
How to calculate the amount of wash water. Online brewing calculators

Hydromodule - this concept is found in every beer recipe. But for a novice brewer, it may not be very clear what it is and how this hydromodule affects the result. In fact, it's not just about the amount of water...

Hydromodule is nonsense!

Yes, stones will fly at me now from various smart people, but I am clearly convinced that this is so. And here's why:

The hydromodule is the ratio of water and grain, but what does it give?

The standard water ratio is 4, or 1 to 4. That is, for 1 kg of malt, you need to take 4 liters of mash water.

What happens if we break this rule?

Increase in the hydraulic module.

Increasing the hydro-modulus can give us more wort at the output, of course, its density will become less. However, if washing is eliminated, the density can be maintained.

Rinsing water usually comes in the amount of 800 - 1000 ml per 1 kg of malt. And this means that one way or another, we dilute the wort during washing. What prevents us from initially taking a liter of mash water more and abandoning rinsing altogether.

We will get an acceleration of the filtering process. T also the wort will be denser than when using washing, due to evaporation.

It seems to be logical, but why don't they do it then? Perhaps it is better to reduce the hydraulic module?

Reduction of the hydraulic module.

Reducing the hydronic module can play into our hands.

  • Firstly, the mash will warm up faster, and the transition from one pause to the next will be faster, which again speeds up the brewing process as a whole.
  • Secondly, the thicker the congestion, the better the enzymes work in it, although not all, but more on that another time.
  • Thirdly, a smaller hydraulic module will allow you to install the filter system faster due to the fact that the husk will clog it faster.
  • Fourth, we can adjust the density as we need by changing the amount of wash water.

Which hydraulic module to choose?

I gave up recipes a long time ago, and cook to my taste. At the same time, I adhere to the proportion of 4 to 1, and I take 1.5 liters of washing per 1 kg of grain.

How much flushing someone will say! Yes, a lot, but I do it consciously, during boiling, I boil away a lot, and at the output I get the amount of wort I need.

If I want to make the beer lighter or denser, then I work with pauses, not with a hydraulic module. The result suits me, the opinion of others, somehow I don’t care, I cook for myself, and not for them.

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When brewing all-grain (grain) beer, beginner brewers often wonder how to correctly determine the amount of water needed to reach the desired amount of finished wort. First of all, this is due to the fact that a significant part of the water is absorbed into the mashed malt and boils away during the brewing of hops. The so-called "hydraulic module" is also important.

Hydromodule in brewing refers to the ratio of malt to water used in the mash. The hydromodulus influences the initial gravity of the wort and determines the total amount of water needed for brewing. Thus, if the hydromodulus is equal to ¼, then this means that 4 liters of water will fall on 1 kilogram of malt.

Typically, the value of the hydromodule is determined by the ratio from 1/02 to 1/5. His choice depends on the type of beer. For light beer, a hydromodule 1/3 - 1/5 is used. For dense dark varieties that emphasize the malt component, a thick ½ water content is used to get a stronger malt aroma through caramelization.

Knowing the value of the hydromodulus, you can simply calculate the amount of water that will be required for the mash and for washing the grains. To calculate the total amount of brew, the following scheme is used:

For example, we want a lager beer with a recipe where the total weight of malt used is 5 kg. For this variety, a hydromodule ¼ is suitable.

    The volume of the finished product that we want to get is 23 liters.

    To it you need to add the volume of water that the grain will absorb (usually they take the value of 1 liter of water per 1 kilogram of malt). We get 5 liters

    Plus 1-2 liters will be sediment at the bottom or bruh;

    Plus, the volume that does not drain depends on the design of your mash (take 1 liter).

We add everything up and get 31 liters. To this volume, you need to add water, which will boil away during the cooking process (10-15%). Take 15% and get about 5 liters. Add this volume to 31 and get the total amount of water - 35.6 liters.

Knowing the hydromodulus, we calculate the volume of water required for the mash - 5 * 4 = 20.

Subtract it from the total amount of water and get 15.6 liters - the volume of water needed for flushing.

We get the following formula:

V total \u003d (V wort + V fraction + V bruh + V ns) + 15% where:

V wort - the amount of wort that we want to get in the end

V fraction - the volume of water that the pellet absorbs

V bruh - the volume of water that absorbs sediment and bruh

V ns is the volume not drained from the mash.

