cook a little longer.

5. Your baby loves soft-boiled eggs, but do you choose hard-boiled ones? Set the timer for 7 minutes, at its signal, remove the egg, which was prepared soft-boiled, and leave the rest to finish cooking, setting another 5-7 minutes additionally. At the same time with eggs, it is allowed to cook other breakfast dishes - say, scrambled eggs or chopped vegetables. Load them onto the 2nd floor of the steamer.

6. Remove soft-boiled eggs from the bowl immediately after cooking so that they do not overcook. Those that are hard-boiled can be left to cool directly in double boiler without transferring to cold water. In steamed eggs, the shell separates easily, without sticking to the cooked protein.

It would seem that there is nothing easier than boiling an egg. You put it in a saucepan, fill it with water, boil for a while. Then you change hot water to cold. The egg cools down and is allowed to be eaten. However, even such a simple process has its own characteristics.

What needs to be provided in order to boil eggs?

Chicken egg is a source of suitable substances and trace elements. But in order to get enough of each of these, the main thing is to apply fresh product. In the opposite case, it is allowed to be in an extremely sad, painful state. It is not difficult to make sure the eggs are fresh. It is enough to lower it into any container with water. A solid product, the expiration date of which has not expired, will either sink to the bottom, or will move in the water in a vertical direction.

What should be observed when boiling an egg?

To cook eggs positively, the following rules must be observed:

  • Do not lower the eggs just pulled out of the refrigerator into hot water, on the contrary, their shell will crack from a sharp temperature drop.
  • It is necessary to boil eggs according to any recipe in a small container, avoiding their contact with each other and adding water when it boils.
  • In the process of cooking, it is desirable to shy away from the use of a powerful flame, but add salt to the water.
  • Such measures will preserve the integrity and presentability appearance product.

    How long do eggs need to be boiled?

    Soft-boiled eggs are boiled each for 2-3 minutes, in a “pouch” - twice as long, hard-boiled - no more than 10 minutes. If the product is digested, then all its components will be unattractive. In particular, the protein will become approximately rubbery, and the yolk will be covered with a gray coating. Nutrition experts say it's especially great human body soft-boiled egg is digested. It is not for nothing that it is included in the diet of those who suffer from gastrointestinal diseases.

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    Helpful advice
    If you plan to cook salads or other cold dishes with eggs every day, cook a few pieces in advance. You will save energy and will not have to wait for freshly cooked eggs to cool down.
