
How to cook millet on water: traditions of Russian cuisine and healthy eating. How to cook millet on water: the main ways to cook millet porridge

I know many people who do not add millet porridge to their diet, but in vain ... Millet porridge has a very beneficial effect on the body, in its own way. useful properties it is second only to buckwheat. In this recipe, I will reveal a few secrets that will help you cook millet deliciously.

Ingredients for making millet porridge:

  • Millet 600 g
  • Water 1.8 l
  • Salt 0.5 tbsp.
  • Sugar 2 tbsp

Recipe for millet porridge:

1. Pour the millet into a 3 liter saucepan. We thoroughly wash the cereal, at least 5-6 times it is necessary to drain the water.

2. Pour the millet with boiling water, the water should completely cover the cereal, cover with a lid and set aside for 15-20 minutes. During this time, millet will release bitterness and steam, which will make it easier for us to process it. further preparation.

3. After 20 minutes, it is necessary to mix the millet well and carefully drain the water. Then we pour cold water, the amount is indicated in the recipe, and put on fire.

4. When the porridge boils, add salt and sugar, reduce the heat to a minimum. Cook the porridge for 30 minutes, not forgetting to stir it occasionally.

Despite the addition of sugar, the porridge will not be sweet, it will have spicy taste.

5. After 30 minutes, stir the porridge, cover with a lid, turn off the heat, let the millet rest for another 15 minutes. Our useful "Yummy" is ready. Drizzle with butter and serve.

Everyone knows that cereals are extremely beneficial not only for health, but also for beautiful figure. Rice, oatmeal, buckwheat, millet and pearl barley - the choice is quite large, and there are a lot of recipes for their preparation. Often the hostess is not, since she is not popular enough at the present time. However, if you are not indifferent to this product you should include it in your diet. cereals are useful and valuable, as they contain a lot of protein, which is much more than in barley, rice. Kasha boasts increased concentration folic acid, phosphorus, vitamin B. Chemical composition rich in bromine, sodium, magnesium and zinc, iodine, potassium. In addition to all this, millet porridge has an unsurpassed taste and aroma, so it is worth introducing it into the diet.

If you do not know how to cook crumbly millet porridge, you will need a good step by step recipe. From millet, you can cook not only a side dish for meat and fish products but also sweet milk porridge. Cooked dish is different delicate taste, excellent healing properties. That's why you need to know how to cook this dish. It is interesting that crumbly millet porridge in milk turns out to be much tastier than in water. Many children prefer to eat just this version of a similar dish.

It is important to note that crumbly millet porridge can quickly saturate the body and ensure its full functioning. Especially popular is the recipe for milk porridge with pumpkin, which is not only bright and tasty, but also extremely useful for healthy digestion. To be strong, strong, beautiful and healthy, you need to regularly eat millet porridge, especially for breakfast.

cook crumbly porridge very simple, just use some tricks and secrets. That is why it is important to provide not only an amazing taste, but also an attractive appearance. This explains the well-known proverb that appetite comes only with eating. This position is very relevant when it is necessary to feed a child, especially a picky one. If the porridge is bright, appetizing and fragrant, the baby will enjoy a portion of a healthy dish with great pleasure.

Cooking features

Knowing how to cook delicious porridge, you can easily enrich and diversify your own diet. In addition, make it healthier and more balanced. To prepare this dish, you will need a certain list of food products, the choice of which should be approached with all responsibility.



1. Having studied the recipe, prepare everything necessary ingredients. One glass of millet should be poured into a saucepan, you can cook porridge in it. Rinse the grits cold water to get rid of various debris and industrial dust. To make the porridge crumbly, and not slurry, rinse with boiling water, hot water, this will help get rid of all the fats present in the cereal. If you wash them, the grains will not stick together during cooking. Thanks to this manipulation, you will provide perfect taste and flavor of the food.

2. Then you need to boil two glasses of water and pour it into the prepared cereal. At this stage culinary process salt and sugar should be added to taste. Then you can send the saucepan to the stove, bring to a boil.

3. When the water begins to boil, cover the pan with a lid and cook the porridge over low heat. Do not interfere with the cooking process and stir with a spoon. The cooking time is about twenty minutes.

