
How to cook wheat groats in water. Wheat porridge how to cook - delicious recipes for harmony

Each housewife tries to feed her household tasty and satisfying, therefore Special attention given to porridge. Eating such a dish for breakfast, you can get a boost of energy for the whole day. And at lunch or dinner, porridge will become a full-fledged side dish to meat and fish dishes. Today we will find out how to cook wheat porridge.

Cooking Tricks

Most often on our tables there is buckwheat, rice or oatmeal. Other representatives cereal crops we try to ignore, but in vain. No less tasty and satisfying is crumbly wheat porridge on the water.

Novice housewives think that porridge is the simplest dish that can be cooked in no time. But only experienced chefs know - even regular porridge can be spoiled with oil, which contradicts the well-known proverb.

First, let's find out some features of cooking wheat porridge. Consistency ready meal depends on the base and proportions of the liquid:

  • crumbly;
  • liquid;
  • viscous.

If you want to weld crumbly porridge, then it is better to take filtered water as a basis.

On a note! Friable will turn out stewed cereals. After cooking, the porridge is placed in the oven or wrapped in a warm cloth for steaming.

Viscous are porridges cooked on a milk basis. Milk can be diluted with filtered water. To cook liquid wheat porridge, you do not need to be a famous chef. Enough to add more water than prescribed by the recipe.

How and how much?

You already understood that wheat porridge is not so easy to cook. The proportions of water will help you achieve the desired consistency of the garnish. It is customary to take 1 part of cereal and 2 parts of filtered water. The same goes for dairy bases.

Here's another one pressing issue: Pour the cereal immediately with water or fill it up after bringing the liquid to a boil? There is no single answer to this question, it all depends on your preferences. You can immediately pour the cereal with filtered water and put it on the stove, or pour in the millet after boiling.

In any case, the cooking time is measured from the boiling point. After bringing the liquid to a boil, wheat groats to fully prepared cooks on average 15-20 minutes.

On a note! Experienced chefs it is advised to cook millet porridge in thick-walled dishes, preferably a cauldron. No less tasty is wheat porridge in a slow cooker on the water. Thanks to the kitchen unit, the porridge will not burn and it will turn out crumbly.

Wheat porridge as a breakfast dish can be supplemented with dried fruits, syrup, jam, condensed milk, nuts, pieces fresh berries or fruit. The unique, almost neutral taste of wheat porridge makes it an indispensable side dish for vegetable, fish and meat dishes.

Recipe pantry

Porridge is an inexhaustible source of carbohydrates that energize our body. If you eat a portion of wheat porridge for breakfast, you will be full of strength and cheerful all day. Let's take a look at a selection of the best simple recipes cooking porridge from millet.

Universal Recipe

Many housewives believe that a universal side dish for dishes made from meat or fish fillet, is wheat porridge on the water. Cooking it is quite simple, but do not forget about the established proportions. For 1 part of millet, we take 2 parts of filtered water.

On a note! After boiling water, foam appears on the surface. It must be removed with a slotted spoon. Together with the foam, particles of dust and dirt that were contained in grains of millet leave.


  • 0.3 kg of wheat groats;
  • 600 ml filtered water;
  • 150 g butter;
  • salt to taste.


Incredibly tasty and healthy!

Wheat porridge in milk is cooked in the same way as in filtered water. If you cook porridge exclusively on a milk basis, then it will turn out viscous. You can dilute milk in equal proportions water.

If you want to feed children healthy and tasty, add to milk wheat porridge pumpkin pulp. You haven't tried this yet!


  • 150 g of wheat groats;
  • taste butter and salt;
  • 0.3 kg pumpkin pulp;
  • 1 l cow's milk fat content of 2.5%.


Sharing secrets

IN Lately kitchen gadgets have greatly simplified the life of housewives in the culinary field. You can cook fragrant, crumbly and incredibly tasty wheat porridge in a slow cooker. Its recipe will be no different from cooking cereals on the stove, but with the exception of the following nuances:

  • the proportions of millet and liquid are determined by multi-glasses;
  • before cooking, grease the multicooker container with butter;
  • be sure to open the valve;
  • choose the appropriate mode in accordance with the model of the kitchen gadget;
  • for the preparation of wheat porridge, the options "Multi-cook", "Milk porridge", "Rice-groats" are suitable.

