
Enzymes for mash instructions for use. Wheat moonshine, cold fermented mash

Dry enzymes are used to obtain wort from flour and cereals of various cereals, as well as from potatoes and other raw materials rich in starch. Dry enzymes have the same effect as natural malt, but are much more convenient to use. Amylosubtilin mainly contributes to the dilution of the wort, and Glukavamorin - to saccharification.

Packing “A” -100 g, “G” -100 g.

Recommended temperature - 65-68 C
Processing time - 0.5-1 hour
Dose - 1-2 g of Amylosubtilin and 0.5-1 g of Glukavamorin per 1 kg of starch
Shelf life - 1 year at a temperature of 0-25 C
Activity: “A” -1500 units, “G” -3000 units.

Example: per 1 kg wheat flour(75 wt% starch) you need to put 1-2 g of enzyme "A" and 0.5-1 g of enzyme "G"

Instructions for use:

Instructions for the use of enzyme preparations for the production of alcohol at home.
Enzyme preparations: Amylosubtilin, Glukavamorin.
They are used for saccharification of any starch or starch-containing raw materials (grain, malt, flour, vegetables, fruits, etc.).

Mode of application:
Stage 1 (liquefaction).
– Before use, the raw materials must be finely ground in any way (grind, crushed), passed through a meat grinder after several hours of soaking). The raw materials should resemble flour, so it will be easier to use.
- Pour the crushed raw materials warm water: for one part of the raw material 4 parts of water, in which the Amylosubtilin enzyme is pre-dissolved.
- Brew the resulting mixture with constant stirring at a temperature of 70-80 degrees Celsius, hold for 30-60 minutes until liquefied. It is advisable to strictly adhere to the range of 70-80, because. at temperatures below 70, enzymes can work worse, and if it is above 80, they can simply “cook”.
– Consumption rate of enzymes at stage 1:
Amylosubtilin 1500 units / g - 5-7 g per 10 kg of raw materials.

Stage 2 (saccharification).
- Dilute the boiled and liquefied mixture 2 times with water and cool to 58-59 degrees Celsius. The temperature, as in the case of the previous stage, must be maintained accurately.
– Consumption rate of enzymes at stage 2:

Glucavamorin: (3000 units / g) 12 - 20 g per 10 kg of raw materials.
: Consumption - 10 g per 10 kg of raw materials used (3-4g per 1 kg of starch).

Enzymes are pre-diluted in a small amount warm (up to 60 ° C) water, mix thoroughly and add to the mixture boiled and cooled to 60 ° C. Mix periodically for 20-30 minutes for maximum saccharification of raw starch.

Stage 3 (fermentation)
– Cool the mixture to room temperature, add yeast for grain mash, mix and put in a warm place for fermentation

1. What enzymes are used and why?

Enzymes came to home distilling from industry. Their use in industry is due to a decrease in complexity, an increase in stability technological processes, speeding up the production process and increasing the yield of alcohol compared to using traditional methods. The use of the full complex of enzyme preparations makes it possible to obtain maximum amount alcohol from raw materials, as well as reduce the content of foreign components in the wort, which positively affects the organoleptic distillation product.

Modern industry uses enzyme preparations for liquefaction and saccharification of raw materials:

  • Amylosubtilin GZx (AmiloLux, "A") - to liquefy raw materials and prepare them for the action of other enzymes
  • Glukavamorin GZh (GlukaLyuks-A, "G") - for starch saccharification
  • CelloLux-A ("C") - for saccharification of non-starchy polysaccharides (xylans, β-glucan, cellulose, pectins) or preparing them for the action of the above enzymes.
  • Protosubtilin ("P") - for the breakdown of plant proteins, which leads to more active yeast

Thus, the minimum necessary enzymes for saccharification are Amylosubtilin and Glukavamorin. CelloLux-A and Protosubtilin perform additional saccharification and preparation for fermentation.

2. Dosage of various enzymes

Many questions are raised by the calculation of the dosage of enzyme preparations. Typically, the manufacturer or retailer lists the activity of dry enzymes in active units per gram of enzyme. There are also recommendations from the manufacturer on the dosage of enzyme active units per gram of the substance being processed. And depending on those. process, the number of enzymes can vary from minimum to maximum. Using this number, as well as using tables for starch, protein and NPS (non-starchy polysaccharides), you can calculate the reference dose of each enzyme per kilogram of raw materials.

