
How to make chicken shawarma at home. Spicy adjika recipe with traditional ingredients

H There is nothing difficult in buying ready-made shawarma on the street, but sometimes you really want to change something in the recipe, do it somehow in your own way. Do you know this feeling? Or maybe it seems that the price of it has recently been shamelessly overstated? Then this article is for you, here we will tell you how to cook shawarma yourself as tasty as possible, quickly and not too expensive. For special enthusiasts, there is even a recipe with your favorite sausages!

Shawarma cannot be called an original Russian dish, but since the times of the USSR, Russian cuisine has been made up of traditional dishes from many countries, including the East. Now you can buy it literally everywhere - there is certainly a 24-hour kiosk on every street, and the choice does not disappoint. And if you want more refined tastes and proven quality, you can order a simple dish in many restaurants and everyone will surely surprise you with their serving.

In a word, the popularity of shawarma has now reached its peak, and therefore the ability to cook it is valued higher and higher. And no wonder, because there is nothing tastier than good, fresh meat and vegetables, combined with hot and slightly crispy pita bread ... We will be happy to tell you how to cook the best shawarma in your life at home and even share some of the secrets of the master! Shall we start?

Homemade shawarma with chicken

It may surprise you, but traditionally almost no vegetables go into shawarma - neither cabbage, nor cucumbers, and even more so, no corn and potatoes. Although now the recipes have begun to change very quickly, first we want to offer you a version of the dish that is closer to its origins, without unnecessary additives - only meat, pita bread and onions. Many people are afraid to cook according to the recipe, because they don’t want the dish to turn out dry, but this is very in vain - properly cooked meat simply cannot be so.


Chicken fillet (preferably red meat) - 200 grams per person;
spices for shawarma (read more in the "cooking secrets" appendix);
thin, fresh pita bread - 1 cake per person;
onion - 1/2 small onion per person;

How to cook?

Step 1. First, peel the onion, wash it and cut off the lower and upper parts. We won't need them. Wash the meat. We wrote there about the red fillet - this is the meat taken from the drumsticks and thighs of the chicken. It is this meat that turns out juicy and tender and is traditionally included in the composition of the dish. Therefore, we do not recommend using breast fillet.

Step 2. Cut the meat as thin as possible. The pieces should be long, but the thickness should be as thin as possible. Salt the chopped meat and sprinkle with spices, in your opinion, the most suitable. Marinate at room temperature in a covered container for about an hour or more.

Step 3. In the meantime, chop the onion into thin half rings. You can use both red and white onions here, it will not greatly affect the taste, and the appearance too - the contents will be hidden behind the cake. In a hot skillet drizzled with oil, sauté the onion for about 20 minutes until golden brown and soft in texture. The main thing is not to burn it - it will greatly affect the taste.

Step 4. Now, heat a frying pan (preferably a wok) with a thick bottom and a high side. Heat the oil on it and, when the dish is hot enough, put the chicken on it with tongs so that the juice from the marinade remains in the container.

Stirring constantly, fry the chicken until cooked through. You won't need much time, as thinly sliced ​​poultry meat cooks very quickly. It is also very important not to overcook, because then the meat can dry out. This will affect the taste too much and ruin it, so don't do it.

Step 5. Spread the pita bread on the work surface. Put the chicken in the center, top with a layer of onion and adjika to taste. Wrap the shawarma tightly, and then fry in a dry frying pan on each side until the pita bread is browned or send to a very hot oven. Shawarma is ready! It is recommended to serve with vegetable salad and spicy sauces.

Bon appetit!

Shawarma with pork at home

Shawarma has never been a dietary dish, so the best meat for it will be high-quality, tender and fatty pork. Of course, you can always substitute any other meat you like or even make it vegetarian by adding beans, an egg, or, for example, soy meat. And, most importantly, remember - cook with love and everything will turn out better than you can imagine!

Ingredients for two shawarma:

Pork fillet - 250 grams;
pickled cucumber - 1 large;
White cabbage;
1 small onion;
1/2 small carrots, can be replaced with Korean carrots;
1 medium tomato:
pita bread - 2 cakes;
ketchup, mayonnaise.

How to cook?

Step 1. Wash all the vegetables, peel the onion. The meat also needs to be washed, large pieces of fat are still desirable to be cut off.

Step 2. Thinly slice the pieces of meat, rub with salt and leave to marinate for 30 minutes. Cut the tomato and pickled cucumber into thin strips, arrange all the vegetables in separate saucers. Cut the onion into thin half rings and pour boiling water in a deep bowl. This will remove excess bitterness and sharpness, after a couple of minutes the water can be drained. Grate carrots on a coarse grater or a special grater for Korean carrots. Shred the cabbage with a sharp knife. It should come out about a handful per person.

