
How much to cook pumpkin jam? Ordinary pumpkin jam. Pumpkin jam with spices and honey for the winter

Jam from apples and pumpkins - recipe with photo.

So, to make pumpkin and apple jam, we need:
- pumpkin and apple puree - 1 kg.,
- granulated sugar - 600 grams,
- lemon.


In order to cook delicious jam from apples and pumpkins, we first need to make mashed potatoes. To do this, select a mature pumpkin and apples. The ratio of pumpkin to apples is 1:1. Rinse apples and pumpkin thoroughly in running water. cold water. Then peel the pumpkin (thinly). We cut and remove the seeds, remove the fibrous part of the pulp in the pumpkin. The easiest way to do this is with a regular tablespoon.

Now cut the washed apples and pumpkin pulp into small cubes with a sharp knife.

Pour water into the bottom of the pan about two to three centimeters from the bottom. We put in it (water) pre-chopped apples and pumpkin.

We put this container on fire and boil the mass for about 10 - 15 minutes. Cook everything until the chopped pieces (pumpkin and apples) are completely softened.

We wipe all this mixture while hot with a spoon through a fine sieve.

Put the finished puree in a saucepan, add granulated sugar. For 1 kg of puree we take 600 grams granulated sugar. Mix everything and cook jam over medium heat for about 20 - 25 minutes.

We cut off a few pieces of a thoroughly washed lemon with zest, add them to the jam and continue to cook it until cooked for another 25-30 minutes. Pack the jam hot in dry, clean, sterilized jars. Seal all jars and refrigerate.

Then we put all our blanks in a dark place and as far as possible so that no one ahead of time did not open the treasured delicacy.

Yes, it is worth noting that when cooking, pumpkin jam is very advantageous in terms of palatability suitable for the "neighborhood" is an apple. Maybe it's because the apple has a slightly sour taste? And in this case, this “sourness” goes well with the sugary sweet taste of pumpkin.
Enjoy your meal!
Author: arivederchy
We also advise you to prepare for the whole family

Step 1: Prepare pumpkin for processing.

For the preparation of jam, it is better to choose an overripe pumpkin of sweet varieties. Cut the pumpkin into halves or quarters. Using a spoon, scrape out the seeds and the fibrous flesh attached to them. Cut off the peel with a knife. Thoroughly wash the pumpkin and cut into cubes. The yield of already peeled pumpkin should be about one and a half kilograms.

Step 2: Boil the pumpkin and make a puree out of it.

IN large saucepan fold the chopped pumpkin. Adding 100 ml water and put on fire. After boiling, boil the pumpkin for about 10-15 minutes, stirring occasionally. During this time, the pumpkin cubes should be soft enough to further purée. Remove from fire and let cool slightly. If there is a lot of liquid in the pan, then it is better to drain it. To grind boiled pumpkin, it is best to use a blender. In case of its absence, a meat grinder is also suitable. We skip the boiled pumpkin through a meat grinder or blender until a homogeneous gruel is obtained.

Step 3: cooking pumpkin jam.

Pour the chopped boiled pumpkin into a bowl or pan. Add sugar and put on fire. To avoid sticking jam to the bottom, it is better to take a container with a non-stick coating. After boiling, let the jam simmer over low heat. about half an hour. Don't forget to stir often with a wooden spoon, Special attention giving the bottom of the container. While jam is cooking, prepare oranges. To begin with, we thoroughly wash them and get rid of external defects. Then the unpeeled oranges are rubbed very gently on fine grater so that only the orange peel is erased. It can be immediately added to the jam, not forgetting to mix it thoroughly again. Then we cut the oranges, remove the seeds and grate the zest. The crushed zest and drained juice are also added to the jam. It is best to add oranges 10 minutes until the end of cooking jam. The pumpkin-orange mixture should thicken and decrease in volume by about a third during the cooking process.

Step 4: check the readiness of jam.

There are several proven ways to check jam for readiness. The easiest is to run a wooden spoon along the bottom of the container. If the remaining track holds more than 10 seconds, jam is considered ready. However, there is a more reliable method. Jam in its consistency is much thicker than jam or jam. It should hold its shape and not spread. Using this principle, one can next test for readiness: drop a small drop of jam on a clean, dry, even saucer. Let him cool down. If the drop does not spread, the jam is ready. You can also turn the saucer over - the finished jam should not drip.

Step 5: roll the jam into jars.

To provide proper storage, the jars in which the jam will be located must be thoroughly washed and dried. Pour the finished jam hot into prepared jars, without adding about a centimeter to the edge. If jars with threaded lids are used, then simply tighten the lids on the jars tightly. If cans are used for seaming, then it is better to boil the lids. We roll up the cans with a key as in normal preservation. To check the tightness of the seaming, turn the cans upside down - no air bubbles should come out from under the lids. If everything is done correctly, leave the jars to cool completely at room temperature. Cooled jars are best stored in a cool, dark place. When it's time for tea or cooking fragrant pie, it remains only to open the jar fragrant jam from a pumpkin.

Step 6: serve pumpkin jam.

After the jam is cooked - let it cool a little and brew, and then put a couple of spoons into a serving saucer fresh jam. Now it can be served as a dessert. Any bakery products, cookies, cottage cheese are well suited to jam as a side dish. Bon appetit!

For the preparation of jam, it is better to choose a heavy elastic pumpkin of sweet varieties, ripened or even overripe. If the pumpkin is not too sweet, then the amount of sugar can be increased by 20%.