The formula for calculating the amount of enzymes per kilogram of raw materials is as follows:

Dose of Enzyme (grams) = (P*R*10)/A

  • P is the percentage of the substance being processed (for example, starch)
  • R - recommended dosage of active units
  • A is the activity of the drug in units per gram

It should be added that for some types of raw materials (rye) and enzymes with an expired or approaching expiration date, an increase in the dose of enzymes by 15-25% is required. Since there is practically no point in calculating the exact dosage of drugs at home, some simplifications in the calculation method can be made by taking the maximum recommended values.

The table shows the calculation of the dosage of enzymes per 1 kg of raw materials:

Enzyme consumption in grams per 1 kg of raw materials

Raw materialStarchProteinCelluloseA-1500 units/gG-3000 units/gC-2000 units/gP-120 units/g
Wheat56 16 6 0,75 1,16 0,90 4,38
Barley (husked)49 13 7 0,65 1,01 1,05 3,79
Corn68 7 3 0,91 1,41 0,45 2,04
Rye50 15 2 0,67 1,03 0,30 4,38
Triticale53 13 2 0,71 1,10 0,30 3,79
Millet51 13 8 0,68 1,05 1,20 3,79
Oats (husked)37 13 10 0,49 0,76 1,50 3,79
Potato18 2 2 0,24 0,37 0,30 0,58
Rice73 8 n/a0,97 1,51 2,33
Buckwheat64 12 n/a0,85 1,32 3,50
Peas59 29 n/a0,79 1,22 8,46


1500 3000 3000 120

Consumption rate units:

2 6,2 30 3,5

Violations in the dosage of drugs in the lower direction can affect the timing of the enzymes and the completeness of the processing of raw materials. At the same time, from a slight excess of dosage negative consequences not noticed (except for overspending).

Thus, universal recipe will use for 1 kg of raw materials:

  • 1 gram - Amilosubtilin GZx 1500
  • 1.5-2 grams - Glukavamorin GZx 3000
  • 1 gram - CelloLux-A 2000
  • 4-5 grams - Protosubtilin 120

3. Types of saccharification, their advantages and disadvantages

Now two are popular in home distilling various technologies saccharification - hot and cold, so named because of the different temperatures at which starch hydrolysis occurs. During hot saccharification, the raw material is heated to temperatures of 50-70°C and in this state is exposed to enzymes for 10-20 hours. At the same time, the risk of contamination of the wort is minimal, enzymes are most effective, but this method requires a lot of effort.
With cold saccharification using enzymes, the process proceeds at temperatures close to 30°C and with simultaneous fermentation. This method is less labor-intensive, but longer, and has a greater risk of souring the mash. The graphs show the dependence of enzyme activity on temperature over time:

Hydrolysis curves of grain mixtures with Amylosubtilin at different temperatures (1 unit/g of starch) Curves of hydrolysis of grain mixes by Glucavamorin at different temperatures (5 units/g of starch)

The range of effective action of the Amylosubtilin enzyme corresponds to the pH range of 5.0-8.0 and the temperature of 50-75°C. For the enzyme Glukavamorin effective action lies within the following limits: pH 3.0-6.5 and temperature 30-60°C.

It is worth adding that there are many intermediate methods between hot and cold saccharification, the use of which in many cases can be justified by specific conditions, the availability of components, the time spent, and other factors.