The volume of water per congestion is calculated as follows:

V zat \u003d V gm * m s

V zat - the volume of mash water

V hm - the volume of water per 1 kg of malt, depending on the hydromodule

m c is the total mass of malt used in the brew.

Wash water is calculated as follows:

V prom \u003d V total - V zat where:

Vprom - washing water

V total - the total volume of water used in cooking

V zat - the volume of mash water.

Please note that there is nothing complicated in these calculations and with time, having accumulated enough experience, you will be able to perform such calculations automatically.
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Perhaps the most difficult thing for a beginner brewer is to calculate the amount of water for brewing, especially if there is no recipe.

concept "hydromodule" used in brewing, this is nothing more than the ratio of grist to main bulk. The hydromodulus is a very important indicator in brewing, which should not be neglected, the concentration of the first wort depends on it. Many "home" brewers write on the forum that they do not bother with his choice. In fact, due to the large number of brews, they simply already determine everything by eye.

To make it clear to you what a "hydraulic module" is, let's look at an example: "Value 1/4" - 4 liters of water are needed for 1 kilogram of grist.

Which hydraulic module to choose?

The choice of hydronic module directly depends on the selected recipe. For light beers, its value lies in the range of 1/3 - 1/5. For dark varieties, a thicker hydromodulus 1/2 is used. This is because malt flavors can be caramelized in large quantities in the mash.

By the way, Beersmith's beer calculator does an excellent job of calculating, I recommend downloading and using it.

How to calculate the required amount of water when brewing beer

When calculating the required amount of water for brewing beer, the reverse method is usually used. Let's say we want to get 20 liters of wort in the fermenter. To the resulting volume, we need to add:

  • 1-2 liters is sediment at the bottom or bruh;
  • The volume that evaporated during the boiling of the wort (10-15%) is 3 liters. (do an experiment with water to find out a more accurate value);
  • The volume of water taken in by the pellet is 1 to 1 - 4 liters per 4 kg of malt;
  • Non-draining volume (here it all depends on the design of your mash) - all that remains in the filter system, and everything that your tap did not reach, let it be another 1 liter.

As a result, we received 30 liters of water. Now how to determine how much is needed for the mash, and how much for washing the grains? Everything is simple here, if we decided on the hydromodule and chose, for example, 1/5, then for a mash of 4 kg of malt we need 20 liters. water, and the remaining 10 liters. for washing.

In general, at least 40% of the mash water volume is typically used for flushing.

Parameters for measuring the density of beer with a hydrometer:

Material from Wikipedia

Degree Brix (Brix) (symbol °Bx) is a measure of the mass ratio of sucrose dissolved in water to liquid. Measured with a saccharimeter, which determines the specific gravity of a liquid, or more simply - a refractometer. A solution at 25 °Bx - 25% (w/w) means 25 grams of sugar in 100 grams of liquid. Or, to put it differently, 100 grams of solution contains 25 grams of sucrose and 75 grams of water.

Brix, Bolling, Plateau

The Bolling scale was developed by the German chemist Carl Bolling. It is based on the concentration of the sucrose solution as a mass fraction of sucrose at 17.5 °C

The Brix scale was originally developed when Adolf Brix recalculated the Bolling scale for a temperature of 15.5°C. The Brix scale was later recalculated and now refers to a temperature of 20°C. Brix can be calculated using the following formula: 261.3*(1 - 1/p), where p is the density of the solution at 20°C.

Bolling is still found in old saccharimeters and is still used in the South African wine industry.


The Brix scale is used in the food industry to measure the average amount of sugar in fruits, vegetables, juices, wine, soft drinks and in the sugar industry. Different countries use the scale in different industries.

For fruit juices, one degree brix is ​​approximately equal to 1-2% sugar by weight, which is usually well correlated with perceived sweetness.

Since Brix is ​​related to the concentration of dissolved solids (mainly sucrose) in a liquid, it is also related to the specific gravity (density) of liquids. And since the specific gravity (density) of a sucrose solution is widely known, Brix can also be determined with a refractometer.

Modern Brix meters are digital refractometers that determine the Brix value based on the value of the refractometer. These instruments are usually compact, splash-proof and easy to use, and can be used by anyone on site. Increasingly, Brix is ​​being measured to determine the ideal time to harvest fruit and vegetables so that the product reaches the consumer in the ideal stage or quality for further processing in the wine industry.


