
The tricks of making jam from prunes - how to make jam from fresh and dried prunes. plum jam

Plum - a fruit that was created in order to make jam from it. It turns out unusually fragrant and tasty. Any jam is a sweet dessert, but I put less sugar in plum jam, and besides, it is rich in pectin, which is called “human orderly” for its cleansing properties. Once inside, pectin absorbs harmful substances and removes them, which allows the internal organs to work better. Here I will talk about which variety to choose for jam, how to make jam and jam from plums, and how these desserts differ from each other. And of course, do not forget that plum jam, due to its density, aroma and pleasant sourness, is one of the best fillings for pies and cookies.

You will need:

  • plum 1 kg
  • sugar 700 gr

First, let's define terms.

Jam- a traditional dessert among the Eastern Slavs - Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians, as well as the peoples of Transcaucasia and some other, mainly Eastern peoples. It is obtained by boiling or , less often , young walnuts, young pine cones, , with sugar for the purpose of canning. In the right jam, pieces of fruit or berries remain intact, completely soaked in thick syrup and immersed in it. For jam, it is better to use slightly unripe fruits.

Jam- a dessert obtained by boiling fruit or berry puree with or without sugar. It is a dense homogeneous mass, without inclusions of fruits or berries. For jam, it is better to use overripe fruits and berries with a high pectin content.: apples, pears, plums, gooseberries.

And, for the sake of completeness, let's define one more concept - this is Jam or Confiture- a jelly-like food product with whole or chopped fruits (berries) boiled with sugar evenly distributed in it with the addition of gelling agents (usually pectin or agar-agar). Fragrant spices are often added to this dessert: cloves, cinnamon, star anise, allspice. Jams and marmalades are a favorite way of preserving fruits in Western Europe and the USA.

But back to our plum.

cook jam can be made from any variety of plum, the main thing is that the plum is dense, slightly unripe. To make the jam right with pieces of fruit evenly soaked in sugar syrup, boil it in small portions, no more than 1.5 kg of fruit.

For jam it is better to take sour varieties of plums with dense pulp, for example, "Hungarian" and, of course, plum for jam should be very ripe so that it is easily boiled soft.

Wash the plums and put them in a colander to drain the water. Can be dried with a towel. Cut into slices, remove the seeds and stalks.

Put the plum in a container (I have a large enameled bowl) and sprinkle with sugar. Leave for 12 hours (usually overnight). Under the influence of sugar, the plums will release juice - this is an important point, since we will not add water to the jam.

Closed jars do not require additional sterilization. After cooling, remove them for storage.

Plum jam is a very fragrant delicacy. The plum slices remained intact, they are evenly saturated with syrup, which, as expected, is thick and transparent.

Prepare the plum in the same way as for the jam. Do not forget that for jam, the plum must be very ripe so that it is easily boiled soft. Before filling the plum with sugar, you can puree it with a blender. I usually puree after boiling.
You can cook jam in one go for 2-3 hours, but it is more convenient to cook in three steps, just like jam. Just increase the cooking time to 10-20 minutes - we need to evaporate as much moisture as possible. Remember that between brews, during cooling, moisture will also evaporate.

This is how the finished jam looks like, and when there were no blenders in the household, it was closed for storage in this form, with pieces of boiled peel. No, you don't need to wipe it, because. the peel contains the highest amount of pectin.

And here puree with a blender before the last boil very necessary. So the jam will acquire a homogeneous jelly-like consistency.

Bring the pureed jam to a boil. Carefully! Can spit hot spray, so keep stirring! Turn off the heat and put the hot jam in sterilized jars, close the lids. Closed jars do not require additional sterilization. After cooling, remove them for storage.

Just a slice of fresh crispy bread and just aromatic plum jam with sourness, a cup of hot tea - mmm ... And if you add a piece of cheese?

And also pies or pies with plum jam from any dough from ⇓⇓⇓

Make jam and plum jam, bake pies with it ⇒ , eat it fresh and dried. And plums can also be dried in the same way as tomatoes, and this is a great snack and addition to meat and any meal. Did not separate dried plum recipe, do everything in the same way as described in this recipe ⇒

Plum jam and jam. Short recipe.

You will need:

  • plum 1 kg
  • sugar 700 gr

Wash the plums and drain in a colander. Cut into slices, remove the seeds and stalks.
Place the plum in a bowl and sprinkle with sugar. Leave for 12 hours (usually overnight).