It cannot be said that wheat porridge in modern world is in good demand, but a couple of hundred years ago it could be found literally on every table. Then such porridge was cooked both on holidays and for every day, milk and butter were added or served with meat and poultry. Now wheat has dramatically lost its popularity, and undeservedly. This cheap and hearty porridge is useful source complex carbohydrates, it has a neutral taste, and therefore can be served with anything, and besides, it is quick and easy to cook. We will just talk about how to cook wheat porridge on water below.

How to cook crumbly wheat porridge in water?

Most often, porridge is cooked from finely ground wheat groats, which are distinguished by their flouriness. Without correct processing crumbly porridge will not come out of this cereal.

Rinsing is the main key to a crumbly wheat porridge. First, the cereal is washed warm water approximately room temperature, and when the flowing liquid begins to become transparent, you can begin to gradually reduce the temperature. The washed cereal is poured into a saucepan with a thick bottom and poured twice big amount water. Salt, put wheat groats on the fire and cover with a lid without a hole. To extra steam could still come out, put a kitchen towel folded into a tourniquet under the lid. Top the pan with a bowl of the appropriate diameter and leave everything for 15 minutes, setting a small fire. At the end of cooking, remove the dishes from the fire, but do not open the lid, let the porridge from wheat groats in the water infuse for a similar period of time. Only then add all the melted butter and mix.

How to cook wheat porridge on the water?

Even if you want to get viscous porridge at the exit, wheat groats will still need to be washed, so you get rid of possible litter and excessive stickiness. After rinsing the grits, pour it into a saucepan with a thick bottom to avoid burning. Bring water to a boil in advance, the amount of which should be twice the volume of the cereal. After re-boiling liquids, salt and mix the cereal.

How much to cook wheat porridge on water?

About 15-20 minutes, stirring occasionally. If you don't have time, then throw in ready garnish a piece of butter and try, but if there is time, then let the porridge brew in a barely heated oven for another half hour.

Cooking liquid wheat porridge on the water

Cooking secret liquid porridge obvious: you just need to add water to about half the norm and you will get perfect porridge for making casseroles and puddings, as well as for feeding young children. After washing the porridge, pour it into a thick-walled pan and fill it with water. Let everything simmer over low heat, stirring occasionally. After 15 minutes, the porridge can be removed from the heat, seasoned, topped with oil and covered. Another 10 minutes and it's time to take the sample.

It is convenient to cook porridge in modern devices, uniform heating and the thickness of the walls of the bowl which allow the cereal not to stick to the bottom.

After washing the cereal, pour it into a bowl and fill it with twice as much water. Oil, sweeteners, salt and other additives are added immediately. After, close the lid of the device and turn on the "Porridge" or "Milk porridge" mode. After half an hour, the cereal will be ready. Leave it to reach for another 10 minutes and take a sample.

The ideal company for such a side dish will be boiled meat, and. And to enhance the flavor, you can add laurel to the water in which the porridge is boiled.

Wheat porridge - general principles and cooking methods

Wheat porridge is a long-liver. As a staple food, it is mentioned in the Bible. And from the tables of our ancestors - the Slavs, this product has never disappeared. They ate it both on weekdays and on holidays, regaled dear guests and treated ordinary travelers. They cooked porridge in water or milk, added butter and all kinds of dressings, sauces, gravies for taste.

In our time, the popularity of cereals, including wheat, has fallen somewhat. Why not try to raise her rating. Cereals are inexpensive, so try making porridge at home. If you like it, then you will cook it regularly. This will diversify your menu for breakfast or dinner. In addition, wheat porridge quickly restores strength, it is simply necessary for people engaged in hard physical labor. It is eaten with milk, cream, fruits. Unsweetened porridge is served with cracklings, meat, fish, mushrooms, vegetables, etc. After turning off the burner, leave the porridge on the stove for 15 minutes so that it reaches - it becomes softer and more tender.