Step 3. Put the cabbage in a deep bowl, lightly sprinkle with oil and sprinkle with salt, leave for 5 minutes. After that, with clean hands, knead it as much as possible. The vegetable will begin to give juice and soften, this will get rid of excess volume and make the taste more saturated and pleasant. After mashing the cabbage, mix it with carrots.

Step 4. Heat up a deep, thick-bottomed pan and sprinkle it with just a little oil. Put the pieces of pork on a hot surface and, stirring occasionally, fry the meat until cooked through - and this is about 10 minutes. Of course, the thinner you cut the meat initially, the better and faster it will cook.

Step 5. Unfold the pita bread on the work surface. From above, randomly distribute ketchup and mayonnaise over the entire surface, if desired, you can add mustard, adjika or any other favorite sauce - the main thing is not to overdo it with moisture. For the same reason, do not smear sauces, leave them in the same state in which they lay down when applied.

Step 6. Put the fried meat on top, distribute the vegetables evenly along the center. Then, tightly roll up the pita bread, along with all the filling, so that the cake is completely covered. We will tell you more about how you can wrap shawarma in the application.

Step 7. Put the finished shawarma in a very hot oven so that it is slightly browned, it will take about 7-10 minutes.

Shawarma can be served whole or cut into two halves. Bon appetit!

Homemade shawarma with cheese and sausages

No matter how interesting recipes with meat are, sometimes they turn out to be too costly, including in time. I wonder if it is possible to cook your favorite shawarma with sausages so that you almost don’t have to cook anything? Of course you can, moreover, it will turn out very interesting, you can add a little more cheese and, of course, your favorite sauces. It will take almost no time to cook - about 10-15 minutes maximum, and the result will be hearty and very tasty. And most importantly, very inexpensive.

Ingredients for 2 shawarma:

Your favorite sausages, the look is not important for the recipe - 4 pieces;
1 small tomato;
hard cheese - 100 grams;
ketchup, mayonnaise;
pita bread - 2 cakes;
Korean carrot - 70-80 grams (optional);
fresh or pickled cucumber - 1 medium;
any vegetable of your choice.

How to cook?

Step 1. Wash the tomato and cucumber, if it is fresh, cut off the excess parts. Also peel the sausages and put everything on the work surface. In principle, there are no strict restrictions on the choice of products in this recipe, everything you use can be a combination of your favorite products or products at hand. Would you like to use sausage instead of sausages? Forward! Have you ever wanted corn? You can add it too. Or maybe you have a bell pepper in the fridge? Amazing. All this will come up, wash and proceed to cutting.

Step 2. Cut the tomato and cucumber into thin strips, the cucumber can be rubbed on a special grater for Korean carrots. There are few crunchy ingredients in this recipe, so we recommend that you still use fresh cucumber, but it depends on your preference. Any other vegetables, if you are using them, should also be thinly sliced ​​and set aside. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater and put it separately - we will use it very first.

Step 3. Sausages. And here we have several options. Of course, like meat, you can just cut it thinly, but there is another very interesting option. Tell me, do you like hot dogs? If yes, then you will surely understand what I am leading to, right? 
This is a very good way to combine two favorite dishes, so special lovers of this delicacy can not complicate their lives with slicing, but leave everything as it is. It will turn out very tasty, you can not doubt it!

Step 4. Spread the pita bread on the work surface. From above, generously apply your favorite sauces, sauce and ketchup, you can mustard - everything is in use! Then, spread the cheese along the center of the pita bread. Here we use it first, because being closer to the edge of the pita bread, it will have time to warm up well and melt - isn't that why we add it? If this is not too important for you, you can add it at any time. Sausages, if you cut them, spread them on top of the cheese in the same way, and if you use whole sausages, place them side by side in the very center. In this case, the shawarma will turn out not too long, but very thick and juicy inside. On top of the sausages, distribute chopped vegetables in a hot order, you can sprinkle greens, seasonings, an additional layer of cheese on top, or leave it as it is - the matter is left to small.

Step 5. Wrap the top and bottom edges as tightly as possible to be sure that the sausages do not remain somewhere in the center, but will be at the very surface. Then, like a roll, roll the shawarma tightly and press lightly so that excess air comes out and all the sauces stick to the filling. Now, it remains only for 10 minutes to send the shawarma to the preheated oven and you can start eating as soon as possible. See how easy it is?

Bon appetit!

How to cook homemade shawarma. Secrets of cooking real homemade shawarma

Secret 1. Spices. In the preparation of real shawarma or, to be more precise, shawarma, one of the most important factors is the right choice of spices. The meat itself must be of high quality in order to provide a bright taste and juiciness of the dish, but only spices can add a unique aroma and oriental notes.

Of course, true masters always prepare their mixtures themselves and pass on the secret of its preparation strictly in confidence and only to “their” people. Finding out this secret is almost impossible, and everyone has their own secret. Therefore, all we can give you are the main components of mixtures, which are known to almost everyone. And what else to add and in what quantities to mix it, only experience, language and “feeling of the chef” can tell you.