Produced sorts of beer are subdivided into two groups; light and dark varieties. These varietal differences are mainly due to the type of malt used, as well as the type and amount of unmalted raw materials added to the malt.

Light varieties, depending on the required color intensity, are prepared from light or medium-colored malt with the addition of barley flour, defatted corn flour, rice chaff, sugar. The taste characteristics of light varieties also depend to a certain extent on the types of raw materials used.

Due to the lower content of aromatic and colored products in the raw materials, these varieties have a less pronounced taste and aroma compared to dark malt. They are dominated by the taste and aroma of hops, which is explained by the higher consumption of hops and the method of hopping.

Dark beers are distinguished by a more intense color and a characteristic sweetish taste and aroma characteristic of dark malt. In the practice of brewing, due to the more complex technology of dark malt and large production losses during its preparation, the taste characteristics of dark varieties are often created not by dark malt, but by coloring malts (caramel, burnt or melan). However, it is known that the best tasting beer comes from good dark malt.

Both light and dark varieties of beer differ in the concentration of extractive substances in the initial wort subjected to fermentation, which is regulated for each variety by a standard or technical conditions. Depending on the concentration of extractives, the taste perception of beer can be “light” (with low extractivity) or “heavy” (with high extractivity). The concentration of extractives in the initial wort and the amount of production losses serve as the basis for determining the required amount of raw materials.

Alcohol content is also essential for the taste of beer, which is determined by the amount of fermentable substances in the initial wort and the degree of their fermentation. A high degree of fermentation is characterized mainly by light varieties. With a high concentration of fermentable substances in the initial wort and a high degree of fermentation, more alcohol is formed in the beer, which gives it a characteristic wine flavor. There is a relationship between the concentration of extractives in the initial wort and the content of alcohol and extractives in beer, which is mathematically expressed by the Balling formula:

Where E is the concentration of extractives in the initial wort, % by weight;

The degree of fermentation of beer (the ratio of fermented extract to the extract of the initial wort) is mainly determined by the technology for preparing beer wort, the fermentation mode, as well as the fermentation energy of the yeast used for fermentation.

The specific characteristics of the taste of beer also depend on the racial properties of yeast and on some products of their metabolism. For example, yeast races are known that give beer a delicate taste and aroma, but have relatively low fermentation energy, and races are also known that have a lesser effect on taste, but have high fermentation energy. Technological significance is also the ability of yeast to flocculate and some of their other properties. For example, top-fermenting Velvet Beer uses top-fermenting yeast that does not ferment sucrose.

In practice, little attention is usually paid to the selection of a yeast race that matches the type of beer. As a rule, plants use the same race of yeast for all varieties.

The salt composition of process water is also not indifferent to the taste of beer. It has long been considered that for light beers it is advisable to use as soft water as possible, and for dark ones - harder. Such an idea of ​​the requirements for process water is very primitive and is not always justified in practice. In industry, there are no technical specifications for process water, and there are also no scientifically based water treatment schemes. Therefore, it is often observed that the same sort of beer, produced by factories that have water with different salt composition, has very noticeable differences in taste. It should be noted that abroad, some typical beers are produced only on water of a certain salt composition. For example, Dortmund beer is brewed with water with a high content of carbonates, sulfates and chlorides.

Technological methods are of great importance for ensuring the varietal characteristics of beer. The technology methods used should, first of all, guarantee the production of beer with the established standard (or technical conditions) for each grade of indicators with the least production losses. Taking into account these indicators, technology methods are selected and, mainly, technological regimes are determined at the stages of preparation of beer wort, fermentation, after-fermentation and aging of beer.

In practice, the varietal features of beer are mainly provided by the following factors: the type of malt used and the types of unmalted raw materials, their quantitative ratio in the grist, the consumption of malt, unmalted raw materials, water and hops per unit of production, technological modes at the stages of preparation of beer wort, main fermentation, and after-fermentation and extracts of beer. These factors are the starting points for the preparation of a particular type of beer. They are determined by the technologist on the basis of recipes, the requirements of the standard and technological instructions, and also, to a certain extent, on the basis of personal experience.


