
Eggplant with potatoes in the oven step by step recipe. "Cunningly Potatoes": a dish-find for housewives who have every minute counting


Stewed eggplant with potatoes- light, tasty and very healthy dish, which this recipe can be prepared in summer and autumn, when a new one ripens in the garden vegetable harvest. If you don't have your own garden, no problem. We go to the market and stock up necessary ingredients: eggplant, potatoes, onions, carrots, tomatoes. Fortunately, all this is inexpensive. That's why this dish can safely be called budget.

The advantages of stewed eggplants with potatoes can also be attributed to their low calorie content. Because especially good for dinner. Firstly, it perfectly saturates and does not leave a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, and secondly, it does not harm the figure. Therefore, in the fight against extra centimeters, you can avoid hungry fainting, especially since stewed eggplant turn out incredibly delicious.

So, if you intend to cook eggplant with potatoes by stewing them in a pan with tomatoes, then first study step by step photo recipe below. He will tell you what nuances should be taken into account to make the dish really tasty.


  • (5 pieces of small size)

  • (5 pieces of medium size)

  • (1 piece larger)

  • (1 piece larger)

  • (3 pcs.)

  • (taste)

Cooking steps

    The first thing to do is prepare the eggplants themselves. They must be thoroughly washed, removing all contaminants from the surface.

    We remove the stalks and cut the eggplant lengthwise into plates, which, in turn, cut into cubes.

    Soak sliced ​​eggplant in warm salted water for 20-30 minutes. After the time has passed, drain the water. Together with it, all the bitterness will leave the vegetable. Do not ignore this procedure, otherwise the taste of the dish may be irreparably damaged. You can also get rid of the bitterness of eggplants if you peel them.

    Peel the potatoes and wash them thoroughly.

    We cut the potatoes in the same cubes as the eggplant.

    On medium fire we send the pan to heat up, pour oil into it, and after a couple of minutes we send chopped potatoes into it.

    Now you can add eggplants that have got rid of bitterness to the potatoes.

    We clean the onion and carrot. Cut the onion into large half rings, and rub the carrots on coarse grater.

    We send carrots and onions to the pan with the rest of the vegetables.

    Since we are preparing the dish in season, we will stew vegetables not in tomato paste, but in fresh chopped tomatoes. However, to begin with, the tomatoes should be peeled. To do this, we make cross-shaped cuts on them and place them in boiling water for a couple of minutes.

    Drain the boiling water and peel the tomatoes. Then place them in the blender bowl.

    Grind peeled tomatoes with a blender. Get a tomato fresh, as in the photo below.

    Shredded tomatoes are sent to the pan with vegetables. Then cover the pan with a lid. We will simmer the vegetables over low heat until the excess liquid has evaporated.

    During the stew, do not forget to stir the vegetables periodically.

    Eggplant stewed with potatoes can be served either warm or cold.

    Bon appetit!

Salt them evenly and leave for 20 minutes. Do not forget to wash them after this time. This is necessary to get rid of bitterness.
During this time, we cut 2 zucchini in similar circles.

now it's potato time. 3 large tubers will be enough. They need to be peeled, washed and cut into the same circles as zucchini and eggplant.

I also washed the tomatoes and cut them into slices. I didn't peel the skin off them. This way they will keep their shape better.
I will bake vegetables in a special one, glass form, which I previously lubricated with a small amount of odorless vegetable oil. I had sunflower oil.
We spread the vegetables vertically, alternating circles: eggplant, potatoes, tomato, zucchini. Somewhere like that.

Add salt and pepper to taste. That's not all.
Let's not forget the greens. Now it's summer.

Parsley and dill need to be cut not very finely. The garlic was also cut into small cubes.

Sprinkle vegetables with these spices.
You remember, we still have two components left - hard cheese and crackers.
We take 100 grams hard cheese

and rub it on a fine vegetable grater.

We sprinkle them on our vegetables.

Well final layer- Sprinkle with breadcrumbs.

We send the form to the oven, heated to 180 degrees for 20 minutes. We will know about readiness by delicious aroma. Taste the vegetables with a fork to make sure they are soft. Only in this case, the form can be taken out of the oven.