Therefore, do not be afraid to experiment and work out the “same” taste. Perhaps someday you will become that very master whose secrets all the guests and their spies are trying in vain to find out? 

Among the well-known mandatory spices included in the composition are listed: coriander, a mixture of different types of peppers, turmeric, paprika (preferably smoked), cardamom, sometimes cinnamon is added. It is also recommended to add zira and grated mustard seeds. In a word, almost everything that you can find on a spice shop in the oriental market.
And even dried fruits and nuts are added to the festive cooking options. It's amazing how many, isn't it?

Secret 2. Cooking meat. I think many of you have seen that in stalls with quality shawarma meat is never fried in a pan. It is cut off from some large vertical skewer, on which the meat is strung with a very thick layer.

In fact, this skewer is the second biggest secret to making the perfect shawarma. This is not just our usual grill. The meat is cut into very thin slices and, most often, from some specific parts of the animal's body, and then marinated with salt and spices. After that, a lot of pieces of this marinated meat are strung on this long skewer and every few levels are layered with high-quality lamb or goose fat, and sometimes both in turn. And then, all this is slowly cooked, slowly rotating in front of a source of heat, ideally coal.

This is how real taste is created and, of course, it is impossible to cook this at home without special equipment. But for many, the problem does not seem so big, people come up with all sorts of interesting ways to cook something similar at home. And we have one interesting one for you!

To do this, you will need to cut the chicken meat from the drumsticks and marinate it for about an hour. Then, put the meat in a metal pan and close the lid just enough so that there is a very small passage for air from the oven. Next, you need to set the pan in the middle of the preheated oven. Last but not least, you will need a wine cork. One or two, but they must be dry. So, install it on the lid of the pan and on a piece of foil somewhere in the oven and do not open the oven for 40 minutes. The cork will begin to char and the natural smoke will soak the chicken slowly and gently as it cooks. The pan will allow the meat not to dry out and burn, and at the exit you will get very tender and delicious chicken meat, which will almost be indistinguishable from a real shawarma. A big plus will also be a piece of goose fat in a saucepan. Happy experiment!

Secret 3. We wrap the shawarma. When all the ingredients are prepared correctly and the shawarma is composed, a timid question arises - how to wrap it? There are actually quite a few options and there is nothing complicated in them. Now we will explain to you the most basic of them.

So, here's a good and fairly simple option for you. This method is ideal for shorter but thicker shawarma, like the shawarma we made in the third recipe - with sausages.
In this version, you need to fold the pita bread in half with the shorter sides. That is, imagine a rectangle in front of you. There are longer sides at the top and bottom, and short sides - pita bread is arranged the same way. And now the short sides need to be folded one to the other, and then move the upper edge of the centimeter 3-5 down to make the piece a little wider.

Now, the filling will need to be laid out parallel to the sides, from top to bottom. When all the filling is laid out, do not bend the top and bottom edges too much.

And starting from the side, which is just on the fold, start wrapping the charm tightly.

Wrap to the end and ... Done! Not so difficult, right?

Secret 4. If you have already decided to cook a real and very tasty shawarma, special attention should be paid to the sauce. Do you think real shawarma should be cooked with ketchup and mayonnaise? But no! It turns out that the right sauce is completely prepared on the basis of fermented milk products - sour cream, kefir, etc. Mayonnaise can also be put there, but it must be of the highest quality.

Sauce for shawarma

So the ingredients are:

Fatty sour cream - about 5 tablespoons;
good kefir - about 5 tablespoons;
homemade mayonnaise - about 5 tablespoons;
2 garlic cloves, minced with 1/3 teaspoon salt
dried herbs;
finely chopped fresh herbs;
black pepper.

Nothing further is particularly difficult. Mix all the ingredients and mix thoroughly with a whisk, you can add a couple of tablespoons of adjika. The sauce is good because it is refreshing even on a hot day, because it consists of natural ingredients. Thick and rich in taste, it always turns out great and many people like it so much that they are ready to eat it without any meat, just on a piece of bread!

Now you know most of the important aspects of making the perfect shawarma! You no longer have to buy everything only in kiosks, you can experiment and surprise your loved ones at home. Of course, all these subtleties do not have to be applied late in the evening when you come home and just want to grab a bite to eat. But armed with these tips, you can serve such a seemingly simple dish to the festive table and be on top. Few people know such secrets!

Good luck and delicious creations!

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Homemade shawarma (shawarma, shavukha) is a great snack option that will appeal to both adults and children. How to cook shawarma at home, so that it is not only tasty, but also useful, you will learn from the recipes we have collected with photos and a detailed description.

What is a shawarma?