The amount of raw material intended for one brewing of beer is the grist. According to the standard for beer, the types of raw materials and their quantitative ratio in the grist are determined by recipes. However, the recipes used in brewing are not strictly stipulated. So, for example, Zhiguli beer can be prepared either from malt only, or from malt with the addition of various unmalted grain products (crushed barley, rice chaff, defatted corn flour) and sugar. .Moreover, the amount of these additives can vary within wide limits: up to 15%. to the weight of the grist without the use of enzyme preparations and up to 50% with their use.

Recipes for such types of beer as Ukrainian, March, Porter are also not strictly conditioned. These varieties are prepared with different ratios of coloring malts in the grist. In most recipes, the ratio of individual grain products in the grist is set regardless of their extractivity. For example, according to the recipe, Moscow beer is made from light malt with the addition of up to 20% rice flour or chaff, regardless of their extractivity.

In some recipes, in addition to the percentage of certain types of grain products, their extractivity is also indicated. However, in practice, the composition of the grist usually does not change with a change in the extractivity of its individual components. To guarantee stable varietal characteristics of beer, it would be necessary to determine in the recipes not the percentage ratio of individual types of raw materials in the composition of the grist, but the ratio of their extractive substances.


The required amount of raw material for the preparation of 1 dal of beer depends on the concentration of the initial wort, the extractivity of the raw material used and the amount of production losses and can be calculated with sufficient accuracy using the following formula:

G=Cd*0.96*100*10/(E-PE)*(100-Pob) kg.

Where - G - the consumption of raw materials per 1 dal of beer, kg;

C - concentration of extractive substances in the initial wort, % by weight;

D is the relative density of the wort; 0.96 - coefficient taking into account the decrease in the volume of hot wort during cooling; E - extractivity of raw materials, % by weight; Pe - loss of extractive substances in the brewery,% by weight; Pob - volume loss of the product,% of the volume of hot wort.

The numerical values ​​of the quantities included in the formula are taken as follows: the concentration of the initial wort C for each type of beer is determined by the standard or technical conditions; the relative density of the wort, and is found from the tables according to its concentration; extractivity of raw materials E is taken according to laboratory analysis. When using several types of raw materials for brewing beer with different extracts, the weighted average extract is determined


Where E1, E2, E3 - extractiveness of the types of raw materials that make up the grist;

P1 p2 p3 - percentages of these types of raw materials in the composition of the grist, established by the recipe.

The loss of extractives in the Pe brewery depends on the quality of the raw materials used and on the operation of the brewhouse; they are taken on practical grounds. Volume losses Pob for technological calculations can also be taken according to the practical data of the plant. Depending on the concentration of the initial wort, these losses can be taken as follows:

Example. Determine the consumption of raw materials for the preparation of 1 dal of Moscow beer when using malt with an extractivity of 76% by weight of dry matter with a moisture content of 5.5% and rice chaff with an extractivity of 90% and a moisture content of 15%. Losses of extractive substances in the brewery-2%.

The extractivity of the used types of raw materials at the actual moisture content will be:



According to the recipe, the grist for Moscow beer contains 80% malt and 20% rice chaff. The weighted average extractivity of the raw material will be

E == 71.82 * 0.8 + 76.5 * 0.2 == 72.76%.

The required amount of raw materials for the preparation of 1 dal of beer

G \u003d 13 * 1.0526 * 0.96 * 100 * 10 / (72.76-2) * (100-14.3) \u003d 2.23 kg.


The amount of water used for mashing grain products determines the concentration of extractives in the first wort. The concentration of the first wort is set on the basis of the following technological considerations. With a high concentration of the first wort, the capacity of the digesters is used more efficiently. However, at a concentration of extractives of 16% or more, the loss of extractives in the pellets increases, since enzymatic processes (hydrolysis of starch, non-starchy polysaccharides, proteins) are inhibited in concentrated solutions. Therefore, for beers with an initial wort concentration of 8-14%, one should strive to obtain a first wort with a concentration of 15-16%. Beers with a higher concentration of initial wort require a correspondingly higher concentration of the first wort. For high extract beers, the maximum first wort concentration should be such that the standard initial wort concentration is reached after it has been boiled with hops.

In the preparation of highly extractive beers, the collection of wort is interrupted at a sufficiently high concentration of washing water, the latter are used for mashing raw materials when brewing less extractive varieties.

Thus, to determine the water consumption for mashing, the concentration of the first wort must be set depending on the type of beer. The calculation of the amount of water for mashing grain products is carried out according to the following formula:

B \u003d (E-n) (100-C) / C * 1.05

Where-B is the amount of water required for mashing 100 kg of grain products, l.