Wheat porridge - food preparation

Two types of wheat groats are produced from wheat - Poltava and Artek. The first is whole, refined grains or grains of coarse crushing (grains are large enough). Artek - this type includes finely crushed cereals. For meatballs, casseroles, milk viscous and liquid cereals, Artek is used. Kashi is also cooked from Poltava coarsely crushed cereals. A whole grains used for seasoning soups.

Before cooking, only Poltava groats are usually washed with water. Finely crushed can not be washed, although some housewives wash both. It is believed that this improves the quality of porridge. Usually, when water with cereals boils, foam with debris forms on the surface, so it must be removed. Before you put the cereal in the water, it must be inspected for the presence of litter in order to remove pebbles or other small objects.

Wheat porridge - the best recipes

Recipe 1: Wheat porridge on the water

This porridge can be used as independent dish or use as a garnish. For example, serve with meat, fried mushrooms or a cookie. Rinse the grits well under slightly warm water so that the flour is washed off and the porridge does not look like a paste. If you like sticky, viscous cereals, then you can not rinse.

Ingredients: wheat groats - 1 cup, 2 cups of water, butter and salt to taste.

Cooking method

Pour grits cold water. Once it boils, reduce heat and simmer for 15-20 minutes, stirring occasionally. Fill the porridge with oil. If suddenly the water has boiled away, and the cereal has not yet boiled to softness, you should add a little boiling water and cook further.

From yesterday's porridge you can make cutlets. Add an egg, a little semolina, mix everything. Blind small cutlets and fry them in butter. Serve hot. Children will also enjoy eating them.

Recipe 2: Sweet wheat porridge with milk

A lot of people will like this porridge. Simple, but how delicious! For breakfast, that's it. All the joys at once - and positive emotions from food and a boost of energy for the whole day. Moreover, the porridge is not cloying, but just right. If, nevertheless, the sweetness does not seem enough, you can add sugar or honey individually to the plate. If the porridge seems watery to you, next time put a little more cereal, for example 2/3 cup.

Ingredients: cereal - half a glass (ordinary faceted), milk - 1 liter, half a teaspoon of salt and a tablespoon of sugar, butter.

Cooking method

Pour wheat, salt and sugar into boiled milk. When it boils again, reduce the heat to the very minimum and leave to languish for 40 minutes, covered with a lid. Do not stir the porridge, do not remove the lid. After the specified time, turn off the heat, add the oil and mix. Close the lid and let it brew for another 10 minutes. For cooking, take only thick-walled dishes so that the porridge does not burn.

Recipe 3: Wheat porridge with mushrooms

You can, of course, just boil wheat porridge in water and serve it with fried mushrooms. But it will be too easy and not so interesting. This recipe is completely different, as is the taste. From which porridge only benefits, because it is cooked on a mushroom broth. It is better to take white mushrooms, the broth from them is more fragrant. What if there are no whites? Take any fresh mushrooms, but then for more flavor, you can add to the broth mushroom broth ny cube.

Ingredients: cereals - 2 cups, mushroom broth - 6 cups (1.25 l), 400 g mushrooms, 80 g butter, 4 onions, herbs, vegetable oil for frying, salt.

Cooking method:

Boil the mushrooms, put in a colander. Pour the broth into another bowl, cool the mushrooms and cut arbitrarily.

Melt the butter, pour in a little vegetable oil and fry finely chopped onion, at the end add a glass (250 ml) of mushroom broth, boil.

Pour the washed wheat groats, melted butter, salt into the boiled mushroom broth (1 l). When the porridge starts to thicken, add the mushrooms, onion sauce (fried onion with broth), knead and place in the oven for 40 minutes (200 C). Sprinkle the finished porridge with herbs, season with melted butter.

Recipe 4: Wheat porridge with meat

You will want to treat yourself to such porridge for dinner. The aroma of garlic pleasantly tickles the nostrils, uplifting, soft juicy meat pleases the stomach, satisfying hunger, and tender porridge recuperates after labor day. A complete idyll - both pleasant, and healthy, and tasty!

Ingredients: wheat groats - 1 cup, meat pulp (pork, chicken fillet), 2 cloves of garlic, 1 carrot, 2 onions, water - 3 cups, to taste allspice and black pepper, salt and Bay leaf, vegetable oil.