3.1 Hot saccharification (HSS)

The recipe for home brew using starch-containing raw materials and enzymes A and G:

  • Prepare hot (boiling) water at the rate of ~ 6.5 liters of water per 1 kg of starch in raw materials (for cereals or crushed grains).
  • IN hot water raw materials are added with constant stirring. For mixing, it is convenient to use a screwdriver or a low-speed drill with a nozzle for mixing building mixtures - a “mixer”. At the same time, in order to avoid lumps, it is best to pour directly onto the nozzle rotating in the water.
  • When the mixture cools down to 75°C, half the dose of Amylosubtilin enzyme is added. It can be dissolved with warm water before application. drinking water in relation to 1/10.
  • Next, the wort is mixed from mushy to liquid state or within about 30 minutes.
  • The wort is allowed to cool to 56-58°C and the rest of the Amylosubtilin enzyme and the Glukavamorin enzyme are added, then thoroughly mixed with a “mixer”. The enzymes work time at this stage will be about 1.5-2 hours.
  • After the end of the saccharification process, the wort must be allowed to cool to a temperature of about 30 ° C. In order to prevent the wort from “infecting” during cooling, it is advisable to hermetically close the container with it.
  • The wort is poured into a fermentation tank (previously disinfected), and yeast is added to it at a dosage of 2-3 grams of dry or 10-15 grams of pressed per kilogram of raw materials. Fermentation takes place under a water seal.

The active phase of fermentation will last about 3-4 days, then the mash must be periodically shaken without opening the fermentation tank.

3.2 Cold saccharification (COS)

The recipe for home brew using starch-containing raw materials and enzymes A and G without brewing:

  • It is desirable to crush the raw materials and be sure to clear the chaff, if any.
  • Prepare water at a temperature of about 35 ° C at the rate of ~ 6.5 liters of water per 1 kilogram of starch in the raw material (for cereals or crushed grains). It is worth considering that it is undesirable to fill the fermentation tank with mash more than 7/10 of the volume.
  • Half of the prepared water is poured into the fermentation tank.
  • To reduce the likelihood of contamination of the wort, it is definitely recommended to add an antibiotic - doxycycline (1 capsule per 20 liters of mash) to the water.
  • Acidity is regulated within 5-5.5 pH by orthophosphoric, sulfuric or citric acids.
  • Next, the enzymes Amylosubtilin and Glukavamorin are introduced into the container, according to the dosage per kilogram of starch in the raw material.
  • If there is, then you can add the antifoam sofaxil - 1 ml per 20 liters of mash
  • Raw materials are brought in, then everything is mixed
  • Yeast is added in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations (10 grams of dry yeast per 4-5 liters of mash).
  • The rest of the water is added.

Fermentation takes place under a water seal with periodic stirring - shake (without breaking the tightness). The fermentation process takes from one and a half to three weeks. Readiness for distillation is controlled by the appearance of a film on the surface of the mash. The appearance of a film is a sign that the mash is starting to turn sour and must be distilled immediately. Ideally, the mash should be distilled shortly before the appearance of the film.

If you decide to cook grain moonshine, you need to choose the method of preparing the mash.

There are many recipes for wheat mash, but only 3 technologies for saccharification of starch-containing raw materials are the basis.

  • Hot saccharification with enzymes or GOS
  • Cold saccharification with enzymes or HOS
  • Saccharification with malt

The purpose of using enzymes is to prepare raw materials for yeast fermentation. Starch in pure form yeast cannot be processed.

For its splitting, the bacterial enzyme preparation Glukavamorin (Glucoamylase) is used. It works in tandem with Amylosubtilin (alpha-amylase), which ensures the preparation of raw materials for the action of glucoamylase.

This is the main group of enzymes without which yeast will not consume starch. In addition to them, there are auxiliary enzymes, such as Protosubtilin and Cellolux. They partially break down proteins and cellulose, increasing the yield of alcohol.

In malt, enzymes are produced during the germination of grain. To do this, the grain is germinated until a sprout of 5-6 mm is formed. Then they are dried and the sprouted sprouts and roots are removed.

Dosage of various enzymes

There are enough enzymes in the malt to sugar itself and another 4-5 kg. unmalted grain. Thus, for saccharification 1 kg. any grain will require 200-250g. Malt.

The proportions of artificial enzymes depend on the shelf life and their activity, which is measured in units per gram.

You should be aware that enzymes are a catalyst for the process, and not a consumable unit. If you add less enzymes than required, the saccharification process will be delayed, but it will still happen.