4. By the end of the cooking time, you will notice that corresponding holes will appear on the surface of the dish, steam will begin to escape through them. To check the readiness, just listen, if there is seething, turn off the fire early.

5. After that, you can add a tablespoon vegetable oil and leave for ten minutes. Loose, fragrant, healthy and tasty millet is ready. It can be submitted as self-dish, decorating with berries and fruits, or use instead of a side dish for meat, fish.

Video recipe

Millet, cooked according to all the rules, is chic breakfast, a nutritious lunch or a full dinner. If you learn how to cook this dish, you will ensure a healthy and balanced diet for your family.

  1. The first thing to remember is proper preparation cereals. It must be rinsed with cold water to get rid of debris and dust. After that, you can't do without boiling water, which will help dissolve the fat that promotes gluing during cooking.
  2. Follow the correct ratio of dry and liquid parts of the recipe. For one glass of millet groats, you need two glasses of water. Cook over medium heat without covering the pan with a lid.
  3. When the water boils, after ten minutes of cooking, add a little butter spread over the entire surface. This will help make it not only crumbly, but also fragrant, tasty and more satisfying. The total cooking time is half an hour.
  4. Ready porridge is covered with a lid, left for thirty minutes. This manipulation will help the grains swell, absorb all the remaining liquid.

Using a good step-by-step recipe and following the suggested recommendations, you can cook the perfect crumbly millet porridge.

3 best recipes

Millet porridge is not only tasty, but also very healthy. Who regularly consumes millet porridge knows no problems with overweight, heart problems, moreover good mood, plus great skin and gorgeous hair. And this is not the whole list of the benefits of millet porridge for our body, so you should not get carried away with fashionable overseas dishes, it is better to turn your attention to such a simple and healthy food, like porridge from millet groats. So, I’m telling you how to cook delicious millet porridge.


  • 1.5 cups millet
  • 3 glasses of water
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 40-50 gr. butter
  • First of all, we measure required amount millet. For a family of two or three people, one glass of millet is enough, for more people, or for millet lovers, we measure one and a half glasses.
  • As you know, millet is obtained from millet, and the store usually receives an already peeled product without scales. But in any case, it is advisable to sort out millet in order to remove unpeeled grains or pebbles that have accidentally fallen.
  • Pour boiling water over the sorted cereals. Do not be lazy, and do not just rinse the millet with water, but pour it with boiling water. In this case, millet porridge will turn out to be yellowish and without a specific aftertaste. Agree, it’s not difficult to heat a liter of boiling water, but the porridge will come out much tastier.
  • We stir the cereal with a spoon so that the dust is better removed from the millet, carefully drain the water.
  • We put the washed millet in a saucepan with a thick bottom, pour cold water. If there is, then we use purified or structured water. If not, plain drinking water will do.
  • We put the pan on the fire, do not forget to salt the porridge. I always put a teaspoon of salt, while the porridge turns out to be lightly salted. Add the amount of salt to your liking.
  • When the water in the pan boils, reduce the heat so that the millet porridge boils quietly. We cover the saucepan with a lid.
  • Cook millet porridge for 10 minutes. Usually by this time the millet is almost ready. We try. If the grains are still dense, then cook for an additional 2-3 minutes until tender.
  • Turn off the fire, put butter in millet porridge. How much oil exactly is entirely up to you. This is just the case when millet porridge cannot be spoiled with oil. If someone is on a diet, then nothing can be done, and the oil will have to be abandoned.
  • Gently mix the porridge - it is useful for the grain to "breathe the air", cover the pan with a lid and leave to stand for ten to fifteen minutes.
  • Slightly cooled millet porridge is laid out on plates, additionally put on small piece oils. That's all, as you can see, the recipe for millet porridge is extremely quick and simple.
  • Slightly cooled millet porridge is laid out on plates, additionally put a small piece of butter. That's all, as you can see, the recipe for millet porridge is extremely quick and simple. It is ideal to prepare a side dish for meat, but if you want to enjoy millet porridge for breakfast, then it is better to boil it in milk. In this case, look at the following recipe.
  • Millet porridge with milk

    To start the day cheerful, full of strength and energy, there is nothing better than freshly prepared millet porridge with milk. This is being prepared healthy dish very simple, but there is one little secret, or rather two. So, read on to find out what is the secret of delicious millet porridge with milk.