E - Extractiveness of grain products, % by weight; n-losses of extractives in grain, % by weight of raw materials; C - concentration of the first wort, % by weight;

1.05 is a coefficient that takes into account the evaporation of part of the water when boiling decoctions.

Example. Determine the water consumption for mashing 100 kg of grain products with a weighted average extractivity of 70% by weight of air dry substances of the raw material, with a concentration of the first wort of 16% and a loss of extractives in the grain of 2% by weight of the raw material.

Water consumption with the specified data will be

B \u003d (70-2) (100-16) / 16 * 1.05 \u003d 419 kg or l.


In the process of mashing grain products, the varietal characteristics of beer are provided mainly by the temperature regime, which is the most important factor for regulating enzymatic processes, and, consequently, the chemical composition of the wort.

The temperature regime of mashing is usually characterized by the initial mashing temperature, the speed and method of heating the mash mass to the optimum temperatures for the enzymatic hydrolysis of starch and protein of the raw material, the duration of exposure at optimum temperatures, the duration of boiling of the decoctions, and the final temperature of the mash mass.

In accordance with the temperature regime for mashing in a certain sequence, a number of technological operations are carried out, the totality of which constitutes the mashing method. The latter, in addition to the temperature regime, is also predetermined by the equipment of the brewhouse. If the brewhouse is equipped with mash and decoction kettles of the same capacity, which can accommodate the entire mass of the mash, all mashing operations can be carried out in each of them. With different capacities of the mash and decoction boilers, only a part of the mash is processed in a boiler of a smaller capacity (heating and boiling of decoctions).

The position of the boilers is also important. When the boilers are located at the same level, part of the mass for decoction from one boiler to another is taken by a pump, when the decoction kettle is located below the mash, the mass is transferred by gravity.

The most important practical issues when choosing a mashing mode are determining the duration of temperature pauses for the hydrolysis of starch and protein, determining the volume of mash mass taken for decoctions, and determining the duration of boiling decoctions.

The duration of the temperature pauses for the hydrolysis of starch and protein

Beer wort must contain a sufficient amount of fermentable carbohydrates to achieve the required alcohol content in the beer. The minimum content of fermentable carbohydrates can be calculated from the condition that 2.0665 g of extractives must be fermented to form 1 g of alcohol. But since the final degree of fermentation of carbohydrates is not reached during fermentation, then in order to guarantee the required concentration of alcohol, their content in the wort must be greater than calculated. A wort is considered normal in terms of carbohydrate composition, in which the content of fermentable carbohydrates to the mass of extractives is 75-80% for light beers, 70-75% for medium-color varieties and 65-70% for dark beers.

The carbohydrate composition of the wort is usually estimated by the ratio of maltose to nemaltose. The amount of maltose in the must is determined by chemical analysis, and non-maltose - by the difference between the content of the extract in the must and the content of maltose. So, for example, when the content in the wort is 75% of maltose from the wort extract, nemaltose is 100 -75 = 25%, and the ratio of maltose to nemaltose, respectively, is 1: 0.33.

In the process of mashing, the carbohydrate composition of the wort is regulated by the duration of pauses at temperatures of 63-65 ° C and 72-75 ° C. At a temperature of 63-65 ° C, enzymatic hydrolysis of starch occurs at the highest rate with the predominant formation of maltose, and at a temperature of 72-75 ° C due to the inactivation of thermolabile β-amylase, more dextrins are formed. Therefore, if it is necessary to accumulate more maltose in the wort, the pause at a temperature of 63-65 ° C increases; this pause is shortened if less maltose is required in the wort, and increases at 72-75 ° C until complete starch saccharification is achieved. The duration of temperature pauses is set taking into account the saccharifying ability of malt, the concentration of mash, the salt composition of water and other technological factors that affect the biochemical processes of mashing. In practice, for this purpose, experimental brewing is carried out.

When obtaining beer wort, no less attention is also required to regulate its protein composition, which largely determines the fullness of taste, foaming capacity and colloidal stability of beer; according to these indicators, high demands are placed on varietal beer.