Now there is hardly a person left who has not heard about such representatives of fast food with the outlandish name shawarma. They cook it in different parts of the world in their own way, and the names often sound different: shawarma, shavukha, doner kebab and others. But the main idea is the same: juicy, with lots of spices, fried meat, along with fresh or pickled vegetables and sauces, is wrapped in pita (bread cake).

The main components of shavukha

Shawarma at home is no less appetizing than in eateries. But the most important thing is that you will be absolutely sure of its quality, since you will prepare all the ingredients yourself:

  1. Meat is the main component of this dish. Suitable chicken, beef, turkey or pork. First, it must be marinated, and then grilled. You can hardly find such an apparatus in an ordinary kitchen, so we will use a grill pan.
  2. Lavash for shawarma must be taken fresh. It should be plastic, soft, without cracks and breaks. Also perfect, then a hearty filling is placed in its middle.
  3. Vegetables are used fresh or pickled. They are cut into large pieces, or they are made into a salad and a large amount of fresh fragrant greens is necessarily added.
  4. can be made with mayonnaise, tomato or sour cream. You can use mustard, ketchup and plain mayonnaise. Depends on your preference.

Classic homemade shawarma recipe

Now we will tell you how to make shawarma at home. It does not require any special equipment to prepare it. Let's cook with chicken. 100 grams of such a snack will contain about 200 calories.

For 1 thin pita bread, take the following products:

  • chicken fillet - 100 g;
  • soy marinade-15 ml;
  • suneli hops, curry, ground white pepper - on the tip of a knife;
  • tomato - 1 pc.;
  • greens - 1 bunch;
  • young cabbage - 50 g;
  • cheese - 30 g;
  • small pickled cucumber - 1 pc.;
  • sour cream and mayonnaise - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • spicy tomato ketchup - 30 ml;
  • mustard - optional;
  • Olena.

  1. Let's start cooking shawarma with fillet: mode and put it in a bowl where it will be marinated. Pour with soy marinade, crush with spices and leave for 1 hour in the refrigerator.
  2. We heat the grill pan well, add a little fat (oil) and fry the meat for shawarma on each side for several minutes. It should be browned and juicy, not dry, overcooked.
  3. We spread the pita bread and grease with ketchup. Grate cheese on top. Then put shredded cabbage, sliced ​​\u200b\u200btomato and cucumber. Pour with a mixture of sour cream and mayonnaise, add slightly cooled chicken, crush with dill and lightly sprinkle with mustard.
  4. How to wrap shawarma is up to you. We recommend rolling it into a roll so that all the filling is inside.
  5. Shawarma with chicken in pita bread is fried on both sides in a well-heated pan with a little fat until a caramel-colored crust appears. It is better to eat it hot. The proposed chicken shawarma recipe can be supplemented with any other products.

Student slut

Shavukha is just a distorted name for an ordinary shawarma. It is undoubtedly very popular among young people due to its satiety. But if you are worried about the health of your child, then it is better to do it yourself. How to make shavukha at home you will learn from the following recipe.

Required Ingredients:

  • 1 thin pita bread;
  • 150 g pork;
  • 3 lettuce leaves;
  • 1 tomato;
  • 2 large champignons;
  • 50 g of cheese;
  • a pinch of paprika, curry, ground pepper;
  • 30 ml of lemon juice;
  • 50 g margarine;
  • salt, oil.

For watering:

  • 1 yolk;
  • 100 ml Olena;
  • 15 ml of lemon juice;
  • 30 g mustard;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of chopped greens;
  • salt, sugar to taste.

  1. Of course, the proposed shavukha recipe is just one of many. But all the proposed options are very similar to each other. First, cut the pork into strips 1 cm wide. Sprinkle them with lemon juice, sprinkle with spices, stir a little and leave to soak for half an hour.
  2. As usual, the shawarma grill is replaced by a frying pan. We heat a little fat in it, add it and fry the meat.
  3. While the pork is cooking, we will make the shavukha sauce. Beat the egg yolk thoroughly with a pinch of salt, sugar and mustard. We continue to beat, adding Olena spoon by spoon. The mass should be homogeneous, creamy. At the end - we will beat in lemon juice and add finely chopped greens.
  4. We take out the fried pork on a plate, and fry the chopped mushrooms in the remaining fat.
  5. Going homemade shavuha is simple. Lubricate thin pita bread with watering. Sprinkle with half of the grated cheese. Arrange lettuce leaves. We arrange meat, mushrooms, chopped vegetables and the rest of the cheese on them and roll them into a roll.
  6. Melt the margarine and grease the roll with it on all sides. Fry until appetizing crust on all sides. We told you how to cook shavukha so that it is both satisfying and good for the body.

St. Petersburg shawarma

Shawarma is served in a pita - a fresh flat bread cake. We want to offer one recipe for shawarma, a meat component that we will marinate in yogurt.

