
Shawarma in Turkish name. Shawarma, its useful qualities

çevirme), called in some countries doner kebab, doner kebab, Doner kebab(tur. döner kebab) - a Middle Eastern dish of Arab origin from pita or pita stuffed with grilled and then minced meat (lamb, chicken, less often veal, turkey) with the addition of spices, sauces and salad from fresh vegetables. Pork may also be found in non-Muslim countries. Used without appliances. The relative speed of cooking makes shawarma one of the fast food dishes.


For shawarma, meat is chosen - lamb, turkey, beef, chicken, sometimes pork (for example, in the Middle Market in Nizhny Novgorod - among Armenians). The meat is roasted according to a special technology in vertical grills designed for this purpose. The pieces are strung on a vertically located skewer, rotating around its own axis and relative to the heating elements located along the spit. As the meat is fried, it is cut with a long knife (or a special electric circular knife) into thin pieces that fall into the pan. These pieces are then further crushed.

Together with meat, sauce (white garlic and red tomato) and vegetables (tomatoes, cabbage and cucumbers) are added to the filling of pita or pita.

Names in various regions

Countries in alphabetical order:

  • in Azerbaijan shawarma called a dish with white sweet and sour sauce and in pita bread, while the traditional shawarma is called doner kebab or simply "doner" (Azerb. dönər) .
  • In Algeria, shawarma is called dener.
  • In Armenia this dish is called karsi-khorovats(barbecue in Karski). Karski shish kebab is big piece meat on a spit, from which pieces are gradually cut off as they are cooked and wrapped in psats (thin unleavened sheet "lavash").
  • In Belgium the name is used pita durum(fr. pita durum), or simply durum(from Turkish dürüm - wrapped), if the filling is wrapped in thin pita bread, or just pita(fr. pita) if the filling is placed in half of the pita.
  • In Bulgaria the name is used duner.
  • In the UK, they call it abbreviated "kebab" from Turkish - Doner kebab.
  • In Germany the name is used doner kebab(German Doner kebab), or simply Doner. The name is also used durum(from Turkish dürüm - wrapped), if the filling is wrapped in thin pita bread. The name also occurs Turkish pizza (German Türkische Pizza).
  • In Greece and Crete, meat cooked on a vertical spit is called gyros, and pita stuffed with this meat - gyros pita.
  • In Israel, the name used for the same dish is shavarma, but due to the lack of vowels in the usual Hebrew spelling (שווארמה), the reading is widespread "shvarma"; Arabs living in Israel pronounce it as shuarma. Served in flatbread, or in thin lavash- lafe. The natives of Jerusalem call the Lafa "Eshtanur". Favorite condiments are hummus, sesame sauce, "amba" (liquid pickled mango seasoning), spicy chug. In Israeli shawarma, dairy components in any form are completely absent for reasons of kashrut.
  • In Iran, the dish is called " Turkish kebab» (Persian کباب ترکی ‎ kabāb-e torki).
  • In Kazakhstan, both shawarma and various doners (doner kebab, doner durum) are sold.
  • The Lebanese name for shawarma is kubba.
  • In Lithuania, the dish is simply called kebabas (lit. kebabas).
  • In Poland the name is used kebab(from him. Donerkebab) adjusted for Polish stress (always on the penultimate syllable).
  • In Russia:
    • In the Far East (Khabarovsk, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk), the name is accepted - shawarma. In Blagoveshchensk - initially - shawarma. Now there are also the names shawarma and donar.
    • In Central Siberia, the names adopted are - shawarma And doner.
    • In Moscow it is used as shawarma, and in St. Petersburg and Belgorod the word is used shawarma(see Differences in the speech of Muscovites and Petersburgers). In Tver, located between St. Petersburg and Moscow, the word is used shavarma. In Kaliningrad - shawarma, less often shawarma. At the same time, Moscow shawarma and St. Petersburg shawarma have different size(Moscow less) and different composition ingredients (in Moscow cabbage and salted cucumbers, in St. Petersburg - only fresh cucumbers, tomatoes and onions). In St. Petersburg, there is a variant of the "shawarma on a plate" dish, which is almost a classic second course. The composition of this dish includes meat, vegetables, seasonings and fried potatoes. In 2016, you can also see "shawarma" signs there.
    • In the Urals (Ekaterinburg, Perm), both names are accepted - shawarma for a dish where the filling is wrapped in dogs, and shawarma- when half of the pita is taken and filled with stuffing.
    • In the Southern Federal District (Rostov-on-Don, Krasnodar, Volgograd) the name is adopted shawarma.
    • In Pyatigorsk, as well as in other parts of the North Caucasus Federal District, a dish in a pocket of flat cakes (pita) is called (in Greek) gyro. To prepare it, meat is stuffed into a pocket of a flatbread, which is lightly fried on both sides and added chopped vegetables, fried potatoes, some greens, lettuce and sauce.
      • In North Ossetia, lavash stuffed with beef (rarely pork or lamb) is called shawarma, and chicken - tauk("chicken" in Turkic).
  • In Romania, the name is used shaorma or shoorma.
  • In Tajikistan, the name is mainly used shawarma.
  • Names used in Turkmenistan shawarma, turk kebab And doner kebab.
  • The name is common in Uzbekistan turk kabob. However, wrapped in pita bread, it is often called simply "lavash", and "turk-kabob" means cooked in thin bread, like pita. "Donar" is served as a separate second course with a side dish.
  • In France, this dish is called kebab(le kebab) or chawarma.
  • In the Czech Republic, the name used for this dish is gyros - Greek origin.

