
Pancakes Vologda lace on milk. Pancakes "Vologda lace"

Apple cider recipe

Homemade apple cider, the recipe and cooking technology of which has been passed down for centuries, will refresh you in the heat and become an essential attribute of bath gatherings. His recipe surprises with its simplicity, and the taste - subtle notes freshness and apple aroma.

  1. Type of dish: homemade cider.
  2. Dish subtype: apple drink.
  3. Outlet volume: 7 l.
  4. Cooking time:
  5. Nationality of the dish: French cuisine.
  6. Energy value:
  • proteins - 0.04 g;
  • fats - 0.07 g;
  • carbohydrates -10.9 g;
  • rich fatty acid- 0.047 g;
  • potassium - 295 mg;
  • sodium - 7 mg.

Making apple cider in jars

Ingredients for making homemade apple cider

  • apples - 10 kg;
  • sugar - 4-6 cups.

How to make homemade apple cider

Refreshing cider, in fact, is an ordinary apple wine, since the technology for their preparation is identical. It is better to choose several varieties of apples as raw materials. It is noted that the best palatability has apple cider, during the preparation of which juice was obtained from 1 part of sour fruits and 2 parts of sweet ones. Sweet and sour wilds are excellent for making cider from apples.

Sweet and sour fruits for making cider

To get a real cider from apples, it is recommended to let the selected fruits lie down so that they become softer. It is worth monitoring their appearance daily so that rotten areas do not appear. Making cider from apples is very simple, the whole process can be described in the following steps:

  1. Preparation of raw materials. The collected apples should be wiped with a dry soft cloth (can not be washed!) - this will keep live yeast on their surface, which contributes to the fermentation process. Put apples for a couple of days in a warm room. Then clean the fruits: remove the stalks and leaves.
  2. Grinding of raw materials. Cut the apples into several pieces, then pass through a meat grinder or puree with a blender.
  3. Preparing a tank for fermenting cider. For these purposes, it is recommended to take a large glass containers(for example, 9-liter bottles), but plastic bottles, basins, large enamel pots. Wash the containers well, rinse with boiling water and wipe dry.
  4. Unfolding the apple mass in containers. Pack the ground apples in clean containers so that 1/3 of them remain free - this is necessary for the resulting foam and carbon dioxide. Add sugar there - 100 g each (maximum 150 g for very sour apples) per kilogram of apple mass. It is better to add sugar gradually, constantly stirring and tasting the wort. It should be sweet, but not cloying.
  5. Preparation for the fermentation of apple cider. Cover the neck of each container with thick gauze and fix on the sides with a strong thread. Put in a room with room temperature where the sun's rays should not penetrate.
  6. Control of the primary fermentation process. For 4 days, it is necessary to regularly mix the fermented mass, drowning the pulp in the juice.
  7. Preparation for the secondary fermentation process. When the hiss is clearly visible and the characteristic smell of the fermented mass is felt (for about 3-4 days), it must be squeezed out and poured into another container. Install a water seal on its neck or put on an ordinary medical glove (sold in a pharmacy), in one finger of which make a hole for the free release of carbon dioxide.

Apple cider: fermentation process

  1. Fermentation apple juice. Place containers with future cider in a dark place where the air temperature will be in the range of 18-26 degrees. There they will be stored for up to two months, until fermentation stops completely. This will be indicated by a deflated glove or the cessation of air release from the water seal.
  2. Drain. Remove the resulting drink from the sediment and pour into another container. Experienced winemakers use a thin tube for this (as from a dropper). Strain the cider again through a tight cheesecloth.
  3. The pouring of the drink and its ripening. Prepare bottles and caps in advance: everything must be thoroughly washed and sterilized. Pour strained apple cider into bottles (jars), cork well or roll up. Put them in a dark place with a temperature of 8-12 degrees. The temperature must not be allowed to fall below 5 degrees, otherwise the cider will not acquire the necessary properties. After 3 months, apple cider at home will be completely ready for use.
It should be borne in mind that if you plan to make cider from very sour varieties of apples, you will need to add a little water to the grated mass at the rate of 50-100 ml per 1 kg of apple puree. Adhering to this recipe, you will get very tasty low alcohol drink- its strength of cider from apples does not exceed 8%. If you add a little cognac to it, you will get a fortified apple wine that tastes good.

Carbonated apple cider


  • apples - 10 kg;
  • sugar - 5-7 cups.