For 1 pita you will need:

  • 100 ml of yogurt;
  • a piece of ginger root;
  • 1 hour a spoonful of seasoning for chicken;
  • 1 garlic clove;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of olive oil;
  • 150 g chicken breast;
  • 1 tomato and cucumber;
  • 1 handful of chopped dill;
  • 1 onion;
  • salt to taste;
  • 50 ml of mayonnaise;
  • 50 ml cream;
  • 1 garlic clove;
  • frying oil.

  1. Let's prepare the marinade first. Add spices, oil, grated ginger and finely chopped garlic to the yogurt. Stir the mixture and evenly apply on the chopped brisket. Cover with foil and leave for a couple of hours.
  2. Watering must be infused, so let's do it in advance. Mix mayonnaise with cream and very finely chopped garlic. If desired, you can salt and add curry. Remove to infuse in a cold place.
  3. We cut the onion into halves of the rings and pour boiling water over it so that all the bitterness is gone. Cucumber and tomato mode in large pieces and mix with dill.
  4. In a frying pan, heat the fat well, add and fry the pieces of pickled brisket until golden brown.
  5. Cut the pita in half. Brush each half generously with sauce. We lay out the vegetables and meat and turn into a cone. You should get an open shawarma. Wrap it in parchment paper and put it in the microwave for a few minutes. Put some more sauce on top of the hot filling. Delicious and healthy shawarma is ready.

Turkish snack

Doner kebab is a very hearty lamb and vegetable snack that is made in Turkey. Of course, lamb can be replaced with chicken or pork, but then it will not be the right food. To make it easier for you to make it, we offer you a step-by-step recipe to help you.

For 2 servings of doner kebab you will need the following products:

  • 300 g of lamb pulp;
  • 50 ml soy marinade;
  • 20 ml balsamic vinegar;
  • 2 whispers of dried thyme, suneli hops, ground pepper;
  • 50 ml Olena;
  • 30 g mustard;
  • 100 g of Beijing cabbage;
  • 1 tomato and cucumber;
  • 2 garlic cloves;
  • sprigs of cilantro;
  • 100 ml of mayonnaise;
  • salt to taste.

  1. Cooking meat for doner kebab is a rather long process, so it is better to bake the lamb in advance, and warm it up in the microwave before putting it in the pita. We pierce the pulp in several places with a knife and rub with a mixture of soy sauce, mustard, vinegar, oil and spices. Cover and leave to marinate for several hours.
  2. Then we pack the lamb in foil so that the resulting juice does not leak during baking. Cook in the oven at 180 degrees for about 40 minutes. Let the baked meat cool slightly and cut into centimeter strips.
  3. Shred the cabbage, chop the tomato and cucumber. Finely chop the cilantro leaves and garlic. We mix everything and season with mayonnaise.
  4. Divide the pita in half. Place lettuce and meat in layers in the middle. Ready doner kebab is better to slightly warm in the microwave.

As you can see, the recipe for homemade shawarma is very simple to perform and it is absolutely not necessary to strictly follow it. Here you can freely show your imagination and come up with your own version of this dish.

Video: Homemade shawarma - a simple step-by-step recipe

Correct shawarma

How to make healthy shawarma?

Many of us love the Turkish dish shawarma. I especially want to eat a huge piece of shawarma when you lose weight. But, unfortunately, we deny ourselves the pleasure, because the shawarma that is made on the street has a lot of unhealthy calories, especially fats and carbohydrates in the form of fried meat and factory sauces. We managed by trial and error to derive a recipe and enjoy consuming huge amounts of shawarma with BENEFITS for the body and soul. Here is the actual recipe:


Chicken breast - 200 g

White cabbage - 100 g

Fresh carrots - 50 g

Tomato - 1 pc.

Fresh cucumber - 100 g

Olive oil - 5 g

Spices and salt

Lavash - 1 sheet (100 g)

Lemon - 0.5 pcs.

Cooking method:

1. Boil the chicken breast, cut into cubes.

2. We make a salad of finely chopped cabbage, carrots, tomatoes and cucumbers.

3. We make the sauce: lemon juice, pepper, salt, pour in olive oil, herbs.

4. We mix all the ingredients, wrap in pita bread and voila, at the output we get a healthy dish that contains approximately: 30 grams of protein, 30 grams of carbohydrates and 5 grams of fat or 225 kcal.

Homemade shawarma in lavash

Shawarma, shawarma is an oriental dish, but it has already managed to fall in love with all of us for a very, very long time. Of course, it is quite difficult to cook shawarma at home according to all the rules and oriental traditions, and the main difficulty lies precisely in cooking meat on a spit, but you can cook no less tasty versions of this dish.

Ingredients(for 4 servings):

Lavash Armenian - 2 pcs.

Vegetable oil - 1-2 tbsp. l.

For the meat filling:

Meat (lamb, chicken, veal, etc.) - 600 g

Bacon or brisket - 150-200 g

Onion - 0.5 pcs.

Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.

