
What kind of oil for french fries. French fries secrets

It so happened historically that potato dishes are very popular and loved in Russia. The heroine of our today's story, french fries, was no exception. However, this dish does not hold love and popularity in other countries and even on other continents. History is modestly silent about the name of the inventor of such a delicious method of frying potatoes, but it is well known that this culinary specialist was from Belgium. And to this day, the Belgians are extremely proud of their invention and, not without reason, believe that the most delicious french fries can only be tasted in Belgium. Yes, and this dish got its name from the enterprising Belgian merchant, who bore the surname Fri (Frite), who was the first to think of selling takeaway fried potatoes. The First World War indirectly helped this dish gain worldwide popularity. American soldiers, having tasted french fries from their Belgian allies, were so impressed with their taste that they brought the recipe to their mainland, and the rest of the work was completed by the popularity of fast food eateries, where french fries firmly took their special place. And yet, most of us rightly believe that no diner dish can match the quality and taste of homemade food. This statement fully applies to the preparation of french fries. Today we invite you to figure out and remember how to cook french fries at home.

At first glance, cooking french fries is not fraught with any difficulties. Slice the potatoes and throw them into the boiling oil, that's all there is to worry about. But anyone who uses such a simple recipe will end up with an extremely simple, and simply inedible dish. Cooking real tasty and crispy french fries requires the obligatory knowledge of small, but extremely important tricks and secrets. Every step counts here. It is important to choose the right potatoes, cut them correctly and prepare them for frying, it is important to properly fry and dry the finished french fries from excess fat. Even at what point in cooking you decide to add salt to your dish, it can significantly affect its taste. What about oil choice? The right choice of oil! Different types and varieties of vegetable oil can make your potatoes one of the most delicious dishes on your table, as well as a dish that is tasteless and even dangerous to your health. But do not be afraid, we have at our disposal the age-old experience of world culinary specialists who will definitely share with us their recipes for the proper preparation of french fries and save us from mistakes.

Today, "Culinary Eden" has carefully collected and recorded for you the most important and necessary tips and secrets that will easily tell even the most inexperienced housewives how to cook french fries.

1. First of all, you should choose the right potatoes for your dish. To make french fries, you will need a moderately large mature potato. Young potatoes are not suitable for this dish, they do not yet have the necessary taste, and their flesh is not dense enough. Try to choose even oblong tubers without visible defects. Pay attention to the color of the potato skin. The green shade of the peel will tell you about the high content of corned beef in potato tubers; such root crops are not suitable for cooking french fries. Do not use for frying and potato varieties with a high starch content. Such potatoes will crumble, break, and after frying they will soften very quickly.

2. Try to treat the choice of oil with special care! Only refined, preferably deodorized varieties of vegetable oil are suitable for deep-frying. But the type of oil you can choose at your discretion. Sunflower or olive, cottonseed or corn - different types of oil will decorate your dish with their different, but equally subtle, barely noticeable flavors. If you are not a big fan of diet food, then you can try adding a small amount of animal fats to vegetable oil. It can be beef, duck or chicken fat, ghee or lard, the main thing is that it be fat of the maximum degree of purification. Animal fats will give your potatoes a special aroma and amazing taste, but you still shouldn't get carried away with them.

3. To cook french fries, you will also need special utensils. Convenient just cook this dish in a deep fryer - a special kitchen machine that allows you to deep-fry any food. However, the absence of an air fryer in your kitchen is no reason to refuse to cook delicious french fries. To heat the oil, you can use a deep cast-iron or steel pot, or even a deep, heavy-bottomed skillet. Do not just use enameled dishes, as well as dishes with a thin bottom. In addition, you should get a special basket for frying french fries. This device is made of thin wire, interwoven like a sieve, and equipped with a comfortable long handle. Such a basket will allow you to easily dip a portion of potatoes into boiling oil and just as easily and safely take out ready-made french fries. If you don’t have a special deep-frying basket yet, then you can use a convenient wide slotted spoon. But in this case, be extremely careful and attentive, because you will have to get the potatoes from the boiling oil in small portions, which means that there is a high probability that some of the potatoes will be overcooked.