Delicious carbonated apple cider

To make apple cider at home, you need to do everything the same as for making "silent" cider. Similarly to the first 8 points of the first recipe, prepare raw materials for fermentation and wait 1-2 months when this process is completely completed. Then proceed as follows:

  1. Prepare a glass or plastic container for storage. Wash and dry them well.
  2. Remove the cider from the sediment, pouring it into another container using a thin tube.
  3. Pour sugar at the bottom of each bottle at the rate of 10 g per 1 liter of container volume. This will allow the weak fermentation process to start again, due to which the cider will be saturated with carbon dioxide and become carbonated.
  4. Pour apple cider into bottles, but do not fill them to the end. There should be about 6 centimeters of free space up to the neck of the container. Close bottles tightly with lids or corks.
  5. For 2 weeks, move them to a room with room temperature, devoid of sunlight. Throughout this period, check the gas pressure in the tanks daily. If too much gas has accumulated, they must be partially bled (released).
  6. For storage, such cider should be moved to a cold cool place, you can put it in the refrigerator. There he must lie down for at least 4 days.
    The chilled drink is a bit like kvass - just as refreshing in hot weather.

Homemade sugar-free apple cider


  • apples in any quantity.

Making sugar-free apple cider

He is called classic cider and it is especially appreciated among those who prefer exclusively natural and healthy foods. The technology of its preparation at home is quite simple:

  1. Get apple juice from any available ways. The fruits cannot be washed before this - it is important to preserve the natural yeast.
  2. Put for a day in a dark place for settling. The temperature should be room temperature.
  3. The next day, remove from the sediment, strain and pour into a fermentation container (with a narrow neck). Install a water seal or put on a medical glove.
  4. Put for 1-2 months (until fermentation ends) in a dark warm place, the temperature should be within 20-27 degrees.
  5. Using a thin long tube, pour the fermented drink into another container, without touching the sediment, strain.
  6. Pour the cider into bottles, cork tightly and place in a dark room with a temperature of 6-12 degrees. So the cider should ripen in 3-4 months.
  7. Filter again and bottle, roll up or close tightly.
It remains to place the bottles in the cellar or refrigerator for another 3-4 days, after which you can start tasting. Under such conditions, it can be stored for up to 3 years.

Apple cider: video recipe

Another very simple and delicious recipe can be seen in the next video. Its author suggests making a drink using apples, sugar and raisins.

How and where to store apple cider

Keep ready drink need in the dark cool place with an air temperature of 5-8 degrees. Direct hits must not be allowed. sun rays otherwise it will lose its properties. A refrigerator or a cold cellar is ideal as a storage place. It is worth protecting such stocks from temperature changes, movements and other influences that may affect the carbonization process - saturation of the drink with carbon dioxide.

Apple Cider Storage Secrets

If the jars were sealed with a cork stopper, then they should be on their side for the entire shelf life. If the containers were rolled up or twisted lids were used, they can be kept in any position. For bottles with cork stoppers it is especially important to support required humidity indoors - 65-80%. If you create suitable conditions for storage and not violate the temperature and humidity indicators necessary for this, the drink will be stored for up to three years. But still, it is advised to use it after 6 months of ripening and no later than a year from the moment the bottles are clogged.

What is cider made from and how to make apple cider at home? Cider - wonderful foamy fruit drink, which is obtained as a result of fermentation, usually apple juice, a little less juice from pears or other fruit juice no added yeast. Unlike apple wine its strength is 1 - 5% by volume. Therefore, it can be used on a par with kvass to quench thirst in a roast. summer time. There is no particular difficulty in its preparation, so we will try to tell you how to make apple cider at home.

How to make apple cider at home

The first step in the process of preparing a drink will be the choice of an apple variety. For cider, sweet varieties of apples should be used. After all, sugar is essential for fermentation. For the first time, we will apply the sort White filling due to its widespread use. It will suit our purposes well. In the future, if you like this drink, it will be possible to use varieties of apples specially used in its production.

  • Cut the selected apples into four parts. We remove the stalks, core, rot and wormholes. We pass them through a meat grinder with a large mesh to obtain a large cake. Let's put it in a vessel for preliminary fermentation. At this stage, sugar should not be added. We fill the prepared dishes with cake by two-thirds. And we tie the neck with gauze. During the first three to five days, the fermentation process should begin and our cake will separate into juice, sediments and small particles floating on the surface (if there are enough of them, they can form a crust).
  • Drain the juice from the sediment. To do this, it is convenient to use a flexible tube. Juice will flow through it at a low speed, and in this way it is easier to separate the sediment.
  • Sediment and upper crust can be squeezed out through gauze.
  • Now you can add sugar. For the first time, add about one hundred grams of sugar per liter of fermented juice. Subsequently, you yourself will determine the amount of sugar that should be added to get a drink to your taste.
  • Now our juice should be poured into an airtight container and a water seal should be installed.
  • The fermentation process will be completed after the gas emission process stops.
  • It remains to pour the finished cider into bottles, cork tightly and store in a cool place.

Ready cider can be stored for up to three months.