For the vegetable filling:

Cucumbers - 3 pcs.

Radishes - 3-5 pcs.

White cabbage - 100-150 g

Carrot - 1 pc.

Tomato - 1 pc.

Leaf lettuce - 0.5 bunch

Greens (parsley, dill) - 0.5 bunch

For the vegetable filling:

Lemon juice - 1 tsp

Balsamic vinegar - 1 tsp

Pomegranate sauce - 1 tsp

French mustard - 0.25 tsp

Salt, a mixture of peppers (chili and jalapeno) - to taste

For sauce:

Mayonnaise homemade - 2 tbsp. l.

Yogurt natural - 2 tbsp. l.

Garlic - 2 cloves

Pepper mix - to taste

Cooking method:

1. Finely chop meat and onion. Add finely chopped brisket. Fry the meat filling with the addition of a small amount of vegetable oil until golden brown. Meat filling for shawarma is ready.

2. For the vegetable filling, finely chop the vegetables and herbs, grate the carrots, finely chop the cabbage, add salt and spices to the vegetables. For dressing, mix all the indicated ingredients and season the vegetable filling. Vegetable filling for shawarma is ready.

3. For the sauce, mix mayonnaise, yogurt, add garlic passed through a press, freshly ground mixture of chili peppers and jalapenos, mix. Shawarma sauce is ready.

4. Cut each pita bread in half. On each part of the pita lay out the meat filling, vegetable, add the sauce. We turn the pita bread into a tight roll (if desired, you can also tuck the edges for convenience).

5. Heat the oil in a frying pan, put the shawarma and lightly fry it on both sides. You can not use oil at all, but slightly heat the shawarma using a grill.

chicken shawarma recipe

Ingredients(for 4 shawarmas):

Chicken fillet - 300 g

Tomatoes - 2 pcs.

Cucumber - 1 pc.

Ketchup - 5 tbsp. l.

Garlic - 2 cloves

White cabbage - 200 g

Kefir - 4 tbsp. l.

Onion - 1 pc.

Armenian lavash - 4 sheets

Vegetable oil

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the chicken fillet under running water and cut into small pieces.

2. Finely chop the onion and send it to fry in a small amount of vegetable oil

3. When the onion becomes transparent, add fillet pieces to it, salt, pepper, mix and leave to fry.

4. We wash the cabbage under water, chop finely and put it in a bowl. Salt, pepper, mix, add a small amount of mayonnaise. Salad ready.

5. Ready chicken with onions (it cooks very quickly - 5-7 minutes) is transferred to a clean plate.

6. Cooking sauces. We take two small bowls. Squeeze 5 tablespoons of ketchup into one, and pour a teaspoon of your favorite seasoning (I have suneli hops). Mix well. Pour 5 tablespoons of kefir into the second bowl, add mayonnaise (4 tablespoons per eye) and squeeze out two garlic cloves. Mix well.

7. We cut tomatoes and cucumbers, cut them into thin slices and put them on a plate.

8. We put all the ingredients for shawarma next to the table, so that it is convenient to lay them out immediately.

9. We take a large board, put half of one sheet of pita bread on it. We spread it well with two sauces, put the chicken closer to the right edge in a row (it will be more convenient if the chicken on a plate is divided immediately into 4 parts). Arrange the cabbage next to the chicken. Put tomatoes and cucumbers on top of the cabbage.

We turn the finished shawarma so as to bend one edge so that the filling does not leak out.

We make 3 other shawarmas according to the same principle.

10. We heat up the oil in a frying pan. Fry shawarma on both sides until golden brown. If the sauces are left, put in the open part of the shawarma a spoonful of sauce before serving.

"Shawarma" without lavash


Salt (to taste) - 0.5 tsp

Mayonnaise - 3 tbsp. l.

Chicken (fillet or leg) - 400 g

White cabbage - 150 g

Carrots (not spicy in Korean) - 100 g

Tomato (medium) - 1 pc.

Bread (baton baguette) - 1 pc.

Seasoning (to taste) - 0.5 tsp

Cooking method:

1. Remove the bones from the chicken, finely chop the fillet and fry with seasonings until golden brown. 2. Chop the vegetables, salt, you can shake the cabbage with your hands with salt, so that it is softer. 3. Cut the loaf into portions and take out the pulp. It is necessary to leave the walls as thin as possible

4. Lubricate the peeled loaf with mayonnaise, about a tablespoon per piece. You can also smear with tkemali sauce or ketchup, but, unfortunately, neither one nor the other was found in the refrigerator.

Sometimes passing by a tent with shawarma directly "drooling" from the aroma. However, the conditions under which it is prepared, and from what it is prepared, causes only a strong feeling of disgust. This is not the first time I have been preparing homemade chicken shawarma and I can safely say that it is in no way inferior to its street analogue in taste.

So let's get started...

Boil chicken breasts in salted water until tender.