4. An important condition for the preparation of delicious french fries is the temperature regime. Ideally, to check the temperature of the oil, you should get a special kitchen thermometer. A thermometer will help you easily determine and adjust the oil temperature in time at all stages of cooking. When preparing the Belgian version of french fries, you need to strictly observe two temperature regimes. The first stage of frying potatoes occurs at 170⁰, and the second at 190⁰. A slightly more simplified American version of cooking French fries involves frying potato cubes once at a temperature of 180⁰ - 190⁰. But the absence of a thermometer in your kitchen is not a reason to despair, you can cook delicious homemade french fries without it. Simply pour enough oil into a saucepan and heat it over high heat for 10 to 15 minutes. After this time, carefully dip a small piece of potato into the heated oil. If the potatoes immediately float to the top surrounded by bubbles of boiling oil, then your oil is ready for the potatoes. Otherwise, continue heating the oil for another 5 to 10 minutes.

5. Preparing potatoes for frying is not at all difficult. Carefully sort out the potato tubers, selecting for cooking only the most even oblong-shaped tubers that do not have visible defects and damage. Rinse and peel potatoes thoroughly. Then carefully cut the potatoes into long sticks with a section of 1x1 centimeter. If you think that the potato contains an excessive amount of starch, immerse it in cool water for 10 minutes. Rinse the potato cubes prepared in this way in running water and dry thoroughly with paper napkins or towels. It is very important! The surface of the potato cubes should be as dry as possible! Otherwise, from contact with wet potato bars, hot oil may boil too much, splash out and even catch fire. Be careful and attentive.

6. Salt. Oh, how many excellent French fries have been spoiled by salting at the wrong time. Salt your potatoes just before serving. Not a second sooner! Better yet, salt the french fries right in the plate. Salt added to potatoes at any other stage of cooking will instantly turn a delicious crispy dish into a kind of sour cotton wool. And if you add salt to the potato cubes before frying, then the moisture released from the potatoes under the influence of salt will behave in boiling oil in exactly the same way as water on potato cubes that have not been sufficiently dried after washing.

7. Let's move from theory to practice? Let's try our first American style fries. Rinse thoroughly, peel and cut into long sticks 500 gr. potatoes. Rinse the potato wedges in cool water and dry thoroughly with a towel or napkins. In a deep saucepan, heat up to 190⁰ one liter of vegetable oil mixed with 100 gr. ghee or lard. In small portions, dip the prepared potato wedges into the heated oil and fry until golden brown. Transfer cooked potatoes to a colander lined with paper towels for a couple of minutes to remove excess oil. Salt before serving.

8. The Belgian version of cooking delicious french fries involves frying in two stages. Peel, cut into cubes and dry thoroughly 500 gr. potatoes. In a deep saucepan, heat one liter of vegetable oil to 170⁰. Fry the potatoes in small batches for 5 minutes until slightly golden. Transfer the potatoes to a colander and let them cool slightly for 10 to 15 minutes. Before serving, heat the oil to 190⁰ and re-fry the potatoes for 2 to 3 minutes until golden brown. Transfer the finished potatoes to a colander lined with paper towels, let the excess oil drain, salt to taste and serve immediately.

9. You have little vegetable oil, but you want french fries right now? Try the simplified recipe. Rinse, peel and cut into long sticks 500 gr. potatoes. Drain the potato wedges thoroughly, sprinkle them with 2 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil and gently mix so that the entire surface of the potatoes is oiled. In a wide skillet, heat 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable or butter and lay the potato cubes over the entire surface of the pan in one layer. Fry over medium heat for 5 minutes, and then carefully turn over all the potato wedges to the other side. Fry for another 5 minutes until golden brown. Transfer potatoes to a colander, drain off excess oil, then season with salt to taste and serve immediately.

10. What to serve french fries with? In Belgium, you are strongly advised to eat this dish with mayonnaise or sauces based on it, in North America you will be offered a rich assortment of ketchups, the French will insist on cheese or mustard sauce, and in Asian countries they will advise you to try sweet and sour sauce. The choice is yours. We invite you to try making a simple and very tasty homemade cheese sauce for french fries. In a small saucepan, heat 1 tbsp. tablespoon butter, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of wheat flour and mix thoroughly. As soon as the butter with flour starts to boil, pour ½ cup of boiling milk or low-fat cream into it, stirring constantly. Continuing to stir, cook the sauce until it thickens. When the sauce is almost ready, add 3 tbsp. tablespoons of any finely grated cheese, a pinch of nutmeg, salt and white pepper to taste. Heat the sauce until the cheese is completely melted and serve immediately. If desired, you can add a teaspoon of mustard, a little crushed garlic or chopped fresh herbs to this sauce.

