
How to cook candied watermelon. Watermelon rind jam

A very popular sweet. Liked by both children and adults.
It tastes and looks very similar to marmalade, but slightly different in structure - candied fruits are more brittle and hard.
Please note that the preparation of candied fruits from watermelon peels takes three days - twice a day, the syrup with peels must be boiled, and then left to infuse for 12 hours. There should be 6 boils in total. But with a lack of time, you can get by with five.

Instructions for buying watermelon.
1. In order to buy a watermelon, it must be distinguished among other goods on the counter.
Watermelon is round, green and striped.
The exception is gooseberries. In order not to confuse these two berries (and watermelon is a berry), the gooseberry is the smaller one.
2. Ask to weigh a watermelon. Remember that it weighs more than a kilogram, otherwise it is not a watermelon, but a gooseberry or a painted balloon.
If it seems to you that it weighs little, and you are sure that it is still a watermelon, then you can be sure of the figure. Most likely, it is even overestimated, but it will never be underestimated. In extreme cases, eat gooseberries.
3. Tap on the watermelon. If they answer you, don't take it. The sound when knocking should be booming, as if it is empty. If the watermelon is soft to the touch, leave the gooseberry alone.
4. Ask to cut a watermelon. You have to see if it's red.
There are two essential things here. Firstly, the cut should not be large, otherwise you will not be able to roll the watermelon in front of you with your feet if your hands are full. Secondly, when tasting a watermelon, do not try to bite off as much as possible. The watermelon is already weighed, and it won't do you any good. You just need to make sure you don't choose gooseberries.
5. Paying for a watermelon, remember: it costs ten rubles per kilogram. And not a ruble more.
If they ask you for more, then ask to remove gold inclusions, gems and other nonsense from it, because of which the watermelon has such a price.
I hope that this guide will help you enjoy the taste of ripe watermelons and reduce the amount of gooseberries in your diet.


For 1 kg of boiled watermelon peels:
2 cups water, 500~600g sugar, 1 lemon or 3~4g citric acid

Wash the watermelon, cut off the peels from it along with the dense pulp.
Remove the green skin from the rinds.

Peeled peels can be left whole or cut into pieces.

Put the peels in a saucepan and fill with water so that it completely covers them.

Cook at low boil for 5 minutes.
Throw the peels in a colander.

Boil for 5 minutes, remove from heat and leave to infuse for 12 hours.
In the same way, make 5 more boils - a five-minute boil and a 12-hour infusion.
Add lemon juice and finely grated zest or citric acid to candied fruits.

Candied fruit coloring
After boiling six times, candied fruits become transparent and shiny. The color is not too bright - grayish-greenish-yellow.
In order to give candied fruits a bright color, they need to add a dye. These can be dyes of plant origin - turmeric, beetroot juice, decoction of onion peel, and chemical ones. When using shop paints, you need to pay attention to the description - the paints must withstand boiling.
Natural dyes are brighter and stronger, they can be added during the last boil.
They immediately penetrate the entire depth of the crusts.

Store-bought dyes do not penetrate well into candied fruits, they mostly remain in the syrup. They need to be given time to penetrate. Therefore, shop paints are best introduced during the penultimate boil.

Aromatization of candied fruits
Natural dyes, such as turmeric, beetroot, onion peel decoction, have their own aroma, which will also be transferred to candied fruits. To get rid of it, candied fruits can be flavored - add lemon zest, or vanillin, or cinnamon, or mint leaves, or a little liquor with a strong aroma (Amaretto, Cointreau, Sherry Marnier), or aromatic essences.

Storage of candied fruits
1. Long term
During the last cooking, boiled candied fruits, along with the syrup, are laid out in prepared jars and hermetically sealed.
2. Storage in the refrigerator.
Put the candied fruits together with the syrup in a jar, cover with a non-hermetic lid and put in the refrigerator.
3. Drying.
Cover the table with baking paper. Drain candied fruits in a colander, and then spread out in one layer on paper.

When the top of the candied fruit dries, stir.
When the candied fruits dry on all sides, mix them with powdered sugar (it will prevent caking and sticking) and place in glass / clay jars or tin boxes.
Store in a dark place at room temperature.