Split or finely chop the finished chicken breast fillet. If desired, the chicken fillet can be fried.

Chop the cabbage into thin strips (the thinner the better) and knead with your hands.

Cut the tomato into small cubes. You can also pour boiling water over the tomato, peel it and use only the pulp.

Grate carrots on a medium grater.

Finely chop pickled or pickled cucumbers.

Making homemade chicken shawarma sauce is very easy. To do this, mix in a bowl: sour cream, mayonnaise. Squeeze or finely chop the garlic and add it to the bowl with mayonnaise. Mix all ingredients.

Lavash spread on the table and put on it 1 spoon of cooked garlic sauce.

Rub the sauce over the surface of the pita bread with a spoon, as shown in the photo.

Wrapping shawarma is very simple: fold the two edges as in the photo, and then roll up the roll.

As a result, you should get shawarma, as in this photo. You can decorate the top with another spoonful of sauce and treat everyone.

Homemade chicken shawarma is ready. Bon appetit!

Shawarma is one of the most delicious types of fast food. The dish is simple, consists of simple products, but it turns out incredibly tasty. With all this, shawarma is easy to cook at home, especially with chicken.

Shawarma with chicken in pita bread - general principles of cooking

You can take any chicken for shawarma, but most often they use fillet from the breast. It is cut and seasoned with spices. At home, they simply fry in a dry frying pan or with a little oil. Next, fresh vegetables are prepared, as they most often complement the bird. Usually use cabbage, cucumbers. Tomatoes, there are very tasty options with Korean carrots, such a step-by-step recipe can be found below.

An indispensable component of shawarma is thin Armenian lavash. It wraps chicken with vegetables and be sure to add the sauce. Usually, kiosks use just mayonnaise, ketchup or mustard in various combinations. But it turns out much tastier with the addition of spices and garlic, herbs, lemon juice.

How to roll shawarma:

1. Spread pita bread on the table, sometimes it is smeared with sauce. But if the filling is very wet, then it is better not to do this.

2. Lay out the chicken and vegetable stuffing in layers at one end.

3. Bend the near edge of the pita bread, hide the filling.

4. Fold the sides inward.

5. Roll up.

Sometimes open shawarma is prepared, which is simply rolled up like a roll. Another option is one open edge, it turns out a kind of glass. Closed shawarma after cooking can be fried in a pan. With an open dish, this will not work. Lavash, which was heated on the grill, looks especially beautiful.

Shawarma with chicken in pita bread (step by step with cabbage)

One of the most juicy and delicious shawarma recipes with chicken in pita bread, the process of preparing the filling and sauce is described step by step. Cabbage salad is not recommended to be done in advance, let alone salt. In order not to provoke premature secretion of juices.


Breast of one chicken;

150 g cabbage;

1 small carrot or half;

2 tsp lemon juice;

20 ml of oil;

Two lavash;

1 tsp seasonings for chicken;


For sauce:

1 st. l. ketchup;

A clove of garlic;

2 tbsp. l. mayonnaise;

Salt pepper;

4 sprigs of dill.


1. Rinse the breast, remove the skin and bones or immediately take a clean fillet. Dry with napkins, cut into slices of 0.5-1 cm.

2. Mix chicken seasonings and oil, add lemon juice. Grate the chicken pieces with the prepared mixture, leave for five minutes.

3. Heat up a dry frying pan. We take dishes with a coating, to which nothing burns. Lay out the chicken pieces and fry for three minutes on each side. We focus on a golden crust, the fillet does not need to be overdried. Put in a bowl, let cool.

4. Shred cabbage and rub carrots to it. We wrinkle with our hands to remove the volume of the mass.

5. Cut the tomato into small slices, combine with the salad. Add chopped bell pepper. You can use a fresh cucumber instead of a tomato or pepper, or put it in addition.

6. Cut the chicken strips across into strips.

7. Prepare the shawarma sauce. To do this, mix ketchup with mayonnaise, squeeze a clove of garlic to them, but you can add more, add chopped greens. Salt. Since the vegetables are juicy, you don't need much sauce.

8. Cut each pita in half, you get four small shawarmas. Or we prepare two large bundles, as you like.

9. There is no need to lubricate pita bread. We put a little vegetable mixture, put the chicken on it. We try to distribute the products evenly so that the shawarma turns out to be the same size.

10. Now grease the chicken with the prepared sauce.

11. And again we make a vegetable layer, cover the fillet pieces. They are soaked in vegetable juice and sauce, become juicy, soft.

12. We spin the shawarma with chicken in pita bread. The step by step process is described above.

13. Optionally, lay out the bundles on a hot, but dry frying pan. Fry first on one side and then on the other.

Shawarma with chicken in pita bread (step by step with mushrooms)

This recipe for shawarma with chicken in pita bread describes step by step the process of preparing a very fragrant filling. For her, fresh champignons will be used. You can similarly cook with pickled mushrooms will also be delicious.