Everyone loves golden, melt-in-your-mouth french fries, but not everyone knows how to cook them the right way. Experienced housewives through trial and error have developed many ways to create a culinary masterpiece that is approved by adults and children around the world. Like any other business, cooking french fries has its own characteristics, which must be taken into account. Consider the most delicious recipes and important aspects in order.

French fries: a classic of the genre

Prepare the necessary equipment in advance.

You will need: a cutting board, a deep bowl, a knife, a slotted spoon, a sieve, paper napkins or towels, a thick-walled or non-stick frying pan (deep fryer), a dish.

  • raw potatoes - 5 pcs. medium size
  • potato starch - 120 gr.
  • vegetable oil - 285 ml.
  • crushed sea salt - to taste
  • spices (optional) - to taste
  • dried dill - 1 pinch
  • dried parsley - 1 pinch
  1. Before you start cooking, pay attention to the preparatory stage. Choose large, flat potato tubers. Firstly, you can chop them into beautiful straws, and secondly, all the slices will look aesthetically pleasing on a dish due to the same size.
  2. After selecting the "strongest" fruits, place the fruits in the sink, wash them thoroughly with a kitchen sponge. Next, remove the peel with a sharp knife and rinse again with cold (possibly ice-cold) water.
  3. When the tubers are perfectly clean, you can start cutting them into strips. Pay attention to the fact that the slices are the same size, the width of one side of the straw should vary between 0.5-0.8 mm. It is this move that will allow you to fry the french fries evenly.
  4. Lay several paper towels on a flat, dry surface (one on top of the other), put the resulting slices on them. Place a paper towel on top and blot with your hands to absorb excess moisture.
  5. Prepare a flour sieve and a wide bowl. Sift the potato starch so that the composition rises 1.5 times. Wait about 5 minutes, then send the potato slices to the starch, mix well and rub them on all sides. You should end up with evenly coated wedges with no buildup of mixture in individual pieces.
  6. Take a tight plastic bag, put the future french fries in it, seal it. Send the chopped fruits to the freezer for a quarter of an hour, if possible, leave the potatoes in the chamber for 20-25 minutes.
  7. In order not to waste time, proceed to the next step. Wash the pan, wipe it dry and put it on a large fire. Pour in vegetable or olive oil, wait until it begins to bubble and crackle.
  8. When this happens, switch the burner to medium power, remove the potato chips from the freezer, scoop up a handful and place in a frying pan. Cooking time varies within 6-8 minutes, it is during this period that the potatoes will acquire a golden hue and a crispy crust.
  9. Carry out the same manipulations with the remaining portions. Make sure that the boiling oil covers all the slices, they should not protrude. It is recommended to cook the dish 1-2 servings at a time using the same oil.
  10. After cooking, remove the cooked potatoes with a slotted spoon, put it on a surface covered with paper towels. Place a few thick napkins on top of the dish and blot, collecting excess oil. Change towels as you soak. Sprinkle the French fries with dried parsley and dill, pepper, salt and spices (optional).
  1. As a rule, the recipe is used as a side dish for fish or lean meat. Potatoes can be served with ketchup, mayonnaise, sour cream, cheese, cream or garlic sauce.
  2. Experiment with your taste preferences, sprinkle the dish with dried garlic, celery, oregano, basil or paprika.
  3. If you do not have potato starch, use cornmeal, increasing the amount to 130 gr. Be sure to sift it before cooking to avoid the formation of lumps.

The recipe is designed for people with high cholesterol, diabetes, as well as those who follow the figure and count calories. Due to the low content of vegetable oil, the dish can be classified as dietary, but it is often not recommended to use it.

  • raw potatoes - 1.1 kg.
  • vegetable oil - 60 gr.
  • breadcrumbs - 65 gr.
  • ground sweet paprika - 0.5 teaspoon
  • ground red pepper - 1 pinch
  • ground black pepper - to taste
  • salt - to taste
  1. Wash the potatoes under cold water, wipe them with a sponge, remove the peel and cut into thin strips (about 0.5 mm.).
  2. Lay two paper towels on a flat surface, put the potatoes on them, wrap it up, wait until excess moisture is absorbed.
  3. Take a deep bowl, move the potatoes into it, pour over the sunflower oil and rub well. In another bowl, add the breadcrumbs, salt, pepper and paprika. Dip potato slices in flour mixture.
  4. Preheat oven to 200 degrees. Line a baking sheet with foil or parchment paper, then arrange the potatoes in one row. Bake for about 5-7 minutes, constantly turning the slices.
  5. The readiness of the composition can be judged by the color: the dish will become golden and shiny, it is at this moment that it can be pulled out and served to the table.