Place the bowl of plums over medium heat and bring to a boil, skimming off the foam. Turn off the heat and leave to cool completely for 10-12 hours.
Cook jam in three steps: morning-evening-morning. Or evening-morning-evening, to whom it is convenient.
Pour the boiling jam into clean, dry jars and close the lids. Additional sterilization is not required. Remove for storage after cooling.

To make jam, choose a very ripe plum so that it boils well. Cook in the same way as jam, just increase the boil time to 10-20 minutes. Before the last boil, puree the plum with a blender. Bring to a boil and place in sterilized jars, close the lids. Additional sterilization is not required. Remove for storage after cooling.

In contact with

Plum jam jam and jam.

Plum jam jam and jam

Thick plum jam.

Cinnamon Plum Jam Recipe. It can be spread on bread, added to bagels and pies.


  • plums 1 kg
  • sugar 1/2 kg
  • ground cinnamon 1 tsp

1. Wash the plums, remove the pits. Grind the pulp with an immersion blender, add sugar and add cinnamon, mix. Let stand to dissolve sugar.

2. In small portions (about 2 ladles each), pour the jam into a saucepan with a wide bottom and cook, stirring occasionally, until the jam begins to slightly stick to the walls. After that, boil for another 1-2 minutes and pour into a prepared jar.

3. Repeat with the remaining plum mass.

Caucasian plum jam.

To date, this is my favorite plum jam. I am new to homemade preparations, but the taste, and most importantly, the aroma of this jam won me over.

What do you need:

  • Plums 2 kg
  • Dry ginger (I took fresh and grated on a medium grater) - 1 tsp
  • Cinnamon - 1 tsp
  • Peeled walnuts - 150 gr.
  • Sugar - 600 gr.
  • Water 1 l.

1. Wash the plums well, dry them on a cloth towel, cut in half and remove the seeds. Finely chop the walnuts with a knife.

2. Place the plums in a bowl for cooking, cover with sugar. Pour in water and cook over low heat until boiling.

3. Then add spices (ginger and cinnamon), mix and cook for 40 minutes, periodically removing the foam and stirring. After that, remove the container from the stove, cool the mass a little. Put chopped nuts into the finished jam, mix well.

4. Arrange warm jam in sterilized jars, close tightly with lids. Keep the jam in a cool dry place.

Plum jam.

Plum jam is fragrant and tasty, it has a very beautiful color and unique aroma. For cooking, an additional component is used - gelfix (gelling agent) so that the jam acquires a jelly consistency. Plum jam also serves as a good addition to various pastries and desserts.


  • plums - 1 kg
  • gelfix sachet 40 gr.
  • sugar - 800-850 gr.
  • cinnamon - 1-2 tsp to taste
  • cognac - 100 ml.


Prepare plums - wash under running water, cut into halves along the seam and remove the seeds. Fold in a container for cooking (enamelled), cover with sugar and leave for 30-40 minutes until juice appears. Put on a small fire and cook, stirring gently, for 30-40 minutes until the plums are soft. Add cognac and cinnamon to taste, cook for another 10-15 minutes, remove from heat. After cooling the jam a little, add gelfix, mix well and place again on a small fire, boil for 10 minutes after boiling and pour into clean, sterilized jars, roll up or tightly cork with lids. Cool and store in a cold place. Bon appetit!

Plum jam with spices.

This jam needs to be cooked for quite some time, until it thickens and becomes a rich red color.


  • plums 1.5 kg.
  • sugar 225 g.
  • cardamom 3/4 tsp
  • cinnamon 1/2 tsp

Divide the plums into halves, remove the stones, cut into pieces of 3-4 cm, no need to remove the skin. Place the plum pieces in a saucepan, add 1 cup water and sugar.

Cook over low heat until fruit is soft (about 20 minutes). Remove the saucepan from the heat, beat the fruit in a blender until the consistency of puree. Return the plums to the saucepan, add the cardamom and cinnamon, cook over very low heat, stirring constantly, until the mass thickens (about 2.5 - 3 hours).

Remove from fire and cool. Store in a tightly closed container or pour into sterilized jars while still hot.

Plum jam with walnuts and spices.

You will need:

  • 500 g plums (pitted weight)
  • 350 g brown sugar (regular)
  • 100 g walnuts
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 1-2 star anise (to taste)


Cut the plums into thin slices, cover with sugar, set aside until the juice is released. Mix well, bring to a boil, remove the foam, remove from heat, set aside until it cools completely.

Repeat the process two more times, in the last step, add nuts, spices to the jam and leave at a low boil for 10 minutes.