For many, the main value of a watermelon is considered to be its delicious pulp, and the peel is often simply thrown away, without thinking that it can bring no less benefit to the body. To date, watermelon peels are used not only fresh, but also harvested for the winter as candied fruit, jam, jam and various snacks for meat and fish dishes. They are also dried to obtain raw materials for the preparation of medicinal decoctions and infusions. However, you need to purchase only high-quality watermelons and carefully familiarize yourself with the process of harvesting crusts, since it is in them that a certain amount of radioactive and toxic substances accumulate.

The benefits and harms of watermelon peels

In addition to water, they include:
  • Dietary fibers and organic acids;
  • Lycopene and pectins;
  • saccharides;
  • Vitamins A, C, E, PP and group B;
  • Potassium, magnesium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, silicon, zinc and iron.

At the same time, watermelon peels contain more fiber, chlorophyll and amino acids than the pulp.

If there is no confidence in the quality of watermelon, then in order to protect yourself from harmful substances, you should clean them and soak for several hours in filtered cold water. During this time, toxic substances will pass into the water, and most of the beneficial substances will remain. After that, the raw materials can be used both in cooking and for cosmetic purposes and treatment, and they will not harm health. They can also be dried for harvesting for the winter.

Options for using watermelon peels

Watermelon peels are used in cooking, cosmetology, as well as in various traditional medicine recipes.

Preparation of candied fruits from watermelon peels

In order to prepare delicious and healthy candied fruits you will need:

  • Watermelon peels - one and a half kilograms;
  • Sugar - eight hundred grams;
  • Water - half a liter (for syrup).

Cooking method:

  1. From the watermelon peels, you need to remove the green skin and the remaining pulp;
  2. Cut the resulting raw material into small cubes or strips, put them in a pot of boiling water and cook for about ten minutes;
  3. After that, throw the crusts into a colander and wait until the water drains from them;
  4. At this time, you can start preparing syrup by mixing pure water with sugar and starting to heat them;
  5. When the syrup boils, put the prepared candied fruit into it, boil them for ten minutes, remove from the stove and let it brew for about twelve hours. Repeat the procedure four to six times until the crusts become transparent. If desired, during the last cooking, you can add a small amount of lemon juice and vanillin to the syrup;
  6. Put the finished crusts in a colander and wait until they cool down and excess syrup drains;
  7. After that, sprinkle candied fruits with sugar, spread on a baking sheet with foil and leave for several days to dry;
  8. Store the finished product in glass jars.

Candied watermelon peels are recommended to be included in the diet of people who have renal colic, gout, hypertension, constipation and pancreatic diseases. They can be eaten as a separate product, or added to cereals, cottage cheese and confectionery. They should not be abused by people with diabetes and obesity.

How to make candied fruits from watermelon peels (video)

Marinated watermelon rinds

Pickled watermelon rinds can be used in a variety of salads, vinaigrettes, soups, gravies, and other dishes. They taste like canned cucumbers.


  • One large watermelon (peel)
  • Salt - one hundred grams;
  • Sugar - four hundred grams;
  • Apple cider vinegar - five hundred milliliters;
  • Water - two hundred and fifty milliliters (for the marinade);
  • Ginger (fresh) grated - one tablespoon;
  • Spices - to taste.

Pickling method:

  1. Peel watermelon peels, cut into slices, place in a pot of boiling water, boil for ten minutes, then put in a colander;
  2. Prepare marinade from water and remaining ingredients;
  3. Put the peels in a boiling marinade and cook until they become transparent;
  4. Transfer the finished crusts to sterile jars, pour over the marinade and seal.

Watermelon peels in cosmetology

Fresh watermelon peels are widely used in home cosmetics. All the useful substances in their composition have a rejuvenating effect on the skin, make it elastic, give a healthy color and relieve swelling. Face masks, which include gruel of watermelon peel, have a number of other properties:

  • Moisturizing;
  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Tonic;
  • Regulating the activity of the sebaceous glands.

How to make a watermelon mask (video)

These masks are quite easy to prepare:

  1. Peeled from the green peel of the watermelon peel should be crushed with a grater and add warm olive or almond oil (in a small amount) to them. Apply the resulting mass on the skin of the face and neck for thirty minutes, then rinse with warm water, to which lemon juice is added. This mask is well suited for oily skin;
  2. Add thick, fatty sour cream and liquid honey to the slurry of peeled watermelon peels. The proportions must be chosen so that the mass is quite thick. The action of the mask lasts twenty minutes, and then it is removed with warm water. It is great for both dry and normal skin types.