Cooking method

Grate the carrots, chop the onion and meat into small cubes. Crush the garlic so that it is flattened, but keeps its shape, for example, press it against the table with the blunt side of the knife (so that it is convenient to catch it later).

Fry in a cauldron, laying in turn, onions, carrots until golden brown. Add meat and garlic, fry until meat juice evaporates. Pour in all the water, adding bay leaf, spices and simmer for 25 minutes. Garlic and bay leaf are no longer needed. They must be taken out of the cauldron and thrown away. Add the washed wheat groats to the meat. As the liquid boils, reduce the heat and, stirring, cook until the cereal is soft. Turn off the fire, let the porridge brew in a cauldron for 15 minutes and can be laid out on plates.

Wheat porridge - helpful tips experienced chefs

To make wheat porridge tastier, it is best to cook it in a cast-iron cauldron. Then it will not burn, besides, the cauldron holds heat well.

Step-by-step recipes for crumbly wheat porridge on water with meat, mushrooms, vegetables, honey and nuts on the stove, in the oven and in the slow cooker

2018-04-04 Julia Kosich





In 100 grams of the finished dish

9 gr.

12 gr.


51 gr.

385 kcal.

Option 1: Classic Crumbly Wheat Porridge Recipe

Wheat groats, unfortunately, are rarely used for daily diet. What is wrong! After all, it is really useful. And yet, it takes quite a bit to feed the whole family. If you are afraid that you will not be able to do it correctly, read today's selection, which is devoted to recipes for crumbly wheat porridge on the water.


  • a glass of large wheat groats;
  • two glasses of filtered water;
  • salt in porridge;
  • butter (40-45 g).

A step-by-step recipe for crumbly wheat porridge

Pour a glass of large cereals into a sieve or a rare colander. Put under running water. Wash.

Leave the grains to dry.

After a quarter of an hour, heat the pan over high heat (without oil!). Then lower the temperature to a minimum.

Pour wheat groats on a dry hot bottom. Distribute evenly. Fry for a couple of minutes.

In parallel, put the saucepan next to the switched on burner. Pour in a couple glasses of water. Salt and bring to a boil.

Pour the cereal inside. Mix right there.

Cover the pot with a lid. Cook crumbly wheat porridge for about 20-25 minutes. The temperature of the plate is low.

After a third of an hour, check if there is enough liquid. IN ready porridge throw fragrant oil(creamy).

As soon as it melts, mix with a few movements with a spatula. Serve immediately with meat sandwich or slices of cheese.

As in cooking any other porridge, it is incredibly important not to overfill the water. Otherwise, the side dish will come out viscous and tasteless. Therefore, do not pour more than two glasses. It is better to add liquid already in the process. As for butter, it is not necessary to use only butter. It is quite acceptable to replace it with a refined one.

Option 2: A quick recipe for crumbly wheat porridge

To speed up culinary process for cooking porridge, we recommend getting a special pan with a thick (double) bottom. By the way, later in this dish you can cook all the cereals much faster.


  • a full glass of cereals (wheat);
  • one and a half cups of boiling water;
  • salt (to taste);
  • a piece of butter.

How to quickly cook crumbly wheat porridge

Take a saucepan with a thick (double) bottom. Pour in one and a half glasses of water. Turn on the big fire.

While the contents of the pot are boiling, wash the wheat groats in three or four waters.

At the next stage, pour the grains into the bubbling water. Lower the fire immediately.

Cover the pan with a thin towel and top with a lid. Simmer at medium temperature for 15 minutes.

Then turn off the fire. Leave, without touching, for partial cooling and complete absorption of the remaining liquid.

At the end, season the crumbly wheat porridge on the water with butter. Serve warm with bread or unleavened biscuits.

Thanks to the use of a towel, we will be able to quickly make exclusively delicious porridge. If it seems to you that it is damp, add a little water and continue the languishing process a little more.

Option 3: Crumbly wheat porridge with meat

By adding fresh meat and onions to crumbly wheat porridge (both ingredients, of course, must be fried in advance), you can get an exceptionally satisfying and tasty dish.