Cool completely, remove the spices, roll the jam into jars.

Plum jam.

  • Plums - 3 kg;
  • Sugar -2 kg;


Jam from plums is prepared from fresh, ripened and pureed fruits. There should not be any bones or peel in it. Plums put them in a bowl, add (per 1 kg of fruit) ½ cup of water and steam over low heat to make them soft. Then cool everything a little and rub through a sieve to free it from the skin.

Boil the mashed plums until almost done. Jam is desirable to cook in a low wide bowl to get a quick evaporation, which guarantees a rich color and excellent taste of the finished product. In the process of cooking, plum jam should be constantly stirred with a wooden spatula so that it does not burn.

Pour sugar only after the entire fruit mass has thickened sufficiently (we boil it almost 2 times), since sugar contributes to rapid burning.

When preparing jam, the main role is played by the determination of the correct density. The best way to determine the density is to run a wooden spoon or spatula along the bottom, if a path forms at the bottom of the bowl, which slowly fills up, then the jam is ready.

The finished plum jam is poured hot into washed and sterilized jars and rolled up. Air cooling.

If there is a desire to pamper your household and guests with something not just very tasty, but delicious in taste, then you should make jam from plums. There are a huge number of recipes for creating this thick and fragrant delicacy. The attractiveness of this berry lies in the fact that it acts as a self-sufficient ingredient for making a dessert, but it can be organically combined with chocolate, apples, citrus fruits, and all kinds of spices. Mmm...yummy!

Classic plum jam

Even a novice cook can cook classic plum jam. There is nothing particularly complicated about this recipe. If in doubt, then you should use the step-by-step recipe below. It will help you avoid mistakes.


  • plums - 3 kg;
  • sugar - 2 kg;
  • drinking water - 1.5 l.

Cooking process

  1. First you need to prepare fruits, granulated sugar and water in the amount indicated in the recipe.

  1. Then comes the turn of plums. Fruits should be thoroughly washed and cut in half. From all fruits you need to get the bones.

  1. Next, you need to prepare the syrup. In pitted plum jam for the winter, it is definitely added. Making syrup is extremely easy. Pour into a saucepan and add granulated sugar. The container is put on fire and brought to a boil.

  1. Then you need to shift the plum halves into the syrup. In this form, the workpiece is boiled for 20 minutes. Fruit slices should soften.

On a note! The more ripe and mature the plums are initially, the less time it takes to boil them.

  1. Then the workpiece is crushed with a blender. Plum gruel is again placed on the stove and cooked over medium heat until the required degree of thickening. It is necessary to wait for the product to boil and reduce the heat. For about another hour, the composition should be boiled so that it turns into a real dense and thick jam.

  1. It remains only to pack the finished dessert in jars and spin it for the winter.

Jam from plums with chocolate for the winter

Chocolate-plum jam, which in texture resembles Nutella, will turn out to be unusually tasty. Such a delicacy will be appreciated not only by adults, but also by children. A dessert that can be prepared for the winter will please you in the cold season with its rich taste and pleasant aroma.


  • plum - 2 kg;
  • bitter chocolate - 100 g;
  • sugar - 1.8 kg.

Note! From the indicated amount of products, about 3.5 liters of plum jam with chocolate will be obtained.

Cooking process

  1. To get plum jam with chocolate, which has a delicate texture, you must first prepare all the necessary components indicated in the recipe.

  1. Then you need to prepare the plum. The fruits will need to be thoroughly washed and cut into two parts. The pits are removed from the fruit. As for the optimal variety of plums for making this dessert, there is no fundamental difference. But it should be borne in mind that from the fruits of "Renklod" the jam will come out lighter, and from the "Hungarian" - darker, richer. After the slices of plums are covered with sugar. In this form, the workpiece is left for 2-3 hours to form juice.

  1. The hob turns on. The burner heats up on minimum heat. On it you need to put a container with plums and syrup. The future jam is closed with a lid and languishes for a quarter of an hour.

  1. Next, you need to add chocolate. The tile must first be broken. The workpiece is poured into hot plum jam.

On a note! To make plum jam according to such an original recipe really tasty, you should use only natural chocolate. You should take sweetness without additives and fillers. Dark dark chocolate is optimal, which contains at least 78% cocoa.

  1. Next, the billet of plums and chocolate will need to be crushed. To do this, it breaks through with a blender, and then puts it on fire again. Jam needs to be boiled down. After boiling on slow heating, it must be kept for about 45 minutes. The mass is constantly stirred. Otherwise, it will burn.

