
How to clean moonshine from fusel oils. How to clean moonshine at home from fusel oils

Fusel oils are an essential component of home-made moonshine. Their presence determines the color, smell, taste of any alcoholic products. Even the degree of a hangover is determined by the concentration and composition fusel oils. Despite the fact that the opinions of most amateurs homemade moonshine who make it at home are unanimous in their opinion about the harmfulness of fusel oils. However, this is wrong.

When properly cleaned, these components are not harmful to health.

By their nature, fusel oils are toxic substances with an unpleasant odor with a yellow or reddish color. They are formed as a by-product of the fermentation of sugar, starch or fruit raw materials.


How harmful

Fusel oils when ingested circulatory system can cause the most unpredictable and Negative consequences. Of course, their concentration in quality moonshine not so great, but even this small amount can cause significant damage to the body.

First of all, the mucous membrane with which they are in direct contact suffers. Further, getting into the gastrointestinal tract, there they continue their destructive activity. After absorption into the blood, they can provoke phenomena such as dizziness, nausea, and in some cases cause severe intoxication body leading to death.

What does cleaning give?

Having found out the harm of the presence of these components in moonshine, it is necessary to decide how to get rid of them. There are many recipes and methods, the use of which allows you to minimize the presence of these oils in the finished product.

Assessing the consequences of drinking moonshine with great content fusel oils, do not be stingy with the purchase special equipment For secondary distillation, distillation column or other devices. If this is not possible, use all available methods for the maximum removal of "fussy" from home-brewed moonshine.

Ways and methods of cleaning

Activated carbon

The most famous and common way to clean moonshine. Thanks to the high ability activated carbon to the absorption of toxins and the relative cheapness of the goods, it is used in most cases as a primary treatment. Approximately half a kilogram is required for proper cleaning. charcoal. Pharmaceutical activated carbon unfortunately will not give such efficiency as natural wood material due to industrial processing (grinding and pressing).

Cleaning technology looks simple. A glass or stainless pipe must be filled with charcoal, one of the sides must be covered with cotton wool, bandage, napkin or other material that allows liquid to pass through, but which will hold fine coal dust. Further, moonshine is poured into the upper hole, which, passing through the pipe through activated carbon, is cleaned of fusel oils. The longer the tube and the slower the alcohol drips at the outlet, the purer it is.


The process relies on natural protein's natural ability to fold when exposed to alcohol.

The method is absolutely safe and harmless. Does not require investment. The only negative that may confuse you is when too high fat milk or insufficient alcohol strength, the final product may become cloudy. This has no effect on taste qualities worsening only the aesthetics of the drink. In view of this, it is recommended to use milk with a minimum fat content and stop cutting off the "tails" early to avoid loss of strength.

The procedure is simple and clear:

  1. Mix milk and purified moonshine at the rate of 100 g of milk per 10 liters of moonshine. By the way, you can use powdered milk, after diluting it in warm water and letting it stand for several hours.
  2. Mix everything, close and put it in a shady place, protecting it from direct sun rays. Shake the mixture daily for 5 days.
  3. When the protein is folded, white flakes are formed, which precipitate.
  4. After 5 days, strain the moonshine with a cotton filter, after separating the mixture from the sediment. Harmful protein-bound fusel oils will remain in the container as a sediment

Potassium permanganate

Another well-known cleaning method is potassium permanganate. Dissolve 1-2 g of potassium permanganate in 1 liter of moonshine or use the appropriate proportion (5 grams will be enough per bottle). Shake well and leave to settle for a day at room temperature, excluding direct sun exposure. By analogy with milk, whitish flakes should form. After clarifying the moonshine, also strain the drink through a cotton-gauze filter.


The method is to "use for your own benefit" physical properties impurities present in moonshine. Nothing needs to be added anywhere. Just place the moonshine in a resealable container and put it in the freezer. Under influence negative temperature nothing will happen to the alcohol-containing component (after all, vodka does not freeze!), And the existing impurities and harmful substances other density will freeze along the edge of the surface in the form of a thin layer of ice.

Take out the bottle of moonshine and without defrosting immediately pour the moonshine into another container. Everything remaining in the bottle in the form of frozen ice is the harmful impurities.