In folk medicine, there are a huge number of recipes using both fresh and dried watermelon peels. They make juice, decoction and infusion.

Watermelon peel juice

Juice from watermelon peels is used to relieve swelling, inflammation of the genitourinary system, and also drink during weight loss. It will be useful for migraines, colds, depression and chronic fatigue. To prepare it, the purified raw materials must be crushed with a fine grater and squeezed. You can also use a juicer. Drink half a glass an hour before meals.

healing decoction

To prepare a decoction, you need one hundred grams of powder from dried peels. pour half a liter of boiling water, let it brew for about thirty minutes under a warm towel. After that, filter the composition and drink up to five times a day, one hundred milliliters before meals for problems with the kidneys, cardiovascular diseases, rheumatism.

Infusion of watermelon peels

The decoction is prepared at the rate of: one hundred grams of raw watermelon peels or two tablespoons of dry powder. Raw materials need to be poured with half a liter of boiling water and let it stand in a water bath for twenty minutes. Then remove the broth from the heat, insist for thirty minutes, and then strain. Drink half a glass three times a day before meals. Such a composition will help relieve pain in the stomach, will help in the treatment of liver diseases, inflammation of the gallbladder and urinary tract, and it is also recommended to take it for obesity.

How and why to dry watermelon peels

At the same time, in decoctions and infusions, they go well with some medicinal herbs, for example, with calendula, calamus root and yarrow.

Harvested watermelon peels should be cleaned of pulp and green peel. Then they must be cut into thin slices and placed on a baking sheet in the oven or a special dryer, the temperature of which should be fifty degrees. After all the moisture has come out of the pieces, they will become dry and brittle, they need to be cooled and packaged in glass jars or paper bags.

You can also dry watermelon peels by choosing a well-ventilated room for them (veranda, balcony) and covering them from direct sunlight. Dried crusts should be stored in a dark and dry place, you can pre-grind them into powder using a coffee grinder.

Watermelon peel jam: recipe (video)

Watermelon rinds have many medicinal properties. And with proper preparation, use and taking into account all contraindications, they cannot cause any harm to the body, and the healing effect of treatment with them will be significantly noticeable if you regularly take formulations from them for a month.

For most housewives, the crusts left after eating watermelon are associated with other preservations, because few people know that medicines can be prepared from these ingredients. The harm and benefits of watermelon peels largely depend on the initial quality of the fragrant berry.

Fruits grown with the help of nitrates and stimulants will never have the therapeutic effect on the body that a natural product is capable of. To some extent, they are even dangerous to the health of adults and children.

Useful properties of watermelon peels

The sweet and tasty pulp of watermelon undoubtedly has a positive effect on the human body, but in terms of healing properties it is noticeably inferior to the rind of the fruit. This part of the berry contains sugars, proteins, dietary fiber, organic acids, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. In combination with a large amount of moisture, this gives the strongest diuretic effect, which affects the state of health in this way:

  • Edema that occurs against the background of diseases of the kidneys and heart passes.
  • Indicators of water-salt metabolism are normalized.
  • Reduces high blood pressure.
  • Extra pounds go away, the severity of cellulite decreases.
  • The state of gout improves.
  • The body recovers faster after a long illness or aggressive treatment.
  • Toxins, slags, excess salts are removed from the body.
  • There is an inhibition of inflammatory processes that affect the digestive organs.
  • It is easier to remove stones in the kidneys and bladder, the likelihood of the formation of new formations is reduced.
  • Constipation disappears, the frequency and quality of stools are normalized.

To obtain the above results, watermelon peels do not have to be boiled or subjected to complex processing. Blanks can be dried, used in powder form or.

Watermelon rinds for kidney and gallbladder stones

The use of folk remedies based on watermelon peels accelerates the process of removing salts from the body. Thanks to this, the organs are cleaned of small grains of sand, and new pebbles are not formed. To cleanse the kidneys, you can use one of the following approaches.

  • It is necessary to prepare a powder from the green outer layer of the crust. It should be taken 1-2 teaspoons up to 3 times a day with warm water. You can add a little honey to the liquid for taste.

Tip: If you can't use an electric dryer to dry your watermelon rinds, you can also use an oven. But do not lay out blanks on baking sheets, this can lead to damage to the elements. It is better to use a wire rack, under which a baking sheet or basin should be placed to collect moisture.