Regulation of the protein composition of the wort in practice is very difficult. To a certain extent, it is predetermined by the biochemical composition of the raw material, and also depends on many other factors: temperature, active acidity, mash concentration, etc. The regulation of the protein composition of the wort is also complicated by the fact that the mode created during mashing to ensure the optimal carbohydrate composition of the wort , does not always meet the conditions of protein decomposition. The laboratory control of protein breakdown is also very complicated.

It is known that in order to ensure high foaming capacity and fullness of beer taste, it is necessary to accumulate in the wort a sufficient amount of medium fractions of protein decay and to limit, if possible, the formation of coagulable proteins. Therefore, when mashing grain products, it is taken into account that the accumulation of medium fractions of protein decomposition is favored by a temperature of 60 ° C, and the formation of products of deeper protein hydrolysis is favored by a temperature of 48-50 ° C. However, due to the complex dependence of protein decomposition during mashing on a number of changing production conditions, in order to correctly determine the conditions for protein hydrolysis, it is recommended, just as for carbohydrates, to conduct experimental brews.

The volume of mash mass taken for decoction and the duration of its boiling

The main methods of mashing grain products are decoctions, in which the mash mass is heated by boiling its individual parts, followed by mixing the boiled mass with the boiled part of the mash.

The volume of mash mass taken for decoction depends on the initial temperature of the mash, on the temperature that must be reached when mixing the boiled decoction with the boiled part of the mash, and on the size of heat losses to the environment. The bulk of the heat is lost due to the evaporation of water from the boiled decoction when it is pumped into the boiler, which contains the bulk of the mash.

The part of the mash taken for decoction can be determined with sufficient accuracy for practice from the equation

Where V is part of the mash mass taken for decoction; t1 is the temperature of the bulk of the mash by the time the decoction is pumped; t2 - temperature of the entire mass of the mash after pumping the decoction; k is a coefficient that takes into account the decrease in the temperature of the boiled mass and the change in its volume due to the evaporation of water during boiling. The value of this coefficient depends on the duration of pumping, on the ambient temperature and some other conditions. For production calculations, it is taken equal to 0.9-0.95.

Example. The initial temperature of the mash mass is 50 ° C. Determine which part of it should be taken for decoction so that after mixing both parts of the mash, the temperature of the mash will be 63 ° C.


It is known that boiling decoctions is one of the methods for extracting extractive substances of raw materials into a solution. Therefore, the duration of boiling is set depending on the achieved yield of the extract. But since the color intensity of the wort increases with prolonged boiling, when preparing light beers, the duration of boiling is limited (up to 10-15 minutes) depending on the color of the resulting wort. For the same reason, single-decoction mashing methods are preferred.


The influence of mash filtration on the taste properties of beer is manifested, first of all, when washing the grains. During washing, the chemical composition of the wash water extract changes: it becomes poorer in fermentable carbohydrates and enriched in nitrogenous compounds, polyphenols, silicic acid and other substances extracted mainly from the shell of malt and barley grains. The degree of extraction of shell substances depends on the temperature and amount of washing water, on its active acidity. The extraction of polyphenols is increased by washing the grains with alkaline water. Oxidation products of shell substances also have a negative effect on the taste of beer.

With a significant amount of wash water entering the main wort, the beer obtained from it acquires a coarse, tannic bitterness.

The amount of wash water entering the main wort depends, first of all, on the difference in the concentrations of the extractive substances of the mash and the initial wort. Since the possibilities of wort concentration in the wort kettle are limited by the wort brewing regime, at a very high concentration of the initial wort (for example, 20%), the wash water does not enter the wort of this type of beer at all, but is used in the preparation of low-extraction varieties. Accordingly, the risk of deterioration of the taste of beer due to substances extracted from the grains is the greater, the lower the initial concentration of the wort. In order to avoid the tannic bitterness of beer, it is necessary to stop washing the grains until the extractives are completely extracted, while sacrificing the yield of the extract. The normal concentration of the final wash water in the preparation of 11-12% beer is 0.4-0.5%.


The wort kettle receives all the first wort and a certain amount of washing water obtained by leaching the grains. An important practical issue at this stage is to establish the moment of termination of the descent into the boiler of wash water. Usually this point is set by the value of the concentration of the wort before boiling it. The concentration of the wort is determined from the following conditions.

Fermentation should receive the wort with a standard concentration of extractives. To do this, the wort before boiling must have a lower concentration, since when boiling and cooling the wort, part of the water evaporates. For the convenience of production accounting, the transfer of wort for cooling should be carried out at a standard concentration, and the amount of water evaporating during cooling should be compensated for by washing water obtained by leaching the grains. In this case, when collecting wort, it will be necessary to take into account only the amount of water that evaporates during boiling.