Also, samovarschiki use soda to clean. However, here opinions regarding the quality of the resulting product diverge. Therefore, to eliminate unwanted disappointments, use soda as a cleaner in a steamer. Just add a teaspoon of baking soda to the steamer during the primary distillation. This allows you to significantly reduce the level of harmful substances in the resulting drink.

Given the environmental friendliness and safety of the proposed cleaning methods, their consistent use is allowed. Using one or more of the methods for cleaning moonshine from fusel oils listed in the article, as well as taking into account the suggested tips and tricks, you can get a product the highest class, different mild taste and odor neutral. Properly purified moonshine with moderate use never causes a hangover. Be healthy!

By cleaning we mean maximum disposal of moonshine and fusel oil, aldehydes and others harmful impurities . There are currently 7 ways that can significantly improve the quality of the distillate, add transparency and remove unpleasant odors. All of them are ranked from most effective to absolutely useless.

Note that some purification technologies require a second distillation, so not always the most quality way will be convenient and fast. At the same time, we understand the importance of speed, since this process is far from interesting and pleasant for everyone, so we will note the amount of time required for adequate purification of the distillate.

What is the best cleaner to choose?

There are two approaches to cleaning moonshine that are used ordinary people at home:

  1. Purification of a ready-to-drink drink at 40-60% strength (quick, but not quite the right method).
  2. Purification of diluted distillate to 15–30% strength (long, with a second distillation, but of high quality).

When choosing between two options, remember: the lower the strength of moonshine, the more effective the cleaning. most the best fortress is 15%, at which the "fuel" is best separated from the distillate.

It is far from always desirable to “steam” about dilution, additionally distill the product and waste extra time. Therefore, we deeply believe that the golden rule is recommended, but not required. Many do not carry out any manipulations with moonshine at all, and the distillate is excellent.

Therefore, you can safely clean the liquid with a standard strength and not be afraid to drink it. Most of harmful substances will definitely go away and the result will still be worthy.

Rating of the best moonshine cleaning methods

I suggest not to postpone the matter indefinitely and start the review.

Activated carbon BAU and KAU

The undoubted leader is birch and coconut activated carbon, which is sold in specialized stores and the Internet at a price of 200–250 rubles per 0.5 kg. We give the first place to him, as it is possible even after cleaning with some other means.

Quickly and efficiently (within 1 hour you can strain a decent amount), cleansing takes place according to the following technology:

  1. We make a carbon filter. We cut off the bottom of a bottle with a volume of 2 or 5 liters, put a thick layer of cotton wool or gauze on the neck, pour it over it required amount sorbent based on the proportions above. The filter is shown in the picture on the right.
  2. Before filtering, the coal must be washed with a liter of water in order to minimize the loss of alcohol.
  3. The filter is installed on top of the container into which the purified moonshine will drain.
  4. With the help of a silicone tube and the principle of communicating vessels, we begin filtration.
  5. Repeat filtration 2-3 times until completely cleaned.

Egg white

We singled out the second in quality.

Interacting with moonshine, occurs precipitation in the form of white flakes, which are then filtered and discarded. It is these flakes that contain all the harmful impurities that we strive to get rid of during cleaning.

Do not be afraid to pour egg white into moonshine - everything will be fine!

Correct step by step:

  1. We prepare egg white in the proportion of 1 egg per 1 liter of moonshine.
  2. Pour into moonshine and shake vigorously.
  3. We insist 1 hour (if you want faster) or 1 day in a dark place.
  4. We remove the distillate from the sediment and filter through cotton wool (charcoal can be used for transparency).

By the amount of sediment, you can judge the quality of the moonshine you have prepared. The smaller it is, the cleaner the drink.

Sunflower, refined, deodorized oil

The third place is deservedly occupied, which clings to the "sivukha" and cleans the moonshine from bad smell. Due to the fat content of the oil, this method can be called rather dirty, but not so much that it should be abandoned. After purification, a second distillation is required.

Use a syringe to remove the film after infusion.

