
A simple kitchen recipe for zucchini pasta. Summer zucchini pasta with fresh tomato sauce

The zucchini pasta is amazing! I accidentally saw this recipe on one sports channel, on YouTube. A girl from Los Angeles puts out awesome hard workouts, looks just fine, shows off her six-pack abs to everyone and shares tasty treats from time to time. vegan recipes. This is how this recipe came to be in my kitchen.

In this dish there is no pasta in the usual sense, that is, no pasta))) "Pasta" is made only from zucchini! In general, let's go in order.

We will need:

Zucchini - 1 pc.

Carrot - 1 pc. small

Onion - 1/4 pc.

Garlic - 1/2 clove

Greens - bunch

Spices - salt (pink Himalayan or just sea - why did I write such salt in), freshly ground black pepper, Provencal herbs(optional)

Props - vegetable peeler (no way without it)

The paste is made as follows:

1. Three carrots coarse grater, cut the onion as you like. Throw all this into a frying pan and simmer. Without oil! Just pour a small amount of water in a frying pan so that it does not burn.

2. While the carrot is stewing, make a "paste". Cut the zucchini with the peel using a peeler. We first peel the peel as usual, and then cut the whole zucchini with the same movements.

It turns out like this:

3. Put the zucchini in the pan to the carrot, add salt and spices. Mix gently and cover with a lid. Stew like this for 2-3 minutes, no more! Otherwise, the zucchini will fall apart and not be the same fresh look and taste!

Ready! Put on a plate, sprinkle with fresh herbs if desired!

Very fast, tasty, healthy! light dish for a snack!

As always, I didn't use a drop of oil. I do this because I am sure that the oil is not healthy, even unrefined. Useful only whole product, not an artificially extracted substance (100% low). All useful components of the oil ( fatty acid for example) I am fully getting out whole vegetables, fruits, nuts ... Believe me, it's better to eat sesame seeds than Sesame oil, avocado than avocado oil, etc.! Well, when heated, any oil becomes completely harmful, since it releases carcinogens. I love my body, and I don't want to litter it with toxins. In addition, believe me - the taste of your dishes will not suffer a bit from this.

Eat tasty and healthy!

There are several hundred. The same spaghetti can be cooked at least every day, experimenting with toppings and sauces. Long thin pasta They go well with meat and fish, as well as with vegetables. Anyone who is tired of the usual will definitely like pasta with zucchini and tomatoes. There are also several options for its preparation, and each of the dishes deserves to take pride of place on your dining table.

Delicate pasta with zucchini and tomatoes in a creamy sauce

To prepare pasta according to this recipe, it is better to buy cherry tomatoes different colors(yellow and red), then next to green zucchini they will look bright, juicy and appetizing.

While in large saucepan pasta is cooked, you need to cook sauce in a pan. To do this, first shallots are fried in butter, then grated on a grater are added to it for Korean carrots zucchini cut in half cherry tomatoes. After 8 minutes, add ¾ cup cream and ¼ cup parmesan to the vegetables. Cook the sauce to the desired consistency until it thickens.

Season boiled spaghetti with sauce, sprinkle with parmesan and fresh basil again.

Traditional pasta with zucchini and tomatoes: recipe with photo

This is one of the most simple recipes cooking pasta. This is a dish that contains pieces of zucchini, tomatoes, basil, parmesan and a lot of garlic. Zucchini pasta according to this recipe is prepared in just 20 minutes, while its taste is not inferior to the most exquisite dishes.

First of all, you need to cook noodles from zucchini. To do this, it is best to use a spiralizer - a special grater that cuts vegetables in a spiral into long and thin spaghetti. At the same time, put a pot of spaghetti water on the stove.

Pour into the pan olive oil, heat it up and add chopped garlic and dry red pepper (½ teaspoon). After two minutes, put the zucchini in the pan. Fry 5 minutes. It is important not to overcook the zucchini so that they remain slightly crispy. After the specified time, add tomatoes to the pan and fresh basil. After another 2 minutes, transfer the boiled spaghetti to the vegetables. Mix the pasta with zucchini and tomatoes, sprinkle with grated parmesan, then cover the pan with a lid and remove from the stove. Ready meal Sprinkle with more parmesan and basil before serving.