Modern housewives have long acquired such an easy-to-use device - a multicooker. For this reason, it makes sense to consider the recipe for cooking potatoes in a similar way.


  1. First, pay attention to the potatoes that will be used. It should immediately be clarified that young fruits are too loose, they are not suitable. Take 1 tuber, cut it in half. If the knife goes through easily, this option will be ideal.
  2. Choose large and even tubers without defects and eyes. Otherwise, the french fries will turn out to be ugly, spoiling the whole impression.
  3. Carefully inspect the peel, in no case should it be green. A similar shade appears due to the production of a toxic substance - corned beef, which is deposited on the walls of the liver and causes poisoning.
  4. It is worth considering that high-starchy potatoes are not suitable for deep-frying. It will crumble a lot when sliced ​​and then go limp after frying. When you have selected the fruits, wash each tuber with a kitchen sponge.
  5. Prepare the oil in which the product will be fried. We recommend giving preference to corn or olive composition, but, as a rule, these options are much more expensive than sunflower. Based on your financial capabilities.


  1. The main feature of the preparation of golden and crispy french fries is considered to be the correct cutting of the fruit. To begin with, take a peeled tuber, cut it into thin plates (thickness varies between 0.7-1 cm). After that, chop each slice into strips (width 0.7-1 cm).
  2. Prepare a deep container, pour cold filtered water into it, add ice cubes. Place chopped potatoes in the liquid, wait about a quarter of an hour. This must be done in order to remove excess starch contained in the fruit.
  3. Spread a cotton towel on a flat, dry surface, folding it in several layers. Arrange the fries in one row, place a second towel on top and blot the straw well. If necessary, replace the fabric base if it becomes too damp. Important! To get ruddy french fries, which are served at McDonald's, straws must be fried 2 times. In this case, the first procedure is carried out for 8 minutes in non-hot oil, and the second - in boiling, but for 2-3 minutes, no longer.
  4. Connect the multicooker to the network, set the "Baking" mode (duration - 1 hour). Pour the selected oil into the bowl, do not close the device and do not bring the composition to a boil. When the first bubbles appear at the bottom of the container, lower the potato strips, fry for 8 minutes. Important! Modern multicookers are equipped with a deep-fat basket, use it. In cases where this addition is not available, lower the potatoes into the cavity of the device, subsequently removing the finished product with a slotted spoon.
  5. It is worth paying attention to the fact that potatoes are fried in small portions, otherwise a certain part of it may burn. Cook the product in an open multicooker, constantly monitoring the process, stir.
  6. After the first frying, lay out a few paper towels on the table, put the final product on them, wait for the oil to drain. Change the substrate as it soaks so that it is constantly clean.
  7. After that, bring the oil to a boil, dip the french fries in it a second time and fry for 2-3 minutes. Next, pull out the product, leave the oil to drain.

First of all, french fries are loved for their crispy crust and tender base. For this reason, it is recommended to serve the dish to the table immediately after preparation. Otherwise, the side dish will lose its taste and become "cotton". French fries are perfect for fresh vegetable salads, they are used in combination with canned peas and corn, Korean carrots. In addition, the product is added to the basis of such dishes as hamburger, shawarma, go-dog.

Video: the secrets of cooking french fries

It is believed that France is the birthplace of this legendary invention, although there is still no definite answer to this question. The first reliable mention of this snack belongs to the pen of Charles Dickens. In A Tale of Two Cities, he noted the fried potatoes sold on the French streets. So the future symbol of fast food began the path to world fame. French fries recipes start with frying potato slices in fresh oil. Juicy crispy potatoes just melt in your mouth. Further serving of the dish varies significantly in different countries.

The five most commonly used ingredients in recipes are:

There are many ways to prepare and serve this food. Americans like to season it with ketchup, South Africans pour vinegar over it, the French prefer to use mayonnaise, the Koreans prefer honey with butter, the Japanese prefer seaweed and various seasonings, and the Belgians prefer a raw egg. In the UK, it is served exclusively as an accompaniment to the main course - fried fish. Due to its amazing taste, this treat is often served not only as a side dish, but also separately.