For a specific calculation of the dosage of enzymes, you can use this calculator:

Types of saccharification, their advantages and disadvantages

In home brewing, each type of saccharification has its own advantages and disadvantages. So, hot saccharification is a rather laborious process that requires compliance with temperature conditions, mash on enzymes with GOS ferments in less than a week. In turn, HOS mash is much easier to cook, but it will ferment for more than one week, and there is a risk of sourness.

The leader in taste and aroma of moonshine from starch-containing raw materials is malt. If the choice is between enzymes and malt, the answer is unambiguous - malt. Natural enzymes produce best result however it is more expensive.

Hot saccharification (HSS)

The working temperature of different enzymes is different. Amylosubtilin works at 50°-65°, and Glukavamorin at 55°-60°. For Cellolux, the optimum temperature is 50 °, for Protosubtilin - 45 ° - 55 °.

Recipe for wheat moonshine on enzymes. To prepare 20 liters of home brew using enzymes, we need:

  • Wheat groats - 5 kg.
  • Water - 14l.
  • Glukavamorin 3000 units / g - 6g.
  • Dry yeast - 20g.

Bring the water to a boil. Add wheat with constant stirring. Preliminary 2gr. Amylosubtilin is diluted with warm water. Let the water with cereals cool down to 75 ° C and add amylosubtilin with stirring.

Continue stirring for another half hour. The wort from the mushy state should become liquid.

As soon as the wort cools down to 58-60 ° C, we add the remaining 2 gr. Amylosubtilin and 6 gr. Glucavamorin and mix thoroughly.

We cover the wort to reduce heat loss. After 2 hours, we cool the wort with a chiller to 30 ° C, pour it into a disinfected fermenter and add yeast.

Close the fermenter with a lid and install a water seal. The temperature of the mash is maintained at 26-30°C. For better fermentation fermentation tank shake daily by rolling the container without removing the water seal.

If the mash begins to lighten and carbon dioxide stops escaping through the water seal, the mash is ready for distillation.

If the distillation is planned for PVC or using a steam generator, pour all the mash into a cube. If a different method of heating is expected, remove the mash from the sediment and squeeze the wheat. We wash the cereal hot water and press again. Braga and wash water pour into a cube.

We distill the mash at moonshine still without strengthening up to 99 ° C in a cube, while we select 200 ml. heads. You should get about 5.4 liters of raw alcohol with a strength of 33%.

Fractional distillation is carried out on a strengthening column with a selection of 100 ml. head to 94-95°C cubed. If further exposure to oak barrel, we reduce the nozzle in the column to 2-3 rolls of on-load tap-changers or we increase the speed of selection of the body.

Cold saccharification (COS)

Enzymes require an elevated temperature for optimal and rapid work, but this does not mean that when room temperature enzymes will not work at all. Grain mash on enzymes during cold saccharification, it also ferments, only much more slowly. And since the yeast is introduced simultaneously with the enzymes, the released sugar is immediately absorbed by the yeast.

Recipe for mash from flour and enzymes in a cold way. To prepare 10 liters flour mash we will need:

  • Water - 8.5 liters.
  • Flour - 2 kg.
  • Amylosubtilin 1500 units / g - 4 gr.
  • Glukavamorin 3000 units / g - 6g.
  • Pressed yeast - 50g.

Wash all equipment with a sponge detergent. Then we disinfect with a solution of chlorine or hydrogen peroxide.

Pour water at a temperature of 30 ° C into a fermentation container, dissolve enzymes A and G in it. While stirring the water with a stirrer, pour out all the flour.

We immediately add the yeast, close the lid and install a water seal. For rye flour do not fill the container more than half, it may run away. As a defoamer, you can use the children's drug Bobotic.

Fermentation lasts about 2 weeks. Signs of the readiness of the mash: the water seal stopped gurgling, the flour settled to the bottom in a dense layer, the mash became lighter.

Decant (remove from the sediment) the mash and pour into alembic. The distillation process is exactly the same as in hot saccharification.

Warm start

There is also an intermediate option between GOS and HOS using enzymes. It consists in the fact that the raw materials are treated with boiling water, but in the future the process is similar to cold saccharification.

barley mash recipe

To prepare HOS mash with a hot start, it is necessary to pour crushed barley with boiling water. The water should cover the cereal completely. We prepare the equipment in the same way as with cold saccharification at home.