Recipe for pasta with zucchini, tomatoes and pesto

In this, they are not fried or boiled, but served raw, which allows you to save a maximum of vegetables in vegetables. beneficial vitamins and minerals. At the very beginning of cooking, you need to boil the pasta. While the spaghetti is cooking, combine finely chopped zucchini, cherry tomatoes, corn kernels, pesto sauce (2 tablespoons) and a few mini mozzarella balls in a separate bowl. Then combine the vegetable mass with pasta.

When the tomatoes are ready, the dish needs to be mixed. If desired, sprinkle the spaghetti with grated parmesan.

Cooking pasta with zucchini and sun-dried tomatoes

Unusual and interesting taste has a pasta, in the preparation of which not fresh, but sun-dried tomatoes. Also, in accordance with the recipe, it is necessary to prepare ingredients such as spaghetti (450 g) and zucchini (3 pcs.), Grated on a special grater for Korean carrots.

At the very beginning of cooking the pasta, olive oil is heated in a pan, then chopped garlic (2 cloves) is added to it and fried for a minute. After that, zucchini, chopped sun-dried tomatoes (12 pcs.) And chopped olives (2 tablespoons) can be sent to the pan. Fry everything together for another 4 minutes, then remove the pan from the heat and cover with a lid.

At the next stage, cook (330 ml), parmesan (4 tablespoons) and chopped greens (2 tablespoons of basil, parsley and marjoram). Next, you need to boil the spaghetti until cooked, put them on a dish, pour over the prepared yogurt sauce, add zucchini with tomatoes and olives. If necessary, the dish can be salted and peppered.

Zucchini pasta is ready. Before serving, the dish is once again sprinkled with grated parmesan.

Pasta with tomatoes, zucchini and sweet peppers

This recipe can be made vegan or lean pasta. To do this, before that, you need to check if eggs were used in their manufacture.

First you need to fry the vegetables for the pasta. To do this, cut the zucchini with a potato peeler, divide the cherry tomatoes in half, Bell pepper and cut the onion into half rings. Fry onion in oil first until golden brown, then zucchini, tomatoes and peppers. After 7 minutes, add chopped garlic (4 cloves), mix, salt and remove the pan from heat.

Now you need to boil the spaghetti. When the pasta is ready, put it on a dish. Spread the fried vegetables on top and sprinkle with finely chopped basil. Pasta with zucchini, tomatoes and peppers is ready. Especially topical prescription cooking this dish will be in the post.

What's for dinner tonight? Zucchini or zucchini. Choose. However, the choice is not great. By and large, they are one and the same. And what is interesting about these vegetables is that they do not have their own, pronounced, taste. They enhance the taste of additives. With garlic and tomatoes - the second dish. With sugar, lemon or orange - dessert.
And if you like more complex recipes, pay attention to. Great recipe for picnics. To that appetizing dish You can choose from a variety of sauces.

Summer zucchini pasta ingredients under fresh tomato sauce.

Zucchini or zucchini - 1 large or 3 small (try to take without seeds)
Creamy or vegetable oil- 1 tbsp.
Red onion - 1 pc.
Garlic - 2 tooth.
Cherry tomatoes - 24 pcs.
Basil - 0.3 cups
Salt to taste

How to cook summer zucchini pasta with fresh tomato sauce.

1. Now there are many devices to cut vegetables into thin long strips. I also have a potato peeler. She finely chop the cabbage. You can use a grater for Korean carrots. Cut zucchini or zucchini into long beautiful strips, like spaghetti. Put the strips in a colander and dip in boiling water for 3 minutes. Or even easier. Put the zucchini spaghetti in a saucepan and pour boiling water over them with a head. Cover with a lid. Let it steam for 4-5 minutes.
2. Heat butter or vegetable oil over medium heat. Add peeled and finely chopped onion and garlic. Cook them by stirring for 5 minutes. Put the tomatoes there, cut into halves or quarters. As soon as the cherry tomatoes begin to soften, which is 2-3 minutes, add fresh basil.
3. Put the zucchini noodles there and mix gently.