With the amazing taste of french fries, many first met in modern fast food restaurants. Who would have thought that regular potato wedges fried in oil would win the universal love of both adults and children. But today, a serving of crispy and fragrant potato strips raises doubts about the safety of the ingredients used, so most people try to make french fries at home. Indeed, home-cooked golden potatoes are safer and less expensive for the family budget, while still being just as delicious as in a restaurant.

French fries in deep fryer and slow cooker
The most convenient option for making french fries at home is a deep fryer. If you often have to cook fries, then get it at any hardware store. Fortunately, it is not expensive, from 700 rubles, and the cooking process itself is greatly simplified:
  1. Prepare the potatoes: peel, rinse, cut into thin sticks and rinse again.
  2. Lay the raw potato strips on a towel and pat dry.
  3. Pour odorless refined vegetable oil into a deep fryer and heat it to 180°C.
  4. Place part of the potato in a special sieve and deep-fry for 6-7 minutes.
  5. As soon as the straw becomes a pleasant golden color, remove the sieve and let the oil drain.
  6. Place cooked fragrant potatoes on paper towels to soak up excess oil. Then transfer to a wide dish and sprinkle with fine salt.
  7. Start frying the second batch of potatoes.
French fries can also be cooked in a slow cooker, even if it does not have a special mode and grid for this. You just need to pour vegetable oil into it and select the "Frying" or "Baking" mode. As soon as the oil heats up, you need to lower a portion of the prepared potatoes into it and fry for 10-15 minutes, stirring occasionally with a spatula. Once the potatoes are in the desired shape, remove them with a slotted spoon.

Cooking french fries in a frying pan or pot
If you do not have special equipment, this does not mean that you will not be able to feast on your favorite dish whenever you want. French fries can be cooked in a regular frying pan or saucepan. It is better to take a cast-iron frying pan, and the pan should be with a thick bottom, then the finished dish will turn out golden, crispy and tasty:

  1. Peel the potatoes, rinse and cut into strips, the thickness of which should be 7-10 mm. Put straws in cold water and leave for 15 minutes to remove excess starch. Then take it out and dry it well.
  2. Place a frying pan or saucepan on the stove, pour oil into it (about a liter) and turn on the burner at a power between high and medium.
  3. The oil should be hot enough. To check this, dip one stick into the oil. The oil around it should immediately begin to bubble and hiss.
  4. As soon as the oil is hot, lower some of the prepared potatoes and fry without leaving the stove and stirring occasionally.
  5. Put the finished potatoes with a slotted spoon on a paper towel, and then on a wide dish and sprinkle with salt and spices.
The ideal temperature for frying potatoes is 170-190°C. Therefore, you can purchase a special thermometer to measure it. A special potato rack that fits into a pot, which can be purchased at a cookware store, will also facilitate cooking.

oven baked french fries recipe
The method is available to every housewife and is good in that cooking french fries in the oven significantly saves vegetable oil consumption, but the potatoes themselves fry a few minutes longer. If the oven is equipped with only lower heating (for example, gas), then the potatoes will have to be mixed once or twice during cooking:

  1. Peel the potatoes, rinse and cut into strips of the desired thickness. Rinse again and dry thoroughly.
  2. Turn on the oven and set the temperature to 250°C.
  3. Add 3-4 tablespoons of vegetable oil to a bowl with potatoes and mix well.
  4. Once the oven has reached the desired temperature, line a baking sheet with parchment paper and arrange the potatoes in a single layer on it.
  5. Place the baking sheet in the oven for 20 minutes, during which time the potatoes will acquire a golden hue.
It is best to salt already cooked potatoes. It is better to use the finished dish immediately, otherwise the french fries will no longer be crispy. Instead of butter, you can use beaten egg white, then french fries will turn out to be less high-calorie and safer. You can also treat children with such potatoes.

If you really want your favorite potatoes, but there is no desire to prepare, then you can buy frozen and even already fried sticks and heat them in the oven for 20 minutes. From the frozen product, very tasty and golden french fries are also obtained, but a kilogram package of frozen potatoes costs an average of 3-5 times more than a kilogram of ordinary potatoes.