  1. When the composition becomes very fragrant, rich and dense, it will need to be decomposed into jars prepared in advance. The container must be screwed with metal lids and put away in the pantry or cellar.

Plum jam with oranges in a slow cooker

The original and incredibly fragrant is plum jam with oranges. It can be cooked in a slow cooker.


  • plum - 1.2 kg;
  • oranges - 2 pcs.;
  • sugar - 1 kg.

Cooking process

  1. To cook an amber-colored very thick jam from plums and oranges, you need to prepare the above ingredients.

  1. First of all, you need to prepare the plums. They are washed, cut in two and freed from stones.

  1. Citruses should be washed, peeled and cut into fairly small slices.

  1. Plums and oranges should be transferred to a deep bowl.

  1. Products are sprinkled with sugar.

  1. In the dishes, the components are left for 4.5-5 hours. This time is enough for the fruit slices to release juice.

  1. The mixture is transferred to a container for a multicooker.

  1. The device turns on. It sets the "Cooking" mode for 120 minutes.

  1. When the program end signal sounds, you need to open the multicooker. The blank for the future jam from plums and oranges should cool, after which the mass is rubbed through the small cells of a colander.

  1. The puree is again poured into the multicooker bowl.

  1. For 18 minutes, the “Frying” mode is started so that the composition is boiled down.

  1. While still hot, plum jam with oranges should be decomposed into small sterilized jars. The containers are screwed with a key under the lids.

Jam from yellow plums with citrus

From yellow plums, you can also make a very refined and thick jam. A feature of this recipe is that citruses are included in the composition.


  • orange - ½ pc.;
  • yellow plums - 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • water - ½ tbsp.

Cooking process

  1. First of all, you need to prepare all the ingredients for making jam.

  1. Plums should be washed, cut into two parts, seeds removed. Fruits are transferred to the pan.

  1. In a separate bowl, you need to make syrup. Water and sugar are mixed in a container.

  1. The dishes are put on fire. Bring the mixture to a boil and wait for the crystals to completely melt.

  1. Plum slices are poured with hot syrup.

  1. The future pitted plum jam for the winter is placed on a minimum fire. The composition must be simmered for 20 minutes from the moment of boiling. It is recommended to remove the foam.
  2. We wipe the plum in a hot state through a sieve
    1. The container is placed back on the stove. Orange juice and zest are poured into the plum gruel.

    1. The composition must be boiled for another quarter of an hour.

    1. In the meantime, you need to sterilize the jars. This can be done in the microwave or in the oven. You should also boil the lids. Ready jam from yellow plums with citrus is transferred to jars and closed with lids.

    Video recipes for plum jam for the winter

    Now you are familiar with the best plum jam recipes and are eager to turn one of the recipes into a real dessert? Then we recommend that you watch a few more video recipes and take into account the smallest details of the cooking process!

It is impossible to keep fruits and vegetables fresh for the whole winter, which is why such wonderful methods of harvesting as canning have been invented. One of the favorite treats for children and adults is jam. It is tasty and fragrant in itself, an ideal dessert for tea, and besides, it is used as a filling for pies and pies. Each housewife has her own ways and secrets of canning and harvesting. For readers who plan to prepare seedless jam for themselves, a simple recipe with plums on the pages of the Popular Health site. Choose and delight your loved ones with a sweet treat!

In horticulture, there are up to four dozen varieties of plums. Of course, each of them has a different taste and aroma, which means that the jam will turn out different in each case. In any case, plum has a lot of useful properties. One of them is bowel cleansing with regular constipation, help with anemia. Plum jam effectively removes salts from the body, contains a lot of potassium, useful for the heart and blood vessels.

A simple recipe for jam for the winter

For high-quality and tasty jam, you need to carefully select plums. Remove spoiled fruits, because even one accidentally falling into the pan can spoil the taste. This simple jam is prepared without stones, which means that the fruits need to be washed and cleaned.

Recipe will need:

1.5 kg of ripe plums;
- 900 grams of sugar;
- 200 grams of water.

Pour the peeled fruit with cold water, put the pan on the fire and bring to a boil. Then cook, stirring regularly, until the fruits become very soft and boil. This process takes approximately 20-25 minutes.

Next, the fruit will need to be rubbed, for this you need a sieve. Thoroughly grind the fruits, cover them with sugar, mix well. The result should be a transparent, viscous consistency of a beautiful amber hue.