  • 350 grams of lean pork or beef;
  • salt in porridge;
  • medium bulb;
  • refined oil;
  • a small fresh carrot;
  • half a liter of water;
  • a spoonful of spices "For meat".

How to cook

Pour the wheat grains (washed) into a bowl. Immediately pour pre-boiled water. Leave to swell.

At this time, heat enough oil in a wide and deep frying pan.

When this happens, add chopped onion (no peel) and grated fresh carrots. After a few moments, add lean pieces of beef or pork of your choice.

Fry on medium heat for 12-13 minutes.

After the time has elapsed, pour all the liquid from the bowl with cereal into the sink. Throw the grains themselves into the pan with the meat. Sprinkle with the spices indicated in the list.

Immediately introduce clean cool water. Mix with a spatula. Cover with a lid.

Stew crumbly wheat porridge for about 20-22 minutes. And it is important to mix everything three or four times.

After turning off the heat, add butter to taste. It will quickly thaw, after which it is necessary to evenly stir it among the cereals and meat.

If it seems to you that the porridge is already oily, do not add butter at the end. As for spices, in addition to ready-made purchased ones, it is quite acceptable to take fresh herbs for porridge, especially if you cook it in the summer.

Option 4: Crumbly Wheat Porridge with Honey and Nuts

As a rule, porridges with salt are prepared on the water. At the same time, housewives like to add meat, mushrooms or vegetables. But in this recipe, we will include light honey and a glass of tart walnuts.


  • a glass (full) of shelled nuts;
  • two tablespoons of liquid light honey;
  • a glass (full) of cereals;
  • spoon (dessert) butter;
  • 495 grams of water.

Step by step recipe

Wash wheat groats. Transfer to saucepan. Enter all the water planned in the "Ingredients".

While the grains are swelling, look through the shelled nuts (walnuts) and remove the hard partitions. If, of course, they are there.

Then grind them with your fingers or cut with a knife. It is not necessary to make a crumb, since the nuts should be visible among the cereals.

Add boiling water to the saucepan. Immediately fall asleep standing cereals. Pour in a spoonful of oil. Mix with a long spatula.

Tightly cover the crumbly wheat porridge on the water with a lid.

Boil the grains for about a third of an hour. Immediately after turning off the stove, add honey and walnuts.

If you don't find honey enough for sweetness, add sugar to taste. Or use steamed raisins. In addition, it is permissible to take two or three types of nuts. In any case, the more such ingredients will be in the composition, the tastier the porridge will turn out.

Option 5: Loose wheat porridge with wild mushrooms in a slow cooker

Decided to treat yourself to porridge with forest mushrooms? Then make a dish in a slow cooker. It is this machine that will provide softness and tenderness to both the groats and chanterelles. And we are going to use them.


  • 355 grams of chanterelles (fresh);
  • large onion;
  • two and a half glasses of water;
  • salt/seasonings "For mushrooms";
  • vegetable oil (for frying);
  • a glass of wheat groats.

How to cook

Wash fresh chanterelles in the most careful way. Cut off the bottom of the legs and damaged areas.

Throw in a bowl of water. Rinse well to remove fine debris and dust.

In one layer, place the chanterelles on paper towels. While the mushrooms are drying, wash the wheat groats.

Heat the oil in the bottom of the bowl. Mode - "Roasting". Throw in the chopped onion. Add chanterelles.

Fry the ingredients without changing the mode for 5-6 minutes. Then pour the standing cereals inside for frying.

In addition, add seasonings "For mushrooms" and salt as desired. At the last stage, pour water into the bowl.

Close the multicooker lid. Reinstall the program on "Porridge" or "Extinguishing".

Simmer friable wheat porridge for 40 minutes. Serve hot or warm with bread.

It is not necessary to make porridge exclusively with chanterelles. In addition to these forest mushrooms you can take mushrooms, boletus, white or Polish for the recipe. The main thing is to be sure of their safety. By the way, do not trust "grandmother's" advice. It is better to buy them in trusted stores.

Option 6: Friable wheat porridge with vegetables in the oven

For last version we left the vegetables. Moreover, we have indicated only an approximate composition. Which of them to use, remove or add - it's up to you. We will talk about the very technology of cooking porridge with vegetables in the oven.