  • We prepare the powder from the top green layer of the watermelon rind. We take 2 tablespoons of the composition, pour the mass with 2 cups of boiling water and leave for 40-45 minutes. The drink should be drunk during the day, making 3-4 approaches after eating.
  • We take 1 tablespoon of the powder prepared from the green part of the peel and pour 1.5 cups of boiling water. Boil the mixture for 5 minutes on low heat, after which we insist another hour. We divide the liquid into three doses and drink it, sweetened with honey, half an hour before meals.

If stones form in the gallbladder, another remedy should be used. To prepare it, pour 150 g of dried watermelon peels into 1 liter of boiling water and insist for an hour. The resulting drink should be drunk during the day, consuming no more than 1 glass at a time.

Watermelon peels for colitis and dysbacteriosis

To cope with the unpleasant manifestations of colitis or dysbacteriosis, you can make watermelon peel jam or use one of the following approaches (the peels must be peeled of the green layer):

  • We take 100 g of fresh or 80 g of dried blanks and pour them with 2 cups of boiling water. We insist the mass for an hour, filter. The finished drink is divided into 5 parts and consumed during the day before meals.
  • Pour a tablespoon of chopped dry watermelon peels with a glass of boiling water and boil for 10 minutes over low heat. After that, we insist the workpiece for another 10 minutes and divide it into three parts. We drink the decoction throughout the day, regardless of meals.
  • You can simply take dry peels, ground into powder, drinking water with honey. A single serving is 1 g of the product, 5 sessions should be done per day.

If indigestion is accompanied by constipation, then such a remedy will help. We take 0.5 kg of crusts and 0.5 liters of boiling water, combine the ingredients and boil for half an hour on very low heat. We drink the finished product warm in half a glass 2-3 times a day.

Watermelon peels for obesity

Many diets allow the use of watermelon, because this fruit helps to get rid of excess weight. Folk remedies made from berry peels give an even more pronounced positive result. They not only contribute to the normalization of weight, they are effective in severe obesity. For the preparation of the compositions, only the white part of the crusts is used.

  • It is necessary to steam 2 tablespoons of crusts in 0.5 liters of boiling water, using a thermos for this. The finished drink is drunk throughout the day in several doses.
  • Fresh peels need to be grated, getting 2 teaspoons of the mass. Pour them with a glass of boiling water and insist under the lid for 20 minutes. During the day you need to drink 3 glasses of this infusion.
  • We take 2 tablespoons of crushed dried peels, mix with the zest of 1 lemon. Pour the resulting mass with a glass of boiling water and leave for at least 2 hours, wrapped in a warm cloth. The remedy is taken 3 tablespoons at least 4 times a day 10 minutes after a meal.

Of course, all of these methods will give the desired result only if changes are made to the diet. Additionally, the technique should be supported by physical exercises.

External use of watermelon peels

Decoctions, infusions, fresh and dry watermelon peels can not only be taken orally. They are no less effective when used externally. Here are the most popular use cases for medicinal products:

  • Fresh crusts can be bandaged to the temples, this will relieve headaches and migraines.
  • Fresh crusts are also applied to the joints to relieve inflammation or relieve pain.
  • Any wound will heal faster if you apply a still wet crust or a compress with watermelon decoction to it.
  • Porridge from the crushed white part of watermelon peels relieves the discomfort of sunburn.
  • The same porridge can be poured with boiling water and insisted for half an hour. Get an excellent face mask with the effects of rejuvenation and whitening.

Even if you just wipe the skin of the face and body with a slice of watermelon peel, you can significantly improve the condition of the epidermis.

Harm and danger of watermelon peels

The compositions described above from the “unnecessary” part of the berry cannot be used only with individual intolerance to the main ingredient. In all other cases, blanks only benefit the body. True, the products have one feature that must be taken into account when conducting therapy. Regular consumption of watermelons or medicines based on their peels can lead to potassium deficiency. Honey should be introduced into the diet to replenish mineral reserves.

Before you start preparing any of the listed natural medicines, you need to make sure the quality of the purchased watermelon and the absence of nitrates in its composition. This can be done like this:

  1. You should not buy watermelons with flesh of a bright color with a purple tint.
  2. The smooth cut surface and bright luster of the seeds indicate the presence of nitrates.
  3. A yellow layer between the red and white parts of the pulp is a sign of poor product quality.

