
Watermelon jam recipe for the winter. watermelon jam

Watermelon jam is very tender and crazy delicious dessert with which you can always please your household - you just have to stock up on a few watermelons and some other ingredients that are included in this sweet preparation.

For those who are not yet familiar with, I would like to say that it can be cooked both from the pulp itself and from the peels - in both cases you can get a true delicacy. So, let's look at watermelon and jam from its peels.

Watermelon jam

  • watermelon pulp - 2 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 8 glasses;
  • 4 glasses of water;
  • freshly squeezed lemon juice - from two fruits;
  • vanillin for a pleasant aroma.

To make jam, you need to make the initial processing of watermelon. It is not difficult, but rather tedious, because it involves getting a clean watermelon pulp by separating it from the bones and crusts. And, if cutting off the crusts is not difficult, then in order to get the bones, you will need to work hard and spend a lot of time.

However, when you have done everything, you need to cut the prepared watermelon pulp in small pieces, and after that, filling them with the amount of water allotted in the list of ingredients, start cooking over high heat. As soon as you notice the process of boiling, wait about 5 more minutes and remove the mass from the stove. watermelon pieces you need to get it out of the syrup formed during the cooking process and put it in ice water (namely ice water). After that, the dessert preparation process will have to be suspended for a short time - for about 8 hours.

After the allotted time has passed, remove the watermelon from cold water and pour over the hot syrup that you got when cooking. During the afternoon, let the mass infuse and soak with juices. After that, the juice is drained again and two glasses of sugar and vanillin are added to it. In this composition, the syrup needs to be boiled for a while, and then watermelon is laid in it. Now your task is to cook the mass until it becomes transparent.

Remove the jam from the stove, cool and you can enjoy its divine taste!

Watermelon jam is the most waste-free production (unless, of course, discarded bones are taken into account), since even from berry peels you can cook an equally delicious dessert - jam from watermelon rinds.

Watermelon peel jam

For cooking you will need:

  • watermelon peels - 2 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 3 kg;
  • water - 1 liter;
  • lemon juice (it is better to choose individually, to taste)

Watermelon peel jam is relatively easy to prepare, but at the same time very long.

First you need to prepare the main ingredient - watermelon peels. To do this, they are processed - it is necessary to cut off the green skin - it will not be needed. The remaining pieces should be cut into medium slices and, the bay should be boiled over high heat for five minutes. After this time, the crusts are removed from the stove and lean back on a sieve. They need to be cooled and only after that continue cooking jam.

Pour hot water, in which crusts, sugar were boiled and, putting it on the fire to boil, start stirring - so until the sugar dissolves and syrup forms. Only then add lemons.

Put the watermelon peels that have cooled by that time into syrup and continue to cook in this composition for half an hour. After this time, the mass is removed from the stove and infused for several hours. Practice shows that this takes about three hours. After that, you will again have to boil the mass with watermelon peels for twenty minutes and, having removed from the heat, insist for two hours. If necessary, you will need to cook again, but only on low heat. In the end, you should achieve such a result that the crusts become completely white.

When you cool the mass removed from the stove - the jam is ready!

In addition to these two desserts, you can cook other watermelon dishes, but that's a completely different story ...

The refreshing taste of watermelon is familiar to everyone, and everyone is looking forward to the ripening season of this berry, but not many melon lovers have tried watermelon jam. This delicacy is prepared in two ways. In the first, the pulp of the berry comes into play, as a result, it turns out homogeneous and tender workpiece. In the second, watermelon peels act as raw materials. IN ready jam they turn into fragrant candied fruits or candied slices.

Classic watermelon jam

To prepare a classic thick jam from the pulp of watermelon, which can even become a filling for pies and buns, you need to maintain the following proportions of the ingredients:

  • 1000 g of the pulp of a ripe (but not overripe) watermelon, pitted and peeled;
  • 800 g of sugar;
  • 3 g citric acid or 15 ml lemon juice;
  • 3-4 g vanilla powder or its vanilla sugar equivalent.