5 champignons;

250 g chicken;

One head of onion;

Two lavash;

120 g cabbage;

2 spoons of ketchup;

70 g sour cream;

0.5 carrots;

Oil and spices;

2 cloves of garlic;

1 tsp mustard;

Greens to taste.


1. Rinse the chicken fillet. Wipe the piece dry, cut into strips, sprinkle with salt and pepper, stir.

2. Heat a couple of tablespoons of oil in a frying pan, fry the chicken over medium heat until cooked through. Put in a bowl.

3. Cut the washed champignons into small pieces.

4. Add a spoonful of oil to the pan after the chicken, put the mushrooms and fry for ten minutes. All the water should evaporate, be sure to stir.

5. Finely chop the onion, pour over the mushrooms, fry together until the onion is soft for about three more minutes. Season with salt, pepper if desired and throw a spoonful of sour cream. Stir, turn off.

6. Cool the mushrooms.

7. Cut the cabbage into strips, add half the grated carrots, but you can do without it. We throw a pinch of salt, knead with our hands so that the cabbage becomes soft.

8. Cut the cucumber into strips, pour over the cabbage. You don't need to crush the salad with it.

9. We cut any greens to your taste. You can take dill or parsley, add to the vegetable filling.

10. Mix the sauce ingredients: squeeze garlic into sour cream, add a teaspoon of mustard to them, add spices. If desired, you can add a little lemon juice or apple cider vinegar, the sauce will taste more like mayonnaise.

11. We shift the sauce to the chicken, stir.

12. We spread pita bread on the table. Lubricate with ketchup half of the side on which the filling will be located. Let this part soften well.

13. Put a layer of cabbage salad.

14. Put a mixture of chicken and sauce on it. You can just put the chicken first, then pour the sauce on top, but it turns out tastier and the pieces are better soaked.

16. We complete the assembly of shawarma with a finishing layer of vegetables.

17. Carefully fold the envelope or simply roll the roll with open edges. As you like. Serve immediately, you can pre-fry on the grill or in a pan.

Shawarma with chicken in pita bread (step by step with Korean carrots and eggplant)

A delicious recipe for a delicious shawarma with chicken in pita bread, the preparation of a spicy filling is described in detail. You can make a Korean carrot for her yourself or just buy it in a store. You can use a classic salad or with some additives.


270 g chicken fillet;

130 g Korean carrots;

2 small eggplants;

2.5 st. l. mayonnaise;

Fresh cucumber;

1 st. l. soy sauce;

Salt and pepper;

5 sprigs of parsley;

1 st. l. walnuts;

A clove of garlic;

Two standard lavash.


1. It is better to start cooking the filling with eggplant, as they require pre-treatment. Cut blue into strips. Sprinkle with salt, forget about them for fifteen minutes

2. While you can prepare the chickens. We also cut the fillet into strips, fry in a greased, but not oil-filled frying pan until tender. At the end, pour soy sauce over, hold for a couple more minutes to form a beautiful crust, and pour into a bowl. Let the bird cool down.

3. Add a little oil to the pan. Put on the stove to heat up.

4. Rinse the eggplant from excess salt, squeeze it with your hands, put it in a pan and fry until tender. We do this over high heat so that the pieces do not break or fall apart.

5. We also cool the eggplants.

6. We are engaged in Korean carrots. If there is a lot of liquid, then just decant. We spread the carrots on a cutting board, cut into pieces of 2-3 cm, just in a bunch, like greens. If this is not done, that is, shawarma will not be very convenient.

7. Combine carrots with eggplant, stir.

8. Peel and chop the garlic, pour over the eggplant.

9. Grind the parsley and also add to the vegetables.

10. Cut the cucumber into strips. It will give pleasant fresh notes, we send it to the vegetable filling. You can use a tomato or pepper, they also go well with carrots and eggplant.

11. We chop the walnuts, but you can cook them without them, season the eggplants, stir.

12. Put one tablespoon of mayonnaise to the chicken, you can use sour cream. We also mix.

13. We collect shawarma on pita bread. Lubricate the sheets with the remnants of mayonnaise, spread some eggplant with carrots, then a layer of chicken and again vegetables.

14. We twist the envelopes. If desired, additionally fry and heat in a dry frying pan.

All products for shawarma can be prepared in advance, put in containers and left in the refrigerator, but nothing can be salted and seasoned with sauces. At the right time, it remains only to quickly assemble the dish, fry for a couple of minutes in a pan.

It is not necessary to specially cook chicken for shawarma. Leftover barbecue? You can put it in a dish! Got a smoked ham? He will fit too! Even ordinary boiled or baked poultry can be used, but you will have to flavor it with additional spices for taste.

If there is no ketchup, then you can use tomato paste for shawarma. The sauce should be slightly diluted with water, season with spices, garlic.