The cheese melted slightly, the croutons browned, the vegetables let out juice. I suggest not to rush to put them on plates, but to allow the dish to stand for a while. And not in order to cool down, but so that the vegetables gain flavor and rest.

Now is the time to try it. Enjoy your meal!
These vegetables can be eaten independent meals, and as a side dish for meat or fish.
Vegetables are soft, juicy, baked evenly. This dish is not only tasty, but also healthy.
Still, as an option, you can grease the vegetables with mayonnaise instead of vegetable oil. It will also be very tasty.
Oh, and next time I'll take a little more hard cheese. It seems to me that the layer of melted cheese should be more - so the dish will be tastier.

Cooking time: PT00H45M 45 min.

When someone first tastes potatoes cooked according to this recipe, they immediately exclaim: “Oh, and potatoes with butter are delicious!” But the whole trick is just that there are no mushrooms in this dish at all. eggplant- masters of disguise!

"So simple!" offers to cook hearty, fragrant and very tasty potato dish with bright mushroom notes. the best option For family dinner or you can't imagine dinner!

Potatoes with eggplant in the oven


  • 700 g potatoes
  • 3 medium sized eggplants
  • 1 bulb
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • fresh dill
  • salt, pepper to taste
  • vegetable oil for frying and baking


  1. Peel the eggplant and cut into small cubes. Salt, let the resulting juice drain, rinse. Peel the potatoes, rinse, be sure to dry, cut into 2 times the size of the eggplant. Chop the onion finely.
  2. Put the potatoes on a baking sheet, salt, sprinkle lightly with vegetable oil, mix and send to the oven preheated to 200 degrees. Bake until half done.
  3. While the potatoes are baking, fry the eggplant and onions in a little oil. If you like fatter, you can add more butter.
  4. When the potatoes are almost ready, add the fried eggplants to it, pepper and hold in the oven for another 5-7 minutes.
  5. Finely chop the dill, pass the garlic through a press. Take the potatoes out of the oven, sprinkle them with herbs and garlic, toss gently and leave for a couple of minutes to exchange flavors.

The house will be filled with seductive aromas ... It just asks for a baked potato salted cucumber- just a fairy tale!

This dish can also be cooked in a pan, as well as supplemented with fresh tomatoes, adding them at the same time as the eggplant. But for me, because it requires a minimum of participation.

Not everyone will immediately guess the true composition of this delicious dish share the recipe with your friends!

Baked eggplant is always delicious!

Potatoes are delicious!

The choice of method depends on the recipe. Vegetables are stacked in layers or mixed together. It is advisable to soak the eggplant in a salty liquid before use. This will rid the vegetables of bitterness. Potatoes are usually simply peeled, cut into pieces of the specified size and shape.

What else is put in the dishes:

Other vegetables;

Meat, poultry;

Sauces, sour cream.

Eggplants bake faster than potatoes. Therefore, you need to check the degree of readiness of the dish by pieces of tubers.

Potatoes with eggplant, tomatoes in the oven with cheese

The recipe for a puff dish of potatoes with eggplant in the oven. Preparing with pre-roasting eggplant. You can skip this step if necessary.


1 kg of potatoes;

0.5 kg eggplant;

0.4 kg of tomatoes;

6 spoons of sour cream;

150 g of cheese;

Oil and spices;

Garlic, dill.

For cooking you will need small piece foil.


1. Eggplants need to be cut into circles, soaked, squeezed, and then fried for vegetable oil.

2. Potatoes need to be peeled, cut into circles.

3. Tomatoes are also cut into circles, sour cream is mixed with chopped dill and garlic.

4. In a greased form, you need to lay out the potatoes in overlapping rows. This layer is smeared with half sour cream sauce, salted.

5. Eggplants are laid out on potatoes in the same way, followed by a mug of tomatoes. From above, all this is smeared with the second part of the sauce. Tomatoes need to be lightly salted.

6. Cover the form with foil, bake at 180 degrees.

7. After 40 minutes, remove the foil, add the temperature to 210 degrees, sprinkle the dish with grated cheese. Cook another 30 minutes.

Potatoes with eggplant in the oven in the sleeve

An easy way to cook potatoes with eggplant in the oven. You will need a baking sleeve for it.