As soon as the temperature drops to 60 ° C, we introduce enzymes A and G. Unlike GOS, a chiller is not needed for cooling. Adding cold water in the jam to the desired volume.

As a result of dilution, the temperature of the wort should not exceed 35°C. We add yeast, close the fermenter, put a water seal.

In the interval between pouring barley before introducing yeast, mash is especially susceptible to infection by pathogenic organisms. Therefore, one of the disadvantages of a hot start is an increased risk of souring the mash.

To prevent souring, it is practiced to add doxycilin, amoxiclav, or a similar antibiotic along with yeast. The ingredients of the antibiotic cannot get into the final product, as it decomposes when elevated temperature for insoluble compounds.

If antibiotic use is unacceptable to you, you can reduce the risk of infection by lowering the pH. For this, citric or phosphoric acid is suitable.

The further process of preparing grain moonshine is similar to the method described in the GOS section.
If you have any questions about the saccharification of starch-containing raw materials with enzymes, ask them in the comments to the article.

Enzymes for moonshine appeared initially in the industry. But gradually the substances gained popularity and became available in home production. In general, the popularity was due to the ease of use, the cooking processes became stable and the amount of alcohol eventually increased.

Enzyme "Glucavamorin" for grain mash

It is enzymes that help to obtain the maximum amount of alcohol from raw materials. They are more effective than the use of natural methods, and their presence reduces the amount of harmful fuselage in the drink. This is a useful factor not only for health, but also for the taste of alcohol.

Enzymes and their benefits

As enzymes for moonshine, drugs such as:

  • "Amylosubtilin" - liquefies the raw material and prepares it for distillation;
  • "Glucavamorin" - suitable for saccharification of both starch and non-starchy polysaccharides, depending on the type of enzyme (types "G" and "C");
  • "Protosubtilin" - breaks down proteins plant origin which helps to activate the yeast.

You can use several enzymes at once. But the two most necessary for the process are Amyloubtilin and Glukavamorin. These substances are the main constituents and names of enzymes. In shops they can be sold under trade names, so pay attention to the composition.

But earlier, before the appearance and spread of enzymes, they used malt. Now the technique is inconvenient and costly. In particular, malt has such disadvantages as:

  • duration of plant growing;
  • the complexity of the process (washing, grinding and processing of malt);
  • there are few enzymes in malt;
  • prolonged saccharification of starch;
  • limited area for growing malt;
  • green malt has a short shelf life;
  • saccharification is not complete, and alcohol is lost.

The use of enzymes, in turn, has many advantages:

  • saving time and money;
  • speed of saccharification processes (sometimes within 2 hours);
  • low costs for the purchase of enzymes;
  • efficiency and completeness of the process;
  • shelf life finished product up to two years.

After getting acquainted with the benefits of processing raw materials with enzymes, I want to know about dosages. Typically, manufacturers list the dose of enzyme in active units per gram of treatment fluid. Sometimes the distiller independently adjusts the amount of enzyme depending on the technical process.

Number of enzymes for the process

  • p is the percentage of the content in the composition of the substance to be processed (for example, starch);
  • r is the recommended dose of enzyme active units;
  • a is the activity of the enzyme in units per gram.

If the raw materials for the preparation of the drink have some drawbacks, such as an expiring shelf life, then the amount of enzymes must be increased by about 25%. At home, it is not possible to adhere to the correct and accurate dosage, so it is worth taking approximate values ​​in order to navigate the amount of the substance.

Calculation of dosing of enzymes per 1 kilogram of raw materials:

Enzyme consumption in grams per 1 kg of raw materials
Content (average), %
Raw materialStarchProteinCelluloseA-1500 units/gG-3000 units/gC-2000 units/gP-120 units/g
Wheat56 16 6 0.75 1.16 0.9 4.38
Barley (husked)49 13 7 0.65 1.01 1.05 3.79
Corn68 7 3 0.91 1.41 0.45 2.04
Rye50 15 2 0.67 1.03 0.3 4.38
Triticale53 13 2 0.71 1.1 0.3 3.79
Millet51 13 8 0.68 1.05 1.2 3.79
Oats (husked)37 13 10 0.49 0.76 1.5 3.79
Potato18 2 2 0.24 0.37 0.3 0.58
Rice73 8 n/a0.97 1.51 2.33
Buckwheat64 12 n/a0.85 1.32 3.5
Peas59 29 n/a0.79 1.22 8.46
Activity: 1500 3000 3000 120
Consumption rate units: 2 6.2 30 3.5

Interestingly, if the amount of enzymes is less than necessary, then the raw material will ferment more slowly. And if you slightly exceed the dosage, then this will not affect the drink, except for the excessive use of enzymes.