see also

  • Beshbarmak - minced meat with noodles
  • Kebabs

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  • - based on materials from The guardian

An excerpt characterizing Shawarma

Alpatych left. The prince again went up to the bureau, looked into it, touched his papers with his hand, locked them again, and sat down at the table to write a letter to the governor.
It was already late when he got up, sealing the letter. He wanted to sleep, but he knew that he would not sleep and that the worst thoughts came to him in bed. He called Tikhon and went with him through the rooms to tell him where to make the bed for that night. He walked, trying on every corner.
Everywhere he felt bad, but the worst of all was the familiar sofa in the office. This sofa was terrible to him, probably because of the heavy thoughts that he changed his mind while lying on it. It was not good anywhere, but all the same, the corner in the sofa room behind the piano was best of all: he had never slept here before.
Tikhon brought a bed with the waiter and began to set.
- Not like that, not like that! the prince shouted, and he himself moved a quarter away from the corner, and then again closer.
“Well, I’ve finally redone everything, now I’ll rest,” the prince thought, and left Tikhon to undress himself.
Wincing annoyedly at the effort that had to be made to take off his caftan and trousers, the prince undressed, sank heavily onto the bed, and seemed to be lost in thought, looking contemptuously at his yellow, withered legs. He did not think, but he hesitated before the work ahead of him to raise these legs and move on the bed. “Oh, how hard! Oh, if only as soon as possible, these works would end quickly, and you would let me go! he thought. He made this effort for the twentieth time, pursing his lips, and lay down. But as soon as he lay down, all of a sudden the whole bed moved evenly back and forth under him, as if breathing heavily and pushing. It happened to him almost every night. He opened his eyes that had been closed.
"No rest, damned ones!" he grumbled with anger at someone. “Yes, yes, there was something else important, something very important, I saved myself for the night in bed. Gate valves? No, he talked about it. No, something like that was in the living room. Princess Mary was lying about something. Dessal something - this fool - said. Something in my pocket, I don't remember.
- Silence! What did they talk about at dinner?
- About the prince, Mikhail ...
- Shut up, shut up. The prince slammed his hand on the table. - Yes! I know, a letter from Prince Andrei. Princess Mary was reading. Desal said something about Vitebsk. Now I will read.
He ordered the letter to be taken out of his pocket and a table with lemonade and a vitushka, a wax candle, to be moved to the bed, and, putting on his glasses, he began to read. It was only then, in the stillness of the night, in the faint light from under the green cap, that he, having read the letter, for the first time for a moment understood its meaning.
“The French are in Vitebsk, after four crossings they can be at Smolensk; maybe they're already there."
- Silence! Tikhon jumped up. - No, no, no, no! he shouted.
He hid the letter under the candlestick and closed his eyes. And he imagined the Danube, a bright afternoon, reeds, a Russian camp, and he enters, he, a young general, without a single wrinkle on his face, cheerful, cheerful, ruddy, into the painted tent of Potemkin, and a burning feeling of envy for his favorite, just as strong, as then, worries him. And he recalls all those words that were said then at the first meeting with Potemkin. And it seems to him with yellowness in fat face a short, fat woman - Mother Empress, her smiles, words, when she received him for the first time, kindly, and I recall her own face on the hearse and that clash with Zubov, which was then at her coffin for the right to approach her hand.
“Ah, rather, quickly return to that time, and so that everything now ends quickly, quickly, so that they leave me alone!”