The amount of evaporating water depends on the duration and intensity of boiling. The evaporation capacity of wort kettles is 8-12% of water per hour of the initial volume of wort. The duration of boiling depends on the type of beer and ranges from 1.5-2.5 hours. In order to avoid an increase in color due to saccharoamine reactions when brewing light beers, a shorter boiling time is recommended. For dark varieties, the boiling time may be longer.

For the duration and intensity of wort boiling, taken for the indicated reasons, its concentration at the end of the set is determined by the formula,


Where C is the concentration of wort at the end of the set before boiling, % by weight; K - evaporation capacity of the wort boiler per hour, % of the volume of the initial wort; τ is the duration of wort boiling, h; Сн - concentration of the initial wort (at the end of boiling), % by weight; dn - relative density of the initial wort (after boiling); d and. - the relative density of the original wort (before boiling). In practice, the difference in the concentration of CH - Cu does not exceed 2. In this case, the ratio dn / di = 1.008.

Example. Determine the concentration of Zhiguli wort at the end of the set in the wort kettle under the following brewing conditions: boiling time 1.5 hours, evaporation rate 10% of the initial volume per hour. The concentration of initial wort for Zhiguli beer is 11% by weight.

C \u003d (1-10 / 100 * 1.5) * 11 * 1.008 \u003d 9.42%.


The output of hot hopped wort from 100 kg of raw materials depends on the required concentration of the initial wort, on the extractivity of the raw materials used and on the production yield of the extract in the brewhouse.

The expected yield of wort from 100 kg of raw material can be calculated using the following formula:

Vc \u003d (E-Pe) * 100 / Sn * d * 0.96

Where Vc is the volume of hot wort in the wort kettle at the end of the boil with hops, l; E - extractivity of the raw materials used, % by weight; Pe - loss of extractive substances in the brewery,% by weight; Сн - concentration of hot hopped wort, % by weight; d is the relative density of the wort, kg/l; 0.96 - correction factor for the expansion of the volume of the wort due to heating.

For this calculation, the extractivity is determined by laboratory analysis, and the loss of extractives in the brewing plant is taken according to the practical data of the plant. The concentration of the initial wort is set for each variety by the standard or specifications, and the relative density of the wort is found from the extract table according to the value of the initial concentration.

Example. Determine the expected amount of Zhiguli wort from 100 kg of raw materials with an extractivity of 72% and with an extract loss in the brewhouse of 2%.

For Zhiguli wort C = 11, d = 1.0442.

Vc \u003d (72-2) * 100 / 11 * 1.0442 * 0.96 \u003d 634.82


The amount and type of hops for hopping beer wort are determined by recipes for each type of beer. Depending on the type of beer, the hopping mode is also selected. It is known that prolonged boiling favors a more complete extraction of bitter substances. However, with the introduction of hops in the initial period of brewing, the wort turns out to be slightly aromatic, since hop essential oil evaporates during the brewing process.

Depending on the desired degree of aromatization, the wort is hopped in two, three or four steps; the rate of hops is divided respectively into two, three or four portions, which are added to the wort at different periods of boiling. Hopping regimens may vary depending on the quality of the hops, the salt composition of the production water, and the desired flavoring of the beer.


To extract the wort held by the hop grains, the grains are washed with water, which is combined with the main mass of the wort. To maintain the required concentration of the initial wort, the amount of water for washing the grains should be slightly larger than the amount of water that evaporates during cooling.

Due to the evaporation of water during cooling, depending on the method of cooling, the concentration of the wort increases by approximately 0.2-0.6%. This value is usually known to each plant and, knowing it, it is possible to determine the amount of evaporating water with a small error using the formula

W \u003d (1-Sn * d1 / Сoh * d2) * 100

Where W is the amount of evaporating water, % by weight of the wort; Сн is the concentration of the initial wort, % by weight; d1 is the relative density of the initial wort, kg/l, Cox is the concentration of the chilled wort, % by weight; d2 Relative gravity of chilled wort, kg/l.

Due to the fact that the remains of the wort are washed out of the grain, the amount of washing water is somewhat larger (by the volume of wort held by the grain).