  1. We dilute moonshine to 15–20% of the fortress. The smaller the fortress, the better the cleaning will be.
  2. Pour the prescribed volume of oil into the moonshine (20 ml per 1 liter), close the lid and mix intensively.
  3. Within 10 minutes, we intensively beat the liquid 2-3 more times.
  4. We insist the resulting mixture in a cool place (refrigerator, balcony) for 12 hours.
  5. The distillate will develop a film above the surface, which ideally will need to be drained. In order not to spoil the tube and not wash it again, you can use a regular syringe, which can then be thrown away.
  6. We filter the distillate through cheesecloth or cotton. To increase the efficiency of cleaning, you can use carbonization, it definitely will not be superfluous.
  7. The resulting product is sent for re-distillation.

The drained oil will have a very unpleasant odor. Something like this smells "sivukha" in pure form.


On the fourth line is located. There is no need to be afraid to mix these two liquids, because after intensive filtration, the moonshine will have no unpleasant smell at all, and it will look transparent like a tear.

Turbid mixture becomes clear after filtration

  1. IN ready moonshine pour milk in proportions of 150 ml per 10 liters of product.
  2. Shake the mixture vigorously and place in a dark place. room temperature for a week. Shake periodically for the first 3-4 days.
  3. We remove the moonshine from the sediment, using the principle of communicating vessels and a silicone tube, after which we filter through several layers of cotton wool or gauze. To increase the cleaning efficiency, you can add BAU or KAU coal.

Milk has been an extremely popular moonshine purifier for hundreds of years, so you don't have to worry about the end result. Just follow the instructions and do everything honestly.

Black rye bread

For this method we need fresh, black, rye. This product perfectly absorbs fusel oils and toxins, and in return gives a dark brown color, like whiskey or cognac. It turns out interesting method cleaning, which also tints our moonshine.

  1. Pour moonshine into a container with a wide neck, through which it will be convenient to lower and pull out a slice of bread (best in a jar).
  2. Cut the bread into squares necessary proportions and pour into distillate.
  3. We shake vigorously, after which we remove our product in a dark place for 3 days.
  4. Filter the distillate through cotton wool or gauze, being careful do not squeeze bread. Losses will be, but not so critical.
  5. To stabilize the taste, let it stand for 1-2 days in a dark place, after which you can put it on the table.

Many, in an attempt to minimize the loss of moonshine, wring out bread and gauze. It is categorically not recommended to do this, since it is there that all the harmful impurities remain, from which we purify alcohol.

soda, salt

Sodium chloride () and sodium bicarbonate () also cleanse fusel oils and toxins well, although they do it noticeably worse than the substances described above.

  1. We take salt in the proportion of 1 tablespoon and soda 1 teaspoon per 1 liter of moonshine and pour it into the distillate.
  2. Shake vigorously for 10 minutes 2-3 times, after which we remove the container in a dark place for a day.
  3. Filter the resulting solution through a cotton filter.
  4. We carry out the second distillation of moonshine.

By filtering the distillate well, you can avoid redistillation and save quite a lot of time.

But still, salt and soda are quite harsh in taste, so any of their notes in the product will feel just terrible. In view of this, it is better not to risk it.

Freezing cold

This method is extremely inefficient and complicated, so we recommend that you use it last. It's old folk method, thanks to which part of the "fusel" remains with the frozen water, and pure alcohol goes into another container.

  1. We predict cold, winter and calm weather (at least minus 15) without precipitation in the form of snow.
  2. We freeze moonshine to the state of jelly.
  3. We take a metal object such as a crowbar, an ax or a shovel and put it in a basin.
  4. Slowly pour the distillate onto the iron (already sounds ridiculous) so that it drips into the prepared container.
  5. We clean the frozen layer of ice and harmful impurities from iron and repeat the procedure.
  6. We do this until it becomes boring or you start to freeze yourself.

As you can see, it all sounds pretty wild, not to mention practical. it is interesting to do it with humor and in good company, but doing it alone at home is completely uninteresting.

Potassium permanganate (the method does not work absolutely)

We are deeply interested in this issue and came to the conclusion that potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) cannot be used to clean moonshine.

First, as a result chemical reaction Moonshine turns into poison, which must be distilled a second time or thrown away.