Bald Mountains, the estate of Prince Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky, was sixty miles from Smolensk, behind it, and three miles from the Moscow road.
On the same evening, as the prince gave orders to Alpatych, Desalle, having demanded a meeting with Princess Mary, told her that since the prince was not completely healthy and was not taking any measures for his safety, and according to the letter of Prince Andrei, it was clear that his stay in the Bald Mountains unsafe, he respectfully advises her to write with Alpatych a letter to the head of the province in Smolensk with a request to notify her of the state of affairs and the degree of danger to which the Bald Mountains are exposed. Desalles wrote a letter for Princess Marya to the governor, which she signed, and this letter was given to Alpatych with an order to submit it to the governor and, in case of danger, to return as soon as possible.
Having received all the orders, Alpatych, escorted by his family, in a white downy hat (a princely gift), with a stick, just like the prince, went out to sit in a leather wagon laid by a trio of well-fed savras.
The bell was tied up, and the bells were stuffed with pieces of paper. The prince did not allow anyone to ride in the Bald Mountains with a bell. But Alpatych loved bells and bells in long road. The courtiers of Alpatych, the zemstvo, the clerk, the cook - black, white, two old women, a Cossack boy, coachmen and various courtyards saw him off.
The daughter laid chintz down pillows behind her back and under it. The old woman's sister-in-law slipped the bundle secretly. One of the coachmen put him under the arm.
- Well, well, women's fees! Grandmas, women! - puffing, Alpatych spoke in a patter exactly as the prince said, and sat down in the kibitochka. Having given the last orders on the work of the zemstvo, and in this no longer imitating the prince, Alpatych took off his hat from his bald head and crossed himself three times.
- You, if anything ... you will return, Yakov Alpatych; for the sake of Christ, have pity on us, ”his wife shouted to him, hinting at rumors of war and the enemy.
“Women, women, women’s fees,” Alpatych said to himself and drove off, looking around the fields, where with yellowed rye, where with thick, still green oats, where there are still black ones that were just starting to double. Alpatych rode, admiring the rare harvest of spring crops this year, looking at the strips of rye peli, on which in some places they began to sting, and made his economic considerations about sowing and harvesting and whether any princely order had been forgotten.
Having fed twice on the road, by the evening of August 4, Alpatych arrived in the city.
On the way, Alpatych met and overtook the carts and troops. Approaching Smolensk, he heard distant shots, but these sounds did not strike him. He was most struck by the fact that, approaching Smolensk, he saw beautiful field oats, which some soldiers mowed, apparently for food, and on which they camped; this circumstance struck Alpatych, but he soon forgot it, thinking about his own business.
All the interests of Alpatych's life for more than thirty years were limited by one will of the prince, and he never left this circle. Everything that did not concern the execution of the orders of the prince, not only did not interest him, but did not exist for Alpatych.
Alpatych, having arrived in Smolensk on the evening of August 4, stopped beyond the Dnieper, in the Gachen suburb, at the inn, at the janitor Ferapontov, with whom he had been in the habit of stopping for thirty years. Ferapontov twelve years ago, with light hand Alpatych, having bought a grove from the prince, began to trade and now had a house, an inn and a flour shop in the province. Ferapontov was a fat, black, red man of forty, with thick lips, a thick bump on his nose, the same bumps above his black, frowning eyebrows, and a thick belly.
Ferapontov, in a waistcoat and a cotton shirt, was standing by a shop overlooking the street. Seeing Alpatych, he approached him.
- Welcome, Yakov Alpatych. The people are out of the city, and you are in the city, - said the owner.
- What is it, from the city? Alpatych said.
- And I say - the people are stupid. Everyone is afraid of the French.
- Woman's talk, woman's talk! Alpatych said.
- So I judge, Yakov Alpatych. I say there is an order that they won't let him in, which means it's true. Yes, and the peasants ask for three rubles from the cart - there is no cross on them!