How to make cider from apple juice: step by step recipe

Apple cider recipe. To get cider from apple juice, we need a small amount more wine yeast, since wild yeast present on the peel of apples will not be able to take part in the fermentation process.

  • Let's cook yeast sourdough. To do this, for three liters of undiluted juice, add 50 grams of wine yeast and two tablespoons of sugar to half a glass of water. Stir and leave for an hour to start the fermentation process.
  • Now add the starter to the juice and put it in a warm dark place for fermentation, installing a water seal.
  • After the end of fermentation, we drain it from the yeast and, after filtering the drink, we bottle it, not forgetting to cork them carefully.

Here our cider is ready. By changing the amount of sugar added after the pre-fermentation process, we can get more sweet drink, but at the same time, it is also stronger, since during the fermentation process, some of the sugar will turn into alcohol. The resulting drink is characterized by the fact that it retains all useful material present in fresh fruits apples. Slightly effervescent, it perfectly quenches thirst.

Connoisseurs of the drink do not agree with this, because it does not have the density of wine, splashes of champagne and the intoxicating heaviness of beer. They believe that apple cider is incomparable and deserves its place, but equate more to natural kvass. apple cider, like bread kvass, a pleasant-tasting and healthy drink for the body.

about benefits and possible harm we’ll talk about the hero of today’s article a little later, first a little history.

Apple cider - the history of the drink

Apple cider is not inferior in age grape wines. The Celts believed that this drink was sent to them from the "country eternal youth”And appreciated for the fact that he endowed a person with health and beauty. Scandinavians, Jews, ancient Egyptians are also on the lists of the first producers of apple cider.

The modern history of the drink dates back to the 14th century, when the famous English theologian John Wycliffe introduced the world to the "Cider Bible". At this time, the drink not only competed with wine, it was used for healing ablutions, and in churches babies were baptized in it, believing that it cleaner than water. True, over time, wines nevertheless forced out cider to more distant positions.

Although main ingredient- apples, but different manufacturers have different drinks, from crystal clear filtered to dense unfiltered drink. Maybe that's why they compare it with champagne, then with beer. Rosé cider is made exclusively from red apples. Drinks also differ in the degree of sweetness - from brut to sweet samples.

Made from apple cider Reviver calvados, also known as apple brandy. Sometimes pears are added to apples from 30 to 50%, and cider only from pears is called perry.

Apple cider - recipe at home

To make cider with your own hands at home, you don’t need much - apples, sugar and a step-by-step recipe with a photo.

I recommend taking apples intended for storage, and these are autumn and winter varieties. summer varieties overripe quickly and produce little juice. Apples should be firm, ripe, but not overripe. If you want to make the drink more healthy, you can replace sugar with honey.

How to make apple cider - step by step recipe with photos.

  • 1 step - getting juice

An important point - you can’t wash apples, since beneficial bacteria that are needed for fermentation live on the peel. If the fruits are dirty, then they should be wiped with a dry cotton napkin.

Cut the apples into pieces, free from the seed lobule. Pass through a juicer.

  • Step 2 - making the wort

Pour the juice into a saucepan or bucket,
cover with a cotton towel to protect from insects. We leave for 2 - 3 days.

  • 3rd step - fermentation of the wort

During this period, the apple mixture begins to decompose into 2 fractions: pulp (remnants of the peel, pulp) and apple juice. The pulp will rise to the top, but in order to dispute wild yeast got into the juice, you need to stir 3-4 times a day.

  • Step 4 - Separating the wort from the juice

After about 3 days, the pulp will collect in a dense layer on the surface.
It must be removed with a colander or slotted spoon. Leave the juice for another day to enhance fermentation.

  • Step 5 - Apple cider fermentation

For this stage, you need a jar or bottle that can be tightly closed in order to prevent contact of the wort with air. If this is not done, then as a result, instead of apple cider, we get apple cider vinegar.

Strain the juice through cheesecloth and determine the amount.
This is necessary in order to add sugar. The amount of sugar depends on the sweetness of the apples and the sweetness of the drink you want to end up with.

To get a semi-sweet cider, then 150 - 200 gr. is added to 1 liter of juice. Sahara.

For making sweet and dessert wines, add 300 - 400 grams of sugar.

In order for the sugar to completely dissolve, you can take a little juice, heat it up to 25 degrees, add sugar,
mix until completely dissolved and pour into a bottle. Pour the rest of the juice in there.

It is important to remember that the bottle is not completely filled, it is necessary to leave at least 1/5 of the volume not filled for carbon dioxide and foam, which will be formed during the fermentation process.

Close the bottle with a special cap, into which a water seal is inserted to release the gas. It can be both home-made options and store-bought ones.