Zucchini pasta is my discovery of last year. It's unexpected, divinely delicious. How long have I wanted to cook it? And I'm glad it tasted good.

Zucchini paste - tender, crispy zucchini sticks, juicy hearts from turkey to cream sauce with parmesan petals and rosemary aroma.

Preparing the zucchini:

Zucchini 2 pieces I rub with a long straw on a grater for Korean carrots. It is desirable that the length of the straws be equal to the length of the zucchini. Zucchini straws resemble spaghetti. I rub only the hard part of the zucchini, I do not use the seeds.

I put the straw in a bowl, sprinkle with salt and leave for 5 minutes.

Cooking hearts:

I cut the chicken hearts into two parts, remove the connections. I have turkey hearts, cut them into 4 pieces.

In a frying pan + olive oil for frying 1 tablespoon = warm up + hearts = fry until tender 5-7 minutes + cream 100 ml (10-15% fat) + parmesan cheese 30 g + salt, pepper - to taste. Ready.

Zucchini Paste:

In a cold pan + olive oil 1 tablespoon + butter 1 teaspoon + R 1 sprig + garlic 1 clove (crushed with a knife) = heat + zucchini straw. I warm it up in a pan for 2-3 minutes. Prepares very quickly. I like al dente to be a little crunchy.

In pasta ready + hearts with sauce + parmesan flakes 20 g = ready.

Eat immediately as the aroma is magical.

It tastes like pasta, if I didn't know it was zucchini, I wouldn't have guessed.

  • chicken or turkey hearts
  • cream 10-15% fat
  • I use hard cheese - Parmesan, but you can also use blue mold, it will also be delicious.
  • rosemary of course fresh

Therefore, from time to time something starts to cook. And by the way, she's doing great. Still great experience tricky recipes- a guarantee of success. So the site will tell you now about one of the dishes that Meghan Markle knows how to cook really royally.

Recipe for pasta with zucchini sauce

  • 340 grams Rigatoni pasta
  • Five pieces of zucchini (medium)
  • Half glass of water
  • one cup grated cheese Parmesan
  • Juice of half a lemon
  • One medium bulb
  • One bouillon cube(no need to buy something cheap)
  • Tablespoon of olive oil
  • Pepper, chili, salt

First, pour olive oil into a thick-walled pot or pan and heat it up to operating temperature. Then chop the onion small pieces and fry it until golden brown. Grind the zucchini on a grater or use a food processor to grind them. The more even the mixture is, the better. You can also use a blender if available.

To the already prepared onion, add the zucchini mixture, bouillon cube, water and salt and pepper. Mix thoroughly and simmer over low heat for several hours. Honestly, the longer the better. Sometimes even up to 4 hours you can carry the dish. The zucchini will then become soft and the sauce will become concentrated. Toward the end, add to the mixture lemon juice, cheese and chili.

While preparing the sauce, boil the pasta. It is worth using only Rigatoni paste, since it does not need to be washed after cooking - it will behave decently anyway. And the starch, which is preserved, will be able to absorb the sauce, which will make the pasta even tastier. So, boil this pasta in salted water, drain the water, and pour the pasta into almost ready sauce. Stir, add fresh basil and keep on fire for a couple of minutes, stirring constantly.

The site team believes that this is practically the perfect dish clearly something is missing. Something meaty. Nevertheless, this pasta is compared with spaghetti bolognese, and there you can’t do without minced meat. Therefore, for lovers of dishes more satisfying, it makes sense at some stage in the preparation of the sauce to add partially fried chopped meat. Due to this, it will original recipe save and approach classic pasta bolognese.

We also think that you would be interested to know about other pasta recipes. For example, about. These are such thick pasta that can be stuffed. Say what you like, but the variety of types of pasta in Italy is amazing.