Shaurma, shawarma, shavarma, shuarma (names common respectively in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Tver and Israel/USA Arabic شاورما‎‎, Hebrew שווארמה‎, from Turkish çevirme), in some countries called doner kebab (tour döner kebab) is a Middle Eastern dish (probably of Turkish origin) of pita or pita stuffed with minced fried meat (pork, lamb, beef, turkey or chicken) with spices, sauces and fresh vegetable salad.

Shawarma - this was originally the name of a Turkmen dish invented by steppe shepherds - boiled goitered or saiga meat is finely chopped and placed in the washed stomach of the same goitered or saiga, and its fat is drained there. Then the stomach is sutured. Such good can be stored for up to several months without spoiling.

An interesting fact: in Moscow the word shawarma is used, in St. Petersburg - shawarma (see Differences in speech between Muscovites and Petersburgers). In Tver, located between St. Petersburg and Moscow, the word shavarma is used.

In Armenia, shavurma or Karsi-Khorovats (Karski barbecue).

In Israel, the name shavarma is used for the same dish, but due to the lack of vowels in the usual Hebrew spelling (שווארמה), the reading “shvarma” is widespread; Arabs living in Israel pronounce it as shuarmá (without a pronounced accent).

In the Czech Republic, the name gyros is used for this dish, probably of Greek origin.

Also there are the Algerian version of dener, the Lebanese version of the name - kubba, the Greek - gyros.

Names of shawarma in different states

in Azerbaijan shawarma- This pita with addition sweet and sour taste sauce white color. It is traditionally called " don'r".

Algeria refers to it as shawarma dene?r.

In Armenia it is “????????????? ??????? AVTOMEK’YeNANER khorovatsy ", shawarma.

Karski shish kebab is huge meat part, roasted on a spit. As it is cooked, pieces are cut off from it and placed in pita bread, fresh to taste.

In Belgium shawarma - « pita durum", which means "folded" in translation.

In Bulgaria - they called it "duner".

In the UK, shawarma got the name "kebab", which in Turkish is " Doner kebab».

How to cook shawarma at home

The most common dish fast food you can call it shawarma. If we ask ourselves how many calories are in this dish, then, first of all, we note what kind of meat it is made from.

If lean meat is chosen for the dish, then its calorie content will be up to approximately 300 calories per 100 grams of product. I would like to emphasize that such an indicator will refer to the portion that you cook for yourself at home. Moreover, it will not be difficult to calculate the Kcal of the combined products that you yourself put in shawarma, knowing them separately nutritional value. For those who are on a diet, we advise you to cook shawarma with salad or with boiled fish and vegetables.

Some subtleties of cooking shawarma

It is necessary to carefully consider the purchase of pita or pita bread, in which you will wrap the shawarma. There should be no doubt about their freshness. Dry pita bread breaks and cracks when wrapped, from which appearance The food leaves much to be desired.

To make the meat juicy, it is recommended to marinate it. The marinade can be prepared according to your own taste and desire. It may include: lemon, kefir, and other ingredients. In any case, the meat after marinating will be more tender and juicier. Undoubtedly, it is necessary to properly grill it.