If there is no such device, then an ordinary medical glove will replace the water seal. It is put on the neck of the bottle, secured with a ribbon or tape to prevent air from entering and the glove does not fall off during fermentation. So that it does not burst, it is recommended to make a hole in one finger with a thin needle.

From the experience of making wine from grapes, we do not immediately pierce the glove. We look at the fermentation process, if the glove is very swollen, then we make a hole, if not, then we do not. If even with one hole the glove swells strongly, then you can make an additional one. Before making holes, it is better to remove the glove so that it does not burst. Try to do everything quickly to reduce the time the wine comes into contact with the air.

During fermentation, the container should be in a warm place, the desired temperature is 20 - 22 degrees. If it is not possible to put it in a dark place, try to find a place where direct sunlight does not fall on the bottle.

An important point - an excess of sugar can stop the fermentation process, as there is not enough natural yeast for it. Therefore, if you are making sweet cider, it is recommended to add sugar in parts. Add half of the portion first, close as above. As soon as the fermentation process begins to decline, remove the lid or glove and add the remaining sugar, dissolving in a small amount guilt. Close again and leave for the final fermentation.

The entire fermentation period lasts 55 - 60 days.

We made semi-sweet apple cider and put all the sugar at once - 200 gr. per litre. A glove was used as a shutter. I forgot to take a picture when she got up, it already happened the next day. Since we had a trial version and did not make much juice, there was more than 1/5 of the free space in the five-liter plastic container and there was no need to make a hole in the glove. The glove held for about a month, then fell off, but it was clear that the fermentation process had not completely ended and there was no transparency in the wine. Therefore, we did not touch, left for another month.

The cider stood for 60 days. Carefully, so that the sediment does not get into the drink, drain finished wine in pre-prepared bottles. In order to exclude the ingress of sediment, it is better to pass through cheesecloth.

Bottles must be clean and dry to prevent additional fermentation. Bottles should be filled as full as possible. Close tightly, store in a cool (10 - 16 degrees) dark place.

  • Stage 6 - aging of the wine drink

The cider turned out to be delicious, with a pronounced, but not intrusive aroma, beautiful golden color. Wine can be drunk immediately, but to improve the taste, it is recommended to let it stand for 3-4 months. The shelf life of apple cider prepared according to a recipe at home is up to 3 years.

Apple cider - whole apple recipe video

If there is no juicer, but there was a desire to make apple cider at home, then I found a video recipe on how to make a drink from whole apples.

Lessons on the correct consumption of wine drink

  1. Apple cider connoisseurs say that cider is drunk well chilled, poured into tall wine glasses or glasses.
  2. IN natural drink after a while, sediment may appear at the bottom of the glass. Drinking cider with the rest is bad form.
  3. Unlike other alcoholic drinks, apple cider is not used to make cocktails, it is drunk in its pure form.

The benefits and harms of apple cider

Apple cider, as you understood from the above recipe, is a product of natural processing, does not include heat treatment, which means it retains vitamins and minerals original product- apples.

Since it is an alcoholic drink, traditional healers used it as a remedy that reduces emotional stress, helps to cope with stress and chronic fatigue.

But modern research has found other properties in this drink that have a positive effect on the human body:

  • increases appetite
  • removes toxins
  • has a positive effect on the digestive process
  • dilates blood vessels, normalizes blood pressure
  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels, making them elastic
  • reduces cholesterol, removes atherosclerotic plaques
  • slows down the aging process by blocking free radicals
  • the high content of vitamin C makes it a drink that increases resistance to colds

Nutritionists allow drinking apple cider during a weight loss course due to the fact that the drink is actively involved in metabolism, it can improve metabolism.

During the fermentation process, phenolic compounds are formed in the drink, which inhibit wear internal organs, thanks to them, the skin, the condition of the hair improves.

But for all positive properties apple cider, we must not forget that having a small fortress (no more than 9%), this is an alcoholic drink. And alcohol requires precautions and should not be consumed:

  • persons under 18 years of age
  • pregnant and lactating women
  • people whose work is connected with the concentration of attention

Caution should be taken with this drink for people who have the following diseases:

  • hepatitis
  • peptic ulcer
  • diseases of the genitourinary system
  • pyelonephritis
  • diabetes

For any chronic disease, a doctor's consultation is necessary.

The safe rate of use is 100-150 ml per day.

Non-alcoholic apple cider

If you are interested in a drink, and alcoholic drinks contraindicated, that is Alternative option. From apple juice, adding delicious and healthy ingredients you can make a healthy and warming drink. Recipe soft drink in the video.

I told you about such a product as apple cider, the recipe for cooking at home is not difficult and with moderate use will become good addition in the form of a tasty and healthy drink.

Bon appetit.
Elena Kasatova. See you by the fireplace.