If you take 1 kilogram of raw materials, then you can use the following proportion:

  • 1 gram - "Amylosubtilin GZx1500";
  • 2 grams - "Glucavamorin GZx3000";
  • 1 gram - "CelloLux-A 2000";
  • 4 grams - "Protosubtilin 120".

The main methods of saccharification with enzymes

There are several ways of saccharification. Technologies are based on different temperatures at which starch hydrolysis occurs. Among them are:

  • hot technique;
  • cold saccharification.

In the first case, the process temperature reaches 50-80 degrees Celsius. In this state, the enzymes are kept up to 20 hours. The advantages of the method will be the minimal risk of contamination of the wort, as well as the efficiency of the enzymes. The method is slightly more laborious than cold saccharification.

The last technique occurs at a temperature of about 30 degrees. During this, fermentation should occur. The method is longer, and there is also a risk of souring the mash, therefore, in terms of labor intensity, it differs slightly from the previous one.

Of course, there are also intermediate methods of saccharification using enzymes, but they are used individually, depending on the characteristics of the drink and the production technology.

There are basic recipes for both methods. Hot saccharification with enzymes can occur as follows:

  • First, the raw materials need to be crushed, cleaned of tares, if any.
  • Boil water in the following quantity: 7 liters of water per 1 kilogram of starch or cereals in raw materials.
  • Raw materials must be added to hot water, stirring the liquid. For these purposes, even a clean screwdriver or drill is suitable. It is best to pour raw materials directly onto the nozzle, which rotates.
  • After the mixture has cooled to 75 degrees Celsius, you need to add the second half of the dose of the ampilosubtilin enzyme. Before applying, it must also be diluted with warm water in a ratio of 1 to 10.
  • The next half an hour you need to mix the wort. After cooling the wort, the second part of the ampilosubtilin enzyme, as well as gluquamorin, can be added to it. Then everything is thoroughly mixed with a mixer.
  • After mixing is over, the wort is hermetically sealed so that it does not become infected during cooling.
  • Upon reaching a temperature of 30 degrees, the wort should be poured for fermentation into a container where yeast will be added, and further action will take place under a water seal.
  • Fermentation continues for 4 days, then the mash is poured and shaken.

Cold saccharification also occurs using enzymes:

  • The first cleaning step is identical.
  • Prepare 7 liters of water per kilogram of starch in the raw material. The water temperature is up to 35 degrees Celsius. At the same time, do not fill the container by more than 70%.
  • It is better to add the antibiotic "Doxycycline" to the water (1 tablet per 20 liters of mash).
  • It is necessary to monitor the acidity, it should be within the range of 5-5.5 pH. If the value differs, adjust with food acids.
  • Half of the water is poured into the container, and a mixture of ampilosublitin and gluquamorin is added to it according to the dosage from the table.
  • Sometimes the defoamer "Sofexil" is added - 1 ml per 20 liters of liquid.
  • Next, raw materials are added and everything is mixed.
  • Next, throw in the yeast and add water.

Braga must ferment, only then it can be used for distillation. If it is covered with a film, then most likely the product is sour and unsuitable for further consumption. The use of enzymes is practically harmless, but the taste of the drink may differ, especially if a person is making moonshine with enzymes for the first time. It all depends on subjective perception, so someone likes drinks on malt or other plants, and someone uses enzymes and does not see the difference.

On grain, you can cook without additional expenditure of effort and energy, as well as without temperature pauses. To do this, you just need to use enzymes in the process. Cereal on enzymes, the cold saccharification of which takes place quickly and efficiently, turns into good taste and softness.