Before cooking, we advise you to dry it on a towel so that unnecessary moisture leaves and a crust forms when it is fried. When the meat is cooked and all the ingredients fit and roll into pita bread, shawarma can be fried on a dry grill on both sides.

How to make shawarma sauce

The most palatable sauces for shawarma are "sour cream" and "tomato". It's not hard to cook them. IN sour cream sauce add in addition to sour cream: garlic, leek, pickled cucumbers. And in tomato tomatoes, olive oil, lime juice, adjika and coriander.

We put the necessary ingredients in a blender, grind to a paste-like state and add as much as we want to the dish. Both sauces can be mixed if desired. It will turn out delicious too.

How beautiful to roll pita bread

Undoubtedly, we want our dish to look presentable. Juice flowing from shawarma and meat falling out is not what we need. Beauty, of course, is also necessary. To do this, you need to learn how to wrap shawarma correctly. First you need to spread the pita bread on flat surface and sprinkle a little water. Then step back a little from its tips and generously spread with the chosen sauce, put the stuffing from vegetables and meat, and pour seasoning again.

Then cover with the rest of the pita bread from the sides and roll into a tube.

Shawarma, its harm

Often, running down the street at lunchtime, we so want to hastily something to eat! On the way, we come across stalls with tempting pastries, hot dogs, shawarma, which are quite difficult to refuse. By purchasing such products on the street, we run the risk of catching E. coli or getting sick with serious diseases.

Poorly fried, stale meat, mayonnaise added instead of sauce, and ketchup can poison our body. Shawarma, cooked on the street, has much more calories than made at home, due to synthetic additives that are harmful to humans. From such a dish, intestinal colic, indigestion, intestinal dysbacteriosis, pain in the liver, nausea and others can occur. side effects. And its constant use can lead to obesity.

Shawarma, its useful qualities

If shawarma made from quality fresh produce, then it is certainly useful, like any other product. If used infrequently, moderate amounts, then it can be given even to children who are over 10 years old. Nutritionists can advise this dish in order to build up muscle mass with insufficient use of animal proteins; to saturate the body with macro- and microelements. Infrequent use of it in the diet will not affect overweight and cholesterol in the blood.

Useful properties have individual ingredients of the recipe. So, curcuma has a beneficial effect on digestive tract. Garlic lowers blood pressure and prevents blood clots from forming. Everyone knows about the benefits of cabbage. It is a source of minerals such as: K, Ca, P, S; trace elements - Al, Zn, Fe, Mg.

The largest shawarma, weighing 98 kilograms, was cooked in Ankara. The holiday was organized by the Aba Piknik restaurant chain. At an organized shopping festival, ten chefs worked on the doner kebab. It took meat from 7 cows to prepare such a huge shawarma. This dish is included in the Guinness Book of Records.

Shawarma - this was originally the name of the Turkmen dish invented by the steppe shepherds - the boiled meat of the goitered gazelle or saiga is finely chopped and placed in the washed stomach of the same gazelle or saiga, and its fat is drained there. Then the stomach is sutured. Such good can be stored for up to several months without spoiling.

Part of the process of making shawarma

Meat for shawarma is fried using a special technology in grills designed for this purpose. The tenderloin is strung on a vertically located skewer, which rotates around its own axis and relative to the heating elements. Flameless gas burners are also located vertically along the skewer. As the meat browns, it is cut with a long knife into thin pieces that fall into the pan and are used to stuff the pita.

Names in various regions

An interesting fact: in Moscow the word shaurma is used, in St. Petersburg - shawarma (see Differences in speech between Muscovites and Petersburgers).

In the Urals (Perm, Yekaterinburg), both names are accepted - shawarma for a dish where the filling is wrapped in a thin sheet of unleavened "Armenian" pita bread, and shawarma - when a half of a pita (similar to a hamburger bun) is taken and filled with filling.

Partially in the Pavlovo-Posadsky district and a number of districts of Moscow, in addition to traditional names, the name kurma is adopted.

In Azerbaijan, shawarma is a dish with white sweet and sour sauce and lavash, while traditional shawarma called doner kebab.