Before taking compositions based on watermelon preparations or their external use, it is recommended to filter the liquid mass. This will improve its taste properties and will not allow the body to oversaturate with active ingredients. Finished foods should be stored closed at room temperature, not in the refrigerator. Every day a fresh product is prepared.

Watermelon is a favorite summer food for adults and children. At the same time, everyone knows that not only the pulp, but also the rinds and even the seeds are edible in a watermelon. What is the benefit for a person from eating watermelons and watermelon peels, as well as what harm they can bring to the health of the body, find out from the article and video.

What is watermelon made of and how is it used?

This melon plant is represented by a thousand varieties that differ in shape and size, color and pattern of the skin, its thickness, quality of pulp and seeds.

For 80%, this melon culture consists of water, therefore it has a low calorie content - only 25-30 kcal. At the same time, watermelon pulp is a source of:

  • organic acids;
  • fiber and pectin;
  • alkaline substances and lycopene;
  • easily digestible carbohydrates;
  • vitamins - A, PP, P, C, group B;
  • minerals - iron, potassium, phosphorus, fluorine, zinc and others.

Watermelon is 80% water

All these useful substances, except for the pulp, are also found in watermelon peels, and some of them are fiber, amino acids and chlorophyll in even greater quantities. Therefore, it is recommended not to throw away the peels, but to use them for the preparation of healing decoctions and infusions, culinary delights - jam, marmalade, candied fruits.

Watermelon pulp has also found application in cooking, drinks, syrups, jellies and other desserts, marshmallows, honey, salted and pickled blanks for the winter are prepared from it. Watermelon bread, dried or fried watermelon in batter looks quite exotic.

Attention! In terms of the content of potassium salts in its composition, watermelon is ahead of oranges and bananas, and in terms of the content of lycopene, a bioactive substance that opposes the formation of cancer cells, tomatoes. In terms of the amount of iron in the composition, watermelon is second only to spinach and leaf lettuce.

In China, watermelon seeds are as popular as sunflower or pumpkin seeds in our country. And not in vain, since they have an antihelminthic effect, contribute to the improvement of the vascular system, strengthen the heart. A quarter of watermelon seeds consist of fatty oils, which are used in food in some countries.

Attention! The oil obtained from watermelon seeds has properties similar to almond oil and tastes like olive oil.

Watermelon seeds help strengthen the heart

What is good for health

Watermelon is a product in which pulp, rinds, and seeds have medicinal properties.

Official medicine recommends the use of watermelon as a natural diuretic that can cleanse the kidneys. Together with urine, watermelon removes toxins, sand, toxic substances and salt deposits. It is also useful for the liver, especially for those who suffer from hepatitis, cholecystitis, diseases of the biliary tract.

Watermelon is a real antidepressant, beta-carotene contained in it, allows you to cope with emotional and mental stress, stress. The use of this gourd culture serves as a preventive measure:

The high content of iron makes it possible to recommend watermelon as a means of combating anemia of varying degrees. Its use will be very useful to anyone who has undergone antibiotic treatment or undergone surgery under anesthesia. Folic acid contained in watermelon is useful for women planning pregnancy, as it creates conditions for the normal development of the nervous and hematopoietic system in the fetus. Its use by lactating women increases lactation.

Watermelon rinds are also used for medicinal purposes. For example, juice squeezed from watermelon peels and consumed on an empty stomach in 100 ml has a diuretic effect. Its use will be useful in inflammatory processes occurring in the genitourinary system and to combat excess weight, swelling.

Watermelon juice has diuretic properties

In home cosmetology, watermelon peels are used:

  • for the preparation of lotions, the regular use of which has a moisturizing, anti-inflammatory and tonic effect on oily and combination skin;
  • for masks that have a tonic effect on aging skin.

Watermelon seed oil has an antiphlogistic effect, accelerating the healing of burns and wounds. It is used for hair and nail care, as well as for the prevention of prostatitis and urethritis.

Harmful properties and contraindications

Basically, the harm from eating watermelon and watermelon peels is associated with their ability to accumulate nitrates and other harmful substances. When they are used, diarrhea, allergic rashes, nausea, vomiting, and stomach pain may occur. Nitrates, getting into the human body, can be converted into nitrites, which reduce the level of hemoglobin in the blood, provoking the development of cancer cells.

Watermelon accumulates nitrates, so you need to use it with caution.

Advice! You should not take risks and buy watermelons before the season, most likely they contain an increased amount of nitrates.