Features of the technique

Hot saccharification takes place with the help of step-by-step cooking malt and wort, as well as mixing them at a certain temperature and infusing the liquid. This technique is labor intensive, so most who brew with wheat or other grains use the cold saccharification process. It has a number of undeniable advantages:

  • the process is quite simple;
  • high temperatures are not needed;
  • filtration before fermentation is not necessary;
  • bacteria in such an environment multiply less or do not multiply at all due to the production carbon dioxide in progress;
  • distilled by direct heating;
  • the technique is suitable for beginner distillers who have little equipment and little experience.

But among the minuses, the following features of the technique are distinguished:

  • Necessary large quantity fermentation time is about 20-25 days, in some cases up to 27. But at the same time, the person who brews moonshine does nothing, he is free from constant stirring or surveillance of raw materials.
  • If you do not follow the technology, it will turn sour at the end of the process. Therefore, phased preparation and attentiveness of the distiller to the conditions are important.

In order to prepare mash first, and then moonshine in this way, you need ingredients and equipment:

Must have products such as:

  • Raw material. This item is full of variety. As raw materials, you can use flour, starch, cereals, pasta, malt different types. whole grain it is better not to use, because the process will drag on for a long time.
  • Water.
  • Enzymes. For example, the common "Amilosubtilin" and "Glucavamorin". They can be supplemented with non-fermented white malt. The first enzyme is responsible for the breakdown of molecules, and the second - for the processing of starch into sugar. The result of the action of enzymes is almost the same as with malt brewing. The technology is cheaper, therefore, enzymes are added to the raw materials with water at the stage of preparing the mash. The processes of fermentation and processing of starch into sugar occur almost simultaneously.
  • Yeast dry or pressed.

Additionally, an antibiotic, an acidifier may be required ( lemon acid) and defoamer ("Sofexil"). As equipment you will need:

  • fermentation tank;
  • water seal;
  • stirrer and aquarium heater - optional, their action can be replaced by creating conditions external environment for mash;
  • Moonshine still for distillation of finished mash.

Selection of ingredients and proportions

According to the recipe, you need to determine the proportions of the ingredients. The perfect recipe does not exist, but the most popular version per kilogram of raw materials is:

  • 3.5 liters of water at a temperature of 38 degrees Celsius, most importantly, not higher than this indicator.
  • Enzymes: fresh - 3 grams of Amilosubtilin and Gluquamorin, old ones should be taken 4-5 grams each.
  • Dry yeast - 20 grams or pressed - 50 grams. You can take wine yeast.
  • "Doxycycline", an antibiotic - one capsule per 20 liters of mash.
  • Defoamer ("Sofexil") - 10 milliliters per 20 liters.

The proportions are not final and may be supplemented by distillers based on personal experience. And for calculations, it is important to know that enzymes have such a parameter as activity. It is measured in units per gram of dry matter or per milliliter of liquid solution. Enzyme activity should be declared in the manufacturer's instructions. Each manufacturer has its own strains and, accordingly, its own indicators. For example, the metrics look like this:

  • "Amylosubtilin G3x" - 1000 units per 1 gram of powder;
  • "Glucavamorin G3x" - 1000 units per 1 gram;
  • "Cellulox-A" - 2000 units per 1 gram;
  • "Protosubtilin G3x" - 70 units per 1 gram.

At the same time, the instruction is not a guide to action and does not explain how much product should be put per kilogram of wheat, rice or other cereal. It specifies recommendations only for the amount of raw materials ready for processing, i.e. starch, cellulose or simple protein. Therefore, before using the product, you need to find out how much these simple substances are contained in the raw materials.

Enzymes for mash

The use of enzymes is not as common because many distillers consider them non-natural products. Accordingly, the drink also turns out to be unnatural and there is an aftertaste in it. The issue of the taste of enzymes is controversial, since some of the figures absolutely do not notice the taste even with a single distillation. This thesis can only be verified experimentally.

If you mess up with the amount of enzymes, then the drink can still be corrected. By putting more, the mash will saccharify faster, but the distiller will spend more money on saccharification. And if you put less enzyme, then the drink simply will not be saccharified or the process will slow down. The lack of the Gluquamorin enzyme especially slows down the fermentation process, the amount of foam decreases, and caps from cereal crops are not observed. Enzyme consumption can be halved if green malt is used.