In Armenia, shavurma or Karsi-Khorovats (barbecue in Kars), in Tver - shavarma, in Kharkov - "shaorma".

This is probably due to the fact that in these cities the dish was originally prepared by foreign Arabs or Caucasians speaking different languages and dialects.

In Israel, the name shavarma is used for the same dish, but due to the lack of vowels in the usual Hebrew spelling (שווארמה), the reading “shuarma” is widespread; Arabs living in Israel pronounce it as shuarmá (without a pronounced accent).

In Kazakhstan, instead of the word shawarma, the name doner-kebab (tur. döner-kebab) is often used, and instead of pita, lavash is used, in which the filling is wrapped.

Also there are the Algerian version of Dener, the Lebanese version of the name - kubba, the Greek - gyros. [source?]

In the common people, shawarma sellers are jokingly called shaurmen or shawarmacho.

And there is no difference. Grilled, then finely chopped and wrapped in pita bread or pita meat is an ancient and very popular dish. In the Middle East, it has been eaten for several centuries, and each nation pronounces the name of the treat in its own way. Shaurma, shawarma, shaorma, shawarma, shwarma, shuarma

The pronunciation and spelling of a word in Russian depend only on which language it was borrowed from in a particular area. Hence the slight play of letters.

Because of this game, however, there are serious disputes. For example, in Moscow it is customary to speak exclusively shawarma(the Gramota.ru portal assumes 7 questions about shawarma and shawarma that in the capital there simply turned out to be more native speakers of the language where exactly this name is fried meat is traditional). In Petersburg they love shawarma.

Some Petersburgers, defending their ideas about literacy and cultural code, even demanded Petersburg deputy proposed to ban the word "shawarma" legally prohibit shawarma within the boundaries of the city. Based on this incident, one can imagine the level of intensity of culinary and cultural passions for a relatively harmless, in general, word.

How right - shawarma or shawarma

In written speech, one option is considered correct - shawarma. In the latest academic dictionaries, only this word is recorded, no shawarma there isn't.

We are talking about the "Russian Spelling Dictionary" edited by V. V. Lopatin, O. E. Ivanova and the "Big Dictionary of the Russian Language" by M. L. Kalenchuk, L. L. Kasatkina, R. F. Kasatkina. Both editions were published in 2012 by the staff of the Moscow Institute of the Russian Language named after V. V. Vinogradov RAS.

But you can say whatever you like. According to linguists 7 questions about shawarma and shawarma, shawarma continues to be a word of the Russian language and a vivid example of Petersburg speech.

Can shawarma get into writing

It may well be that shawarma will also be included in dictionaries. There are several prerequisites for this.

First, some linguists believe that the word shawarma phonetically more competent and convenient, since it does not welcome the confluence of two vowels, as in shawarma.

Secondly, in 2017, experts from the Vinogradov Russian Language Institute named Shawarma allowed to call shvarma possible inclusion of the word shawarma and other options like shvarma, in explanatory dictionaries.

Well, the letterheads from among the lovers minced meat have long been looking forward to the release of the corresponding volume of the "Big Academic Dictionary of the Russian Language". This most authoritative publication is being prepared by the St. Petersburg Institute for Linguistic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The multi-volume dictionary has been published since 2004. While 24 volumes have been published, experts have reached the letter C.

It remains to wait until the dictionary reaches the letter Ш and finally deals with the equally tasty, even in the form shawarma, though shawarma meat. It is very likely that both names will finally receive identical rights.

Shawarma is a dish of lavash or pita with minced Halal meat, chopped vegetables and sauce. Halal meat includes lamb, lamb. In states with a Christian religion, it is prepared from pork, beef, chicken and turkey. Shawarma has different names: shawarma, shaorma, shuarma, shawarma, dener. They eat it without utensils.

The selected meat for shawarma is fried on special vertically mounted grills. big chunks put on vertical rotating skewers, near heat-emitting appliances. By using sharp knife the edges of the meat are cut off, which is fried gradually and placed in a container. On a pallet, they are crushed and mixed together with the fat released from the cooked meat.