To reduce the concentration of toxic substances in watermelon peels, soaking them in cold water for 2-3 hours will help.

Watermelons should be completely excluded from the diet in the presence of the following diseases:

  • colitis, dysbacteriosis;
  • flatulence, diarrhea;
  • cholelithiasis or urolithiasis;
  • type 2 diabetes;
  • prostate pathology.

Watermelon can be given to children only from 2-3 years of age - no more than 100 g daily, from 4 to 6 years - no more than 150 g.

Children can eat watermelon only from 2-3 years old

The use of watermelon peels is contraindicated in chronic gastrointestinal ailments and kidney diseases.

Take advantage of the watermelon season to enjoy the taste and improve your body. To be sure of the quality of watermelons consumed, it is better to grow them yourself or purchase them in stores and official markets, where they can provide a quality certificate.

The benefits and harms of watermelon - video

Watermelon - photo

Watermelon peel jam is more like candied fruit in syrup than the usual jam or jam. The more interesting and versatile it is, since such watermelon peels can be safely added as baking, for example, or for adding to.

Watermelon peels are tasty, translucent, dense and slightly crispy.

So don't habitually throw away watermelon rinds when you can make a really tasty thing out of them. It is best if you come across a watermelon with a thick rind - in this case, you will get more jam, and the pieces themselves will be prettier. But a thin watermelon rind will also work - you will have to cut less.

For watermelon rind jam you will need:

Based on 1 kg of watermelon peels.

  • Watermelon rinds. 1 kg.
  • Sugar. 1200 gr.
  • Lemon. 1 piece (not pictured)
  • Water. 2 glasses.
  • Baking soda. 1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water.
  • If desired, a cinnamon stick, 2-3 clove buds and/or a couple of drops of vanilla essence.

We make jam from watermelon peels.

Wash the watermelon peels well and clean them from the outer skin, as well as from the remnants of the red pulp of the watermelon.

It is convenient to peel the pulp of a watermelon with an ordinary tablespoon, and hard peels are remarkably cut off with a vegetable peeler.

Peel the crusts, then cut them into small pieces. We pierce each piece in several places with a fork or a toothpick.

Place the watermelon rinds in a large saucepan and add the baking soda. Pour cold water at the rate of 1 teaspoon of soda per 1 liter of water and stir well.

We leave the chopped watermelon peels in a soda solution for about 3 hours. This is necessary in order to cook. watermelon peels did not boil soft, but remained dense and slightly crispy.

After 3 hours, pour out the soda solution and thoroughly wash the pieces of watermelon peels several times, washing off the remnants of soda from them.

We spread the crusts in a wide dish in which we will cook jam (enamelled pans will not work, sugar burns too well to them).

Since the brass basin for cooking jam was out of reach, I had to take a large stainless steel pan, which is usually used in cooking and.

Add cold water and sugar. For one kilogram of crusts, you need 2 cups of water and 1200 grams of sugar.

Mix and put on medium heat.

Bring the crusts to a boil, reduce the heat until the contents of the pan barely boil, and cook the jam for 15 minutes, then turn off the heat.

Let the jam cool completely. This will take 3 hours.

You can leave the jam for 10-12 hours, then we will cook the jam 2 more times, not three.

When the jam has cooled down, turn on the fire under the pan again, bring the jam to a boil again.

Boil it for 10 minutes

Turn off the heat and let the jam cool down. after the second stage, there are no longer any 10-12 hour breaks, we just wait until the jam cools down.

If you did not leave the jam for a long time, after the first stage of cooking, then again bring the jam to a boil and cook on low heat for 10 minutes. And let it cool down again.

If not, then the final stage of preparation begins.

Before the last cooking, cut the lemon along with the zest into thin small pieces.

Add sliced ​​lemon to watermelon rinds. If desired, you can also add a cinnamon stick, a couple of clove buds and / or just a little bit of vanilla essence.

Do not use ground cinnamon, the color will change very much in the general appearance, and for the worse, that's exactly what happened when I cooked.

I didn't want any additional jam flavors, so I only used lemon.

After adding the lemon to the jam, and stirring, put it on the fire again and bring to a boil again and cook for 10 minutes.

We lay out the hot, almost boiling jam in sterilized jars and close the lids. If the lids are screwed, then turn the jars upside down and leave to cool in this inverted state.

That's it, the jam is ready. You can pour tea into cups, put the jam in a vase and serve.