    • 1 glass of millet
    • 2 glasses of water
    • 2 glasses of milk
    • a pinch of salt
    • 2 tbsp Sahara
    • 40 gr. butter
    • raisins, berries (optional)

Pumpkin millet porridge

If speak about healthy nutrition, then first of all you should remember the recipe for millet porridge with pumpkin. The porridge turns out tender and fragrant, children and adults really like it, and small pieces of pumpkin are like pieces of the sun in every plate! You can cook such millet porridge in water or with the addition of milk.


  • 1 glass of millet
  • 500 gr. pumpkins
  • 2.5 cups of water
  • milk to taste
  • sugar to taste
  • a pinch of salt
  • 30-40 gr. butter
  • raisins, cinnamon (optional)
  1. So, first boil the chopped pumpkin in water, cook for 15 minutes.
  2. While the pumpkin is cooking, we also sort out the millet. It is better not just to wash the millet, but to pour it with boiling water, as described in the first recipe. We drain the water.
  3. We add well-washed millet to the floor of the finished pumpkin, cook the porridge under the lid for 15 minutes. Look further step by step

As an independent crop, millet does not grow. It is a secondary product after the purification of millet, which our distant ancestors ate with great eagerness, because they clearly understood the full value of this product.

Today, millet is one of the cheapest cereals, but this does not touch its merits.

Millet is another cereal that has not deservedly been ousted from the “bins” of modern housewives by other products. Perhaps due to the fact that it gives an annoying bitterness, it is very soft or, on the contrary, it becomes unpleasantly hard ...

But all this is just the consequences of improper handling of cereals. After all, if you know a good step-by-step recipe on how to properly cook millet porridge in milk, you can get an excellent dish.

Millet porridge is not inferior to others in terms of the huge content of trace elements and vitamins. In cereals, you can find vitamin B2, which promotes hair growth, nail strength and improves skin condition.

You can also note the presence of iron and calcium, which is responsible for the good condition of the skeletal system.

In addition, millet porridge is not an allergenic product, and therefore it can be safely included in the diet of people suffering from food allergies, with diseases gastrointestinal tract and also perfect for small children.

But for those who are overweight, only one minus can be found in this porridge - it is very high in calories. Therefore, you should not abuse it, but only occasionally pamper yourself with a variety of tastes, provided that you know how to cook millet porridge in milk.

Subtleties in cooking

In order for millet porridge for breakfast to energize, give strength, and most importantly give pleasure, it is necessary to observe a few general rules:

  • Millet should be washed “in seven waters”, and the penultimate one should be hot, and before cooking, the cereal should be poured over with boiling water, this will help get rid of the bitterness that is present in the grains. It is better to do this through a fine sieve, then the water will drain completely and not a single grain will be lost.
  • Proportions must be observed. Initially, a lot of water needs to be poured into the cereal, but after the cereal boils to half-cooked in a few minutes, this water will have to be drained. This is another way to eliminate bitterness from cereals.
  • Milk must be added hot so that the cereal, languishing in it, opens and becomes softer.
  • To appreciate all the advantages of millet, it should be prepared using different recipes, ingredients and preparation methods.

Millet should not be stored in the sun, otherwise it will lose all its taste qualities becoming sour. Before buying, be sure to check the allowable expiration date, expired cereals will definitely add additional bitterness to the grain.

One of the most common and most used is classic recipe making milk porridge. For this you need:

  • one glass of millet;
  • 30 gr. butter;
  • two glasses of milk;
  • two tablespoons of sugar;
  • two glasses of water;
  • a pinch of salt.

First you need to prepare the cereal. Rinse it in several waters until the liquid becomes clear. Then pour boiling water over the millet. After that fill it big amount water and put on fire, which, after boiling, reduce.

How long does it take to boil porridge in water? The answer is simple - until half cooked, it all depends on the intensity of the fire and the quality of the cereal.

After that, the liquid is drained, and the cereal is poured with hot milk, butter and sugar are added. Next, the porridge is cooked until full cooking, approximately 20 minutes.

The ideal option would be if then a container with ready-made porridge place in a preheated oven for a few minutes, so that it is completely steamed out, and the grain opens.