Ready-made meat is put into pita bread or pita, seasoned with sauce and vegetables.

Names of shawarma in different states

in Azerbaijan shawarma- This pita with the addition of sweet and sour taste of white sauce. It is traditionally called " don'r".

Algeria refers to it as shawarma dene?r.

In Armenia it is “????????????? ??????? AVTOMEK’YeNANER khorovatsy ", shawarma.

Karski shish kebab is a huge piece of meat fried on a spit. As it is cooked, pieces are cut off from it and placed in pita bread, fresh to taste.

In Belgium shawarma - « pita durum", which means "folded" in translation.

In Bulgaria - they called it "duner".

In the UK, shawarma got the name "kebab", which in Turkish is " Doner kebab».

How to cook shawarma at home

The most common fast food dish is shawarma. If we ask ourselves how many calories are in this dish, then, first of all, we note what kind of meat it is made from.

If lean meat is chosen for the dish, then its calorie content will be up to approximately 300 calories per 100 grams of product. I would like to emphasize that such an indicator will refer to the portion that you cook for yourself at home. Moreover, it will not be difficult to calculate the Kcal of the combined products that you yourself put in shawarma, knowing separately their nutritional value. For those who are on a diet, we advise you to cook shawarma with salad or boiled fish and vegetables.

Some subtleties of cooking shawarma

It is necessary to carefully consider the purchase of pita or pita bread, in which you will wrap the shawarma. There should be no doubt about their freshness. Dry pita bread breaks and cracks when wrapped, which makes the appearance of the dish leave much to be desired.

To make the meat juicy, it is recommended to marinate it. The marinade can be prepared according to your own taste and desire. It may include: lemon, kefir, and other ingredients. In any case, the meat after marinating will be more tender and juicier. Undoubtedly, it is necessary to properly grill it.

Before cooking, we advise you to dry it on a towel so that unnecessary moisture leaves and a crust forms when it is fried. When the meat is cooked and all the ingredients fit and roll into pita bread, shawarma can be fried on a dry grill on both sides.

How to make shawarma sauce

The most palatable sauces for shawarma are "sour cream" and "tomato". It's not hard to cook them. In addition to sour cream, garlic, leeks, pickled cucumbers are added to sour cream sauce. And in tomato tomatoes, olive oil, lime juice, adjika and coriander.

We put the necessary ingredients in a blender, grind to a paste-like state and add as much as we want to the dish. Both sauces can be mixed if desired. It will turn out delicious too.

How beautiful to roll pita bread

Undoubtedly, we want our dish to look presentable. Juice flowing from shawarma and meat falling out is not what we need. Beauty, of course, is also necessary. To do this, you need to learn how to wrap shawarma correctly. First you need to spread the pita bread on a flat surface and sprinkle a little water. Then step back a little from its tips and generously spread with the chosen sauce, put the stuffing from vegetables and meat, and pour seasoning again.

Then cover with the rest of the pita bread from the sides and roll into a tube.

Shawarma, its harm

Often, running down the street at lunchtime, we really want to whip up something to eat! On the way, we come across stalls with tempting pastries, hot dogs, shawarma, which are quite difficult to refuse. By purchasing such products on the street, we run the risk of catching E. coli or getting sick with serious diseases.

Poorly fried, stale meat, mayonnaise added instead of sauce, and ketchup can poison our body. Shawarma, cooked on the street, has much more calories than made at home, due to synthetic additives that are harmful to humans. From such a dish, intestinal colic, indigestion, intestinal dysbacteriosis, pain in the liver, nausea and other side effects can occur. And its constant use can lead to obesity.

Shawarma, its useful qualities

If shawarma prepared from high-quality, fresh products, then it is certainly useful, like any other product. If it is used infrequently, in moderation, then it can be given even to children who are over 10 years old. Nutritionists may recommend this dish in order to build muscle mass with insufficient intake of animal proteins; to saturate the body with macro- and microelements. Infrequent use of it in the diet will not affect overweight and cholesterol in the blood.