0.4 kg of eggplant;

2 onion heads;

0.7 kg of potatoes;

1 carrot;


2 tablespoons of oil;

2 spoons of sour cream.


1. Pour diced eggplants with salt water. After a quarter of an hour, the pieces must be washed, squeezed, fried in a pan with two tablespoons of oil. The fire must be made strong, cook for a couple of minutes, do not let the eggplant soften.

2. While the eggplant was soaking, it was necessary to peel the vegetables. Cut the potatoes in the same pieces as the eggplant. Onions can be chopped into half rings. Carrots will be a beautiful addition to the dish, it is better to cut this vegetable into circles.

3. Put everything in a bowl, including the fried eggplant. Season with spices, sour cream, stir well to evenly distribute all the ingredients.

4. Transfer to a sleeve, tie off the ends, make a puncture on top.

5. Transfer to a baking sheet or mold.

6. Cook at 180 degrees for 40-50 minutes. You can cut the film at the end and brown the vegetables.

Chops with potatoes and eggplant in the oven

Best for this dish pork tenderloin. But you can also use young veal. The ingredients indicate the weight of pure pulp without bones and fat.


600 g pork;

2 eggplants;

120 g of cheese;

5 potatoes;

Any seasonings to your taste, a little oil for frying eggplant.


1. Cut the pork into slices, beat off, rub with spices and one tablespoon of mayonnaise. Leave to marinate.

2. Cut the eggplant into circles, fry in a greased pan. Don't add too much oil.

3. Potatoes need to be peeled. Tubers are cut into thin circles.

4. You can collect the dish. Arrange the meat in a single layer with the potato slices on top. This layer must be sprinkled with salt.

5. Fried eggplants are laid out on potatoes.

6. From above, the mugs are smeared with mayonnaise. Add to sauce as desired hot peppers, garlic.

7. Now you need to cover the dish with cheese, cover with foil and put in the oven for an hour.

8. After an hour, remove the foil, fry the crust on the cheese. All this time, maintain a temperature of 190-200.

9. When serving, the dish is superimposed with a spatula so as to break the layers. Decorate with greenery.

Potatoes with eggplant and zucchini in the oven

Very simple version vegetable dish, which is prepared on a sheet of foil or on a silicone mat. Bonus - appetizing sauce for vegetables based on sour cream.


5 potatoes;

3 eggplants;

1 zucchini;

1 carrot;

2 tablespoons of olive oil;

1 tsp provencal herbs, basil, oregano.


5 spoons of sour cream;

2 cloves of garlic;

1 spoon of lemon juice;

2 spoons soy sauce;

3 sprigs of dill.


1. All vegetables must be cut into pieces of the same size, but not into slices. You can make cubes of 2 cm or slices.

2. Put everything in a bowl, add olive oil, herbs to your taste, salt and mix thoroughly.

3. Put on a baking sheet covered with foil or a mat. It is advisable to leave a distance between the pieces so that the vegetables are fried on all sides.

4. Put the baking sheet in the oven, bake at 200 degrees until golden brown on vegetables.

5. While the eggplant and potatoes are cooking, you need to prepare the sauce. To do this, simply mix all the ingredients. You can add hot peppers. Be sure to mince the garlic. Stir, let it brew.

6. Ready vegetables put on a plate, decorate with herbs, serve with sauce.

Cutlets and potatoes with eggplant in the oven

Recipe for a complete meat dish with garnish. You can use any stuffing for cutlets. Gravy based on tomato with sour cream.


For cutlets:

500 g minced meat;

1 onion;

2 slices of bread;

Garlic, spices.

For sauce:

2 spoons of pasta;

150 g sour cream;

150 g of water;

You will also need 700 g of potatoes, 400 g of eggplant.


1. Cut the eggplant into cubes of 1.5-2 cm, fill with salt water, rinse after soaking.

2. Cut the potatoes into the same pieces as the eggplant.

3. Soak the bread in milk, then squeeze the crumb lightly, put it in minced meat.

4. Bow for cutlet mass you need to cut, chop the garlic, mix everything, season with egg and spices.

5. Form round cutlets. You should get 7-8 pieces. Lay out in the form at a distance from each other.

6. Between the cutlets, spread the pieces of eggplant and potatoes.

7. For the sauce, mix everything together, be sure to salt. Pour over all cutlets. Just pour the rest of the sauce into the mold.