Cooking recipe step by step:

  1. Cut the washed watermelon into slices, cut off the peel and remove the seeds. Cut the pulp into random pieces of medium size. Pour in ½ of the sugar and leave for a couple of hours so that the watermelon starts juice.
  2. Drain the released liquid into another vessel and put on fire. After bringing to a boil, add the remaining sugar and boil until it is completely dissolved.
  3. Pour the pulp with hot syrup and boil it for five minutes after boiling. Then remove from heat and soak overnight in syrup. Although watermelon has juicy pulp, it has veins that can only be softened by keeping a certain number of hours in syrup.
  4. Add to cooled jam citric acid(juice) and vanillin, then boil it to the desired consistency and roll up the lids, pouring into sterile jars.

With spices and liquor

From juicy watermelon you can cook fragrant and thick jam with the addition of spices and liquor, for which are used:

  • 1000 g of watermelon pulp;
  • 1000 g of crystalline sugar;
  • ½ medium sized lemon (juice);
  • 2 inflorescences of cloves;
  • 10-12 g of ginger;
  • 3 g vanilla;
  • 20-30 ml of light liquor or rum.

Boiling sequence:

  1. Give the chopped pulp of watermelon to extract the juice. To do this, it is cut into pieces, covered with sugar and left for 60 minutes.
  2. After that, boil the watermelon in own juice 15 minutes after boiling. Remove the slices of pulp, and continue to boil the syrup. It must be boiled down to 1/3 of the original volume.
  3. After 20 minutes of boiling the syrup, squeeze lemon juice into it, and after another 10 minutes, send a gauze bag with spices.
  4. Return the watermelon to the thick boiled syrup, pour in the liquor. Boil the workpiece for 10 minutes, remove the spices and you can start canning in prepared sterile jars.

Easy Lemon Juice Recipe

For a refreshing watermelon jam with lemon juice, you need to take:

  • 400 g diced watermelon pulp;
  • 400 g of sugar;
  • 250 ml drinking water;
  • 1 lemon.

Steps of cooking:

  1. Pour 50 ml of water into a saucepan with watermelon pulp and boil the mass for about thirty minutes after boiling, so that the pulp becomes soft.
  2. Mix lemon juice with 200 ml of the remaining water, 200 g of sugar and boil thick syrup, which should be pulled by threads.
  3. Pour sugar into the already soft pulp of watermelon and continue to cook, stirring. When all the crystals are dissolved, pour in the prepared syrup and pour in the chopped lemon zest.
  4. Boil the jam for another 40 minutes, and then package hot in clean and sterile jars.

Marmalade from watermelon peels

This delicacy is not suitable for long-term storage for the winter, but with the help of this marmalade recipe, it will turn out deliciously to “utilize” the watermelon peels that remain after making the jam.

For one serving of dessert you will need:


  1. Purified from juicy pulp and hard green shell peel cut into small pieces. You can do this beautifully with a curly knife.
  2. Soak the raw materials for 5-6 hours in a solution of a liter of water and baking soda. After soaking, rinse thoroughly by substituting a colander with crusts under running water.
  3. Put the peels in a thick-walled saucepan, cover with half the prescription amount of sugar and pour in the water. The liquid should only slightly cover the crusts. Boil the contents of the pan for 15 minutes, then soak the crusts in syrup for 12 hours.
  4. Repeat boiling and soaking in syrup again. Boil for the third time, adding the remaining sugar, juice and lemon zest. Let it boil for 5-10 minutes, then fold it back and the sieve, and when the syrup drains completely and the marmalade dries a little, roll it in sugar.

Watermelon peels are able to absorb taste, color and aroma like a sponge, so during the last boil, you can add food colorings and flavorings (vanilla, cinnamon, cardamom, orange peel and others).

With pectin for the winter

Pectin - thickener plant origin, which makes blanks from berries and fruits viscous and dense, turning them into jams and marmalade. That's just a watermelon can not boast great content pectin, so you can cook thick jam by adding a component during cooking.