Secondly, the precipitate from the crystals of this substance is not fusel oils and harmful impurities, but the alcohol itself, which has reacted with. In view of this, it becomes extremely impractical to purify the distillate in this way.

Moonshine - Russian traditional drink, which is prepared independently at home. Moonshine is a kind of art. In the arsenal of the manufacturer great amount all kinds of recipes and a huge selection of ingredients. All this makes it possible to unique drinks, With unique taste and aroma. But to make a drink High Quality, you need not only to be able to cook, but also to know howclear the moonshine. How to properly produce home cleansing moonshine from fusel oils.

What are fusel oils and where do they come from in moonshine

Excessive content of fusel oils in moonshine can be dangerous for the body

Essential or fusel oils are a by-product of the fermentation of raw materials. These are toxic substances that have an oily base and have an unpleasant specific odor. As part of oils contain: acetone, acetyl, isoamyl alcohol, acetaldehyde and other harmful substances. Excessive amount poisonous impurities that are contained in moonshine after distillation, leads to intoxication of the body and a severe hangover.

But at the same time, the content essential oils gives uniqueness and originality to the drink, determines its organoleptic qualities. Without these oils, any alcohol would just be alcohol water.

Therefore, in order to get a tasty and high quality drink, it is important to remove toxic impurities from it and preserve all harmless substances.

Cleaning methods

Moonshine cleaningis an important and indispensable step for obtaining a first-class drink. In history home brewing there are many wayspurification of moonshine from harmful fusel oils . The most popular removal methods are described below. fusel oils from moonshine.

Potassium permanganate

Cleansing is the easiest way strong alcohol potassium permanganate. To do this, moonshine is diluted to a consistency of 40% of the fortress. Manganese crystals are thoroughly dissolved in water until a slightly colored solution is obtained, at the rate of 2 grams per 1 liter. Then you need to pour the prepared mixture into a bottle of moonshine, mix everything well and leave for 10-12 hours. After the drink becomes lighter and sediment falls to the bottom, the liquid must be filtered through gauze folded in several layers.

Important! In the process of getting rid of fusel oils do not use metal utensils.

Cleansing using charcoal is one of the most popular methods, as it has the ability to absorb harmful impurities and remove unpleasant odors.

To do this, you can cook coal yourself or buy it ready-made in the store. Then crush it, pour it into a container with alcohol and mix thoroughly. For 1 liter of drink, it is recommended to take 50g. coal. Infuse for 7 days, stirring constantly. After the end of the settling process, drain from the sediment and filter.

There is another cleaning method - activated carbon, which is an excellent sorbent and is used to make a filter. To do this, a napkin or gauze must be rolled up in several layers, between the layers lay cotton wool and crushed activated carbon. Pass moonshine through such a filter. It is better to use this method as an additional method.


Biological purification from fusel oils is carried out using dairy products (kefir or skim milk), egg white and rye bread.

Cleansing with dairy product carried out by pouring it in proportion: a glass of milk per liter of moonshine. The mixture is thoroughly mixed and placed in a dark place. For 7 days, you need to mix it every day. As a result, all harmful impurities will precipitate in the form of flakes. As soon as this happens, the drink must be removed from the sediment, filtered with activated carbon. This will give the drink a special softness. Then make a second distillation, previously diluted to 40%.

cleansing egg whites produced in the same way as milk. For 1 liter, two squirrels whipped into foam are taken. Pour the mixture into the moonshine, stand until flakes appear, pass through the filter and re-distill.

After the second distillation, the drink is refined with rye bread. This method is used in combination with milk cleansing or as independent way. With this procedure, the bread is crushed, mixed with moonshine, settled for 2-3 days. Then it is decanted and filtered. To process a liter of liquid, you need 100g. of bread.

Important! For cleaning in this way, it is advisable to use fresh bread to avoid unpleasant aftertaste.


To like -something to get clean and flavored drink, some manufacturers before distillation use methods of clarification and purification of mash from fusel oils.