Example. In the process of cooling the Zhiguli wort, its concentration increases from 11 to 11.4% by weight due to the evaporation of water. Determine the volume of water required to wash the hop grains to obtain a chilled wort with a given initial concentration.


Where 1.0442 and 1.0459 is the relative density of the wort at a concentration of extractives of 11 and 11.4%.


To accumulate a standard amount of alcohol and carbon dioxide in beer during the main fermentation, a certain amount of extractives must be fermented. The ratio of the amount of fermented extract to the extract of the initial wort characterizes the degree of fermentation, which is calculated by the formula

Where S is the degree of fermentation, % by weight; E - concentration of extractive substances in the initial wort, % by weight; e - concentration of extractive substances in beer, % by weight.

The value of E included in this formula is set for each type of beer by the standard (or RTU), and the value of e can be calculated using the Balling formula:

E \u003d (a * 2.0665 + e) ​​100 / (100 + a * 1.0665)

Where, a is the concentration of alcohol in beer, % by weight. From this formula it follows that

E \u003d E + E * a * 1.0665 / 100-a * 2.0665

At standard values ​​of E, the value of e, calculated by the Balling formula, is the maximum actual extract of lager beer after fermentation and aging, since the minimum allowable value of a is specified in the standard.

The actual extract of young beer should be more than that of lager beer, since for normal saturation of beer with carbon dioxide, 0.2-0.6% of extractive substances must ferment during the after-fermentation. With long periods of aging and for greater saturation of beer with carbon dioxide, young beer is transferred to the lager department with greater extractivity, and with short aging periods, on the contrary, the extractive substances of the wort are fermented more completely during the main fermentation.

Thus, the actual extract of young beer e1 should be equal to

Where C is 0.2-0.6%.

In practice, to determine the end of the main fermentation, they are guided by the apparent beer extract, determined by a saccharometer in the presence of alcohol. Alcohol underestimates the saccharometer reading, so the apparent extract is always less than the actual one, and the apparent degree of fermentation, on the contrary, is always greater than the actual one.

Depending on the relative amounts of alcohol in the beer, the difference between the apparent and actual degree of fermentation ranges from 12-14%. Based on these dependencies, it is possible, with sufficient accuracy for practice, for known concentrations of alcohol in beer A and extractives in the initial wort E, calculate the apparent extract of young beer e1k, upon reaching which the main fermentation should be completed. To do this, substitute the value of E and A into the formula

E \u003d E + E * a * 1.0665 / 100-a * 2.0665

And they find the actual extract of the finished beer e. Adding 0.2-0.6% to this value, they find the actual extract of the young beer e1.

Then according to the formula


Calculate the actual degree of fermentation of young beer. To determine the apparent degree of fermentation of young beer S1k add 12-14% to S1.

Having determined S1k, the apparent extract of young beer is calculated by the formula

S1k \u003d (E-e1k) / E * 100

Е1к=Е-S1к*Е/100, %

The apparent extract of young beer calculated in this way should be considered the maximum at which the minimum alcohol content in the finished beer is guaranteed at its normal saturation with carbon dioxide.

Example. Determine the apparent extract of the Moscow young beer before transferring it to the final fermentation. According to GOST for Moscow beer E = 13%, a = 3.5 °, the duration of exposure in tanks is 42 days. The actual extract of the finished Moscow beer is

E \u003d 13 + 13 * 3.5 * 1.0665 / 100 - 3.5 * 2.0665 \u003d 6.25%.

The actual extract of young beer with a relatively long aging period will be 0.6% more than in the finished beer, i.e.

E1 \u003d 6.25 + 0.6 \u003d 6.85%.

The actual degree of attenuation of young beer is


The apparent degree of fermentation of young beer is 12% higher than the actual one. i.e.


Then the desired apparent extract will be

E1k \u003d 13 - 59.3 * 13 / 100 \u003d 5.21%.


The duration of fermentation and aging of beer at a temperature of 1-2 ° C is established empirically, without proper scientific justification and is regulated for each type of beer by a standard or RTU.

The standard and RTU indicate the minimum periods of after-fermentation and aging of beer in lager tanks at an air temperature of the lager compartment of 1-2 ° С. harmonious taste. Prolonged aging of beer at elevated temperatures, with insufficient sealing of tanks and failure to comply with proper microbiological purity in production, leads to a decrease in the quality of beer.