To cook a thick jam from the pulp of watermelon for the winter with pectin, you need to prepare:

  • 500 g of pulp, pitted and peeled;
  • 500 g of sugar;
  • 3 g vanilla;
  • juice of half a lemon;
  • 20 g pectin-based jam thickener.

Cooking method:

  1. After the pulp of watermelon mixed with sugar releases juice (it will take one to two hours), you can proceed to direct cooking.
  2. On low heat, bring the mass to a boil and boil for five to seven minutes. Then cool completely. Repeat the procedure one more time.
  3. Add vanilla, pectin thickener, lemon juice to the chilled jam. Mix everything well with a wooden spatula, bring to a boil again. Cook for another five minutes and cork in sterile jars.

Watermelon jam with orange

Orange is often added to various berries, fruits and even vegetables during the preparation of jam. use orange fruit usually with skin. To make it soft in jam, you need to choose fresh fruits with a thick crust.

For watermelon-orange jam you will need:

  • 1500 g of watermelon pulp, pitted and peeled;
  • 1000 g of sugar;
  • 3 oranges.

Cook jam in the following sequence:

  1. Put the watermelon pulp prepared and cut into small cubes into a saucepan. Send crushed oranges to her. They are cut into cubes along with the peel. In the finished jam, it will look like candied fruit.
  2. Pour berries and fruits with sugar and leave for a while (enough for half an hour). After that, boil the mixture, let it boil for a quarter of an hour and cool.
  3. Repeat the boiling procedure a total of three times and roll the jam into prepared sterile jars for long-term storage.

In a slow cooker

In just a few hours, it will be possible to cook watermelon jam in a modern assistant to every housewife - a slow cooker. It is worth noting that such a preparation is obtained quite liquid (rather it is pulp in syrup) and can be stored for several months.

Product proportions:

  • 500 g of watermelon pulp;
  • 500 g of granulated sugar;
  • 3-4 g of citric acid.

Cooking in a slow cooker:

  1. Put the pieces of watermelon pulp in a multi-pan and cover with sugar. Leave for two hours to extract the juice.
  2. Then cook, using the "Extinguishing" option, for 60 minutes. 5-10 minutes before the signal about the end of the process, add citric acid.
  3. Transfer the finished hot jam into sterile jars, roll up iron lids and refrigerate by setting upside down.

Watermelon peel jam

Having bought a thick-skinned watermelon on the market, most are disappointed, but this is not a reason to be upset.

The thick peel of a watermelon can become a delicious jam, for which you need to take:

  • 1 kg of watermelon peels;
  • 1 kg of sugar;
  • 7 g of citric acid;
  • 540 ml water for syrup.

Cooking technology:

  1. Prepare watermelon peels. Since only their white part will go into the jam, the pulp and green crust must be cut off. Cut the white part of the peel into small cubes and rinse in running water.
  2. Boil two liters of water and dissolve 4 g of citric acid in them. In the resulting solution, blanch the crusts for 5-6 minutes, then immediately immerse them in ice water for 2-3 minutes and drain in a colander.
  3. Make syrup from water and sugar. While it is hot, put blanched crusts into it and leave for 6-8 hours. After such an exposure, bring the jam to a boil, boil for 3-4 minutes and leave it alone for 6-8 hours.
  4. Return the jam to the fire and boil for another 3-4 minutes, but with 3 g of citric acid. This should be followed by a third exposure (again 6-8 hours). After it, the crusts are boiled for 10-15 minutes and sealed in sterile jars. Watermelon peel jam is ready.

Whatever recipe for watermelon jam the hostess decides to cook, you need to remember its obligatory ingredient is citric acid or lemon juice. These products act as natural preservatives and will add a pleasant sourness to the workpiece, removing excess cloying.