One of the most common ways is cleaning with soda. To do this, you need to mix soda with water in a 1: 1 ratio, counting that for every 10 liters of feedstock you need 10 grams of the product. Pour the solution into a container with mash, let stand for about 30 minutes. Then mix and place in a place protected from light for 12 hours. Then remove from the sediment, pass through the filter.

Tannins are tannic acids that have tannic properties and astringent taste. They are found in the bark, leaves, and fruits of many plants. A large number of tannins are found in the following plants:

  • oak;
  • acacia;
  • larch;
  • eucalyptus;
  • spruce.

Tannin is used to cleanse harmful impurities and improve taste. To implement this procedure, 10 gr. tannin powder or oak shavings are poured into 1 liter of the processed liquid and infused for 10 days, after which it is filtered and the drink is ready.


Freezing is a very affordable and easy way. The fact is that when frozen in freezer, all harmful impurities, sediment and water freeze and remain on the walls of the dishes. It remains only to drain the alcohol into another container, and then it can be filtered by any known way and dilute to desired fortress, since after freezing the water, the strength of the moonshine increases.

Making a carbon filter column with your own hands

Good results can be obtained by passing moonshine through a carbon column - a filter. This method gives a high degree of purification and does not require the use of additional methods. You can make it yourself:

  1. We need to prepare the coal. For these purposes any will do coal, which does not contain any impurities. Coal needs to be crushed to get a powder and small pieces.
  2. Take a two or three liter plastic bottle, cut off the bottom and drill 6-7 small holes in it at the same distance from each other. Drill a larger hole in the lid of the bottle.
  3. You need to assemble the structure in this order: in three-liter jar a bottle is inserted upside down, which is filled with prepared small pieces coal by one third, a bottom with holes is placed on top of the coal and pressed against it so that the coal does not float up.

Pour the unrefined drink into the rest of the bottle. Through the hole in the lid, moonshine after filtration , will drain into the jar. At the exit, it will be mixed with coal, which will be removed in the next step. If there is a blockage and the passage of liquid through the bottle slows down or stops completely, you can slightly press on the bottle, or by unscrewing the cap, clean the hole. Moonshine should be passed through such filter 2-3 times.

After that, pour the remaining coal powder into the container with moonshine, at the rate of 40 gr. per liter, mix well, close the lid and leave for 2 days. After all the coal sinks to the bottom, you can proceed to further cleaning.

To rid the drink of the remnants of coal and make it transparent, you need to close the same bottle with a lid, lower it back into the jar with the neck down, fill it with cotton wool and pour in the moonshine in small portions. As the cotton gets dirty, change it clean. After the procedure is completed, the drink is cleaned and ready to drink.

Important! Do not use when storing alcohol plastic utensils, because at long-term storage plastic comes into contact with alcohol and begins to release harmful substances.

Making homemade moonshine good quality very responsible and difficult process. In addition to the fact that you need to cook the mash and overtake it, it is important to have the skills to additionally process alcohol. Today there are many wayscleaning moonshine from fusel oils at home. This process allows you to rid the drink of harmful impurities, unpleasant odor and taste. Similar decision allows you to get better quality moonshine and avoid pickling.

The process of removing harmful impurities and fusel oils is a mandatory and integral process for making high-quality moonshine. Most methods involve separating harmful components in the interval between distillations, that is, in the future, the purified moonshine is subjected to re-distillation.

For best result professionals advise diluting the drink to a strength of no more than 40 degrees, and in some cases up to 20 degrees of strength. This is due to the fact that fusel oils in this concentration are separated much easier and more efficiently. It is better to stand before cleaning for 2 days and cool to a temperature of 15-18 degrees.

Each method of cleaning moonshine presented below operates in varying degrees effectively. Therefore, for greater effect and better results, it is worth approaching the issue comprehensively and applying several options at once. Good quality moonshine should be crystal clear, if the drink remains cloudy, then harmful components are still present in it.

Purification of moonshine from fusel oils at home

Craftsmen have come up with many options to purify alcohol from fusel oils and harmful impurities. Each of them involves the use of a particular sorbent.

pasteurized milk

The most common and frequently used cleaning method. Milk allows you to remove the unpleasant odor and make the taste of the drink more noble. The main difference of this sorbent is that its use does not require repeated distillation, since no third-party products of the interaction of milk and alcohol are formed.