The main choice of raw materials is made between products such as:

  • Flour. This is a ground raw material that is sold in any grocery store. In terms of accessibility, flour ranks first. The raw material saccharifies faster and is not too difficult to work with. Grains of flour are small, so it is easier for enzymes to interact with them. But there are also disadvantages, for example, the tendency of flour to foam and “run away”. And mash from this type of raw material must be clarified and decanted, which leads to loss of alcohol. Groats are cheaper, but it takes longer to saccharify due to large particles. Sometimes the process stretches for 3-4 weeks. To speed up fermentation, you can use a stirrer, only without opening the container with mash. The container itself can be rolled on the floor with an inclination.
  • Malt is a raw material that is obtained from germinated grain. Malt itself has a lot of enzymes, but powdered enzymes are also added to it. The malt also acts as a flavor enhancer, as it is very fragrant. There is green and white malt. But this ingredient is also added to the mash in ground form.
  • Exploded grain, or extruded in a vacuum-technical way. In appearance, these are porous grains with a small presence of enzymes in them. The technique for obtaining such raw materials is not yet popular.
  • Products with starch. This is most often pasta, bread. If the distiller works in places where there are many such products, then they can be used as raw materials. But for serious people, who are engaged in distillation, these ingredients are more suitable for a one-time experiment.
  • Regular grain.

Use of specific cereals varying degrees grinding will give different result. The cheapest raw material is wheat. But the way out pure alcohol relatively small. But the drink is soft and pleasant to taste. Rye, which has sharp drink characteristics, gives an even lower alcohol yield due to the fact that cereal crop forms a lot of foam and "runs away" during fermentation.

Corn - the least capricious to the conditions and gives a large yield of alcohol. But the drink has a specific taste. Barley is another cereal that not everyone likes when it comes out. Rice is the leading cereal in terms of alcohol output.

Rice is used for further preparation tinctures. The taste is very subtle, the drink is fragrant and easy to drink. Sometimes buckwheat is also tried as a raw material, but with a large yield, the taste is also an amateur.

When choosing ingredients, if it is difficult to decide, you can use a mixture of cereals. Usage tips are:

  • Barley and rye can drown out the flavors of other grains. Therefore, when using a mixture, they should be added carefully, preferably up to 25%, while not focusing on these particular crops.
  • Rice is a culture that does not tolerate use in mixtures, since its taste will disappear, grain moonshine will turn out without features.
  • Bourbon mixes with corn and barley malt Not all tasters like it because of the specific taste.

You can also experiment with different percentage in grain mixtures. The result is unique in some cases and absolutely not tasty in others. You can also try combining grind levels, although you should be aware that adding whole grains will always lengthen the fermentation process.

For other ingredients, the selection criteria are simple. Water can be taken clean, with good palatability, it is not necessary to check the composition of its trace elements or other properties. Feeding is not required. Of the defoamers, Sofexil is recommended as the most effective in relation to this technique. You should not be afraid of getting an antibiotic into moonshine: usually the drug remains in the apparatus during distillation and does not enter the “body” of the drink.

The method of making mash

The technology of cold saccharification consists of the main stages, as a result of which grain mash is obtained with the addition of enzymes:

  • Food is added to the container, as well as water when desired temperature along with enzymes and yeast. It should be noted that more than 70% of the volume of liquid cannot be poured into the container, since active foaming occurs and the mash can “escape”.
  • The sugared raw materials are mixed and closed with a water seal.
  • The liquid is placed in a dark place with a temperature of 24-28 degrees Celsius.
  • Fermentation begins after 2 hours, and after 3 days it becomes active and lasts up to 25 days. It is important to prevent the formation of a film on the surface of the mash, as this is a sign of souring. Such a braga needs to be overtaken urgently.
  • When ready, the drink is removed from the sediment and distilled.

Preparing a drink in this way has a number of advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, distillers should decide on their own, get rid of the influence of rumors and test the technique for themselves. Drink gets good qualities and fit for consumption.