8. The dish will be prepared for about 50 minutes. Temperature 180.

Potatoes with eggplant and chicken in the oven

Another recipe for a simple but hearty meal. Types of spices, select their quantity to your taste. If you have doubts, then you can take chicken seasoning and you definitely won’t miss it.


0.7 kg of chicken;

0.5 kg of potatoes;

3 eggplants;

1 carrot;



1. Chop the chicken into pieces, be sure to thoroughly rinse the bird before that, wipe it. Transfer the pieces to a large bowl.

2. Cut the potatoes and eggplant into cubes, chop the carrots into circles. Add everything to the chicken.

3. Add any seasonings, mayonnaise and salt. Stir.

4. The oven by this point should already warm up to 180 degrees.

5. Put everything from the bowl into a greased baking sheet, flatten with your hands.

6. Bake until done, no need to cover. But on the other hand, you can sprinkle with grated cheese at the end, add temperature and fry until beautiful crust.

Ratatouille from potatoes with eggplant in the oven

A variant of the Ratatouille vegetable dish, for which it is better to use new potatoes. But in the absence of such a product, you can take any other potato. Other vegetables are also added to the dish.


1 eggplant;

2 potatoes;

1 small zucchini;

6 tomatoes (3 in the sauce);

1 bulb.


1. Bake the pepper in the oven at 200 degrees. Cool, cut into small pieces.

2. Remove the skin from the tomatoes by scalding the vegetables and quenching them. Also cut into small cubes.

3. Fry an onion in a pan, add vegetables and simmer a little. lovers spicy dishes you can add a chili pod, but you need to cut it very finely. Season with salt.

4. Cut eggplant, potatoes, remaining tomatoes and zucchini into circles. Lay on the edge in a greased form, alternate vegetables, lightly salt.

5. Put in the oven for 10 minutes. The oven temperature is the same, that is, 200 degrees.

6. Now take out the form with vegetables, put the contents of the pan on top, cook the dish for another 20 minutes.

Potatoes with Eggplant in the Oven - Tips and Tricks

The skin on the eggplant helps the pieces keep their shape. If it is removed, the vegetable may fall apart into porridge. Why and how to peel eggplant is an important question.

If the potato contains little starch, it is not suitable for cooking in the oven. The pieces will still be tough and tasteless, no matter how much you bake the dish.

If you do not want to fry eggplants in a pan, you can bake them in the oven. For the appearance appetizing crust slices need to be greased olive oil.

Eggplant tastes like mushrooms. To emphasize this property, you can add a little to the dish. bouillon cube with the taste of mushrooms or use a broth that matches your taste for pouring.

40-60 minutes cooking potatoes cheese crust may burn. Therefore, a dish of vegetables is first brought to half-cookedness, then sprinkled with grated cheese.

It's autumn outside. The seasonal harvest is getting smaller and smaller. I want to cook hearty and Tasty dinner for the whole family using fresh vegetables. We will stew potatoes with eggplant, while there are still stocks of this vegetable. For stewed potatoes, prepare a salad of fresh vegetables using fragrant herbs.

To prepare stewed potatoes with eggplant, take these products.

Wash potatoes thoroughly running water. Peel the tubers. Cut into large pieces, dip in a pan in which you will stew. Pour cold water to cover the potatoes. Send to fire. Boil potatoes. Brew on small fire until half ready.

Now let's prepare the tomato sauce. Rinse the carrot, remove the skin, grate on a coarse grater. Peel the onion, cut into pieces. Heat up in a frying pan a small amount of oils. Fry onions with carrots until soft.

Add tomato paste. Stir and fry for 1-2 minutes.

Add fried vegetables to potatoes. Stir and cook until almost done. Stir occasionally with a wooden spoon.

Now let's prepare the eggplant. Take not much for extinguishing big vegetables with dense pulp. Rinse, peel. Cut into small cubes. Heat oil in a frying pan. Fry the eggplant over high heat until lightly browned, stirring constantly.

Add fried eggplant to potatoes. Season with spices. Boil until all ingredients are ready.

Sprinkle with herbs. stewed potatoes ready with eggplant.

Bon appetit!