If you need to weld liquid porridge for a child, then you should choose cereals yellow color, and if the child wants crumbly millet, then it is more expedient to choose a grain of a dark shade and, of course, control the amount of water and milk.

Millet from a multicooker

Cooking in helps not only save cooking time, but also save the housewife from constant control so that the porridge does not burn. If you choose the most suitable recipe, then you can quickly, easily, and most importantly, deliciously cook not only millet, but also rice porridge. If you previously cooked only on the stove, then you can appreciate the process of cooking in a slow cooker.

Of the ingredients you need: one glass of cereal, twice as much water, butter about 30 grams, salt, sugar at your discretion.

Initially, the cereal must be sorted out and washed thoroughly. Place the prepared millet in a bowl, add water, add salt and sugar, close the lid. How much to cook millet porridge in a slow cooker?

It all depends on the model of equipment, but basically with the “Porridge” mode, it will take about 20 minutes. Having cooked the porridge, you should open the lid, mix everything thoroughly, you can add a little more oil, close it again and let it brew for a few more minutes.

with pumpkin

You can diversify the classic recipe with the help of pumpkin by adding it to porridge during cooking. Pumpkin goes well with millet, giving it a soft, sweet taste. This will require: half a kilo of pumpkin, one glass of cereal, three - water, 30-50 gr. butter and, of course, salt and sugar.

The pumpkin must be peeled and finely chopped, preferably in cubes. Heat the milk, add chopped pumpkin and salt with sugar to it. Boil. After that, pour the prepared millet into the pumpkin-milk mixture. Cook over low heat for half an hour. Then move the container with porridge into a preheated oven and simmer for another forty minutes.

This is how easy and simple it is to cook one of the most useful and delicious cereals - millet. And the presented video and photo will certainly help in this.

Millet porridge

How to cook millet porridge in water. Secrets and subtleties of cooking. All about benefits and harms. Cooking options for millet porridge various additives.

30 min

116 kcal

5/5 (1)

Porridge, as you know, is very useful for digestion and in general for our body. This is a great hearty breakfast, delicious and varied lunch. Today we will reveal the benefits and ease of making millet porridge.

Millet porridge on the water: the benefits and harms

Why is millet porridge useful if you cook it in water? Millet porridge is not as popular as, for example, buckwheat, but in vain, because it is a storehouse of useful trace elements.

Millet porridge contains the protein we need, iron, calcium, magnesium, B vitamins, amino acids. At the same time, porridge is very low-calorie and hypoallergenic, it is recommended to use it if you follow your figure or want to lose weight. After all, carbohydrates in porridge help remove toxins and toxins, and manganese improves overall metabolism.

Porridge is useful for athletes and those who regularly keep fit in the gym, as amino acids and vegetable fats help muscle cells to function properly, strengthen muscle structure.

There are almost no contraindications to the use of millet porridge. This is a very rare individual intolerance, and it is also not recommended to eat porridge for those who have low acidity and inflammation in the intestines. Undoubtedly, the benefits of eating millet porridge are much greater, which means you can safely add it to your healthy diet.

How to cook millet porridge: ingredients and proportions of cooking on water

Kitchen appliances: bowl, saucepan, beaker, spoon.

Required Ingredients

To properly cook cereals on water and at the same time get friable millet porridge, adhere to the proportions of the ratio of cereals and water 1: 2.

The secret of crumbly millet porridge is the addition of oil at the cooking stage. It will not allow the cereal to stick together, and the porridge will become much tastier.

Video cooking recipe

In this video you will see the recipe and step by step cooking delicious porridge from millet.

Millet porridge with potatoes

Economical and satisfying.

Servings: 3.
Cooking time: 40 min.
Kitchen appliances: a bowl, a heat-resistant pan for the oven, a measuring cup, a spoon, a grater.

Required Ingredients

  • Water - 2.5-3 cups.
  • Millet groats - 1 cup.
  • White onion - 1 pc.
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Potato - 1 pc.
  • Butter - 50 g.
  • Vegetable oil - 20 g.
  • Salt.

Cooking sequence

Serve like full meal or garnish.

Millet porridge with pumpkin and apples

Tasty and healthy.

Servings: 3.
Cooking time: 40 min.
Kitchen appliances: bowl, saucepan, measuring cup, spoon, grater.