Useful properties have individual ingredients of the recipe. So, curcuma has a beneficial effect on the digestive tract. Garlic lowers blood pressure and prevents blood clots from forming. Everyone knows about the benefits of cabbage. It is a source of minerals such as: K, Ca, P, S; trace elements - Al, Zn, Fe, Mg.

The largest shawarma, weighing 98 kilograms, was cooked in Ankara. The holiday was organized by the Aba Piknik restaurant chain. At an organized shopping festival, ten chefs worked on the doner kebab. It took meat from 7 cows to prepare such a huge shawarma. This dish is included in the Guinness Book of Records.

Today, in all of Russia, you can hardly find a city in which shawarma would not be sold. This dish, which came to us from the Middle East, almost instantly gained popularity among all generations of Russians, from schoolchildren and students to pensioners. And there is nothing surprising in this. The cost of shawarma does not exceed a couple of hundred rubles, but it saturates in the same way as full lunch from three courses. And the compact size allows you to eat a dish on the go - on the way to work, school or university, during a lunch break or an evening walk.

Homeland of shawarma

Everyone who has ever tried shawarma, they know that the dish is oriental, but where it by birth, a lot of people don't realize. Some believe that the birthplace of meat wrapped in pita bread is the Caucasus, Armenia or Georgia. Others believe that shawarma came to us from Azerbaijan or Tajikistan. In fact, none of these people are right. First shawarma was prepared in Arab countries(possibly also in Turkey), and was an adapted version of the national dish kebab.

Previously oriental dish was prepared from only two ingredients - meat and pita or lavash. Later, the recipe was improved, vegetables were added to it (tomatoes, cabbage, cucumbers, sometimes carrots, including those cooked according to Korean recipe), various sauces and other condiments.

Meat for shawarma

Traditionally, the dish is prepared using poultry meat, as well as lamb or veal. What is the reason for such a choice? Everything is quite simple - if we delve a little deeper into the religious customs of the countries of the Middle East, we will find out that pork is prohibited in the vast majority of these states.

A What meat is shawarma made from? in non-Muslim countries? Here the choice is more extensive, due to the lack of strict prohibitions for eating the same pork, as well as beef, horse meat (with the exception of periods various posts, but this, as we know, is left to personal discretion).

Real shawarma is prepared as follows: first, the meat is separated from the bone and fried on a vertical grill. Then the pieces are put on a vertical skewer equipped with heating parts. The meat rotates around its axis, gradually fried and cut off with a circular knife into a special tray. After that, it remains to chop the cut pieces again and put them in pita bread or pita.

Sauce for shawarma

To prevent the dish from being excessively dry (and this is quite possible when using chicken or turkey), various sauces are additionally added to the filling. The simplest are ketchup and mayonnaise, but also taste qualities such a culinary "work" is very far from ideal.

Choosing shawarma sauce, give preference to the same Which used at home this dish. This white sauce with garlic and red pasta made from dried or dried tomatoes. Various kinds of experiments are allowed: liquid seasonings from a mixture hot pepper, garlic and tomatoes, thick sesame paste with the addition of greens. It would be better if the shawarma manufacturer prepares all these sauces on his own, and does not buy through various stores.

The difference between shawarma and shawarma, or the Difficulties of the correct name

Quite a lot of controversy is caused by admirers of its dishes. correct name. Some call the oriental delicacy shawarma, others argue that its correct name is shawarma. So who is right? In fact, there is no single acceptable answer here, but all the confusion is connected with the peculiarities of translation into Russian and other languages ​​of the world. Its original name is çevirme (translated from Turkish - grilled meat), hence the difficulty with the name.

It depends on the name and region. For example, In St. Petersburg or Kaliningrad is considered correct to say "shawarma", whereas in Moscow, in the Urals, in the Volga region and in many areas located east of the Russian capital, it was the word "shawarma". Sometimes the dish is called nothing more than a doner kebab, because that is how it is now called in Turkey, from where it has spread throughout the world. But the cooking technology, according to many experts, has absolutely nothing to do with it.

The article was prepared by the service