Put the mass back on fire. Be sure to stir the jam while cooking, otherwise it will burn and acquire an unpleasant smell and taste. Boil for about half an hour, then pour into prepared sterile jars. Roll up the lids, turn over and leave wrapped for 24 hours until completely cooled.

From the proposed number of products, you can get 2 half-liter jars of jam.

Seedless plum jam with chocolate

This recipe as a whole takes about an hour, and from this amount of ingredients you will get about 3.5 liters of the finished product.

For 2 kg of plums, 1.8 kg of sugar and a bar of dark chocolate 100 grams will be required. The result is not an ordinary jam, but a surprisingly delicious fruit and chocolate dessert of the most delicate texture. This is a delicious treat for tea, and also an interesting filling for homemade buns, buns, pies and rolls.

We start cooking by washing the plums, peeling them from the stones. It doesn't matter which variety is used, Hungarian produces a darker consistency, while Renklod produces a lighter consistency. Pour the fruit halves with sugar, leave for 2.5 hours until the juice separates.

Put the pan on low heat, cook under the lid for 15-20 minutes. At this time, you can prepare the chocolate. Break the tile into pieces, send it to the plum mass, wait until it dissolves completely (about 40 minutes). After that, beat the whole mass with a blender until a homogeneous consistency, send again to a minimum fire. simmer jam for about 30 minutes, stirring constantly, so as not to burn.

Pour the thick fragrant mass into sterile jars, roll up under metal lids for long-term storage. Turn the container upside down and let cool completely. After a day, remove to a cool place.

Seedless Plum Jam Recipe with Apples

Adding apples to the recipe allows you to achieve a denser consistency. For this you will need:

1.5 kg plums;
- 0.8 kg of apples;
- 800 grams of sugar.

Blanch the peeled plums over low heat for 30-40 minutes. Peel apples, cut into pieces. Put the slices in a saucepan, cover with water by about 2-3 cm, bring to a boil and cook for 15 minutes. When the fruits become soft, rub them through a sieve to make a puree.

When the apples and plums are ground into a homogeneous mass, they need to be mixed, put on a minimum fire on the stove. Add sugar and cook for 30-40 minutes. Do not forget to stir the whole mass so that it does not burn.

Pour jam straight from the fire into jars, previously sterilized. Roll up the lids, turn over and cool. Ready-made cork can be stored all winter, serving a treat to the table and using it as toppings for baking.

In addition to apples, plums are just great with quince, pears, sloes and blackberries. Experiment and surprise your family and friends with unusual treats!

Jam is considered a kind of jam, but at the same time it differs in texture and composition. This product is quite often used in modern cooking for the preparation of various dishes and especially baking. It should be noted that its recipe is so simple that it does not require much effort, and the taste combines sweetness and sourness, which is very good for confectionery.

cooking options

There are several ways to make jam. The first one involves the digestion of fruits for a long time, as a result of which moisture is evaporated, forming the necessary consistency. The second method is to add special thickeners to plum jam. The recipe for these types of cooking is often called jam and put starch in it. That is why it is best to use the first option, although it will take some time.


For cooking you will need:

Plum - 2 kg;

Sugar - 1 kg.

To prepare a delicious recipe which is offered below, no other components are required. However, many chefs prefer to add various spices and even cocoa there to give the dish a special piquancy and unusual taste.

Selection of fruits

It is worth noting that there are a huge number of different ones. They all differ from each other in color, size, density and taste. It is believed that it is from light fruits that it is better to make plum jam. The recipe for this preparation suggests that the result will be a transparent and dense consistency of jam. However, many housewives make jam from any variety of plums, carefully choosing it.

The fact is that the fruits should not be green or unripe, otherwise not only will good jam not work, but its use will also affect health. That is why it is better to purchase overripe fruits, which will not only cost less, but are also perfect for this recipe.


First of all, you need to wash the fruit well. To make the jam from the plum light, it is recommended to rub the cloudy coating from the fruit. You also need to remove the bones, and finely chop the remaining pulp.

Next, transfer the fruit to a container and cover them with sugar. In this form, they should be a day. Many recipes that talk about how to boil jam from plums skip this moment, but it is thanks to him that the juice is released in a more natural way, and not under the influence of temperature.

After the allotted time has passed, it is necessary to put the container on the fire and bring its contents to a boil. Then the pressure of the gas is reduced, after which the jam is cooked until the moisture is completely removed from it. As a result, a homogeneous mass should be obtained, in which a metal spoon can calmly stand. Then the resulting substance is rolled into jars and put in long-term storage until consumed.