At first glance, it seems that cooking french fries is not difficult. Peeled, chopped, thrown into boiling oil, and you're done. But even here there are secrets and little tricks. To make the pieces tasty and super-crispy, it is important to cut the potatoes correctly, prepare them for frying, select the temperature and salt in time.

French fries: the basics

What kind of potato to choose?

Low-starch varieties are best for making popular fast food. Pieces of high-starchy potatoes will stick together when frying, crumble and break, and quickly soften. Choose large and mature tubers, preferably oblong in shape, without deep eyes, green skin and other defects. Young potatoes are categorically not suitable, they are not yet ripe, not dense enough and do not have the desired taste.

Choice of frying oil

Refined oil is suitable for deep-frying, that is, purified, odorless. When heated to high temperatures, it does not smoke as much as unrefined. In this case, you can choose the type of oil at your discretion. In addition to sunflower, refined olive or corn oil is suitable, each of which will give the dish a special flavor.

What is the best dish to cook in?

If you do not have a special fryer, then you can use a saucepan, a deep pan made of steel or cast iron. Enamelware or with a thin bottom is not suitable. It is most convenient to immerse a portion of potatoes in boiling oil in a special basket made of thin wire. If you do not have such a device, then take a wide slotted spoon.

Temperature regime

The American way of cooking french fries involves frying potato wedges in one step at a temperature of 180–190 degrees. Approximate cooking time for one serving is 7-8 minutes from the moment of laying in boiling oil.

Total cooking time: 40 minutes
Cooking time: 25 minutes
Yield: 3 servings


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    First of all, you need to peel and wash the potatoes. You can take any quantity, based on the number of eaters. As a rule, 3 tubers go for 1 serving. It is desirable that the potatoes be large (or at least medium-sized, but not small), then the slices will turn out to be long, like in McDonald's - it will be convenient to take the french fries with your hands and dip them into sauces.

    I cut the peeled tubers into oblong sticks. Don't cut too thin or the fries will burn quickly. The optimal thickness of the slices is about 1 cm. With such a cut, you will get a dense, fried crust on top, and a pleasant crumbly pulp inside. It is very important that the pieces are approximately the same in weight and size, then they will all cook evenly. Try to make them more or less the same so that there is no such thing that one part is already fried, and the other is still raw.

    Next, the potatoes must be washed - this will save them from excess starch, which sticks the slices together. I washed the potato straws in cold water, changing it 3-4 times until it became transparent. But don't soak the potatoes too long! Otherwise, it will absorb a lot of moisture, which will prevent the fries from frying properly, it will turn out to be unnecessarily watery.

    To remove the remaining water from the surface, I dried the potatoes on a cotton towel (carefully). This stage is very important. Drying will save the slices from unnecessary moisture, they will immediately seize with a deep-fried crust, and most importantly, the oil will not foam and “shoot”.

    It remains to fry the french fries - at home, if there is no deep fryer, you can get by with a saucepan or pan - choose a small and narrow one so that less oil is consumed. Refined oil is suitable for frying. Oil will need about 500 ml (or more). It must be heated very strongly, up to 180-190 degrees. To check if it is hot, drop in one slice of potato - if it immediately starts frying, hissing and bubbling, and not sinking to the bottom, then the oil is heated properly. Otherwise, continue heating for another 5-10 minutes.

    In boiling oil, you need to spread the chopped potatoes in portions - always small, about the size of a good male handful. French fries in oil should float freely. If you load too much, then it will not fry, but stew.

    Approximately the first 2-3 minutes from the moment the first batch is laid, the potatoes will sizzle and foam strongly - this is a normal reaction, moisture is actively evaporating. The fire does not need to be reduced, continue to fry, lightly shaking the pan for a more even distribution of oil.

    After a couple of minutes, the amount of bubbles and foam will noticeably decrease, and the potato slices will begin to harden and blush.

    Now you can track the time - french fries will be ready in about 5 minutes.

    I take out the finished product from the saucepan with a slotted spoon and put it on a paper towel to remove excess fat. And immediately lay the next batch in deep fat.

    Salt potatoes should be immediately before serving (the longer the slices interact with salt, the softer they become). It is best to use fine "extra" salt, the amount is freely adjustable to taste. In addition, mayonnaise, ketchup, sweet and sour, cheese or mustard sauce are usually served. Happy crunch!