To make jam from watermelon peels, watermelons with a thick skin are usually selected. The taste of the finished sweet does not at all resemble a watermelon. These will be sweet crispy slices soaked in spices and the taste of citrus fruits.

White watermelon shell is quite useful. Trace elements in its composition fight obesity and edema. Also with dysbacteriosis, colitis, cholelithiasis it is recommended to introduce watermelon peels into the diet. Frequent use such a product will help restore fluid exchange in the body and cleanse it.

When eating a watermelon, do not rush to throw away the crusts. They can be preserved for the winter as a whole and make jam in pieces. For those interested in how to make watermelon rind jam, here are a few tips for making this unusual dish. By itself, the white peel does not have an outstanding taste. It is more neutral or with hints of an unripe fruit. But when boiling in sugar syrup, acquires a pleasant sweet taste. For those who want to fill the jam with others palatability, it is complemented citrus fruits and spices. From spices, cinnamon, cardamom, vanillin are usually taken. To taste, you can take any spices that you like, they will not spoil the sweetness.

Watermelon peel jam can be cooked in ordinary enamel saucepan. It will not be difficult for owners of multicookers to prepare such an exclusive sweetness. Jam in any case comes out delicious. Keep ready dessert need in the refrigerator in a jar, closed nylon cover. This jam easily overcomes long-term storage under tin lid. Just pour it into jars hot, without waiting for it to cool.

To get the crispy properties of the finished crusts, they must be kept for a certain amount of time in a soda solution. Thus, they retain their shape during storage and crunch pleasantly while eating.

With individual allergic reactions to watermelon, it is better not to make dishes from its peels.

Watermelon peel jam without additives

If you are too lazy to make sweets for a long time, then the simplest recipe for watermelon peel jam is ready for your attention. Two main ingredients are taken - peels and sugar (1: 1). To maintain the shape of the chopped particles, you will need soda - 1 teaspoon, diluted with 1 liter of water.


Watermelon peel jam in a slow cooker

Those who wish to make jam from watermelon peels in a slow cooker should prepare a pound of watermelon peels and the same amount of sugar. To maintain the shape of the pieces, sprinkle 7 grams of soda.


You can add lemon or orange juice for a citrus flavor.

Watermelon rind jam with orange

Watermelon peel jam with orange has a honey taste and citrus aroma. This recipe does not include a crusting step. soda solution, they already turn out crispy with the initially cut cube shape. For the dish you will need 1.2 kg of crusts and the same amount of sugar. One will serve as an additional ingredient. Those who wish can add one lemon to the composition. To make jam from watermelon peels at home, you will need a regular saucepan, a vegetable grater and sterilized jars.


Before processing, each part of the peel must be pricked with a fork.

Watermelon rind jam with lemon

It will take up to two days to create jam from watermelon peels with lemon. Prepare 2 jars with a volume of 0.5 liters, which will include 1 kg of watermelon peels. Pleasant acid will bring 1, and exquisite spice - 1 teaspoon of cardamom and 5 grams of vanillin.


When removing the watermelon peel from the berry, it is better to hook on a thin red layer of pulp. It will bring watermelon aroma and flavor to the jam.

Rolling jam for the winter

For long-term storage, it is better to choose small-volume jars with a screw-on lid. They must be sterilized for about 7-10 minutes, the same is done with lids. After boiling, with the help of a ladle, hot jam is collected and distributed among jars. You need to fill to the very top. Wipe the remaining sweetness from the neck so that the lid fits snugly. Screw on the lid tightly. It can be not only screw caps, ordinary tin caps are also great, which are tightly attached to the neck, thanks to a rolling machine. The finished provisions are turned over and wrapped in a warm cloth. The next day it should cool down and only then it can be moved to the pantry.

Watermelon peel jam can be safely attributed to extraordinary culinary dishes. Do delicious sweetness from a seemingly unnecessary product, this is an achievement. Delicious jam to you and bon appetit!