The cleaning process is as follows.

  • Pour milk into alcohol. You need to use only pasteurized raw materials, otherwise moonshine becomes cloudy. For 10 liters of alcohol, 100 ml of milk is enough.
  • Mix the composition and close the lid.
  • Place the container with alcohol for a week in a dark cool place and shake daily.
  • Drain off the sediment and filter through cotton wool or a clean flannel cloth. You can add additional sorbent in the form of crushed coal.

The result will be pure moonshine ready to use.

Egg white

Protein chicken egg contains components that have a unique ability to absorb excess substances and bind fusel oils. As a result, harmful components fall out as a residue, and the filtered alcohol is pure.

  • Separate the yolks from the proteins at the rate of 2 eggs per liter of drink.
  • Mix eggs with a small amount warm water or milk, beat with a mixer.
  • Pour into alcohol and leave for a week in a dark, cool place.
  • Twice a day, you need to shake the purified alcohol in order to separate the fusel oils as much as possible.
  • Filter the drink through cotton wool several times.

Moonshine can be drunk immediately, but for greater effect it is better to repeat the distillation, separating the fractions.

activated or charcoal

Most fast way - use charcoal. In this case, there are two options for organizing the process. You can adjust the filtration immediately during the distillation process. To do this, moonshine dripping from a tap is sent into a container through a funnel, at the base of which a cotton pad is inserted, on which coal is located. Cotton wool is also laid on top. Alcohol is cleared immediately.

The second option involves adding coal directly to a jar of moonshine. After the liquid settles (within 1-2 weeks), it must be filtered. Re-distillation required.

Potassium permanganate

Another way to clean a strong drink from excess impurities. To achieve the desired effect, it is required to dilute 1 g of potassium permanganate in 100 ml of water for each liter of alcohol. Liquids must be combined and left for 12 hours. After the specified time, you need to filter the composition through a few layers of gauze. In this case, re-distillation is required.

Freezing fusel oils

Everyone knows that when freezing, water freezes first, and alcohol freezes at more than low temperatures. This feature allows you to rid alcohol of harmful impurities. Fusel oils freeze together with water, and in time, draining the strong part of the liquid can clear it of them. It is better to drain alcohol several times. It must be remembered that the degree of the drink rises.

Baking soda

Clear moonshine from fusel oils at homesoda will help, this product is affordable and is in almost every home. For every liter of alcohol, 10 grams are required baking soda. For a complete cleaning, it is necessary to let moonshine stand for at least 12 hours. As a standard, we filter the liquid and send it for re-distillation.

Vegetable oil

The original approach to cleaning moonshine. The oil must be refined and odorless, otherwise the third-party flavor will be fixed in the moonshine. The essence of the impact of this component is that fusel oils merge with vegetable oils, and water and alcohol exfoliate from it.

For every liter strong drink you need 20 grams of oil. It is important to mix the ingredients thoroughly, it is necessary to mix the components 3-5 times with an interval of 5 minutes. Then let stand for 12 hours. Then carefully drain the alcohol through a straw without disturbing the oil film.

Water filter

The easiest way to clean moonshine is with a regular water filter. The filtering process must be performed twice, each time using a new filter.

Rye bread

Fresh in the recent past Rye bread was considered the perfect way purification of strong alcohol. But upon closer examination, it turned out that this approach implies a combined cleaning. First, moonshine is cleaned with an egg or milk, and then 100 g of bread is crumbled for each liter of drink. Then the container is placed in a dark cool place to settle for 3 days. Then the liquid is filtered, if necessary, you can repeat the process to get rid of the yellowish tint.

Fruit and vegetable mix

Remove impurities andclean moonshine from fusel oils at homefruit will help. In addition, this approach allows you to add fruity notes to the drink. Fruit cleaning can be used both as an intermediate between two distillations and as a final cleaning before consumption.

Usually, one carrot and an apple are added to 3 liters of moonshine. They are cleaned, cut into large pieces, and the middle with bones is cut out. The drink is settled for no more than 3 days, until the contents begin to separate the fibers, then filtering and distillation or use.