Citrus fruits in the preparation of jam can be replaced citric acid at the rate of 1 teaspoon per 1 kilogram of raw materials.

The consistency of the finished pumpkin jam should be much thicker than that of jam. In this case, the mass should not be too coarse-grained and easily smeared.

For sweet pastries it is better to use assorted pumpkin jam and, for example, apple or pear.

Dried apricots are rarely used as an independent ingredient for making jam. Firstly, dried apricots themselves are harvested for the winter, and secondly, they are too sharp and rich taste. You can’t beat it with sugar, vanilla, or any other spices. But, dried apricots are suitable for enhancing the taste of those fruits and vegetables whose taste is neutral, or not very suitable for making jam, but you really want to.

This is how they make jam from dried apricots and apples, from dried apricots and zucchini, but most of all I like jam from dried apricots and pumpkin. Both dried apricots and pumpkins are bright orange and proper preparation this color will remain. And the combination of the taste of dried apricots and pumpkin cannot be described in words, but you must definitely try it.


  • 0.5 kg dried apricots;
  • 2 kg of pumpkin pulp;
  • 1.5 kg of sugar;
  • lemon, cinnamon, vanilla sugar according to taste and desire.

Rinse dried apricots, put in a saucepan and pour hot water for 1 hour. Dried apricots should be slightly steamed and softened.

While the dried apricots are steaming, you can do the pumpkin. Remove the skin from the pumpkin and remove the seeds. Pumpkin needs to be crushed and this can be done in any of two ways:

1 way.
Twist the pumpkin through a meat grinder. This is difficult to do with a manual meat grinder, so use this method only if you have an electric meat grinder.

2 way.
Boil the pumpkin. Cut it into pieces, cover with water and boil until the pieces soften. Just do not digest, otherwise it will spread into porridge, and we still need to drain the water in which the pumpkin was boiled. excess water in jam to nothing.

We drained the water, and now use a blender or potato masher to puree the pumpkin.

The pumpkin is ready for further processing, and it's time for dried apricots. It also needs to be crushed by passing through a meat grinder.

Combine pumpkin with dried apricots and sugar. Put the mixture on a quiet fire and boil until you get a thick jam.

Arrange the finished jam in sterilized jars, roll them up iron lids and wrap yourself in a warm blanket. After complete cooling, the jam can be taken out to the pantry, or put in a kitchen cabinet. Jam made from dried apricots and pumpkin stands well at room temperature and does not deteriorate.

How to cook jam from dried apricots and pumpkins for the winter, look at the video:

Today I will tell you how to cook for the winter thick jam from a pumpkin. Basically, jams and jams are made from sweet or sour fruit and berries. Pumpkin is an interesting and versatile vegetable. It can be prepared from great amount delicious dishes including desserts. WITH pumpkin pulp they cook sweet cereals and bake pies, but I offer a recipe for delicious jam.

There is one small nuance. Since the pumpkin does not contain enough acids, then it must be administered additionally. Can add lemon juice or acid. This ensures the safety of the workpiece for the whole winter. In addition, you will need disinfected jars that have cooled down and not wet inside.

pumpkin jam gets very thick. It perfectly holds its shape after cooling, it turns amber sweet dessert. The blank can be used, like other types of jam for pies or for sweet sandwiches, sandwiches.

Ingredients for making pumpkin jam

  1. Pumpkin - 700 g.
  2. Sugar - 400 g.
  3. Lemon - 50 g.
  4. Water - 40 ml.

How to make pumpkin jam for the winter

Cooking pumpkin jam is quite simple if you follow certain steps. First you need to weigh the sugar.

Wash the ripe pumpkin with water, and then cut out the seeds and peel the pulp from the skin. Now you can weigh the pumpkin.

Crumble the pulp into large cubes or arbitrary pieces.

Put the pumpkin in a deep saucepan and cover with sugar. Pour water, stir a little and leave for 30 minutes.

After this time, the sugar will melt and a clear liquid will form. Place a saucepan on the stove and heat up.

After boiling, a foam forms, which must be carefully removed with a spoon. Boil the pumpkin until soft for 20 minutes.

Lemon cut into thin slices and add to the bulk. Stir and cook for another 15 minutes.

Squeeze the lemon slices well with a spoon and remove from the jam. Use an immersion blender to make a smooth consistency.

Boil pumpkin jam over low heat until desired thickness. It is too dense, so it should be stirred frequently with a spoon, especially at this stage of readiness.

Arrange amber jam in jars.

Close them with lids and wrap them in a towel to cool gradually.

Beautiful and unusual pumpkin dessert can be served in a ceramic bowl. The taste of pumpkin is practically not felt, but due to it it turns out bright and saturated color at jam. It can be used instead of apple jam for filling buns or pies. Bon appetit!

Jam pumpkin-apple

For 800 g of pumpkin: 1.2 kg of apples, 1 kg of sugar, 1/4 tsp. orange peels.

Stew the pumpkin in a pan, and then rub it through a colander or sieve. Apples, preferably sour, peel and seeds, stew and rub hot through a sieve. Then put the pumpkin and apples in a bowl, add half the sugar and, stirring, cook over low heat. Shortly before the end of cooking, add the remaining sugar, orange peels. transfer the finished jam into dry hot jars and roll up with boiled, but dry lids. You can cook jam longer until it lags behind the bottom of the dish, then you can not hermetically close it.

Transfer the jam to dry jars, cover with gauze in two layers and the next day close with parchment soaked in vodka and tie.

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