Recipe for jam from sunny Georgia - video

The fresh aroma of watermelon pulp is known to everyone, so every year everyone is looking forward to the onset of its ripening season. At the same time, not every watermelon lover knows how to make jam from watermelon for the winter. There are two main methods for preparing this sweet treat.

To make jam in the first way, you should prepare a pulp dessert, a sweet treat, in this case turns out smooth and soft. The second option is to use watermelon rinds, which turn into sweet candied fruits or candied slices during the cooking process.

Our article presents detailed recipes making watermelon jam photo, as well as information about how to make jam from his crusts.

classic winter watermelon jam- simple recipe with lemon juice

To prepare the classic thick jam you need watermelon pulp. Cooked sweet delicacy can be served as a dessert or used as a filling for pies and cookies. It is recommended to use the ingredients in the exact proportion:

  • 1 kg ripe watermelon pulp, peeled and pitted;
  • 0.8 kg of granulated sugar;
  • 3 g of citric acid or 15 ml of lemon juice;
  • 3-4 grams of vanilla powder.

Step by step preparation:

  1. Wash the watermelon, peel the hard dark green rind, and remove the pits. The pulp is cut into arbitrary slices and covered with ½ part of granulated sugar. The resulting raw material is left to brew for several hours so that the watermelon gives juice.
  2. The juice is decanted into a separate container and put on fire. When it boils, pour out the rest of the granulated sugar and leave to cook until it is completely dissolved.
  3. Received hot syrup pour into a saucepan with pieces of watermelon and cook everything together for 5 minutes after the mixture boils. Then the container is removed from the fire and left overnight. This procedure is carried out so that the veins found in the watermelon pulp soften.
  4. When the sweet treat has cooled, lemon juice or acid and vanillin are added to it, then boiled to the desired consistency and rolled into sterilized jars.

Watch the video! Watermelon pulp jam

With spices and liquor

A watermelon delicacy can be made even more fragrant by adding spices and liquor during the cooking process.

  • watermelon pulp 1 kg;
  • sugar 1 kg;
  • lemon for juice 0.5 pcs;
  • carnation 2 inflorescences;
  • ginger 10-12 gr;
  • vanilla 3 gr;
  • light liquor or rum 20-30 ml.

Sequential cooking recipe:

  1. Wash the watermelon, remove the peel and seeds, cut the flesh into slices, cover them with sugar and leave for 1 hour.
  2. After that, put on fire and as the mixture boils, boil the watermelon in its own juice for 15 minutes. The syrup is boiled further, and the pieces of pulp are taken out. Jam is boiled down to 1/3 of total mass taken initially.
  3. 20 minutes after boiling the liquid, lemon juice is added to it, and after 10 minutes spices are added in a gauze bag.
  4. Pieces of watermelon are added to a container with boiled syrup and liquor is poured in. The workpiece is boiled on fire for another 10 minutes, after which spices are taken out of it and canned in pre-prepared sterilized jars.

Marmalade from watermelon peels

Marmalade prepared according to this recipe cannot be stored long time. But the peels left after the pulp has been eaten can be used as food.

For one serving of goodies you need to take:

  • watermelon peels - 0.5 kg;
  • sugar - 0.6 kg;
  • plain water -0.3 ml;
  • half a lemon with zest;
  • soda-5-7 gr


  1. Watermelon rinds should be peeled of the green, thick skin and red flesh, then cut into small pieces.

Advice! For beautiful cutting you can use a curly knife.

  1. In a pre-prepared solution, consisting of 1 liter of water and soda, the crusts are soaked for 5-6 hours. When the procedure is completed, the raw materials are washed in a colander under running water.
  2. The crusts are folded into a thick-walled saucepan and covered with ½ part of the granulated sugar prescribed in the recipe, then water is added so that it covers the raw materials a little. All that is contained in the pan should be boiled for 15 minutes after boiling, removed from heat and kept crusts in syrup for another 12 hours.
  3. Boil and keep the pieces in syrup 1 more time. During the third cooking, the rest of the granulated sugar and lemon are added to the crusts. The contents of the pan are left to cook for another 5-10 minutes, then the crusts are thrown back onto a sieve and wait for the syrup to drain. After the pieces have dried, they should be rolled in sugar.