  • two full glasses of water;
  • medium zucchini (150 g);
  • medium bulb;
  • a full glass of wheat groats;
  • fresh carrot;
  • medium red pepper (150);
  • oil/seasonings "For vegetables"/salt;
  • 95 grams of pumpkin.

Step by step recipe

WITH pumpkin slice and peel the zucchini. Also cut off the part with the stalk from the red pepper. Peel onions and carrots from the top cover.

Chop all vegetables into small cubes. Moreover, it is recommended to grate the carrots.

Pour the oil into a suitably sized cauldron. Warm up on the stove. Throw in absolutely all the vegetables.

Mix and fry for about a quarter of an hour. Turn off the fire.

Wash wheat grains in cool water. Having received clear water, throw in a cauldron with vegetables.

Add seasonings. Salt. Add the entire planned volume of clean water.

Turn on the oven and place a rack inside. The temperature is 190 degrees. Send future friable wheat porridge on the water.

Simmer the dish for an hour. At the same time, after half an hour, be sure to see if there is enough liquid in the cauldron.

It cannot be said that wheat porridge is in good demand in the modern world, but a couple of hundred years ago it could be found literally on every table. Then such porridge was cooked both on holidays and for every day, milk and butter were added or served with meat and poultry. Now wheat has dramatically lost its popularity, and undeservedly. This cheap and satisfying porridge is a healthy source of complex carbohydrates, it has a neutral taste, and therefore can be served with anything, and besides, it is quick and easy to cook. We will just talk about how to cook wheat porridge on water below.

How to cook crumbly wheat porridge in water?

Most often, porridge is cooked from finely ground wheat groats, which are distinguished by their flouriness. Without proper processing, crumbly porridge will not come out of this cereal.

Rinsing is the main key to a crumbly wheat porridge. First, the cereal is washed with warm water at about room temperature, and when the flowing liquid begins to become transparent, you can begin to gradually reduce the temperature. The washed cereal is poured into a saucepan with a thick bottom and poured twice as much water. After salting, put the wheat groats on the fire and cover with a lid without a hole. Place a rolled kitchen towel under the lid to allow excess steam to escape. Top the pan with a bowl of the appropriate diameter and leave everything for 15 minutes, setting a small fire. At the end of cooking, remove the dishes from the fire, but do not open the lid, let the porridge from wheat groats in the water infuse for a similar period of time. Only then add all the melted butter and mix.

How to cook wheat porridge on the water?

Even if you want to get a viscous porridge at the exit, wheat groats will still need to be washed, so you will get rid of possible litter and excessive stickiness. After rinsing the grits, pour it into a saucepan with a thick bottom to avoid burning. Bring water to a boil in advance, the amount of which should be twice the volume of the cereal. After the liquid boils again, salt and mix the cereal.

How much to cook wheat porridge on water?

About 15-20 minutes, stirring occasionally. If you don’t have time, then throw a piece of butter into the finished side dish and try it, but if you have time, then let the porridge brew in a barely heated oven for another half hour.

Cooking liquid wheat porridge on the water

The secret to making thin porridge is obvious: just add about half the amount of water and you get the perfect porridge for making casseroles and puddings, as well as for feeding young children. After washing the porridge, pour it into a thick-walled pan and fill it with water. Let everything simmer over low heat, stirring occasionally. After 15 minutes, the porridge can be removed from the heat, seasoned, topped with oil and covered. Another 10 minutes and it's time to take the sample.

It is convenient to cook porridge in modern devices, uniform heating and the thickness of the walls of the bowl which allow the cereal not to stick to the bottom.

After washing the cereal, pour it into a bowl and fill it with twice as much water. Oil, sweeteners, salt and other additives are added immediately. After, close the lid of the device and turn on the "Porridge" or "Milk porridge" mode. After half an hour, the cereal will be ready. Leave it to reach for another 10 minutes and take a sample.

An ideal company for such a side dish would be boiled meat, meat sauce and pickled vegetables. And to enhance the flavor, you can add laurel to the water in which the porridge is boiled.