Advice! Watermelon slices perfectly absorb flavors, aromas, colors, so the flavorings added during the boiling process (vanilla, cinnamon, cardamom, orange peel and others) and food colorings will help make the sweet delicacy even more unusual.

Watch the video! Watermelon peel marmalade recipe

With pectin for the winter

Vegetable thickener pectin transforms berry or fruit preparation in jam or jam, making it viscous and dense. In watermelon this component is absent, so it is recommended to add it separately during the cooking process. About, how to make jam with the addition of pectin, you can find out more.

To prepare thick jam with pectin for the winter, you need to take the following ingredients:

  • pulp peeled and pitted 0.5 kg;
  • granulated sugar 0.5 kg;
  • vanillin 3 gr;
  • lemon juice ½ part;
  • thickener based on pectin 20 gr.

Step by step cooking recipe:

  1. Watermelon should be washed, peeled, cut into pieces and left for a couple of hours to let the juice flow. After that, you can start cooking.
  2. The resulting mass is brought to a boil over low heat, then boiled for 5-7 minutes. The contents of the pan are cooled and this procedure is repeated again.
  3. Lemon juice, vanilla, pectin-based thickener are added to a chilled treat. The composition should be thoroughly mixed and the procedure repeated again, bringing the jam to a boil. The sweet treat is boiled for another 5 minutes and closed in sterilized jars.

Watch the video! Jam - watermelon pulp confiture with agar-agar

Easy jam recipe watermelon with orange

Orange is often additional ingredient as part of jam from berries or fruits. It is used, most often, together with the peel. In order for it to soften during the cooking process, you should choose only fresh fruits with a thick crust.

For cooking you will need the following ingredients:

  • 1.5 kg of watermelon pulp;
  • 1 kg of granulated sugar;
  • 3 pieces of orange.

Step by step recipe:

  1. The pulp of watermelon, pitted, cut into pieces, put in one container. Finely chopped orange along with the peel is added to it.

Healthy! Boiled in sweet syrup, the peel will resemble candied fruits.

  1. The mixture is covered with sugar and left to infuse for 30-40 minutes. Then, over medium heat, bring the mass to a boil and leave to cook for another quarter of an hour, after which it is cooled.
  2. It is necessary to boil the mixture at least three times, after which the delicacy is rolled into sterilized jars and left to be stored until winter.

Watch the video! Watermelon rind jam with orange and lemon

In a slow cooker

The slow cooker will help the hostess to cook delicious jam from a watermelon in just a couple of hours. The resulting workpiece will have liquid consistency, it should not be stored more than a couple months.

You will need the following ingredients:

  • watermelon pulp - 0.5 kg;
  • sugar - 0.5 kg;
  • citric acid 3-4 gr.

Step by step recipe:

  1. The pulp of watermelon, cut into pieces, put in a slow cooker and covered with sugar. The mass is left for 2 hours so that the juice stands out.
  2. The delicacy should be cooked for 1 hour using the "Extinguishing" mode. 5-10 minutes before the end of cooking, add citric acid.
  3. The finished mass is transferred to pre-prepared sterilized jars and rolled up with lids, placed upside down until completely cooled.

Watch the video! Watermelon peel jam in a slow cooker

Jam from watermelon rinds

Very often, the purchase of a thick-skinned watermelon in a store becomes a cause for disappointment. However, you should not be upset, as you can make very tasty jam from the peels.

You will need the following ingredients:

  • watermelon peels 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar 1 kg;
  • citric acid 7 gr;
  • water 0.5 l.
  1. Prepare watermelon rinds. Pre-cutting the green peel and pulp. Peel white color cut into cubes and washed in running water.
  2. Bring 2 liters of water to a boil and add 4 grams of citric acid to it. The crusts are blanched in the resulting solution for 5-6 minutes, after which they are immersed in cold water for 2-3 minutes and thrown into a colander.
  3. The syrup is made from water and granulated sugar. In it, while it is hot, they shift the crusts and leave the composition to infuse for 6-8 hours. Then, the mass is brought to a boil and boiled for another 3-4 minutes and again left to cool for 6-8 hours.
  4. Next, the delicacy is boiled again on fire for 3-4 minutes, adding 3 g of citric acid to its composition. After the third exposure, which lasts 6-8 hours, the pieces are boiled for another 10-15 minutes and rolled into sterilized jars.

Each housewife can choose the recipe for making watermelon jam to her taste, but she should not forget about the ingredients that perfectly complement any delicacy from this melon culture, in particular citric acid or lemon juice. These components will not only add a pleasant sourness to the sweet treat, but will also act as a natural preservative.

Watch the video! Aromatic jam from watermelon peels

In contact with

Watermelon jam is not only yummy, but also an opportunity to remember summer days. Cooking is simple and special tricks. Let's look at a few recipes for unusual jam.

When we eat fresh watermelon, then the peel is sent to the trash can. Now leave it like this valuable product. The first recipe will be exactly like this: watermelon skin jam. For cooking you will need:
  • big, ripe watermelon with a dark green rind (minimum yellow spots!):
  • lemon - 1-2 pieces;
  • sugar - 1-1.2 kg;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 sachet;
  • citric acid - 2 grams;
  • drinking soda - 3 tbsp.
Wash the watermelon thoroughly running water with a brush. Cut in half and scrape out the pulp, send it to food or leave it for pulp jam. Cut the peel into two more pieces for easy peeling. Get a potato peeler or sharp knife, remove a thin layer of green skin so that only one light green pulp remains, and cut into slices.

We prepare a solution of soda 1 tbsp. for 1 liter of cold water. The amount of soda can be reduced, then the pieces of watermelon will be less crispy. Immerse the berry cubes in the solution and leave for 2-3 hours. Then rinse the crusts under running water and boil a little.

Bye watermelon peel soaked in soda, prepare a syrup of 1 kg of sugar and 0.5 liters of water. For a sweet tooth, take more sugar, about 1.5 kg. Put the boiled skins in syrup and leave to cook until completely transparent. If water is low, add more. It is better to use boiled. At the end of cooking, add citric acid.

And it's not over yet. Now take a lemon, wash and scald with boiling water to remove bitterness. Better yet, pour the lemon in a bowl and leave for a couple of minutes. Then cut into slices and remove the seeds. Pass the citrus through a meat grinder along with the zest, add to the watermelon peels. Once again, add boiling water, sugar to the pan and cook until the syrup thickens. Pour into sterilized jars and roll up. Thanks to the lemon, the jam can turn a faint green or emerald color, so do not be afraid of such metamorphoses.

Let's start cooking watermelon pulp jam. Buy a variety of watermelon with least amount seeds, so you do not have to do the tedious work of extracting the seeds for a long time. Carefully cut the clean pulp into cubes and place in a large bowl. Sprinkle with sugar. For 1 kg of pulp, up to 1 kg of sugar is consumed. Leave for 3-4 hours.

Drain the resulting juice into a saucepan and make syrup. Pour watermelon slices over them and boil. Delicate jam it turns out if the pulp is brought to a boil, boiled a little over low heat, removed and left for 8-10 hours. Do not forget to cover with newspaper or gauze so that the flies do not get into the cauldron.

Now again bring the watermelon mass to a boil and remove for 4 hours, adding citric acid and vanilla. Boil again for 3-5 minutes and pour into jars. There will be more syrup than pulp, but the delicious watermelon flavor will remain.

We shared two delicious recipes. Add orange, grapes, melon to watermelon and enjoy unusual combination fruits and berries. And to do candied watermelon, fish out slices from the jam from the skin, roll in sugar and dry in the oven. Bon appetit!
